Mandela – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 South Africa’s Failure: Cruel, Corrupt, Communist Leaders! Thu, 13 Sep 2018 00:23:39 +0000 I had a good friend who often said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” He built one of America’s first mega churches, a large Baptist University, a free summer camp for children of all races, a long running radio ministry, and a very active city mission that helped thousands of homeless people.

With that principle in mind, we can understand why South Africa is in chaos today. Their leaders have been disastrous, deceitful, and dangerous Communists. Under the white minority government of apartheid, many of the white officials were racists but they were efficient educated, leaders. The Blacks that have ruled since the end of apartheid have been dishonest, decadent, even dumb. That is obvious when reading their bios.

Nelson Mandela promised all South Africans: “Under a Communist Party government, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey….There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease. Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free.” Well, every person in South Africa knows that did not happen and the mendacious, malicious, and murderous terrorists in the African National Congress (ANC) had no plans to keep that promise. The ANC has controlled the nation since apartheid officials were sent back to the farm and Mandela became President.

Even Archbishop Desmond Tutu refused to vote for ANC candidates in the last election according to South Africa’s Mail and Guardian newspaper in May of 2013. Tutu described South Africa as “the most unequal society in the world” and he added that corruption, unaccountability, and weaknesses in the constitution were key issues that needed to be addressed.

That’s one time, and maybe the only time, I’ve agreed with Tutu.

Mandela and other terrorists at the ANC and the South African Communist Party (SACP) got a free ride on the Gravy Train while poor Blacks were left standing at the station covered with soot with the echoes of We Shall Overcome ringing in their ears.

Fools in the free world put their trust is a corrupt, cruel, combative Communist with an appealing smile and kind voice and now the once productive nation is on the toboggan slide to disaster. And it seems unlikely for anyone anywhere to do anything about the chaos that is swiftly approaching.

When Mandela died, he was replaced by Thabo Mbeki, also a member of the ANC who served from 1999 to 2008. He had a year of military training at the Lenin International School in Moscow. During his tenure, the South African economy grew an average of 4.5% per year and the black middle class was greatly expanded because of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE).

The BEE policy requires any company seeking government contracts to have only 8% white workers. It is affirmative action on stilts. Highly educated white engineers and scientists fled the country for greener pastures. This is just one of many reasons why the water, electric, and other utilities are not producing what is required of them.

Archbishop Tutu declared that Black Economic Empowerment only serves a few black elites, leaving millions in “dehumanising poverty.” That’s the second time I’ve agreed with the Archbishop!

In 2004, President Thabo Mbeki attacked the media who argued that violent crime was out of control in South Africa. He called the media white racists who wanted the country to fail. He said crime was falling but some journalists were distorting reality by depicting black people as “barbaric savages” who liked to rape and kill. Sounds as if he was accusing the media of fake news and I know another President who has made the same charge.

Mbeki received heaps of symbolic coals of fire on his head worldwide when he questioned the link between HIV and AIDS. Then his popularity plunged further when he banned antiretroviral drugs in public hospitals. In November 2008, The New York Times reported that due to Mbeki’s rejection of scientific consensus on AIDS, an estimated 365,000 people had perished in South Africa.

The President felt impressed to resign.

At the resignation of Mbeki, Kgalema Motlanthe ruled about seven months from September of 2008 to 2009. Although raised by Anglican parents (with plans to enter the priesthood), he was influenced by the Black Panther Movement in the United States and the rising Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa. He was a member of the SACP and ANC. The former altar boy had been found guilty of terrorism and sentenced to ten years in prison being released in 1987.

He was a member of the militant wing of the ANC. For a while, he espoused the discredited views of Mbeki on AIDS but soon backed off. After he resigned as President, he served as Deputy President in the next administration.

The fourth President was Jacob Zuma (who ruled from 2009 to 2018) who has six wives and 22 children. With an incredibly corrupt past, he was chosen President, and he made the most of it for himself and his cronies. He was tried for raping the AIDS-infected daughter of an ANC friend according the Daily Mail. The Mail quoted Zuma as telling the court in 2006, “In the Zulu culture, you cannot just leave a woman if she is ready. To deny her sex, that would have been tantamount to rape.” He told the court the sex was consensual and it was his duty to have sex with her because she wore a short African wrap and he could not leave her “unfulfilled.”

What happened to all the feminists in South Africa? No, what happened to decent men and women of all tribes and races in that beleaguered nation? Honest voters would not elect him to clean out village latrines.

A Johannesburg court declared him not guilty of rape which I think was a correct decision but they did not declare him not guilty of stupidity. Nothing can help with stupidity.

He shocked everyone by admitting he knew she was HIV positive but said he wasn’t afraid of being infected since he took a shower following the alleged rape! (See end of previous paragraph.)

But then, it is South Africa.

He challenged parliament to change South Africa’s constitution to allow the expropriation of white owned land without compensation! Of course, honest people knew that was usually called thievery in polite circles. But Zuma is known as a thief having spent 15 million rand of government funds to remodel his private home.

Zuma ruled like an ancient, oriental king as President for nine tumultuous years. The scandal-ridden President whose middle name means “one who smiles while causing you harm” in Zulu still faces 783 charges of corruption, fraud, and racketeering. Moreover, he alienated all white land owners and even principled Blacks when he said, “People of South Africa, where you see a beautiful land, take it, it belongs to you.”

His outrageous counsel is said to be justified because Blacks make up four-fifths of the population but only own 4% of the farms. However, those farms have been in many of those white families for more than 300 years! Their Dutch and British ancestors carved those farms out of the jungle. They did not take any land from any Blacks yet unprincipled politicians are playing the role of dishonest demagogues to win support from the unsophisticated, uneducated, and unaware black voters.

The white farmers’ groups were appalled at the illegal land-grab saying that its members would consider land expropriation without compensation as “a declaration of war.”

Zuma’s land-grab should not have surprised anyone since he had been a member of the Communist Party since he was a youth–an active ANC member.

Zuma staggered from one scandal to another after being elected to office in 2009 and reelected in 2014. His ANC party has been challenged and pulled even further left by pressure from the radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), led by Julius Malema. Zuma boasted that his ANC party would stay in power until “Jesus comes.”

At Zuma’s State of the Nation address to Parliament after his reelection, members of the EFF interrupted his speech and a fistfight broke out in an incredible, chaotic display of politics. It seems the EFF leader Julius Malema insisted on knowing when Zuma would repay the 15 million rand he illegally spent on updating his home. The brawl looked as if it was staged by Larry, Curly, and Mo. There was some eye poking and hair pulling but I did not see any pies thrown at the “loyal opposition” leaders.

Zuma received “overwhelming” support from the ANC until they could not live with the embarrassment and humiliation caused by his scandalous actions. After years of outrageous behavior, his buddies at the ANC turned on him and forced him out of office in 2018. I suppose he left to spend more time with his family (isn’t that always the reason?); but with his many wives and 22 children, he needs a lot of time. It seems that morality, decency, and character are not necessary if you are the right color and carry the right card–Black as to color and Red as to politics. But then, even Communists must face reality eventually.

Cyril Ramaphosa succeeded Zuma as President in 2018 and, following the lead of the ANC, promoted a change in the constitution to allow the government to confiscate farms owned by white people! He has said that a “legal” confiscation without compensation will encourage economic growth! Of course, it will not help the economic growth of white people but in a racist government, that doesn’t matter. Furthermore, no sane person believes the economy will improve, the stock market will soar, and everyone (Whites and Blacks) will sing Kumbaya around a Maypole.

According to City Press last month, authorities began their land grab against white land owners of two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties failed. The government usually offers one-tenth, if anything, of what the land is worth. In early August, City Press reported the government had drawn up a list of 139 farms the government planned to seize “to test out” the constitutional right to confiscate land from unwilling sellers.

A government audit conducted in 2017 found that Whites owned 72 per cent of private farmland in South Africa, a nation with 4.5 million white people which is almost 9% of the population. But then, those farms have been in those white families for generations! Their Dutch and British ancestors cleared the land, drained the swamps, and build their farms and don’t plan on walking away from them.

AgriSA said about 20 per cent of South Africa’s farms produce 80 per cent of the food that feeds millions of people in southern Africa. However, that is not enough to feed the population and the struggling nation is importing food.

According to a UN report Why Has Africa Become a Net Food Importer?, the main reasons are “population growth, low and stagnating agricultural productivity, policy distortions, weak institutions and poor infrastructure.” Of course, that is obviously true in South Africa.

I predict that this will simply be another version of Zimbabwe: murder, terror, chaos, economic disaster with investments and Whites fleeing South Africa as it plunges into darkness.

Fearful and disgruntled farmers are unable to sell their land because everyone knows it will be taken by the government sooner or later. Probably sooner than later. Earlier this month, cattle farmer Jo-an Engelbrecht told the ABC’s foreign correspondent his farm just outside Johannesburg was now “worth zero.” Engelbrecht said, “We had several auctions in the last two or three weeks cancelled because there was no people interested in buying the land. Why would anyone buy a farm knowing the government was going to take it?”

There has also been no consideration of what forced expropriation of private farms would do to the already anemic economy. It would produce a tsunami of defaults on real estate mortgages that would precipitate a world-class banking crisis and inevitable recession.

Fact: If there are no farmers, there is no future; and with such leaders, it is no surprise to any realist.

The Daily Mail ended an article with this cryptic comment that if the nation continues on its downward path, “it won’t matter who ends up president of this magical, troubled country. They will be fighting to be King of the ashes.”

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Fake News, False Prophets, and a Failing Church! Mon, 20 Mar 2017 02:52:32 +0000 Americans face a media that is mostly controlled by the looneys, lunatics, losers, and leftists who have no sense of decency, dignity, or dedication to truth. Their commitment is not to honest reporting but to twisting facts like a pretzel until they have produced fake news to mislead and deceive. The tragedy is that those who are not influenced by the media are uninformed and those who engage the media are too often misinformed.

Fake news has been in the news lately for good reason–there is so much of it out there. The media moguls think they are the rightful gatekeepers of what the great unwashed populace need to know. Richard Salant, former President of CBS News stated the same working philosophy by stating, “Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” That kind of arrogance would gag a maggot.

This warped view of the news was expressed by Richard M. Cohan, Senior Producer of CBS political news who said, “We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with.” (Emphasis added.) Our agenda! I thought journalists were agenda-free.

Such arrogance is exceeded only by its asininity. However, the news fakers are winning the battle for the minds, if not the souls, of America. The false prophets of fake news are incredibly successful. George Bernard Shaw warned us to “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” Accordingly, President Reagan wisely said, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

Truth is irrelevant to most people. While truth will set us free, it often stings at times; so the masses are more comfortable with fake news and false prophets.

It is easier to believe a lie you’ve heard a thousand times than to believe the truth you’ve heard only once. In this column, you will read some truths that will cause you to question my honesty, competence, or my motives. However, while most of the following is shocking, it is all true and all honest people love truth. Honest people hug truth to their bosoms–not error, even popular error. Of course, they first confirm that it is, in fact, the truth.

We all espouse unknown error and honest people will correct their thinking when evidence is provided them. John Maynard Keynes made a very prescient statement when he said, “When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?” Great question from a usually confused man. I ask that question of those who read this column regarding the following fake news.

Alfred Kinsey is thought to have been a great, dedicated scientist whose work at Indiana University dealing with human sexuality was classic. However, that is fake news. He was an expert in bugs, not bodies; wasps, not women; moths, not men. Time magazine concluded an article declaring, “Kinsey…has done for sex what Columbus did for geography.” Not hardly! Columbus knew where he wanted to go but didn’t know how to get there; however, he provided mankind with facts about the unknown world. Kinsey knew where he wanted to go and he got there: he wanted to convince sane people that any kind of sex is acceptable, at any age. He succeeded with deliberately flawed and fraudulent information intended to mislead.

Kinsey was weird as a child and it continued into adulthood. As a young man, he initially forced drinking straws, pipe cleaners, pencils, and finally toothbrushes into his urethra to punish himself for having homosexual feelings! He continued doing that with toothbrushes for the rest of his life. Then, he circumcised himself without anesthesia! That is the sex expert people rave about. America has been snookered with false news about sex!

Kinsey’s two books have been quoted by textbook authors as undisputed truth and generations have accepted his mistakes, myths, and madness as scholarship. But Kinsey’s work was not only flawed, and false, but a fraud. His two books on human sexuality are fraught with error, insufficient research, flawed research, even corrupt research. He was in fact, a prominent, pathetic, pedophilic professor who taught that children are sexual from their birth and are “unharmed by sex with adults.”

The above information is supported by The Lancet, vol. 337, 3/2/91, p. 547: “In Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, Dr. Judith A. Reisman and her colleagues demolish the foundations of the two reports … Kinsey et al … questioned an unrepresentative proportion of prison inmates and sex offenders in a survey of ‘normal’ sexual behavior. Presumably some at least of those offenders were also the sources of information on stimulation to orgasm in young children that can only have come from pedophiles–or so it must be hoped. Kinsey…. has left his former co-workers some explaining to do.” But his co-workers did not explain; they only stonewalled.

Please understand that the British medical journal Lancet is charging that Kinsey chose prisoners and sex offenders to study human sexuality and he presented his work as representing normal people! Kinsey proved a basic law: false data produces false results.

Lazy writers quote him without question and his work is still accepted by a generation that likes his fake conclusions: any kind of sex is acceptable, appropriate, and not abnormal. He showed his depravity when he said, “The only unnatural sexual act is that which you cannot perform.” His fake results laid a solid foundation for the Playboy Philosophy. What a shock: the messengers, the message, and the methodology were flawed resulting in twisted, tainted, and troubled generations.

Kinsey’s “scientific research” purported to prove that even infant children were sexual beings capable of having pleasurable sexual experiences with adults! And those adults would be able to lead them into fulfilling sexual activity! Kinsey is now known to have been a sexual pervert and child abuser. He and his staff orally and manually stimulated to orgasm hundreds of children from age two months to fifteen years! He called it research but honest people call it child abuse and false information.

Dr. Judith A. Reisman is the heroin who courageously exploded the facts about the two Kinsey Reports (1948 and 1953) that uninformed people tout as ground-breaking when they were fake news of the worst sort.

Nelson Mandela was a former president of South Africa, member of the Communist African National Congress, and hero to most people but he was arrested and spent 27 years in a South African prison not as a civil rights fighter but for sabotage (and other crimes). When arrested he had on his person an article in his own handwriting, “Why I am a Good Communist.”

The white government offered him his freedom many times if he would renounce terror and violence but he refused and continued his prison sentence and enhanced his reputation as a weird kind of martyr. But white liberals are fearful of the truth and continue to produce fake news perpetuating the false information that Mandela was a highly principled man for all people to emulate. That is fake information intended to mislead.

Martin Luther King, Jr. had courage but little character. He made a contribution to the civil rights cause but few newsmakers are willing to tell the truth about his philandering, his plagiarism, and his prevarication. The young college students, some who died, were the real heroes of the civil rights movement while many of the leaders were more interested in a “buck and a broad” than in anyone’s civil rights. As the veteran activist Michael Harrington delicately phrased it, the movement was “not at all a sour-faced, pietistic” endeavor. “Everybody was out getting laid. Or trying to.”

The London Daily Mail (Aug. 30, 2013) reported, “Leading one of the most astonishing double lives in history, King was not just the Bible-thumping champion of the rights of man, but also an inveterate womaniser who cheated on his wife throughout their marriage.” So, slowly the media are willing to tell the truth about King even as they promote his contributions to the civil rights movement. In fact, the Daily Mail article paralleled much of my eBook, Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character, Not His Color! available at

King slept with some of his church members as reported by the Daily Mail: “Sleeping with female members was the norm rather than the exception and King himself admitted that he didn’t know a single black preacher who was chaste.” That was a slander to the black preachers I know who are godly, committed preachers or maybe it says something about the preachers with whom King was associated.

One more bit of fake news that will test the character of readers who are committed to truth. In dealing with this subject, I take the chance of losing friends while I hand my critics a chain saw and climb out on a limb: It is fake news that six millions Jews were slaughtered in Hitler’s concentration camps! Now, the skinheads and Jew haters will probably run with this to the extreme and all Holocaust Deniers will be encouraged in their extremist views. Hitler was a rabid hater and be wary of those who try to explain, excuse, and exonerate him from his bloodbath of Europe. But, those interested in truth need not fear to admit that the original six million deaths was an overstatement by the Soviet Union. No principled person should be fearful of truth. Whatever the number killed, Hitler was still a monster.

The Polish government’s Auschwitz State Museum along with Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Center have conceded that the 4 million figure inscribed on a memorial plaque at Auschwitz was a gross exaggeration. It was removed and the authorities changed the total to 1.1 million deaths “of all causes.” Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer said in 1989 that it is time to finally acknowledge the familiar four million figure [at Auschwitz] is a deliberate myth.

The Daily Telegraph for July 17, 1990 reported, “Auschwitz Deaths Reduced to a Million”; and the Washington Times of July 17, 1990 declared, “Poland Reduces Auschwitz Death Toll Estimate to 1 Million” No informed, honest person speaks or writes of six million Jews killed in Nazi camps.

One reason false prophets have been so successful with their fake news is because of a failing church. Pastors have simply failed to teach people to think for themselves, do their own research, commit to truth whatever the cost, and be willing to take a stand if they stand alone. In other words, modern church members are usually non-readers, non-thinkers, and non-doers. Moreover, many pastors feel less threatened when members don’t think.
Some of the information in this column has been offensive to some readers but it is better to disturbed by the truth than deceived by error.

What will you do with the truth? When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do?

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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I’m Offended and I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore! Sat, 21 Dec 2013 02:26:10 +0000 I’m not easily offended but in recent months I have become very offended. After all, if homosexuals, Indians, Blacks, Hispanics, sports nuts, radical leftists, atheists, media moguls, and others can be offended, then I have that right also. It has become axiomatic that the right not to be offended is in the U.S. Constitution; however, I have read our Constitution, memorized some of it, studied it, but cannot find in it the right not to be offended. Maybe it’s in the same place the Court found the right to an abortion and the right to homosexuality.

I wonder if being a Bible believing Christian disqualifies me from being offended. Maybe I’m not permitted that luxury. Whatever the answers to the above, I want to go on record to the world that today I am not just offended, but very offended. I may even stomp my feet and hold my breath!

I’m offended that everyone is so panicky about offending Muslims, Methodists, and Manichaeists but consider it open season on Fundamentalists. From Atheism (which is a religion although it doesn’t have any holidays except April Fools’ Day) to Zoroastrianism, everyone seems to be very “touchy.” Well, I’m also “touchy” and I want everyone to know about it.

I’m offended that the God Haters (note the shameless use of the title of my eBook!) are offended by a manger scene while I can’t be offended by movies and television shows that present fornication, adultery, and perversion as accommodating, affirmative, acceptable, if not admirable; and at politicians whose first and most important qualification seems to be the ability to lie? I mean, I’m really offended.

I’m offended by homosexuals and the media who bully, badger, and blackmail decent people to accept, even approve, perversion?

I’m offended that perversion has been accepted as normalcy and those of us who believe it is wrong (as sane people have believed for thousands of years) are considered to be abnormal and haters.

I’m offended that radical leftists can spew out vile, violent, vicious vitriol with impunity against Christians but a Christian like Phil Robertson gets fired from a television show for stating his opinion about immorality. (I think it was not only opinion but facts, but then leftists can’t deal with facts.)

I’m offended at megapastors and television evangelists who distort, denigrate, and even deny the Bible to build a personal empire while living as drunks, deviates, and dopeheads!

I’m offended by loosey-goosey Evangelicals who polish Obama’s apple trying to make him look “religious” while they pretend to wear the mantle of Old Testament prophets.

I’m offended by educators who threaten children who bring a toy gun the size of a quarter to school and expel students who only draw a picture of a gun!

I’m offended at stupid educators who arrive at school each day and park their brains at the door along with their common sense.

I’m offended by the incredible incompetence of public educators from Kindergarten through graduate school.

I’m offended that over a million unborn babies are butchered annually in America and those of us who want to protect helpless children and women are considered cold, callous, and cruel!

I’m offended that an animal-rights group has filed a lawsuit seeking “legal personhood” for chimpanzees in the state of New York, the state with the nation’s highest abortion rates!

I’m offended that robbers, rapists, and racketeers walk our streets while the bandits, boozers, and bunglers in Washington are praised, pursued, and pampered.

I’m offended by PETA and other animal fanatics for trying to shame me for believing that animals are not children when PETA kills 2,000 dogs and cats each year!

I’m offended that the media and self-seeking politicians have made Nelson Mandela into an international icon when he was a Communist terrorist and traitor to his own nation.

I’m offended that politicians quickly lead our nation into foreign wars that are no threat to us and then are not called to an accounting in their desire to force “democracy” upon uneducated, uncouth, and unresponsive people.

I suppose I am naïve to think that there is an antidote for my offense-propensity and no doubt it is silly to think decent people will be treated fairly by others. But I’m a believer. I also believe Muslims will actually become peaceful; the Middle East nations will become Gardens of Paradise where civility, kindness, justice, and biblical principles will prevail; Obama will be impeached, then become Born Again and become a missionary to Pakistan; Taiwan will retake Red China; Pepsi will sell for a nickel again and any day they’ll find Jimmy Hoffa, Judge Parker and Amelia Earhart playing Monopoly in a Bronx yogurt joint?

Yes, I’m as easily offended as anyone and I’m not going to take it anymore. You ask, “What are you going to do about it?” Well, I’m not sure but I’m offended that you asked.

And to the drooling New Atheists and the God Haters (there, I did it again) out there, I wish even them a Merry Christmas and if that offends them, too bad. They’ll get over it. Watch my eight-minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota as I challenged New Atheists to put up or shut up.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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South African Communists Can be Trusted to be Communists–Always! Mon, 09 Dec 2013 17:05:30 +0000 When the Dutch arrived in South Africa in 1652 to found a hospital and refreshing station for their sailors passing the Cape, they found unoccupied land near the Cape of Good Hope at the very tip of Africa. There was not a railroad, highway, building, hospital, or school. French Huguenots arrived in 1688 followed by the English in 1795, so white South Africans go back more than 300 years. They were not colonialists and did not displace any Blacks. The Germans arrived in 1857. Add to the mix a huge group of Pakistanis, Indians, and Chinese known as Coloreds, and you have a boiling pot.

There is talk of how five million South African Whites kept 20 million Blacks under their thumb but the fact is that Blacks are not a homogeneous force. There were five million Zulus; about 5 million Xhosa (pronounced Koza); two million Tswana; etc. plus about three million Coloreds (from China, India, Pakistan, etc.) who have mixed blood that could be called, “mulattoes.” Blacks hate the Coloreds more than they do the whites.

The hostility among the black tribes is legendary: A white doctor who established a hospital for Blacks in Durban declared, “When a Zulu who has been in an accident is brought in, we must have a Zulu nurse for him. If we have a Xhosa nurse, she will pull off his bandages at night and let him bleed to death.”

South Africa became a British colony in 1806 and the Brits and the Dutch turned it into one of the most advanced, modern, and safest nations in the world. They built a civilization that lifted millions of Blacks from poverty to the highest standard of living (2 to 5 times greater) than anywhere in Africa.
Yes, many white men got rich but so did some Blacks. In fact, about a million Blacks from surrounding black nations try to enter South Africa each year–many illegally. No other African nation has a problem with people trying to slip across their borders to live and work. Even today with the transfer of power from white minority to the black majority, the white minority still controls most of the wealth in South Africa. Thus, the pot is simmering and the top is ready to blow. Following the funeral of Mandela, I see major bloodshed there as the jockeying goes on to replace the “hero” and “inspiring leader.” That’s about like the junior officers on the Titanic fighting for the opportunity to replace Captain Smith as the giant ship was sinking!

In Africa’s colonial nations, the Blacks threw off the yoke of the hated colonists but they could not feed themselves, a problem in much of Africa. South Africa is the murder and rape capital of the world. South African men rape very young females, even babies, thinking it will cure their AIDS! They need a cure for their stupidity and brutality. An encounter with Christ, called the New Birth, will always solve the brutality problem, but there is little hope for stupidity.

Blacks throughout Africa were much better off under colonial, white rule. Why are leftists not screaming about the crime, rape, and mistreatment of white farmers? They were sure concerned when Blacks didn’t own many farms and had little political power. It seems Liberals, black or white, have a major problem with consistency. Maybe if it were lions, tigers, and elephants that were being killed, the radical leftists might get concerned.

Mandela and the Communists in ANC and SACP also called for the nationalization of mines, banks, and other major industries in South Africa and black leaders are demanding that white farmers surrender their farms that have been in their families for 300 years! If that happens, “Katie Bar the Door.” The major civil war between Blacks and Whites that Mandela allegedly diverted has obviously only been delayed. That is exactly what has been happening in that “garden of paradise” called Zimbabwe.

Many Zimbabwean white farmers and their families have been butchered by official representatives of the Communist, totalitarian (forgive the redundancy) regime and their farms stolen. Only 300 white farmers remain of a total of 4,000! The crops are not being harvested and expensive equipment rusts in unplowed fields. The life span has plummeted with the average native expected to live in good health for 39 years. About one and a half million Zimbabweans are dying with AIDS.

South Africa is well on its way to being another black tragedy because of power, pride, position, and possessions. South Africa and Zimbabwe are rich with coal, platinum, iron, chrome, gold, diamonds, etc. And if the Communists get total control of the minerals that are crucial to the free world, then free leaders will have to go, hat in hand, to totalitarians for what is needed for their survival. So, the battle in Africa is not only a black-white issue.

Jacob Zuma was re-elected to head the corrupt ANC, the ruling party in South Africa, so he will reign as President for seven more years. Zuma has multiple wives and recently fathered a child by the daughter of a close friend. Yet, he still has “overwhelming” support. It seems that morality, decency, and character, don’t matter if you are the right color and carry the right card–Black as to color and Red as to politics.

Mandela promised all South Africans: “Under a Communist Party government, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey. …There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease. Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free.” Well, every person in South Africa knows that did not happen and the mendacious, murderous, malicious terrorist had no plans to keep such a promise.

Mandela and other terrorists at the ANC and the SACP got a free ride on the Gravy Train while poor black were left standing at the station covered with soot with the echoes of “We Shall Overcome” ringing in their ears.

Fools in the free world put their trust is a corrupt, cruel, contentious Communist tyrant with a pretty smile and it is too late for anyone, anywhere to do anything about the chaos that is coming.

Mandela and his cronies at the ANC and SACP are/were not fools, just Communists and you can always trust a Communist–to be a Communist. Why are even many Conservatives afraid to tell the truth?

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D. Videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota; “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Mandela Lived in a 30-Room Mansion While Dying Sister Lives in One Room with Seven Relatives! Sat, 07 Dec 2013 01:35:25 +0000 In past years when one spoke of problems in South Africa, he often referred to the mistreatment of Blacks and their drive for racial equality in a nation dominated by a white minority. In this situation Nelson Mandela always became relevant to the conversation.

Mandela (educated at a Wesleyan Mission School) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 although it was obvious to all except the deaf, blind, and dumb (especially the dumb) that he was a terrorist and waged war against his own people and nation. But then, the Nobel Peace Prize seems too often be given to those who lean to the left, are left handed, and live out in left field. Of course, their left knees jerk incessantly.

Mandela was cofounder and director of the militant Spear of the Nation and was involved in burnings, brutality, and bombings by the dozens. One of his terrorist acts was the bombing at Church Street in Pretoria that killed 19 people and injured 217.  He even advised black youths to burn down their schools. Those same children are now struggling in college because they missed so much school in their early grades where foundational facts are taught.

It is unusual if the media do not refer to him as a political prisoner; however, it is interesting that Amnesty International did not consider him such because that group “rejects the proposal to recognize as prisoners of conscience people who use or advocate the use of force.” Nelson did not qualify and the media’s “make over” will not change that fact.

Mandela is known for his many illicit affairs, but we are expected to overlook all that because he was so devoted to freeing his people and throwing off the oppressive white yoke! One day, his first wife returned home to find that Mandela had installed his mistress in his bedroom!

Nelson was married three times and abandoned his first wife (a Jehovah’s Witness who was never political following the precepts of that sect) to raise their three children alone. He married Winnie who lost all credibility with everyone except those whose salaries and benefits she pays. Nelson shot her into space (divorce) when she embarrassed him and became a drag on his political life. She was vocal about advocating terror and violence to support her cause.

Winnie, convicted of fraud and theft in 2002 and still a member of the ANC’s National Executive Committee, rides in a limousine and wears very expensive clothes and jewelry, and has scores of bodyguards wherever she goes. She was convicted of kidnapping a young man who was subsequently murdered. She also said, “With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country,” referring to the grisly township practice of putting a gasoline-soaked tire around the neck of suspected apartheid agents (anyone working for the white regime), cutting under their arms, and setting the tire on fire. Then the black crowd of “freedom fighters” taunted the dying “agent of apartheid.”  Minnie is a sweetie.

Such savagery did not stop after Blacks took over. Three men were killed by necklacing last year for burglary. Early in 2013 four students were necklaced in Nigeria, so this gruesome death penalty is spreading across Africa, Haiti, and Brazil.

All the victims of necklacing in South Africa have been black! Almost 200! Nelson even defended Winnie’s infamous speech on necklacing! Yep, a man of peace, principle, and purpose.

In Mandela’s long walk to free the Blacks of white domination, he and his former wife, Winnie, and his Red buddies at the ANC became filthy rich. One ANC leader said, “I didn’t enter this struggle to be poor.” They aren’t poor anymore. Meanwhile, the “natives on the reservation” are angry since the trainload of goodies did not stop for them. The gravy train stopped just long enough for Mandela and his Red cronies to climb on board before it chugged on down the tracks leaving millions of poor, disillusioned blacks wiping the soot from their faces. Winnie even said, “[Nelson] Mandela let us down. He agreed to a bad deal for the blacks.”

Mandela carefully maintained a statesman-like, friendly, likeable, reformer persona, trying to help his people (Blacks) but he has not shown any concern for his only living sibling, his elderly and sick sister. While Mandela built himself a 30-room mansion, surrounded by a high wall next to the main highway, his sister lives with seven relatives in one, round-shaped room sleeping in just four beds! However, it is crass, if not crude to speak of such things since he was a “man of conscience” and the “George Washington and Abraham Lincoln” of South Africa!

And he did spend 27 years in prison but even if he had been innocent, it would not qualify him being nominated as a member of the Trinity by the unbalanced, untruthful, unskilled, and unnecessary media!

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.  Videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota titled “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”


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Nelson Mandela: Secular Saint Gone to His Reward! Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:04:05 +0000 A secular saint has just died as his family fought a bitter public battle over his money and his graveyard. Nelson Mandela turned his toes skyward this week and went to his reward. No doubt the main stream media’s love affair with him will be accelerated now that he has assumed room temperature. Many will cringe at my caviler attitude about his death and while I would not actually rejoice in anyone’s death (since it is so permanent) I am grateful when nature does the human race a favor. Very few in the media are willing to tell the truth about this very soiled secular “saint.”

The gushing has already started from the non-thinking, non-principled international media who are very careless with the facts that are known by all informed South Africans. Mandela has been called, a “prisoner of conscience,” “miracle worker,” father of democracy,” “icon,” “one of the greatest men of the 20th century,” “statesman,” “regal,” and “freedom fighter.” Obama called him the “hero of the world” and compared him to George Washington! Of course, Obama is wrong more often than he is right. One journalist admitted Nelson’s “ordinary weaknesses” but concluded that those weaknesses made him “all the more remarkable”! Hand me a barf bag.

Almost all the articles I read about Mandela refer to him as a “political prisoner” or “prisoner of conscience” for 27 years in a quest for racial freedom. No informed, honest journalist would write such a farce. For the record, let me clearly declare that Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison because he was a saboteur (which he admitted at his trial) and espionage agent working against his government.

He was not imprisoned because he fought for freedom but because he was involved in 23 different acts of sabotage and conspiring to overthrow the government. He should have been executed, but a soft court went wobbly at his 1963 trial. It is said by his worshippers that he experienced “inhumane incarceration,” yet his Red buddies of the banned and Communist controlled African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party (SACP) were charged with 193 acts of sabotage! What should saboteurs expect? They were charged with the preparation and manufacture of explosives, according to evidence submitted, including 210,000 hand grenades, 48,000 anti-personnel mines, 1,500 time devices, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate, etc. It is telling that an official in the Carter administration called the ANC, “freedom fighters.” And that was said at a Congressional Hearing!

Mandela always denied being a member of the South Africa Communist Party (SACP) but now the kitty is out of the sack. But then, the kitty was out of the sack when Mandela was arrested with a document in his possession titled, “How to be a Good Communist” written in his own handwriting! It said, in part, “The people of South Africa led by the South African Communist Party will destroy capitalist society and build in its place socialism.” He even characterized himself as a “well-disciplined member of the Communist Party.”

On Dec. 12, 2012, the London Telegraph admitted that yes, Nelson was, in fact, a member of the SACP. In fact, he held “senior rank” in the party! So that reveals Mandela as a liar as well as a Communist. If I had the choice, I would prefer being known as a liar.

Mandela could easily say “no” to apartheid but not to anarchy. He was pretty good (with his leftist buddies writing for him) with speeches, sermons, and slogans but not with solutions that did not include violence. When he became the first black South African President, he did not do much for Blacks, one reason for their dissatisfaction of him in recent years.

It is also interesting to note that in his later prison years Mandela was offered his freedom many times by the white minority government if he would simply renounce the use of terror, but Mandela refused to do this in obedience to the Communist Party. His payoff: President of South Africa. He chose to stay in prison until his release by the white government in February of 1990, thereby becoming a lifetime martyr. What fools! They released a man dedicated to overthrow their own government!

Nelson Mandela was a Black terrorist, but after his release by the hated white regime, he became rather docile and assumed a statesman-like persona. Except when he had seizures of stupidly by praising black tyrants from Angola to Zimbabwe. Mandela never saw a black dictator he didn’t like. That’s true of white American Liberals also!

Nelson believed in the Hug-a-Thug philosophy and he never missed a chance to do so. His most ardent friends were Communists and dictators such as Fidel Castro, Moammar Qaddafi, Yasser Arafat, and Saddam Hussein. They were his hugging buddies. There is truth to Daddy’s statement, “When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.” Daddy was a philosopher. And Nelson has been scratching all his life. This “advocate for freedom” has always been in bed with Communists and tyrants (who specialized in taking freedom) of all kinds and has used every opportunity to kiss the bad guys and kick the good guys.

But maybe Mandela mellowed during his prison years, and became repentant and resolute in his pursuit of freedom. No, afraid not. He traveled around the world with his bag of goldbricks slung across his shoulder to peddle to gushing hero worshippers. He visited Cuba in 1991 and said, “Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro.”

Hopefully, Castro’s toes will turn skyward soon and he will join his comrade so they can both get what they deserve.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.  Videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges the New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

Following columns dealing with Mandela:

“Mandela Lived in a 30-Room Mansion While Dying Sister Lives in One Room with 11 Relatives!”

“South African Communists Can be Trusted to be Communists–Always!”

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