massacre – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mr. President, You Are Wrong, Many Religions Kill Innocent People! Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:32:27 +0000 It may seem presumptuous, proud, and far from prudent for me to correct President Obama but I doubt if anyone else will do so, so I will. Obama was wrong, very wrong when he said in his speech, “Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not ‘Islamic.’ No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state.”

First of all ISIL does not become a state by his permission. To be a state the leaders must own and control the territory in question. ISIL is as much a state as the Palestinian Authority. In fact, more so since ISIL has far more territory, far more warriors, and far more money and equipment. ISIL is a state and it is a constantly growing state.

However, Obama’s biggest mistake was stating that ISIL “is not Islamic.” But of course it is. If it is anything, it is Islamic. Its leaders, as slaves to the Koran, pray Islamic prayers, follow the teaching of Mohammed, attend Friday mosque and profess to be Muslims. All one must do is profess that Allah is God and Mohammed is his prophet. But then I can understand why Obama would not want to recognize that earth-shaking fact!

Obama, on a slippery slope, then says that no religion condones the killing of innocents. Has he been in a cave all his life or just spent too much time on the golf course in the hot sun? All educated people know that there have been numerous massacres perpetrated by various religions and many still defend their actions!

The Massacre of the Latins was a massive massacre of the Roman Catholic inhabitants of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, by the Eastern Orthodox population of the city in May 1182. Up to 60,000 Roman Catholics were killed by other “Christians” so that was “Christian” against “Christian.” However, I think both groups were theological thugs with little relationship to Bible Christianity. Christ wept at Lazarus’ funeral (before He raised him from the dead) but I think He might have wept again over the tragedy in Constantinople.

The St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572 was one of the most infamous killings by Roman Catholic mobs. They killed up to 30,000 French Protestants during the French Wars of Religion.

But it gets worse. In the 1500s, India’s Thuggee sect (followers of the bloodthirsty goddess Kali) strangled about two million people as sacrifices to appease the bloodthirsty goddess Kali. Thugs killed about 20,000 people a year in the 1800s until British rulers exterminated them. At a trial in 1840, one Thug was accused of killing 931 people.

The Aztecs came to power in the 1300s and made human sacrifice an evil art. About 20,000 people were killed yearly to placate their gods, primarily the sun god who could only be mollified by human blood. Priests, who were highly efficient killers, cut out the hearts of sacrifice victims and some bodies were eaten. Other victims were beheaded, thrown from the tops of their temples, or burned. At one king’s coronation, 80,000 prisoners were butchered to satisfy the gods. Another author reports that in a rite to the maize goddess, a virgin danced for 24 hours, then was killed and skinned and her skin was worn by a priest in further dancing.

What did Obama say about “No religion condones the killing of innocents.”

But maybe it would be advisable for me to concentrate on Muslim massacres of innocent people!

The massacre of the Bulgarians in the southern town of Batak by 8,000 Ottoman Muslim troops on April 30, 1876 at the beginning of the April Uprising was described as “the most heinous crime to stain the history of the 19th century.” About 15,000 men, women, and children were raped, tortured, and then beheaded by the followers of the “peaceful religion” of Islam. The entire town was burned to the ground.

Two other massacres known as the “Armenian Massacres of 1894–1896″ and the “Great Massacres,’ were committed by Muslims of the Ottoman Empire. There were up to 300,000 killed leaving at least 50,000 children orphaned.

The 1909 massacre of Armenian Christians by Ottoman Muslims in the city of Adana resulted in a series of anti-Armenian mob violence throughout the district. The estimated death count was up to 30,000 Christians. Are you still with me Obama?

In April 24, 1915 the Muslim officials ordered the deportation of practically the entire Armenian and Assyrian Christian populations of modern Turkey to Syria and Iraq, and to massacre many of them during the removal. By the end of the year, 1,500,000 Armenians and 250,000 Assyrians had been murdered. Many women were raped and children were kidnapped and enslaved to be brought up as Muslims. Many Christians, especially women, were crucified (photographs are available). This mass murder by Muslims prompted the first use of the word, “genocide.”

Okay, Obama, are you convinced now? Can we hear you say that you and your speech writers made a glaring error or was it a glaring deception trying to put Islam in a better light? Radical Muslims of today are only doing what their leader taught them to do and what they have been doing since the seventh century. They are international bullies that specialize in beheadings.

The Meccans began a two-week siege of Medina in 627, known as the Battle of the Trench; some Jews helped in defense of the city, but most were neutral. Mohammed questioned their loyalty, and after the battle Mohammed had all Jews in the crosshairs. He said that the judgment of God was “the Jews shall be killed.” During the night, ditches sufficient to contain the dead bodies were dug across the market place of the city. In the morning, Mohammed ordered the male captives to be brought forth in companies of five or six at a time. Each company was forced to sit in a row on the edge of the trench (mass grave) and were there beheaded. The bodies were cast in the trench. Some of the women were given to his troops and others sold into slavery. The butchery lasted all day and into the night with the beheading of at least 800 men.

After the killing spree was over, Mohammed relieved his stress by sleeping with Rihana whose husband and all her male relatives had just been beheaded! War is so stressful! And civilization marches on.

Our national leaders like Bush, Obama, Biden, Reed, Ad nauseam will not admit that we are involved in a clash of cultures and a religious war that could last a hundred years! It is not a war of our making and will not be won by bombs, bullets, or battalions.

When America’s next major terrorist attack happens you may notice that Obama, Biden, and Company’s unwisely and hastily adopted sympathy and pandering to all things Muslim will be discarded as quickly as long underwear in a Texas heat wave. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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A Muslim Accepts My Challenge But Refuses to be Dragged Kicking and Screaming into the Modern World! Sat, 20 Apr 2013 15:25:14 +0000 I recently challenged Muslim leaders “to agree that all Muslim ‘charity’ funds be frozen until there is proof that terrorists are not being supported.” A Muslim critic sent me an insipid, inadequate, and incoherent reply: “Maybe we should freeze christians (sic) (sic) funds cause a couple of ‘christians’ (sic) killed a couple of people. And please dont (sic) make me start on that just recently a ‘christian’ (sic) man killed a whole crowd of people in a theater for no apparent reason. Maybe then we should freeze christians (sic) (sic) accounts. What you dont (sic) undersand (sic) that you cannot judge a religion on one dumba** group of people.” Sic ‘em!

This is getting wearisome but I will plod on like a good soldier. I suggested to him: “You now live in America so you should have some knowledge and wisdom although you did not bring any from your desert home. Moreover, you should be informed before you crank up your computer. Also, you have a real problem with foul language. Here in America, our mothers solve that problem when we are very young by washing out our mouths with a strong, disgusting bar of soap. You know what soap is, don’t you? Mouth washing might work on an adult Muslim. Try it, but you won’t like it.”

He did not know (or admit) that the theater massacre in Colorado was not done by a Christian but by a twisted, crazed killer. Evidently my critic was so uninformed that he thinks every person living in the U.S. is a Christian or Jew. Let me digress down a short “rabbit trail” to tell him that a person becomes a Christian when he or she repents of sin and places faith in the shed blood of Christ and His Resurrection. There are few Christians in America in my opinion. People are identified as genuine Christians because they remind people of Christ as in the city of Antioch where believers were first called Christians.

But back to his twisted logic. He suggested that the funds belonging to the killer (I assume he had a bubble gum fund) should be confiscated as result of the shooting and that is a comparison to making sure that Muslim funds are used for charities and not terrorism! If that is his position, then he is dumb as a box of rocks. However, he was correct (once out of twenty-eleven times isn’t bad) in that the action of one person does not mean he represents the group to which he belongs.

By the way, if my critic became a real Christian that would take care of his dirty mouth and eliminate the need for a bar of soap stuck inside his mouth for an hour. In seems most Muslims who write me have a mind like a race horse: it runs best on a dirt track.

He agreed with my next challenge “that suicidal bombers are homicidal bombers who drop into the hottest corner of hell, not into the arms of dark eyed virgins.” However, he declared that the statement has nothing to do with Islam! I will remind everyone that all the homicidal bombers have been–are you ready for this–Muslims? Have Muslims forgotten or did not read about the attack on the World Trade Center? How about the Boston Marathon bombing?

He rejected my challenge “to agree with me that any Muslim should have the right to convert to any religion.” I replied, “Your incredible defense was, ‘We believe this [Islam] is the only true religion which it is. Converting out will cause massive upset in a stable society.’ First of all, you are wrong since Islam is a not ‘the only true religion.’ In fact, it is more than a false religion; it is also a barbaric, oppressive, primitive, backwater culture that refuses to be dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world.”

He referred to Muslims becoming Christians as causing a “massive upset in a stable society.” Maybe he could tell me what “stable” society he referred to. Maybe Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Algeria or maybe Mali! However, forget the freedom of Muslims in the Muslim world, what about the free world? Should Muslims in America, Canada, England, France, Spain, Italy and other civilized nations have the right to convert to Jesus Christ without being decapitated by “peaceful” Muslims? Silence!

I am surprised and pleased that he agreed to my challenge “to repudiate ‘honor’ killings of Muslims who ‘disgrace’ their families by being raped!” However, I’ll be shocked, surprised, and somewhat somber if he has ever gone public with that belief. I double-dog dare him to announce that position down at the Friday mosque worship service. I also suggest that he take his phone camera.

I am hoping that my information will drag him, kicking and screaming, out of his dark cave into the light of the real world. Maybe even to the light of the Gospel of Christ.

I’m really waiting for his response to my column, but I’m not holding my breath.


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School Shootings: The Answer is More Guns! Sat, 15 Dec 2012 01:20:26 +0000 No, the title is not hyperbole. I believe that school shootings, such as this week’s slaughter in Connecticut would disappear if everyone knew that each school had two or three teachers (or administrators) who were armed and considered dangerous (to the bad guys), and willing to defend the defenseless.

Guns are not the problem. People are. Liberals booted God from the schools: no prayer, no Bible reading, no Ten Commandments, no teaching based upon the Bible. No speaking of Christ. After all, kids might really take those teachings to heart. They may decide not to lie, steal, fornicate, rape, and kill! They might honor and obey their parents, the law, and school officials. They might become kind, gracious, fair, honest, and principled! 

Heavens, we can’t have that can we? After all, we demand a secular society. Well, we have it and our schools have become Ignorance Factories, sex clinics, self-esteem laboratories, sports clubs–and killing fields. I am weary of hearing radical leftists whine about how guns are corrupting young people (but the violent and sexual Hollywood movies aren’t bad!) and are a deadly threat to all our citizens especially those in schools. However, guns are inanimate while people are initiators so the problem is not with guns but with people. Anti-gun parents are horrified to see their small children playing with guns and “shooting” each other. Has the world gone insane? Most of us grew up “shooting” other kids. I “shot” them with wooden guns, cap pistols, sticks and even my finger! Never once did I consider getting my dad’s shotgun or .38 revolver and really shoot anyone. 

I believe the world has gone nuts. Don’t the “experts” know that girls like playing house with dolls and miniature furniture and boys like to be more aggressive and play with guns? Males are more aggressive because of their God-given nature as a protector of the family. 

Kids should grow up with knowledge of guns and have experience in handling them. For sure, gun training is far more valuable than most of the fluff classes in most schools. I am weary of gutless politicians, even “conservative” Republicans who are so uninformed or so desirable of liberal approval that they cannot defend guns and the use of force when necessary to protect the innocent and helpless. 

The Israelis don’t have much of a gun problem because their school children are protected by gun totters. Some facts: Guns are protected by the Second Amendment. This is the heart of the argument. Why do politicians act as if the Second Amendment is not part of the Bill of Rights? To suggest that it refers only to an organized military organization is an abdication of reality. The “militia” of the Second Amendment was simply thousands of farmers with a gun in the corner of the house or over the mantle.

 The Second Amendment is there to protect us against the tyranny of government. Our founding fathers were well aware of government’s propensity to evolve into tyranny and they knew a well armed citizenry mitigated against that possibility. (It is also true that the Second Amendment guarantees the First Amendment!) 

As knees begin to jerk all across America (left ones, of course) let me make it clear that I am saying what our founding fathers knew might someday be required: that our government could someday become so despotic that citizens must do again what they did in 1775! Yes, it could be that Americans might have to defend themselves against their government and that could only be possible if those Americans are armed! That is the reason that non-principled politicians whine constantly about guns. 

Guns are not evil, and only a flunky, a fool or fanatic says they are. In fact, guns are used over two and a half million times per year by honest citizens to protect themselves against criminals determined to do them harm! Armed citizens kill about 3000 criminals each year while the police kill about 1000. I have never heard a gun controller (read: confiscator) tell me what they will do about the bad guys out there who will continue to have their guns when supine Americans are browbeaten into surrendering theirs. Does any sane person think the criminals will register or surrender their weapons? Since the police show up after a crime, who is responsible to protect your family?

So, what do I want to see? Glad you asked. I would enforce present laws and keep felons in prison. People who are rebels to society should be separated from society. That means throw away the key for those who are incorrigible crooks. I would also like to see more guns in the hands of honest citizens! When good guys are armed the bad guys will be a little slower to act out their hostility. When a shooting took place in a Mississippi school a few years ago, the assistant principal ran to his car, grabbed his gun (good thing the gun-grabbers didn’t get there first) and stopped a massacre. He should be commended not criticized! 

Now, a question for the gun-grabbers: Would it not have been desirable for one of the teachers in Connecticut to pull his gun and drop the killer before so many innocent victims were killed? I wait for an answer. 

All sane, sensible people would agree that fewer deaths would be preferable, but no one says the gun-grabbers are sane, sensible people. At least, I don’t. They are fallacious, frivolous, fruity, foggy, fluttery, flushed, flimflamming, flagellating, feverish, frightful, fanatical, frenzied, fraudulent, foolish fascists. For those educated in public schools, I am saying that gun-grabbers are fools. If common sense is ever resuscitated, guns will be prevalent in the schools and those determined to do harm to innocent ones will be blown away before they blow away helpless people. Start passing out gun permits to teachers and school officials before more innocent kids are killed! We need more guns in schools and society not fewer!

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