media – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Racism, Rebellion, and Revolution Promoted by Prissy Prostitutes of the Press! Fri, 11 Sep 2020 16:58:54 +0000 It seems the only standard now used by the media is a double standard. I remember when reporters (in all media) took pride in their independent, balanced, and accurate reporting. You know, the hard-hitting reporter who could not be bought, and was often underpaid, but one you could trust. His agenda was truth. He or she would never report an untruth and would never refuse to reveal the truth.

Recently, I saw a network reporter interview the attorney for Jacob Blake and neither one mentioned anything negative about Blake who is recuperating in the hospital after being shot seven times. The video shows him resisting arrest; there was a knife in his vehicle; he had been charged of entering the home of a teenager and sexually molesting her but none of that was mentioned. Don’t you think a real reporter would have thought the public should hear that part of the story? But no, the motive was to accuse police with shooting a young black man who, according to friends and family, was destined to receive the Nobel Prize. Such reporting does not reveal the truth; it simply tells the story that leftists want the public to hear—then have them retaliate and join the mob for “justice.”

The days are long gone when journalists could be counted on to tell the whole truth. Some younger people can’t remember those days. And this downward slide toward mediocrity is getting swifter each year. It seems an honest reporter appears on the national scene as often as a chaste prostitute.

Many courageous reporters lost their lives revealing the truth about crime, political corruption, etc. Maybe today the absence of courage, not lack of character and convictions, is the reason for not telling the whole truth.

Americans believe “that 62% of the news they consume on TV, in newspapers, and on the radio…is biased,” according to a survey from the Knight Foundation and Gallup. Americans don’t hate the media for what they write; they hate them for what they don’t write. And for twisting the facts to meet their leftist narrative promoting racism, rebellion, and revolution.

General William T. Sherman, who had many problems, also hated the press more than a 150 years ago. The reports of his march from Atlanta to Savannah burning everything he could not carry were true. He wrote, “I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.”

Senator Barry Goldwater, not as violent as Sherman, during his presidential bid in 1964 said, “I won’t say that the papers misquote me, but I sometimes wonder where Christianity would be today if some of these reporters were Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.” Of course, politicians have complained about the media for more than 2,000 years. Most with good cause.

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”

A good example of this twisting of the facts is seen in the shooting of Blacks by police officers. Every celebrated shooting of a black man has been the ostensible cause of protests and rioting; without exception, the black “victim” has been a thug or was resisting arrest. Yet, the media and liberals play the same old record over and over because they think it moves non-thinkers to the left.

That is dishonest, despicable, and dangerous. It is dangerous because they are playing with peoples’ minds. Often, they are weak minds or minds that seldom think and it continues the violence with more people killed and injured and more property being destroyed.

Only one example is sufficient to support the above—the Michael Brown shooting. The media continues to dishonestly portray Michael as a victim who was surrendering to police with his hands upheld and saying, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” That did not happen and those who continue the falsehood are dishonest racists who are fomenting additional violence for which they will not be held accountable.

Some actually suggest that police officers leave home each day looking for a young Black they can kill! That is a good example of minds not being used. Yet, Conservatives are blamed for the racial tensions! Gutless public officials must take some of the blame but the lack of truth from the media is the main reason for the racists’ and conspirators’ incredible success.

The irresponsible media dwell on spurious numbers to convince the moron voters that there is a war on Blacks; however, the most recent available FBI crime numbers reveal that “black male teenagers were nine times more likely to commit murder than were their white counterparts. That’s right, nine times, and the gap in these urban areas is undoubtedly even larger.”

Now, if Black teens are nine times more likely to commit murder then it is reasonable that there would be nine times more Blacks teens in prison. Therefore, the reason for black teen incarceration, immorality, abortion, drugs, rebellion, and deaths, etc., is not with the police but with parents.

Let me be clear as possible for the slowest person: if young Blacks (as with all groups) were taught to obey police officers, they would live longer. Sure, there are some bully cops but they must be obeyed then torn down in a court of law. But usually, the Black in question is himself, a felon.

The media are cheerleaders for the Democrat Party so they usually twist any news to make it unfavorable to Trump, knowing it will be pleasing to all liberals.

Trump did not praise white supremacists at the Charlottesville rally; however, that is believed (or is reported) by the dishonest media.

The New York Times reported that Bret Kavanaugh had a new sexual misconduct accusation while a student at Yale University. No, there was no new allegation.

Time magazine reported that the bust of MLK was removed from the oval office; but it was a lie.

I know of no exception that all major media declared as a fact that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia. Now we know it didn’t happen.
Honest reporters will change their minds when they discover the evidence demands it. Allen Weinstein began researching the Alger Hiss case to prove his innocence, but the evidence did not support that result so he wrote Perjury to prove Hiss’ guilt making every liberal in America grit their teeth, stomp their foot, and hold their breath until they turned blue.

Well, they were already blue.

Honest people will tell the truth even if it affects their salary, status, or security.

The degeneration in the quality of the media has been developing for more than a hundred years as John Swinton’s experience shows. John was a former chief editorial writer for the New York Times, and he made some true but shocking statements on the condition of America’s media at the New York Press Club.

“There is no such thing, …in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it….If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone….The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread….We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

John said that at the New York Press Club.

In 1880.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Unpleasant Truth is Not Always Hate Speech! Thu, 14 Sep 2017 15:22:20 +0000 It is an unpleasant truth to hear that babies are babies from conception and to terminate (kill) them is in fact the taking of innocent life. That means doctors, nurses, parents, pregnant females, consenting males, and hospital workers have blood on their hands. Health personnel who try to distance themselves from killing babies are like the pimp who declares he has nothing to do with prostitution.

It is an unpleasant truth to know that most public schools have turned out to be ignorance factories although taxpayers have dumped loads of money into them for more than a hundred years. Incompetent teachers teach inaccurate curricula to inattentive students producing incredible results. Obviously, America’s public schools are failing when the average U.S. college freshman reads at a seventh grade level, according to an educational assessment report. Furthermore, an investigation of six Baltimore schools revealed that not a single student passed the state’s proficiency test in the subjects of math and English!

It is an unpleasant truth to know that our universities have been taken over by barbarians with Ph.Ds. Professors seem to think that they have a license to promote the most outrageous things without regard to truth, common sense, the Bible, the law, and university rules.

It is an unpleasant truth to know that the movies, music, and moguls of the media are controlled by lowlifes who will do anything for ratings and resultant power and money.

It is an unpleasant truth to know that professional sports have been hijacked by brutes without brains and are a deplorable example for everyone, especially the youth.

It is an unpleasant truth that homosexuals don’t exist, only heterosexuals that reject common sense, refuse biblical truth, and repeat the horrific sins of Sodom resulting in His judgment. They defiantly tell anyone who will listen that they were “born that way”; however, that is a fairy tale. They tell us they cannot change but, of course, numerous former homosexuals have been converted and are living normal, decent, and productive lives.

Moreover, if homosexuals can’t change, how can pedophiles change? Of course, that is where we are going and I predict that child molestation will no longer be a crime! Furthermore, if Bruce Jenner can change then why can’t homosexuals change?

It is an unpleasant truth that transgenders are not people with the wrong genitalia but have a warped, confused mind. There is no such thing as a female in a male’s body or the other way around–except when a woman is pregnant with a male child. Moreover, physicians who chop off children’s body parts or who give altering hormones to children are detestable child abusers.

It is an unpleasant truth to know that same sex “marriage” is not marriage at all and is, in fact, a rejection of millennia of a legal and biblical foundation for the family and an act of perversion that is repulsive to sane people requiring the judgment of a sovereign God.

It is an unpleasant truth that adultery and fornication are terrible evils that most Americans are committing but do not believe they are sins and don’t even try to justify them! It seems adultery and fornication are so common and have become “accepted” sins. Many Americans don’t even know that a few years ago, Americans could go to jail for those sins of immorality.

G. K. Chesterton wrote in 1926, “It has been left to the very latest Modernists to proclaim an erotic religion which at once exalts lust and forbids fertility. The next great heresy is going to be simply an attack on morality, and especially on sexual morality.” Bingo! We’re there now and those of us who speak out against it are called haters, narrow-minded, holier-than-thou, etc., and those are the nicer names we are called!

It is an unpleasant truth that humans don’t have to be mastered by their sexual desires and feelings as are animals.

It is an unpleasant truth that not all church members, even those who are “good” people, are going to Heaven since Christ said that no one would be there unless they trusted in Him and His saving power.

I would rather have truth in hate than error in love but I strive for truth in love. Unpleasant truth is not always hate speech.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Looney Liberals Loathe Witch Hunts But Make an Exception for Trump! Sat, 09 Sep 2017 21:42:11 +0000 Unprincipled people have leaned deep into the barrel to pull out the most odious charges to make against fellow politicians. And it didn’t start in the U.S. in our day.

Cicero who died 43 B.C. was advised by his brother Marcus to accuse one of his political opponents as having “disgraced himself by going down to the market and openly buying a girl to keep at home as a sex slave.” Of another, he “was brought up in debauchery with his own sister…and shed his first blood killing Roman citizens and businessmen as a henchman of [the dictator] Sulla…He even murdered his own brother-in-law.” The coup de grâce was, “He was a friend of actors–can you imagine?”

Yes, I can since I know politicians who have been the same at all times in history–deplorable, dishonest, and determined–to stay in office and grabbing even more power.

President Donald Trump is a flawed person–as am I. As is everyone. He was not my first choice but became my choice when I realized that Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office would doom millions of unborn babies to death. It could also kick off a national sex orgy comparable to ancient Rome and earlier pagan societies and the total decimation of our military.

My choice was clear: Donald Trump for President.

Trump won but the leftists made a pact to destroy him. Liberals don’t usually conduct witch hunts, but they have made an exception with Trump. In fact, the hunt started long before he was elected. Before his Inaugural Address, there was talk of impeachment! As of now, over 1.2 million citizens (well, I assume they are citizens) signed a petition to impeach him. Radical leftist politicians, in bed with the media, decided to undo what the American people had done! I always thought that was treason.

Of course, the leftwing media has jumped onboard the Dump Trump Bandwagon.

Some members of Congress have jumped on the band wagon that they hope rolls on to impeachment. They include Reps. Maxine Water, D-Calif., and Al Green, D-Texas. Even a Republican, Rep. Justin Amash claimed there are grounds to impeach President Trump. And Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., invoked “Watergate.” On August 31, a huge “Impeach Trump” billboard was erected within a mile of Trump’s Florida White House stating, “No one is above the law. Not even the president.” I wonder if that includes the Clintons?

Leftist zealots, foaming at the mouth and lips purple from drinking the Kool Aid, plastered fliers around Washington D.C., demanding all White House staffers resign. The posters read: “If you work for this White House you are complicit in hate-mongering, lies, corrupt taking of Americans’ tax money via self-dealing and emoluments, and quite possibly federal crimes and treason. Also, any wars will be on your soul. … Resign now.” That was self-righteous hokum.

However, they have a problem because even constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, who voted for President Obama, warned impeachment enthusiasts not to get ahead of themselves with President Trump because there is no evidence of a crime!

But that little matter doesn’t bother fanatics. Full speed ahead.

Harvard University released a study revealing the mainstream media’s bias against Trump as revealed in his first 100 days in office as compared with the three previous administrations. They looked at ten major television and print outlets. Unsurprisingly, they discovered that the tone of some of the outlets was negative in as many as 98% of the reports! It was far more hostile than the first 100 days of the three previous administrations. What happened to a fair and balanced media?

Some leftists even called for Trump’s assassination! Kathy Griffin’s infamous beheading stunt of President Trump even shocked some on the left. A Missouri State Senator suggested on Facebook that Trump should be assassinated and even a Republican refused to vote for her expulsion from the Senate! After all, Missouri senators have not been removed after being arrested for DUI or marijuana possession! However, we are talking about an influential official writing, “I hope Trump is assassinated!” To his credit, the chairman of the Missouri Democrat Party has demanded she resign. She refuses.

The Julius Caesar play in New York that depicts the main character, a Donald Trump look-alike, being assassinated was deplorable. The production of “Julius Caesar” at “Shakespeare in the Park” in Central Park is sponsored in part by The New York Times and CNN’s parent company Time Warner and they have refused to cancel their sponsorship!

Where is the nationwide outcry from leftists demanding that Trump-haters and similar jerks be sent back to their earlier job at the car wash?
Well, they are too busy greasing the wheels of the Dump Trump Bandwagon before they ride it to a symposium on “How to have a gentle, genteel, and gracious society free from hate and all conservative Christians.”

Liberals chant, “Let the witch hunt continue!” as powerful, princely, prissy people of the press pursue the persecution and prosecution of the President!

If Trump walked on water across the Potomac River without getting wet, the media headline would not be that Trump is a miracle worker–he walks on water. No, it would be–Trump Can’t Swim!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Fake News, False Prophets, and a Failing Church! Mon, 20 Mar 2017 02:52:32 +0000 Americans face a media that is mostly controlled by the looneys, lunatics, losers, and leftists who have no sense of decency, dignity, or dedication to truth. Their commitment is not to honest reporting but to twisting facts like a pretzel until they have produced fake news to mislead and deceive. The tragedy is that those who are not influenced by the media are uninformed and those who engage the media are too often misinformed.

Fake news has been in the news lately for good reason–there is so much of it out there. The media moguls think they are the rightful gatekeepers of what the great unwashed populace need to know. Richard Salant, former President of CBS News stated the same working philosophy by stating, “Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” That kind of arrogance would gag a maggot.

This warped view of the news was expressed by Richard M. Cohan, Senior Producer of CBS political news who said, “We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with.” (Emphasis added.) Our agenda! I thought journalists were agenda-free.

Such arrogance is exceeded only by its asininity. However, the news fakers are winning the battle for the minds, if not the souls, of America. The false prophets of fake news are incredibly successful. George Bernard Shaw warned us to “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” Accordingly, President Reagan wisely said, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

Truth is irrelevant to most people. While truth will set us free, it often stings at times; so the masses are more comfortable with fake news and false prophets.

It is easier to believe a lie you’ve heard a thousand times than to believe the truth you’ve heard only once. In this column, you will read some truths that will cause you to question my honesty, competence, or my motives. However, while most of the following is shocking, it is all true and all honest people love truth. Honest people hug truth to their bosoms–not error, even popular error. Of course, they first confirm that it is, in fact, the truth.

We all espouse unknown error and honest people will correct their thinking when evidence is provided them. John Maynard Keynes made a very prescient statement when he said, “When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?” Great question from a usually confused man. I ask that question of those who read this column regarding the following fake news.

Alfred Kinsey is thought to have been a great, dedicated scientist whose work at Indiana University dealing with human sexuality was classic. However, that is fake news. He was an expert in bugs, not bodies; wasps, not women; moths, not men. Time magazine concluded an article declaring, “Kinsey…has done for sex what Columbus did for geography.” Not hardly! Columbus knew where he wanted to go but didn’t know how to get there; however, he provided mankind with facts about the unknown world. Kinsey knew where he wanted to go and he got there: he wanted to convince sane people that any kind of sex is acceptable, at any age. He succeeded with deliberately flawed and fraudulent information intended to mislead.

Kinsey was weird as a child and it continued into adulthood. As a young man, he initially forced drinking straws, pipe cleaners, pencils, and finally toothbrushes into his urethra to punish himself for having homosexual feelings! He continued doing that with toothbrushes for the rest of his life. Then, he circumcised himself without anesthesia! That is the sex expert people rave about. America has been snookered with false news about sex!

Kinsey’s two books have been quoted by textbook authors as undisputed truth and generations have accepted his mistakes, myths, and madness as scholarship. But Kinsey’s work was not only flawed, and false, but a fraud. His two books on human sexuality are fraught with error, insufficient research, flawed research, even corrupt research. He was in fact, a prominent, pathetic, pedophilic professor who taught that children are sexual from their birth and are “unharmed by sex with adults.”

The above information is supported by The Lancet, vol. 337, 3/2/91, p. 547: “In Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, Dr. Judith A. Reisman and her colleagues demolish the foundations of the two reports … Kinsey et al … questioned an unrepresentative proportion of prison inmates and sex offenders in a survey of ‘normal’ sexual behavior. Presumably some at least of those offenders were also the sources of information on stimulation to orgasm in young children that can only have come from pedophiles–or so it must be hoped. Kinsey…. has left his former co-workers some explaining to do.” But his co-workers did not explain; they only stonewalled.

Please understand that the British medical journal Lancet is charging that Kinsey chose prisoners and sex offenders to study human sexuality and he presented his work as representing normal people! Kinsey proved a basic law: false data produces false results.

Lazy writers quote him without question and his work is still accepted by a generation that likes his fake conclusions: any kind of sex is acceptable, appropriate, and not abnormal. He showed his depravity when he said, “The only unnatural sexual act is that which you cannot perform.” His fake results laid a solid foundation for the Playboy Philosophy. What a shock: the messengers, the message, and the methodology were flawed resulting in twisted, tainted, and troubled generations.

Kinsey’s “scientific research” purported to prove that even infant children were sexual beings capable of having pleasurable sexual experiences with adults! And those adults would be able to lead them into fulfilling sexual activity! Kinsey is now known to have been a sexual pervert and child abuser. He and his staff orally and manually stimulated to orgasm hundreds of children from age two months to fifteen years! He called it research but honest people call it child abuse and false information.

Dr. Judith A. Reisman is the heroin who courageously exploded the facts about the two Kinsey Reports (1948 and 1953) that uninformed people tout as ground-breaking when they were fake news of the worst sort.

Nelson Mandela was a former president of South Africa, member of the Communist African National Congress, and hero to most people but he was arrested and spent 27 years in a South African prison not as a civil rights fighter but for sabotage (and other crimes). When arrested he had on his person an article in his own handwriting, “Why I am a Good Communist.”

The white government offered him his freedom many times if he would renounce terror and violence but he refused and continued his prison sentence and enhanced his reputation as a weird kind of martyr. But white liberals are fearful of the truth and continue to produce fake news perpetuating the false information that Mandela was a highly principled man for all people to emulate. That is fake information intended to mislead.

Martin Luther King, Jr. had courage but little character. He made a contribution to the civil rights cause but few newsmakers are willing to tell the truth about his philandering, his plagiarism, and his prevarication. The young college students, some who died, were the real heroes of the civil rights movement while many of the leaders were more interested in a “buck and a broad” than in anyone’s civil rights. As the veteran activist Michael Harrington delicately phrased it, the movement was “not at all a sour-faced, pietistic” endeavor. “Everybody was out getting laid. Or trying to.”

The London Daily Mail (Aug. 30, 2013) reported, “Leading one of the most astonishing double lives in history, King was not just the Bible-thumping champion of the rights of man, but also an inveterate womaniser who cheated on his wife throughout their marriage.” So, slowly the media are willing to tell the truth about King even as they promote his contributions to the civil rights movement. In fact, the Daily Mail article paralleled much of my eBook, Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character, Not His Color! available at

King slept with some of his church members as reported by the Daily Mail: “Sleeping with female members was the norm rather than the exception and King himself admitted that he didn’t know a single black preacher who was chaste.” That was a slander to the black preachers I know who are godly, committed preachers or maybe it says something about the preachers with whom King was associated.

One more bit of fake news that will test the character of readers who are committed to truth. In dealing with this subject, I take the chance of losing friends while I hand my critics a chain saw and climb out on a limb: It is fake news that six millions Jews were slaughtered in Hitler’s concentration camps! Now, the skinheads and Jew haters will probably run with this to the extreme and all Holocaust Deniers will be encouraged in their extremist views. Hitler was a rabid hater and be wary of those who try to explain, excuse, and exonerate him from his bloodbath of Europe. But, those interested in truth need not fear to admit that the original six million deaths was an overstatement by the Soviet Union. No principled person should be fearful of truth. Whatever the number killed, Hitler was still a monster.

The Polish government’s Auschwitz State Museum along with Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Center have conceded that the 4 million figure inscribed on a memorial plaque at Auschwitz was a gross exaggeration. It was removed and the authorities changed the total to 1.1 million deaths “of all causes.” Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer said in 1989 that it is time to finally acknowledge the familiar four million figure [at Auschwitz] is a deliberate myth.

The Daily Telegraph for July 17, 1990 reported, “Auschwitz Deaths Reduced to a Million”; and the Washington Times of July 17, 1990 declared, “Poland Reduces Auschwitz Death Toll Estimate to 1 Million” No informed, honest person speaks or writes of six million Jews killed in Nazi camps.

One reason false prophets have been so successful with their fake news is because of a failing church. Pastors have simply failed to teach people to think for themselves, do their own research, commit to truth whatever the cost, and be willing to take a stand if they stand alone. In other words, modern church members are usually non-readers, non-thinkers, and non-doers. Moreover, many pastors feel less threatened when members don’t think.
Some of the information in this column has been offensive to some readers but it is better to disturbed by the truth than deceived by error.

What will you do with the truth? When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do?

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Major Media Refuse to Honestly Deal with Evolution! Wed, 02 Mar 2016 01:15:55 +0000 Everyone knows that active creationist Christians usually do not get a fair, honest, and balanced hearing of their views on origins. When honest people demand that creation be considered along with the guess of evolution, evolutionists’ knees jerk incessantly (left ones of course). It seems it is not destructive for students to be exposed to all kinds of kinky sexual activity, death education, feminism, transgenderism, socialism, etc., but it is destructive, divisive, and dangerous for them to inquire into the various theories of origins! I am shocked, shocked that the media and liberal groups have come down on the side of bigotry and intolerance!

ABC News commissioned me to write an article for their website on the evolutionary controversy when state school districts were considering a balanced presentation of origins. I wrote the article, and then rewrote it to conform to their space guidelines, but it never showed up on their website. I was told that it was “too militant,” and the readers couldn’t comprehend it! Isn’t that interesting? I pointed out that famous evolutionists have called Creationists “kooky,” “yahoos,” “stupid,” “liars,” “not to be trusted in any way,” “ignorant,” “insane,” and a “gang of ignorant crackpots.” Yet, I’m too militant!

Yes, I am militant, mad, but not malicious; after all, this a war, but the problem is that I put the evolutionists on the spot! And, of course, the media elite are, for the most part, evolutionists, so I am attacking them when I attack evolution. They don’t have answers so they suck their thumbs and whine about creationists being militant and unfair! Their accusing a Creationist of being unfair is like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath!

I pointed out that ABC News could have asked me to “tone it down” a bit since they don’t like militancy unless it is from screaming feminists, radical Blacks or homosexual activists. The fact is, as I told my ABC contact, the network is guilty of suppression, if not official censorship! Bigotry! Intolerance! Gasp! Is it possible for ABC to be guilty of such atrocious sins?

About the same time I had my differences with ABC, a letter from a university professor was published in USA Today that had to be dealt with in the interest of fairness, reasonableness, and balance. But the “nation’s newspaper” was not interested in fairness, reasonableness, and balance. They refused to publish my reply. Surprise, surprise, surprise! It is interesting that USA Today paid me for eight years to write columns for them on various subjects but they refused to publish this pro-creation, anti-evolution piece for free! I’m not sure there is a connection but have you noticed that since I refused to write anymore for them, the paper has become almost like one of the weekly give-aways? (OK, just a little self-serving, but an interesting observation.)

Creationists are often called “Bible-thumpers” but I seldom thump my Bible. Well, now and then a few thumps, but not really hard ones. What ABC and USA Today don’t want is to put evolutionists on the spot. The paper did publish an excellent column but it did not deal with the scientific reasons to reject evolution. It could not do so in less than 600 words, but they can say, “Hey, we published a rebuttal to the evolutionist.” That is devious, deceptive, and dishonest; but it is standard operating procedure for the secular media.

The professor’s letter in USA Today seemed to reveal that he had not read anything on the subject of creation/evolution in the last 25 years! The average layman is not expected to be aware of the scientific literature, but it is outrageous for a college professor, who takes it upon himself to speak to the issue, to be so uninformed.

The professor relied on hyperbole to convince the uninformed that his philosophy/religion (not science since it doesn’t meet the definition of science) of evolution is a fact. He compared evolution to gravity, which exposed his desperation. Then he said that evolution is not controversial among mainstream scientists and “among most of the general population.” John must be living in a cave!

Why should creationism be taught in schools? Because that’s the way man arrived on the planet! Creationists believe a sovereign God created everything out of nothing, while most evolutionists and atheists believe nothing created everything out of nothing! Or, nothing became something and something became everything! I choose to believe, “In the beginning, God created….” I choose to believe that because Scripture and science support that fact.

Some facts: The People for the American Way admitted that most Americans want both evolution and creationism taught in public schools. Huffington Post reported that only 15% of Americans believe that man arrived on this planet through evolution without God having any part of the process. The remaining 85% believed in creationism or God-directed evolution. A recent poll asked, “Since the universe has organization, I think there is a Creator who designed it.” More than 72% of Americans agreed!

According to USA Today, scientist Eugenie Scott was appalled that some of our presidential candidates also believe in fairness, reasonableness, and balance. I debated Eugenie at least twice and on Pat Buchanan’s radio show where she admitted that God could have created the universe!

Well, that was a huge concession for an avid evolutionist, and most evolutionists will not willingly go to the origins issue. They have to be pushed there. They want to jump over “billions of years” to Darwin’s mythical “warm, little pond.” Well, I’m ready wade in that pond of which there is not a shred of evidence but I first want to know where the pond came from! Where did the earth come from? What about the universe? Evolutionists stampede away from that issue as if their hair was on fire!

The media think they are sophisticated even scholarly in promoting evolution; however, they are only proving what most people have known for years: they are incompetent, irresponsible, inept, imbalanced, and insincere.

Additionally, they are the most overpaid people east of Hollywood.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Christian Website Goes Ballistic Over my Column Dealing with Christianity Today and Martin Luther King! Mon, 14 Jan 2013 05:42:49 +0000 My column, “Can Christianity Today and Chuck Colson Handle the Truth About MLK?” was totally on target, without error. In fact, almost all my charges were supported by King’s people in Atlanta, King’s very friendly biographer, King’s best friend, FBI tapes, etc. However, my column was politically incorrect. But then, I thought the media, especially Christian media, were interested in the truth. You know, we put it out there for public consumption and let the chips fall. That’s the way it used to be, but not today. However, it is disappointing, discouraging, and disastrous when Christians, like a recent critic, go weak, wimpy, and wobbly in face of the truth. I just had a Christian website publisher refuse to deal with the truth of my column or answer my charges.

An evangelical leader of a news website used his hatchet on my blonde scalp, not sure if he wanted to scalp me or decapitate me. Evidently he couldn’t handle the truth just like Christianity Today and Chuck Colson! Too bad, but I removed him from my master list and because of his diatribe, I have developed a way that will hopefully guarantee that he will not get back on.

I thought news websites would want to receive timely and controversial columns but evidently not so. However, I will answer his diatribe since he needs to read it; but he doesn’t have the guts or courage to reply in a sane, sensible, and scriptural way. Everyone knows you can’t defend the indefensible–-

You said that you could quote Scripture to answer me but please note that you did not. Then you intimated that I would not accept your answer unless it came from the KJV; however, you are wrong, but then, I suppose that happens often to you. Yes, I believe the KJV is inerrant, infallible, as well as inspired. (Remember when all Bible believers believed and used those terms?) That does not mean that I would not use many passages in other versions, especially since many verses are almost the same as the KJV. You probably don’t know, but many years ago many evangelists often preached a sermon from the Catholic Bible or the Jehovah Witness Bible, etc., and many people were saved from that preaching. Yes, there are some KJV people who would not do that but it was common in the past. So, you made a wrong assumption about me.

You sarcastically wrote, “I can never figure out just which version of the KJV you guys deem actually from God” suggesting a major difference in the revisions, but obviously you are uninformed. There were revisions done in 1629, 1638, 1762, and in 1769 that were, for the most part, correcting printing errors, using different fonts, updating spelling, and some modernizing of words that were obsolete. KJV haters often imply that there were major differences in the various early revisions, but that is untrue.

You characterized my column with a movie quote: “What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul!” Now, I assume from that quote, that you did not like what I wrote. Too bad, you were not honest and competent enough to point out where I was wrong. But then you did not because you could not. If you could, you would or at least you should. Any moron knows that.

I haven’t been to a movie since 1951, so I had to research what movie you were quoting. Not being very fluent, you chose “Billy Madison,” a vulgar, vile, and vain movie, to express your distaste for my column and me. For sure, it was a little less than Shakespearean!

It seems my simple pleading for truth about Martin Luther King was more offensive than the movie’s vulgar dialogue! Were you indignant at such language in the movie? Did you walk out? Were any children with you? Were you embarrassed, even a little? Did you think of the statement Bible preachers used to make like, “Would you be embarrassed and ashamed if the rapture took place while you were there?” Oh, but maybe you don’t believe in the rapture, sorry for the assumption, but surely you believe in purity. Well, at least you believe in Hollywood!

It is obvious that you only have a little knowledge as is evidenced by your statement that we Fundamentalists think to “be separate” from the world means to attend an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. I’m a lifetime fundamental Baptist and I have never heard that before! Never! We do preach, as did the Apostle Paul (remember him?), that Christians are to be apart from the world. We should be Christian in our talk, our walk, our dress, our entertainment, our business, our family life and so on without being nuts. We are supposed to be peculiar (I Pet. 2:9) without being odd.

Is that a strange teaching? It may be for New Evangelicals but for those who are committed to the fundamentals of the Bible, it is normal Christian living.

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The Dirty Little Secret: Palestinians Don’t Exist! Mon, 08 Oct 2012 01:39:18 +0000 There is no such group as the Palestinian people. They have never existed, do not exist now, and will not exist in the future. They are the only people in all history that came into existence in a single day! This was admitted by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist: “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?” He added that he did not mind Jordanian rule.
He and his compatriots were Jordanians “until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians.” Shoebat was saying that when the Jews re-took their historic and biblical homeland, the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created out of thin air and promoted worldwide. The gullible media, too lazy to do the research, still spouts the PLO line about the “Palestinian people.”

It is political humbug. Those people who are identified as “Palestinians” are simply refugees from Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. However, there are millions of these people who were born in refugee camps and have been taught they are “Palestinians.” But they are not. In 1948 and the1950s, displaced Arabs lived in abject squalor in refugee camps (supposed to be temporary) under the custodial care of the United Nations. Muslim leaders did not care about them until it became politically expedient to do so. There are no Palestinian people, or history, or culture, or coinage, or language, or uncovered artifacts. Palestinians don’t exist and never have. Muslims and media that promote “Palestinians” are repeating a falsehood and resisting the facts.

It must be emphasized that God loves Arabs as much as He does Jews; however, Jews have a special place in His plan. His plan was to redeem man through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son. Those “Palestinian” leaders who spout hatred for every non-Muslim are loved by God even if men have trouble loving them.

Israel was originally called the “land of Canaan” (Gen. 12:5), the “land of Israel” (1 Sam. 13:19), and the “land of Judah” (Isa. 19:17). The first century Jews had a thing about being under the thumb of the Romans (or anyone) so they seethed in constant hatred and rebellion against their oppressors. The Roman Emperor Hadrian was understandably (from his totalitarian view) displeased with the rebellious Jews and wanted to erase the name of Israel and Judah from history and the face of the Earth. He decided to ridicule them by renaming the land of Israel, “Syria Palaestina” identifying them with their hated enemy, the Philistines. Whatever Rome called the land, the Jews were still Jews.

It is from the term “Philistines” that the name “Palestinians” has been taken. Emperor Hadrian knew that Philistines were ancient enemies of the Jews and therefore the emperor showed his hatred and spite by giving Israel a new obnoxious name. Philistines were not Arabs (and were in fact, invaders from Crete) and there is no mention of Palestine until the first century. Palestinians are not mentioned in the Bible or Koran because they did not exist until after 1967.

In 135 Hadrian put down a Jewish rebellion by killing 580,000 Jews, leveled 985 villages and 50 fortified towns. That is why Jewish writers always refer to him by saying, “may his bones be crushed.” Psalm 83:3-4 probably prophesied Hadrian’s oppressive actions: “They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.”

It didn’t work and never will work. Zachariah 2:8 warns: “For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.” Jews, even while in rebellion, are special to God. Jews are forever!

God promised (and warned) in Genesis 12:3: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.” Hitler and all Jew-haters discovered that verse to be literally true.” Earlier Americans learned that truth while Muslim nations have not. The results are obvious.

The “Palestinians” are bogus, a political show, and it’s time to pull the curtain on the charade.

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