Mohammed – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Traditional Muslims are Dishonest, Dangerous, and Deadly Whether in Iran, Iraq, or America! Wed, 15 Jan 2020 17:58:23 +0000 Peaceful nations have nothing to fear from backslidden Muslims (moderates) but traditional Muslims (whether Sunni at 940 million, Shiite at 120 million, or the other offshoots) are zealots with an obligation to convert the world to a massive caliphate. While the various sects have a hot, holy hatred for each other, they will temporarily suppress the desire to send other Muslims to Paradise so they can kill the infidels (non-Muslims) and establish a global caliphate.

Syria is a very unique country: primarily a Sunni nation with a strong Shiite minority. President Assad belongs to the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam that is supported by Iranian Shiites. This love affair between Iranian and Syrian Shiites is the reason the area is a bubbling volcano.

The Sunni sect thrives in most Islamic nations (Syria 85%, Saudi Arabia 90%, Egypt 90%, Jordan 90%, Turkey 65%) while the Shiites dominate Iran 90% and Iraq 65%. Hatred between Sunnis and Shiites going back to the death of Mohammed and his successor is currently expressed in the tragic Yemen (Iran’s proxy) war funded by Saudi and the U.S. with massive arms sales by the U.S. and Britain.

Saudi Arabia and the U.S. should stop the slaughter in Yemen and let Saudi and Yemen (Iran) settle their own religious and political differences.

An honest writer will always write the truth about Islam (and all things) and will never refuse to expose a lie. Fact: Islam is the Jonestown Cult without the Kool-Aid. It is dishonest, dangerous, and deadly.

Islam has a 1400-year history and has two “holy” books that clearly delineate what they believe; however, most people refuse to read them. Moreover, numerous Muslim scholars have expounded on their holy books so the dullest person has no excuse to be deceived into thinking Islam is a peaceful religion. People who believe that failed World History—in high school.

Moreover, they obviously know nothing about world events in the last 20 years.

And for college graduates to believe that traditional Islam is peaceful, requires a huge gulp of Kool-Aid.

Islam was started by an illiterate moon worshiper named Mohammed (spelled many different ways)—a pagan, slave-holding, sexist, thieving pedophile. If gasping Progressives will correct me, my apologies will follow.

Muslims have boasted how slowly Christianity gained prominence while Islam gained prominence so quickly. I pointed out that Christ’s basic message is love and Mohammed’s is hate. Christians used the Word while Muslims used a sword to conquer.

Muslims are still altering nations as free nations are being overwhelmed by Muslim immigrants who are swiftly changing the nations’ cultures. England is no longer England. France is no longer France. Germany is no longer Germany. And America is no longer America. Many don’t think that matters but I do. Moreover, we are fools if we don’t recognize the enemy among us.

I authored ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! in 2003 with second and third editions in 2009 and 2012 suggesting “the day [is] coming when our glorious Republic will only be remembered as a noble experiment between the great oceans. In kindness, we have permitted aliens inside our nation who have no intention of being absorbed into our ‘melting pot.’ They believe in the ‘salad bowl’ theory. Muslims will not adopt our ways and be assimilated into our culture. They are determined to change our culture, laws, and religion as they have in England, France, and other nations.”

I first wrote that in 2003. It is far worse than I anticipated. European nations have never seen such a massive sea change in their culture as observed by the invasion of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. If American leaders would simply open their eyes, they could see the same thing happening here. It is almost too late to stop the massive shift in our national life.

There are 3000 mosques in America and 80% of them are controlled by the most extreme Wannabee sect in Saudi Arabia. It is interesting that there is not one church, of any kind, in Saudi Arabia! I have challenged Muslims and US progressives who are so sensitive about equality and diversity and fairness to help me start the Trinity Baptist Church in Mecca but I’ve had no response from the self-righteous hypocrites.

Most politicians are too gutless to read and acknowledge the facts. It is much easier to question my sanity, my sincerity, my ability, and my parentage than to respond honestly.

The Hamas Charter demands that “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it”; therefore, all Hamas followers are obligated to drive Israel into the sea. The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei agreed, “Israel is a cancerous tumour that should be cut and will be cut.” It is significant that Psalms 83:4 revealed this hatred millennia ago: “They have said, ‘Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more.’”

The biggest mistake and most dangerous mistake being made by the world’s leading politicians is their statement: “Radical Islamic terrorists are the nation’s biggest problem.” That is not true: Islam is their biggest and most dangerous problem. There is little to fear from a backslidden Muslim.

Yasir Kazi is not a backslidden Muslim but an American imam (Ph.D. from Yale) and former professor at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. He has taught that Christians are “filthy” in the sight of Allah. He compared us to feces and urine saying we are the “most evil of evils.” But that’s his mildest charge against us. This dude has been characterized by The New York Times magazine as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.” What else does that “conservative” teach? He tells his students to rape, steal, and murder any who do not convert to Islam, yet he has never been arrested!

Imam Mohamad Adam el-Sheikh, Ph.D. from Temple University, told the Washington Post that suicide bombings are acceptable “if certain Muslims are to be cornered where they cannot defend themselves…” He is also the head of the Islamic Judiciary Council of the Shari’ah Scholars’ Association of North America. Few Americans know that such a group exists. Sharia law is based on the Koran and the Hadith, the sayings and actions of Mohammed.

Many Muslims believe they should live under their religious law and not under state or federal laws. Some states have passed laws making it illegal for any court to consider any foreign laws in making decisions. Since Muslims consider sharia law as divine and cannot be changed, a major train wreck is ahead.

Zee News reported that a female Muslim professor at Islam’s most prestigious university said Muslim men are permitted to rape non-Muslim women and enslave them. “Allah allows Muslims to rape non-Muslim women in order to humiliate them, claims Islamic professor,” Try to find any US Muslim leader (even among the most moderate) who renounced and repudiated her claim.

Most people are fearful of criticizing, even questioning Muslims since they are a preferred, protected, and pampered class thanks to a gutless media and know-nothing academia.

World leaders have displayed political correctness and personal cowardice in dealing with Islam, becoming tools for Muslims to advance their cause. Such leaders will be recognized as cheerleaders for their own destruction. Leaders who are afraid of adverse public opinion and being labeled “conservative” (gasp!) or “Fundamentalist” (gasp! gasp!) are moral cripples who are not aware of their limp and crooked walk.

Such leaders, in crises, are as useless as a milking stool under a bull.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Hypocritical Democrats Charge Trump With Anti-Semitism While Giving Muslims a Pass! Thu, 01 Nov 2018 15:28:35 +0000 I have noticed in recent months that President Donald Trump has been blamed for disastrous weather, racism, mass shootings, a hostile citizenry, radicalizing more people than ISIS, and now anti-Semitism that resulted in murder of innocent Jews in the presumed safety of their synagogue. However, that opinion is obviously biased partisanship on the part of political opponents and radical leftist media—but then I repeat myself.

No one wants to really discuss hatred of Jews as expressed from the local mosques to the haters in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, et al. While all reasonable people believe in free speech, even offensive speech, no sane person can defend Muslim leaders who belch out poisonous pronouncements against Jews and Christians. Why the inconsistently? Of course, those on the left are notorious for their inconsistency.

When Mohammed pointed his toes upward as he anticipated seeing his assigned 72 green-eyed virgins, his followers began fighting for leadership of the nascent religion. He died (some scholars say poisoned by his favorite wife, Aisha) while cursing Christians and Jews and his invective had poisoned his followers. He had often proved his animus toward Jews and Christians by killing those critical of him. One such critic was Kab, a Jewish poet and Mohammed had him killed. Following the murder of Kab, Mohammed ordered, “Kill any Jew who falls into your power.”

As he built his army, having been booted from his home town Mecca but now in control in Medina, Mohammed discovered that Jewish towns were an easy and rich target. He and his holy robbers started attacking their settlements, especially those that specialized in gold and silver. Mohammed continued to raid Meccan caravans with sporadic success. Back at Mohammed’s hometown of Mecca there was concern that he was “getting too big for his britches,” so they attacked him. In 627, the Meccans were besieging Medina and the Battle of the Trench followed. Some Jews helped in defense of the city, but most were neutral. Mohammed questioned their loyalty, and after the battle, he had all the Jews in the crosshairs. He said that the judgment of God was, “the Jews shall be killed.”

During the night, ditches were dug across the market place of the city. In the morning, Mohammed ordered the male captives to be brought forth in companies of five or six at a time. Each company was forced to sit in a row on the edge of the trench (mass grave) and each captive was beheaded. The bodies were cast in the trench. Some of the women were given to his troops and others sold into slavery. The butchery lasted all day and into the night with the killing of more than 800 Jewish men. After the killing spree was over, Mohammed relieved his stress by sleeping with Rihana whose husband and all male relatives had just been beheaded! War is so stressful! And civilization marches on.

Of course, the above massacre (admitted by Muslim and Western historians) was very profitable. After Mohammed squirreled away his normal 20% of the booty, the rest was divided among his followers. And he got more followers. After all, ladies, loot, and land were available for the taking, and they took.

The above massacre is denied by some uninformed or dishonest Muslims, but it is a fact of history recorded in the New Encyclopedia Britannica: “Some of the evidence against him such as his connivance at assassinations and his approval of the execution of the men of a Jewish clan, are historical matters that cannot be denied.”

With the beheading of over 800 Jewish men following the Battle of the Trench, Muslims tried to make the most from a very bad experience and suggest that it was a battlefield decision. We are told the Jews were the enemy and suffered the brutal results of war but not so. The Jews were not involved in the fighting. Mohammed simply was not satisfied with their lack of enthusiasm for the battle. He hated Jews and so do his followers today.

The Koran is rife with hatred for Jews. Sura 2.88 says, “Our hearts are covered. Nay, Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief; so little it is that they believe.” Sura 5.51 commands, “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends.” Sura 5.60 reveals that Allah turned Jews into “apes and swine.”

Through the centuries, Muslims have made a conscious decision to only tolerate Jews and Christians. Often, they also humiliated them by forbidding them to ride horses (jackasses and mules permitted); their homes and houses of worship could not be as high or as elaborate as Islamic buildings; and often Jews could not hold public office. Over the course of more than ten centuries, the use of a special badge to mark Jews was to subdue and humiliate them. In the middle ages, Catholic bishops and, eventually, Nazi leaders did the same thing in occupied Europe.

Benny Morris writes that one symbol of Jewish degradation was the phenomenon of stone-throwing at Jews by Muslim children. Morris quotes a 19th-century traveler: “I have seen a little fellow of six years old, with a troop of fat toddlers of only three and four, teaching [them] to throw stones at a Jew, and one little urchin would, with the greatest coolness, waddle up to the man and literally spit upon his Jewish gaberdine [outer coat often worn by Jews]. To all this the Jew is obliged to submit; it would be more than his life was worth to offer to strike a Mahommedan.” (Morris, Benny, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881–2001.)

Speaking at a conference on anti-Semitism in Israel recently, the UK’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said something that would not normally be expressed among liberal interfaith circles in Britain: “The threat to Judaism and Jews from the world of Islam is one which can only be cured from within the world of Islam. And the leaders of Islam have to take a stand.”

Thus far, the Islamic stand on Jewish persecution has been like a chicken with two broken legs.

The hadiths are even more vicious than the Koran in anathematizing the Jews as revealed by Schweitzer and Perry: “They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odor emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent.” (Schweitzer, Frederick M. and Perry, Marvin, Anti-Semitism: myth and hate from antiquity to the present.)

It is no surprise that Jews are being persecuted today since that is their history. They have been the scapegoat for various plagues, natural disasters, drought, and any anomaly of nature. Muslims must share much of the blame for the vile, vicious, and vulgar treatment of Jews, but few are willing to put Muslims under the bright light of truth.

Instead of casting stones at President Trump, it is time to cast a few questions at the brutal, bloody, barbaric, and backward religion of Islam. The Democrat leadership should ask the Council on American-Islam Relations (CAIR) the following questions since they speak for all Muslims in America:

1. Does Israel have a right to exist as a free nation within secure borders?
2. Do you consider Jews to be “apes and swine”?
3. Will you repudiate all vicious statements made by anyone against Jews?
4. Will you repudiate the shelling of Jerusalem by radical Muslims in Gaza?
5. Will you challenge and renounce the statement in the Hamas Charter that declares, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it”?
6. Will you denounce the former President of Egypt who said in 1967, “Israel has continued too long… the battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel”?
7. Will you disavow the President of Iran in 2012 who said, “Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be ‘eliminated’”?
8. Will you disavow, dismiss, and denounce the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s 2012 statement that “Israel is a cancerous tumour that should be cut and will be cut”?

If CAIR refuses to make it clear where they stand on mistreatment, malevolence, and murder of Jews all over the world, then most people of goodwill will consider them sanctimonious hypocrites and the enemy of all people of goodwill.

And I suggest that the Democrats and media moguls stop blaming President Trump for everything including sun spots, leprosy, El Niño, black holes, and dandruff.

Today’s news report that Barbra Streisand accused Trump of making her fat. I kid you not!


Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Surely, Muslims Don’t Believe THAT! Thu, 09 Aug 2018 00:55:59 +0000 When U.S. cities are in flames, the economy is in a deadly spiral, and many innocent Muslims are killed by the “moderates” (and by outraged non-Muslims), the left’s pandering toward all things Muslim will be discarded as quickly as long underwear in a Texas heat-wave.

Modern Muslims are having a difficult, even impossible task, of explaining the outrageous teachings of Mohammed, a desert Bedouin who could neither read nor write. However, to continue their power grab, Muslims must continue to defend a castle in ruins.

As more non-Muslims read the Hadith, it becomes more and more difficult for Muslims to defend their teachings since they contain so much nonsense as documented below.

Mohammed, always the virulent anti-Semite, taught that a group of Jews had been literally transformed into rats! Narrated Abu Huraira: “The prophet said, “a group of Israelites was lost. Nobody knows what they did. But I do not see them except that they were cursed and transformed into rats….” (Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 524.) The footnote to this hadith reveals, “Later on, the prophet was informed through inspiration about the fate of those Israelites: They were transformed into pigs and monkeys.” So declare Muslim scholars!

Faithful Muslims are promised that they will be protected from poison or major powers if they eat seven dates every morning. (See Vol. 7, Book 65, No. 356.) However, that didn’t help Mohammed because he was poisoned by one of his wives and died a slow, painful death as he cursed Christians and Jews.

It is permissible for Muslims to eat non-Muslim human flesh according to top Islamic scholars and the major Muslim educational institution Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. The university has produced a high school curriculum that teaches cannibalism to teen students! According to the Hadith, “One may eat the flesh of a human body. It is not allowed to kill a Muslim nor a free non-Muslim under Muslim rule (because he is useful for the society), nor a prisoner because he belongs to other Muslims. But you may kill an enemy fighter or an adulterer and eat his body.” (Vol. 1, p. 716, Al-Kortoby.)

Additional instructions are not provided as to whether the use of knife and fork are required when eating human flesh or whether table manners are required except for the general instruction that after a meal, you must lick your hand before you wipe it with a cloth. Narrated Ibn Abbas: “The prophet said, ‘When you eat, do not wipe your hand till you have licked it, or had it licked by somebody else.’” (Vol. 7, Book No. 366.)

Surely high class Bedouins would do their own licking, but who knows!

Mohammed taught that angels curse any woman who refuses to sleep with her husband: Narrated Abu Huraira: “Allah’s messenger said, ‘If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e. have sexual relation) and she refuses and curses him in anger, the angels will curse her till morning.’” (Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 460.) Evidently, the angels always stop cursing for breakfast.

For a while, Mohammad allowed what is called Mut’a, temporary marriages for Muslims to satisfy their sexual desires. Narrated Abdullah: “We used to participate in the holy wars carried on by the prophet and we had no women (wives) with us. So we said (to the prophet) ‘Shall we castrate ourselves?’ But the prophet forbade us to do that and thenceforth he allowed us to marry a woman (temporarily) by giving her even a garment….” (Vol. 6, Book 60, No. 139.) The “temporary” marriage has been an embarrassment for some Muslims from the beginning.

Mohammed actually believed that inanimate objects could actually speak and feel, and do other things that humans do. Narrated Abdullah bin Umar: “Allah’s messenger said, ‘You (i.e. Muslims) will fight against the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, ‘O Abdallah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.’” Sure!

According to Mohammed, when angels pray they say, “O Allah! Forgive him, as long as he keeps on sitting at his praying place and does not pass wind.” (Vol. 1, Book 8, No. 466.) Wow, Mohammed sure knew what was important, didn’t he.

Do educated Muslims really believe such outrageous things? The two major Islamic groups, the Sunni and Shia accept the Hadith since much of what they believe and practice is revealed only in the Hadith. The Qur’anists are a small Islamic sect that only accept the Koran and totally reject the Hadith.

We find Mohammed making racist comments in regard to people with black skin. Narrated Anas bin Malik: “Allah’s messenger said, ‘You should listen to and obey your Imam (Muslim ruler), even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin.’” (Vol. 9, Book 89, No. 256 and Vol. 1, Book 11, No. 662.)

Mohammed also owned black slaves. For instance, Umar b. Al-Khattab came to Mohammed’s house and found that, “A black slave of Allah’s Apostle was sitting on the first step.” (Vol. 6, Book 60, No. 435.) No one has explained how Black Muslims can justify becoming Muslims when its founder was a slaveholder!

I also expect major media moguls to demand a repudiation of Mohammed as they are doing to major American military leaders and founders. Sure I do!

It is shocking to learn that Adam and Eve were 60 cubits (90 feet) tall! Narrated Abu Huraira: “The prophet said, ‘Allah created Adam, and his height was 60 cubits.’” (Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 543.) Furthermore, “All of them will look alike and will resemble their father Adam (in stature), sixty cubits tall.” (Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 544.)

Maybe Adam was the original Jolly Green Giant.

And Gabriel, the angel has more wings than body. Narrated Ibn Masûd: “He (Ibn Masûd) said that the prophet had seen Jibrael (Gabriel) having 600 wings.” (Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 455.)

Mohammed practiced medicine when he revealed the healing powers of the ordinary housefly. Narrated (Abu Huraira): “The prophet said, ‘If a housefly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease.’” (Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 537.) I suppose that might qualify as alternative medicine.

Here is exciting new information about a child’s birth. “As for the resemblance of the child to its parents; if a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets a discharge first, the child will resemble the father, and if the woman gets her discharge first, the child will resemble her.” (Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 546.) Ladies, better talk with your obstetrician about that before you get pregnant.

One “revelation” of Mohammed has even caused his most dedicated followers to blush. Mohammed taught that the sun rises in the West! “…but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the West.” (Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 421.) Desperate Muslim scholars try to explain that silly assertion by saying in a footnote: “The procedure of the sun mentioned in this Hadith and similar other things mentioned in the Quran like the prostration of the trees, herbs, and stars, etc. (v. 55:6) are beyond our limited knowledge of this universe. It is interpreted that these are mentioned so because of our limited understanding of the people at that time about the matters of the universe.”

Can’t you just feel their frustration as they try to wiggle out of this? Muslim scholars blame Mohammed’s stupid statements on their limited knowledge rather than admit that Mohammed was a raving maniac. He was nuttier than a Snicker’s Bar.

Mohammed gets in deeper when he says that the sun sets in murky water. “It sets in a spring of murky water, (then) it goes and prostrates before its Lord, the Exalted in Might and the Ever-Majestic, under the Throne.” Sure it does, only Galileo and Kepler didn’t know that.

Mohammed even ridiculed the penis of John the Baptist! Of course, I would like to know how Mohammed knew that personal informational about John since he lived about 600 years before Mohammed! This silly, vulgar tradition is recorded in Mahmoud Ayoub’s The Quran and its Interpreters, vol. II: The House of Imran: “…‘Everyone of the sons of Adam shall come on the day of resurrection with a sin [of sexual impropriety], except Yahya (John the Baptist) b. Zechariah.’ Then, picking up a tiny straw, he continued, ‘This is because his generative organ was no bigger than this straw.’”

Do intelligent Muslims really believe such poppycock? Do they even know the poppycock that is taught in the Koran and the Hadith?

It’s time for sane people to rush out of Islam into the arms of Christ who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Muslims Can Distort, Distract, and Deceive to Advance a World Caliphate! Wed, 01 Nov 2017 14:41:12 +0000 It seems America and the free world have been universally bullied, badgered, blackmailed into believing that Islam is a peaceful religion but the event this week in New York City proved otherwise. Every true Muslim is obligated to do his or her part in destroying free people as they build a world caliphate. Consequently, committed Muslims who worship and follow the Koran cannot be mainstreamed. Freedom and democracy are foreign concepts to them.

Islam is on a world crusade to subvert every nation and bring everyone under sharia. Anyone who challenges that fact is disingenuous, delusional, or dumb as a box of rocks. It is folly to challenge truth since it always prevails–sooner or later. Progressives and even Evangelical Christians haven’t learned that truth.

I have interviewed numerous Muslims all over the world and have written two books on the subject to document Islam’s world crusade.

Committed Muslims cannot be trusted. They are permitted to lie to further the cause of Islam. Being doubted and questioned makes it very difficult for non-fanatical Muslims to function in a free society since they are lumped along with the fanatics.

My emails and phone calls from hate-filled Muslims supports my contention and proves their mindset. From the beginning of one of my critic’s missives, I assumed we were not going to be friends. He wrote, “You are a hater and a bigot not because you ‘revealed the facts about Islam’ but because you are a complete dishonest, lying corrupt scum!” He was responding to my article dealing with Muslims having permission to lie if it furthers the cause of Islam. Being very perceptive, I assumed I was not one of his favorite persons.

A number of Koran and Hadith passages establish the religious authority of breaking oaths, lying, unilaterally violating treaties, and generally scheming against non-Muslims. It is not unfair or untruthful or unchristian to say that no Muslim can be trusted because of this doctrine of permissive lying known as Taqiyya!

A good example of Islamic lying is seen in the life of Mohammed who gave permission to one of his disciples to lie to facilitate the murder of a poet who had angered him: a follower asked Mohammed, “Would you like that I kill him?” Mohammed told him he would.

The follower said, “Then allow me to say a (false) thing i.e. to deceive Kab.”

Mohammed replied, “You may say it.” There, Mohammed approved lying and murder. (Sahih al-Bukhari 5.369.)

Mohammed authorized lying according to Bukhari, vol. 4, book 52, numbers 268–271 because “war is deceit” as a justification for him murdering unarmed prisoners after promising them safe passage. True Islam is evil with skin.

Bukhari (3:49:857) reveals, “He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar.” Muslims can “invent” information to advance Islam.

Bukhari also reveals that Muhammad said if he took an oath and later found something else better, he would do “what is better” and expiate his oath. Now you know how Muslim leaders say one thing in America or Europe and go back to their Muslim nations and say the opposite while speaking in Arabic.

There are three circumstances where lying is permitted by Muslims: “in battle, for bringing reconciliation amongst persons and the narration of the words of the husband to his wife, and the narration of the words of a wife to her husband (in a twisted form in order to bring reconciliation between them)” (Book 32, Number 6303).

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) insists that it “has not now or ever been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, or supported any covert, illegal, or terrorist activity or organization.” The truth is that ISNA was, in fact, created by the Muslim Brotherhood. Moreover, they have financially supported Hamas terrorists. At least nine of their leaders have been accused by prosecutors of supporting terrorism.

I am accused of not providing verses from the Koran that support Muslims’ lying, but the following prove my contention of Islam’s deception, duplicity, and dishonesty.

Allah tells his followers that they are released from liability to unbelievers. Sura 9:3 reveals, “And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters.” In other words, unbelievers don’t deserve fair and honest responses that Muslims deserve.

“Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts; and He is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing” (surah 2:225). Therefore, Muslims don’t have to be faithful to their oaths and Mohammed was an excellent example who broke his word and treaties whenever it benefited him.

Verse 226 deals with a man who takes an oath about not having sex with his wife (Al-‘lia) for a certain time but if he changes his mind, the oath is forgiven and he is released from his word.

“Allah hath made lawful for you (Muslims) absolution from your oaths (of such a kind), and Allah is your Protector. He is the Knower, the Wise” (surah 66:2).

Mohammed’s lying is the best example Muslims have to validate lying under certain circumstances. A quote from my book, ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! proves that Mohammed was a liar (who was also a thief, killer, slaver, and child molester): “With every month, Mohammed grew stronger as more converts showed up at his tent. (Ladies, loot, and land will do that.) Now was the time to take Mecca for good. A treaty was made between the leaders of Mecca and Mohammed whereby he and his followers could make the pilgrimage to the Kaaba; Mohammed could ‘preach some revivals’ but could not engage in any forced conversions. However, true to his lack of character, Mohammed broke the treaty within a year since he believed it was legitimate to fake a peace when you are weak so that you can smash your enemy when you are eventually strong.”

Mohammed was a liar and gave permission for his followers to lie to advance Islam. That lying is going on today to advance sharia in America.

Furthermore, surah 3:54, 8:30, and 10:21, reveal that Allah is “the best deceiver”!

If your god cannot be trusted, then you are in big trouble! Can you be sure you will have 72 virgins after all!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Indianapolis Muslims are Devious, Disingenuous, or Dishonest! Fri, 09 Jun 2017 02:29:28 +0000 Muslims in Indianapolis are having a hissy fit over a billboard that reveals some facts about the life of Mohammed.

I know something about Indianapolis since I lived there for 30 years. I was administrator of a large Christian school and was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives. In 1960, I pastored a small church down the street from where the offensive billboard is located.

I also know something about Islam since I have written two books on the subject and discussed the subject hundreds of times on talk shows, interviews, and messages. My first Islam book was Islam: America’s Trojan Horse! and a recent book is Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! Both titles reveal the gist of each book.

I interviewed Muslim clerics in Indianapolis for my first Islam book and the results were shocking. In that interview, “I asked, ‘Are you willing to characterize the suicidal bombers as homicidal bombers?’ I thought I might get such an admission; however, I got much more than I expected. One of their most respected leaders calmly asserted that they ‘were freedom fighters.’ He confirmed this statement a few weeks later by telephone. ‘They are freedom fighters.’” That is proof that some ‘moderate’ Muslims are supportive of terrorism.

That dude, who defends killing innocent people, could be rubbing elbows with my grandchildren in the Greenwood Mall as I write!

That is one time a Muslim leader was not devious, disingenuous, or dishonest! He told the truth as to what they believe. However, leading politicians and even conservative religious leaders refuse to understand that all dedicated Muslims are seeking to control America.

The offensive billboard was correct. One news source wrote that it “insults Prophet Mohammed.” USA Today reported that the message is “offensive and untrue;” however, just because it is offensive does not mean it is untrue. The statement is true, but no one is dealing with that fact. Everyone seems to be concerned with Muslim feelings. Frankly, I am weary of being so sensitive of Muslim feelings especially when most of them don’t seem to care about the destruction they are wreaking upon America.

The billboard was headed, “The Perfect Man” followed by six bullets: *Married 6 year old *Slave owner & dealer *Rapist *Beheaded 600 Jews in one day *13 wives, 11 at one time *Tortured & killed unbelievers. No one has pointed out that Mohammed’s name is not mentioned nor is Islam mentioned. So, why did the Muslims get their knickers in a knot unless they know what every history book teaches about Mohammed?

NBC quoted a Muslim puppet: “These are completely false statements,” said Rima Shahid, executive director of the Muslim Alliance of Indiana, who found out about the billboard through an anonymous tip. She added, “I’d really like people to read about the seven points that are mentioned on the billboard because you’ll find that none of them are true.”

All the statements were true except the reference to Mohammed as “The Perfect Man.” At least everyone who has taken a World History class knows that. But then, many major universities don’t require history of their students. But even an intelligent Christian high school student or homeschooler is aware of the truth of the statements.

Frankly, the billboard really understates most of the facts. Mohammed did marry a six-year-old girl but waited until she was nine to consummate the “marriage.” After all, it might be classified as child abuse if he had sex with a six-year-old! He was a slave owner; he was a rapist; he did order the beheading of at least 600 Jews in one day although some historians report that it was 800!

And those Jews were not combatants, only people who did not give Mohammed the support he expected during a battle. Most historians report that he had more than 13 wives, concubines, and a female slave with whom he was very close; and of course, he did torture and kill unbelievers–as supported in the Koran and Hadith.

According to the Indianapolis media, the Muslim Alliance of Indiana plans to raise money to put up its own billboard “to spread a message of peace and kindness.”

Sounds good and reasonable. I suppose they will reveal that almost all the terrorist acts in recent years have been done by Muslims!

I suppose they will admit that the daily carnage in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan is produced by Muslims and against Muslims.

I suppose they will quote the Muslim professor who said, “Allah allows Muslims to rape non-Muslim women in order to humiliate them.”

I suppose they will reveal that child brides are common, even demanded, in Muslim-dominated nations!

I suppose they will reveal that female sexual mutilation (FSM) is common in Egypt, Pakistan, and is taking place in America! Maybe 100 cases in Michigan alone! Where are all the child advocates?

I suppose they will reveal how Muslims are beheaded and limbs chopped off for minor crimes in Muslim nations!

I suppose they will report the many “honor” killings that have been done even in America and are common in Muslim nations!

I suppose they will quote one of their most respected scholars–Abdel Raham–who taught that the terrorists are the true Muslims!

I don’t expect Muslims to admit the above facts since common decency would force them into apostasy; but I don’t understand how any principled media (oxymoron?) person can be so uninformed or so dishonest or so fearful of their position that they refuse to admit what every educated person knows: Islam has been a scourge to the world for 1400 years, and it is a scourge that America must deal with from now on.

The fuse in burning and America and the world are holding their breath waiting for the next Islamic attack upon free people. We are in a Hundred Years’ War with koranic Muslims.

The fuse is burning and the clock is ticking.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Muslim Prayer at the Republican National Convention! Mon, 08 Aug 2016 15:12:40 +0000 I first thought the Republican National Convention was a dream then realized it was a nightmare! Surely Trump and GOP leaders are not so uninformed, unconcerned, and unaccountable that they would have a Muslim and a Sikh pray at their convention and have a homosexual speak to them! (Sikhs teach their gurus are equal with God; reincarnation; humans are born good; good deeds are necessary for salvation; do not believe Christ is God; all religions lead to Heaven, and other heathen teachings.) Can any political party be so thoughtless? The DNC also had a Muslim pray for them. Well, Liberals have had a great deal of experience with stupidity, and some of their leaders are known to regularly take stupid pills–covered by ObamaCare.

I’m not sure if they considered asking a Baptist to pray! Hey, why didn’t the Republicans ask me to pray for them, since God knows they need it? And I could have represented the Fundamentalists/ Evangelicals in America. I might have been persuaded to do a fair imitation of James Cagney in “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy” although without his agile footwork. No, that stirring patriotic song would give heartburn to every Democrat and RINO within a hundred miles.

Pro-sharia Muslims (all Koranic Muslims) may be a little out of the American/Canadian mainstream, such as when Muslims beheaded 16 youths for dancing; beat 15 teen girls back into a burning building to die in a fire because they did not have their faces covered; beheaded a famous American (Jewish) newsman and videotaped it for all to see; encouraged, even demanded honor killings of innocent females; killed innocent civilians because they were Jews or non-Muslims; and beheaded many homosexuals for their perversion. I think I’ll stop now. I’m getting tired and really need to find a barf bag.

Democrats and Republicans embarrassingly pander to the LGBT crowd knowing that homosexuals are beheaded in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc., yet remain strangely silent! Moreover, the LGBT crowd is so bereft of respect, love, and support that they permit the hypocrites to embrace them–for political booty. It’s a tradeoff. The LGBT crowd hugs the progressives and the progressives hug back feeling warm and fuzzy for being so broadminded. Everyone’s happy and the party picks up a few votes.

Muslim prayers at the RNC (and the DNC) was a kick in the face to all decent, lawful, sane Americans by leaders of the once respected Republican and Democrat parties. Politicians will promote, placate, pacify, and pander to women ad nauseum during their conventions; however, they will not reveal, reject, and repudiate offensive Muslim positions regarding women. And the media will not reveal their hypocrisy. I will.

Women are third class citizens where Muslims are in control. Proving that Muslims are not too perceptive, they purposely antagonize women which is close to suicidal! But no one says Muslims are highly intelligent. Remember that these dudes think the Jews belong in the Mediterranean Sea not in Israel; it is heroic to strap explosives to their bodies and blow up innocent people; that Satan sleeps in the nose of each Muslim; Satan pees in the ears of all who go to sleep during mosque prayers; ad infinitum. (See my eBook, ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! for more.)

Following are reasons for all sane, serious, and sincere people to demand that the pagans praying at national conventions be officially rejected at least until Islamic leaders repudiate their denigrating, degrading, dangerous, and deadly positions on women:

*Mohammed married Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage when she was nine. There is no debate about that fact yet we are not supposed to say or write it. Modern Muslims follow Mohammed’s example and little girls are forced into marriages with dudes old enough to be their grandfathers.

*Women in Islam are sex objects as revealed by Mohammed’s life and practice. He had about 18 wives, concubines, and a Coptic slave named Mary. His wives caught him sleeping with Mary and it caused havoc in the harem. Mohammed tried to calm the ladies by threatening to get rid of all of them and replacing them with more obedient and understanding wives. They stopped fretting, fussing, and fighting but Aisha, his youngest wife, ended up feeding him poisoned goat as the story goes! Payback time.

*A wife must always be willing to sexually satisfy her husband even on top of a saddle. One translation says, “On the top of a hot oven,” but I assume that is hyperbolic. But who knows?

*A woman’s testimony in court counts for one-half that of a man.

*Muslims show their hatred of women by their abhorrent, aggrieved, and abusive policy of female circumcision whereby the clitoris is removed often with a dull knife or broken bottle! About 97% of Egyptian women who are Muslim have been sexually mutilated. And it’s happening in the U.S.A.

*Mohammed told men to beat their wives if they are not cooperative, and Muslim television stations give instructions how men should beat their wives. Obviously, Islam is not female friendly!

*Muslims make much of male terrorists who are greeted in Paradise by 72 green-eyed virgins lounging on decorative beds who will satisfy them for eternity; however, nothing is said of the benefits for female Muslims. Wonder why?

*Mohammed said that three things will interrupt a man’s prayers: a black dog, an ass, and a woman.

Maybe now we know why Aisha fed Mohammed poisoned goat sending him, as Muslims say, on his way to Paradise to be greeted by 72 green-eyed virgins. They would allegedly take care of him on decorative beds; however, I think he is more likely on one of the “hot ovens.”

Will some brave (and soon to be politically decapitated) Republican or Democrat, offer a resolution that the DNC and the RNC repudiate all the above offensive anti-women Islamic positions?

Maybe, when pigs learn to fly in formation and do backward somersaults over the White House, maybe. Hypocrites!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Muslim Invasion, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Obama–Stop Playing at Stopping Muslim Terrorists! Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:40:09 +0000 Following the Paris massacre, the president of France, who never saw a socialist he didn’t like, made an international fool of himself when he declared, “Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with the Muslim religion.” The fact is, everyone except he, Obama, and some other fanatic leftists know it had everything to do with the Muslim religion.

A few days before the massacre in Paris, President el-sissi of Egypt personified courage when he spoke at the foremost Muslim university in Egypt telling them a major reformation was needed in Islam amounting to a “religious reformation.” Wow, not one Muslim leader in the world has said that! Not many non-Muslims either. Might be dangerous to stand close to him. He told the imams they had a duty to stop the crescendo of Muslim violence around the world although he did not promise freedom in Egypt since he is an authoritarian leader. When then General el-sissi was head of the military he kicked out the Muslim Brotherhood and quickly felt retaliation when Obama cut all foreign aid to Egypt. Yes, courage costs and I suspect it will cost him much more.

It is interesting that Obama spoke at the same university to the same audience in 2009, saying, “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism. It is an important part of promoting peace.” The President did not try to document his claim since every Tom, Dick, and Mohammed knew it was bogus. (That’s a kind, pussy-footing way of saying he was lying through his teeth.)

Americans have seen many wars: war on poverty, war on drugs, war on fat, war on terrorism but all have been miserable failures. And the war on terrorism is the most serious war we ever fought–even more serious than World War II! In that war we recognized our enemies as Germany, Italy, and Japan. We knew their leaders. We knew where to attack to cripple their war production. However, in the war on terrorism we aren’t even willing to call them by name: Muslim terrorists. To wage war, first you must identify the enemy.

There are 49 nations that have a majority of Muslim citizens and they all have one thing in common: they revere the Koran and many hold the Hadith as sacred as well. The Koran teaches that Allah is God, the world must recognize that fact, and that Mohammed was his prophet. Moreover, all koranic Muslims believe that their sacred duty, their first duty, is to make all nations Islamic. Islam means to “surrender.” They will work for surrender, pray for surrender, vote for surrender, lobby for surrender, and finally will behead you if you don’t surrender.

There are Muslims that will not carry out their koranic obligations; but they are weak, wobbly, and not considered worthy Muslims. They would be similar to people who call themselves “Christians” but don’t believe or follow the Bible teachings and seldom attend church. There are “backslidden” Muslims as there are “backslidden” people who claim to be Christians. Those feckless, fearful, faithless Muslims are hated by true Muslims.

Koranic Muslims recognize every non-Muslim as the enemy. They will be patient (even accommodate, acclimate, and acquiesce) when they are in the minority but once on the rise as in some Europe nations, they can get mean.

It doesn’t matter if they are part of organized hate groups or lone sleepers in a quiet mosque, they are the enemy. They butchered innocent people in Paris because of an insult to their prophet. Frankly, it is impossible to insult him. It is a crime in many Islamic nations to blaspheme Mohammed. In fact, a 2012 poll by Wenzel Strategies revealed that almost 60% of American Muslims declared that criticism of Islam should not be protected speech! Moreover, 11.5% affirmed that those who parody Islam should be put to death! Some may live on your street. They will wave to you in the morning and behead you that evening.

Muslims have killed other Muslims in America and called it “honor” killings. Muslim leaders in many nations defend the beheading of innocent civilians. Others defend and promote the sexual mutilation of little girls.

Where is the general outcry from “moderate” Muslims? Why does Obama refuse to tie Muslims and terrorists together? Is it because he is a Muslim in keeping with his birth and training? Is that why he refuses to honor Christian events yet gives dinners for Muslim leaders during their holidays? Is that why he wears a Muslim ring?

Maybe someone can tell me why the Fort Hood killer of 13 American soldiers is still alive after five years. And remember, his slaughter was not classified as a “hate crime” but “workplace violence!” Wonder why? As he started shooting his fellow soldiers, he yelled, “Allah is the Greatest.” That same killer told other medical doctors in a lecture before his attack that “non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.” That’s not hate?

It is way past time for informed, incensed, and indignant Americans to demand that officials stop playing this “Let’s stop the terrorists” game and stop the terrorists, at least those here at home.

When a mushroom cloud forms over an American city, Obama’s pandering to Muslims will be discarded as quickly as long johns in a Texas heat wave. However, it will be too little, too late and he will be known as the most incompetent President in world history.

Islamists have declared war against the U.S. producing a clash of civilizations, cultures, and creeds. It is time for everyone to take sides. It seems Obama and his director of Homeland Security have taken the side of the enemy! They have appointed dedicated Muslims to Homeland Security! The loonies have taken over or is “loonies” too kind. Would “traitors” be more accurate?

It is time for the President and Congress to take action first by recognizing the enemy as the enemy, then by ferreting out terrorist moles. I suggest that:

We pull up the ladder. No more immigration from Muslim nations for at least five years and at the same time, plug all holes in our borders.

Authorities should immediately close all jihadist training camps in more than 20 locations across America. I did just say America! Are U.S. officials idiots or incompetents or traitors? Young jihadists, many of them Blacks, are being trained in explosives, kidnapping, weapons use and guerrilla warfare and are linked to a Pakistani militant group known as Jamaat al-Fuqra. Why would the FBI bomb, shoot, and burn 76 innocent Waco, Texas’ cultists (including women and children) and leave these self-confessed terrorists to train for our destruction on our own soil?

Every Muslim in the military must be investigated for treason and when discovered they should be tried and imprisoned.

Every Muslim FBI agent should be investigated with the same results. We know of federal agents who have refused to wear a wire to secure proof on other Muslims and others have tipped off fellow-Muslims who were being investigated for criminal activity. They shouldn’t be agents!

Muslim military chaplains should be investigated to determine if removal from sensitive positions of influence is necessary.

Every Muslim chaplain in the prison system should be investigated for removal from service since the prisons are the number one place of recruitment into radical Islam.

Muslim pilots should be investigated and removed from their jobs if they are fanatical followers of Islam.

Some will think I am too hard, harsh, and even hateful with my answer to the problem of terror, but no one will think that if a mushroom cloud rises over one of our cities tomorrow morning.

Let’s stop playing at stopping terrorists and get the job done: an all-out war on terrorists everywhere starting right here in America.   Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Pious Preachers Promote Pernicious Propaganda: Building Bridges Between Islam and Christianity! Sat, 21 Sep 2013 00:13:21 +0000  

I love preachers who have character, compassion, and concern for others, but I have disapproval, disdain, and disgust for those think they are called to “build bridges” rather than preach the Word, the whole Word, not only the Gospel, to a dying world. Paul told us to “preach the word…reprove, rebuke, exhort…” “Exhort” means to advise strongly or urge earnestly. However, when we reprove, rebuke and exhort we usually become controversial and Heaven knows preachers must never be controversial! We are told that modern preachers must never make people feel uncomfortable. However, I think that is exactly what we must do: Preaching truth will make people mad, sad, or glad, and principled preachers don’t adjust their message to satisfy their hearers. They challenge their hearers to adjust their lives to fit the message!

Since the terrorist attacks on America, many blinded eyes have miraculously received sight concerning incompetent government and irrational religion, but until I’m proved wrong, I still believe most Americans (including preachers) are using a white-tipped cane as they walk the streets. Before the dust and smoke cleared from the 9/11 attacks, religious leaders stumbled over each other to get to television cameras to absolve Islam from any guilt. In doing so, they displayed political correctness and personal cowardice. They will be recognized as cheerleaders for our destruction. Those sickly, smiling clergymen wearing panty hose, lace around their shirts, and sniffing French perfume from frilly handkerchiefs were poor examples of American leaders.

Most Americans want leaders with hair on their chests, bone in their backs, and a brain in their heads. Many clergymen lack all three. Leaders who are afraid of adverse public opinion and being labeled “conservative” (gasp!) or “Fundamentalist” (gasp! gasp!) are moral cripples who are not aware of their limp and crooked walk. Such leaders, in a crisis, are as useless as a milking stool under a bull. When courageous leaders such as Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Vines, Pat Robertson, and others spoke the truth about Islam, unprincipled politicians, preachers, and pundits fled from them like the mythical vampire flees the rising sun.

Soft religious leaders are now “building bridges” (of mist) between Christianity and Islam, and the uninformed attempting to use that “bridge” of mist will fall into the noxious swamp below.

With all the violence in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Nigeria, etc., there are a plethora of attempts to bring Muslims and Christians to some understanding to promote security, stability, and safety. However, we must never lie or play “let’s pretend” in order to produce a temporary peace. Any kind of understanding between Islam and Christianity must be understood in the light of Islam’s history, the Koran, and the Bible.

People who know history know that Islam was born and bred in blood. Immediately following Mohammed’s death, the hatred, intrigue, schisms, and killings began and have continued to today. It would be profitable for the Muslims to permanently agree to stop killing each other since it is known that Sunnis and Shiites hate each other with a passion. They will call a temporary truce in order to cooperate in killing a few infidels.

It is astounding that religious leaders would come to the defense of a religion that produced so many massacres of innocent people, but men such as television preacher Robert Schuller, Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church, David Gushee, Mercer University professor, J. Brent Walker of the Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty, Jim Wallis of Sojourners, and others have formed the League of the Willfully Blind. With missionary zeal, they are defenders of the “peaceful” religion of Islam! They all should walk with white tipped canes or Boy Scouts really should help them cross the streets.

Pious preachers like those above would rather appear tolerant than right. They have become the deaf, dumb and blind priests of feel-good religion. I have enormous pity for them. They could accomplish so much good, but instead are doing irreparable harm, but no doubt they feel warm and fuzzy. Maybe they should try to “build bridges” between Islam and the thousands of widows and orphans of those who died in Muslim attacks. See if that works.

Rather than build bridges between the two religions, it will be better to live and let live: Let Christians continue to live godly lives, telling the glorious message of the cross and empty tomb and telling how faith in Jesus Christ saves while Muslims can tell all who will listen that following Mohammed saves. Both claim to be the exclusive truth so let each peacefully tell their story and people can decide whether salvation comes from Jerusalem or Mecca. Mixing and confusing the truth is bad for both.
Trying to mix Christianity and Islam is like mixing ice cream and camel dung in a blender. It won’t hurt the manure but will ruin the ice cream.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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A Muslim Accepts My Challenge But Proves he is a Monument to Eternal Ignorance! Sat, 18 May 2013 01:50:56 +0000 My challenge to Muslims was “to support a woman’s right to divorce her Muslim husband.” My critic replied, “IN ISLAM A WOMAN IS ALLOWED TO DIVORCE HER HUSBAND EVEN IF ITS (sic) AS LITTLE AS A REASON OF HIM BEING UNNATTRACTIVE.” (Wow, that could cause massive problems in old Arabia!) But my statement was not sufficient and his answer was sure not sufficient. Let me clarify. In some Muslim nations, a woman can initiate a divorce; however, in actual practice, a woman’s right to divorce is usually extremely limited compared with that of men in the Middle East.

In Islam, both man and woman must consent to the marriage and in a divorce, both man and woman must be past puberty before a divorce can be started. Past puberty! Usually, in Islam that means nine years of age! Well why not, since Mohammed had a marriage contract with Aisha when she was six and the marriage was consummated when she was nine years old. I will not document that since everyone knows it to be a fact. So, does that make Mohammed a child molester? If so, then he should be repudiated not revered.

Moreover, this begs the question about how women are treated in Islam and specifically in various Muslim nations. It starts soon after a female is born, as old women “circumcise” a baby girl by cutting off her clitoris, often using a dull knife or piece of glass. You know, whatever is handy. Can’t use a scalpel since they have only been around for a few hundred years!

The mistreatment of women continues after marriage when a husband has a legal right to beat his wife and is even instructed on Muslim television how to do so. Mustn’t leave scars you know. This second-class treatment continues with the prohibition of women drivers in Saudi Arabia which was also true in Afghanistan under the Taliban. Another indication of men taking advantage of women is the temporary marriage whereby a man can pay a few dollars for sex after which the “marriage” is terminated. Sounds like prostitution to me; only more complicated.

Moreover, in court, a woman’s testimony is worth one half that of a man, any man. Do thinking people see a pattern here?

My critic’s letter to me was a monument to eternal ignorance as is seen in his last comment: “For my last note id (sic) like to wish you well in your research cause (sic) obviously the b******* your (sic) pulling out you’re a** is coming from you googling out of context verses and watching LOADS OF TELEVISION LM**. either (sic) your (sic) 12 years old or amazingly ignorant maybe even prejudice (sic) racist (sic) you name it.” His content, composition, and clarity are sterling samples of stupidity! And he’s a U.S. college student!

Now, I wonder if he really thinks he destroyed my position.

The Muslim “moderates” will not accept my challenge since many privately applaud terror while they publicly abhor it. A moderate Muslim, true to the Koran and Hadith, is an oxymoron. It is like being a moderate Nazi. If a Muslim believes what traditional Muslims believe, he is a fundamentalist (not to be confused with Christian Fundamentalists) so he is not a moderate. And the true moderates will be among the first to die when the true Muslims take control.

Koranic Islam (historic Islam) is America’s Trojan Horse filled with an enemy that has clearly declared plans to destroy us. If our leaders do not recognize that fact and act accordingly they are like a man walking waist-deep through a snake and alligator-infested Everglade swamp. They are going to get bit!

I have been called a “hater” and “bigot” because I have revealed the facts about Islam, Mohammed, and the Koran, but I am not a hater; I am a lover. However, love without truth is not love. I am interested in truth not political correctness, unity, diversity, pluralism, multiculturalism, ecumenicity, or making Muslims feel warm and fuzzy with their 7th century desert religion.

I challenge any Muslim to prove me wrong and if I am wrong, I will apologize in the national media and rip my shirt on national television! I may even consider wearing sackcloth and throwing ashes above my head.

During my interview of a Muslim cleric in Indiana, he told me that suicidal bombers in the Middle East were not homicidal bombers but were “freedom fighters.” That is a good example of a highly respected Muslim cleric who passes as a “moderate.” They cannot take control today but every Koranic Muslim is obligated to conquer the nation in which he lives.

U.S. leaders are making a deadly mistake in not understanding the nature of historic Islam, and we will all pay the price when terrorists strike us again. And when U.S. cities are in flames, the economy is in a deadly spiral, and many innocent moderate Muslims are killed by outraged non-Muslims or traditional Muslims, the Administration’s pandering toward all things Muslim will be discarded as quickly as long underwear in a Texas heat-wave. But too late.

President Obama may even take off his Muslim ring! No, I doubt that he will make such a major break with his past.

Any other “moderate” Muslims out there willing to accept my challenge?

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Reasons Why No One Should Vote for Obama Except His Family and Friends! Wed, 31 Oct 2012 20:27:03 +0000 Each Wednesday I publish one of my columns from the past that might be helpful. The following was published in 2008 before Obama was elected.


Every person has a right to his own opinions but no one has a right to his own facts. The Obama facts that follow should limit those voting for him to his immediate family, a few friends, and of course all committed racists and socialists.

Like all sane citizens, I want the best candidate to win the office of President. After all, we are all in the same boat and if one end goes down, we all go down. After a thorough examination of the relevant facts, I cannot vote for Obama for the following reasons:

He is the Senate’s most liberal Senator and Joe Biden is the third most liberal. Some people have accused me of not liking liberals so let me set the record straight. I don’t! They have done more harm to our nation than the Communist Party (their first cousins). Liberals march and scream over the slaughter of baby seals in Newfoundland and destruction of the spotted owl but they can’t squeeze out a single tear for the butchered babies who can’t even raise a whimper of protest against their slaughter.

Senator Obama voted for partial birth abortion. He refused to protect born alive aborted babies and whatever your position on abortion, such a decision is barbaric. Furthermore, he voted against informing parents of minor girls who wanted out-of-state abortions. Wonder why he didn’t vote “present” on that vote?

He has not been candid (honest) about his Muslim connection. Even “conservative” media have been Muslim, abortion, snookered on this issue. It is a fact that he has three Muslim names—Barack Hussein Obama. Moreover, his father, stepfather, grandfather and grandmother were/are Muslims. When a Muslim converts to another religion, he or she takes a new name. Same when a “Christian” converts to Islam, they choose a Muslim name. Many U.S. athletes who have done that.

During an ABC interview, Obama spoke of “my Muslim faith” and was corrected by the host! Think! Is it possible that you could ever “misspeak” like that? So how could he?

Obama admitted in his “Dreams From My Father,” that his school was “a Muslim school” and admits in his book that his teacher wrote his mother about him making faces during “Koranic studies.” He also admits that he studied the Koran from age 6 to 10.

He also confessed that the Muslim call to prayer is the “prettiest sound” on earth and he can say it with a first class Arabic accent. That chant is “Allah is supreme! Allah is supreme! Allah is supreme! Allah is supreme! I witness that there is no god but Allah I witness that there is no god but Allah. I witness that Muhammad is his prophet.” Hummm, no god but Allah!

One becomes a Muslim when he declares, before witnesses, that Allah is God and Mohammed is his prophet. While Obama’s web site declares that he “has never been a Muslim,” his campaign told the LA Times that he is not a “practicing” Muslim. He may not be a Muslim now, but he was at one time so why the lying? Furthermore, if he is no longer a Muslim, it means that he is an apostate and any Muslim has a right and duty to kill him.

Americans need to know if their future President will “toe the mark” of the mullahs and try to implement Sharia law in America as they have in other nations. It is not bigotry to demand an answer to this question. It is a major dereliction of duty not to do so. It is also cowardly.

His web site declares that he is a committed Christian, but all informed committed Christians know what that means, so there is no doubt that he is not “committed.” However, his statement about his religious experience is so murky it indicates that he, like many Americans, is only a “Christian” in name only. He affirmed, “I believe there are many paths to the same place.” He is wrong. Acts 4:12 reveals “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Christ declared in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

He is very careless with his associates like the convicted felon Tony Rezko who was a major supporter of his candidacy and helped him get a sweetheart loan. Tony was recently convicted in Illinois for squeezing kickbacks from contractors. Or what about Obama jumping in bed with some homebred U.S. terrorists like Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and receiving support from other domestic terrorists? It is a fact that Obama’s political career started in Ayers’ living room. Obama has difficulty with the truth.

Moreover, Obama was a member of the cultic Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years and was very close to Pastor Wright, the radical left wing, cursing, anti-white, Black Liberationist. That is the church that promoted the racist Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan on the front page of their church magazine. It is interesting to note that the church has many Muslims who are members of the church without repudiating their religion! Do you understand what that means? The church is a left wing, anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-free enterprise, socialist/Marxist cult that Obama was a member of for 20 years! What does that say about his character and judgment?

When a person lies down with dogs, he gets up with fleas and since Obama has been in bed with all the above odd balls, Socialists/Marxists, unrepentant terrorists, self-righteous media persons, corrupt politicians, charlatan preachers, and convicted felons it is no surprise that the Senator is crawling with fleas. Makes me scratch to think about it.

Yes, each person has a right to his or her opinion but the above are facts (and a few opinions) that must be addressed by the candidate, yet cowardly media people refuse to question him. Why the free pass? I am not surprised at their prejudice; however, I am surprised at their lack of shame.



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