Obama – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Politicians Go Into Politics to do Good and End Up Doing Very Well—As Did Hunter Biden and His Dad! https://donboys.cstnews.com/politicians-go-into-politics-to-do-good-and-end-up-doing-very-well-as-did-hunter-biden-and-his-dad https://donboys.cstnews.com/politicians-go-into-politics-to-do-good-and-end-up-doing-very-well-as-did-hunter-biden-and-his-dad#respond Fri, 30 Sep 2022 16:15:49 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3172 By Don Boys, Ph.D.

A new film has been released dealing with Hunter Biden’s misadventures in parts of the world where he and his father-president almost broke their backs carrying away baskets-full of cash. Newsweek reported that the film made “accusations of criminal activity against Hunter and Joe Biden, sex, drug misuse, scandal, exploitation and murder.”

In 2019, Biden was worth 1.5 million dollars, and today is worth 9 million. After he left the office of Vice President in January 2017, he earned “more than $15 million in a little more than two years! Much of it was from speeches that paid him $200,000 per speech. Come now, simple ones, who would even suggest that Biden could say anything worth $20? Now that he is President, his speeches will be worth even more. Well, they won’t be worth more money, but he will be paid more. Big difference.

Biden’s son Hunter has done very well in business because of his association with a China bank while his dad was vice president. Plus, the Daily Mail reported that Hunter “was paid $83,333 a month by Ukrainian gas company to be a ‘ceremonial figure,’” and Hunter’s firm was paid a total of $3.4 million! Also, the daughters of Clinton and Bush greatly benefited from their family association.

The younger Biden will be fortunate if he does not spend time in the hoosegow. And Dad will be fortunate if he is not impeached next year.

The New York Post reported that five members of Joe’s family also got rich because of connections with Joe. Astonishingly, Hunter was paid $3.5 million via wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow. No one knows what Hunter did to deserve the money. I wonder if the IRS has asked him about the money.

One of the most unsavory politicians today is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Her wealth has increased from $41 million to nearly $115 million since 2004! Wow, she must really know the stock market or has a fantastic financial advisor. Her five most-traded stocks in the last two years were Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and Google—all top stocks. However, those stocks were all affected by pending legislation under her control.

Surely, she would not use her position to enhance her personal wealth since that’s devious, dishonest, and downright dumb. It’s called a conflict of interest. Do you think Nancy would support a bill prohibiting any elected official from dealing in the stock market while in office?

America has been portrayed as the land of milk and honey, but most politicians know it is the land of milk and money. And they care little for the milk but have an insatiable taste for money.

Thus, an honest politician appears on the scene as often as a chaste prostitute does. Proof of that statement is seen in former U.S. Presidents getting rich after they leave office. Sometimes it is blatant fraud, and other times, it is less obvious, like a politician who uses his influence and contacts to promote his books, business, or boondoggle. And ends up getting filthy rich when out of office.

Most politicians seem to have resolved to do as little work as possible while in office but carry away as much cash as they can. America has the best politicians that money can buy, reminiscent of H. L. Mencken’s quip, “Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.”

President Thomas Jefferson said, “I have the consolation, too, of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and of retiring with hands as clean as they are empty.”

Obviously, Jefferson was in the minority.

The media revealed that former President Obama (I love to write that!) purchased a home in Martha’s Vineyard worth $15 million, proving once again that public service pays big. Their net worth is now $70 million.

Many politicians disprove the adage, “Crime does not pay,” since going into public service to do good, they end up doing very well.

As a Christian Conservative, I firmly believe in free enterprise, personal initiative, and capital accumulation—as long as everything is honest and high principles are practiced. It is one thing to write an informative book that is in demand and another to accept a directorship on a board of a company of which the former president or relative has no knowledge. He is selling his name and accrued prestige without providing any other value to the business. However, the norm seems to be for politicians to “do public service” for a few years and then trade on that service to make big bucks by taking seats on various Boards of Directors, becoming lobbyists, signing book contracts, etc. Especially etc.

Ben Franklin, while in Europe in 1777, wrote to a friend about public service in America declaring, “In America, salaries, where indispensable, are extremely low, but much of public business is done gratis. The honor of serving the public ably and faithfully is deemed sufficient. Public spirit really exists there, and has great effects. In England it is universally deemed a nonentity, and whoever pretends to it is laughed at as a fool, or suspected as a knave.”

At the Constitutional Convention, the men came at a sacrifice; Madison was there using borrowed funds. Such sacrificial acts are unknown today.

Gerald Ford was a very lackluster U.S. President, yet he showed an impressive ability to make over a million dollars within a year of leaving the White House. His worth at death was $7 million.

Even Richard Nixon managed to turn a fiasco into financial success. Without a wealthy family or business to support him, he left $15 million to his wife. While he refused to follow the lucrative speech-making circuit, he wrote seven successful books and invested in California real estate.

Jimmy Carter “was broke” when he left the White House. Still, with a few book deals, his million-dollar Nobel Peace Prize, and his professorship at Emory University, he parlayed his holdings to $7 million.

Ronald Reagan, a B movie star, was financially comfortable when elected President but increased his wealth when leaving office. He received $2 million for two weeks of speeches in Japan, causing much criticism from the media. Even some principled conservatives were discouraged, distressed, and disgusted by that caper. When he died, he and Nancy were worth $38 million.

Bill Clinton admitted, “I’ve never had any money until I got out of the White House, but I’ve done reasonably well since then.” Well, that’s an understatement. After driving away from the White House, he began making speeches for up to $500,000 a pop. Does anyone, including Democrat fanatics, think any Clinton speech is worth that? How about $50? He and Hillary have made more than $230 million since leaving the White House.

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary, is worth about $15 million. She raked in $9 million while serving on a corporate board from 2011.  One of Bush’s daughters is worth $4 million.

Come on now, friend. No one believes those lightweights could have done that if they were Smith and Jones.

Forbes revealed that Obama came to Washington in 2005, making $85,000 per year as a college professor, and has made $20 million since arriving in Washington. He signed a $65 million book deal and is paid $400,000 per speech. Public service pays off in a big way, and his net worth is now $70 million.

George W. Bush put his holdings in a trust in 2000 and had no idea of their worth, not having any ability to influence the trust officials who made all investment decisions. Bush earned $7 million for the first 1.5 million copies of Decision Points.

Forbes reported that Trump was worth 4.5 billion before his election, and as of September of 2021, his worth was down to $3.5 billion. So, Trump is the only President whose worth has decreased. Yet, his enemies accuse him of using his office to advance himself financially—even though he gave his presidential salary to charities!

Harry Truman wrote, “I have a very strong feeling about any man who has the honor of being an occupant of the White House in the greatest job in the history of the world, who would exploit that situation in any way, shape or form.” I agree with Harry.

Truman rejected many lucrative six-figure endorsement deals, consulting fees, and other offers that inundated him in 1953 until he moved back to Missouri after leaving office. He was paid $100,000 per year as President and received no retirement! He lived off his $112.56 monthly pension from his service in the Army Reserve and whatever he saved from his salary while in office.

It seems most of our members of Congress and presidents have sold their names—and their honor. But then, they wore a symbolic sign around their neck at their election party: “I’m for sale to the highest bidder—make me an offer.” They professed they went into “public service” to do good, but they ended up doing well—very well.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former Indiana House of Representatives member who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan. Baptist preacher

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Make a New Law—Jail Every Politician Who Lies! https://donboys.cstnews.com/make-a-new-law-jail-every-politician-who-lies https://donboys.cstnews.com/make-a-new-law-jail-every-politician-who-lies#respond Sun, 20 Jun 2021 00:01:05 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2868 Sadly, an honest politician is as difficult to find as a chaste prostitute. It seems impossible for public officials to tell the truth; although, if his or her lips are moving, it is a good indication another lie is being released. And if their pants are on fire, you can be pretty sure you are dealing with a liar.

It’s time for all government officials to experience rejection, repercussions, and not rewards, for lying. It’s time for accountability—that means holding their feet to the fire.

Roman bridge-builders were required to stand under their new arches as the scaffolding was removed. If they had made a mistake, the whole structure came down on their heads. That is the epitome of personal responsibility—something missing in our day. No one wants to be held accountable for anything.

Indeed, citizens have a right and responsibility to hold government officials accountable for their actions, accomplishments, associations, and authenticity. Being human, maybe we can forgive their failures after a valiant attempt to accomplish everything they promised, but there is no forgiveness for lack of authenticity. Lying by any public official should mean jail time.

George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Men have always lied. That is the reason God forbids lying. But we keep lying. Many of our lies are minor and often for altruistic purposes. We often say, “What a beautiful baby,” when it is often untrue. It might be wiser at such a time to say, “Wow, that’s some baby!” Or, “I have never seen such a child.” Then make a quick exit.

Often a husband is asked by his wife, “Does this yellow dress make me look fat?” The answer is supposed to be, “No, sweetheart, it doesn’t make you look fat.” However, while that may be a socially accepted lie, it is still a lie and indicates a problem in the relationship. It is the husbandly thing to tell a wife the truth; although it is not wise to be a wit and say, “If you wear that yellow dress, people on the street will yell, ‘taxi!’” That will prove you are not a wit but a halfwit.

Furthermore, an overweight wife will live longer than her husband who reminds her of that fact. When I was growing up in West Virginia, we had enough sense to say of such ladies, “they were a little fleshy” or they were “big boned.” Frankly, I’d rather be “fleshy” than have a huge, masculine beer belly, and the person who declares their delight at being overweight is lying.

Dr. Kang Lee, a professor at the University of Toronto, researched children and lying, as reported in the June 2017 issue of National Geographic. He set up an experiment in a video-monitored room and told children they could have a toy, but they would only get it if they don’t look under a cloth that concealed the toy. Then the adult was called out of the room and returned a couple minutes later. The kids were asked if they peeked.

Thirty percent of the two-year-olds lied. Half of the three-year-olds lied, and eighty percent of the eight-year-old kids lied. After age eight, more than 90 percent lied! “This is universal,” Lee said.

Lee declared, “We explicitly teach our kids to tell white lies,” when parents coach small children to tell grandparents how much their gifts were appreciated. This is especially dangerous, deleterious, and destructive for parents to basically give permission for children to lie. Unfortunately, they often grow up to become politicians!

Professor Lee said, “Moreover, our findings showed that even the parents who most strongly promoted the importance of honesty with their children engaged in parenting by lying.” Evidently, there is something wrong here.

In 1996, Bella DePaulo, author of The Hows and Whys of Lies, put recorders on students for a week and found they lied, on average, in every third conversation of 10 minutes or more! For adults, it was once every five conversations!

Obviously, lying is a flaw of human nature—a result of Adam’s Fall that makes liars of us all. But then, no one is forced to lie.

My concern is that it is illegal for a citizen to lie to any federal official, yet those same officials can lie with impunity to the voters who put them in office. Such officials need to be held accountable.

Since it is illegal for American citizens to lie to any federal official, why doesn’t some courageous member of Congress introduce a bill to make it illegal for a federal official to lie to the people who pay their salary? It is mindboggling to think how that would change our nation, especially if it were made retroactive. Yes, I know this is a pipe dream since few legislators would vote for such a law.

But if it could be done and be done retroactively, we would have to ship our present and former presidents off to a federal prison followed by almost all members of Congress. Then we would clean out the FBI, IRS, OSHA, EPA, and all of the alphabet agencies. Wow, it makes me hyperventilate thinking about that!

Politicians make promises to gain votes then blatantly break them. So let’s hold them accountable—first by not reelecting them and second by putting them in jail! After all, isn’t it fraud to get something of value (a government office) by lying?

Some famous lies were told by Obama when he told us over and over that we could keep our health plan and our doctors, and we would save $2500 per year on health premiums.

Then National Director of Intelligence James Clapper lied when he was asked if federal officials were spying on innocent citizens. He said they were not, but everyone knows he lied. Jimmy is not in jail—yet.

UN Ambassador Susan Rice lied about the Benghazi disaster when she told the media, “It was a spontaneous eruption over an American film.” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also lied when she told the dead relatives that the tragedy of Benghazi was caused by the video. Susan and Hillary should be cellmates.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testified before a Senate committee and lied when he told the Senators that the Federal Reserve could not manipulate interest rates. He said that even though Chairman Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve had started a program a month before to do just that! Tim was a known liar even when on the public payroll.

Lying has consequences, but seldom does it result in jail time for a politician, police officer, prosecutor, FBI agent, IRS agent, government appointees, etc., to lie during their job performance. However, I don’t think one becomes a liar when he or she arrives in Washington, D.C. since we see the same phenomena in every statehouse. Frankly, a non-lying politician is almost as rare as wine without grapes.

President Nixon lied about the Watergate burglary resulting in his resignation and 69 people being indicted, including many administration members and 25 people going to jail. So why were Democrats and the media so adamant about putting Nixon’s people in jail but have no concern for the many FBI agents, prosecutors, House and Senate members, Joe Biden, etc., who lied numerous times?

Does the word hypocrite come to mind?

Then there was George H. W. Bush’s “No new taxes!” And he was not reelected.

Bill Clinton repeatedly lied about his sexual affairs with various women, especially Monica Lewinsky, and was impeached for lying under oath. As a result, he lost his right to practice law. Of course, everyone but the village idiot knew he was an active audacious adulterer.

I’m not too concerned if an official lies about his hairpiece, his affairs, or if he inflates his résumé, but I’m very concerned when he lies about public affairs. When he or she does, it should mean slammer time.

Martha Stewart went to prison for a few months for lying about some stock, yet prominent politicians can lie and cause the deaths of many people or financial disaster, yet no one goes to jail. Think, Governor Cuomo.

Donald Trump declared that America had the highest taxes in the world. He was dishonest or uninformed.

Hillary Clinton asserted that ISIS had used Trump in videos to recruit terrorists. She was lying or, to be even-handed, was uninformed. You decide.

Niccolò Machiavelli was a 15th Century philosopher who wrote The Prince to instruct potential rulers to get and hold power. He advocated lying as a required attribute to be a successful prince or politician, and he advocated many immoral behaviors to maintain power. Machiavelli taught that it is better to be stingy than generous. It is better to be cruel than merciful. It is better to break promises if keeping them would be against one’s interests. Machiavelli has provided cover for political liars for over six hundred years.

Almost everyone declares that some white lies are expected and essential to lubricate society, but I disagree. One can be truthful without being cruel. And to suggest that politicians must lie to perform the function of government is an insult to God’s establishment of government.

George Washington allegedly said, “I cannot tell a lie,” while most politicians, if forced to be honest, would have to say, “I cannot tell the truth.”

Let’s make it jail time for the liars in government. Everyone would vote for that except the liars in government!

That means we will never have a federal law against official lying since the official liars may be liars, but they are not stupid.


(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Tarnished Nobel Peace Prize Nominees: Stacey Abrams, Black Lives Matters, Greta Thunberg, and Donald Trump! https://donboys.cstnews.com/tarnished-nobel-peace-prize-nominees-stacey-abrams-black-lives-matters-greta-thunberg-and-donald-trump https://donboys.cstnews.com/tarnished-nobel-peace-prize-nominees-stacey-abrams-black-lives-matters-greta-thunberg-and-donald-trump#respond Fri, 12 Feb 2021 02:12:52 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2774 Most people think the Nobel Prize is given to the most accomplished person in various categories; however, they are wrong. The Prize Committee has disgraced, discredited, and despoiled itself over the years in carelessly awarding the prize to misfits, mass murderers, incompetents, and jerks. Because of that, the Prize has lost its luster in recent years. However, the $1 million award along with the $10,000 gold medal ain’t nothing to sneeze at.

The four most famous (or infamous) nominees for 2021 are Stacey Abrams, Black Lives Matter, Greta Thunberg, and Donald Trump—his second nomination. Trump has as much chance winning as getting kicked by a snake in Time’s Square even though he led America to the greatest economy in its history, brought an end to wars in the Middle East, and moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Additionally, he kept his promise to slash regulations and lower taxes.

With Abrams, Thunberg, and BLM fanatics, the Nobel Prize has become a frivolous farce for famous fakers. If the Prize Committee gives a standing ovation for such paragons of mediocrity, what will they do when they meet worthy nominees?

It seems everything has been dumbed down.

Shortly after being elected President, Obama was given the Nobel Prize for doing—well, for breathing. Even some honest liberals (a vanishing breed) were embarrassed with that fiasco. Obama’s acceptance of the Nobel Prize was like putting whipped cream on a rotten onion since he was and is an “empty suit.” He may be the least qualified person to be nominated and receive the formerly prestigious award.

When Alfred Nobel died in 1872, he left his fortune to establish prizes as determined by various committees in Sweden and Norway. The professions to be honored for outstanding achievements were physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, for work in peace, and now economics. The Peace Prize is determined by members of the Norway Parliament. So far, so good.

Nobel’s generosity was motived by pride not philanthropy because a French newspaper erroneously printed his obituary, confusing him with his deceased brother. Al was characterized as a “merchant of death” because of his invention of dynamite and instruments of warfare. The paper wrote, “The merchant of death is dead” and went on to say, “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.” Nobel was horrified that he would be remembered in such a manner and founded the Nobel Prizes to provide him a positive legacy. It worked.

Alfred grew up in the Lutheran Church and attended the Church of Sweden Abroad in Paris. Strangely, his pastor received the Nobel Peace Prize. No, I’m sure he deserved the Prize out of thousands of pastors of all denominations in the world. In later years, Nobel became an atheist but continued to give generously to the church. Alfred never married but had three lovers, one of them receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905!

Wow, another amazing coincident! She was Bertha Kinsky, his secretary and lover for a short while, but she left Alfred to marry a baron. If anyone questioned her qualifications (other than being his secretary and lover), one could say, it was “for her audacity to oppose the horrors of war.” Wait a minute if that qualifies one for a Nobel Peace Prize then I qualify for it. Of course, I’m not a pretty blonde like Bertha.

The Nobel Peace Prize is supposed to be given to the person or persons or institutions to recognize “the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.” Evidence is abundant that the Prize has failed to live up to those standards.

In 2021, the Nobel Peace Prize stands for, well, nothing. The past prize holders are a handful of worthies and a gaggle of terrorists, two-faced politicians, empty suits, and malefactors.

Le Duc Tho, a bloody communist leader of Vietnam, was awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize along with Henry Kissinger. Kissinger accepted the award but Tho refused it because peace had not been established in Vietnam. Was the Communist leader more principled than the peace-making Henry Kissinger?

Others who received the Peace Prize include Martin Luther King, Jr., Mikhail Gorbachev, Nelson Mandela, Yasser Arafat, Jimmy Carter, and Al Gore. An observation: It seems that to qualify for the peace prize in modern times one must be an incompetent, a communist, a terrorist, or a socialist. All right, maybe one doesn’t have to fit into one of those categories but it sure seems to help.

Kofi Annan won in 2001 although he was investigated in 2004 for “improperly steering Iraq arms-for-food program contracts to his son.”

But as one reads a list of Prize recipients, it is much worse.

In 1994, Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat was given the peace prize prompting a member of the committee Kåre Gudbrand Kristiansen to resign. In an article for the Times of Israel in 2012, American columnist Jay Nordlinger called Arafat “the worst man ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize.”

Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel thought that killers, kidnappers, and even bigtime financial thieves and the mentally ill should be gassed to death. He also had a leading role in implementing eugenic policies in France.

It was reported that famous Nobel Prize winner for medicine, Sir Macfarlane Burnet of Australia, recommended decades ago to his government that they develop biological weapons to use against Indonesia and other nations that were “overpopulated” in Southeast Asia! This Nobel Prize winner suggested that the Aussies should target the crops of other countries with biological chemicals and seek to infect mass populations with infectious diseases!

Other Nobel winners have been a major embarrassment to the memory of Alfred Nobel such as Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, who won in 1976 for his research in human slow-virus infections. Daniel spent 19 months in jail after pleading guilty in 1997 to charges of child molestation. Then there was Johannes Fibiger who won in 1926 for discovering that parasitic worms cause cancer; however, that turned out to be totally false!

The Gold Medals were not returned nor was the award money. And life moves on.

It seems a foregone conclusion that former President Trump will not be honored by the Nobel Prize since many U.S. politicians want to make it illegal to even name a bus stop bench after him.

That leaves Stacey Abrams; however, Stacy is so busy pretending to be Georgia’s Governor, she could not find time to fly to Norway for the big event. But she is an expert on voting. If she is chosen, I will do diligent work to ascertain if she had anything to do with the voting of the committee. Moreover, I don’t think the committee permits mail-in voting nor do they use Dominion Voting Machines. So, Stacey probably should not purchase a ticket to Oslo; however, she may add to her fabricated Georgia Governorship a Fabricated Nobel Peace Prize. By the way, she has never conceded her loss.

Another nominee is Black Lives Matter, a domestic terror group established as an online platform in 2013 by three Marxist revolutionary women who called themselves “queers.” Now keep in mind that this an award for peace yet the BLM organization deleted its “What we Believe” page from its website where it had called on supporters to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” But they failed to be successful in their deception. Deception, disruption, destruction, and death are what BLM is all about. It is determined to defeat our free enterprise system, distort our history, and destroy our historical monuments.

Standing outside the police station where arrested looters were being held, a Black Lives Matter organizer, Ariel Atkins, justified the looting and rioting — which caused an estimated $60 million in damages — as “reparations” to which the black community is entitled.

Yes, most sane people would agree that the Nobel Peace Prize is tarnished if such terrorists receive the award.

The next possible winner is Greta Thunberg—the angry, arrogant, and asinine teenage expert on the environment. Don’t laugh. She may win.

The Nobel Peace Prize has become a joke to informed people in recent years since it has become a farce, fraud, fake, and foolishness.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Give Trump Time: After all, it Takes Nine Months to Produce a Baby! https://donboys.cstnews.com/give-trump-time-after-all-it-takes-nine-months-to-produce-a-baby https://donboys.cstnews.com/give-trump-time-after-all-it-takes-nine-months-to-produce-a-baby#respond Mon, 13 Mar 2017 03:08:27 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1751 President Trump is getting flak from all groups for not producing what he promised; however, his critics are being unreasonable. It must be remembered that he was not chosen as dictator or benevolent monarch but as President–meaning that he has limited powers. Does anyone suggest that he should be able to give a command and it be obeyed? He has been given power but not absolute power. After all, he’s only the President of the United States.

It takes time to drain a swamp since the alligators, pythons, poisonous cottonmouths, and other less than desirable swamp creatures will fight to the last for the right to rule the territory. Moguls of the main stream media; bank, insurance, and other financial lobbyists; loopy lowlifes in the entertainment industry; radical politicians of both parties; leftist academics from the nut factories; and entrenched longtime bureaucrats who have lived for decades deep, deep in the swamp will not give up easily. His enemies are formidable.

Stop being so pushy. He has been President for less than 60 days and he can’t snap his fingers and do miracles. After all, it does take nine months to produce a baby and it can’t be rushed!

In addition to the above, he has former President Obama (my, but that does sound melodious to the ears so I will repeat it: former President Obama) and the shadow government working day and night to frustrate his ambitious plans.

Furthermore, Trump made some incredible promises, not like some presidents who only promised to “go to Korea” or to put a “chicken in every pot.” He promised to dismantle the dream of utopians: Obamacare! It must be remembered that that became law without any member of congress reading it! Then, we discovered we had been sold a pig in a poke–a dead, decayed, and diseased pig in a poke.

We must hold Republicans responsible for doing health care right since it affects every one of us. They must be as accountable as the Roman bridge-builders who stood under their arches as the scaffolding was removed. If they made a mistake, the whole thing would come down on their heads. They had to do it right, or else! No more excuses. We should remove every Republican (since all of them promised to repeal and replace Obamacare) who botches that issue. And if Trump punishes conservatives who insist on doing as they promised, then he should feel our wrath.

I, like all sane people, want to see a simplified and reduced tax code, but this tax monster has been growing and mutating for decades. It seems to have a life of its own and will not go softly into the dark night but will only go kicking and screaming. However it goes, I will be thrilled at its going. Trump could endear himself to all sane Americans by buckling on his sword and slaying the monster by decapitation: totally dismantle the IRS! But alas, even Trump may not be that committed, that courageous, and that conservative.

But what if Trump caves and “gives away the store” to Democrats and the Grand Old Progressives? What if he has a loss of memory and forgets all his promises? If so, he will prove what some of us thought: he is a brash, boisterous, belligerent politician–without character and should be without supporters and friends. I’d rather have an honest enemy than a dishonest friend such as Republicans who break promises. Then we can Dump Trump and all Republicans in 2020. I also believe if that happens, no one will trust another politician again.

Meanwhile, all Americans should give Trump time to keep his commitments to all of us as we understand there are some things you can’t hurry, like producing a baby. Babies take about nine months and you can’t speed up the process by putting nine women on the job and expect it to be done in one month!

Babies take nine months to produce. Give Trump time to produce.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Obama’s Visit to a Terrorist-Connected Mosque! https://donboys.cstnews.com/obamas-visit-to-a-terrorist-connected-mosque https://donboys.cstnews.com/obamas-visit-to-a-terrorist-connected-mosque#comments Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:28:48 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1359 President Obama recently visited a terrorist-connected Muslim mosque; however, he has not visited an Evangelical or Fundamentalist church! That’s interesting since such people had everything to do with founding this nation and Muslims had nothing to do with it. Among other falsehoods, he opined that Islam is “essential to the fabric of America.” He did not try to support his obviously false statement. If every Muslim in America disappeared tonight, it would have little negative impact on our nation.

Even the media have noticed how he panders to Muslims at every opportunity and always defends Muslim terrorists when they kill the innocent shouting, “Allah is the greatest.” Sane, honest people know they are obviously wild-eyed barbarians from the 7th century desert. However, when an American city is smoldering in flames from a terrorist attack, Obama will be forced to discard his pandering to Muslims as quickly as long underwear in a Texas heatwave.

America now has over 3,000 mosques and 80% of them are financed by the radical Wahhabi Muslim sect in Saudi Arabia according to the Jerusalem Post and other sources. No doubt there are some mosques filled with nominal Moslems who are not dependent upon largess from the Wahhabi extremists. Nor are they determined to destroy our government and replace it with sharia law and a world caliphate. Maybe a few.

Obama chose to visit a U. S mosque located in the Baltimore area; however, the mosque is associated with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). The ISNA is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, a global terrorist group. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is also an offshoot of ISNA. ISNA has longtime ties to terrorists yet Obama insisted on visiting them even after he was warned about their terrorist connections!

Obama told the audience, “You’re part of America too. You’re not Muslim or American. You’re Muslim and American.” Well, maybe but not if they really believe the teachings they profess. One cannot be a good Muslim and a good American because his allegiance is to the Koran which is based on authoritarianism which is contrary to freedom. He can’t accept democracy because democracy is antithetic to Islam and he answers to Islamic mullahs who interpret the Korean for him. A faithful Muslim cannot uphold our Constitution because Islam requires the system of sharia government which must be implemented.

Every new U.S. citizen must make an “Oath of Allegiance” promising loyalty to the United States Constitution and renunciation of allegiance to any foreign country to which the immigrant has had previous allegiances. But then, Muslims are permitted to lie if it furthers the Islamic cause.

Let me provide some information that will clarify this matter as to being a good American and a good Muslim. For a person to be a good Muslim and a good American he must be willing to:

*denounce all allegiances to his past country.

*demand that no Muslim give a dollar to promote any terrorist activities.

*declare that any Muslim in America has a right to follow any religion, thus acknowledging our freedom of religion.

*decide that it is illegal, immoral, and illogical to have more than one wife–or at least one wife at a time à la Hollywood.

Let me suggest that any Muslim has a constitutional right to live in America if he is willing to become an American; however, if he clings to his barbaric anti-America desert religion then he is persona non grata and needs to return to his desert home.

I have been defamed, threatened, and ridiculed for telling the truth about Middle East savages who cling to their Koran with one hand and an AK 47 with the other. They have made it clear to anyone with the IQ equivalent to his ring size that they plan to conquer the world for Mohammed, establishing a world caliphate. So why do civilized people tiptoe around the issue and not admit that we are at war with sixth century barbarians? Why do the media, known as news twisters, refuse to deal honestly with the issue? A religion that is used as a foundation for advocating the overthrow of our civilization should not be welcome. After all, it is not smart to feed the buzzard that is determined to pick out your eyes.

In his mosque speech, Obama cited a long history of Islam in America, and demanded more positive depictions of Muslims in American media. However, no reporter had the courage to ask for proof that Islam made any contribution to America.

Since there are many credible charges that Obama has been a life-time Muslim, it might be the words of a fanatic. He knows the statement is untrue but Islam permits deception, disingenuousness, and dishonesty if it supports and advances Islam.

Obama’s dedication to Islam may have driven him into demonstrative error. Or, he may be a fool and is simply repeating what some other fool has uttered. Or, he might be a fraud in that he knows the claims are false but wanting to give credibility to Islam, he promulgates a falsehood. He is weaving a cloak to hide the naked lies of Islam. My purpose today is to lift the cloak and reveal the unbending, unloving, uncivil, undemocratic, and ugly side of Islam.

A leading Muslim said, “The Islamic civilization was one of the most amazing that history has ever known.” That is wishful thinking and skewed, dishonest history. Such boastful claims are even more solemn, shameful, and scandalous when spoken by the President of the U.S.A.

The following grandiose claims are a pathetic example of desperate Muslim leaders who make false claims hoping to impress the gullible and feeble-minded. I could provide many more such false claims.

Muslims declare that Columbus had a Muslim navigator but he did not. A crew member was a Spaniard who spoke Arabic. Big difference.

Muslims are quick to boast about the “Arabic” system they developed which was a major improvement over the cumbersome Roman system. Just a little problem here: Muslims did not develop that system. They took it from India in about 750 and passed it on to Europeans making life simpler for everyone. Muslims were not original thinkers but they were very helpful in transmitting valuable information and classical books to Europe during the Middle Ages.

The Muslim claim for the invention of glassmaking is totally bogus since glass can be traced back to 3,500 B.C. in Mesopotamia. That was more than 4,000 before Mohammad poked his head out of his desert tent.

Desperate Muslims even take credit for bathing and soap invention! If Muslims would read the Old Testament they would discover the emphasis on cleanliness. Moreover, I have seen baths in Greece, Rome, and all over the Middle East that go back more than 2,000 years. The “Muslim” who allegedly developed soap in the late 1,700s was not even a Muslim! He was reared in a Muslim home but he became a Christian and one of his grandsons became a preacher! Furthermore, soap making goes back to Babylon in 2,800 B.C. Such spurious claims show desperation.

Muslims have long taken credit for architecture especially the pointed arch that is so common all over Europe; however, it is a fact that the pointed arch goes back to the Assyrians–at least 722 B.C.

Deceptive Muslims even claim they were the first to proclaim the Earth is round in the 8th century even though the Bible clearly declares the Earth is a sphere in Isa. 40:22 and Greeks taught a round Earth hundreds of years before Christ. Muslims proved their antiquated views when Saudi Arabia Sheik Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz recently declared “The earth is flat. Whoever claims it is round is an atheist deserving of punishment.” Which is it–round or flat?

But it gets worse because in October 2007 on Iraqi TV, a Muslim scientist authoritatively affirmed that the Earth is flat! Moreover, he informed his audience that the Sun is much smaller than the Earth and revolves around it!

Why all this disingenuousness, distortion, and dishonesty? It is because Islam has no credibility with informed people. So, Islamic followers try to prop it up and make it more respectable. Like angry atheists, they believe if they repeat their lies often enough, uninformed people will believe them to be truth. It won’t work.

No, Obama was wrong. Muslims made absolutely no contribution to America’s discovery or development. And many Muslim leaders are doing their best to destroy America as we have known it.

As proved above, Muslims blow smoke when they boast about their accomplishments. What they did give to the world was a backward, barbaric, and bloody religious way of life.

But then, I’m not supposed to mention that fact. Or say that it is untrue that “a peaceful religion was hijacked.”

Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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U.S. Troops in Syria: Too Little too Late or too Much too Soon? https://donboys.cstnews.com/u-s-troops-in-syria-too-little-too-late-or-too-much-too-soon https://donboys.cstnews.com/u-s-troops-in-syria-too-little-too-late-or-too-much-too-soon#respond Tue, 08 Dec 2015 16:29:10 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1300 Sixteen times President Obama promised that the US military would not be sent to Syria; however, we now have 50 special operation troops there as of a few weeks ago. No doubt the CIA and others have been there for years. It used to be an act of war to send unwanted troops into a sovereign nation. Is that no longer true? Why is Syria an exception?

The Secretary of Defense revealed last week that 200 special operation troops would be sent into Iraq and would participate in raids into Syria. Wait a minute, I thought the Iraqi war was over, or at least we had quit; however, we did leave 3,500 troops there. On Nov. 4 Obama said, “But you know I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I said I’d end the war in Iraq. I ended the war in Iraq.” But more troops will be sent!

Senators Graham and McCain want Obama to raise the total U.S. forces in Iraq to 10,000 and send an equal number to Syria! If Obama does that, I suggest that Graham and McCain cease beating the war drums and actually lead the first incursion. Old men make wars and young men (and women) die in them.

What will these new troops in Syria and Iraq do? Will they defend themselves? What are their limitations? What will happen in a confrontation with Russian troops? In early November the BBC reported that 10,000 Russian troops were in Syria and after the Paris attack, Putin authorized 150,000 more troops! If American troops are captured, will we send troops to rescue them?

On Nov. 24, the Turks shot down a Russian plane on the Syria-Turkey border and a Russian helicopter was shot down by the US backed Syrian rebels–the Free Syrian Army with what is thought to be an American supplied TOW missile. It gets worse as Russia’s Putin ordered their best missile defense system sent to the Russian airbase in Syria in retaliation for the destruction of their plane and pilot. Some U.S. experts are preaching, predicting–maybe promoting World War III.

Syria is a maniacal, murderous, malodorous mess that should alarm the U.S. but not activate us. It calls for our attention but not action.

Just to remind younger readers of another mistake we made: Following WW II, Vietnam was divided into the Communist North and the democratic South. In July of 1950, United States military involvement in Vietnam began as Democrat President Harry Truman authorized $15 million in military aid to the French in their struggle with communists in the north. A few advisors were authorized followed by tanks, planes, artillery, and other supplies to prosecute the war.

In January of 1955 Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sent military aid and offered to train the South Vietnamese Army. We were now on a slippery slope and it finally ended with a divided America; 47,244 Americans were killed and over 334,000 were wounded; 922 U.S. airplanes shot down; hundreds of villages leveled; and a high of 543,000 American troops in Vietnam. More than 2,400 POWs/MIAs were unaccounted for as of 1973. It was America’s longest war (15 years of combat) and our first defeat ending in 1973. Our government never had any intention of winning the war. Sadly, today Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand are still controlled by tyrants!

Nixon campaigned for president on “peace with honor” but there was no honor. America troops fled Saigon as Communist troops entered the city. U.S. helicopters lifted American Marines, embassy personnel, and South Vietnamese civilian workers (who were on the commies’ death list) from the roof of the American embassy. Film footage of desperate civilians hanging onto departing helicopters is the last shameful scene in a tragic war that started with a few advisors and trainers!

Now we have advisors and trainers in Syria! We’ve seen that movie before with Vietnamese subtitles. This time subtitles are in Arabic!

Syria is a snake pit with a bunch of snakes killing each other and the U.S. should stay out. The BBC News reported that “There are believed to be as many as 1,000 armed opposition groups in Syria, commanding an estimated 100,000 fighters.” It is a tangled mess that has no reasonable solution.

Syria’s dictator Bashar Assad is a Muslim hypocrite (as was his daddy), supported by Shi’ites, an efficient killer especially when cornered, and supported by Russia fighter jets, Iran, and the terrorist group Hezbollah. However, Assad has governed the nation and provided stability and protection to Christian churches.

Assad’s opponents in the civil war are a ragtag assortment of Islamic fanatics including the Jabbat al-Nusra terrorists, who will cut the throats of their co-belligerents as soon as the Assad regime falls or is pushed over. There are Iranian, Russian, and Syrian armies already fighting ISIS on the ground (thereby helping Assad) and French, Russian, and American jets fighting from the air. American jets are pounding Assad’s conglomerate army and Russian jets are fighting Assad’s enemies. So, America is hurting Assad while Russia helping Assad! Added to this crazy mix, the Israeli air force is also flying sorties from time to time.

Assad’s enemies like to be known as ISIL, meaning the Islamic State of Iraq and the Lavant. This refers to a region stretching from southern Turkey to Egypt that includes Lebanon, Syria, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Cyprus, and Jordan. The group’s stated goal is to restore an Islamic state, or caliphate, in this entire area. ISIL is the term used by the UN and the Obama administration and using it gives the terrorists more credibility as if they actually represent all those living in the Levant–from Turkey to Egypt. The use of the term also takes attention away from Obama’s failure in Iraq. In Obama’s commencement speech at West Point on June 19 he used ISIL 16 times thereby warning the mainstream media to go along with the farcical nomenclature.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claims to be a caliphate with religious, political, and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. It controls territory with 10 million people in Syria and Iraq and has changed its name to IS or Islamic State. Obama insists on using ISIL instead of ISIS when discussing the area. There is no difference whether ISIL, ISIS, or IS; they are the same–Muslim butchers.

The free world and the UN still haven’t received the message: there is no way to beat Islamists. We can blast a nation into the Stone Age but that won’t win the war. Fact: there will be perpetual conflict as long as there are Koranic Muslims down at the local mosque–any local mosque. We will be at war and living with terror to the end of the age! The next war could very well bury Western Civilization forever as well as the barbarians living on the Arabian Desert.

Furthermore, there is the issue of national sovereignty. Who gave America the authority to invade another nation? Do we believe in national sovereignty or not? At least Russia was invited into Syria and Israel can build a good case for their attacks. Do we believe in sovereignty for us but not for “them”? No one has even tried to justify this inconsistency.

Syria: Too little too late or too much too soon? Neither, the US should not have troops there. Let Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, etc., clean up their own mess. As I wrote in 2013, the US should stay out of Syria since it is a bridge into Hell. All factions in Syria are thugs, thieves, tyrants, or terrorists and they all pray toward Mecca.

The US Air Force Secretary has admitted that “ground forces” is a must in order to “occupy” and “govern” parts of Syria; but the US should not be interested in occupying or governing any other nation. We have no more right to be there than Mexico has a right to occupy and govern San Diego, Tucson, Las Cruces or Brownsville. We have no right to be there unless we declare war.

All the Muslim states in the area are enemies of Syria and Iran so I suggest that the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, the Turks, etc., get together a massive army (Turkey has 500,000 troops in the barracks) and clean out their Muslim “brothers.” They can easily finance the operation with their oil money. They can show how ecumenical they are by rebuilding the homes of the Kurds and Christians. The US can share intelligence and strategy with the “good” guys but it is a Muslim fight.

Syria is a mess but it is not worth another American life or limb. The US has left enough American blood and limbs in that desert wasteland. The Muslims made the mess, now let them clean it up.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Of Course Obama is a Muslim! https://donboys.cstnews.com/of-course-obama-is-a-muslim https://donboys.cstnews.com/of-course-obama-is-a-muslim#comments Mon, 21 Sep 2015 02:33:37 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1212 Last week Dr. Ben Carson opined that he did not think a Muslim should be President of the U.S. and the media reaction might make you think he had endorsed perversion–but wait, that’s already been done by the “beautiful” people of the media and academia. The fact is, the U.S. already has a Muslim president! But what’s the big deal? We have no religious test for the presidency–well, except for born again Christians, at least unofficially! However, isn’t it acceptable for a man to believe that some religious beliefs might tend to militate against American ideals?

The “fair and balanced” (and those not so fair and balanced) media went after Donald Trump for his failure in not crucifying his supporter who declared President Obama is a Muslim. Of course, he is a Muslim, but then according to political correctness there’s nothing wrong with that. Is there?

Obama admitted he was a Muslim on ABC television when he referred to “my Muslim faith.” The ABC host gently “corrected” him. Muslims have not received the most positive press in recent years with their propensity to behead civilians, rape small girls, burn captured soldiers alive, and destroy centuries-old monuments. It would be wiser for him to wear a cross around his neck and have “Onward Christian Soldiers” played when he is introduced rather than admit being a Muslim.

Informed, educated people know that people can mistakenly say, “He has went” or “You was,” or “I seen” but for a Jew to mistakenly say, “My Christian faith,” or a Hindu to say, “My Baptist faith,” or a Methodist to say, “My pagan faith,” is downright silly. No one believes that is possible.

Obama’s official campaign site had a page titled “Obama has never been a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.” I would say, “Obama, I know thousands of committed Christians. They are my friends, and I can tell you that you are not a committed Christian. Committed Christians are truthful, consistent, gracious, kind, thoughtful, generous, Bible-reading, and church-going people who have surrendered to following Christ. Everything you are not.” And don’t demand that I apologize or backtrack because that would only happen if I have a seizure of senility.

His site also does damage control when it falsely states, “Obama never prayed in a mosque. He has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ.” However, being a member of Trinity United Church of Christ gives him no credibility since it is probably the most unchristian church in America. In fact, a church official said, “we have so many members of our church who are Muslims.” No one becomes a Christian by baptism, church membership, giving, or living right. It requires faith in Christ.

Obama’s campaign released the statement that the senator “has never been a practicing Muslim.” However, the facts indicate otherwise. He was listed as a Muslim while a young student in Indonesia and often attended a mosque.
He was enrolled in the Besuki Primary School, a public school in Jakarta, as a Muslim. Didn’t his mother know what religious affiliation her young son had when she filled out the enrollment forms?

Obama clearly admitted to studying the Koran and identified his school as “a Muslim school” in his autobiography, Dreams From My Father. Many of his childhood friends commented on his Muslim religion, and the media in Indonesia made many references to his Muslim faith.

Obama acknowledges in Dreams that his grandfather was a Muslim (page 104) and that he spent two years in a Muslim school in Indonesia studying the Koran (page 154). In The Audacity of Hope, he says (page 204) that “my father had been raised a Muslim” but that by the time he met his mother, his father was a “confirmed atheist.” However, Muslims teach that children become Muslims because of their father’s religion. Moreover, no one can testify as to when he repudiated Islam. Nor is there a record of his Christian baptism!

Obama really let the kitty out of the sack when he allegedly told the Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit that he was a Muslim! In mid-January of 2010 the Foreign Minister revealed on the “Round Table Show,” a Nile telecast that “he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.” This conversation probably happened when Gheit was in Washington for Middle East peace talks in early January of 2010.

Alright, the above seems to be prima facie evidence that America has a Muslim as President and while that is not illegal, it would be if he were born in Kenya but that’s another column. The following circumstantial evidence is also overwhelming proof of his Muslim faith and his antagonism for the Christian faith.

Fox News reported that Obama told the NASA administrator Charles Bolden before his appointment that he was to do three things. The third was “He wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science…and math and engineering.” The White House verified the conversation in June of 2010. NASA is in the “feel good” business!

Obama asked Georgetown University to remove a religious symbol for the name of Jesus where Obama was to speak about the economy on Apr. 14, 2009. He has not asked for the removal of Muslim symbols when speaking at Islamic events.

The Obamas’ annual White House Christmas cards are never traditionally Christian dealing with Christ’s birth rather they focus on things such as the family dogs. And the White House Christmas tree ornaments include figures such as Mao Tse-tung and a drag queen! He seems to be sending a not-too-subtle message: Christians don’t matter. Muslims do.

Pastor Louie Giglio once preached a sermon supporting the biblical definition of marriage and when that was revealed he was pressured to remove himself from praying at Obama’s inauguration in 2013. Believers in traditional marriage are anathema but homosexuals receive major appointments to federal positions. Know any, I repeat any, outspoken Christian appointed to even low-level positions by Obama?

In January 2012, the Obama administration maintained that the First Amendment does not protect churches and synagogues in the hiring of pastors and rabbis. That would surprise James Madison.

On November 2011, President Obama opposed inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial.

In 2010 Obama began to deliberately omit the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence and has done so many times.

In May of 2009, Obama refused to host services at the White House for the National Prayer Day even though the day was established by federal law.

One thing is positive that all honest people can agree on. The record clearly proves Obama is a Muslim sympathizer, spokesman, and sycophant.

I could go on and on with many other indications that Obama uses every opportunity to denigrate, disparage, and deny biblical principles and promote, preach, and pander to Islam. It is not becoming for the President of the United States to be a shill for a brutal, bloody, barbaric and backward religion even if he sincerely believes their principles.

Daddy said, “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.” Daddy was right. Obama is a Muslim.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Muslims Did Not Originate Beheadings! https://donboys.cstnews.com/muslims-did-not-originate-beheadings https://donboys.cstnews.com/muslims-did-not-originate-beheadings#respond Mon, 02 Feb 2015 00:34:40 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1013 We are living in a brutal age when concern for others, especially the innocent and helpless is almost absent from daily living; however, even non-religious people are horrified at the numerous beheadings of journalists, aid workers, tourists, and prisoners by Muslim terrorists. Nevertheless, beheadings have not always been an expression of hatred and terror but of war and judicial edict.

In fact, brutality as punishment goes back to the famous 18th century B.C. Code of Hammurabi and it may be worthwhile to note that Ham was the King of Babylon–near Bagdad, Iraq! The Hammurabi punishment for theft was the cutting off of a finger or a hand. A man’s lower lip was cut off if he kissed a married woman. Defamation was punished by cutting out the tongue. If a house collapsed killing the owner because the builder did not make it strong enough, the builder was put to death. Adultery was punished with the death of both parties by drowning, but if the husband was willing to pardon his wife, she was spared. Death was the penalty for hiding a slave. Pretty tough laws. The Mosaic code of the Hebrew nation was much more lenient.

Decapitation has been used since the beginning of time as proved by incidents recorded in the Bible. The thinking person knows that just because something is recorded in the Bible does not mean the act is recommended. The first incident in ancient literature is in Judges 5:26 (about 1250 B.C.) when an enemy of Israel, Canaanite commander Sisera, was killed. An Israeli woman drove a nail through his head while he was sleeping, then beheaded him. The message: don’t mess with Jewish women.

For centuries heads have been used for messages for proving a death, for collecting a ransom, for punishment. Ancient Greeks sent messages to dead relatives and friends by giving a message to a slave, then cutting off his head. If the Greeks forgot something, they sent another decapitated slave as a P.S.

In I Sam. 17:49-51 young David accepted Goliath’s challenge and David succeeded in knocking him down and out with his sling shot. David then took his sword and beheaded him before he could regain consciousness and carried the head to King Saul as proof of his accomplishment. David also collected on the king’s promise to give his daughter in marriage. David took Goliath’s head and got the girl’s hand.

In I Sam 31:8, 9 Saul, Israel’s first king, was found slain on the battlefield where he was beheaded by the Philistines. His body was nailed to the city wall and his head was displayed in the pagan temple of Dagon. That was the Philistines’ way of saying, “Our god is bigger than your God.” However, after about 3,500 years, most of my readers never heard of Dagon!

The New Testament reveals how John the Baptist was beheaded because he preached against King Herod taking his brother’s wife. Not much chance of modern preachers getting beheaded since most don’t do any confronting of anyone for anything at any time.

Muslims are to be blamed for originating things such as making female sexual mutilation a religious observance, temporary marriages, the burka, modern terrorism, and their fanatical religion but beheadings cannot be laid at their feet. However, they are using the gruesome practice to strike terror in everyone, friends and foes. They are saying: “Don’t mess with us. We are invincible. You will end up like this.”

ISIS uses a small, dull knife to produce a terror effect rather than a sharp sword or, better yet, an automatic rifle that would be quicker and far less messy. The American-trained Iraqi army fled from the horror of the bold, brash, beheading bandits. And there may be something of the area’s ancient culture that promotes decapitation since there are Assyrian (Nineveh–Iraq) carvings showing the king removing a victim’s head almost 3000 years ago. Since television was not available at the time, the butchers used stone wall carvings to depict their King, Sennerachib, using a short knife to saw off the head of a kneeling prisoner. All that’s missing is a cell phone camera to send the images to the world.

The Assyrians were adept at warfare using the latest in iron weapons, battering rams, three-man chariots, horse-drawn tanks, etc. They purposely sought to terrify their opponents by gouging out eyes, ripping out tongues, cutting off ears, noses, sex organs; skinning them alive, and beheading. Soldiers competed with each other as to who could acquire the most heads. Children were tortured and their flesh was sliced off and fed to wolves, dogs, etc. Now you know why Jonah was not too excited about preaching to them. He didn’t want God to spare them.

Beheading of prisoners was also done in Egypt as drawings show Pharaoh Ramses II grabbing prisoners representing three rival countries, a Syrian, Nubian, and Libyan by their hair bringing their necks up to a good angle for the ax he’s holding–whop goes the head.

However, for Islam, it is much more than using terror to terrorize their enemies and keep their followers on the reservation. Beheading is a religious duty as they follow the clear teaching in Sarah 8:12 of the Koran: “I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.” That does not reflect a “personal struggle with evil” or self-defense. It is a command to behead unbelievers. Muslims read this as a “divine” command and carry it out with gusto!

President Obama absolved Muslims of grotesque killings by saying on national television, that “ISIL is not Islamic.” Of course, he was wrong which seems to be a habit especially when Islam is an issue. After all, the terrorists say they are Muslims, attend mosques, dress like Muslims, pray toward Mecca like Muslims, talk like Muslims, raise their children to be Muslims, so of course, they are Muslims. It is embarrassing to have the leader of the free world make such a stupid statement. Everyone knows he is being politically correct, i.e. dishonest.

After British aid worker David Haines became the third Western hostage to be decapitated by Muslim terrorists, Britain’s immigration minister made a point of visiting a London mosque and declared that the beheadings “had nothing to do with Islam.” However, sane, honest, informed people know it had everything to do with Islam.

After a lady was beheaded in Oklahoma, President Obama sent a reprehensive to the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, the mosque where the beheader, Alton Nolen, attended. Obama sent a special message thanking them for their “service.” That alone is enough to require his impeachment.

No, Muslims did not originate beheadings but they have made it front page news and proved to all honest people that they are brutish, brash, bloody barbarians.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Obama–Stop Playing at Stopping Muslim Terrorists! https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-stop-playing-at-stopping-muslim-terrorists https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-stop-playing-at-stopping-muslim-terrorists#respond Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:40:09 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1003 Following the Paris massacre, the president of France, who never saw a socialist he didn’t like, made an international fool of himself when he declared, “Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with the Muslim religion.” The fact is, everyone except he, Obama, and some other fanatic leftists know it had everything to do with the Muslim religion.

A few days before the massacre in Paris, President el-sissi of Egypt personified courage when he spoke at the foremost Muslim university in Egypt telling them a major reformation was needed in Islam amounting to a “religious reformation.” Wow, not one Muslim leader in the world has said that! Not many non-Muslims either. Might be dangerous to stand close to him. He told the imams they had a duty to stop the crescendo of Muslim violence around the world although he did not promise freedom in Egypt since he is an authoritarian leader. When then General el-sissi was head of the military he kicked out the Muslim Brotherhood and quickly felt retaliation when Obama cut all foreign aid to Egypt. Yes, courage costs and I suspect it will cost him much more.

It is interesting that Obama spoke at the same university to the same audience in 2009, saying, “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism. It is an important part of promoting peace.” The President did not try to document his claim since every Tom, Dick, and Mohammed knew it was bogus. (That’s a kind, pussy-footing way of saying he was lying through his teeth.)

Americans have seen many wars: war on poverty, war on drugs, war on fat, war on terrorism but all have been miserable failures. And the war on terrorism is the most serious war we ever fought–even more serious than World War II! In that war we recognized our enemies as Germany, Italy, and Japan. We knew their leaders. We knew where to attack to cripple their war production. However, in the war on terrorism we aren’t even willing to call them by name: Muslim terrorists. To wage war, first you must identify the enemy.

There are 49 nations that have a majority of Muslim citizens and they all have one thing in common: they revere the Koran and many hold the Hadith as sacred as well. The Koran teaches that Allah is God, the world must recognize that fact, and that Mohammed was his prophet. Moreover, all koranic Muslims believe that their sacred duty, their first duty, is to make all nations Islamic. Islam means to “surrender.” They will work for surrender, pray for surrender, vote for surrender, lobby for surrender, and finally will behead you if you don’t surrender.

There are Muslims that will not carry out their koranic obligations; but they are weak, wobbly, and not considered worthy Muslims. They would be similar to people who call themselves “Christians” but don’t believe or follow the Bible teachings and seldom attend church. There are “backslidden” Muslims as there are “backslidden” people who claim to be Christians. Those feckless, fearful, faithless Muslims are hated by true Muslims.

Koranic Muslims recognize every non-Muslim as the enemy. They will be patient (even accommodate, acclimate, and acquiesce) when they are in the minority but once on the rise as in some Europe nations, they can get mean.

It doesn’t matter if they are part of organized hate groups or lone sleepers in a quiet mosque, they are the enemy. They butchered innocent people in Paris because of an insult to their prophet. Frankly, it is impossible to insult him. It is a crime in many Islamic nations to blaspheme Mohammed. In fact, a 2012 poll by Wenzel Strategies revealed that almost 60% of American Muslims declared that criticism of Islam should not be protected speech! Moreover, 11.5% affirmed that those who parody Islam should be put to death! Some may live on your street. They will wave to you in the morning and behead you that evening.

Muslims have killed other Muslims in America and called it “honor” killings. Muslim leaders in many nations defend the beheading of innocent civilians. Others defend and promote the sexual mutilation of little girls.

Where is the general outcry from “moderate” Muslims? Why does Obama refuse to tie Muslims and terrorists together? Is it because he is a Muslim in keeping with his birth and training? Is that why he refuses to honor Christian events yet gives dinners for Muslim leaders during their holidays? Is that why he wears a Muslim ring?

Maybe someone can tell me why the Fort Hood killer of 13 American soldiers is still alive after five years. And remember, his slaughter was not classified as a “hate crime” but “workplace violence!” Wonder why? As he started shooting his fellow soldiers, he yelled, “Allah is the Greatest.” That same killer told other medical doctors in a lecture before his attack that “non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.” That’s not hate?

It is way past time for informed, incensed, and indignant Americans to demand that officials stop playing this “Let’s stop the terrorists” game and stop the terrorists, at least those here at home.

When a mushroom cloud forms over an American city, Obama’s pandering to Muslims will be discarded as quickly as long johns in a Texas heat wave. However, it will be too little, too late and he will be known as the most incompetent President in world history.

Islamists have declared war against the U.S. producing a clash of civilizations, cultures, and creeds. It is time for everyone to take sides. It seems Obama and his director of Homeland Security have taken the side of the enemy! They have appointed dedicated Muslims to Homeland Security! The loonies have taken over or is “loonies” too kind. Would “traitors” be more accurate?

It is time for the President and Congress to take action first by recognizing the enemy as the enemy, then by ferreting out terrorist moles. I suggest that:

We pull up the ladder. No more immigration from Muslim nations for at least five years and at the same time, plug all holes in our borders.

Authorities should immediately close all jihadist training camps in more than 20 locations across America. I did just say America! Are U.S. officials idiots or incompetents or traitors? Young jihadists, many of them Blacks, are being trained in explosives, kidnapping, weapons use and guerrilla warfare and are linked to a Pakistani militant group known as Jamaat al-Fuqra. Why would the FBI bomb, shoot, and burn 76 innocent Waco, Texas’ cultists (including women and children) and leave these self-confessed terrorists to train for our destruction on our own soil?

Every Muslim in the military must be investigated for treason and when discovered they should be tried and imprisoned.

Every Muslim FBI agent should be investigated with the same results. We know of federal agents who have refused to wear a wire to secure proof on other Muslims and others have tipped off fellow-Muslims who were being investigated for criminal activity. They shouldn’t be agents!

Muslim military chaplains should be investigated to determine if removal from sensitive positions of influence is necessary.

Every Muslim chaplain in the prison system should be investigated for removal from service since the prisons are the number one place of recruitment into radical Islam.

Muslim pilots should be investigated and removed from their jobs if they are fanatical followers of Islam.

Some will think I am too hard, harsh, and even hateful with my answer to the problem of terror, but no one will think that if a mushroom cloud rises over one of our cities tomorrow morning.

Let’s stop playing at stopping terrorists and get the job done: an all-out war on terrorists everywhere starting right here in America.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY   Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Racial Conflicts Have Sad Consequences for U.S.–Distrust, Distaste Disdain and Death! https://donboys.cstnews.com/racial-conflicts-have-sad-consequences-for-u-s-distrust-distaste-disdain-and-death https://donboys.cstnews.com/racial-conflicts-have-sad-consequences-for-u-s-distrust-distaste-disdain-and-death#respond Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:26:52 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=981 Freezing U.S. cities are simmering with protests over the alleged racist attacks upon black men by white cops and I’m afraid that some irresponsible policeman, protester or provocateur could ignite a dangerous, disastrous, even deadly confrontation between the races. Blacks say attacks by white cops against Blacks have been going on for a hundred years and it has been building to a crescendo since the Ferguson fiasco and continues to escalate after Eric Garner’s tragic death. Now white cops are in the bull’s eye of haters with three of them being killed recently.

It seems race only matters to the racists–white and black. Of course, fools, frauds, and fanatics tell us that Blacks cannot be racists! (Here is the appropriate time to explode in raucous laughter and hold your sides as you roll on the ground.) People should be treated like people not black people, white people, etc.

The results of Ferguson are tragic on many levels: robbery, riot, and rebellion with the loss of Michael Brown’s life; Wilson’s reputation, job, and future; and loss of income and business properties; but the longtime distrust between the races, and the distaste and disdain (contempt) for rioters will take years to dispel–and now death of innocent cops. And it was all unnecessary but was promoted by the racists in low places: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and even in high places: Obama, Holder, and de Blasio.

It is astounding that President Obama, “the most powerful man in the world” would meet with protesters before a verdict was reached! Obama, Holder, Nixon, de Blasio and others “poisoned the well” of justice and are partly responsible for the mayhem that is taking place across America. They have played a worn race card one time too many and now innocent, unsuspecting cops are being slaughtered as a result.

Darren Wilson may be one of the most maligned men in America. He simply did his job, defended his life, was mauled by a bully, and now his life will never be the same. Racists, white and black, have used him as bait for the haters. The fact that Blacks take the side of Blacks and Whites take the side of Whites whatever the facts is indication that racists come in all hues and are without character. Decent, honest, kind, thoughtful people want justice for everyone.

Wilson has been slandered by lesser people such as Holder, Obama, Nixon, Jackson, and Sharpton, ad nauseum who don’t deserve the right to polish his badge or his shoes. If I had my way, that’s what those jerks would be doing.

There was no way the grand juries could look at the facts and find the two police officers as villains and the two Blacks killed as innocent victims. As a result of the two decisions there is a massive reaction by people who have been looking for an excuse to riot.

It is commendable that some police officials and others are trying to calm the tempers, cool the hotheads, and contain the troublemakers. However, many people are determined to vent their hate while calling it justice and innocent people will pay as they have in the past.

Detroit, Newark, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York could burn. And maybe Dallas, Denver, and Dayton, also. If you live in a large city, it might be wise to go visit grandma in the country for a few days.

The political riots following the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968 in at least 110 cities were a nightmare as rebellious, rampaging, and racist Blacks took revenge against what they perceived as the white establishment. Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Chicago experienced the worst, primarily in black urban areas.

In Washington, things deteriorated quickly as the White House sent about 13,500 federal troops to assist the District police force. The city was a war zone as Marines set up machine guns on the steps of the Capitol while the Army guarded the White House. Newspapers reported that rioting took place within two blocks of the White House. By Sunday, April 8, twelve people had been killed, about 1,097 injured, and over 6,100 arrested along with 1,200 buildings burned. Damages were estimated to be $27 million.

In Chicago, it was another nightmare of violence. The Chicago Tribune blared, “City Erupts.” The day following King’s death, huge mobs of men, women, and children lunged from store to store, breaking plate-glass windows and taking what was not screwed down. The Tribune reported, “Television sets, clothing, food and liquor were carted away from largely white-owned businesses.” Some black businesses escaped damage by writing “soul brother” on their windows.

About 210 buildings were burned to the ground, 11 people (all black) were killed with 500 injured. Mayor Richard Dailey ordered police “to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand . . . and . . . to shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting any stores in our city.” An astounding 10,500 police were sent to protect the fire fighters, and were soon joined by 6,700 Illinois National Guard troops. That was followed by 5,000 federal troops ordered by President Lyndon Johnson. No mayor has issued a “shot to kill” order since.

During the last six years Obama has presented himself as the savior who provides whatever is needed or wanted, be it cell phones, foot stamps, housing, etc. Add to that, the “entitlement” attitude that many Americans (white and black) have and you have a dangerous, explosive situation when such freebies are threatened.

Justice for Wilson was a shock and an affront to the black agitators who flocked to Ferguson like swallows returning to Capistrano and buzzards flocking to Hinckley, Ohio. Especially the buzzards.

Look for more fires to rage, stores to be looted, police and firemen to be killed during the “Brown and Garner protests.” “Protests” sounds better than “riots.” Thousands could be arrested; however, if the norm takes place, few violators will go to the slammer for arson, looting, and rioting.

Man has been on a slippery slide since his disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Riots manifest that fact following the declaration of innocence of Wilson because of the failure of the rioters’ homes, schools, and churches to inculcate them with Christian, or even civilized, values.

Rioters have no respect for self and no respect for others so violence is a natural result. They are ready prey for the radical agitators. The rioters and looters have been trained to hate, kill, loot, and burn. The innocent always suffer when parents, teachers, and preachers fail to do their jobs.

Furthermore, look for white police officers and firefighters to refuse to enter black areas where they are hated and may be killed for trying to help! After all, black protesters can’t have it both ways: if a white officer can’t be trusted to properly do his job then maybe those black areas should be protected by black officers. White officers will police white areas and Black officers will service black areas. Is that our future? Or maybe there will be mass resignations of police!

I hope, I pray that I am wrong, but don’t count on it.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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