oil – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Trump’s Speech that Would Put Him Back in the Oval Office! https://donboys.cstnews.com/trumps-speech-that-would-put-him-back-in-the-oval-office https://donboys.cstnews.com/trumps-speech-that-would-put-him-back-in-the-oval-office#respond Tue, 15 Feb 2022 19:49:51 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3031  

Only fools, drunks, and low I.Q. political consultants walk on the thin ice of political prognostication. You can now add this Baptist pundit.

The midterm elections are only a few months away, and if voters stay sane, don’t get drunk, or take drugs that fry their brains, and political thieves don’t steal the election, conservative Republicans will be in control of the House and Senate. That will temporarily stop the national descent in a handbasket to an undesirable destination.

That sets the stage for the Presidential race in 2024 that will damn, delay, or determine freedom for the free world. Let me be clear. I don’t care if Trump is elected or not, but we must have a president who puts American first, last, and always. His party, his personality, his pedigree, his parentage, his peccadillos, his place of worship, etc., are all relatively unimportant.

I have always had problems with Trump. He did many things I was delighted with; however, it is not too smart to antagonize voters, especially when it is unnecessary, unproductive, and unprovoked. He is loud, uncouth, and boastful, but he kept his promises to us. However, he has not been able to control a simple thing like his zipper during his adult life. If a man can’t or won’t control his zipper, can he be trusted with the nuclear football?

I believe a key to his future presidential success is how he handles the 2020 election. I think it will defeat him if he keeps singing the stolen election song. He must forget the past after having learned all its lessons. He should make one statement about past electoral problems and go on record of never dealing with it again. Tell the media the past is past. All informed people know of election irregularities in various states in 2020, but that is now ancient history. He should promise that the GOP will guarantee the 2024 election will be rigorously observed and never mention the 2020 election issue again.

And stand by his word to never discuss it. That will annoy the media, but they will get over it.

Then go out and defeat the Democrats so severely that it will eclipse the 1964 defeat of Barry Goldwater. The Democrat’s brazen theft of Lyndon Johnson’s 1948 senate race and Jack Kennedy’s father’s purchase of his 1960 Presidential race were both nation-changing, but Trump’s fair re-election of 2024 would be earth-shaking with astounding, long-time results for the globe.

Assuming a new Trump will be the candidate in 2024, I have written his stump speech that will put him back in office, or it could be modified and used by a Trump wannabe:

Fellow Americans, I want to introduce myself or, more correctly, reintroduce myself to you tonight. I was privileged to serve you for four years, and we had some impressive successes and some inglorious failures. I entered politics to make America great again, but my personal failures mitigated and hindered that objective.

There were many times when I did not talk and act like the leader of the greatest nation in world history. For that, I am sorry. I will even try to cease the crass, coarse, and crude cursing, at least in public.

I was careless in hiring people who were not qualified for the job or were impossible to work with for various reasons. I was unwilling to admit failure and felt a need to always have the most and be the best, the largest, and the most expensive. Frankly, such immaturity is an embarrassment. I recognize my failures, faults, and foibles that limited what I wanted to accomplish.

I am now a new man and will continue to keep my word to you.

Since a nation cannot be great if its economy is in disarray, I will make it easier to start and run your business. Taxes and regulations will be cut since free people can regulate themselves and have a natural right to spend their own money.

I promise to hire the best, conservative people I can find. I will not insist on the “right” proportion of women, Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, or bald-headed midgets. I may end up with a cabinet full of bald-headed midgets, but they will be trustworthy, competent, patriotic, hardworking bald-headed midgets wearing red caps.

Before considering any legislation or action, I will ask myself some questions: is this action Constitutional? Is it essential? If it is, do we need this action at this time? Can we afford this action? Will this action promote freedom? Is it family-friendly? In the scheme of things, is it the right thing to do? Will this action embolden our enemies?

I promise to look even closer at a proposed action if it is recommended by the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the World Economic Forum (WEF), any Soros-backed group, any liberal religious denomination including the National Council of Churches, and any leftwing EvanJellical groups.

You can be sure any proposed action will be rejected if endorsed by the famous Swedish environmental philosopher Greta Thunberg.

I suppose my biggest failure is the only one the leftists think was my biggest success—the production of the COVID-19 vaccines. I thought I was doing the right thing; after all, the federal health experts said it was right. We have been told for decades that vaccines are why Americans are so healthy, and I did not expect the “experts” to produce vaccines that are unsafe and ineffective.

Of course, vaccines make a mass of money for Big Pharma, but I am now conscious of that.

Moreover, I am devastated that vaccines were forced upon children and others in little danger from COVID. We now know of the tragic consequences that followed the shots.

Whatever you believe about the COVID vaccines, you can be assured that the federal government will never make medical decisions for you, nor will there be another government-ordered lockdown.

Furthermore, I will clean out the federal agencies that birthed the disastrous federal response to COVID. I suggest Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid stores hire the disgraced, disappointing, and soon-to-be dismissed health officials to give shots on a part-time basis if they are dumb enough to continue the shots. Or they could be transferred to work in community health centers doing routine medical procedures after taking a refresher course.

With my purpose of putting America first, I will acknowledge those nations who are friendly toward us and those who are clearly unfriendly, even antagonistic. We will trade with China, Russia, and some African nations if it benefits the U.S.

We will not make political and economic decisions based solely on diversity.  After all, we never hear China, any African nation, or Muslim nation speak of diversity. While we want other nations to be successful, we will continue to make decisions so America will become its greatest.

During my term, one of my biggest mistakes was to endorse and promote the LGBTQ agenda, which I will no longer do. All Americans have all the rights of others as guaranteed by the Constitution, but the LGBTQ crowd wants special rights. However, that would be unfair to normal Americans. The Constitution and common law do not permit any group to be special. Homosexuals have a right to think their sexual activities are normal and even right. Still, others have a right to believe their actions are abnormal, as recognized throughout man’s history. However, whenever normal people suggest homosexuality is abnormal, abominable, and aberrational, the LGBTQ crowd finds it impossible to hide their hatred of the stated normalcy.

Furthermore, I will bring some common sense (and science) to the transgender issue. A man has a right to claim to be a woman and even call himself herself. Similarly, his friends have a right to think he is barking mad. Those friends will not be required to encourage or agree with his insanity. Moreover, no school will be permitted to teach such delusion, and any health official, hospital, or clinic that provides hormones or surgery to effect a change in gender of any person will be prosecuted by law.

For millennia, all societies have considered the mutilation of children on the same level as incest, cannibalism, and political progressivism!

It might be helpful to add some Bible from Genesis 1:27: “in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”—period. And 2:24 tells us a man will “cleave unto his wife,” not his neighbor’s wife, and not to another man, but to his wife.

Nor to his favorite goat.

I will continue to support the cause of Israel to exist within safe and secure borders but expect them to pay their own bills unless some action is directly related to the interests of the U.S. We will try to be fair with the group known by the uneducated as Palestinians; however, we will not support, defend, or be friendly to any Muslim nation that supports, defends, glorifies, or finances terrorist activities. That will eliminate U.S. support for most Palestinians.

Our foreign affairs will not be determined by oil production. If some Islamic nations, even some U.S. “friends,” don’t like American policies they can pour their oil on their pancakes each morning. Or they can go pound sand. They have plenty of that.

We will again pump oil out of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, North Dakota, Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, California, and a few other areas. Once again, we will be the number one oil and gas producer in the world, and our nation will transport billions of gallons each day in more than 200 U.S. pipelines consisting of 190,000 miles. Admittedly, occasionally some elk in Montana, scratching its rear may get its rump seared, but we’ll live with that tragedy.

With the additional oil and gas, thousands of Americans will be back to work, our homes will be heated cheaply, and citizens will not have to choose between filling their gas tanks and making a house payment.

Just as we would not permit a church or group of churches to denounce, denigrate, then destroy our government, we will not permit any mosque to attempt the same. Any mosque found supporting terrorism or to have allegiances to a foreign government will be closed.

No nation is a nation without borders, so we will take control of our borders and send gatecrashers back to their homes. We will take the same action any sane homeowner would take if an illegal family forced down their doors and set up residence therein.

Finally, we will stay out of foreign wars by minding our own business. We will not kick our friends and kiss our enemies as some have done in the past. As always, our objective will be to Make America Great Again.

If I fail to keep these promises, I will resign from the office.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Should the U.S. be Friends with Backward, Brutal, and Bloody Saudi Arabia? https://donboys.cstnews.com/should-the-u-s-be-friends-with-backward-brutal-and-bloody-saudi-arabia https://donboys.cstnews.com/should-the-u-s-be-friends-with-backward-brutal-and-bloody-saudi-arabia#respond Sun, 02 Dec 2018 22:21:37 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2249 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy—basically an inherited dictatorship. It is a backward, brutal, and bloody autocratic nation ruled by a royal family and Sunni clerics of the Wahhabi sect, the most extreme Muslims. That sect and the Saudis spawned Osama bin Laden and fifteen of the 9/11 hijackers. While there are many legitimate complaints against the Kingdom, it is a strong U.S. ally—supporter of Israel and enemy of Iran. So, the Kingdom can’t be all bad.

Furthermore, we don’t have to be their friend, only their ally, occasional colleague, and business partner. No one is forced, or even expected to love anyone. Everyone knows the Saudis are a bunch of goat herders who pitched their tents over a massive reservoir of oil. While that discovery in 1938 permitted the nation to no longer depend on religious pilgrims to finance them, they seemed to think that money, education, and the right connections could buy class, character, or courage. But, alas, that won’t work. Look at former (wow, I love to write that) President Obama as a primary example.

Religious zealots have been calling the shots in the Kingdom for decades, so no synagogue or churches of any kind are permitted in the nation. And while the minority Shia Muslims are permitted, they are also persecuted and prosecuted. As with all oppressive governments, it doesn’t like to have its crimes revealed in the media; consequently, almost 3,000 peaceful protesters (mostly Shiites) are in Saudi prisons at this time.

But it got worse this fall.

Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi was a Saudi citizen who lost favor with the ruling family and got a job writing for the Washington Post from which he continued to harangue the desert kingdom. On October 2, 2018, he was brutally murdered and dismembered at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul by agents of the Saudi Government. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, known as MbS, has been fingered as ordering the killing. The Washington Post concluded that the Prince was the culprit but President Trump opined that the CIA had not verified that accusation.

Even if MbS ordered the murder, it should be remembered that the U.S. deals with many unstable, unsavory, undemocratic politicians and rogue nations such as North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, China, and take your pick of any Muslim nation. And the worst example in history is when Uncle Sam and Winston Churchill crawled into bed with Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union to whip Germany, Italy, and Japan.

President Trump has been criticized for his measured response to the killing of Khashoggi but his critics (not the fairest and brightest in the world) forget that Trump must make decisions based on what is best for America. Khashoggi was not an American nor was he killed in America; moreover, while the murder cannot be justified, it must be remembered that the U.S. has killed people all over the world for decades! Of course, American presidents and CIA Directors would say, “We never killed anyone who didn’t need killing.”

Last month a new book revealed that the CIA conspired with the Mafia to have Fidel Castro assassinated during the height of the cold war. It is just standard operating procedure for many nations that the media moguls and Trump-haters seem to forget.

Whatever, Khashoggi is dead. He was an outspoken critic of the Saudi government and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. While that makes him suspect, he did have some worthwhile comments on the Kingdom that others have championed. For sure, he didn’t deserve to be murdered. Moreover, the royal family should be recognized as a national pariah and U.S. officials should hold their noses when they are forced to deal with them. U.S. officials should not sit around a table, smiling and treating them like gracious gentlemen instead of bloody criminals. They should, when necessary, meet, greet, and retreat with no bowing, kissing, or handholding as previous U.S. Presidents and diplomats have done. (Obama bowed to the Saudi leader; George W. Bush held hands with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah during a walk on his Texas ranch and even received a kiss from the Prince.)

The ruling family in Saudi Arabia is the House of Saud consisting of about 10,000 princes (and many thousands of princesses) who are guaranteed prestigious jobs whatever their abilities. They own most of the valuable land and live a royal life of leisure, laziness, license, and luxury, all financed by the purchase of oil. Saudi Arabia produces 25% of the world’s oil and with those funds they sponsor, support, and give succor to the Muslim extremists in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The U.S. has looked the other way while the Saudis have supported the Taliban for decades.

Plus, the Saudis founded, financed, and fashioned 80% of U.S. mosques! They also support the rebels in Syria and have demanded the resignation of Assad, Despot of Damascus. This is an example of hypocrisy since Saudi Arabia restricts all public protests and freedom of speech and religion yet they demand human rights in Syria!

Did I mention that the Saudi royal family consists of sanctimonious hypocrites? It seems to be in their DNA as is goat herding.

For the last three years, Saudi Arabia has led a coalition of nations in a devastating war with Yemen, its southern neighbor and fellow Muslim nation. (More than half the population is Sunni with about 43% Shia. The remainder consists of various religions including a few Jews. The coalition includes the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Morocco, Sudan, Jordan, and Egypt with logistical support from the United Kingdom and the United States. Human rights groups report that millions will starve because of the war and a naval blockade. The United Nations says Yemen is on the “brink of the world’s worst famine in 100 years if the war continues.”

In November, The Hill reported that the U.S. Senate “issued a sharp rebuke Wednesday to President Trump, easily advancing a resolution that would end U.S. military support for the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen’s civil war despite a White House effort to quash the bill.” History (and the media) will reveal how successfully, if at all, the U. S. is able to extricate itself from a war it should never have been involved with—just as the seventeen-year war in Afghanistan.

With thousands of princes standing in line waiting to get the final nod from King Fahd as his successor before his toes point straight up, it seems Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman got the nod; but anything could happen in the coming power struggle for the throne. The media reported on November 30 that a coup is in the making against the Crown Prince. The November 30, 2018 issue of the Jerusalem Post headlined: Saudi Arabia’s Bin Salman Takes Preemptive Action Against Coup Threat.” Saudi Arabia has reportedly “scrambled its military amid warnings of a coup to topple Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.” One report revealed that a “recent interview with an exiled Saudi Prince claims a royal coup is being prepared.”

None of this is a surprise since the monarchy is notorious for cunning, collusion, corruption, and criminality. U.S. officials have covered their bets by courting the friendship of Prince Bandar, former Ambassador to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia. The Prince has been friendly with Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and very chummy with George W. Bush.

No one can be sure who the next king of Saudi Arabia will be. Moreover, no one can be sure the length of his reign. The kingdom’s own version of the “night of the long knives” could be a reality with numerous possible heirs to the throne being killed or exiled.

The U.S. Government should issue an ultimatum that not one more barrel of oil will be purchased from Saudi Arabia (they are our second largest foreign supplier) until they step out the 7th century into the 21st century. The royal family consists of prissy princes who shop for clothes in London and New York, sip wine and gorge themselves at famous restaurants in Paris, and romp on the beaches of the French and Spanish Rivera while at home they pretend to be sincere Muslims and the Muslim Wahhabi fanatical clerics pretend to believe them to be sincere!

I say, “A pox on both the royal family and the Muslim fanatics,” both of which are responsible for a reprehensible system that permits a barbarian judicial system. No more U.S. oil purchases from them. They can pour their oil over their pancakes and eat it, and while it may not be as tasty as French food, it will be considerably less expensive, and they won’t have to put up with arrogant French waiters.

Rich, rapacious royals walk a tightrope between themselves and fanatic Muslims. The royals have to pretend to go along with the fanatics since those fanatics (bodyguards, cooks, servants, etc.) could take out the royals any day of the week. The House of Saud is so resented and hated by the Saudi people that the hatred has brought some responsiveness between the two main Muslim factions who hate each other: the Shiites, and Sunnites.

Resentment by the hard-working (and many non-working) poor of Saudi Arabia would be normal especially when former King Fahd was spending $5 million a day while he and his entourage played on the Spanish Riviera.

Moreover, Muslim fanatics hate all Muslim political leaders who are hypocrites. Major former leaders of Muslim nations such as Mubarak, Assad, Hussein, Arafat, and Gaddafi were MINOs (Muslim in name only) with an occasional photo-visit to the local mosque. Those leaders always had all the liquor they could swill, all the tobacco they could smoke, and all the prostitutes they could fit into a stretch limousine.

Those Muslim political leaders thought they would be entertained in Paradise after their demise by 72 green-eyed virgins. Don’t think so.

The brutish, brash, boorish, barbarians in Saudi Arabia should get the message that the U.S. will deal with them when forced to do so but they are not our friends and we don’t trust them even when they quote the multiplication table.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Require All U.S. Muslims to Repudiate Atrocities in Saudi Arabia or be Deported! https://donboys.cstnews.com/require-all-u-s-muslims-to-repudiate-atrocities-in-saudi-arabia-or-be-deported https://donboys.cstnews.com/require-all-u-s-muslims-to-repudiate-atrocities-in-saudi-arabia-or-be-deported#comments Tue, 12 Feb 2013 23:32:41 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=328 In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the ruling family is the House of Saud consisting of 25,000 princes and princesses who own most of the valuable land and live a royal life of leisure, laziness, license, and luxury, all provided by the purchase of oil. Saudi Arabia produces 25% of the world’s oil and with those funds they sponsor, support, and give succor to the Muslim extremists in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Plus, they founded and now direct 80% of U.S. mosques! They also support the rebels in Syria and have demanded the resignation of Assad, Despot of Damascus. It is an example of hypocrisy since Saudi restricts all public protests and freedom of speech and religion yet they want human rights in Syria! Did I mention that the Saudi royal family are sanctimonious hypocrites? It seems to be in their DNA.

The U.S. Government should issue an ultimatum that not one more barrel of oil will be purchased from Saudi Arabia until they step out the 7th century into the 21st century. The royal family consists of prissy princes who shop for clothes in London and New York, sip wine and gorge themselves at famous restaurants in Paris, and romp on the beaches of the French Rivera while at home they pretend to be sincere Muslims and the Muslim Wahhabi fanatics pretend to believe they are sincere! I say, “A pox on both the royal family and the Muslim fanatics,” both of which are responsible for a reprehensible system that permits a barbarian judicial system. No more U.S. oil purchases from them. They can pour their oil over their pancakes and eat it, and while it may not be as tasty as French food, it will be considerably less expensive and they won’t have to put up with arrogant French waiters.

Rich, rapacious royals walk a tightrope between themselves and fanatic Muslims. The royals have to pretend to go along with the fanatics since those fanatics could take out the royals any day of the week. The House of Saud is so resented and hated by the Saudi people that that hatred has brought some cooperation between the two main Muslim factions who hate each other: the Shiites, and Sunnis. Moreover, Muslim fanatics hate all Muslim political leaders who are hypocrites. Major former leaders of Muslim nations such as Mubarak, Assad, Hussein, Arafat, and Gaddafi have been Muslim in name only with an occasional photo-visit to the local mosque. Those leaders always had all the liquor they could swill, all the tobacco they could smoke, and all the prostitutes they could solicit.

The Arab Spring is coming to Saudi Arabia although the simmering protests are not publicized. They would have us believe that all is as peaceful, prim, and proper as the Realm of Disney. Of course, that is called Fantasyland. The 87-year-old Saudi king will soon point his toes skyward and the always-simmering palace intrigue may remind us of the succession of bloody, brutal Roman Emperors.

Meanwhile, 70% of Saudis cannot afford to purchase their own home and 40% live below the poverty level. Their nation is held together by workers from the U.S., Africa, Asia, etc. I have spoken to some of them and have been emailed by one oil worker who is a born-again Christian. He has to leave his Bible at home and any prayer and Bible fellowship he has with other Christian workers must be secret or he will be expelled from the country.

We have no right to interfere with any other nation because each nation is sovereign; however, we do have a right to buy oil wherever we please. If U.S. politicians were not so determined to destroy our nation so they can see a new, socialist state emerge from the ashes, we would be producing all our needed oil from restricted areas in and near the U.S. While the U.S. cannot force any nation to comply with our demands, we can use our money, influence, and threats to pressure the Saudi barbarians to make changes now, not after a lengthy study, but now. No changes, no oil!

The Saudi royal family lives in the lap of luxury in gilded, gaudy, grandiose palaces, and they speak of freedom but their handling of the Muslim cleric who raped, burned, tortured, and killed his five-year-old daughter is sterling proof of their hypocrisy. Their pious proclamations served up on gold and silver platters are nothing more than smoldering, steaming, and stinking piles of camel dung.

We will see if our leaders, also living in the lap of undeserved luxury, will use their influence to see that no other child is raped and killed by a Koran-quoting butcher-torturer-rapist-brute of a father who passes in a barbarian society as an influential imam scholar.

In light of the relevant facts, it is not too much to expect wannabe U.S. citizens to agree, adhere, and admit to a civilized lifestyle and repudiate the extremists everywhere who defend the right to molest, rape, and kill anyone even their own children. Any Muslim who clings to his Koran and his explosive vest while defending those brutes like the imam who raped and killed his daughter should be expelled from our shores. Many U.S. mosque leaders are extremists, beating the drums daily for sharia law which is used to condone such brutality. They cannot plead freedom of religion to justify brutality because Koranic Islam is clearly terror with a religious fringe.

The U.S. should put all Muslims who defend brutality and terrorism on ships and send them to the desert of their choice. They are a threat to the safety and freedom of our nation.

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Obama or Romney Could Win in 2012 With this Speech! Part II https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-or-romney-could-win-in-2012-with-this-speech-part-ii https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-or-romney-could-win-in-2012-with-this-speech-part-ii#respond Fri, 05 Oct 2012 14:17:06 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=124 Americans are dependent upon others for oil that keeps our businesses operating, planes and cars moving, homes, schools, and hospitals at a liveable temperature, and literally keeps us from living in a Third World nation. If oil stops flowing, Americans stop living, and we depend on foreign radical kings, dictators, presidents-for-life and others to keep our lights on. That is not smart.

As to our dependence on Middle East oil, on my first day in office, we will start drilling in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, and off the coast of California and will immediately expand the mining of our vast coal supplies. We will try to be sensitive to the environment; however, I believe that people are more precious than plants or bugs or snakes or fish or spotted owls. Our drilling equipment may cause a caribou here and there to abort her young or a bear may singe its rear end on our pipeline, but we will live with those tragedies. American oil will flow. Moreover, of course, we will still buy oil from South America and even Middle Eastern nations; however, we will not buy oil from states that support terrorists.

Our refusal to buy their oil will result in an increase in their supply; however, we will not acquiesce to their demand. They can pour their excess oil over their pancakes each morning for all we care. Or drink it! This government will no longer pretend that terrorist leaders, kings, dictators, etc., are gracious gentlemen, nor will American officials shake their hands while smiling like idiots. Let me reiterate that we will never bow to them.

We will increase our use of clean-burning natural gas that we possess in abundance (and that should make our tree-hugger friends happy) plus we will agree to build the Keystone pipeline that will produce much needed oil and jobs for Americans. Furthermore, we will encourage American entrepreneurs by tax incentives and other measures to pursue the development of alternative fuels.

Individual households and businesses can be assured that taxes will be cut, not raised while we pay off our national debt by eliminating the Energy Department, Commerce Department, Education Department, and hundreds of unnecessary and overlapping commissions that harass and limit private enterprise. Government assistance will be ended or curtailed to only the neediest cases.

We have some difficult days ahead that will require an adjustment by all of us. Nevertheless, we see a bright future after a few years of sacrifice. My administration will keep you informed since you are the Boss. You fund our world travels and generous salaries as you do for all Federal employees.

One new law I will pursue is to make it a federal crime for any federal worker to lie to any American citizen, for whatever reason. After all, if it is illegal for a citizen to lie to a federal official, it should be illegal for any federal employee to lie to the people who pay their generous salaries. That is one bill I will sign with undisguised gusto.

This administration take our jobs seriously; therefore, we promise that any further bills that come to the Oval Office from the Congress must meet five criteria to qualify for passage: It must be constitutional. It must be necessary. We must be able to afford the proposed law. It must not expand government and limit individual liberty. The last criterion is that it must not undermine the family, decency, and general morality. If a bill does not pass those five criteria, it will not get the required signature.

I don’t expect to sign many new bills.

No doubt there are knees jerking all across America (left ones, of course) and those people can cast their vote for leaders that will reflect their beliefs in the next election. But be assured that if I am your choice for President then I will keep my promises. And may the God of the Bible bless America! Finally, during this Christmas season when we honor the birth of Jesus Christ who died to provide a way of salvation for sinners, may I wish the best for you and your family. Good night to everyone.

Of course, like former President Bush, Obama does not have the convictions, courage, or character to make such a statement. Moreover, I doubt Romney has what it takes to declare the above. However, he could probably win with it, but so could any Republican though none have the backbone to make the speech.

It seems all politicians need a spinal transplant!

In November, we will have to live with what we get. God help America!

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