Pence – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Voters Have a Right to Know If Pete Buttigieg is A Phony Christian! Thu, 21 Nov 2019 04:08:43 +0000 Since Pete Buttigieg is the most vocal “Christian” in the Democrat presidential race, he should stop his fuzzy, fractured even false references to the Bible. Principled Christians resent having the Bible twisted like a pretzel to prove a false point of view.

Even the media is sarcastically calling him “St. Pete” because of his many biblical references and his talk of morality. A Federalist article really pegged him rightly when they wrote about his speaking of morality: “But someone who lives in sexual immorality and supports abortion right up until birth is quite obviously the wrong person to do it.”

Bingo! they nailed him to a post.

Voters want to know if Pete is a genuine Christian or simply a church member. Does he really believe that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life? If not, he is a professor but not a possessor making him a pretender. That means he is using Christianity for self-aggrandizement. If he is not a sheep, he is a wolf in sheep’s skin.

Pete could be similar to Julian the Apostate who, according to Will Durant in his eleven volume History of Civilization, “conformed in all externals to the Christian worship, and even read the Scriptures publicly in church.” Julian was the Roman Emperor from 361 to 363 and was the last non-Christian emperor. Frankly very few of them were true Christians, including Constantine. Julian was from a long line of “Christians” who had been corrupted by a corrupt Christianity. He was an unannounced pagan (at the time) while reading the Bible in church!

Of course, there are plenty of pompous pagans in the pulpits in our day.

Even an apostate can do some things right as proved by Julian’s dismissal of thousands of servants, eunuchs, and superfluous government officials. He also slashed taxes and streamlined administrative procedures. Julian established the principle that a man was presumed innocent until proven guilty. He was the first political leader to take that position to my knowledge.

Julian was a pagan who practiced animal sacrifices while heading up the “Christian” empire, attempting to revive paganism to replace the quickly advancing paganized Christianity!

Could Pete be philosophically related to Julian the Apostate?

Desperately trying to sound normal, Pete has promised he “would bring Christianity back to the White House if he were elected president.” Well, “Christianity” is not something that can be toted around. It is a faith, “the evidence of things not seen.” Pete said, “Faith doesn’t have to be something to divide us.” But faith does divide us since some believe the Muslim faith, others the Hindu faith, others the Christian faith. Christ said Luke 12:51 “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.” And only a fool or fanatic says all faiths are equal or that one is as good as another.

Christ divides light from darkness, truth from error, and good from bad; however, radicals don’t like such absolutes.

I see Pete as a man who has rejected biblical standards as well as common decency and is using biblical language to confuse shallow voters and steal their votes with his deception.

Pete went on to decry Georgia’s abortion law where they have male politicians telling a woman “what she ought to do with her body.” No, if a woman had made the right decisions about her body she would have stayed out of bed, kept her knees together and yelled, “no.” Failing to do that, she wants to kill the innocent child. And Pete wants to guarantee her that right. Surely an innocent child’s right to live is far more precious than a woman’s right to slip into her form-fitting evening gown for a night on the town—something a pregnant body would make cumbersome.

When Pete and his “husband” move into the White House, he will provide an example to people “who are guided by a faith tradition in making their decisions about what they think is right and wrong.” However, he does not tell us the standard that will be used to make those decisions.

If the Bible is used, then Pete and his “husband” would not be in the White House or any house since sodomy is clearly condemned in the Bible as the most gross and shameless act of depravity.

Are Christians “on the wrong side of history” as to LGBTQ issues as Pete told CNN? Is Pete totally unaware of history? Sodomy has been known as the sin (and crime) “against nature”; “that unspeakable sin”; “that unmentionable vice;” and “crime without a name.”

While Pete is now promising to bring Christianity “back to the White House,” he was critical of Vice-President Pence for actually doing that. Of Pence, Pete said, he was “fanatical.” Pence, not wanting to be tarred and feathered by the LGBTQ crowd said of Pete, “I see him as a dedicated public servant and a patriot.”

While Pence is a kind, decent, and good man, he is not a committed warrior in support of truth. He is also a politician.

Pete is not aware that a homosexual is at war not only with himself, but with his Maker. He must not know the Bible truth about homosexuality that has been confirmed by all religions since the beginning of time—perversion will destroy a society. You may have noticed, they are no longer gay in Sodom.

Why can’t people believe that perversion is wrong without being haters, bigots, and homophobes? Even if one agrees that criticism of LGBTQ positions is bigotry, why can’t Pete’s crowd be tolerant of the intolerant?

Or, is tolerance a one-way-street?

However, Pete suggests that he will use the Bible (but not Leviticus or Romans) to guide him in making decisions. He will use some of the “safer” commands of Christ such as “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat.” However, what Pete doesn’t know is that Christ was speaking to persons, not governments. It is people who are to have compassion and reach into their purse and feed the hungry and take in the stranger. It has nothing to do with government action at any level. To make it otherwise is a perversion of truth.

Governments are in place to protect the liberties of the citizens from internal and external threats, not feed us, house us, cloth us, suckle us, regulate us, educate us, or provide health care.

But then, Government must have some excuse to take what we produce so they provide all the goodies that people are too lazy to provide for themselves.

Pete implied that if God belonged to a political party, it wouldn’t be the Republican party. And neither would it be the Democrat Party; after all, God was booed at the last Democrat convention! No, Christ would overturn their conference tables, rip the microphones out of their outlets, break their television cameras, and whip the whole crowd (with few exceptions) out of Washington.

Pete has castigated Conservative Christians for supporting Trump, suggesting that we approve of his unseemly actions. Yet, Pete expects the voters to elect him when he doesn’t even know what is natural, acceptable, and biblical by slipping between the sheets with another man.

Pete talks about Christianity but he speaks of a false, pagan religion totally unknown to the Scriptures.

I am viciously attacked for my stand against baby killing and all forms of perversion by the same people who believe Bruce Jenner is a woman, males can use female restrooms, a person is whatever gender he or she desires, Blacks can’t be racists, Elvis is still alive, and believe two people of the same gender make up a family—so my critics aren’t the best thinkers on planet Earth.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Is Trump Pandering to the LGBTQ Crowd a Political Ploy? Fri, 19 Jul 2019 01:08:03 +0000 President Trump knows better than to pander to the LGBTQ crowd, but listening to advisors, he has chosen to throw the homosexual lobby a bone not realizing that they will never be satisfied. They are not interested in a “bone”; they want to chomp on the hand that threw it. Anyone, with his ear to the ground, his eye on the ball, and with half his brain tied behind his back knows the LGBTQ crowd consists primarily of national bullies, brutes, and bigots. Trump will never be able to satisfy that crowd since they will only be satisfied when the debate is shut down, and no one has the courage or opportunity or legal right to question them about their unhealthy, unnatural, and unwise practices.

Yet, in light of the above facts, President Trump, surely with fingers crossed and his tongue placed firmly in cheek declared, “As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!”

Therefore, we now have national acceptance of perversion as well as popular support and “people of good will” are attempting to make perversion universally accepted!

Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in their 1989 book, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s gave specific instructions how homosexuality could be mainstreamed. “Gays must be cast as victims in need of protection” Even if they are not the victim, they should pretend to be the victim. They were told to keep talking about “gayness” and make themselves look good and critics very bad. Stupid people have complied and a sea change has taken place. Wrong is now right, bad is now good, and corrupt is now correct.

Trump is listening to the wrong advisors. Isaiah will serve him better than any of his staff. He had better remember Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” Trump and others can promote evil but they will all be held to an account. Modern man does not want to hear a difficult truth but it is better to be disturbed by the truth than deceived by error. Those who defend perversion are out of step with God, decency, history, and common sense.

Christians and informed Conservatives are aghast at Trump’s support of the homosexual lobby who hates him with a white heat. Moreover, he does not need that vote to win in 2020. All he has to do is continue to keep his promises and build a substantial part of the wall.

No reporter had the courage to ask, “Mr. President, will you please provide three of the ‘outstanding contributions’ the LGBTQ (caution: very offensive video) crowd has made to America? That question will not be asked and I’m considered a bigot for stressing that failure of all mainstream journalists.

Even in light of the incredible public acceptance of homosexuality, the pro-family Conservatives have won the intellectual battle dealing with the LGBTQ crowd, but are losing the public relations battle. The homosexual lobby has been deficient, dishonest, and defeated in the major disputes in this quagmire. Informed people know that homosexuals were not “born that way”; that they can be converted to normal living; that many of them do recruit; that they are disease carriers; they are illegal drug users; they die much younger than normal people do; and are adding to the destruction of our health care system.

There is no argument that Conservative Christians have won the intellectual battle: homosexuality is abnormal, aberrational, and abominable. The battle is over (but the war is not won) and homosexuals are left with one arrow in their quiver: anyone who criticizes them or even questions their lifestyle is a bigot and hater. In that, the homosexual lobby has been very successful. They have made the issue one of “hate,” not of science, health, and morality. And the media and public are too uninformed to know they have been conned by the LGBTQ crowd.

Anyone familiar with logic or philosophy understands that a person’s motives have nothing to do with the reality of his assertions. However, homosexuals refuse to deal with the issue, and they are left standing with open mouth without any answers; and they concentrate on vilifying their opponents. That way, they are less embarrassed by their inability to speak to the issue.

It is my unsupported, unprovable but not unlikely opinion that Trump probably thinks sodomy is a disgusting, deviate, dangerous, even deadly practice; however, the LGBTQ crowd, while small, is powerful and has a large crowd of useful idiots who will jump when ordered, march when told to do so, throw a purse or shoe, cry on camera, and scream on cue.

Furthermore, Trump has a sordid past of disgusting, degrading, and debasing affairs (I hope they are all in the past) so he cannot legitimately discuss sexual turpitude without inviting deserved accusations of hypocrisy.

I suggest that there is an administration plan to deal with the homosexual lobby and limit their influence on the next election: Trump will support homosexual rights around the world while Vice-President Pence will speak out for pro-family positions even being lightly critical of perversion. In taking that approach, Trump throws a bone (again) to everyone. This ploy is convincing because Trump has a despicable past, yet individual Evangelicals justified their vote for him by claiming Mike Pence is a conservative, Evangelical Christian.

I know that’s true because that’s how I justified my vote for Trump along with my revulsion of voting for Hillary.

Trump is hoping that homosexuals will say, “Well, he is the most friendly President to the LGBTQ crowd so maybe he will come along with time.” No, they will not say that because they detest Republicans, Conservatives, free enterprise, family values, and an America-first agenda.

A nation’s ruling government has the primary responsibility of keeping citizens safe from aggressors and terrorists abroad and anarchist, traitors, and fifth columns within. These dangerous people are assisted in their treason by the very constitution they seek to destroy. Added to the above there is now the threat of our nation being destroyed by open borders. Open borders encourage terrorists, invite devastating diseases, increase Democrat voters, and will financially destroy America.

Homosexuality should not be encouraged for many devastating reasons. They are the most diseased group in the world and their continued repulsive practices may be as debilitating, dangerous, and devastating in the long run as an atomic bomb.

Previous US presidents have all been abject failures in this area. Beginning with and including Reagan, no president or his Surgeon General has been willing to go on record about the dangers of perversion. All have said, “Stop gaining weight!” “Stop using illegal drugs!” “Stop smoking!” But no one has been willing to say, “Stop your fornication and anal sodomy!” Had they done so we might not have a population of disease carriers.

The Centers for Disease Control reported in August of 2018, “New CDC analysis shows steep and sustained increases in STDs in recent years!” The report revealed almost 2.3 million new cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were diagnosed in the United States in 2017, marking the fourth consecutive year of sharp increases in these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)! Gonorrhea diagnoses increased 67 percent overall from 333,004 to 555,608 cases. That’s in one year.

Obviously, there is a high cost to low living and President Trump is promoting such activity by supporting homosexuality! Sexual permissiveness has spread across America and the world like a malignant cancer leaving in its wake blasted lives, broken hearts, and blighted bodies and the official US government position is to encourage perversion worldwide.

At the rate America is decaying morally, the next president may have to change our national symbol from eagle to buzzard and if God does not judge America, some impertinent people will assume He will apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Trump, in supporting the LGBTQ crowd, has climbed out on a high limb and handed his enemies a saw. I hope they are too stupid to use it.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog.)

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Pete Buttigieg is Wrong About Homosexuality! Wed, 24 Apr 2019 12:00:59 +0000 Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the media, and academia are all fouled up about what perversion is! Since the mayor is an admitted homosexual with a “husband” no less, he obviously feels he must justify his choice of walking in the dark world of perversion. And make no mistake, homosexuality is perversion. If not, then all religions and denominations down through the ages have been wrong.

A serious person will not try to overturn civilization’s morals, manners, and mores of thousands of years without very thoughtful consideration.

Evidently, Pete cannot be trusted to make decisions since he chose a degrading, dangerous, even deadly lifestyle. Such a person should not be in charge of the national budget, foreign policy, or have his finger on the button.

People who are soft on perversion don’t know the difference between right and wrong, up and down, black and white, good and bad, or normal and abnormal. The Hebrew prophet Amos commanded us to “Hate the evil and love the good.” (We are commanded to hate evil but never persons.) However, most people relegate Amos to the ash heap and suggest that what is evil for one person may be good for another. Afraid not. While there can be some honest disagreement about some things, when God speaks about an issue, that settles it. God has spoken clearly about perversion. And that settles it!

Most homosexuals, rather than deal with our objections and criticisms, resort to the embarrassing and humiliating ploy of screaming, “hate,” “bigotry,” and “intolerance.” That is much easier than speaking to the real issue. Even if some “traditional marriage” proponents are haters, that does not mean homosexuality is right and good for society.

Pete has aggressively gone after Vice President Pence because Pence believes in “traditional marriage.” I wonder how he would respond if Pence said, “I believe in the biblical truth that homosexuality is perversion and is an abomination to God and man.” You see, that is exactly what Pence and others are really saying when they speak of “traditional marriage” and that is more pleasant to hear.

Pete, rather than accepting responsibility of willingly living a homosexual lifestyle, tried to blame his sexual choice on God. He said to Pence, “Your quarrel is with my Creator.” No, it is not the Creator’s fault because Christ said in Matthew 19:4-5, “Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?”

Obviously, Pete chose not to obey his Creator’s command and plan for the human race. The mayor has that legal right but it is folly for him to suggest that his lifestyle choice is moral or to suggest it is wrong for decent people to question his wisdom or to even bring up the issue.

Just because the mayor has desires for his “husband” does not mean he was created homosexual and because Pete reacts to that desire does not make him a homosexual. It only means he is a stupid sinner, like all of us. Practicing homosexuals are people who were born heterosexual and are rebelling against the God-ordained plan for his or her life. Homosexual is simply a term given to heterosexuals who rebel against God’s plan for mankind.

Absent accidental birth defects, a person is born with male or female equipment and the use of such equipment is normal, obvious, and desirable under circumstances planned by a gracious God. To use that “equipment” wrongly (which is abnormal) is detrimental to the individuals involved and a threat to God’s plan for society. However, sin-cursed mankind always seeks to get out of life what God never intended to be in it. Disobedient men take the good and make it bad.

One does not have to react to every desire. One may be naturally lazy but he still gets up each day and goes to work. One has a natural and driving desire for chocolate but he doesn’t eat a dozen Snickers each day. Even if an alcohol gene were found, it would not justify a person becoming a drunk. Nothing and no one forces a man to slip between the sheets with another man and to do so is abnormal, aberrant, and abominable.

People change all the time so the counselors should not tell people they cannot change their sexual desires and practices. Of course, they can change. I know former practicing homosexuals who have changed and are living normal, happy, productive lives—with a houseful of children. If homosexuals cannot change then there is no hope for the pedophile. Moreover, if the pedophile is “born that way” and cannot change his behavior then how can prison be justified?

A black sports figure, Chris Broussard, announcer for ESPN, expressed a politically incorrect opinion for which he was symbolically drawn and quartered by the “tolerant” left. Chris said, “I’m a Christian. I don’t agree with homosexuality. I think it’s a sin, as I think all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman is. If you’re openly living in unrepentant sin … that’s walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ.”

All informed and honest Christians will agree with his incredibly courageous statement; however, those on the left who make decisions based on their “feelings” frothed at the mouth for Chris’ courage, commitment, and convictions. He was reprimanded by the channel and is no longer with them. I wonder why. After all, doesn’t everyone want diversity; doesn’t tolerance extend to Christian conservatives? I suppose not.

The fact that ESPN apologized for its announcer is positive proof that the main stream media are master hypocrites when they speak of diversity, fairness, and equality. When a man like Chris expresses historic, sensible, and biblical views, his employer should proudly say, “See, we really believe in diversity. We believe everyone has a right to express his views even if some people are offended. We are proud him for having the courage to express his views so eloquently.”

Yea, sure.

Pete and other homosexuals who came out of the closet are called “a hero,” “brave,” and “courageous” but that might be a little hyperbolic. It used to be that a hero was someone who risked his life dragging a fellow soldier out of danger at the risk of life or a firefighter who carries a child from a burning building. Not only is the world changing, it seems words are also changing.

The fact is homosexuals don’t exist but there are heterosexuals who choose a life of perversion and rebellion against God. Let me make it clear: homosexuals, as a group, do not exist but homosexuality does exist as it is a choice made by weak, warped, willful, and wicked people.

Growing Up Straight, a book recommended by the National Institute of Mental Health, reveals, “Scientific consensus holds that homosexuality is very largely conditioned by the environment and childhood and most particularly by parental influence in the home.” No gay gene, no excuse.

Two researchers Bearman and Bruckner in the March, 2002 American Journal of Sociology concluded, “[O]ur results support the hypothesis that less gendered socialization in early childhood and preadolescence shapes subsequent same-sex romantic preferences.” The Yale/Columbia professors are saying that DNA does not determine same sex preferences. It is life experience that shapes sexual preferences. No one is born gay. No one.

Bryan Fischer quoted ScienceDaily as saying, “[N]o major gene for homosexuality has been found despite numerous studies searching for a genetic connection.” No one is born gay.

Dr. Lisa Diamond, a lesbian feminist psychologist who is also a highly respected member of the American Psychological Association, has spent years refuting the idea that homosexuality is innate and immutable. As stated by clinical psychologist Dr. Laura A. Haynes, through her publications, Diamond is declaring that, “The battle to disprove ‘Born that way and can’t change’ is now over, and (Diamond) is telling LGBT activists to stop promoting the myth.”

Whenever some Tom, Dick, or Pete comes out of the closet, everyone speaks of “celebrating diversity” and promoting toleration; however, no one celebrates me for being a white, pro-gun, conservative, young earth creationist, straight Christian. What am I? Chopped liver? Are we to be tolerant of leftist loonies but critical of those who lean toward right?

Some naive Americans think Pete has a chance to become President of the United States, but they also believe Taiwan will retake Red China; Pepsi will sell for a nickel again and any day they’ll find Jimmy Hoffa, Judge Parker and Amelia Earhart playing checkers in a Mexican bar with Elvis Presley.

Don’t bet the farm on it.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

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What Does the LGBTQ Crowd Really Want? Thu, 17 Jan 2019 22:58:21 +0000 Well, the zealots of the LGBTQ crowd have demanded that Karan Pence, wife of Vice President Pence, resign from her job as art teacher at a Virginia Christian school. It seems the school has a policy of not accepting students or hiring teachers unless they adhere to the biblical position that homosexuality is evil. (Gasp! how dare they!) If the Pence family caves to the bullies on the disgusting left, then they will have demonstrated that they are weak, wobbly, and wimpy Christians.

What do the homosexuals want? They want compliance with their irrational, irresponsible, and immoral demands: Everyone must march to their tune even if the music and the march are obnoxious.

Pastor Justin Hoke, spiritual leader of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, is standing in the unemployment line after he declared on his church sign on December 3, “Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still a sin. The culture may change. The Bible does not.” The sign said it all. It could not be more factual and the fact that it is true does not mean it is hateful. Truth is not hate, maybe uncomfortable but not hateful. But the LGBTQ activists came down hard on the pastor and even some of his church leaders refused to stand with him.

All radical leftists talk about tolerance, fairness, equal rights, freedom of expression, freedom of religion but that is only applicable if everyone drinks the purple Kool Aid by accepting their radical agenda. Are all radical leftists hypocrites or are all hypocrites radical leftists?

What in the world do homosexuals really want? They want acceptance even respectability and no criticism. It seems they want special treatment, not equal rights; and their death rate indicates they will receive “rites,” not rights if they continue on a dead-end street. More than 60% of America’s AIDS cases and over 50% of syphilis cases (and other STDs) come from the homosexual crowd. Moreover, the stats indicate that they live twenty-four years fewer than normal people because of some of the dumb, dangerous, and deadly things they do.

Homosexuality is wrong today, was wrong yesterday, and will be wrong tomorrow no matter what any court or authority might decide. However, stating that fact can be dangerous for its advocate.

Author George Orwell wrote, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” And it seems that is where we are today. The exertions of academia, media, Hollywood, congress, and the courts have accomplished a remarkable feat: incredibly, they have transformed our nation in twenty-five years by being disingenuous, deceptive, and dishonest. The permissive crowd has convinced most people to believe right is now wrong and wrong is now right. Decent living is now considered unnecessary and perversion is no longer repugnant, reprehensible, and repulsive, but is thought (by non-thinkers) to be courageous, even commendable.

It seems “we have come a long way baby,” in recent few years but we’ve gone in the wrong direction. Many stalwart Americans are standing athwart the gasping, heaving body of American culture saying, “You are wrong. Perversion is immoral and it will destroy those who practice it and it will destroy this nation.” Our lives should be directed by good judgment, common sense, and God’s commandments.

Same-sex “marriage” zealots tell us that such “marriages” are a matter of fairness but it is a matter of right and wrong. Same-sex “marriages” are also an oxymoron. They talk of “marriage” but two people of the same gender yoking is not marriage and saying so does not make it so. If every court in America and every politician says same-sex “marriage” is normal and desirable, it is still not so. A falsehood is still a falsehood if everyone affirms it and the truth is still the truth if everyone rejects it!

The cousin of Chief Justice Roberts who is an admitted lesbian declared that homosexuality should be legal because “society is becoming more accepting of the humanity of same-sex couples and the simple truth that we deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and equality under the law.” Must I lecture Chief Justice Roberts’ cousin that right and wrong are not decided by society’s constantly changing values—or by any court? It should be remembered that some cultures slaughtered children while others ate their enemies. In other ancient cultures, children were sacrificed to pagan gods. My comparison is not accidental. Homosexuality has always been considered an unspeakable crime against nature and against a holy God!

It is inconceivable that homosexuals, with a straight face, demand respect and recognition and reception of their lifestyle! Informed people are mindful that they do extremely disgusting, dangerous, and deadly things. And they demand respect. What chutzpah! Or as the British say, “What cheek.” But, it seems homosexuals are without shame.

I introduced a bill in the Indiana House of Representatives in 1977 to restore sodomy as a felony as it had been since Indiana became a state. My opposition came out of the arts, universities, and closets to protest my bill. A professor from Indiana University irrationally characterized the biblical characters David and Jonathan as lovers and stated that homosexuals only want to be left alone. He ranted that the new law would be tyrannical and repressive; however, what it would have done is restrict homosexuals from cruising in the parks and having abnormal sex with strangers in public bathrooms, among other things. It would also have made some university professors unlawful, uncomfortable, and unemployed.

I informed him and my fellow committee members that homosexuals did not just want to be left alone but they wanted the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval on their immoral actions. I said, “They want the public to accept and respect their lifestyle but that will not happen as long as sincere, dedicated, and informed Christians are still alive.”

I also abhor the tidal wave of fornication that has deluged America but at least fornication is not aberrant or abnormal. Homosexual activists have hijacked our culture. I was wrong in my prediction. Many Christian leaders have caved to the LGBTQ under the cover of “love.” It’s really palpable cowardice.

All principled people have always realized that truth always trumps love.

Many Evangelicals have raised the white flag in this battle as they refuse to stand on biblical truth and they use reason to commit treason against Christ. The cowards, compromisers, and charlatans speak of “love” while they strangle unpleasant truth. And even if we in opposition are filled with hate, it is better to have truth in hate than error in love.

Besides, unpleasant, uncomfortable, and unpopular truth is not always hate speech.

Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Homosexual Ambassador and Lover Going to Berlin: Was Pence Wrong to Swear Him in? Sun, 13 May 2018 21:18:41 +0000 The flood of homosexual acceptance has become a tsunami of approval and even applauding of and abdicating all norms of decency and common sense! Now, even the “conservative” National Review has raised the white flag of surrender suggesting a “compassionate compromise” with “transgenderism.” (A transgendered person is one who pretends to be the opposite sex.) The magazine, founded by William Buckley, worked diligently to elect Hillary Clinton by vigorously opposing Donald Trump! The allegedly conservative magazine was wrong about politics and is wrong about perversion. Makes me wonder what they are trying to conserve.

The magazine author (who self-identifies as “Politically, I’m quite conservative, but I’m also a gay vegetarian”) declared that “transgenders” are “entitled to basic human dignity, just like everyone else.” However, the doctrine of transgenderism is weird, warped, and wrong, but he suggests we capitulate to a lie that would sentence “transgenders” to a life of regret and possible suicide!

It is long past time for people of principle to take a firm stand for truth even if it stings and alienates. That stand for principle must be done in high places although President Trump, loose on morals himself, took a stand for perversion when he asked Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal and openly “gay” to be a main speaker at the GOP Convention. During his speech, Thiel declared, “I am proud to be gay.” Hand me a barf bag.

And, recently Vice President Mike Pence has taken the same or similar compromising position by swearing in an openly “gay” ambassador!

Vice President Mike Pence officiated at the swearing in ceremony of Richard Grenell to be the U.S. Ambassador to Germany. Grenell is the highest “gay” official in the U.S. Government. Pence called him “uniquely qualified” for the post. Did Pence compromise his Christian commitment in officiating?

Pence is hated by the LGBT crowd for his pro family positions taken during his long and public career.

Furthermore, he did not gain any “points” with them for his part in sending a homosexual and his lover to Berlin to represent the American government! The only way to gain acceptability from the LGBT crowd is total acceptance, not just toleration, of their agenda. Consequently, they have bullied, badgered, and blackmailed shallow people into accepting, approving, and applauding the homosexual lifestyle as normal if not desirable.

Pence had clearly declared, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.” Good. He has also opposed same-sex “marriage” legislation. Very good. He supported the Federal Marriage Amendment which sought to officially define marriage as between one man and one woman. Another good move; but has he changed his opinion?

Has Mike Pence flip-flopped on his belief that being “gay” was a choice and his opposition to same sex marriage was not discrimination but an enforcement of “God’s idea” of a man and a woman as a family construct?

He favored the military policy of not permitting soldiers to come out of the closet and said he did not want to see the military become a “backdrop for social experimentation.”

He also opposed Obama’s directive to require students to use the rest room of the gender with which they identified saying, “The federal government has no business getting involved in issues of this nature.” Right again.

However, we are aware of his embarrassing flip-flop on the Indiana bill to protect Christian businesspeople who refused to support the LGBT agenda. Yes, the heat from the sports people, business people, academia, and even the religious left was unbearable; but then if you can’t stand the heat, you stay out of the kitchen. Mike caved and the LGBT crowd still hates him.

Of course, many people see no problem with perversion; however, Bible believers and even those only influenced by the Bible know that homosexuality has always been proscribed in every civilization. Homosexuality was wrong yesterday, is wrong today, and will be wrong tomorrow no matter what any court or authority might decide. However, stating that fact can be dangerous for its advocate. It might even cost one a political position.

Author George Orwell wrote, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” And it seems that is where we are today. The exertions of academia, media, Hollywood, and the courts have accomplished a remarkable feat: incredibly, they have transformed our nation in twenty-five years by their disingenuous, deceptive, and dishonest campaign. The permissive crowd has convinced most people to believe right is now wrong and wrong is now right. Decent living is now considered unnecessary and perversion is no longer repugnant, reprehensible, and repulsive, but is thought (by non-thinkers) to be courageous, commendable, and even cultured!

It seems we have come a long way, baby, in recent few years; but we’ve gone in the wrong direction. Stalwart Americans are standing athwart the gasping, heaving body of American culture saying, “You are wrong. Perversion is immoral and it will destroy those who practice it and it will destroy this nation.” Our lives should be directed by good judgment, common sense, and God’s commandments–motivated by love for people and truth.

Homosexuality has always been considered an unspeakable crime against nature and against a holy God! It still is and the opposition refuses to discuss, dialogue, or debate the issue. Instead, they resort to accusations of hate, homophobia, and bigotry. Of course, that is easier than answering our objections. It is hatful, as well as unkind, to permit people to believe a lie even to make them feel good.

Some would argue that since homosexuality is acceptable, then it was perfectly legitimate for Pence to officiate at the ceremony. Others will argue that while perversion is wrong, Pence was only doing his job; however, swearing in people is not part of the job description of Vice President. And even if so, he could have refused to do it and accepted the repercussions even to the point of being forced to resign. That is what principled politicians (of both parties) always did in the past but it has not been seen much in recent years.

I like Mike Pence as a person and a politician; however, he failed to live up to his own adage: “I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.” Does any knowledgeable person believe famous Christians of the past would have endorsed an outspoken homosexual? Can anyone believe John the Baptist would even suggest any kind of endorsement to a homosexual? I remind you that John preached against the King’s adultery with his (the king’s) brother’s wife even though it cost John his head. Where truth is involved, principled people don’t count the cost.

I am told that this is a losing battle. The victory has already been won by the prissy, permissive progressives; however, the battle may be over but not the war. Maybe Pence’s grandchildren will ask him at his 85th birthday party, “Grandpa what did you do to help stem the tide of sexual wickedness and strengthen American families during your life?” He will think of his three terms as Congressman, one term as governor of Indiana, two terms as vice president, and two terms as President (hopefully) and will have to say that he backed off his strong biblical position for political reasons.

Many Evangelicals have raised the white flag in the homosexual battle as they refuse to stand on biblical truth and use reason to commit treason against Christ. The cowards, compromisers, and charlatans speak of “love” while they strangle unpleasant truth. And even if we in opposition were to be filled with hate, I would rather have truth in hate than error in love.

Does Vice President Pence still love truth or has he, like so many others, raised the white flag of surrender to the vicious, vile, and violent bullies in the LGBT crowd?

Pence and all of us can learn to stand firmly from the success and failure of Asa, an ancient king of Judah who removed all the idols his father had made and introduced to the nation. He also “took away the sodomites out of the land” at that time. Moreover, he even removed his mother from being queen “because she had made an idol in a grove; and Asa destroyed her idol.” Wow, what a man; however, even the courageous and committed Asa did not remove the high places from the land.

God had commanded the Jews to worship in the Temple at Jerusalem but some Jews built high places that were dedicated wholly to Jehovah—while other high places were dedicated to pagan gods. Jews were to stay away from all the “high places.” Asa should have removed all of them but he did not. In that, he failed.

Asa shows that good men can make bad decisions and all men are flawed. Mike Pence is a good man who did not “remove the high places” from the land. Like Asa, Pence will be remembered as a good man who influenced many people for good yet God will say, “Mike, I have one thing against you.”

Pence was wrong to officiate at the swearing in ceremony. He took a stand like a crippled chicken, but he is our chicken. Let’s all learn from it.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Pence is Right: High Standards Mean No Lunches Alone With a Woman! Fri, 31 Mar 2017 20:31:12 +0000 Radical women are attacking Vice-President Mike Pence for not having lunch with a woman without his wife being present. Nor will he go to an event that serves booze if his wife is absent. One female tweeted, “So the GOP is up in arms over Sharia law, yet Mike Pence won’t have a business meal with a woman that’s not his wife. Sure, that checks out.” The female penman er, penwoman obviously is ignorant about Sharia law.

Sharia requires death to any Muslim who converts to Christ; sexual mutilation of young females; honor killings if a Muslim family is “dishonored” by a female member’s rape; no criticism of Islam; men can have four wives, etc. Sharia is already in Europe and is a growing embryo in America and will be in full bloom if such non-thinkers above have their way.

Another female writer declared, “he believes they [women] remain such fallen, lascivious things that he can’t possibly be in a room alone with them, it says less about his faith and more the fact he sees women as lesser beings.” The fact is she doesn’t know what he believes. If he really believes the Bible as he declares then he believes women and men are fallen beings capable of all kinds of evil. And the female critic put words into his mouth when she charges him of seeing women as “lesser beings.” As usual, liberals and progressives are the most dishonest, desperate, and doleful people alive.

Pence’s concern over his marriage is admirable and should be emulated by every man. After all, no one will have a reason to make unfounded accusations if he follows that practice. If he is always faithful to that practice, he will never degrade his office, destroy his marriage, decimate his children or disgrace his Lord.

Pence is also castigated for calling his wife, Mother. Of course, the know-nothings in the media don’t know that such a practice is common in many homes as a part of teaching and reminding children to call her Mother. This failure only highlights the lack of sophistication and education on the part of progressives–i.e., haters of decency and normalcy.

Critics of Pence’s practice are oblivious to the many members of congress who came to Washington, leaving their families back in the hinterland, only to wind up in bed with some floozy. Sexual immorality is possible with any two humans, so sane people will be careful, not careless; thoughtful, not thoughtless; and realistic, not reckless. Of course, this practice should be followed in every profession!

Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell made it a practice to never be alone with a woman who was not a relative. In that respect, they were right on target. No doubt, they practiced that for the same reason I have always done so: because none of us are 100% reliable until we are dead and because of the possible appearance of wrongdoing.

As a young youth worker, I passed young ladies standing in the rain at bus stops lest I be seen alone with them in my car. While that seems extreme, I was never involved in a scandal in an occupation that is rife with scandals. I would do the same thing if I were starting out today. Through the years, I never put myself in a position where I might break my marriage vows or give my critics a reason to falsely accuse me. We are not to give any person a reason to suspect or accuse us of evil.

I have very dear lady friends who have contributed much to who I am. However, I would never consider taking one out to dinner, or rubbing their backs, or even hugging them. It would be presumptuous of me and untoward of me. One thing is sure: if you don’t hug them, you won’t sleep with them. This generation, especially young ladies, seem to hug everyone–even the mailman. A kind, gentle, friendly smile along with a handshake can convey love, friendship, appreciation, etc., as well as a hug but without the danger. And it is not realistic to minimize the danger.

I have never been a “hugger” but in recent years, I have broken that rule for old and dear friends. So, I am not a purist about hugging but I am prudent.

Yes, Jesus dealt with women but there is not one example of Him being alone with a woman in a private place. Besides, I’m not Jesus. What’s wrong with being wise, not fearful, but wise? Why not have women counselling other women? All pastors, psychiatrists, therapists should have windows in office doors? Why not have your wife as an assistant?

The Apostle Paul knew there was danger in very close physical relationships. He told us to flee youth lusts. Moreover, the biggest reason I believe in being very careful about cross gender relationships is the appearance of evil. Paul warned in 1 Thessalonians 5:22, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” We cannot permit other people to control our lives but we must control our own by being circumspect in our relationships. Furthermore, I fall back on my lifetime principle of “being too narrow rather than being too broad.” That is a good rule-of-thumb that usually works.

I read a blog by a woman who promotes cross gender relationships and it was fraught with problems. She admitted that her new husband (after she divorced her first one who was a skirt chaser) had chosen to take her last name. That is not traditional or scriptural. When God married Adam and Eve, their name was Adam. Genesis 5:2 reveals, “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”

Plus, since the husband is the head of the family, she should take his name. He is responsible for her provision, her safety, and her debts.

Why would one not want to be with a wife/husband? A wife is a completer of her husband and a husband is a protector of his wife. I have no desire to have a relationship that excludes my wife. Why would I willingly put myself in the place of temptation? I don’t trust myself since God says that it is difficult to know your own heart.

A husband is not complete without his wife, and a wife is not complete without her husband; so if I am complete, I don’t really need anyone else. God created Adam and Eve and God said unto them, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth” but Adam could not do it alone! Eve completed the plan that made mankind possible. Gen. 2:18 tells us that God said that it is not good for man to be alone so He created Eve for him and for the world. God said, “I will make him an help meet for him.” God had created a lion and a lioness, a tiger and a tigress, etc. but Adam was alone. When God presented a naked Eve to Adam who basically said, “Hot diggity dog, that is exactly what I’ve been looking for.”

Or something to that effect.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Dedicated Christians Cannot Support “Gay” Marriage! Mon, 06 Apr 2015 21:30:00 +0000 It seems everyone has missed the issue concerning Christians’ support of same-sex “marriage.” We have no problem selling a cake to homosexuals but we cannot, we dare not give any kind of approval of their sin. The Bible clearly warns us to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” To approve any evil is to partake in their evil deeds. We cannot to that. Not only must we not do the evil thing but we must reprove them. We will sell them a meal in our restaurant but will not cater their “wedding” reception or bake a cake declaring “The Bible Supports Same-sex Marriage!” Is that too hard to understand?

Let me be very clear: no informed, honest Christian can ever, under any circumstances, accept, approve, or applaud “gay” marriage or any other abnormal behavior. Never, even if there is a loss of income, home, job, or threat of prison! The non-thinkers and bigots will accuse me of bigotry followed by their usual diatribe but that is not an answer. The Homosexual Lobby’s policy is if we don’t approve them then they accuse and attack our lack of tolerance! Hypocrites!

It has nothing to do with hate, envy, fear, or twisted thinking, but a dedication to truth. Sodomy is evil, wrong, wicked, sinful, corrupt, perverse, bad, immoral, depraved, decadent, dissolute, debauched, and disgusting. And whether I’m writing in love or hate doesn’t change the facts.

Homosexual behavior has been forbidden since the beginning of time by every religion and every civilization. Even during the “Golden Age” of the Greeks, homosexuality was rather common among the ruling class and the philosophers. The common people had enough sense to know that such activity was contrary to nature and could destroy the human race.

It is not a matter of forbidding one person to love another because we should love everyone! I love people (even people I don’t like!) enough to tell them the truth about perversion and other matters. Love everyone but don’t sleep with everyone! To do otherwise is obviously abnormal, abominable, and awful.

The Homosexual Lobby has taken control of America with the collusion of the media moguls. Even “Christian” churches, colleges, and conventions have been snookered by the loony left. No one wants to appear unkind, unreasonable, or be unemployed; so, religious leaders have climbed on the bandwagon to perdition with a modern Bible version in their hands and a whining, spurious prayer on their lips.

Christian businesspeople have lost the right to practice their beliefs so that a bunch of homosexuals will not get their feelings hurt! It is not a crime to offend someone! Let me be very clear: do not discriminate is not one of the Ten Commandments. Even if it were, those beating the homosexual drum usually don’t obey the original Ten! But that crowd has far more faith in a commandment that does not exist than for the Ten that do exist and for which we all will be held accountable.

Think about it: a person risks his or her money to start a business, works day and night to get it going, and while risking everything is then asked to do something that endorses, encourages, and emboldens a lifestyle that is contrary to his or her sincerely held religious beliefs. He will sell to and service anyone but to certify or accredit sinful behavior he will not do. And may lose everything for acting according to his beliefs. No honest, informed person says that that was part of early America. Those who declare otherwise have perverted truth. We are castigated if we do not “love” homosexuals but they don’t have to love us whom they call “homophobes”!

Non-thinkers compare the civil rights demonstrators sitting at a lunch counter to “gays” being refused an endorsement of their lifestyle by a cake or photographs. It appears that constant media exposure is rotting the brains of people. I’m sure perversion does.

But forcing Christians to act contrary to their beliefs is not only a threat to religious belief. It is a matter of personal rights even apart from religion. In the “old days” an American could choose his own friends, belong to whatever organizations he desired, and disagree with (even ridicule) political, religious, or academic groups without fear. He might be considered a little odd but it was legal to be odd in the old days.

If that “odd” American started a business he could choose to serve anyone he wanted. If a barber especially liked to cut red hair that was somewhat odd but he could choose to cut only red hair–and soon go out of business. But that was his right as an American.

If a lawyer chose to represent only the Irish or Jews or Italians or Germans, that was his right. After all, this was America. He had a right to not like other people. It was not Christian, but it was an American’s right.

A businessperson could hire whomever he chose and pay whatever salary they agreed on with whatever benefits or no benefits. The owner could set the working hours and the employee could work those hours or not. It was America. The owner did not have to get permission from the city or state to start his business and did not have to give an account how the business was run. As long as he paid the applicable taxes.

In recent days we have seen the governors of Indiana and Arkansas show cowardice in face of the Homosexual Lobby. Governor Pence committed political suicide when he cowed to the screaming homosexuals who bullied, badgered, and browbeat him. If he can’t stand up to perverts, he sure can’t stand up to Putin.

The weak, wobbly, and wimpy politicians, including judges, have destroyed personal rights and religious rights. They have put our nation in a place where there is nothing but conflict, confusion, and chaos ahead.

Of course, a Christian baker or photographer or flower shop should not be forced to celebrate perversion. Nor should a Muslim baker be forced to bake a cake celebrating a homosexual wedding, or the ACLU or similar group be forced to publish an ad in their magazine titled, “Senator Joe McCarthy Was Right!” Or how about a Jewish baker being forced to bake a cake for a Nazi party? How about a homosexual baker being forced to bake a cake with “Same-sex Marriage is Perversion!” for Westboro Baptist Church? Or an atheist printer being forced to print a gospel tract titled “God’s Simple Plan of Salvation!”? Whatever happened to freedom?

Frankly, any businessperson should be permitted to refuse service for any reason unless his business was financed by a state or federal loan. Of course, I don’t believe any entity of government has any constitutional right to lend money. That’s why we have banks.

The city of Coeur d”Alene, Idaho informed the Hitching Post wedding chapel that they must perform same-sex “marriage;” however the preachers refused and sued the city. The city fathers backed down following the suit. Here is where Christians have failed: we have the same rights as others and we should have swamped the courts with aggressive lawsuits against those who slander, harass, and intimidate us.

Recently a Christian asked thirteen major “gay” bakers to make a cake: “Gay Marriage is Wrong” and all refused and some even were insulting and threatening. He should sue every baker.

The issue is not sexual rights but the obsessive desire by the Homosexual Lobby to suppress Christians’ freedom of religion. Homosexuals will brook no disagreement and in this new America they have more rights than normal, decent people.

Homosexuals want acceptance of their beliefs but refuse Christians that same right. They want to have their cake and eat it too. That can’t be done, just as Christians cannot compromise and become an enabler of perversion.  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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