perversion – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New York Times: Christian Smugness about AIDS More Grossly Immoral Than What Goes on in Homosexual Bathhouses! Wed, 22 Jun 2022 00:15:40 +0000  

June is the month when homosexuals and their media lackeys promote the homosexual lifestyle, which they have a legal right to do, but I also have a concurrent right to claim that homosexuality is a deathstyle. The bigots and non-thinkers will quickly charge me with hatred and bigotry as if a caring and sincere person cannot hold an opinion unacceptable to the radical left.

Honest readers will understand that my motives, qualifications, and lack of empathy have nothing to do with the truth. They will ask, “Is it true, and if so, what are the implications?”

A New York Times pro-homosexual article published in 2008 prompted me to respond; however, I did not publish a response. With the astounding ascendency of the Homosexual Lobby and the craven capitulation of politicians, pundits, professors, preachers, and a pope, it is very germane at this time to finish the column.

The writer was Nicholas Kristof, a card-carrying, certified liberal who wrote, “Evangelicals a liberal can love,” that threw kisses to Dr. Rick Warren and his ilk and threw bricks at Fundamentalists and conservative Evangelicals. He quoted Warren saying, “My only interest is to get people to care about Darfurs and Rwandas.” Well, being a cynic, I suspect Rick also wanted to sell a few books, increase his church membership, and enhance his persona.

Kristof opined that it is intrinsically repugnant to scorn people for their faith then he proceeded to do that very thing! He called profamily Christians “self-righteous zealots,” “Moralizing blowhards,” and “religious right windbags.” But we should  never scorn people for their faith! What hypocrisy, but of course, hypocrisy is a tenet of the religion of liberalism of which Kristof is a high priest!

Kristof must have a Ph.D. in Hypocrisy, Duplicity, and Obfuscation.

But permit me to get to the heart of the matter. Kristof characterized religious leaders, critical of homosexuality, as “self-righteous zealots,” and their position on AIDS “constituted a far grosser immorality than anything that ever happened in a [homosexual] bathhouse.”  Now, I don’t know what Nick was smoking when he wrote that or if he is simply uninformed about what goes on in homosexual bathhouses. Let me assume he is merely dumb as a box of rocks, and with my research I will seek to educate him about what homosexuals do in city-licensed bathhouses.

A bath is the last thing homosexuals want in a “bathhouse;” the main thing is anonymous sex and homosexuals confess that fact. It goes with their freedom.

The Health Hazards of Homosexuality and other research journals and studies reveal the kind of sex commonly experienced in bathhouses that interests the average homosexual: 

 *Anal intercourse between two men has been the most common activity of homosexual men since antiquity, and all informed people know it is a dirty, diseased, dangerous, and deadly practice.  Only a few years ago, all religions were critical of such a practice, as were all countries and all medical associations. With today’s twisted values, perversion is simply “another way of loving.” For the record, my position on perversion is historic, biblical, and traditional, so I believe what past generations believed. I refuse to believe past ancestors did not know the difference between right and wrong.

*Oral sex is another common practice of homosexuals. See the previous four descriptive D’s above. The National Library of Medicine reveals that “mutual masturbation, and oral and anal sex” is the commonest mode of gay sexual expression reporting that “two thirds (sic) of gay men have anal sex.” However, a study at Indiana University found that changes are taking place and most homosexuals find oral sex more popular than anal sex.

*Up to 22% of homosexuals admit to participating in fisting, which is too vile to describe and the videos too vivid to watch. I have never heard a homosexual or one of their ardent advocates defend the practice; however, they will question my honesty,  qualifications, motives, sexuality, etc. But then, that is much easier than dealing with the despicable practice.

*According to The Gay Report, authored by two homosexuals, about 23% of homosexuals admit they participate in “golden showers” or “water sports” when they urinate on a partner or drink his urine. Moreover, the report admits that 82% participate in “rimming.” Do your own research but have a barf bag handy.

*About 10% of homosexuals “have eaten or played with the feces [e.g., enemas, wallowing in]” of their partners! (Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do.)

*25% admit to sadomasochism or torture. Often one man chains or ties his partner and then whips him into a sexual frenzy. The Sacramento Bee reported that a workshop was offered to San Francisco homosexuals teaching how to be involved in sex torture without killing each other. Many universities have similar workshops. Not your father’s university education.

*90% admit to illegal drug use. They sniff amyl nitrite, which allegedly prolongs sexual ability and excitement. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2007 that the frequency of methamphetamine use is 20 times greater among homosexuals than in the general population.

*According to Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence reveals that homosexuals are violent people and violence is “the third biggest problem in the ‘gay’ community (after AIDS and drug abuse).” As many as 50% of male homosexuals have no respect for and therefore abuse their “lovers,” more than double the rate among heterosexual couples.

*About 46% of homosexuals had sex with minors although it is illegal in all 50 states, even if the youngster is a willing participant. Classic studies have revealed that homosexuals always prefer young boys to older men. About half the practicing homosexuals were seduced into perversion before they were 14 according to J.C. Coleman’s Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life.

*In a twenty-year period, homosexuals, including a Texas engineer, the California Trash Bag killer, and the Chicago contractor, killed about 70% of victims of mass killings All informed, honest professionals know the prevalence of homosexual violence.

*According to the Journal of Sex Research, homosexuals consist of about 2% of the population yet sexually abuse children “16 times the rate of the normal population.” Think the Boy Scouts, Catholic priests, teachers, youth workers, etc.

Considering the above facts, it is not surprising that 75% of homosexuals have had one STD according to Straight and Narrow?: Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate.

Big city hospitals report it is common to nightly remove bottles, flashlights, carrots, light bulbs, and even small animals from men’s rectums after their playtime goes awry!

Hey, don’t look at me like that. I only report the perversion, not explain it. Such practices are dumb, dirty, dangerous, and even deadly and go on nightly, often between complete strangers. Note that  the root of strangers is the word strange.

Many homosexual encounters occur in bathhouses, back rooms of adult bookstores, and public restrooms, even though all such encounters are illegal in all 50 states. When I called for city officials to close bathhouses at the beginning of the AIDS plague (back when it was called GRID or Gay-Related Immune Disorder) because bathhouses were breeding grounds for AIDS, I was ridiculed and called a Nazi, bigot, hater, and homophobe. Moreover, those were the least offensive names I was called! Honest homosexuals grudgingly admit closing bathhouses would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

In my USA Today columns, I demanded that President Reagan’s Surgeon General Koop (an active Christian), stop dancing around the issue, stop talking about condoms, and yell, “Stop your sodomy and illegal drug use.” But he refused and must bear some of the responsibility for the steady spread of the world plague. So, I was not a hater but a lover because I told people the truth while health officials and politicians groveled at the altar of political correctness.

I believe homosexuality is not a sickness or a quirk of the genes, but an evil abomination as taught in the Bible. In society all opinions should be considered, except when the truth is revealed about homosexuality. While many things contribute to homosexuality, it always results from an individual choice. Frankly, homosexuals don’t really exist; only heterosexuals who chose a perverted lifestyle (deathstyle)!

However, because homosexuality has always been so abhorrent, most homosexuals learned early to say, “I was born this way. It isn’t my fault.” They sing that famous old ballad, “My Genes Made me Queer!”

But that’s a fairy story.

In 2015, the American Psychiatric Association admitted that “to date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology [cause] for homosexuality.” Furthermore, the American Psychological Association declared there is no scientific evidence that homosexuals are “born that way.”

California psychologist Laura A. Haynes declared that the “battle to disprove ‘born that way and can’t change’ is now over, and [Lisa Diamond, a top researcher at the American Psychological Association and lesbian activist] is “telling LGBT activists to stop promoting the myth.” (Cited from The Health Hazards of Homosexuality.)

Even infamous sex expert Dr. Alfred Kinsey (an expert of bugs, not sex and a homosexual child sex abuser) confessed, “homosexuality is largely a matter of conditioning.” He also admitted there was less homosexuality in devout families whether Protestant, Mormon, or Jewish. Well, that’s one time Kinsey was right.

It must be noted that the fact of less homosexuality in religious families belies the myth of being “born that way.”

Churches, still faithful to Bible teaching, teach that homosexuals are sinners like all mankind and require a Savior. We believe homosexuals must, like everyone else, recognize their sin, repent of sin, and receive the Savior. When they experience the New Birth, there will be a transformation in their lives that breaks the bonds of their sins.

God warns us not to be deceived in I Corinthians 6:9, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [men who have sex with men], nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you.” Note, his readers used to be drunks, thieves, homosexuals, etc. So, there is hope for everyone.

Any homosexual can change to normal sexuality if he is motivated to do so. Dr. Irving Bieber, a psychoanalyst best known for his study Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study of Male Homosexuals believed homosexuality was an acquired characteristic. His research reveals that non-religious psychotherapy claims a 30% success rate while Masters and Johnson claim 72% success; and Gay Community News reported on a survey claiming 40% successful conversion.

Clearly, homosexuality is not inherited but chosen.

Even some homosexuals are wondering if maybe they are in a fast lane on a dead-end road. The homosexual authors of After the Ball asked, “Is this a lifestyle to encourage?” Obviously not, and there is nothing gay in the homosexual way.

The New York Times and Nicholas Kristof were way off base, and their closing statement is an example of hypocrisy, poor thinking, or doing the very thing they railed against in their attack: “We can disagree sharply with their [Christian] politics, but to mock them underscores our own ignorance and prejudice.” Yeah, ignorance and prejudice. Hope they don’t forget how to spell hope!

There is hope for all people including homosexuals, and hope is spelled J E S U S!

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Voters Have a Right to Know If Pete Buttigieg is A Phony Christian! Thu, 21 Nov 2019 04:08:43 +0000 Since Pete Buttigieg is the most vocal “Christian” in the Democrat presidential race, he should stop his fuzzy, fractured even false references to the Bible. Principled Christians resent having the Bible twisted like a pretzel to prove a false point of view.

Even the media is sarcastically calling him “St. Pete” because of his many biblical references and his talk of morality. A Federalist article really pegged him rightly when they wrote about his speaking of morality: “But someone who lives in sexual immorality and supports abortion right up until birth is quite obviously the wrong person to do it.”

Bingo! they nailed him to a post.

Voters want to know if Pete is a genuine Christian or simply a church member. Does he really believe that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life? If not, he is a professor but not a possessor making him a pretender. That means he is using Christianity for self-aggrandizement. If he is not a sheep, he is a wolf in sheep’s skin.

Pete could be similar to Julian the Apostate who, according to Will Durant in his eleven volume History of Civilization, “conformed in all externals to the Christian worship, and even read the Scriptures publicly in church.” Julian was the Roman Emperor from 361 to 363 and was the last non-Christian emperor. Frankly very few of them were true Christians, including Constantine. Julian was from a long line of “Christians” who had been corrupted by a corrupt Christianity. He was an unannounced pagan (at the time) while reading the Bible in church!

Of course, there are plenty of pompous pagans in the pulpits in our day.

Even an apostate can do some things right as proved by Julian’s dismissal of thousands of servants, eunuchs, and superfluous government officials. He also slashed taxes and streamlined administrative procedures. Julian established the principle that a man was presumed innocent until proven guilty. He was the first political leader to take that position to my knowledge.

Julian was a pagan who practiced animal sacrifices while heading up the “Christian” empire, attempting to revive paganism to replace the quickly advancing paganized Christianity!

Could Pete be philosophically related to Julian the Apostate?

Desperately trying to sound normal, Pete has promised he “would bring Christianity back to the White House if he were elected president.” Well, “Christianity” is not something that can be toted around. It is a faith, “the evidence of things not seen.” Pete said, “Faith doesn’t have to be something to divide us.” But faith does divide us since some believe the Muslim faith, others the Hindu faith, others the Christian faith. Christ said Luke 12:51 “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.” And only a fool or fanatic says all faiths are equal or that one is as good as another.

Christ divides light from darkness, truth from error, and good from bad; however, radicals don’t like such absolutes.

I see Pete as a man who has rejected biblical standards as well as common decency and is using biblical language to confuse shallow voters and steal their votes with his deception.

Pete went on to decry Georgia’s abortion law where they have male politicians telling a woman “what she ought to do with her body.” No, if a woman had made the right decisions about her body she would have stayed out of bed, kept her knees together and yelled, “no.” Failing to do that, she wants to kill the innocent child. And Pete wants to guarantee her that right. Surely an innocent child’s right to live is far more precious than a woman’s right to slip into her form-fitting evening gown for a night on the town—something a pregnant body would make cumbersome.

When Pete and his “husband” move into the White House, he will provide an example to people “who are guided by a faith tradition in making their decisions about what they think is right and wrong.” However, he does not tell us the standard that will be used to make those decisions.

If the Bible is used, then Pete and his “husband” would not be in the White House or any house since sodomy is clearly condemned in the Bible as the most gross and shameless act of depravity.

Are Christians “on the wrong side of history” as to LGBTQ issues as Pete told CNN? Is Pete totally unaware of history? Sodomy has been known as the sin (and crime) “against nature”; “that unspeakable sin”; “that unmentionable vice;” and “crime without a name.”

While Pete is now promising to bring Christianity “back to the White House,” he was critical of Vice-President Pence for actually doing that. Of Pence, Pete said, he was “fanatical.” Pence, not wanting to be tarred and feathered by the LGBTQ crowd said of Pete, “I see him as a dedicated public servant and a patriot.”

While Pence is a kind, decent, and good man, he is not a committed warrior in support of truth. He is also a politician.

Pete is not aware that a homosexual is at war not only with himself, but with his Maker. He must not know the Bible truth about homosexuality that has been confirmed by all religions since the beginning of time—perversion will destroy a society. You may have noticed, they are no longer gay in Sodom.

Why can’t people believe that perversion is wrong without being haters, bigots, and homophobes? Even if one agrees that criticism of LGBTQ positions is bigotry, why can’t Pete’s crowd be tolerant of the intolerant?

Or, is tolerance a one-way-street?

However, Pete suggests that he will use the Bible (but not Leviticus or Romans) to guide him in making decisions. He will use some of the “safer” commands of Christ such as “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat.” However, what Pete doesn’t know is that Christ was speaking to persons, not governments. It is people who are to have compassion and reach into their purse and feed the hungry and take in the stranger. It has nothing to do with government action at any level. To make it otherwise is a perversion of truth.

Governments are in place to protect the liberties of the citizens from internal and external threats, not feed us, house us, cloth us, suckle us, regulate us, educate us, or provide health care.

But then, Government must have some excuse to take what we produce so they provide all the goodies that people are too lazy to provide for themselves.

Pete implied that if God belonged to a political party, it wouldn’t be the Republican party. And neither would it be the Democrat Party; after all, God was booed at the last Democrat convention! No, Christ would overturn their conference tables, rip the microphones out of their outlets, break their television cameras, and whip the whole crowd (with few exceptions) out of Washington.

Pete has castigated Conservative Christians for supporting Trump, suggesting that we approve of his unseemly actions. Yet, Pete expects the voters to elect him when he doesn’t even know what is natural, acceptable, and biblical by slipping between the sheets with another man.

Pete talks about Christianity but he speaks of a false, pagan religion totally unknown to the Scriptures.

I am viciously attacked for my stand against baby killing and all forms of perversion by the same people who believe Bruce Jenner is a woman, males can use female restrooms, a person is whatever gender he or she desires, Blacks can’t be racists, Elvis is still alive, and believe two people of the same gender make up a family—so my critics aren’t the best thinkers on planet Earth.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Three Men in a Bed: World’s First Three-Way Marriage! Fri, 13 Mar 2015 18:02:56 +0000 There is news this week that is squalid, shameful, sorry, and sordid: the first three way “marriage” with many more sexual debacles to follow to the detriment of society.

Marriage for centuries has made rude, crude, and even lewd men into softies and developed a stable, secure, and sound society where women are cherished and exalted and children are trained and protected–until recent years.

Marriage and the family survived 6,000 years, yet in the last 60 years both have been damaged, denigrated, almost destroyed; however, marriage should be the most cherished and important institution in society since by establishing marriage God provided for the continuation of the human race. Marriage is a safe haven on a tempestuous sea of troubles, trials, and temptations and has been known for thousands of years to have a civilizing effect on men. Men have been known traditionally to “clean up their act” when they took a wife. Marriage also tends to protect women and children physically, emotionally, and financially.

Now comes the first trio “wedding” with three blushing grooms! They have much to blush about.

Three men in Thailand were married in a Buddhist ceremony on Valentine’s Day. One of them said, “Some people may not agree and are probably amazed by our decision, but we believe many people do understand and accept our choice. Love is love, after all.” No, it is perversion, an abomination, an outrage, wickedness, a scandal, an indignity, a dishonor, a crime, a travesty, etc. Many years ago we stepped onto the slippery slope when the Bible was rejected and men vetoed thousands of years of morality, decency, and common sense. Now we have slid into a cesspool and are fighting to stay afloat.

The happy trio are Art, Bell, and Joke. Art is a weird distortion of reality; Bell is cracked as a cheap dinner plate, and Joke, well Joke is a joke without being funny.

A three-way wedding has already happened in America; however it was not legal. If there are no parameters then anything goes. That will include polygamy (one man with multiple wives), polyandry (one woman with multiple husbands), polyamory (multiple and simultaneous sexual relationships), promiscuity (jumping from bed to bed like a deranged rabbit), and perversion (same-sex “marriage” or sex with anything from a goat to a rocking chair). Promiscuity has been long accepted and now comes polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, and perversion. If there is no eternal standard then a man has a legal and moral right to “marry” his goat or rocking chair since there is no right and wrong. In fact, if there is no acceptable standard of right and wrong then pedophilia will be considered normal if some professors and psychologists have their way.

Many will tell me that such aberrations will never happen here because they are wrong. It is wrong by whose definition? That is the problem. If there is no acceptable standard then nothing is wrong. Literally nothing. When Liberals, Progressives, and promoters of permissiveness rejected the Bible, they put us on the famous slippery slope leaving us no authority to determine morality. Anyone’s morality is as good as any other. Well, that is not actually true since those of us who believe the Bible don’t have the right to make a decision based on the Bible. Tolerance is demanded for everyone except normal people.

An African proverb warns, “Don’t tear down a fence until you know why it was put up.” A “fence” has been in place since the beginning of time that has restrained humans from abnormal sexual activity. One man joined to one wife for a lifetime has always been the oft neglected ideal. The barnyard morality as evidenced today is a good example of society tearing down the “fence” that has always existed for everyone’s protection. Since the beginning of time Lamech (who took a second wife) and others have been climbing over the fence. No civilization can stand for long if many generations climb the fence or tear it down. Men are dismantling their own protection and inviting their own destruction.

Same-sex “marriage” is like Grape Nuts, neither grapes nor nuts. The Bible does not teach love and tolerance but love and repentance. Marriage is not only a private but a public affair. It is to bring together a man and woman to continue the human race, raising children that will contribute to society. With legal same sex “marriage,” homosexuals will aggressively promote perversion in the media and schools. Churches will lose tax exemptions and pastors will go to jail. Schools will teach perversion in conflict with parents’ teaching forcing young kids to decide. SSM ignores a child’s best interests. SSM is not marriage and comparing SSM to interracial marriage is silly, stupid, and senseless. Most differences between a married couple such as education, culture, race, financial status, etc., can often be overcome but same sex coupling cannot be overcome. A round peg will not fit in a square hole.

The U.S. has already seen an attempt at a threesome wedding in the Bay State (known as the state of confusion also commonly known as Massachusetts) when three blushing brides (two pagans and an agnostic) in traditional wedding gowns were “married” last August. At the conclusion of the wedding the pagan priest said they could kiss the bride and they kissed each other. As they kissed, the flowers all curled up and died, every bird in the state stopped singing, and every dairy farm in the state found that the milk curdled as it hit the buckets.

Doll, Kitten and Brynn Young “set up housekeeping” and were expecting their first child in summer of 2014. The father is unknown; however, we know for sure who is not the father, don’t we. Massachusetts was the first state to legalize “gay” marriage in 2004 followed by 16 other states. However, three-way marriages are not legal–yet.

If I am a bigot for opposing same sex “marriage” then were Obama, Hillary, Bill Clinton, and company bigots when they took the same position? Give me an answer. Moreover, I’m the compassionate one because I’m telling the unpleasant truth to people who don’t want to hear it. However, we are told that only Christians can be bigots, not radical leftists. Just as blacks cannot be racists! Some famous people out there are looney.

The three-way “wedding” was called “a fairytale ceremony” and that it was (not much reality) and all the posturing, pressuring, preaching, and pleading does not change the fact that homosexuality is still an abomination whether it involves two or twenty participants.

Denominations, churches, Christian leaders, Christian Universities, newspapers, and others have displayed their craven character by changing their positions on perversion. That is their right but they have lost the right to be identified as Christian.

But God has not changed His opinion. It is still perversion. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Shallow Christians Support Perversion by Silence! Mon, 21 Apr 2014 14:31:07 +0000 Seneca was a Roman statesman, orator, philosopher, and one-time tutor to young Nero. As Roman Emperor in A.D. 65, Nero turned against Seneca accusing him of being part of a plot against his reign and convinced him it would be noble for him to commit suicide. No, it was a nutty thing to do but he was just as dead whether noble or nutty.

Commenting on the decadent Rome of his day, Seneca declared, “All is full of criminality and vice; indeed much more of these is committed than can be remedied by force. A monstrous contest of abandoned wickedness is carried on. The lust of sin increases daily; and shame is daily more and more extinguished. Discarding respect for all that is good and sacred, lust rushes on wherever it will. Vice no longer hides itself. It stalks forth before all eyes.” Wow, sounds like a Baptist preacher describing America and Canada!

Remember that Seneca was cognizant of the vile, vicious, and vindictive Nero and the decadent Empire but he could have been commenting on present day America since “vice no longer hides itself. It stalks forth before our eyes.” Christians promoting and practicing, rather than protesting homosexuality show the deep and dreadful depravity of human nature and reveals a sad, somber, and serious corruption of modern churches.

The Homosexual Lobby has viciously beaten many Christians into submission with the hammer of “bigotry,” “homophobe,” and “hatred.” They do that because they can’t win in a civil discussion or debate. Such pathetic Christians don’t understand that one’s underlying character is revealed by the people, practices, and principles that he or she defends and supports.

This new morality can defend perversion, adultery, thievery, even murder; but racism, “homophobia,” and certitude are terrible sins! The world doesn’t mind your good works but when you are certain about truth and express it, that is when they go ballistic. However, most Christians are not certain about anything except not wanting to be ridiculed, rejected, and repudiated. So they keep silent thereby giving approval to homosexuality, fornication, adultery, gluttony, anger, hatred, pride, etc. Many of those weak Christians will be horrified to know they are guilty of those sins by their silence!

Charles Spurgeon, the greatest preacher (and Baptist) of the 19th century aptly said, “If we can acquiesce in anything which is not upright, we are not upright ourselves, and our religion is a lie…. One by one the moral precepts are thus broken by the sinners in Zion…We may do this by smiling at unchaste jests, listening to indelicate expressions, and conniving at licentious behaviour in our presence.” He added that if we do that, how dare we make a loud and public profession of our Christian faith.

The great preacher reiterated what the Bible teaches: if one acquiesces, approves, and applauds sin, that person becomes a partaker of that sin. II John 11warns “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” That is true whether it is the sin of fornication, thievery, or sodomy. If you defend it then you are part of it! We are known by what we stand for and what we stand against.

Martin Luther once said: “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.” Homosexuality is the battle today that many Christians are fleeing rather than fighting.

Isaiah 5:20 warns, “Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil…” I recommend that warning to all Christians who think their feelings and their experiences are more important than truth. They are not and we must stop accepting what everyone else believes and rest our convictions upon the Scripture. Moreover, supporters of homosexuality must repent because they not only acquiesce, approve, and applaud, but take pleasure and delight in the wickedness of others.

Paul warns in Rom. 1:32 “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” A similar Old Testament verse in Ps. 50:18 declares, “When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him….” By consenting with him means you have become his willing accomplice even helping him carry away his loot! The Apostle Paul commands in I Tim. 5:22 “…neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.”

It is sinful to encourage evil as defenders of perversion are doing and when those Christians who have made their bed with the spiritually dead complain of the stench it will reveal what fools they are.

When the end finally arrives, we will not remember the ranting, reviling, revolting words of our enemy, but we will remember the silence of our Christian friends in the battle against perversion and for purity.  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Arizona Governor Caves to the Homosexual Lobby! Fri, 28 Feb 2014 16:56:37 +0000 The Arizona legislature passed a bill that would protect any businessperson from being bullied, badgered, blackmailed, or bankrupted for refusing to serve a person based upon religious beliefs. My first reaction is how any sane person could disagree with such a law. It is one thing to serve a customer and another thing to support his cause.

Of course, such a law should be unnecessary since an American should have the right to serve anyone he or she pleases! Many restaurants display a sign, “No shoes, no shirt, no service.” That authority goes with ownership. However, in our permissive society, a firm can refuse service to one not wearing shoes and shirt but can’t refuse service to two men who display public affection for each other and in private, play in very unusual places!

Other firms used to declare, “We reserve the right to deny service to anyone.” That sign disappeared long ago along with basic common sense and freedom. True freedom demands that a person can refuse a customer even if the owner dislikes the way the customer combs his hair! Of course, that is stupid and he will soon go out of business, but that’s his right. Americans have a right to be stupid and to comb their hair anyway they choose! For now!

The Arizona House Republican Caucus released a statement after Governor Jan Brewer’s veto, saying it respected Brewer’s decision, “especially in light of the concerns brought up over the past week.” The “concerns” were the threats from the business community, professional football, etc., to boycott the state if she signed the bill. Those Republicans should be reminded that decisions should be motivated by character, not cash. But then, they are politicians.

Three republican senators who voted for the bill backed off because the new law would cause “much confusion.” Those weak, wobbly, and wavering wimps changed their position because the opposition (mainly the Homosexual Lobby) misrepresented the bill. The Homosexual Lobby got support from Mitt Romney and Arizona’s U.S. senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake–the Larry, Curly, and Moe of the Grand Old Progressives.

The bill, backed by Republicans in the state Legislature, was designed to give added protection from lawsuits to people who assert their religious beliefs in refusing service to homosexuals, or other controversial circumstances. It was not an anti-gay bill but a pro-religion and pro-business bill. But dishonest opponents of the bill called it “an open attack on gays that invited discrimination.” Well, the veto invites discrimination but against religious businesspersons! But that is acceptable, even admirable to all leftists and non-thinkers. Maybe Christians should be a little louder and more demanding, even threatening in promoting pro-family issues like the meek and lowly Savior who whipped the money changers out of the Temple.

With the passage of this bill, a business would have been immune to a discrimination lawsuit if a decision to deny service was motivated by “sincerely held” religious beliefs. This bill was thought necessary because of highly publicized discrimination suits by homosexuals against Christian businesspeople in various states.

Since the wobbly governor’s veto, any homosexual “couple” can walk into a bakery and demand a cake that “honors” their “wedding.” Now, Christian bakers would have no problem selling a birthday cake to homosexuals since birthdays are normal; however, a cake to celebrate same sex marriage is not normal. But there is an additional problem here: Arizona does not permit same sex marriage! Let me go through this slowly: a couple can demand that a Christian bake them a cake that honors illegal activity! Is something wrong here?

The bill’s critics waxed eloquent in their dishonest campaign saying that Blacks also could be refused service; however, that is disingenuous. Blacks don’t choose to be black. Homosexuals choose to do dangerous, diseased, deviate, and deadly things. All religions and all societies for thousands of years proscribed perversion as an attack upon society and upon God until society was plagued in recent years by seizers of insanity. Homosexuality was a sin that was not to be discussed in civilized company.

Now, Christians are “haters” if they refuse to celebrate perversion! Man alive, times are sure a changing.

This very emotional battle between right and wrong at least takes the discussion off border security and the border will be overwhelmed tonight by illegal aliens.

Since professional football (is that an oxymoron) and others threatened to boycott Arizona, I guess I will also. In fact, I would pull my grandchildren out of the state if I could!

(Next column: Would Christ Bake a Cake for a Homosexual “Wedding”?) Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

Copyright 2014, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Boycott all Anti-family, Pro-Homosexual Businesses! Thu, 26 Dec 2013 16:29:05 +0000 The Homosexual Lobby has bullied, badgered, and blackmailed non-thinking Americans and Canadians into accepting, approving, and even applauding their homosexual lifestyle. Or is that death style? The Bible says “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil…” That is where we are today because of the successful con job by homosexuals. America has developed an infatuation with the rude, the crude, and the lewd, however, average citizens are waking up and speaking out in defense of centuries of common sense and Bible teaching. We are striking back and hitting pro-homosexual firms in their cash register. As Christians, we will turn the other cheek but not pay another check. It is not very smart to fund your own demise.

Individuals will make up their own minds about Cracker Barrel and I have decided to forgive them because they seem sincere in their apology. However, if it happens again then it will be obvious that Cracker Barrel officials don’t know who butters their biscuits. Maybe they will get the message when pro family customers go elsewhere to eat. After all Chick-fil-a is still doing a roaring business–except on Sunday.

STOP is a very loose coalition of concerned Christians who are weary of business owners who pander to the Perversion Lobby that represents Christians as haters. We are determined to remind all who will listen that we are the people who love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about perversion. We are in the ministry of nudging, not pushing, other decent people to get involved.

I am sure many people who don’t identify with Bible-believing Christians will also get involved with STOP activities. No doubt we will pick up a few stray nuts and others who loaf on the fringe of every group but we will have to live with that. I am willing to admit that all the nuts are not in the Perversion Lobby. Some are in the church lobby, carry a Bible, and wear a silly grin. For sure, all nuts are not on the trees. No doubt, some of the Repulsive Radical Religious Right will get involved, especially in Kansas, but we will disavow them with the understanding that it is still not illegal to be a religious nut in America.

We will also have to live with some in the Christian community who will oppose our activities as being unchristian, unwise or maybe unnecessary. Furthermore, some asinine critics will use the Bible to tell us we are wrong! It is a misuse of English to call religious leaders, leaders if they don’t lead! Usually they are weaklings masquerading as leaders. Most Christians want a leader with hair on his chest, a working brain in his head, an understanding heart in his bosom, and a stiff bone in his back. Most loosey-goosey religious leaders are missing all four but do have a small yellow streak up their backs.

Even an old dog knows the difference in being kicked around and being stumbled over. So do astute Christians, who will no longer be kicked around without expressing our outrage by withholding our credit cards and our cash. You remember cash; it’s a four-letter word not seen often.

Some of my crowd will suggest that they are too busy to get involved in STOP. Say what? Those  same pastors give the impression that they work day and night preaching the Gospel, visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, knocking on doors, etc. Of course, everyone knows they spend time on the golf course, bowling alleys, hunting, fishing, and watching some of the new vile television shows. So, I think all religious leaders and decent laymen can spare a couple hours every couple months to take a public position on decency as supported by the Bible they are profess to believe. Preachers who are critical of STOP are willing to preach from the pulpit but not practice in the streets and on social media what they say they believe.

Others will tell us that they can’t be involved in STOP because it is not right to demand a business owner serve them as did the Civil Rights demonstrators. I agree. That’s the point: we don’t want them to serve us. We want to serve them! We want to convince them that it is a stupid business decision to antagonize 98% of their customer base. We want to help them, not hurt or harass them.

I have a computer list headed “National STOP List” with my name at the top. Many others have added their names in the last few hours with more being added every hour. I have a “State STOP List” and under Georgia I am listed. I may add an international list. My plea went out Dec. 24 to pastors and laymen for help in calling attention to the normalcy of a pro-family position. I requested name, city, state, and email. No one will have access to that list but me and I will never turn it over to anyone for any reason. When the next business owner decides to dance with the dandies of the Perversion Lobby, I will send out an alert to my list in the appropriate state or throughout the nation. All will be invited to get involved. I will not harass anyone to get involved; however, I will remind them of this opportunity to do something practical in support of the Bible and common sense.

We will be more sure of success if there is state and national communication between me and everyone else. After all, I can’t be aware of every problem. So cooperating Christians will contact me when a business goes off the rails and I will check it out and disperse the facts either at the state level or national level. Such cooperation will make us all more effective without a national office, budget, and other normal requirements for a large, effective movement.

If a “spontaneous” confrontation is necessary, I will issue a press release or column announcing the issue with the business, locations, and suggested procedures. Each person can then use his influence to influence others to apply pressure, kindly of course. So business owners take note: Christians have learned something from Blacks, feminists, homosexuals, Hispanics, socialists, and others: we will never be unkind, unruly, untruthful, or unchristian but we will be heard and will STOP funding businessmen who kick us around as they accept our money.

Let me assure everyone that the road to America’s moral garbage dump is paved with bad intentions. The Perversion Lobby wants to destroy your way of life. STOP is a simple and, with social media, an easy way to make a difference instead of whining about our “mistreatment.”

Hey, even a mangy old dog knows the difference in being stumbled over and kicked around. We have been kicked too many times and we demand a Stop To Oppressive Persecution. Watch my eight-minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota as I challenged New Atheists to put up or shut up.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Christians to Business Owners: STOP–Stop The Oppressive Persecution! Tue, 24 Dec 2013 01:27:12 +0000 Last week I wrote a column and blog headed, “I’m Offended and I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore!” Well, that was my declaration of war and today I reveal my Plan: No more forgiveness to those businesses that think Christians are stupid and gullible. Case in point: Cracker Barrel. As soon as I saw their immediate, unacceptable response to Duck Dynasty where restaurant officials chose to climb into bed with the Perversion Lobby, I wrote a column, “Cracker Barrel: I’m Offended at the Word ‘Cracker’”! Then I read that the famous restaurant chain had backed off their ill-advised decision and climbed back into bed with decent people. It seems their officials belatedly realized what side their burnt toast was buttered on. I’m pleased but not impressed. That on-again, off-again absurdity from business leaders has to STOP.

I am weary of being tagged as intolerant, ignorant, and insensitive by non-thinkers while the real haters at the LGBT and GLAAD even identify me as “bigot,” “hater,” and “Nazi.” I am also weary of the liberal left wing media (and that’s sure a redundancy) jumping into the battle and singing the same song from the same page as the vile, vicious, and vitriolic dandies at the Perversion Lobby. I plead guilty to being narrow minded, but then it is not illegal to be narrow. It’s even Christian! Christ mentioned that the path to Heaven is a narrow path that Christians travel while the road to Hell is a broad boulevard.

Let’s be clear: God has spoken. There is no argument. Homosexuality, known in the Bible and throughout society as sodomy, was wrong, is wrong, and will be wrong tomorrow no matter what any state, national, or international court decides or what any politician or legislature decides. No one on earth has the authority to make wrong, right. Juan Williams’ assertion that “It is not in the Christian tradition to make judgments about them [homosexuals] and to put them in a box” is wrong, wrong, wrong. But that is normal for him since he is seldom right, right, right. No, the judgment has already been made and recorded, and homosexuals for centuries have been prosecuted. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with hate as is always claimed by permissive leftists. You see, homosexuals hope that accusation will end the discussion but it only proves their capitulation. Permissive leftists are lazy thinkers and bigger stinkers.

A young homosexual at Liberty University correctly said, “Not tolerating someone for his narrow-mindedness is perhaps the epitome of intolerance.” That’s one homosexual I agree with. I can’t get any LGBT proponent to tell me why it is reasonable for them to demand that I be tolerant of their wild, weird, and wacky sexual activities but they can’t be tolerant of my scriptural and common sense pro-family positions. After all, history, as well as the Bible, supports my position, not theirs. However, the media never expects them to defend their positions which only in recent history have been accepted by the herd.

I have become alarmed, angry, and agitated in recent years as I’ve seen various business executives cater to and bow to the Perversion Lobby as their businesses take a public stand against common sense, Christian morals, and business acumen. That unfair, unreasonable, and un-American persecution of Christians and the kowtowing to the Perversion Lobby is usually followed by national outrage from all decent people who favor decency and fairness. After a few days of bad publicity, the business executives see their errors (because their stores are as empty as a mainline church on Sunday evening) and “see the light,” “get the message,” and “have an epiphany.” Then, trying to be real Christians, we forgive the jerks, forget their transgression, and finance their “rehabilitation.” That has to STOP! No more easy forgiveness. I don’t care if they go belly up!

I have asked more than six thousand pastors to take a couple hours when called upon to inform their members and call, email, or go to a business that has taken an anti-family position and to express their plans to no longer patronize them. Hopefully those Christians, as individuals, will not back off and continue to support a superficially repentant business owner. After all, easy forgiveness would nullify our attempts to let business owners know that while they have a right to support homosexual causes they will pay a price if they do. STOP is telling them as of now, we Christians are mad as we can be and will not take it anymore. If a businessman is so insensitive, inept, and incompetent to go on record as supporting the Perversion Lobby he will forever lose our support.

Contrary to most Americans who have been brainwashed by the public school system, television, movies, the social media, and the political system, I believe that a business has the right to sell to whomever they please, pay whatever salaries workers are willing to accept, provide whatever benefits a business can afford, work as many hours as the employer and employees agree to, and hire any young person for any legal task to which parents agree! All that with no contact with the state or feds except to pay appropriate fees and taxes. Few people remember such a free America before the bungling, bossy buffoons took control.

That being said, I believe Cracker Barrel and all other businesses have a legal right to throw themselves into the cultural war on the side of those outrageous sexually permissive dandies, and to enthusiastically jump into bed with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender group. However, those of us who believe that same-sex marriage is not marriage and is in fact a misnomer, mistake, and madness also have certain rights. Christians and pro-family people need to require business leaders to be at least as sensitive to our positions as they are to the Perversion Lobby. Or else. If they choose to support homosexuality, they will not be forgiven. Oh, yes, we will forgive them personally but we will no longer return to their “fold.” Their cash registers will gather dust and lose their jingle until they show they are thoroughly repentant.

I have contacted thousands of pastors and others who will agree to not patronize any business that continues to kick decency and kiss decadency. With the use of the Internet and social media maybe we can put a STOP to this duplicity and the taking of Christians for granted.

We demand a Stop To Oppressive Persecution. Eight minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota, “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Columnist Defends Homosexuals and Dumps on Christians! Fri, 15 Nov 2013 17:03:06 +0000 Rhonda Swan, a Cox Newspaper columnist wrote a column that appeared in the Chattanooga Times Free-Press in which she defended same-sex marriage and attacked the Bible and common sense. The column was riddled with assumptions, speculations, distortions, and mistakes dealing with the Bible and same-sex marriage. You know–the normal thing that passes for journalism today. She is an author and accomplished journalist and received the “reporter of the year” award from the National Association of Black Journalists’ New England chapter. So she is not a novice; however, she is mistaken, misinformed, and malicious.

It is a misnomer to characterize same-sex hookups as a marriage. The Bible, the history of civilization, and common sense militate against homosexual “marriages.” They are seldom long-lasting and almost never exclusive. Note that marriage is also known as “wedlock,” or a pledging or commitment. Not much commitment in the homosexual movement.

She started with “Dear Christians” and I would like to know her definition of Christian to see if it comports with the true definition. In her first four lines, she made three serious errors. She begins her tirade by saying, “It is not holy to hate.” She did what most proponents, preachers, and purveyors of permissiveness do. They make a proclamation, without producing proof: that it is hateful to disparage, and denigrate, and disagree with perversion–and make no mistake–for two people of the same sex to be sexually involved is perversion if words still mean what they have always meant.

If same-sex “marriages” should now be acceptable, then it would mean everyone for thousands of years who believed that marriage was only between a man and woman were haters, bigots, etc. That is incredibly arrogant–and wrong.

She stated that it is not holy to hate; however, believing what the Bible teaches and what society has believed for thousands of years is only reasonable and safer. It is incumbent upon the pro-perversion crowd to defend their dangerous, disgusting, and deadly assertions. Need I remind Rhonda that God destroyed Sodom for the disgusting sin that was named after them? Moreover, the Bible documents that God hates evil and we are to hate evil and love the good (Amos 5:15). Then in Proverbs 6:16 we are told that God hates six things. Then in Proverbs 8:13 God hates a froward mouth, but I doubt Rhonda knows the meaning of “froward.” Note that it is not sinners, but sin that is to be hated.

Rhonda’s next sentence (and mistake) was, “It is not divine to discriminate.” Of course, everyone discriminates every day and we would be fools not to. I choose to drive a Lincoln rather than a GM automobile. I always choose fish over beef and choose to vote for conservatives rather than Progressives (translate: Democrats, RINOs, Socialists, Marxists, pseudo-intellectuals, and any expander of government).

Of course, Rhonda was referring to those Neanderthals (all thinking people) who “discriminate” against homosexuals by refusing to admit it is acceptable–even desirous–for two men or two women to slip between the sheets. Question for Rhonda and all leftists: If same-sex marriage can be defended, why not marriage between two men, a goat, a horse, and a rocking chair?

Many Liberals often support perversion “because Christ never condemned it.” Neither did He condemn cannibalism, illegal drugs, and peeping Toms but they are all sinful and illegal. Christ spoke about marriage “in the beginning” between a man and a woman (Matt. 19:4-6). I’ll take His word before I will take Rhonda’s word. Furthermore, Bible critics and uneducated people don’t understand that the Bible is God’s Word, and using a correct hermeneutic, it doesn’t matter whether or not Christ condemned something. If it is taught as sin in any Bible passage, it is wrong.

To keep same-sex marriage from becoming acceptable is Scriptural and common sense, something most purveyors of permissiveness do not possess. God created Eve for Adam, not Oscar. If it had been Oscar, I’d not be here.

Rhonda Swan, the very broad-minded Cox columnist, accuses Christians of using the Bible to make homosexuals “second-class citizens.” But she doesn’t understand that when people choose a life of crime, or participate in a vile subculture, they make themselves second-class citizens.

Continuing in her plummet to the bottom, Rhonda writes, “The Bible legitimized the enslavement of black Americans and the subjugation of women.” No, the Bible does not legitimize slavery or the mistreatment of women. It reports on slavery and provides definite guidelines on how to treat any slaves the Jews might take in battle or those who sell themselves into slavery for a period of time. Evidently Rhonda is like many of the New Atheists who are so hostile to the Bible that they shoot off their mouths (or crank up their computers) without knowing what they are writing about.

Bible critics are too uninformed to know that God forbids the kidnapping of people for the purpose of slavery. God clearly told the Jews in Ex 21:16, “And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.” Throughout the Middle East, wars were almost constant, so of course slaves were taken. I suppose my critics would have preferred they be killed!

As to the subjugation of women, all historians know that the Jews were far more advanced and compassionate toward women than any other civilization. Spend a little time in the famous Babylonian Hammurabi Code (about 1780 B.C.) and that fact will be obvious.

Let me help the New Atheists, Bible critics, and general Bible haters not make public fools of themselves: the Bible records slavery, concubines, multiple wives, incest, adultery, and child sacrifice but never endorses such wickedness. Now, with that information, maybe Bible haters will not be so obviously uninformed, uneducated, and unsophisticated as they have appeared for centuries. Wonder if I will receive many thanks for the information?

It is sadly true that many people twist the Bible like a pretzel to justify their own sinful actions. What must be observed is that the same-sex crowd is doing that very same thing to justify their perversion!

And now a Cox columnist defends that perversion!

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.  Videos of Dr. Boys “Confronting the God Haters” at the University of North Dakota.

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Homosexuals Want Special Rights, Not Equal Rights! Fri, 05 Apr 2013 15:07:34 +0000 The homosexual lobby wants special rights, not equal rights, and the numbers seem to indicate they will receive “rites,” not rights, what with more than 60% of U.S. AIDS cases and over 50% of syphilis cases (and other STDs) in the homosexual crowd. Plus, statistically they live 24 years fewer than normal people because of some of the dumb, dangerous, and deadly things they do. But they clamor for same-sex “marriage” which is an oxymoron. Perversion is wrong, has always been wrong, and will always be wrong no matter what any court or authority might decide. However, that statement, although true, can cause trouble for its advocate.

George Orwell wrote, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” That is where we are today. The efforts of the media, academia, Hollywood, and politicians have accomplished an amazing feat: they have changed the culture in a generation by being deceptive, disingenuous, and dishonest. Most people now believe right is now wrong and wrong is now right. Godly living is considered divisive, derisive, and deranged while perversion is no longer reprehensible, repugnant, and repulsive, but is thought (by non-thinkers) to be commendable, courageous, and even cultured!

We’ve come a long way, baby, in the last few years but we’ve gone in the wrong direction. A few of us are standing athwart the gasping, heaving body of American culture saying, “You are wrong. Perversion is an evil that will destroy those who practice it and it will destroy our nation.” Our lives are to be governed by God’s commandments, good judgment, and common sense.

Same-sex “marriage” fanatics tell us it is a matter of equality but it is a matter of right and wrong. They speak of “marriage” but two people of the same sex uniting is not marriage and saying so does not make it so. If every court in the U.S. and every official says so, it is still not so. A lie is still a lie if everyone affirms it and the truth is still the truth if no one affirms it!

Chief Justice Roberts’ cousin (a confessed lesbian) says that perversion should be legal because “society is becoming more accepting of the humanity of same-sex couples and the simple truth that we deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and equality under the law.” Senator Rob Portman said that he has taken sides with the same-sex crowd because his son is a homosexual. Do I need to lecture the Chief Justice and the Senator that right and wrong are not decided by society’s ever-changing standards? After all, some civilizations butchered children while others ate their foes. In other defunct civilizations children were sacrificed to pagan gods. And I am purposely making the comparison. Homosexuality has always been called, “The unspeakable crime against nature.” Also against a holy God!
It is incredible that homosexuals, with a straight face, can demand respect and recognition of their dignity! May I point out that those people do incredibly dangerous, disgusting, and deadly things? And they expect respect! What chutzpah! Or as the English would say, “What cheek.” Or as an American would say, “What stupidity!”

In the late 1950s I introduced a bill in the Indiana House of Representatives to reinstate sodomy as a crime as it had been since Indiana was a state. The homosexuals came out of the universities, the Art Institute, and of course, the closets to protest my bill. One Indiana University professor foolishly characterized David and Jonathan as lovers and declared that homosexuals only wanted to be left alone. He opined that my bill would be repressive. What it would have done is restrict homosexuals from cruising in the parks and having abnormal sex with strangers in public bathrooms, among other things. It would also have made some university professors uncomfortable, unlawful, and unemployed.

I told him and my fellow committee members that homosexuals did just want to be left alone but they wanted the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval on their evil activities. I said, “They want formal acceptability and respectability but will not get it as long as dedicated, sincere, informed Christians are still alive.” We see this today when they demand that they not only want to be treated like normal people but that we accept, applaud, and advocate their lifestyle. I don’t approve of the tsunami of fornication that has deluged America but at least that is not abnormal and aberrant. Homosexual activists have changed our culture! I was wrong in my prediction. Christian leaders are caving under the cover of “love.” It’s really cowardice.

Many Evangelicals have gone AWOL in this battle. In fact, rather than stand on biblical truth, they use reason to commit treason against Christ. I am ashamed of the compromisers, cowards, cheats, and charlatans who speak of “love” while they strangle unpleasant truth. And even if we in opposition were to be filled with hate, I would rather have truth in hate than error in love.

Besides, unpleasant truth is not always hate speech.

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