PETA – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What is the Basis for Forced Sterilization, Chemtrails, Fluoridated Water, and Vaccinations? Fri, 29 Jul 2022 19:48:55 +0000 If a state chooses to make sterilization a requirement to receive welfare, that is their right, but to force mutilation on persons because they are deformed, or demented, or diseased, or deaf, or dumb is contemptible, criminal, and crazy.

How would you respond to a proposed law that would give the states authority to force women to be sterilized if they were promiscuous or poor? Or men could be forced to have a vasectomy if they were prisoners or inmates in an institution? No doubt, sane, sensitive people would be horrified and respond, “That could never happen in America.”

But it could and did happen in America decades ago! During the 1890s to 1920, America was the first nation to perform compulsory sterilizations with one purpose of saving money. While it is only prudent to plan for the future to guarantee a nation will continue to meet its financial obligations, only a scientist or politician with a Frankenstein compulsion would mutilate a human for life to save money. Well, how about doing it to clean up the gene pool? If doing harm to a relative few individuals would save millions of lives in the future, what’s to criticize?

Indiana became the first state to enact sterilization legislation in 1907, followed by California and Washington in 1909. Several other states followed them into a deep, dark, devious pit. After the National Socialists in Germany implemented their controlled society in the 1920s and 1930s, maiming human bodies became less acceptable, if not criminal in the free world.

In 1920, Lothrop Stoddard, a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy, waved the Nazi flag—at least he philosophically waved it. He thought the eugenic practices of the Third Reich were “scientific” and “humanitarian.” He was a member of the KKK and a founding member (along with Margaret Sanger) and a board member of the American Birth Control League that became Planned Parenthood in 1942. It has a sordid, sad, and systemic history of killing and maiming babies.

In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the scandalous Buck v. Bell case that the State of Virginia had the right to sterilize Carrie Buck against her will. That decision was based merely on the specious criteria that she was “feeble-minded” and promiscuous. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes concluded, “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” It seems to me the imbeciles were wearing black robes not a causal dress from Walmart. All sane people consider that ruling in horror since eugenics has been forever condemned. Even the United Nations now considers forced sterilization a crime against humanity.

And yes, some of the most astute individuals believe the United Nations itself is a crime against humanity.

The Buck v. Bell ruling is considered by some the worst Supreme Court decision. It was never overturned but was nullified by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The most significant era of eugenic sterilization was between 1907 and 1963 when over 64,000 individuals were forcibly sterilized under eugenics legislation in the United States. America’s last forcible sterilization occurred in 1981.

The professional mutilators defended their actions as being good for society, ah, yes, good for society. Future encroaches on liberty will be justified as being for everyone’s good.

Even after sane people admitted the insanity of sterilizing people against their will, along came some academics that recognized sterilization as the answer to human overpopulation. It was the 1977 book, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, that favorably discussed compulsory sterilization attempting to give the issue some (undeserved) credibility. The authors considered a variety of ways to address human overpopulation, including the possibility of compulsory sterilization. One of the three authors, John Holdren served as Bill Clinton’s science advisor from 1994-2001 and was President Obama’s Science Advisor and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy from 2009 to 2017.

But the overpopulation myth is a myth. If the entire population of the world was placed in the state of Alaska, every individual would receive about 3,500 square feet of space. Overpopulation is not a problem, and there has never been more sex and fewer babies.

In a 1973 book, Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions, Holdren argued that the West should be “de-developed,” meaning prosperous nations like the U.S. should deliberately dismantle their economies and their wealth redistributed to the poor around the world! Yet, this jerk was unanimously approved by the Senate to advise President Obama.

Holdren admitted in his 1977 book, “There is always the threat of biological warfare or of an accidental escape of lethal agents from a biological warfare laboratory or, conceivable, from a laboratory engaged in genetic engineering experiments…Biological warfare laboratories are potential sources of a manmade ‘solution’ to the population explosion.”

Wow, that was in 1977!

The book provides a playbook for environmentalist zealots and population control nuts. Among other spurious positions, the book concludes that compulsory population-control laws could be implemented under our existing Constitution if there was a serious danger to society. Officials could require pregnant women (or persons!) to have abortions (page 786) or have their babies taken by the government.

If we permit men to marry men, and women to marry women, and women who want to kill their unborn babies to do just that then in two generations, there will be no more Democrats or RINOs.

The government could limit the number of children (page 838) after all, the law is supposed to limit one man to having one wife. Furthermore, babies of single women would be seized and given to families who qualify as parents. Undesirables would be required to be sexually responsible or be sterilized. Finally, an international entity would control the economy and food supply, and the very personal lives of every American using a global force if necessary (pages 942, 943).

On pages 787 and 788 the book suggests a sterilant could be added to drinking water or food supply to limit unwanted births making the overpopulation crowd ecstatic.  But then, many tell us that is happening now with fluoridated water supply, chemtrails, vaccines, etc.

Holdren was confirmed on March 19, 2009, by a unanimous vote of the Senate. He had been told to “not make news” and he did not. He testified to the committee that he did not believe that government should have a role in determining the best possible population size and that he never endorsed forced sterilization! The stupid, irresponsible senators believed his repudiation of his own textbook.

I don’t think John refused his book royalties since that would be gratuitously principled.

About this time normal people are horrified at the thought of such control and manipulation but remember Leftists are fanatics and think they have been ordained to save the human race. We are told that a few million people will be harmed or sterilized, but it will benefit mankind down the road.

Radical leftists consider our society broken and must be dismantled and remade in their image. That requires control and almost anything can be foisted off on stupid Americans if it is “for the children,” or “for everyone’s benefit.” Or “it’s scientific.” They even tell us it is scientific that a man is not always a man and can have periods and have babies.

The sterilization program stole the reproductive rights of 64,000 Americans. It was justified by the dubious doctrine of eugenics or the selective mating of people with desirable hereditary traits to reduce human suffering by breeding out the diseased, disabled, and deplorable characteristics such as “poverty, mental illness, and criminal tendencies from the human population,” according to Holdren.

Eugenic promoters may be sincere, but they are all humanists/evolutionists with no standard of right and wrong since the Bible is no longer accepted. To ask, “Is this right?” requires a reliable standard, one that no longer exists for them since Darwin.

Population control freaks, environmental zealots, animal rights enthusiasts, and climate control fanatics are far left, anti-American, anti-free enterprise, anti-common sense, anti-biblical jerks. They are true believers and believe anything is acceptable if it serves their cause in the long haul. They will implement their nefarious schemes without regard to individual rights or the harm done to those opposed to their policies.

Americans and others bought their basic principle during the COVID pandemic: a few obstinate diehards cannot place others in danger. Consequently, like lemmings, free citizens put on masks without any scientific support for their value, rolled up their sleeves and permitted an unproved substance shot into their bodies, and even did it to their children who were not at risk!

With the much-touted COVID vaccines that were supposed to be “safe and effective” over a million Americans have died of COVID and over 15,605 died after receiving the jab according to the CDC!

Plus, thousands of other adverse effects.

The chickens have come home to roost with the deaths, diseases, and disablements following the hard-sell vaccine rollout. In July of this year news reports revealed the chaos at the federal health agencies when a headline reported, “Health experts quit CDC, NIH due to ‘bad science.’” The articles reveal a mass exodus “amid low morale causing staffing shortages.”

The above may be only the beginning. Within a few months, as more people die from the vaccines and the whole story is known, we may see anarchy and people striking back at incompetent and dishonest health officials as well as politicians who supported them.

The pattern is clear, and the precedent is set: Corrupt U.S. health officials, guilty of foisting a lethal vaccine on innocent people will continue to cover up and control Americans for the “good of everyone.”

The various government entities used that argument to poison the water supply by dumping tons of fluoride into the system. It may have reduced cavities, but it has poisoned generations of Americans. Fluoride is a major ingredient in rat poison and is a wood preservative. It is in many drugs such as Prozac, Lipitor, etc.

An influential medical journal JAMA Pediatrics published a study in August of 2019 that links fluoride consumption during pregnancy with lower childhood IQs—a finding that gives credibility to fluoride critics. Three-fourths of Americans drink fluoridated water.

“When we started in this field, we were told that fluoride is safe and effective in pregnancy,” said study co-author Christine Till of York University in Toronto, “but when we looked for the evidence to suggest that it’s safe, we didn’t find any studies done on pregnant women.” Study author Rivky Green said, “We saw an association between prenatal fluoride exposure and lower IQ scores in children.”

In this study, maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years. These findings indicate the possible need to reduce fluoride intake during pregnancy.

Public water should consist of water.

In an effort to influence the climate, shocked Americans and Europeans have watched daily as airplanes dump aluminum and other items into the atmosphere poisoning the water, agricultural fields, and air everyone breathes. Chemtrails are observed as planes fly, usually at high altitudes, leaving a white or gray stream in their wake. The official government tells us it is simply normal contrails that always result when aircraft fly at certain altitudes under specific weather conditions. However, concerned citizens suggest it is a secret government program of weather modification, population control, or testing of biological agents on everyone. Or all three and maybe other nefarious attempts to affect the population.

No serious person questions whether politicians would be so uncaring, unconcerned, and unlawful if they grasped more power and more control over their subjects.

Informed readers are aware that doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disasters since the 1960s and none have come true. Environmental nuts, animal rights zealots, and climate controllers are extremists who care more bugs and beautiful sunsets than they do about people.

A better way to improve the environment would be to dump the plans of the zealots and all of us meet Saturday morning and clean up around the rivers, lakes, and seas.

The sky is not falling but the leftist zealots think it has and anything can be justified because “Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs,” declared University of California. professor Kenneth Watt.

Jerry Vlasak, spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front, told the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works that killing medical researchers was “morally justified” to save laboratory animals. “The smallest form of life, even an ant or a clam, is equal to a human being,” declared Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA.

Far leftists are all cut from the same cloth. They are weird, wild, weak, woke, wobbly, and they whine a lot. They are often wicked people who I would not trust to walk my dog. I sure don’t want them deciding on any public policy that will undermine my freedom to think, act, and live as a free man.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Stop Being Awed With Wild Animals that Prey on Humans! Thu, 26 Aug 2021 22:07:27 +0000 Non-thinking animal worshippers whine at the trophy killing of a lion in Zimbabwe while people living in the area rejoiced. The Daily Mail headlined the story of “Mopane” killed by an American trophy hunter with a bow. The Mail asks, “How could this savagery roar back? Six years ago, the slaughter of Cecil the lion by a Minnesota dentist horrified the world. Now, writes Tom Leonard, this magnificent beast has been shot with a bow and arrow by another trophy hunter.”

The article declared of Mopane, “Although he had a troublesome reputation in his youth, Mopane had settled down, become a father and formed a pride with a subordinate male named Sidhule, two adult females and six young lions.” The author used human experiences to describe a lion as if Mopane was a pathetic human who had turned his life around by forming a polyamorous family.

Hand me a barf bag. And a polyamorous family is more deplorable than the tooth-and-claw life of wild beasts since those actions are normal, but polyamorous living is abnormal for the human parallel.

While honest people can debate trophy killings to increase one’s ego, or as a personal challenge, etc., and not to provide food, that alone does not justify the ritually excessive reaction to trophy hunting. In Judges 14, Samson killed a lion but did not take it as food or trophy, but he will forever be known for killing a lion with his hands.

Generally, the killing of an animal should result in people eating the meat. Proverbs 12:27 says, “The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.” So, if one does not eat the meat (or give it to others), he is slothful: deceitful and fraudulent.

Most critics are not aware that usually, a trophy hunter’s kill feeds scores of hungry natives. That’s one reason, although not the main one, that people living in villages in Africa, India, etc., are delighted when a lion, tiger, leopard, snake, or such is killed. After all, natives live with daily fear while superficial, farcical, chattering city-dwellers weep copious tears over a dead beast who lives only to prey on other beasts and, at times, humans.

In the security of civilization, Americans respond to a trophy kill with chest-beating, caterwauling, and macabre mourning as they weep, whine, and whimper about the killing of a lion with a name! Since when do wild animals have a name?

African villagers don’t care who kills the lions, when they are killed, or how they are killed as long as they are killed. There is rejoicing when a lion or similar predator is killed. Stupid, sheep-like, non-thinking Americans whine on cue as radical animal worshippers play their silly tune.

African natives who live in constant fear of deadly animals, especially lions, do not care if a lion was lured off a reserve, or baited, or if the shooter had a license. They just want lions dead so they can live safely in their village. In a choice between wild animals and people, I choose people every time.

A Zimbabwean graduate student in the U.S. said, “In my village in Zimbabwe, surrounded by wildlife conservation areas, no lion has ever been beloved or granted an affectionate nickname. They are objects of terror.” He is right, and as the Apostle Peter wrote in II Pet. 2:12: “But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed….” It was not wrong to kill “Mopane.”

The hunter should be applauded, not attacked.

It is shocking the number of people who get more alarmed, anxious, and angry when wild beasts are killed than when millions of babies are aborted or children are shot each day in Chicago, Baltimore, Washington D.C., New York City, and other Democrat-controlled cities.

How about some perspective on this matter?

Alaskan health officials, in 2019, revealed, “68 people in the state were hospitalized for injuries sustained in 66 bear attacks from 2000 to 2017. Ten people died as a result of bear attacks during that period.”

Last Monday, a grizzly bear attacked a 55-year-old tourist in Denali National Park and Preserve. The tourist survived the attack. In July, a camper was killed when pulled from her tent by a grizzly in Montana. Again, there was no provocation, no cubs to protect. A backcountry guide also died from his injuries in April after a grizzly attacked him in Yellowstone National Park. There have been eight reported bear attacks in 2021—two resulting in fatalities. Authorities are very concerned about bears in American cities invading homes and swimming pools.

Humans have been attacked by wild creatures since Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden in disgrace. The snake has never been a friend to mankind since that time.

While attacks by bears, sharks, and alligators make the news, the lowly mosquito is the deadliest creature to man. They are responsible for about one million deaths each year globally.

It’s acceptable to swat or spray a mosquito, but we must leave “noble” beasts alone.

Since July 1, 2021, there have been at least 22 shark attacks in the U.S. and 42 attacks worldwide, and five were fatal.

No bear, shark, alligator, or mountain lion is worth the life of one precious child—or adult, and I am weary of animal rights fanatics rushing to the defense of vicious predators after an attack on an innocent human.

Fanatics tell us that animals, even the vicious ones, are equivalent to humans and should have the same rights as humans. PETA’s co-founder Alex Pacheco said, “We feel that animals have the same rights as a retarded human child.” Alex is not only common sense deficient but scripturally deficient because Luke 12:7 tells us, “Ye [humans] are of more value than many sparrows.”

We are told these predators are often confused when near humans. Sharks have poor eyesight, and often bears only want to protect their young. Alligators are simply defending their territory. Sure, like when an alligator stalked and dismembered a female jogger. Her arms were found in the stomach of the captured alligator. There have been 23 confirmed (plus 9 unconfirmed) fatal alligator attacks in Florida since 1948.

Fanatics tell us even bugs and insects have legal rights. Even cockroaches “have a right to live” and serve the environment by being “efficient little garbage collectors,” opined a straight-faced fanatic.

It’s incredible that sane people, hearing such nonsense, don’t fall to the floor holding their sides in laughter. Or maybe tears would be more appropriate for a world gone stark raving mad. And “nuts” is a reasonable and proper description.

Sharks are noble creatures and are “gentle,” and can be “trusted.” Yea, tell that to children who have had their arms or legs severed by one of those “gentle” creatures. Tell that to the parasailer soaring just above the water when a “gentle” shark leaped out of the water and bit his foot. Tell that to the eight humans who are killed each year by those “trusted” sharks. Sure, you can trust a shark—to be a shark—just as you can trust a loony leftist to be a loony leftist.

I suggest we capture more of the predators and place them in our zoos and wildlife parks. That way, they will be cared for and propagate profusely to be available for future generations. Let’s have zoos even in small towns and cities.

Then I recommend that vicious animals be considered what they are: a threat to society. Make open season on all bears, sharks, alligators, and mountain lions. Let genuine bear rugs become a status symbol in American homes. Few items are as unique as a well-made pair of alligator shoes, and with the killing of so many of them, the price of alligator shoes and belts would plummet.

I am not defending the torture of animals since that speaks volumes about the torturers. Children should be taught that a gracious God provided animals to provide us food, clothing, shoes, milk, etc. We know there is a connection with kids who torture animals and later kill humans. The Bible commands us to be kind to our beasts; however, there is a big difference between a cow or horse and a rampaging bear, alligator, mountain lion, or shark.

Remove the predators from society except for the zoos. Maybe even pay a bounty for each one killed! Get serious about human lives. It would also guarantee the existence of vicious wild beasts.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Get Serious and Put a Bounty on all Vicious Beasts! Thu, 23 Aug 2018 15:26:47 +0000 This week another victim, a 45-year-old woman in South Carolina, was dragged into the water by an alligator and killed. In June, another woman was attacked and killed by an alligator in Florida.

Enough is enough! Officials must make it less likely that humans will be killed by wild beasts.

Mankind’s main concern is to live each day without being destroyed by deadly bacteria, virus, and flying insects. Mosquitoes kill 725,000 people annually followed by other creatures such as tsetse flies, snakes, sharks, bears, alligators, bobcats, and fellow humans. About 475,000 humans are killed each year by fellow humans, almost all intentional.

Annually, snakes kill about 50,000 worldwide and probably far more since many fatal bites are not reported in remote parts of the earth while dogs kill about 25,000 people worldwide. Most of those are stray, feral dogs often with rabies.

Thinking people know that one human life is worth more than all the bears, bobcats, alligators, and sharks in the world. It’s time for state and federal governments to recognize that fact and put a bounty on all predator beasts near occupied areas. Or, at least make it legal for such beasts to be killed if found on a person’s property. Of course, we should fill the zoos and natural preserves with tigers, bears, alligators, snakes and other man-killers so we will always be able to enjoy them without them enjoying us!

In the world’s largest mangrove forest between India and Bangladesh is the only place inhabited with a large concentration of Bengal tigers–and widows in India. The tigers are the reason there are 3,000 widows in the region! Over a thousand men have been killed in the past few years by tigers. The tigers are man-killers. The Times of India reported that entire villages are devoid of all men because of tiger attacks upon men working in the forest resulting in an abundance of “tiger widows.”

The National Tiger Conservation Authority and Wildlife Institute of India reports that the nation’s endangered Bengal tiger population is currently about 2,500. Admittedly, the Bengal tiger is a beautiful, magnificent animal, but the grieving widows don’t share such enthusiasm. Tigers, lions, cheetahs, etc., should be put in protected areas surrounded by their natural habitat; then kill those remaining near occupied areas. To those who just gasped in anger and shock, I remind you that most of the world lives without Bengal tigers and similar predators running loose so they are not essential for a thriving life.

The Bible indicates that one should hunt for food since Pro. 12:27 says, “The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.” So if one does not eat the meat (or give it to others) then he is slothful–deceitful, and fraudulent. Vicious beasts could satisfy the hunger of millions of people.

I would break the “kill only for food” rule for dangerous beasts such as sharks, bears, lions, alligators, wolves, poisonous snakes, etc. For those creatures I say thin them out with more generous hunting rules; after all, we have plenty of wild animals in preserves and zoos. Kill a wolf and save a hundred deer and elk. Kill a grizzly and save thousands of fish. All the grizzlies in Alaska and all the sharks in the ocean are not worth one person’s life. In fact, put a bounty on such dangerous creatures! That won’t kill them all, but it will sure thin them out.

African villagers don’t care who kills the lions, when they are killed, or how they are killed as long as they are killed. There is rejoicing in African villages when a lion or similar predator is killed. Stupid, sheep-like, non-thinking Americans whine on cue as radical animal worshippers play their tune. African natives who live in constant fear of deadly animals, especially lions, do not care if a lion was lured off a reserve, or baited, or if the shooter had a license. They just want lions dead so they can live a normal life in their village. In a choice between wild animals and people, I choose people every time.

Animal zealots tell us that animals, even the vicious ones, are equivalent to any human and should therefore have the same rights as humans. Alex Pacheco, co-founder of PETA (does that stand for People Eating Tasty Animals?) and chairman of its board for 20 years, said, “We feel that animals have the same rights as a retarded human child.” Speaking of retardation! Alex is not only common sense deficient but scripturally deficient because Luke 12:7 tells us, “Ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Animals were placed here for our benefit. They are to be sheared, used as beast of burden, milked, skins to be used as leather, eaten, etc. They are here for us, not us for them.

People like Alex preach that predators sometimes get disorderly when they are close to humans. Besides, sharks have poor eyesight and don’t mean to rip a human in two. Often bear attacks are only bears doing the natural thing to protect their young. Alligators are simply defending their territory. Sure, as when an alligator stalked and dismembered a female jogger. Her arms were found in the stomach of the captured alligator. There are almost two million gators in Florida alone and increasing daily and getting more dangerous because they are being crowded by our expanding population. Additionally, alligators have no natural enemies that threaten them.

Sharks, we are told, are noble creatures and are “gentle” and can be “trusted.” Yes, tell that to children who have had their arms or legs severed by one of those “gentle” creatures. Tell that to the eight humans who are killed each year by those “trusted” sharks.

On July 30, 1945, the Japanese Imperial Navy torpedoed the USS Indianapolis splitting the ship in two. The crew was tossed or jumped into the Philippine Sea. Nine hundred men bobbed up and down on the waves and were soon surrounded by a swarm of sharks. When a rescue ship arrived four days later the rescuers found 579 men dead, many chewed to pieces. The naval survivors were picked off one by one over the four days by Oceanic White Tip sharks. Of the 900 sailors in the water, all but 317 were killed.

Sure, you can trust a shark—to be a shark, just as you can trust a loony leftist to be a loony leftist.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Another Grizzly Killer: Have Open Season on all Predators! Wed, 20 Feb 2013 13:06:16 +0000 Each Wednesday I publish one of my earlier columns that I hope will be interesting, informative, and maybe inspiring. Sometime they are infuriating! The following column was published in 2010.

Well, another grizzly killed a 70-year-old California man June 16 near Yellowstone. However, we are told that the bear was just being a bear, but then the man is still dead, and he was only being a man! One grizzly that had been captured 20 times and drugged 12 times dragged a man out of his tent at a campground near Yellowstone and killed him. The attacks are increasing and often without any provocation. Moreover, it’s not only grizzlies that are killers, even black bear attacks on humans have dramatically increased.

It is past time to do something about wild animals. No bear, shark, alligator or mountain lion is worth the life of one human, and I am weary of animal rights fanatics rushing to the defense of vicious predators after an attack on an innocent human.

Fanatics tell us that animals, even the vicious ones, are equivalent to any human and should therefore have the same rights as humans. Alex Pacheco, PETA’s chairman, said, “We feel that animals have the same rights as a retarded human child.” Speaking of retardation! Alex is not only common-sense-deficient but scripturally deficient because Luke 12:7 tells us, “Ye are of more value than many sparrows.”

We are told that these predators are often confused when near humans. Sharks have poor eyesight, and often bears only want to protect their young. Alligators are simply defending their territory. Sure, like when an alligator stalked and dismembered a female jogger. Her arms were found in the stomach of a captured alligator. Then we discovered that alligators in Florida killed two more people the following weekend. There have been 18 confirmed fatal alligator attacks in Florida since 1948. With nine other unconfirmed deaths.

However, we are told that even bugs and insects have legal rights. Even cockroaches “have a right to live,” and serve the environment by being “efficient little garbage collectors” opined another fanatic with a straight face (and empty head).

If a German homeowner destroys an anthill, he will be fined if discovered. Homeowners pestered by ants must apply for a permit and have the ants carefully moved to the nearest woods. If he does not and acts without authority, it is a “violation of federal natural protection laws and punishable with hefty fines,” said officer Dieter Kraemer.

What is incredible is that sane people, when hearing such nonsense, don’t fall to the floor holding their sides in laughter. Or maybe tears would be more appropriate for a world gone stark raving mad. And “nuts” is a good and appropriate description.

Sharks are noble creatures, are “gentle”, and can be “trusted.” Yea, tell that to children who have had their arms or legs severed by one of those “gentle” creatures. Tell that to the eight humans who are killed each year by those “trusted” sharks. Sure, you can trust a shark—to be a shark just as you can trust a loony leftist to be a loony leftist.

All this nonsense is because of society’s anti-Scriptural worldview. People no longer believe that man was made in the image of God and was given the authority to dominate the earth. Let me remind the scripturally deficient that God killed an animal to provide a covering for Adam and Eve after their disobedience. After all, those fig leaves had their problems especially in a very cold, high wind.

I suggest that there be a program to capture more of the predators and place them in our zoos and wild life parks. That way, they will be cared for and will propagate profusely so that future generations will be able to watch them in zoos all over the nation. Let’s have zoos even in small towns and cities.

Then I recommend that vicious animals be considered what they are: a threat to humans. Make open season on all bears, sharks, alligators, and mountain lions. Publish the names and photos of those who remove one more predator from society. Let genuine bear rugs become a status symbol in American homes. Few items are as special as a well-made pair of alligator shoes, and with the killing of so many of them, the price of alligator shoes and hides would plummet.

I have observed that most of the animal rights fanatics are very pro-abortion, so they think it is desirable to kill helpless babies in the womb, but it is wasteful, wretched, wrong, and wicked to kill vicious predators! Of course, no one ever said animal rights people were very bright.

Note that I am not demanding that animals be tortured since that speaks volumes about the torturers. All kids should be taught that a gracious God provided animals to provide us food, clothing, shoes, milk, etc. We know that there is a connection with kids who torture animals and later kill humans. The Bible commands us to be kind to our beasts; however, there is a big difference between a cow or horse and a rampaging bear, alligator, mountain lion or shark.

Remove the predators from the environment except for the zoos. Maybe even pay a bounty for each one killed! Moreover, when taking a hike, be sure to walk quickly and carry a very big stick or better yet, a very big gun!

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Did PETA Supervise a Roach-Eating Contest in Florida? Fri, 14 Dec 2012 19:08:53 +0000 There was a Big Affair at Ben Siegel’s Reptile Store north of Miami recently when 30 of the future leaders of America (young adults) competed in a roach-eating contest. The grand prize was a python and was won by a 32-year-old of Palm Beach man.

PETA (is that People Eating Tasty Animals?) and other animal rights groups became famous for defense of whales, spotted owls, baby seals (no concern for baby humans), snail darters and yellow belly sapsuckers, but where do they stand on cockroaches? (Of course, I doubt that they would actually stand on the defenseless creatures.) It is a serious question: did PETA know about the contest and that the contestants were eating live roaches? My sources could not confirm whether the live roaches were eaten with or without a special sauce.

If the roaches had to be dead, must they have died of natural causes? Would it have been acceptable if they had been crushed? If it was alright for disturbed humans to eat dead roaches, would it have mattered how the roaches left this world? Did PETA even know about this cruel contest? Aren’t they concerned about less impressive creatures? PETA sure makes a big deal about dogs, deer, and dolphin; wolves; whales, and wallabies; bats, bears, and beavers; crabs, crows, and cheetahs but not the cockroach!

So why all this discrimination against roaches? Sounds like elitism to me and the state legislature should hold hearings to guarantee equal rights among creeping, crawling creatures. I’m not referring to politicians, but to cockroaches. But come to think of it…

Did the Florida Board of Health approve and supervise the contest? After all, they are the last protection between the consumer and what is consumed whether it is roasts or roaches. Is a license required to have a roach-eating contest and if so, what is the cost? I assume the owner must display the license in a prominent place so all contestants can be assured that all state requirements have been met. What are those requirements? If there aren’t any regulations then what is going on? How dare the legislature not jump into the roach-eating business. Let’s have some new regulations.

Is there an open season on roaches in Florida and if so, how many can a hunter (or is he a “roacher”) take in a day? If he takes more than his limit, is he fined? Does he lose his “roach pouch” and lose his license? How much does the license cost, and is an out-of-state license available?

Are the roaches hunted with a nail at the end of a stick or is it kosher to simply step on the running creatures with a number 12 brogan? But then, that would be messy to eat such a mashed creature.

With many species, only the males can be hunted, so is that true with roaches? But then, how does an honest hunter (as opposed to a poacher who wouldn’t care) delineate between the male and female? Is the male roach, like the male peacock, adorned with shocking beauty or is he dull, dirty, and dismal like the females (roaches, of course,) that most of us know about?

So where was PETA in all this, after all they have always taken the position that all animals, not just the cute, furry ones, need protection from thoughtless, crude, cruel, hateful, humans? Surely some state law if not federal law was broken during the contest.

I may antagonize some folk by reminding my readers that God would not approve roach eating for He gave instructions about eating in Lev. 11:43, “Ye shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creepeth, neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should be defiled thereby.” That settles it for me. I won’t be competing in a roach-eating contest regardless of the grand prize. I might be convinced to go roach hunting (and permit others to do the eating) if the license is not too costly and the price paid for my roaches is high enough.

The store owner said that the roach-eater winner was very nice, adding that Edward was “the life of the party.” Not anymore. Ed dropped dead as he left the scene. Not sure if he had his python in hand. His roach-eating days are over. Recently the media announced that Ed died of suffocation. He tried to eat and breathe at the same time. He may have been nice but not too smart.

I suppose the winner’s family got his winnings: the snake. The world is crazy. Some people die on the battlefield, protecting freedom; others die on American streets trying to protect innocent citizens and apprehend the bad guys; still others die in pursuit of discovery of cures for exotic diseases and this guy dies after stuffing his mouth full of live roaches!
I remind you that people like Ed and the other contestants can legally vote for officials who run our governments! Moreover, such people continue to contribute to the gene pool.

Maybe we can blame roach eating contests on the farce of evolution–their brains did not develop, consequently the roaches have larger brains than the roach eaters. That would explain many things.

I try to have a thought in each column for readers to ponder and gain from, in addition to being informative, instructive, and sometimes inspiring, with a touch of humor. The “take away” today is: Don’t cram your mouth full of live roaches and try to breath at the same time. It will be a “grave” mistake.

Furthermore, I found a good recipe for barbecued spotted owl breast with a tangy snail darter sauce that PETA followers might enjoy. Contact me at  for further information. Right now, I must return my tongue (that was placed firmly in cheek) to its normal position. There, that’s better.

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