politicians – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 The Washington Monument is the Only Upright Thing in D.C.! https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-washington-monument-is-the-only-upright-thing-in-d-c https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-washington-monument-is-the-only-upright-thing-in-d-c#respond Fri, 01 Feb 2019 17:31:55 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2281 The ancient Hebrew prophet Micah seemed to have Washington, D.C. in mind when he wrote, “The good man is perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net.” To the careful observer, it seems that passage might apply to Washington since it appears the only upright thing in Washington is the Washington Monument.

No doubt, many good Conservative men and women have been sent to Washington but it seems as soon as they arrive in town, they turn left. And as everyone knows, a left turn leads into darkness. It seems the drinking water is contaminated and everyone gets Potomac Fever that renders the victim incapable of telling the truth, acting honorably, living consistently, supporting equal justice, and sleeping with the proper person.

When some have tried to be honorable and upright, they are always scorned as Job discovered and recorded in Job 12:4, that “the just upright man is laughed to scorn.” Even many Conservatives feel uncomfortable when they defend decency, family values, hard work, equal treatment without special treatment, accountability, etc. Very few people will stand up for truth when everyone seems to be laughing and demeaning his person, his positions, and his proclamations.

How long has it been since you have heard an unapologetic, unashamed, and unwavering politician say, “I believe that it is always wrong to lie even if it is a politician, FBI, or IRS agent”? Or, “Down through the centuries, marriage has only been between one man and one woman for a lifetime.” Or, “Transgenderism is fictitious, false, and a farce. Or, “Islam is not a religion of peace but a political, judicial, and economic system of sex, control, terror, and death.” Or, “I promise never to vote to raise my own salary and if it is done, I will refuse to accept it and will never go to work as a lobbyist when out of office.” Or, “I will never vote for a bad bill even if offered by my own party and will always support a good bill offered by the opposition.” Or, “The killing of an unborn child is always, without exception, the taking of an innocent life and the perpetrators and supports are brazen baby killers.” Or, “I believe race-baiters such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Maxine Waters are discredited, dishonest, and disreputable people with whom decent people should not associate. They are a disgrace to their race—the human race.” Or, “People should be proud of their race whether white, black, red, yellow, or polka dot. I happen to be white and am proud of it.”


Even some Washington officials who would agree with some of the above are always mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy, and week-kneed in their agreement.

It seems Washington, D.C. is occupied and ruled by liars, loonies, losers, lackeys—almost all liberals. I am convinced that few people in power are ever bothered with deciding between right and wrong. According to today’s warped philosophy, there is no right and no wrong. Well, intolerance will be considered wrong but everything else is up for grabs. Of course, we must always be tolerant with people but never with truth.

It seems there are no absolutes since that would mean mankind would be responsible to study, think, and pray to discover what is right; then have the character to choose the right. However, that would mean those who disagree would be “wrong,” making individuals uncomfortable and dividing people.

In the past, most politicians at least pretended to be fair, honest, and balanced but not now. Like the people of ancient Israel, they cannot blush. They will do anything to promote their own agenda whatever it takes. If Charles Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, et al., discovered that they had cannibals among their constituents, they would promise them missionaries for Sunday dinner. And those “missionaries” for the cannibals’ pot would probably be white, armed, creationist, homeschooling, or Christian school parents.

Solomon wrote in Proverbs 11:3, “The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.” The Old Testament integrity is the same as character. It conjures up the idea of honesty, honor, rectitude, goodness, morality. In other words, uprightness.

For any person who is upright, Solomon promised in Proverbs 20:7, “The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.” One can hardly ask for much more than living an upright life, then seeing his children walking in the same direction.
Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Stupid Statements by Senseless Statesmen! https://donboys.cstnews.com/stupid-statements-by-senseless-statesmen https://donboys.cstnews.com/stupid-statements-by-senseless-statesmen#respond Thu, 16 Aug 2018 00:35:09 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2162 Everyone has a right to be stupid but it seems politicians work hard to abuse the privilege.

Politicians help calm our fears as we laugh at their stupid statements but then we realize they make laws that regulate almost every facet of our lives! But we must laugh or commit ourselves to the looney farm.

Starting with the third century B.C., many Middle East kings arranged to be “deified” during their lifetimes. Of course, no one really believed that they were any different from the rest of humanity but the divine status gave them a mystique and created a respectful distance between them and their subjects. Modern politicians try to develop the same mystique to keep the common people at a safe distance. Contamination by the hoi polloi, you know.

It is obvious, after reading the statements of politicians that they are far from being deity. I wonder if some of them even register on the I.Q. scale!

Bill Clinton declared, “If we don’t succeed, we run the risk of failure.” Yep, and we survived eight years of his ruin.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, from the land of fruits and nuts, said: “All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from having firearms.” Then she added to her confusion by declaring, “When the gunman realizes that nobody else is armed, he will lay down his weapons and turn himself in….that’s just human nature.” Not the human nature I know.

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, another lady from the left coast, opined on the House floor, “…The Great Depression. I don’t know what was so great about the depression, but that’s the name they give it.” Then she really displayed her brilliant thinking by saying, “Employers cutting hours is a good thing. It then gives that person time to pursue their dreams and passions.” Sure, people who don’t have money to make a house payment, purchase food, and make a car payment are thankful for many hours of free time to “pursue their dreams and passions.”

Nancy then said one of the dumbest things ever uttered by mortal tongue: “Waiting hours longer in the emergency room will allow you to make new friends.” Sure, a mother goes to ER with a screaming baby and is thrilled to develop camaraderie with other mothers with screaming babies for two or three hours!

Nancy, one of the most powerful people in government, said, “I swear this happened, never happened before, never happened since. My chair was getting crowded in and I couldn’t figure out what it was, it was like this. And then I realized Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Candy Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Alice Pall, Sojourner Truth, you name it, they were all in that chair, they were.” Nancy, get back on your meds!

Nancy said of the health care bill: ”But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” Well, we sure found out what was in it. We could not keep our doctor and we did not save $2,500 per year.

Nancy opined, “We should only deport illegal aliens if they do something illegal.” No comment.

More psychobabble from the left coast from Congresswoman Maxine Waters on sequestration: “Over 1,700 million jobs could be lost.” But she was off by more than 12 times since there are only about 135 million jobs in the US! Then she had thoughts on the American flag saying, “They were waving the American flag…and I thought that was outrageous behavior.” Of the 1992 Rodney King riots she said, “It was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable.”

Say what? Nonstop rioting continued until the Marines were called in to stop the rampaging when local police could not control the situation. In total, 63 people were killed during the riots, 2,383 people were injured, and more than 12,000 were arrested. And it was “somewhat understandable, if not acceptable.” But Maxine showed her real bright colors when she said, “Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing…uh, umm…Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.” The color she showed was bright red.

Poor old Mad Maxine doesn’t know that she doesn’t know.

Congressman Hank Johnson said about sending so many American soldiers to the island of Guam: ”My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.” Maybe every visitor to the island should be weighed and they should stop additional visitors when the island is in danger of tipping. What are those Democrats smoking?

Former Vice President Joe Biden said, “I am an optimist because the American people–given half a chance–have never ever, ever, ever let their country down. Even after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.” Joe, wrong enemy.

Biden said it is “about a three letter word–j-o-b-s.” Joe, count all the fingers on one hand except your thumb. That’s f o u r.

Joe also showed that he didn’t understand math when he said, “If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong.”

He didn’t make folks from India happy when he said, “In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

Joe mixed up our history when he said, “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, ‘look, here’s what happened.’” Two problems: Roosevelt was not president and television sets were not available.

Vice President Al Gore declared, “A zebra does not change its spots.” Al, zebras have stripes and leopards have spots and neither one changes.

Gore, a self-proclaimed expert on global weather, said, “It isn’t pollution that’s harming the environment. It’s the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.” It seems politicians are more dangerous than pollution.

He also asserted, “We are ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur.” Yea, it may or may not occur.

Barack Obama added some new states to the Union when he said, ”I’ve now been in 57 states–I think one left to go.” I think he was in the state of confusion.

Obama really showed his deficiency of education at the National Prayer Breakfast when he pronounced corpsman, as corpse-man. Prayer works but it won’t fix a bad education.

Senator Ted Kennedy affirmed, “They don’t call me Tyrannosaurus Sex for nothing.” It is difficult to not say what is constantly on your mind.

Hillary Clinton said about her stand on authorizing the Iraqi war, “I was for it, before I was against it.” Remember how close she came to being President.

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel said, “Chicago always has and will be a sanctuary city. You are safe here in Chicago.” Emanuel said that during the Thanksgiving weekend violence in Chicago when 51 people were shot and 6 killed.

Former Chicago mayor Richard Daley admitted, “Get this thing straight once and for all. The policeman isn’t there to create disorder. The policeman is there to preserve disorder.” Well, Chicago sure has a lot of disorder.

Former mayor Marion Barry of Washington, D.C. said, “Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.” Wow, that’s good to know.

The mayor confused yoga and yogurt when he was asked about the yoga tax: “Yogurt is more healthy than a lot of things. As is cottage cheese. The best kind of yogurt is organic, without all these fillers and stuff.” No surprise D.C. is an unmitigated mess.

Barry also asked, “What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?” Right, after all, they were elected to make the laws, weren’t they!

Then there is Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee who has won the “meanest Congress member award more than once–as voted by congressional staffs! She is renowned for her utterances such as, “You don’t understand. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen.” She had better be careful since some obnoxious queens were beheaded!

She declared, “I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength.” Sheila, Congress does not write Executive Orders for the President!

Sheila revealed that she thought man has walked on Mars when she asked, “Has the (Mars) Pathfinder succeeded in taking pictures of the American flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969?” Sheila, it was not Mars but the moon. You know, that big bright thing you see at night.

Sheila also uttered this gem: “Homicide is the leading cause of murder.” No doubt about it.

Constitutionally we are required to permit such drivel from politicians. George Washington declared, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

All right, we must put up with the non-thinking jabbering but we don’t have to like it or pretend it is the expression of a sane person. As I finished this column, I noted that all the dumb comments were made by Democrats. To be balanced and fair, I will do another column revealing dumb statements by Republicans. They are just as bad.

Evidently, the squirrels haven’t gathered up all the nuts.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Make New Law: Any Politician Who Lies Goes to Prison! https://donboys.cstnews.com/make-new-law-any-politician-who-lies-goes-to-prison https://donboys.cstnews.com/make-new-law-any-politician-who-lies-goes-to-prison#respond Thu, 26 Oct 2017 17:33:06 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1945 It’s difficult to know when a politician is lying; although, if his or her lips are moving it is a good indication of that possibility. And if their pants are on fire, you can be pretty sure you are dealing with a liar.

It’s time for all government officials to experience rejection, repercussions, and not rewards, for lying. It’s time for accountability–that means holding their feet to the fire.

Roman bridge-builders used to stand under their arches as the scaffolding was removed. If they had made a mistake, the whole structure came down on their heads. That is the epitome of personal responsibility–something missing in our day. No one wants to be held accountable for anything.

Surely, citizens have a right and responsibility to hold government officials accountable for their actions, accomplishments, associations, and their authenticity. Being human, maybe we can forgive their failures after a valiant attempt to accomplish everything they promised but there is no forgiveness for lack of authenticity. Lying by any official should mean jail time.

George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Men have always lied. That is the reason God forbids lying. But we keep lying. Many of our lies are minor and often for altruistic purposes. We often say, “What a beautiful baby” when it is often untrue. It might be wiser at such a time to say, “Wow, that’s some baby!” Or, I have never seen such a child.”

Often a husband is asked by his wife, “Does this yellow dress make me look fat?” The answer is supposed to be “No, sweetheart, it doesn’t make you look fat.” However, while that may be a socially accepted lie, it is still a lie and indicates a problem in the relationship. It is the husbandly thing to tell a wife the truth; although it is not wise to be a wit and say, “If you wear that yellow dress, people on the street will yell, taxi!” That will prove you are not a wit but a halfwit.

Kang Lee, a professor at the University of Toronto, did extensive research on children and lying as reported in National Geographic. He set up an experiment in a video-monitored room and told children there was a toy they could have, but they would only get it if they don’t peek under a cloth that hid the toy. Then the adult was called out of the room and returned a couple minutes later. The kids were asked if they peeked.

Thirty percent of the two-year-olds lied. Half of the three-year-olds lied and eighty percent of the eight-year-old kids lied. After eight, more than 90 percent lied! “This is universal,” Lee said.

Lee declared, “We explicitly teach our kids to tell white lies,” when parents coach small children to tell grandparents how much their gifts were appreciated. This is especially dangerous, deleterious, and destructive for parents to basically give permission for kids to lie. They often grow up to become politicians!

Professor Lee said, “Moreover, our findings showed that even the parents who most strongly promoted the importance of honesty with their children engaged in parenting by lying.” Evidently, there is something wrong here.

In 1996, Bella DePaulo, author of The Hows and Whys of Lies, put recorders on students for a week and found they lied, on average, in every third conversation of 10 minutes or more! For adults, it was once every five conversations!

Obviously, lying is a flaw of human nature (a result of Adam’s Fall) that make liars of us all. But then, no one is forced to lie.

My concern is that it is illegal for a citizen to lie to any federal official, yet those same officials can lie with impunity to the voters who put them in office. Such officials need to be held accountable.

Because it is illegal for American citizens to lie to any federal official, why doesn’t some intrepid member of Congress introduce a bill to make it illegal for a federal official to lie to the people who pay their salary? It is mind-boggling to think how that would change our nation especially if it were made retroactive. Yes, I know this is a “pipe dream” since few legislators would vote for such a law.

But if it could be done and be done retroactively, we would have to ship our present and former presidents off to a federal prison followed by almost all members of Congress. Then we would clean out the FBI, IRS, OSHA, EPA, and all of the alphabet agencies. Wow, it makes me hyperventilate thinking about that!

Politicians make promises to gain votes then blatantly break them. Let’s hold them accountable– first by not reelecting them and second by putting them in jail! After all, isn’t it fraud to get something of value (a government office) by lying?

Some famous lies were told by Obama when he told us over and over that we could keep our health plan and our doctors and we would save $2500 per year on health premiums.

Then General James Clapper lied when he was asked if federal officials were spying on innocent citizens. He said they were not but everyone knows he lied. Jimmy is not in jail.

UN Ambassador Susan Rice lied about Benghazi when she told the media, “It was a spontaneous eruption over an American film.” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also lied when she told the relatives of the dead that the tragedy of Benghazi was caused by the video. Susan and Hillary should be cellmates.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testified before a Senate committee and lied when he told the Senators that the Federal Reserve could not manipulate interest rates even though Chairman of the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke had started a program a month before to do just that! Tim was a known liar even when on public payroll.

Lying has consequences but seldom is it jail time for a police officer, prosecutor, FBI agent, IRS agent, etc., to lie in performance of his or her job.

President Nixon lied about the Watergate burglary resulting in his resignation and 69 people being indicted, including many members of his administration and 25 people going to jail.

Then there was George H. W. Bush’s “No new taxes!” And he was not reelected.

Bill Clinton lied repeatedly about his sexual affairs with various women, especially Monica Lewinsky and was impeached for lying under oath. He lost his right to practice law.

Gen. Michael Flynn was forced to resign his federal position as a result of getting caught lying about whether he discussed sanctions in a telephone call with a Russian diplomat.

I’m not too concerned if an official lies about his hairpiece, his affairs, or if he inflates his résumé but I’m very concerned when he lies about public affairs. When he or she does, it should mean slammer time.

Martha Stewart went to prison for a few months for lying about some stock; yet major politicians can lie and cause the deaths of many people or financial disaster yet no one goes to jail.

Donald Trump declared that America had the highest taxes in the world. He was dishonest or uninformed.

Hillary Clinton asserted that ISIS had used Trump in videos to recruit terrorists. She was lying or, to be even-handed, was uninformed. You decide.

Niccolò Machiavelli was a 15th Century philosopher who wrote The Prince to instruct potential rulers how to get and hold power. He advocated lying as a required attribute to be a successful prince or politician, and he advocated many immoral behaviors for the purpose of maintaining power. Machiavelli taught that it is better to be stingy than generous. It is better to be cruel than merciful. It is better to break promises if keeping them would be against one’s interests. Machiavelli provided cover for political liars for over six hundred years.

Almost everyone declares that some white lies are not only expected but are essential to lubricate society but I disagree. One can be truthful without being cruel. And to suggest that politicians must lie to perform the function of government is an insult to God’s establishment of government.

George Washington allegedly said, “I cannot tell a lie;” while most politicians, if forced to be honest, would need to say, “I cannot tell the truth.”

Let’s make it jail time for the liars in government. Everyone would vote for that except the liars in government!

Boys’ new book The World’s Best Jokes! was published last week as an eBook. To get your copy, click here.

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