Progressives – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Words Have Lost Their Meanings So Trump’s a Racist! Wed, 23 Oct 2019 15:59:13 +0000 I was a late comer to accept candidate Trump and have criticized President Trump often; however, the level of hatred toward him by Progressives is unprecedented, unbelievable, and most unwholesome for America. In the past, I often disagreed with politicians in both parties and while some were scumbags, none were Socialists; some were crooks but none were Communists.

The radical leftist crowd has virulent hate for Trump and all things Trumpian and it seems nothing is too low, untrue, or vile if they can score points against him. Trump started the fanatics caterwauling by suggesting that four congresswomen of color could go back to where they came from if they don’t like America. I’ve said that for decades and it’s a good statement! If people don’t like where they live, of course, they should choose to go back to where they came from.

However, Trump said more than that and few media reports reflect his complete statement. He suggested that critics of American could go back to their original nations, fix their problems, then come back, and show us how to fix ours. Sounds like a great idea to me. And frankly, while Trump can’t say this, I will: I will not be disappointed if one or all of the four ladies stay there. After all, they are whiners and radical leftists who make blonde jokes obsolete.

I would be delighted if a large group of Democrats and a few carefully chosen Republicans accompany the four ladies of color. By the way, I don’t suppose it is permissible for one to refer to the four ladies of color as four, colored ladies. I would like for the racists (black and white) to explain that to me. But I won’t hold my breath since blue is not my favorite color.

The President suggested that the then alive Congressman Elijah Cummings is a racist and the left went bonkers; but can’t Democrats, even black Democrats, be racists? No one asked, “Is his statement true?” Everyone assumed it was not: it could not be true since Blacks are a protected class. They even clearly state that a Black cannot be racist!

Sane people have just fallen to the floor, holding their sides in raucous laughter.

Trump called Cummings “a brutal bully” and his majority-black district “disgusting.” He went on to call Cummings’s district the “worst in the USA,” a “rat and rodent infested mess,” and a “dangerous and filthy place.” Trump also accused the late congressman of corruption. If one has seen Cummings during hearings, he was clearly a bully. While it’s been a while since I’ve been in Baltimore (I always try to skirt the area), my knowledge of the city for many years is that it is one of the worst in America.

In July of 2019, one third of polled Democrats say it is racism if white politicians criticize politicians of color for their political views. Say what? Wow, such nonsense gives any minority a free pass not to answer for a senseless, stupid, and silly position.

Furthermore, leftist radicals need to understand that making a statement about anything does not make it true, not even if all leftists in America agree with it. I know that is a sobering, shocking, and surprising truth to the left, but it is true.

The haters on the left have even taken over the language to bring about the rule of the Proletariat. It seems truth is totally irrelevant to the screamers: male and female; black and white; Democrat and Republican.

Confucius prudently cautioned about 500 B.C. that “when words lose their meaning, people will lose their liberty.” That is one time Confucius was right.

Mark Twain astutely observed that “the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.” Add to that the wholesale theft of various definitions. We have seen what leftists do to words to further their own vacuous positions.

Furthermore, the concerted attack on precision in speaking and writing was clearly seen by C. S. Lewis when he coined verbacide–the killing of a word by a calculated misuse of it. Agenda-driven people in politics and the media are guilty of verbacide.

Pedophiles speak about the “love” they have for children when it is not love but vile affections for innocent children. Affirmative action should mean taking action to right a wrong but today it means to give special consideration to one because of his or her gender or race or age or, well you know.

A lesbian radio caller said, “Rush, once we got your side to using our term [gay], that’s when I knew we had won.” Note that she called it “our” term. They took control of the word and convinced the anemic media to follow along.

The perverts also misappropriated the rainbow to be their banner. It is a promise from God to not use water to destroy the world again. Their use is dishonest but they have never been concerned with honesty and only faintly disguise their hatred of normal people.

Words that are not considered appropriate include: American, homosexual, illegal alien, Caucasian, mothering, fathering, foreigners, elders, senior citizen, overweight, speech impediment, dumb, sexual preference, manpower, freshmen, mailman, chairman, convicted felon, etc.

We have seen Orwell’s 1984 become reality. Their slogans were WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. The naïve will say, “But those words don’t mean that.” No, but when used enough, they will. At one time one could say, “I had a gay time yesterday.” Now, normal people don’t talk that way because the LGBTQ crowd has taken gay hostage.

The bullies will try to badger, berate, bribe, and bamboozle us, but we must stand strong. As a child we usually handled the bullies and if one of us could not do so, then two or three took care of them. The anti-bullying campaign is being used as a cover for letting the liberals, leftists, Socialists, and the LGBTQ crowd have their way.

No, not even if pigs learn to fly in formation over the White House, each with an LGBTQ flag.

Seneca declared, “The art of conversation is dead.” If not dead, it is gasping in the streets.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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What if President Cruz Appoints Only Conservatives? Tue, 02 Feb 2016 06:03:02 +0000 Senator Ted Cruz took on the Grand Old Progressives (GOP) establishment and a billionaire in Iowa and won. If he doesn’t stumble and keeps good advisors he may get elected and out-Reagan, Ronald Reagan. He has a long way to go and many will try to discourage, denigrate, and defeat him but he may be the next President of the United States!

Every U.S. President has the authority, after winning a national election, to appoint people of his choosing to various positions in his administration. That is only fair and proof of the adage, “to the victor go the spoils.” Obama has taken that principle and run with it far into left field. All his main appointees have been to the left of Harry Reed, yet no Democrat or media person (but then I repeat myself) has screamed about balance and fairness. No one has lectured Obama about “reaching out” to conservatives and Christians. But the lectures and interviews, and columns about “reaching out” to Democrats come fast and furious (oops) when a conservative gets elected.

Let’s say that Ted Cruz becomes President Cruz and did the same thing but only appointed conservatives and Christians–you know, normal, competent people. Maybe he could find a place for a couple of professors or graduates of Liberty University and Bob Jones University, Hillsdale, or from one of the smaller schools. I will get to what his administration might look like in a minute.

What does Obama’s list of progressive appointees look like?

Cass Sunstein is a far leftist who was appointed the Regulatory Czar who said, “We ought to ban hunting.” Rushing farther into left field he said, “Animals should be permitted to bring suit…” and he thinks government should regulate the airwaves. But Cass does not stand alone in left field.

John Holdren was appointed Science Czar and recommends compulsory abortion in event of an overpopulation crisis. He advocated government taking of newborn babies, and suggested adding a sterilant to the drinking water! Oh, yes, he wants the government to dictate the size of families! I believe that has been tried before.

Mark Lloyd as Chief Diversity Officer, FCC worked for far leftist George Soros. Lloyd has praised the late Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chavez’s revolution as “incredible…democratic revolution.” He opines that there are too many white people in the media. He wants to “balance” the media by fining conservative radio stations up to $250 million and give the proceeds to National Public Radio. I suggest Mark spend his time, effort, and capital getting rid of all subsidized public communications. Left field is getting crowded.

Eric Holder as Attorney General chose not to prosecute black thugs who intimidated whites at a polling place. During his stint in office, he did what he could to promote Black extremists and denigrate white police officers. He always came to the defense of blacks who resisted police and condemned police officers who did their jobs and protected themselves.

Jeh Johnson, chief of DHS has Communist connections through his grandfather who testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1949 to deny being a member of the Communist Party. Jeh compared the alleged discrimination Muslims are facing today to the 1940s and 1950s when Senator Joseph McCarthy and others charged that communists had infiltrated the U.S. government during the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

I hope Jeh doesn’t mind if I remind all my readers that Joe McCarthy was right! There were Communists in the Federal Government at the time. American Soviet spies were FDR’s closest aid, Harry Hopkins, another aid, Laughlin Currie, and top Treasury official Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, (both executed for providing atom bomb secrets to Russia), David Greenglass, Harry Gold and other traitors.

Elena Kagan was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court even though she had no judicial experience. As Dean of Harvard Law School her job was to raise money and make students comfortable. The Boston Globe wrote of her: “Some of her initial acts as dean were small-scale improvements, like offering free coffee in classroom buildings and free tampons in women’s bathrooms.” No, not sterling qualifications for a seat on the Supreme Court.

CBS News first reported that Elena Kagan would be the “first openly gay justice” which would please Obama’s liberal base. BAM! The network heard from the White House then CBS officials amended the report: “I have to correct my text here to say that Kagan is apparently still closeted–odd, because her female partner is rather well known in Harvard circles.” That was even worse and CBS finally pulled the report entirely! She is very comfortable in left field with or without her black robe.

Kevin Jennings was appointed Assistant Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education. Jennings founded the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) that is dedicated to making homosexuality acceptable to children as young as five years old! The news reported that Jennings told a boy who confessed to having sex with an older man that he should use a condom!

Susan Rice was appointed Ambassador to the United Nations and is known for her infamous appearance on five network shows explaining that the terrorist attack on Benghazi was really a reaction to a video critical of Mohammed. The crowd in left field is getting larger.

Samantha Power was appointed to the National Security Council and is outspokenly anti-Israel. She ridiculed the possibility of Iran having nuclear weapons! She also favored sending U.S. troops to Israel to force a Palestinian state on them. She is now Ambassador to the UN and married to Cass Sunstein.

Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Inter-governmental Affairs and is responsible for vetting all the extremists Obama has appointed! She recruited Van Jones as Green Czar knowing his longtime love affair with the Communist Party. That didn’t bother Valerie since her father “had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals” according to FBI files. Her father-in-law “was also another big-time Chicago Communist.” All in the family.

David Axelrod, political advisor to Obama, has been a leftist all his life promoting socialism at every opportunity.

Admittedly, Obama had legal authority to appoint every leftist above and he was being consistent since he promised us that he was going to fundamentally change America. In that, he has kept his promise. Note that he has accomplished his goal without a peep from the mainstream media. No one pointed out that his appointees were far leftists, abortionists, Muslims, and Muslim sympathizers. No one suggested that he should have a few conservatives, even Christians (gasp), on his team. By Christians I don’t mean simply church members.

Now, transfer yourself into the next administration. Suppose, no let’s pray, that it is a very conservative President, maybe Ted Cruz with Mike Huckabee as Vice President. Moreover, his every appointee supports his basic positions! Do you think the media would remain silent? They would scream about reflecting the real America and he is supposed to be “president of all the people.” But he refuses to listen and appoints the following:

Surgeon General is Ben Carson; Secretary of Defense is Allen West; Attorney General is Trey Gowdy; White House Spokesman is Donald Trump; National Security Advisor is Marco Rubio, Secretary of Treasury is Rand Paul; Head of the Federal Reserve is Ron Paul; Secretary of Interior is Sarah Palin; Secretary of State is Mark Levin; Secretary of Homeland Security, David A. Clarke, Democrat Sheriff of Milwaukee; Secretary of Health and Human Services, Michele Bachmann; Secretary of Agriculture, Senator Rick Santorum; and maybe throw in a few of the conservatives from Bush’s administration.

You get the idea–a great idea! Such appointees would guarantee intelligent counsel, common sense, wisdom, and diversity. Ah, yes, the much demanded diversity. Let’s see, we have a Democrat; two Blacks; two women; a Jew; a Southern Baptist; two evangelical Catholics; at least two non-denominationalists; a lapsed Presbyterian, sometime Episcopalian (at least at Christmas and Easter); and now we need a Fundamentalist to really prove diversity.

I would suggest that he appoint me as Secretary of Education at $1.00 per year and I would dismantle that department in 30 days. Ditto the Department of Energy; ditto the Department of Commerce. I’ll look for more dittos!

After taking care of those matters, back home to Ringgold.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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Don Boys: An Equal Opportunity Offender! Sun, 25 May 2014 19:59:28 +0000 Non-thinking progressives have confused, corrupted, and contorted society to the point that most people believe that they have a right not to be offended. Wrong! This is America with diverse people holding dissimilar ideas. If you don’t like what’s on television (which is almost all the time, on all channels), then turn it off. If you don’t like what you hear from the pulpit, go to another church. If you don’t like what is being taught at a college, then enroll elsewhere.

I am weary, even embarrassed at public figures who say something then apologize for it when criticism chases them down. Today, I suppose I will offend everyone and I will not apologize for it. After all, I will state what I believe and would prove to be a hypocrite if I apologized. I like being independent as a hog on ice.

I am tired of hearing about Don Sterling, the old dude in Los Angeles who seems to hate or at least dislike Blacks. Now, I don’t want him as a friend or neighbor but he has a right to be whatever he is as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. Blacks and wannabe Blacks should recognize his foolishness as well as the illegal taping of his private thoughts and move on. As to forcing him to apologize and sell his basketball team, that is undemocratic, unreasonable, and unAmerican. Those sensitive souls who were offended should refuse to support his team. There, that will take care of that.

As to Sterling’s opinion of Magic Johnson as a role model for children, of course he is right. Johnson may have been a great athlete but he is a failure as a human. He is a testimony to others that one can sleep around and still be rich, renowned, even respected. Of course, he is an unfit role model for children.

As to the league’s 2.5 million dollar fine and trying to force Sterling out of the league, I wouldn’t agree with either without a fight. Frankly, I don’t care what he does. He is obviously a corrupt individual who doesn’t know whether he is pitching or catching; but even fools, failures, and fanatics have First Amendment rights. At least they used to.

Then there are the Hispanic fanatics who want to shut down all-you-can-eat taco bars because they are offensive! No, all the nuts are not on trees or in California. It seems various sorority chapters host taco bar fundraisers on college campuses but a few Latino students are offended at such audacity! The offendees were at Stanford and Dartmouth. Very delicate souls, you know. Even though I don’t like Mexican food (now that will offend some) I would like to participate in one of those all-you-can eat fundraisers wearing (among other items) a big Texas belt buckle and a massive sombrero. As someone said, those militant Latino students on campuses “have a machete to grind.” And grind they do and fools cheer them on.

Paula Deen was harassed and intimated by the thought police because she used the word nigger many years earlier! Rather than satisfying the fascists with her fake apology she should have laughed at them and gone home and baked a cake. Her cooking show was cancelled, a publisher canceled a book contract, and she lost major endorsements. Of course, it is acceptable for blacks to use the word for themselves and others, but not Whites! Jesse Jackson called New York City “Hymie-town” and was not castigated for it. Wonder why? The reason is that liberals are the biggest hypocrites in America (and the biggest whiners).

Nigger is only offensive when it is used to deliberately insult someone; however, in our super sensitive day when the thought police roam the streets daily almost everyone has become super silly. Even when the word is used in a non-offensive way such as my discussion here, I am expected to say “the N word” not nigger. Even the courts and media have bought into such inane actions. Blacks tell us that they can use the word but Whites cannot; however, that dog won’t hunt.

Because of the mindless political correctness I can understand how media people would be fearful to use the term and other terms even in a non-offensive way. Recently, I was unthoughtful in using nigger in an inoffensive way on a national talk show of a friend. I did not think what affect it might have on him and his producer. While I don’t care about people who disagree with me, I should have played the “N-word” game since there were other people involved. I don’t have a business to destroy and can live with unpleasant repercussions; however, talk show people have many considerations I don’t have. Maybe someday we will have a return to sanity where people will not be so sensitive and manipulative. But don’t hold your breath unless blue is your favorite color.

But it gets worse. Two families from Atlanta area visiting Savannah’s river walk were jumped by a group of black thugs and beaten for being white. The two men were punched in the face and a six year old daughter was punched in the stomach and one of the wives was dragged by her hair by a black thug! When the police arrived the attackers had fled, after all they may have been hoodlums but they weren’t stupid.

The police report and the television news report did not mention that the thugs were black! The complete description by the television commentator was: “One male was wearing a yellow shirt, the other a red shirt and later took it off and was wearing a white tank top. A younger female was wearing a white skirt or shorts and a beige or yellow top. The elder male was wearing all white and a white hat.” Isn’t that interesting and revealing? No mention of the race, skin color, stature or hair. THAT is racism. It is also cowardly.

The refusal to reveal the race of a felon is now in vogue; after all, we must not make anyone feel uncomfortable.

I have discovered that many words I thought were acceptable in their proper use are now forbidden. Such words as Eskimo, black, colored (oops, someone tell the NAACP that), Indian, mulatto, native, negress, negro (meaning black in some languages), nigger, city-slicker, hillbilly, white trash, oriental, savage, peon, yank, Yankee, WASP (“a word for people who are white and have money, power, and opportunities that other people do not have”), gyp is from Gypsies who have a bad reputation, dyke (a word that “is a lot like” the “N” word) and is acceptable for a lesbian to say it, but no one else. Bossy, illegal immigrant, and man up are all forbidden.

Non-white is used for describing people who are not considered to be members of the race of people who have pale skin. This word is usually considered offensive because “it suggests that the white section of the population of the world is more important than any other.” Well, in God’s eyes, all people are equally important, loved, and need to trust Christ. However, obviously the people who control most of the wealth, power, academia, etc., in the world are the “most important” in that they influence for good or ill people of all races. That happens to be the white population. However, in stating an obvious fact, I will be accused of bigotry or at least being insensitive. Oh, me.

The leftist crowd is basically dishonest right up to where the buck is supposed to stop. How can they pretend to be consistent, honest people when they are intolerant of what they see as my (or anyone’s) intolerance? Moreover, they don’t understand an important concept: principled people can and must be tolerant of others without compromising their own principles.

I’m sure glad I don’t have a boss, contract, or sponsor who could control what I say; but at least I’m an equal opportunity offender. I like being as independent as a hog on ice. It also irritates my critics and I like that. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Stay out of Syria: All Factions are Thugs, Thieves, Tyrants, or Terrorists. Fri, 21 Jun 2013 14:12:42 +0000  

Syria is a maniacal, murderous, malodorous mess that should alarm the U.S. but not activate us. It calls for our attention but not action. Proud, patriotic, even pious people have demanded we jump into that snake pit; however, we must be very wary of dangerous, sincere patriots who want to kill people because they think they are or may be a threat to us or someone else!

Dictator Bashar Assad is a Muslim hypocrite (supported by Shi’ites) and an efficient killer, especially when cornered, but he has governed the nation and provided stability and protection to Christian churches. Moreover, he is supported by Russia (fighter jets) and Iran and the terrorist group, Hezbollah. His opponents are a ragtag collection of Islamic fanatics including the Jabbat al-Nusra terrorists, who will cut the throats of their co-belligerents as soon as the present regime falls or is pushed over. In recent weeks the Syrian “rebels” killed an entire village of Christians (although the photographic evidence has not been shown on U.S. media)! Muslims have acted that way for more than 1400 years!

Just this week, the media reported that the rebels are now controlled by the most extreme Muslim fanatics. Any support of this “opposition” will fund a worse thug than now occupies the catbird seat in Damascus!

The Syrian opposition is a mixture of Sunni fanatics, thieves, criminal opportunists, and a few freedom lovers. Incredibly, the U.S. is supporting them with “humanitarian aid.” We have seen this movie before, but now we are sending fighter jets at Obama’s insistence! They have flown into Syria in the last week. There are 4,500 U.S. troops, plus 300 Marines, on the Syrian border as I write and a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system has been deployed along the Syrian-Jordan border. We would be wise to heed Winston Churchill who said, “To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.” I say, “yes, yes.”

But in spite of all the above, here we go again! John McCain and some GOP (Grand Old Progressives) and most Democrats have been beating the war drums to a deafening pitch. Progressives seem to think America is destined to fight every war in support of the good guys; however, in Syria there are no good guys: it is a monstrous dictator against Muslim fanatics. It is tragic that more than 98,000 lives have been lost but that battle is not our battle. To those who say it is our fight, I ask if we are to get involved in every battle on earth?

The U.S. invaded Iraq because we were convinced that they were involved in the attack on the World Trade Center. A nation must respond when it is attacked. However, Syria has not attacked us and they are not a threat to us. Let the bloody bullies bang their heads together and resolve their own differences. If Israel wants to get involved, that is their business. Let the Middle East nations that are threatened take whatever side they choose. It will not be a principled decision since there is no noble principle involved, only violent religious and political hatred. All factions are thugs, thieves, tyrants, and terrorists.

America has become not only the world’s bank but the world’s policeman that is obligated to clean up the Syrian mess! My opinion: the cost of one American life is too high a price to pay for getting involved and it is not wise for us to pour billions of dollars into that cesspool of a nation while we struggle to pay our national bills. We have seen our young men and women (!) return from Afghanistan missing their limbs and burned beyond recognition. Moms have been killed leaving small children without a mother. (But then, that reflects upon us because any nation that must use women to fight its wars is not worth defending.)

Bush made a super dumb statement when he spoke of taking democracy to nations in the Middle East. They don’t want democracy and even if they did, the burden to take it there is not a U.S. burden. After all, who appointed us the Paladin of Peace? We don’t have the money nor should we sacrifice our youth in a war that cannot be won. Our desire to share the principles of freedom should not entice us into a war that will never be won; however, it is easier to fight for your principles than it is to live according to your principles. Let’s live them and let other people learn them from our example. Furthermore, the winner of the Syrian conflict would not be welcomed at any decent person’s dining table. America should let other nations fight this war then everyone will be losers–except us.

World leaders still haven’t received the message: there is no way to beat Islamists. We can blast a nation into the Stone Age but that won’t win the war. Fact: there will be perpetual conflict as long as there are Koranic Muslims down at the local mosque. We will be at war and living with terror to the end of time! The next war could very well bury Western Civilization forever as well as the barbarians on the Arabian Desert.

Furthermore, there is the issue of national sovereignty. Who gave America (or Russia, China, Israel, etc.) the authority to interfere and invade another nation? Do we believe in national sovereignty or not? Do we believe in sovereignty for us but not for “them”? No one has even tried to justify this.

Of course, another war might take America’s attention off the “scandal of the day,” giving Obama some breathing room. Only a fool will say that we have any chance of establishing even a semblance of freedom in Syria. Freedom doesn’t work in Islamic nations since freedom is the antithesis to sharia and jihad.

Non-thinkers, bubbling over with naiveté, praised the uprisings in Libya, Egypt, etc., and now they realize that we got much more than we wanted. Radical Muslims have been enabled and are now in control with sharia and jihad as the norm. Moreover, our incursions into Iraq and Afghanistan are two more abject failures of a stupid, senseless, strident, and suicidal foreign policy.
Let our politicians use their bloody pulpits and the media to promote freedom everywhere but keep our money, missiles, munitions, and men at home.

Oh, also keep our maidens and moms at home.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.


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