racism – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Hymns of Hate from Black Leaders! https://donboys.cstnews.com/hymns-of-hate-from-black-leaders https://donboys.cstnews.com/hymns-of-hate-from-black-leaders#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2022 18:45:47 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3184 By Don Boys, Ph.D.

A few years ago, I thought a racist was a person—black, white, or polka dot—who disliked someone of another race because they were of another race. Of course, that’s hardly their fault. However, from the major media, it seems I have been wrong all along. It seems Blacks cannot be racists, and whites are always racists —because they were born into whiteness.

Racism is the blackjack used in an attempt to beat Whites and Conservative Blacks (called Uncle Toms by black racists) into submission. Black fanatics seeking an audience, advancement, and an advantage, usually look through rage-colored glasses. Moreover, I have been convinced in recent years that Black leaders are America’s most irresponsible, insincere, and inept people. They have surrendered any modicum of honesty to the god of wokeism. They will say anything, take any position, and support any person without consideration for their courage or cowardice, compassion or cruelty, facts or fantasy, or honor or hokum.

And white politicians, pundits, preachers, professors, and the press with enormous influence are too gutless to condemn their insanity and, in some cases, their insincerity.

Martin Luther King’s 1967 “The Other America” speech at Stanford University was two years after California and Harlem’s race riots. King vainly tried to explain the cause of rioting and looting to his mainly white audience. He said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” No, rioting, looting, and burning are the results of destructive, devious, and demented minds and cannot be justified. King was not ridiculed for such a stupid statement because of his special status.

It is time for Blacks to look at where they are in America—not in bondage, not on a plantation, not second class but in the best situation they have ever been. They are free and have more prestige, power, possessions, property, and presence than at any time in their history. Many Blacks are in far better circumstances than ordinary white people. However, the rhetoric of their leaders does not indicate that reality.

Instead, many black leaders pretend Blacks live on an antebellum plantation waiting hand and foot on a vile, vicious, and violent Simon Legree.  While chattel slavery can never be justified, all slave owners were not so stupid as to kill those who did their plantation work. All Blacks are not heroes, nor are all Whites zeros.

History is full of dishonest, dishonorable, and devious Blacks that were charlatans—and worse.

LeRoi Jones declared, “they [Whites] owe us everything, including their lives.” It is astounding that anyone, especially Blacks, would consider that dude an icon of black history. However, Blacks are very careless and seem to support almost any popular Black, no matter how vile, vicious, or violent they are.

It seems color, not character is the deciding factor when choosing heroes.

Marcus Garvey, a famous Black leader, declared, “Every student of history, of impartial mind, knows that the Negro ruled the world when white men were savages and barbarians living in caves; that thousands of Negro professors at that time taught in the universities of Alexandria, then the seat of learning—that ancient Egypt gave to the world civilization and that Greece and Rome have robbed Egypt of her arts and letters, and taken all the credit to themselves.”

His inaccurate, incredible, and insane tirade continued: “It is not surprising, however, that white men should resort to every means to keep Negroes in ignorance of their history. It would be a great shock to their pride to admit to the world today that 3,000 years ago black men excelled in government and were the founders and teachers of art, science and literature.”

The racism in the above statement is only exceeded by his ignorance or his deliberate lies in rewriting history. Every informed Black should be embarrassed by his stupid comment, but I don’t know any civil rights leader who condemned his diatribe.

Of course, reversing Black and White would still be untrue.

I don’t mean to be unkind, but it is undisputed that Blacks are the only group in America who have not risen as a group during their tenure. Compare them to the Irish, Jews, Mexicans, Asians, Germans, Italians, and others. But I suppose it is racism to report that uncomfortable reality. Sure, numerous Blacks are very successful, but as a group, they have worsened.

Louis Farrakhan declared, “The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman, or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”

Yet, Farrakhan, an outspoken Jew-hater, has been courted and promoted by numerous white and black leaders who consider him untouchable. Tragically, he has wasted his life being fat, racist, and stupid. But then, he does always dress well in costly clothes. Significantly, Joe Biden attended the funeral of a Capitol Hill Police Officer who was killed by a supporter of  Farrakhan and then participated in a meeting with supporters of Louis Farrakhan.

Such inane action proves Biden does not abide by my historical friend Bill Shakespeare’s statement, “Consistency, thou art a jewel.” In kindness, Biden’s excuse could be he has sadly slipped into the shadows of senility. However, that doesn’t excuse his advisors, his wife, and leaders of the Democrat Party for putting him in a position that exposes his pathetic recklessness.

Another black leader wrote, “Everywhere the white man may be, even in Europe, the earth belongs to the Black Man.” He also declared, “The Time of the Rise of the Black Man of America is NOW!”

The film “Why Don’t We Murder More White People” aired at a San Francisco museum for a month. A description of the film depicted it as “an examination of whiteness, its unassailable immortality, and how it permeates our daily lives.” It tells us that whiteness is violence, and that Whites are born “inherently evil.” One person said, “I think if you’re not supporting people of color and to end white supremacy, and you’re neutral, or you are that person that’s perpetrating it, then you shouldn’t — I think you deserve harm.”

Your tax dollars produced the film. Wonder what would happen if I suggested that police should kill more Blacks. Oh, I see. That’s different. Blacks can’t be racist, and we must forgive their racist ranting and only smile at their pathetic swaggering, breast-beating antics.

Black zealot Damon Young admitted he “Recite[s] the Lord’s Prayer with my family. But instead of ending it with ‘Amen,’ adds, ‘and then kill whitey.’” What apparent hypocrisy (and blasphemy) and such action in the presence of children is blatant child abuse.

Biden’s nominee to head the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Kristen Clarke, wrote, among other things, that “Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites” and “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities.” When she said that, no one yelled “racism” and demanded she be rejected. To their credit, all Republican senators except Susan Collins of Maine voted against her. Were those Republicans racists, or were the supporting Democrats racists?

I suppose it is bigotry for me to remind Kristen that only 16 Blacks have won Nobel Prizes, and 12 of those were awarded the easy-to-qualify-for Peace Prize. You know Obama, Mandela, King, Bunch, Tutu, etc. Since the desired prize began in 1901, 954 individuals (including 61 women) have received a Nobel Prize, so do we accuse the leftist Nobel Committee of racism?

When I hear such insane, inaccurate, and intolerable pronouncements as Kristen’s, I immediately think it is all a joke, or someone is clinically insane, or maybe only the spouting of a certified idiot. Obviously, truth is being sacrificed at the altar of pretended tolerance. It appears Kristen is incompetent even though she graduated from Harvard and Columbia Law School, which may tell you how far those schools have degenerated.

If I were a trustee of one of those schools, I would demand the return of her degree.

Race hustler Ibram X Kendi (born Henry Rogers) attacked Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a “white colonizer” for adopting two Haitian children. According to the jerk (Kendi, not Barrett), the justice thought such action would protect her from charges of racial bigotry.

Does any lucid person believe a prominent white family would adopt black children to score points with the woke crowd? Isn’t it possible, just possible, that the Barrett family loves children and wants to give desperate black kids an incredible opportunity to be loved and reared for personal success?

WorldNetDaily reported on the racism of a New York Times writer who believes white people are “bloodsuckers” and “barbaric devils.” Nikole Hannah-Jones, the reporter behind the New York Times’ 1619 Project declared America was “founded to preserve slavery.” She recently demanded and was paid a $40,000 fee for a speech at a Virginia high school. I might consider listening to her speech if I received a $40 listening fee. But on second thought, I would not. Hannah-Jones has proved to be a farce and a fraud and far from factual, in my opinion.

Is it racism to disclaim, dislike, and disparage the black subculture—what passes as music, living on welfare for generations, absent fathers, high prison incarceration, corrupted English, etc.? It is not racism to point out that Blacks are the only minority in U.S. History who has failed to improve after many generations; liberal politicians (mostly Democrats) are the reason.

Nigerian-born rap artist Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable believes only white people can be racists and called for his fans to “shoot” white people while urging, “Take them as slaves and treat them even worse.” He added, “We’ll take their bitches and we’ll take their money. To be perfectly honest, we will be the best race ever. We are African warriors, they are not on our level. This is just the beginning, black power.” Making the shape of a gun with his hand, Conable asserted, “If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk **** about you, shoot them! If they talk **** about your family, shoot them!”

If racist Blacks have their way, your future will forever be a boot on your face. Wishing does no good, but many Americans wish their ancestors would have picked their own cotton.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  John Bunyan, Baptist Preacher

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What is Proof of Being a White Supremacist? https://donboys.cstnews.com/what-is-proof-of-being-a-white-supremacist https://donboys.cstnews.com/what-is-proof-of-being-a-white-supremacist#respond Wed, 30 Oct 2019 19:51:07 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2435 White Australian nurses must now apologize to minority patients for their white privilege before treatment! I would vigorously refuse to do so, so does that prove I’m a racist or a white supremacist?

Does pride in being white make me a white supremacist and if so, is a black person a black supremacist if he is proud of being black? If not, why not?

Being a white Christian does not reflect badly on those who don’t fit that description, just as my love and preference for my wife does no harm and is no criticism of those who disagree. Just because you think your wife is more beautiful than mine and your children and grandchildren are the brightest and most loveable does not make you a bigot. You are simply wrong, since mine are! (I have the test scores and photos to prove it!)

That is called being “normal.”

I am convinced that immigration should be halted for five years with few exceptions, and we should raise our standards requiring new citizens to sing in English all the verses of “America, the Beautiful” and whistle the National Anthem at the same time–with a mouthful of saltine crackers! Well, maybe not quite that extreme, but almost!

We should try to receive the highest level, most competent, most motivated immigrants possible.

If it is noble, kind, and compassionate to take in an unlimited number of foreigners, then let the other advanced nations receive those benefits for a few years. Furthermore, if immigrants are offended when I sing patriotic songs, fly the American flag, and pray to Christ, then tough luck. This is a big world so they can find somewhere else to live. There is plenty of empty space on the Arabian Desert!

If America continues as it is: permitting massive legal and illegal immigration we will eventually become a banana republic—without bananas and without a republic!

It is not racism to suggest that the ethnic ratio of America is being changed, and while some think the change is good, I don’t. Should all Whites walk around with head down, never looking anyone in the eye because we are white? Why must white people apologize for being white?

Is there an advantage for losing majority whiteness? Out of 193 nations of the world only eleven qualify as being “white.” Is that bad news? If so, why? No one is promoting adding Whites to the 54 black nations of Africa to produce diversity. Don’t the leftists want more diversity in black nations?

Just because I think being white is as good as being black, brown, etc., is that prima facia evidence that I hate other people? As usual, I will receive much heat but no light from my critics because they have no reasonable response.

Additionally, why make America into another Hispanic country? Aren’t the 21 nations that are Hispanic countries enough? There are far more nations populated by people of color than white nations. Why not have a mainly white nation here and there around the globe? Why do we need another Spanish-speaking or Islamic nation?

Moreover, those who emigrate here should learn to speak English! That is the least they can do. Teddy Roosevelt suggested that any immigrant who did not learn English within five years of his arrival should be shipped back home! Is that racist?

I have defended minority people and groups all my life. I have demanded that people be treated as people. If all people are treated with respect, kindness, thoughtfulness, and graciousness, then everyone benefits. I do not endorse or support the NAACP because they are racist in seeking the benefit of “colored” people. Why not seek the advancement of people? Must civil rights leaders be reminded that the “Jim Crow” days are long gone? If we seek the advancement of everyone, that will cover Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, Indians, etc.

All my adult life I have detested unfairness, discrimination, narrow mindedness, political correctness, and cowardice. I am ashamed to say that national and state politicians, plus those in academia and the media, plus many evangelical Christians are guilty of all the above.

I know this is dangerous but I am delighted to be counted with a group of people who have made and are making an astounding contribution to civilization—the white race. Gasp! I realize that it would be a lesser offense if I had been caught sexually molesting autistic three-year-old boys while attending a Nazi torch rally wearing a MAGA hat, but there it is.

I’m not ashamed, in fact, I’m proud to be white.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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USA Today and New York Times’ 1619 Project a Sham, a Shame, and a Scheme! https://donboys.cstnews.com/usa-today-and-new-york-times-1619-project-a-sham-a-shame-and-a-scheme https://donboys.cstnews.com/usa-today-and-new-york-times-1619-project-a-sham-a-shame-and-a-scheme#respond Wed, 04 Sep 2019 20:09:36 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2408 Major papers such as USA TODAY, The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, and others have initiated major efforts to celebrate 400 years since the first Blacks were sold at Jamestown—a 1619 Project. They pull off the scab of slavery in prose, poetry, and pictures, a story often with pathos, pain, and prejudice. It seems to me that they have a clear agenda: tie Trump (and all Whites) to slavery with all its curses and promote reparations thereby satisfying all the race baiters and Progressives—but then I repeat myself.

I remind my readers that The New York Times editor recently admitted, “Look, we blew it on Russian collusion, didn’t work. Now we’re going to go to racism, that’s our new model. The next two years will be Trump and racism.” That secretly recorded confession was followed with the slavery series.

It’s called, “guilt by association” but Trump was not associated with slavery—neither was I.

The Times’ Nikole Hannah-Jones revealed in her “America Wasn’t a Democracy, Until Black Americans Made It One,” their second duplicitous motive, “If nothing else, I hope it shows the world that a bipartisan commission to study the issue of reparations is necessary and way past due.”

Bingo! A nefarious admission.

The Times’ series is interesting with some good information but is generally a handbook for radical racists who have more zeal than knowledge and more time than discretion.

Principled writers resolve to never write a lie and never refuse to publish the truth; however, this author has failed to honor that concept. She has woven disturbing truth with much error to express a racist agenda—blame Whitey and generalize leaving a scent of truth regarding the vile world of slavery to paint all living Whites as villains and all living Blacks as victims.

Nikole charged, “the United States simply would not exist without us.” That is an asinine, arrogant, and not accurate statement but she will not be required to give an account for such shallow and untrue balderdash because she is a minority and can plead the prestige of the Times. Of course, Virginia landowners would have been forced to work smaller tobacco farms, plant other crops, and make a smaller profit with the white indentured servants who quickly worked out of their contracts. Additionally, we would not have the positive and negative contributions that accrued from slavery.

Wiping the Kool-Aid from her quivering lips the author declared that black slaves “made Wall Street a thriving banking, insurance and trading sector and New York City the financial capital of the world.” If black slaves were essential to our success, why has that not happened in any other nation on earth? She failed to point out any African nation that is stable, secure, and successful because none exists.

Repeatedly, we have been told that America’s success is because it was built and sustained upon the backs of slaves and oppressive practices. But that dog won’t hunt. If black slavery is responsible for America’s greatness, where are all the successful black nations?

The wheel was unknown to sub-Saharan Africa as late as the mid-1800s according to Oxford University Professor John Baker in his book, Race! Furthermore, the diaries of Dr. David Livingstone, famous missionary, explorer, and medical doctor in Africa (some of whose steps my wife and I have followed) describe thousands of Africans coming out of their villages to see his “vehicles in motion and thus for the first time to observe the rotation of a wheel” Are racists trying to get us to believe that a people who didn’t have the wheel less than 200 years ago could be responsible for America’s success?

Of course, admitting that unpleasant fact makes me a racist in the twisted minds of racists—black and white.

Nikole charged that our founding fathers did not believe in the Constitution because of the infamous three-fifths clause. To determine representation each slave was counted less than one. This did not apply to free Blacks. Of course, our founders believed the words; however, they knew if they were to have a union, the compromise was essential. Their words “all men are created equal” were an acknowledgement of goals that would become reality when politically possible. It has now been accomplished even to the extent it seems some minorities are more than equal.

The writer declared, “Without the idealistic, strenuous and patriotic efforts of black Americans, our democracy today would most likely look very different—it might not be a democracy at all.” Well, we are a Republic not a democracy but without quibbling over that, her self-serving statement is a senseless, silly slap on the back. She insists that Blacks have as much claim to be “founding fathers” as Jefferson, Madison, Washington! Sure.

She characterized Jefferson’s Monticello as a “forced-labor camp” but evidently, she knows nothing about such camps and little about Monticello. While her article revealed some worthwhile information, it was also a racist promotion of Black Superiority.


She charged that American slavery was a “brutal system of slavery unlike anything that had existed in the world before. Chattel slavery was not conditional but racial.” She was wrong, since slavery was not automatically “racial” but economic. The plantation owners did not necessarily hate the slaves, it was an economic matter—if they did not have workers, it meant financial disaster. Similar to Apartheid in South Africa, it was a matter of survival. While that did not justify the ownership of any person, race was not a determinant to slavery.

Furthermore, evidently Nikole has little knowledge of world slavery. It is common knowledge that slavery in Brazil and the Caribbean was much more oppressive than in America. While sadistic slave owners always existed, they were not the norm in America; after all, slaves were an investment. Only a fool would destroy his own “property.” Some plantation owners provided days off, bonus, and retirement plans.

Nikole suggested that America “was founded not as a democracy but as a slavocracy.” Time after time she made sweeping general statements that contain a smattering of truth but are simply incorrect, irresponsible, and inflammatory.

This series clearly teaches that only Whites can be racists and are required to be super sensitive to their innate racism; however, Blacks are never, ever racists but should always be super sensitive to and magnify their victimization. And when Whites discuss racism, they must do so in a very subservient and contrite, almost apologetic tone. That is the message of this series.

Taking a deep breath, Nikole declared, “Anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country, as does the belief, so well articulated by Lincoln, that black people are the obstacle to national unity.” When one looks at the statements of black race baiters including leading white politicians it seems anti-white racism runs in the very DNA of America. And articles such as these only exacerbate the racial problem.

She closed her interesting, but highly biased article with, “But it was by virtue of our bondage that we became the most American of all.” Say what? “Most American of all!” Sounds exactly like, dare I say it, Black Supremacy.

No, that can’t be. Blacks always tell the truth, never twist and manipulate facts, and never express bigotry even though such people are as easily found in the media and academia as a bowling ball in a bathtub.

I ask the Times editor, “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” A quality organization would not produce a sham, a shame, and a scheme for any reason let alone promote black supremacy and advance a political agenda!

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Everyone Seems to be so Easily Offended! https://donboys.cstnews.com/everyone-seems-to-be-so-easily-offended https://donboys.cstnews.com/everyone-seems-to-be-so-easily-offended#respond Thu, 30 Aug 2018 16:04:36 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2177 I’m disgusted with non-thinking leftists who look for ways to be offended and in the process press their unworkable agenda on other non-thinkers. The most recent of a plethora of examples is GOP Florida governor candidate Ron DeSantis’ innocent remark that most of us have used for a lifetime. After winning the GOP primary, DeSantis told Fox News, “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

DeSantis’ opponent is Democrat Andrew Gillum whom the far left media have already chosen as Florida’s next governor. Of course, a “firestorm” immediately followed the monkey remark. Since Gillum is black, the leftist media assumes DeSantis was calling him a monkey. DeSantis was making an off-the-cuff remark and had no thought of racism. Maybe the problem is in the minds of the racist media who always see racism even when it is absent. Me thinks they protest too much.

Obama even used the term in the same way in 2008 but that was acceptable to the hypocrites.

It seems leftists are looking for an excuse to be offended but Obama’s remark doesn’t bother them. Oh, I forgot that it is impossible for a black to be racist.

I’m weary of the feigned anger, abundance of hypocrisy, and political opportunism. It is my opinion that all these people are basically dishonest people who will do anything to punch a Conservative below the belt, especially one wearing a MAGA hat.

Fox News cowardly capitulated to the rabble rousers from left field.

It was recently reported that race car driver Conor Daly lost his sponsor because of a racially insensitive remark made by his father in the 1980s. That is incomprehensible but it’s worse by ten: Daly wasn’t even born when his father made the remark!

Daddy was right: the world is crazy as a bedbug. Daddy was a philosopher with a sixth grade education.

The Washington Post reported on a male professor who offended a female professor in a crowded elevator. Someone asked what floor he wanted and he replied “Ladies lingerie.” He is now facing disciplinary charges after a female professor who was on the elevator filed a formal complaint. She was offended at his joke. He has refused to apologize.

Good for him. It wasn’t even a good joke and for sure was not offensive.

Canada is now fining its citizens for offending people of the Islamic faith. John Alabi, 53, is a Christian and a landlord who lives in the Toronto area and has been ordered to pay a fine of $12,000 by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal because he failed to remove his shoes when he entered the apartment he was renting to a Muslim couple.

University students are being punished for using the wrong pronouns when referring to a he/she/it. The St. Louis Dispatch reported that college students should report any “hurtful” words. They should do the following: 1. Call the police immediately at 573-882 7201. (If you are in an emergency situation, dial 8911.) 2. Give the communications operator a summary of the incident, including location. 3. Provide a detailed description of the individual(s) involved. 4. Provide a license plate and vehicle descriptions (if appropriate). Hurtful words include “illegal immigration,” “man up,” and “welfare queen.”

Media headlines revealed that Portland, Oregon schools have declared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist and an example of white privilege! Verenice Gutierrez, the principal at Harvey Scott K-8 School, discussed her bizarre brand of logic in an interview with the Portland Tribune.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

Verenice is allegedly a highly educated principal of a public school. This proves what I have believed all my adult life–certification does not equal qualification.

Cotton is now racist because it reminds snowflakes of the past. But not their past. A university president in Tennessee apologized for having used some cotton in his home decoration. Wimp! It is supposed to be racist since cotton was picked by slaves over a hundred years ago. Of course, we know that a racist is someone wining an argument with a liberal.

An off-campus Greek Life event held by leaders of Ole Miss recently was cancelled after many students became troubled and disturbed by a banana peel which was hanging from a campus tree! Many students were “in tears” over the banana peel because it didn’t make them feel “safe.” According to The Daily Mississippian, many members of the community were “hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred.”

Such people are not only jerks but also wimpy jerks, the worst kind of jerk. And/or they are emotionally and socially underdeveloped. Whatever, they are still jerks.

Toronto’s airport has removed an advertisement after animal rights activists complained it disrespects cows. The airport poster said, “You’re precious cargo, not cattle.” I’m not sure whether the cows complained or the Cattlemen’s Association, or PETA.

Senator Dick Durbin told President Trump that his use of the term chain migration was painful to many people because “African-Americans believe they migrated to America in chains and when you talk about chain migration, it hurts them personally.” I hardly think you could call it migration when one is forcefully kidnapped or sold by a black chief to a white slaver. Finally, no living American was every brought to America in chains.

Blacks who were never slaves or and have no slave history other than visiting a slave museum obviously hate white people for being white–and the Whites are called racists.

Recently students with fair skin at Georgetown University were told that they could not attend a recent “community dialogue” session about racism that was held on the campus because the black racist campus group that organized it wanted it to be a “safe space” accessible only by browns and blacks.

That is a classic example of racism by racists who major in calling all whites racists!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Black Lives Matter Movement Infecting Churches! https://donboys.cstnews.com/black-lives-matter-movement-infecting-churches https://donboys.cstnews.com/black-lives-matter-movement-infecting-churches#respond Thu, 21 Jun 2018 21:09:47 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2129 Christianity Today reported that Pastor John Piper has jumped on board the Black Lives Matter (BLM) bandwagon! “At first, Piper was reticent to support BLM when he visited BlackLivesMatter.com and noted that the site’s three women founders were ‘queer-affirming and transgender-affirming.’” Yet, Piper stayed on board with that crowd! He even encouraged white Evangelicals to “pause” before saying anything like, “All lives matter.” Has Piper lost his mind? Maybe Piper should pause before saying anything!

Piper, a highly respected Evangelical, said, “I saw a statistic that there were 102 unarmed black men killed by police.” But that’s not the whole story since most of those Blacks were armed, resisted, or disobeyed police orders. Such reactions are an invitation to be shot!

Even Calvin College invited a left wing black activist, Michelle Higgins to speak to their students. Michelle was invited to speak in October 2016 but being detained at the airport she spoke via skype and told the overflowed crowd of Evangelicals, “It is clear that in our nation,” she explained, “we don’t treat all lives as equal.” No, minorities are given special treatment to compensate for long periods of discrimination. Has Calvin College lost their direction?

According to the Chimes, mouthpiece for Calvin College, reported, “However, she cautioned us against replacing #BlackLivesMatter with #AllLivesMatter.” Heavens no, they must never do that.

Higgins has become the unofficial voice of BLM and is a very persuasive speaker. She is a professing Christion using the Bible to support her spurious cause. She directs worship and outreach at South Church in St. Louis–associated with the Presbyterian Church in America. She sees white supremacy as the reason for everything wrong with America. She demands Whites look honestly into their hearts and repent of known or unknown hatred (real or imagined) while she sees Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner as innocent, misunderstood choir members.

Higgins is a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary and a “proud supporter of local activism groups MCU (Metropolitan Congregations United)….” She is a radical racial agitator who is being accepted as a compassionate racial healer by some Evangelical groups. As a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement, she is called Michelle the Marxist and spoke to 16,000 students at the Urbana 15 Student Mission’s Conference in St. Louis on Dec. 28, 2015. Urbana is a part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, formerly a respected biblical student organization. The worship team singers wore Black Lives Matter T-shirts in preparation for the speaker!

At that meeting Michelle said, “The decentralized movement of Black Lives Matter allows local pastors or local groups to use the phrase to mean all black people are despised systemically in such a way that our country does not hesitate to refuse them proper health care, quality education or fairness in the face of potential arrest.” That is a ridiculous inflammatory statement with an intent to manipulate the unwary, uneducated, and the uninformed.

She asserted that “Black people are sacred to God” but then all people are sacred to God.

Higgins declared, “The United States is not so different from the Roman Empire,” but surely a college and seminary graduate knows better than to belch such tommyrot. The leader of the U.S. is not a dictator; people are not thrown into an arena to be devoured by vicious animals; men (and women) do not fight to the death to satisfy a blood-thirsty crowd; more than half of the residents of any major city are not slaves; but then we are taxed like the Romans who placed heavy taxes on land, on goods and food, and on inheritances. Farmers and the poor suffered the most under their system of taxes.

Higgins averred, “If our children do not regularly hear the truth that Jesus was man (sic) of color, we may be mortified to discover they believe Jesus was white. That’s our fault.” Does it really matter to anyone what color Christ was? He came to die and rise again for everyone, everywhere, of every color for all time. His color matters only to the racists. No one knows His hue, only that He was a Jew from the Middle East. Only the racists make an issue of such a non-issue.

Higgins suggested that Blacks and minorities spend their lives “under the awareness that racist people want to kill you …” While there are no doubt a few racist nuts who want to kill Blacks, very, very few actually carry out the threats. If black parents had taught their sons to obey authority, especially when the authority has a gun, there would not be any or many killings by the police.

In the 70s, my wife’s Black friends taught her that Black neighborhoods were dangerous and to stay away because they wanted to do her harm; however, many Blacks have to live in those dangerous areas. Respect for law and for authority are essential for everyone but especially in dangerous neighborhoods.

Higgins said, “God is challenging humanity to ‘tell the truth, the whole truth’ about the stories of human history.” I suggest that Higgins and her crowd tell the whole truth rather than using selected vignettes of police shootings to validate their untrue and unfair declaration that all Blacks are in danger of being gunned down by rogue cops on the city streets in broad daylight.

Irresponsible Blacks speak of being arrested by thugs in blue for driving while black or walking while black. Every sane person knows there are bad, even wicked people in every category: military, academia, sales, education, ministry, media, and yes, law enforcement. I have gone on record as detesting overbearing, unreasonable, psychotic cops and they should be dealt with appropriately. However, police are there to enforce our laws, laws made for the benefit of the general public—red, yellow, black, or white—all should be equal in their sight.

We are told that it isn’t working because so many black youth are being killed and imprisoned. I just had a thought: do you think that it might be because they commit more criminal offenses? The police officer must first protect his or her own life; then try to keep harm from bystanders or hostages; then enforce the law or keep the crime from being committed; then try to apprehend the alleged perpetrator. If the perpetrator resists, he is a fool and will likely become a dead fool.

Following his death, black civil rights “leaders” and main stream media will proceed to twist the facts to present the cop as a deranged racist killer and the young black as a candidate for sainthood or at least the Nobel Prize. But now, everyone can know the truth: the facts are clear and were discovered and delivered by the leftist Washington Post! The Post revealed that on the whole the police tend to use force appropriately to protect their own lives and the lives of others! Of course, what would you expect? That was the Washington Post!

But the Post added more grist to the mill!

After a year-long study of case-by-case shootings it was found that the police use force primarily to defend lives; the use of force against unarmed suspects is rare, and the use of force against Blacks is largely proportional to their share of the violent crime rate! Of course, every police chief in every city should be fired if that is not true in his city.

As of December 24, 2015, the Post reported that American police officers had fatally shot 965 people in 2015; 564 of those killed were armed with a gun while 281 were armed with another weapon, and 90 were unarmed. In three-quarters of shootings, “police were under attack or defending someone who was.” Well, that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

The Post revealed that blacks “commit homicide about eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. Even worse, “among males between the ages of 14 and 17, the interracial homicide commission gap is nearly tenfold.” According to National Review in 2014, “while black Americans constituted only about 13 percent of the population, they represented a majority of the homicide and robbery arrests. 82 percent of all gun deaths in the black community are from homicide.”

But wait a minute. What about the white police officers who kill so many unarmed black men? While even one is too many, white cops killing unarmed blacks is “less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings.” So Black Lives Matter; Hands up, don’t shoot; and Stop! I can’t breathe! are used by unprincipled or uninformed or unthinking people to justify racist and irresponsible attacks upon police officers.

And it is shameful that a professing Christian would purposefully distort the truth for use as propaganda in a dubious cause.

Higgins declared, “Justice means my baby boy, my baby girl will not be tried, condemned, sentenced and executed on the street. That is justice.” Well, the most disgusting white (or black) supremacist would agree with that statement. Of course, she is referring to the black youth who have been killed by white (and sometimes, black) police officers. However, in all those cases, the victims were young black thugs who resisted arrest or disobeyed the officers. It is astounding to me how any person with any since of right and wrong could defend the thugs (black and white) and blame the police.

Of course, racists come in all colors. Some even carry Bibles.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Republicans and Democrats Appalled at Black Dinner Guest at the White House! https://donboys.cstnews.com/republicans-and-democrats-appalled-at-black-dinner-guest-at-the-white-house https://donboys.cstnews.com/republicans-and-democrats-appalled-at-black-dinner-guest-at-the-white-house#respond Thu, 08 Feb 2018 15:25:00 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2019 While I have strong criticism of leftist black leaders who attack racism (whether real or not) as a reason to live, I do demand equal and fair treatment for everyone–so that would include Blacks. I resist, ridicule, and reject any special treatment for any group, but since this is Black History Month, I want to praise my boyhood hero, Booker T. Washington–a fellow West Virginian who rose from slavery to scholarship, from poverty to prosperity, and from intentional humility to international honor.

Washington commented on the race baiters long before race baiting was so profitable. He wrote, “There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays.” (Let me know if you to hear that quote during the television spots supporting Black History Month.)

While I have no desire to be identified with radical leftists (whether black or white) I have always demanded that people be treated like people, not white people or black people but just people. Moreover, people of good will do not want to harm or hinder anyone but that does not mean such a person must defend and promote “Black Lives Matter” rather than “All Lives Matter.” Nor must we approve of affirmative action known by most thinking conservatives as “reverse discrimination.” We can even criticize forced busing as a flawed and failed social experiment not worth the social upheaval it caused when school choice would have promoted competition driving out the grossly inferior schools.

We can agree with some Black positions and still disagree with some of their more outrageous positions such as reparations, defense of criminal Blacks who resist police, support for every black demagogue such as Father Divine, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Maxine Waters, Sheila Lee Jackson, etc. Basically, I refuse to give any special treatment to Blacks, Hispanics, or Eskimos simply because of their minority status. Likewise, I don’t want any special treatment because of my status–a white, elderly, conservative, gun owning, family oriented, and nation-loving Baptist.

There is a tendency for Conservatives to reject a black leader without acknowledging that he may have some interesting and worthwhile positions that we should discuss while still being critical of much of his more extreme demands. For example, I think the Montgomery Bus Boycott was fair in that the bus company was city owned. Blacks had as much right to sit where they wanted as any white person. Had the bus company been privately owned, I would not defend the boycott since a private business has a right to make its own decisions unless it was started with city funds or supported by city funds. In other words, a private businessman has a right to be blind, biased, and bankrupt if he desires.

While there were exceptions, most of the college students who supported the civil rights movement were noble, altruistic young people far more principled than their leaders. The London Daily Mail reported “As the veteran activist Michael Harrington delicately phrased it, the [civil rights] movement was ‘not at all a sour-faced, pietistic’ (sic) endeavour. ‘Everybody was out getting laid.’ Or trying to.” So, I respected the young devotees and disdained its leaders.

From my perspective, the scandal at the White House when the President had a black leader for dinner was a wonderful, if not overdue, example of sending a message to the haters. And I disagree with many of President Theodore Roosevelt policies. But not that day.

During Roosevelt’s presidency, a newspaper ran the headline: “It’s a crime worse than treason!” What was the crime? Teddy Roosevelt had invited a former slave for dinner in the White House—something that had never been done before. The object of the furor was a 45-year-old, mild-mannered gentleman named Booker T. Washington, known as the “Negro Moses.”

Washington was a spellbinding speaker, bestselling author of Up from Slavery, and had tea with Queen Victoria at Windsor Palace! But then, the white outrage against the dinner guest was “justified” since segregation was the law. A Negro had no “right” to dine at the White House. Both men laughed at the headlines.

Many Republicans were horrified at the news, especially in the south. Having a black man for dinner was recognizing him as equal with his host! The dinner invitation even suggested that maybe he could be considered as a possible son-in-law! The spin-masters of Republican politics suggested that it was only lunch, not dinner while others said that the meal was almost an accident. When Washington died in 1915, his obituary suggested the meeting was a “lunch.” Another source suggested that the president and the former slave were talking southern politics (most Blacks were Republicans in the Democrat-dominated Southern states) and White House servants brought some sandwiches on a tray. No, that is piffle dust. A Black man had dinner at the White House!

But it was more than dinner since it was a family and social affair which compounded the problem. Roosevelt’s wife and three children were there as well as an old friend visiting the city, so the message was “we are all equal.” Not in 1901. Both men received death threats. White southern demagogues spilled their bile all over themselves to pander to the haters.

Most Americans, white and black, recognized Washington as the spokesman for Negros. He was able to work with and gain the respect and support from America’s leading white businessmen. However, black militants in the North, with help from liberal Whites formed the NAACP in 1909 to be a more militant, strident voice headed by W. E. B. Du Bois, a black radical Socialist who joined the Communist Party in 1961. Du Bois was probably the best educated Black in the past hundred years and a vocal critic of Washington. Du Bois left America for Ghana in 1961 and died there on Aug. 27, 1963.

James K. Vardaman who became Governor of Mississippi (and later a senator) and Senator Benjamin Tillman of South Carolina (former governor of South Carolina) were white supremacist Democrats who reacted viciously to the White House dinner. Vardaman said, “If it is necessary, every Negro in the state will be lynched; it will be done to maintain white supremacy.” Vardaman suggested the White House was “so saturated with the odor of the nig*er that the rats have taken refuge in the stable,” and declared “I am just as much opposed to Booker T. Washington as a voter as I am to the cocoanut-headed, chocolate-colored typical little coon who blacks my shoes every morning. Neither is fit to perform the supreme function of citizenship.”

What a jerk! It is amazing that our great nation survived such pariahs.

Democrat Senator Tillman declared that “The action of President Roosevelt in entertaining that nig*er will necessitate our killing a thousand nig*ers in the South before they will learn their place again.” Such jerks did not qualify to polish the shoes of Booker T. Washington and should not have served as doormen at the U.S. Congress. (I disguised nig*er in my quotes only because this column would be rejected by some sources if it were spelled out. It is a perfectly acceptable word when not used by bigots in an offensive way.)

Booker had been a slave until the age of 9, and then worked in a salt-packing warehouse in West Virginia where his stepfather and his mother Jane had moved. His work started at 4:00 AM, so Booker could get to school on time. At age 16 he wanted more education so in 1872 he showed up flat broke and hungry on the doorstep of the Hampton Institute in Virginia.

General Samuel Chapman Armstrong, a former Union soldier, was the head of the Hampton Institute. He was not prejudiced against Blacks as was common for that era. He believed black men and women simply needed education to succeed. He also felt Blacks would learn best if taught by black teachers. So he asked his prized pupil Booker T. Washington to head up a new teacher’s college down in Tuskegee, Alabama—the first ever aimed at educating black students. On July 4, 1881, the school opened its doors as Tuskegee Institute. You may have heard of George Washington Carver, one of its more famous teachers who became a world-renowned botanist.

Two men sat in the White House dining room, one black and the other white, one the President of the U.S. and the other a former slave, and a photo of Abraham Lincoln could be clearly seen behind and between their chairs.

Today, the issue is not black versus white but collectivist versus conservative. Or Communist versus Christian. Or dictatorship versus democracy.  The previous administration specialized in failure, fraud, falsehood, fiction, fakery, and fabrication. I choose freedom.

Proving that Americans are not racists (but are fools), American voters put a radical black president in the White House and I wonder if he would have invited Booker T. Washington to the White House for dinner, what with Booker’s very Christian, conservative, and common sense ideas? I wonder if Blacks such as Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Dr. Benjamin Carson, or war veteran statesman Allen West, or successful businessman Herman Cain, or Ambassador Alan Keyes, or a host of other such outstanding black leaders were invited to have dinner with the Obamas. That kind of bipartisanship and balance would be scandalous to our progressive, willfully blind media!

Maybe it’s time for another scandal at the White House! How about President Trump recommending a day of honor for my boyhood hero Booker T. Washington!

After all, like me, he was from West Virginia so maybe I too want this special treatment for minorities!

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Trump Needs His Mouth Washed Out With Soap! https://donboys.cstnews.com/trump-needs-his-mouth-washed-out-with-soap https://donboys.cstnews.com/trump-needs-his-mouth-washed-out-with-soap#respond Fri, 12 Jan 2018 17:08:53 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2006 President Trump was not my first choice as president since he is a very flawed person in many ways; however, he was far superior to the other choice so I voted for him knowing I would often disagree. While I approve of many of his decisions, I have been embarrassed by his crude, rude, and lewd talk and actions. Moreover, I wish he would stop telling people that he is a Christian. Christians are not perfect people but we are supposed to be changed people.

The followers of Christ in Antioch (Turkey) were first called Christians because they reminded people of Christ. In essence, they were “little Christs” not in the sense of any kind of divinity but in the way they lived, spoke, and treated others, especially the poor, elderly, and outcast.

This week President Trump embarrassed himself, his family, and the nation when he reportedly used a vulgar word in conversation with other politicians in the Oval Office. While his emphatic decision to correct the flawed immigration policy and his desire to “put America first” are sane positions, they do not justify his potty-mouth talk. Furthermore, his opponents are accusing him of racism because he suggested that new immigrants should come from Norway rather than Nigeria. No sane person can deny that people from Norway would more easily acclimate to the U.S. than the backward nations of Nigeria and Haiti. In our non-thinking society, I suppose my making that obviously true statement makes me a racist! Only Trump knows what motivated his controversial comments.

What Trump and almost all media personalities don’t understand is that vulgar words should never be used by civilized people. Christians should never speak that way and should confess it as sin if they do. A lame apology will not do. Trump claims to be a Christian but only he and God know for sure. The fact is the President used a foul word that is used by uncouth, unthinking, uncaring, and uneducated people. And it doesn’t seem to bother him. It bothers me.

Even non-Christians should not use that and other vulgar words. A few years ago, even the most low-life men did not use such words in decent company, especially in the presence of women. Now, even women are using such terms. Yes, the times they are a-changin’! For the worst.

Listen to teens and you will hear the S word and F word and many other vulgar words used repeatedly in a few sentences! Of course, they hear it at school, home, on recordings, and on television. Even some Christian preteens use cr*p, fa*t, frik*n’, etc., as if they are acceptable. Parents and pastors are failing, and some evangelical pastors are even known for their cursing! A famous megachurch pastor was characterized by The New York Times as having “the coolest style and foulest mouth of any preacher you’ve ever seen.”

My critics will accuse me of living in a religious bubble and that has been generally true for most of my adult life. However, that does not mean that I have no exposure to the real world with all its corruption. After all, I have traveled worldwide, shopped, dealt with businessmen, was a life insurance salesman, served in the Indiana House of Representatives (where I reprimanded the cursing wife of a judge in front of him and their legislative friends), and appeared on hundreds of television and radio talk shows where I was called many vulgar names that I did not even understand! So my “bubble” has not meant total seclusion.

All my close friends and associates are very kind, educated, cultured, refined, urbane, sensitive people who even eschew “gosh,” “heck,” “darn,” although we do lose control at times and utter “cool” or “neat.” Gasp! Maybe we say “cool” to appear cool in the eyes of others!

I am not suggesting that people who use four letter words are living in the depths of depravity, although I am saying that such words are unnecessary, untoward, uncouth, and a poor example to others, particularly the young. Especially coming from our President.

Christ told us to say what we mean when He said, “But let your communications be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” That command could call into question the use of innocent words such as “hip,” “cool,” and “neat.” Someone will ask, “Then what are we expected to say?” Well, how about saying, “That is excellent,” or “I like that,” or the like.

Most people, who use the F word, don’t know what it stands for. Yes, they know what it means but not the etymology. While there are differences of opinion in the background of the word, couples guilty of fornication during colonial times were placed in public stocks with the F word written on the wood stocks. The word stood for “For Unnatural Carnal Knowledge” and the acronym was used because there was not space on the stocks to spell out their offense.

Others tell us it meant Fornication Under Consent of the King, whereby he gave permission for married people to participate in sex. Still others suggest that it stood for the king’s permission to diplomats traveling on long journeys so they could stop at any home and have sex with the eldest unmarried woman.

Obviously, whatever the actual historical derivation, the foundation was sex and it has usually been considered a vulgar word. As such, it should never be part of anyone’s speech, especially that of a Christian. Whatever we say should be unambiguous and not be embarrassing or an insult to others who believe their yea should be yea and their nay should be nay. Vulgar (ever non-vulgar) curse words are never acceptable by civilized, cultured, and Christian people.

The Apostle Paul commanded us in Colossians 3:8 “Put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communications out of your mouth.” He also said, “Evil communications corrupt good manners.” Swearing results in a coarsening of society. Are you listening, Mr. President?

After hearing dirty, four-letter words for a while, they nest in the mind and come rather easily to the lips. In your innocent days, you would have been horrified, but now, it is acceptable. After all, everyone you know has adjusted. First, you find the vileness appalling, then acceptable, then approving. Then comes anger when someone confronts you for your coarseness and crassness.

We were with some folks when something traumatic happened that momentarily shocked all of us, and a lady responded with a loud expletive. It seemed so natural. A second after we realized that we were not in any danger, she embarrassingly said she was sorry for her vulgarity. I said that it was probably because of watching movies and raunchy television shows. Her reply was interesting and telling: “Well, that happens when you are around people who talk that way.” But my response is, “Why would they be around people who express themselves by cursing?” I thought about sending her a bar of soap. That worked in my generation.

If Trump’s momma were alive, she could help make him acceptable to civil company by washing out his mouth with soap! My momma used Ivory. Worked for me–and thousands of others.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Middle East Refugees Will Destroy American Culture! https://donboys.cstnews.com/middle-east-refugees-will-destroy-american-culture https://donboys.cstnews.com/middle-east-refugees-will-destroy-american-culture#comments Tue, 19 Jan 2016 04:19:11 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1334  

I have problems with much of American culture–movies, television, music, etc.; however, America is still the best place in the world. Our culture has degenerated for many years and it is only reasonable to attempt to slow its decline. Illegal and poorly managed legal immigration has had, is having, and will have a divisive, debilitating, and destructive influence on America.

We have observed environmental fanatics, in collusion with the Federal government, going to outrageous efforts to preserve polar bears, killer whales, snail darters, spotted owls, and yellow belly sap suckers; so is it unreasonable to preserve America as the land of the free and the home of the brave? Why is it commendable for Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and others to loudly proclaim their ethnicity and boast of past achievements, but when a white Christian does so, everyone treats him like a bigot?

My being proud of being a white Christian does not reflect badly on those who don’t fit that description, and my love for my wife and family and my considering them the best does no harm and is no criticism of others who don’t agree. Just because you think your wife is more beautiful than mine and your children and grandchildren are the brightest and most loveable does not make you a bigot. You are simply wrong, since mine are! I have their test scores and photos to prove it! Most sane people would agree that that attitude is completely normal. It would be abnormal if that were not true.

Last night I saw video of a young Martin Luther King Jr. declare, “I am proud to be black. Black is beautiful. Someone needs to say it.” That was fantastic but why was it right for him to say it about being black but wrong for me to say the same thing about being white? I will expect an answer from my critics.

Non-thinkers/racists/liberals reveal their racism by calling me a racist! That’s like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath! Not too swift but no one says racists/liberals are very sharp or honest people. They are fanatics and totally committed to their radical agenda.

This is an issue that no one wants to deal with–the proverbial elephant sitting in a formal living room that everyone pretends isn’t there! Of course, I don’t want to be identified with the white supremacist crowd or the clowns of the KKK because they are obvious haters. I do think it is not only right but also desirable to be proud of our heritage–whatever our heritage. Mine happens to be white Christian.

Sure there are times when we are embarrassed with what white people have done and are doing, but that would be true of every group. Does affirming that fact make me a racist? Overall, white people have contributed enormously to make the world a better place–yes, even Christianized white people, that is, people who were not Christians but who were influenced by the Bible.

The desire to keep our nation historically American with our language, customs, values, religion, etc., is admirable and nothing to be ashamed of. Why should we want a major shift in the racial ratio, language, customs, and religion? The desire for keeping America in its present state is a reason to be skeptical of mass immigration. Of course, there is no question regarding illegal immigration although non-thinking liberals usually try to justify such criminal activity.

Moreover, it is not racist but realistic to declare that accepting immigrants from most European nations would have less negative impact on America than immigrants from non-white and non-English speaking nations. Now, if my critics will stop screaming incoherently and try to stop the knee jerking (left one, of course) they will be forced to admit the statement is true. My motives can be legitimately questioned but the accuracy of the statement cannot be.

If potential immigrants have never used an indoor toilet; or never driven an automobile; teach that women are inferior to men; believe in multiple wives; think it is normal to behead a “loved one” for being raped; think it acceptable to mutilate baby girls; have no experience with freedom and no desire to be taught such; are committed to sharia law not American law; believe that death is acceptable for one who leaves “the only true religion”; have no money, skills, or desire to attain them; then only a fool would suggest they can be absorbed in American life as easily as people from European nations. Why welcome such people knowing what it will do to our nation?

Any who disagree with the above should take a trip to Dearborn, Michigan as soon as possible. Seeing is believing–except to the willfully blind.

Legal immigration should be halted for a few years although I think exceptions should be made for those Americans who marry foreigners. In addition to temporarily ending immigration we should raise our standards requiring all new citizens to recite the Preamble to the Constitution and whistle “This Land is Your Land, This Land is my Land” at the same time! Well, maybe not quite that extreme, but almost!

Stop all legal immigration now; build the wall and penalize any US business that hires an illegal alien; fine and deport all foreigners who overstay their visas; and demand that Muslim nations absorb the “refugees” fleeing from other Muslim nations.

Hey, if unlimited immigration is good, then let European and Muslim nations take in the immigrants who are “yearning to breathe free….” If it is noble, kind, and compassionate to take in an unlimited number of foreigners, then let the other advanced nations get the “blessings” of immigration. Furthermore, if Muslims are offended when I sing patriotic songs, fly the American flag, and pray to Christ, then tough luck. This is a big world so they can find somewhere else to live. There is plenty of empty space on the Arabian Desert!

If America continues to permit massive legal and illegal immigration we will eventually become a banana republic—without bananas and without a republic!

Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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Does Truth Matter Anymore? https://donboys.cstnews.com/does-truth-matter-anymore https://donboys.cstnews.com/does-truth-matter-anymore#respond Thu, 14 Jan 2016 14:07:37 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1331 Truth to unprincipled people is like salt to a slug. It destroys them, but to honorable people it is their foundation for life. Truth is essential for developing a vibrant nation, especially necessary for politicians, preachers, professors, and performers who give direction to a nation.

A lie doesn’t become truth with time, talk, or twisting. Likewise, wrong does not become right; and evil doesn’t become good because it is accepted by the majority. I would rather experience hateful truth than loving error. Truth is often unpleasant but unpleasant truth is not always hate speech. The more society drifts away from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.

The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once noted, “All Truth progress through the same three stages: First with ridicule, then with violent opposition, and finally acceptance as self-evident.”  I have observed that throughout history and throughout my life.

People prompted by principle will stand for truth when they are first exposed to it even if they know it will annoy and destroy them. Truth will inform you and reform you. Unused truth becomes useless as an unused muscle. Roman statesman and historian Cicero declared: “The first law for the historian is that he shall never dare write an untruth. The second is that he shall suppress nothing that is true.” I will follow that maxim today.

Tolstoy declared, “I know that most men…can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabrics of their lives.” That will be a problem with the reading of this column. However, when a man of principle gets new truth that conflicts with what he has always taught, he either changes his mind or loses his principles.

The 18th-century scientist/philosopher Georg Lichtenberg said, “It is almost impossible to carry the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing somebody’s beard.” I am sure I will singe some beards today because I will deal with truth as it relates to an American icon.

In March of 1993 I sent a note to the editor of USA Today and told him not to waste money sending me my annual contract. I quit. Some of my closest friends thought I had lost my mind since the largest paper in the world gave me an opportunity to express my very Christian and Conservative views–and paid me for doing it! I quit because of truth. I got my gig at the national paper because I came to the defense of my friend Jerry Falwell who was castigated by the media and academia for saying Bishop Tutu was a phony. Of course, he was a phony; but because Tutu was a religious leader and a leading South African Black, the truth was rejected. I sent a column to the paper in Jerry’s defense, and they sent me a check and a contract! They were looking for a “token fundamentalist.”

The editor knew I traveled across America, Europe, and the Middle East and told me to inform him what was “hot” at the time and we would deal with it on the daily “Opinion Page.” One day it was guns, another day AIDS, next abortion, next street people, etc. However, when I told him I wanted to do an article (four other authors including the editor would also deal with the subject) on Senator Ted Kennedy romping on the floor of a major Washington restaurant with a waitress, he refused to deal with the subject. The story never was published. I thought truth was important.

When I returned from a brief stay in London after a Middle East trip I told the editor that Martin Luther King’s plagiarism of his Ph.D. dissertation was hot news in England and I wanted to do an article on the subject. The editor refused to permit it. It seems truth was not important to the paper. On Nov. 9, 1990, The Wall Street Journal broke the story that USA Today could have published.

That was not too surprising since every January 10 or 11 I sent him an article dealing with Martin Luther King, Jr. I believed four other people would deal very positively with him but I would not seek to ingratiate myself to the liberal loonies on the left or the radical rascals on the right. I was never extreme other than reporting the facts with few opinions. The articles were never accepted in my eight years I was under contract to them. One year they did an Opinion Page dealing with King but refused to use any King article I had submitted. All five articles on the “King Debate” were positive. Not one word of criticism. Debate? Truth? Fair? Balanced?

Although my adult life demonstrates the absence of racism, I suppose I must establish here my bona fides as an unbiased Christian Conservative–not a knuckle dragging Neanderthal hater of Blacks. I have dear Black friends who visit in our home and we in theirs; others we have financially supported. My childhood hero was Booker T. Washington; and some of my favorite people are Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, and Ben Carson whom I would like to have as friends and neighbors. Plus, I supported Herman Cain for President. I may be a rascal but not a racist.

So, surely no sane person can accuse me of racism because I am critical of King. One may think I am wrong but no one will reasonably charge me of being racist. That charge has been hurled my way all my adult life and when that happens, I know I have won the discussion or debate.

I believe truth still matters. When I was a young preacher I vowed to speak and write the truth without regard to family, friends, foes, or finances. I have tried to keep that vow and hope my epitaph announces, “Here lies Don Boys, a preacher and author who couldn’t be bought.”

The truth will set us free but sometime it stings as in the case of King. King was courageous and charismatic, but short on character. He was a gifted speaker and natural leader usually without fear–all commendable attributes. But there is more than that. Here are some facts about King followed by a few opinions. No one can disagree with facts while everyone can disagree with my opinions.

King was an admitted adulterer according to his own admission to Parade Magazine; his “best friend” Ralph Abernathy (And the Walls Came Tumbling Down); the FBI tapes; and reported by his very friendly Pulitzer prize-winning biographer. It seems that sleeping with female members of his church was the norm rather than the exception and King declared that he didn’t know a single black preacher who was chaste! Of course, that is an outrageous, slanderous statement and falsely indicts many Blacks who are faithful to the Bible and their wives. Or, it could indicate the religious leaders with whom he ran!

Repeated immorality should be sufficient to tarnish King’s image since principled people don’t endorse people who don’t keep their marriage vows. Many progressives will not be concerned with that while all principled people will be.

King plagiarized many of his seminary papers (and included all the mistakes), many of his books, and his masterful “I have a Dream” speech. That speech was taken from another black preacher who delivered it at the 1952 Republican National Convention. Question: why has no national media outlet ever mentioned that fact when praising the speech?

Truth matters to me. That’s why I “go on the record” about King without being mad, mean, or malicious. When the King FBI tapes are released in 2027, thinking people will realize that I have been rather mild in my position on King. Truth is never relative. There are no half-truths and there are no degrees of truth. You have faced truth today. How will you handle it?

I’m not promoting a crusade to remove the King national holiday although it is embarrassing what Congress did to remain politically correct and keep the votes and money coming in. I am simply an educator, preacher, and apologist trying to inform my readers about truth.

I think truth still matters.

(Boys has written a brief eBook titled, Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character Not His Color. Available at amazon.com for $4.95 or sent free via email to anyone who sends a request to DBoysphd@aol.com)

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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Are White Student Unions Racist? https://donboys.cstnews.com/are-white-student-unions-racist https://donboys.cstnews.com/are-white-student-unions-racist#respond Wed, 02 Dec 2015 03:51:01 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1293 American cities, churches, and colleges are seething with unrest as Blacks confront Whites alleging mistreatment, even discrimination. After admitting that there have always been insecure, insensitive, and inconsiderate haters–both black and white–we can move on to the issue: When anyone is harmed by officials or ordinary people, then redress is called for. However, no one has a right to not be offended. That is immature, impractical, illogical, and maybe insane.

As I write, many major universities are in an uproar because some white students want to organize a White Student Union (WSU) just as the Blacks have. Can some sane person tell me why that is somehow harmful to Blacks? If Eskimos want such a union they have that right. They can sit around their union and reflect on their life back home–the igloos, the frigid temperatures, the fishing, the seal hunts, etc.

At least 30 of these WSUs were born on Facebook in the last few days but have not been recognized by various colleges as bona fide organizations, and college officials are determined that they will not be accepted. In fact, some school officials have pressured Facebook to remove the WSU pages! Has anyone given thought to fairness and common sense? How about the First Amendment?

Schools like Mizzou, Penn State, University of California, Berkeley, etc., have declared that the WSUs do not reflect their values. Hold it. Do not reflect their values! Did Blacks finance, organize, and run those universities for a hundred years? When did those schools reject “white” values and acknowledge only minority values? Moreover, many of us are weary of those who try to make everything a racial issue.

There were reports this week that at least seven Australian universities have had students organize a WSU although school officials are calling it a hoax or reacting in horror as some American university officials are: How dare those white students demand equal treatment.

College officials (in Australia and the U.S.) have charged that WSUs are used “for harassment and intimidation,” but that charge cannot be supported. It is alleged that such unions promote “white supremacy” and “racial bigotry;” however, surely a university can handle such issues by rational debate, calculated disregard, or benign disdain. After all, it is a university–not a kindergarten.

Why not permit each person to be proud of his race without belittling, browbeating, and bullying other races and let everyone agree to be part of the human race?

Most of the nascent white unions declare, “We unapologetically provide a safe space for white students to air their true feelings about the future of our nation…at the same time, we do not wish to denigrate or harm any other group or ethnicity.” Sounds reasonable to me!

Since the pathetic university officials can’t deal with this issue, they resort to lying–the first refuge of the intellectually challenged. They accuse the WSUs of being for “whites only.” But then in a free society that would be no problem since freedom of association is part of our heritage; however, the accusation is not true. There is a big difference in wanting to have a place where Whites can reflect on their heritage (as is true of other unions) and excluding other races. That charge is beneath any college official.

Remember, universities are supposed to be places where discussion and debate are desired–but in our day no one must be offended! However, the Constitution does not protect us from being offended, but then it says nothing about abortion or same-sex “marriage” either!

I am a white American male and make no apologies. In fact, I’m as proud of my race as any Black or Asian. And I think it is decent, defensible, and desirable to declare that Whites should not be apologetic and intimidated by the racists whose only arrow in their quiver is to call others, racists.

It is not racism to suggest that the racial ratio of America is being changed, and while some think the change is good, I don’t. Why must white people apologize for being white? Is there an advantage for losing “whiteness”? There are far more nations populated predominantly by people of color. Why not have a mainly white nation here and there around the globe? Because we think being white is just as good as being black, brown, etc., is that prima facia evidence that we hate other people? What is the advantage in changing the national complexion?

Europeans came to America (divided by language and culture) but they gradually became English Americans who happened to be white. Yes, predominately light skinned. But with varied genes. However, no doubt the complexion of America will continue to get darker because of individual choices that people make.
All Blacks are not comfortable with every black culture. There is a vast difference in Blacks from Haiti and Blacks from Barbados. There is a huge difference in Bahamian Blacks and American Blacks. When we have been with black friends in Barbados, the Bahamas, or America, their blackness is irrelevant. We are simply friends. It seems that the issue is not color but culture.

Blacks, Indians, Central Americans, Asians, etc., should be proud of their race, after all God made us all. So would you mind if I believe that Whites should feel the same about being white? Would the racists out there forgive me for pointing out that British, French, and Spanish Christians (along with some scoundrels) came to this continent and discovered a land of forests, swamps, and tribes of warring Indians? Our ancestors drained the swamps; built log cabins, churches, hospitals and schools; planted crops; dug copper, coal, gold, and silver from the ground; built railroads; attempted to civilize the warring Indians and made friends of the friendly Indians; and established a land of freedom and incredible opportunity like nowhere on earth. My critics will point out the mistakes and excesses which I am willing to admit; but I will add the many failures of the Indians and others–which only prove mankind’s fallen nature.

Moreover, I remind everyone that for thousands of years nothing had been done to develop the land, forests, rivers, and mining opportunities. Indians lived as they had for more than a thousand years, sitting around their campfires while their children and elderly died unnecessary and often premature deaths. When Europeans arrived, everything changed, mostly for the good.

Additionally, why now make America into another Spanish-speaking country? Aren’t there enough Hispanic countries as it is? Moreover, those who emigrate here should learn to speak English! That is the least they can do. Teddy Roosevelt suggested that any immigrant who did not learn English within five years of his arrival should be shipped back home! I agree.

Justin J. Moritz, a white, retired police officer with no criminal record, was refused a patent for “White Pride” by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office because it “is considered offensive and therefore scandalous.” There is no justification for the USPTO to reject a patent for “White Pride” after approving Black Pride, African Pride, Asian Pride, Chippewa Pride, Gay Pride, Indian Pride, and many other “prides.” Can anyone defend such offensive policies and obvious discrimination? Only a fascist would defend such a practice and only a fool would try.

I have defended minority people all my life. I have demanded that people be treated like people. If all people are treated with respect, kindness, thoughtfulness, and graciousness, then everyone benefits. I do not endorse or support the NAACP because they are racist in seeking the benefit of “colored” people. Why not seek the advancement of people? Do civil rights leaders need to be reminded that the “Jim Crow” days are long gone? If we seek the advancement of everyone, that will cover Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, Indians, etc.

All my adult life I have detested unfairness, discrimination, narrow mindedness, political correctness, and cowardice. I am ashamed to say that national and state politicians, and those in academia and the media, plus many evangelical Christians are guilty of all the above.

If college officials had any sense and had convictions about fairness, decency, balance, equality, freedom, and what is obviously legal, they would welcome the White Student Unions and even help each one procure a faculty sponsor.

However, that won’t happen until pigs learn to fly in formation over the administration building and shrimp learn to whistle the school song in harmony.

But then I’m not surprised since cowardly college officials are as easy to find as a bowling ball in a bathtub.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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