racist – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 I’m White and Have No Guilt, No Hatred, and No Apologies! https://donboys.cstnews.com/im-white-and-have-no-guilt-no-hatred-and-no-apologies https://donboys.cstnews.com/im-white-and-have-no-guilt-no-hatred-and-no-apologies#respond Fri, 16 Jul 2021 16:09:41 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2881 I am weary and wary but not wrong over false accusations, even silly charges against Whites, a group to which I belong through no fault of my own. It’s time to call out the racists—Blacks and Whites— who hide their self-hate, anger, inferiority, or bigotry behind the fig leaf of contemptible accusations of white people. It seems Whites are responsible for everything including, but not limited to, sunspots, dandruff, arthritis, and sandstorms in Saudi Arabia.

We are told, in essence, that Whites are born with a bulls-eye on the back of their heads because they are white.

Let me remind my readers that most of the good things we enjoy in the free world were accomplished by “dead white men.” No, not all things, but most things were accomplished by white men, not non-whites or non-men. It is not politically correct to assert such, but only a fool, fanatic, or falsifier denies it. Others will agree it is true but don’t want it spoken because the truth offends some people.

Too bad. Welcome to the real world. Being offended won’t kill anyone, and they will get over it sooner or later. If not, such is life. And I’m tired of minorities who constantly ridicule white people to make themselves feel superior. They have invented a false history of self-aggrandizement in which they celebrate, although during occasional seizures of honesty they know it is all make-believe.

But they feel better.

For schools to teach that to be white is a curse, a shame, and something to overcome is outrageous, odious, and offensive. Every person with any connection to such a farce should be fired and forever forbidden from the classroom at all levels. Any preacher who is so stupid to teach it should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Any media person who stoops so low in promoting such absurdities should be forever doomed to do the weather in a remote station in the Aleutian Islands. Additionally, they should be forced to perform with a Jeffrey Toobin Award hanging from their neck.

Facts are inflexible and honest people accept them even if they are embarrassing. There are good and bad people of all races in all strata of society. Moreover, everyone should make whatever changes necessary to leave this world better because he was here. I believe the most immediate and permanent change is genuine Christian conversion that impacts every area of life. Others will refuse that approach and try everything from Atheism to Zoroastrianism.

Each American has a right to be wrong.

Other fanatics campaign for an amalgamated society with no variance except a slight difference in the hue— not black, red, or yellow and not white for sure. That sounds so cosmopolitan, multi-cultural, progressive, unnecessary, gratuitous, and so self-hating. If God permitted each of us to be born as we are, is it wise to tamper with that arrangement? What is wrong with keeping the status quo? What’s wrong with having the original plan of various hues?

After all, there is a black continent made up of 52 nations, and no one is suggesting they become whiter or less black. We have many Asian countries basically made up of yellow-skinned folk, and no one is suggesting they be mongrelized.  So, why not keep America basically, as it is with all the various hues and colors? Why must Whites be assimilated? No one can prove any such achievement would be advantageous to society.

Let’s keep it the way it is through voluntary choices: Whites, 75%; Blacks, 12%; Hispanic, 11%; American Indian, 10% and Asian, 3.6%. If a Black chooses to marry a white person, then go to it but don’t try to force us through governmental action or even social intimidation to ridicule, repudiate, and reject Whites to arrive at a very dubious social experiment.

Most of us would say it is permissible if a Black wants to marry a white person liking all that goes with such a union. So, why is it wrong if a White decides to only marry another white person, or a Black decides to only marry another Black person, wanting what goes with that—the heritage, the color, the family connections, preservation of a group, etc.?

In recent years, in collaboration with the feds, environmental zealots went to contemptible extremes to preserve the spotted owl, snail darter, and the yellow belly sapsucker, so why not keep America as the land of the free and the home of the brave? Why is it admirable for American Indians, Hispanics, Blacks, Arabs, and others to loudly proclaim their ethnicity, but when a white, English-speaking person does so, everyone treats him like a bigot? This is a subject no one wants to handle. It’s like an elephant sitting in a formal living room that no one admits is there! While I don’t want to be identified with white supremacists, I think it is proper and desirable to keep the white heritage and culture alive.

It is appalling that white people have apologized for being white. Is it prima fascia evidence that we hate people if we think being white is just as good as black, brown, etc.? There are far more nations populated by people of color than white nations. Why not have a majority white nation here and there around the globe?

Hispanics, Blacks, American Indians, etc., should be proud of their nationality and race; after all, God made them that way. So would you mind if I believe the same thing about being white and English speaking? And why make America into another Spanish-speaking nation? Are there not enough of them south of the U.S.?

New immigrants to the U.S. should learn to speak English. That is the least they can do. Teddy Roosevelt suggested that any immigrant who did not learn English within five years of his arrival should be shipped back home! Tally Ho, Teddy!

My grandchildren have a right to live in a nation similar to what I knew, so I don’t want them to see our culture changed to that of the seventh-century Arabian Desert or a Third World African nation. It is not unreasonable to expect America to reflect the America where I grew up.

Yes, I believe America is superior to all other nations, even with some nut jobs running around declaring otherwise.

It can’t happen, but I would like a return to the relative innocence of the 1950s when we once again believe that there is a difference between right and wrong, and we have a moral responsibility to choose the right. We can discriminate because we will make value judgments about cars, music, television shows, politics, and even religion.

With the massive increase in legal and illegal immigration, we are going to lose our national identity. Some think that is good. I’m not one of them. People from Europe immigrating to the U.S. are much easier to assimilate than most Latin American, African, and Middle Eastern nations. Only fools say all immigrants are equal. My critics will say that is evident proof of bigotry and hatred, but it is a statement of fact. And anyone’s refusal to recognize such truths clearly indicates closed-mindedness or prejudice.

When many immigrants come to America and hold loyalty to former homelands, it erodes our society. Dual loyalty weakens our strength, stability, and security. If we have to assimilate a million new Americans here, do you think it would be easier to assimilate a million British or a million Haitians? I don’t want any new immigrants for a few years.

The proponents of the salad bowl theory tell us that one culture or religion is just as good as another. My critics tell us a 300-member Stone Age culture with all its barbarism, brutality, and backwardness is just as viable, valuable, and virtuous as our modern, urbane, sophisticated society with elevators, airplanes, automobiles, hospitals, MRI machines, computers, etc. Likewise, the voodoo cultures practicing witchcraft, shamanism, demonism, pantheism, etc., are acceptable and on par with Christianity. I don’t believe that either.

Neither do you.

I believe that some immigration is acceptable, although I would stop it for five years, and people who want to blend with our culture should have priority. Most Americans want a cultural and national melting pot, not a salad bowl. If we continue with unrestricted immigration, legal and illegal, this melting pot will become a chamber pot. (If you don’t know, search it.)

There should be rules, restrictions, and requirements for immigrants. While restricting immigration, we should elevate our entrance requirements whereby all immigrants must sing in English all the verses of “America, the Beautiful” and whistle the National Anthem simultaneously–with a mouthful of saltine crackers! Well, maybe not quite that extreme, but almost!

Immigrants who demand we be sensitive to their feelings when they don’t give a flip about ours are wearisome. We have our own language, lifestyle, culture, music (such as it is), and I am weary of foreigners who enjoy all the many benefits of our nation and are not sensitive to our feelings. America opened her collective arms and invited anyone and everyone to her shores with no questions asked and no obligations required, all in the name of multiculturalism and non-discrimination. We have been fools and are watching American culture being denounced, denigrated, and destroyed in front of our eyes. That must stop!

We are often told that new immigrants are offended when we sing patriotic songs, fly the American flag, and pray to Christ. Too bad, no one gets through life being unoffended. This is a big world, so they can move someplace else. I’ve seen plenty of empty space on the Arabian Desert!

I was born white and will probably stay that way until I die. What hue or color I then become, I don’t care. While I am embarrassed by some white Americans, I am generally proud of whites’ accomplishments. I will treat all people with respect until their actions prove them to be jerks, crooks, liars, incompetents, charlatans, frauds, quacks, or Progressives.

Moreover, I am not ashamed of being white and have no reason to apologize. That won’t happen if there is a Great Freeze in a place the Bible speaks about or if all the shrimp in Louisiana learn to whistle Dixie in harmony.

No guilt, no hatred, no fear, no apology.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Blacks Should Choose Their Heroes More Carefully! https://donboys.cstnews.com/blacks-should-choose-their-heroes-more-carefully https://donboys.cstnews.com/blacks-should-choose-their-heroes-more-carefully#respond Fri, 04 Sep 2020 15:20:30 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2646 In recent years, many Blacks have made heroes out of thugs, thieves, and thespians simply because black leaders wanted to use the notoriety of famous Blacks in the drive for improvement of black civil rights. It is a fact that such folly is dishonest, disgraceful, and dishonorable to legitimate civil rights. In recent years, non-thinking Blacks have made heroes out of thugs like George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and others who were killed while resisting arrest.

It is normal for each entity—Indians, Whites, Blacks, preachers, teachers, philosophers, etc., to idolize people they look upon as their own kind. Of course, heroes are often chosen who are not heroes at all—more like zeros. I thought of this recently during the protests across America. I realized that we usually jump too quickly to identify with people who echo our own beliefs, and those people are often too flawed to hold up to children without qualifying our recommendation.

Many well-known Blacks and Whites are held up as people to be emulated even though they lived very wicked lives and destroyed themselves by making the wrong decisions as to drugs, education, religion, and associates. Frankly, there is no excuse for that since there are so many Blacks who made an impressive contribution that would be ideal heroes.

Many Blacks have set records and had major accomplishments in athletics yet were tarnished persons whose lives no one should emulate. I can understand why Muhammad Ali is considered a hero. Ali may have been the greatest boxer of all time; however, it is not much of a sport to try to knock out the brains of a man.

Ali was a draft dodger, Black Muslim, serial fornicator, and outspoken, rabid segregationist.

He told the media, “We don’t want to live with the white man; that’s all.” And concerning interracial marriage: “No intelligent black man or black woman in his or her right black mind want white boys or white girls comin’ to their homes, schools, and churches to marry their black sons and daughter to produce little, pale half-white, green-eyed, blond-headed Negroes.”

Are the hypocrites in and out of BLM demanding the cities change the streets named for Ali?

On a British television show, I heard Ali say that bluebirds fly together; red birds fly together, buzzards fly together. And “Blacks are more comfortable with other blacks.” The British interviewer was almost speechless. Indeed, Ali’s religious beliefs at the time included the notion that the white man was “the devil.”

The London Daily Mail quoted Ali’s son, who opined of his famous father, “when it came to his private life, his morals were those of an alley cat. The way he treated his first three wives and neglected some of his nine (known) children was frankly disgraceful.”

Ali had nine children by four different wives and two other relationships, and his large family has split the loot that was left—more than $80 million.

Muhammad was an incredible athlete; however, he was a very flawed individual with occasional indications of courage and commitment, but not much character. Why is he honored by Whites and Blacks, yet Strom Thurman, George Wallace, and David Duke are hated for their segregationist views?

Liberals are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

Louis Farrakhan is a black racist who has clearly stated his hatred for Jews and all Whites, yet the race-baiters pretend he is a gentleman with whom one can have dinner and a polite conversation. And hypocrites in the media refuse to hold white and black liberals to account for their close association with Screwy Louie. He’s called Screwy Louie because of his insistence that he is constantly protected by a vast flying object and scores of smaller flying saucers.

Why would any thinking black or white person consider that nut case a hero?

Abolitionist John Brown, in the mid-1800s, was a white wacko, killer, and thief, made into a hero by Unitarians in New England. After he and his five sons dragged five slavery sympathizers out of their cabins in “Bleeding Kansas,” they hacked them to death. John then moved back east to form a “provisional government” of the United States, and he was chosen commander-in-chief. He also planned to create an area in the Maryland and Virginia mountains to be a stronghold for escaped slaves. His plan was to convince well-to-do, self-hating Whites to finance a war between Whites and Blacks.

Surely, no sane white people would come near such a nut case, but they already had. Some famous New England white leaders had supported his “work” in Kansas. The group, in addition to Brown and his boys, was called the “Secret Six.” They were some of New England’s brightest! Men like physician Samuel Gridley Howe, industrialist George Stearns, journalist Franklin B. Sanborn, ministers Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Theodore Parker—all highly placed and respected men—known as “useful idiots.”

These men financed Brown’s plan to attack the Federal Armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now, West Virginia). With 16 white men and 5 Blacks, they took the armory and held 60 leading citizens hostage. The first person killed in this attempt at freeing the Negro was a free black railroad worker who was shot in the back at the railroad station.

The armory was stocked with weapons and ammunition that Brown planned to give to escaped slaves as they joined his rebellion. They didn’t rebel. Brown’s group held out all the next day and night against the local militia but surrendered the following day when Colonel Robert E. Lee and a few marines attacked. Brown was wounded, and two of his sons were killed along with eight others in the “army of liberation.”

Brown was tried for murder and treason and died on the gallows in what is now Charles Town, West Virginia. One of the town militiamen who observed the execution was John Wilkes Booth, who later had his time on the world stage.

It is shocking and scandalous that anyone, white or black, would consider Brown anything but a nut case, yet he was financed by New England’s elite. He does not qualify as a hero simply because he supported the anti-slavery movement. This speaks to how people are supporting racist, radical, revolutionary Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Nation of Islam, etc.

People who support unsavory, unlawful, and unhinged extremists are facilitators of their evil deeds. Every responsible leader should clearly denounce BLM, Antifa, and the Nation of Islam.

Nat Turner was a black slave in Virginia who claimed to be a Baptist preacher and felt destined for greatness. His parents considered him a prophet and encouraged him in his “ministry.” They were convinced of that because of unusual marks on his head and breast! Turner reported seeing spirits fighting in the sky, and he allegedly heard voices. Being a “prophet,” he communicated “revelations” to fellow slaves. I don’t need to emphasize that these are signs of a nut case, not a prophet.

Then, when Mount St. Helens erupted on August 21, 1831, nearly 3,000 miles away, the atmospheric conditions convinced Turner that God wanted him to kill his white enemies! About seven months earlier on February 12, a solar eclipse convinced him it was time to do what he was ordained to do. The eruption in August was his sign so he and other slaves attacked and killed 55 white people, including men, women, and children–some as they slept. One victim was a baby in its cradle. Some of the victims were beheaded, including children. The killers used axes, clubs, swords, and guns.

It is believed that none of the deadly weapons were registered.

Armed citizens confronted the attackers, and Turner was captured, tried, and executed by hanging after hiding for two months. He was flayed, beheaded, and quartered. It seems the slaveholders wanted to send a message to other slaves.

It is understandable that witless, guilt-ridden Whites and gullible Blacks seek to make every Black a hero, but surely, no sane people think Turner was anything but a monster.

It seems many Blacks are careless in choosing their heroes. However, black leaders, especially those who insist on telling the whole truth about Confederate heroes and founding fathers, should be cautious about holding up killers and Communists to be emulated by young Blacks! Any Black who supports BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam, and similar hate groups should repent in sackcloth and ashes.

Why don’t some Blacks choose more principled heroes, rather than bottom feeders? But then, many Whites do the same going right to the bottom.

No, it’s not in our genes; it’s in our choices.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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If Whites Are Proud of Being White, Is That White Supremacy? https://donboys.cstnews.com/if-whites-are-proud-of-being-white-is-that-white-supremacy https://donboys.cstnews.com/if-whites-are-proud-of-being-white-is-that-white-supremacy#respond Fri, 08 Nov 2019 15:38:39 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2443 My question is not rhetorical but real and I will demand some answers from my critics or expose their cowardice and/or inability to provide an answer.

The leftist Salon website boldly, bluntly, and oozing bigotry declared, “White pride is always racism, always.” As usual, Salon was wrong but then they are used to that. Members of Congress, who should be responsible people, now use racism charges willy-nilly about their critics, especially when trying to defend unpatriotic, unworkable, and undesirable positions.

America is in deep trouble because of man’s fallen nature that produces hate, envy, greed, prejudice, fear, and jealousy. We are being ripped apart by ominous forces with an agenda to destroy our government. On the surface the issue is race; however, the deeper problem is power. Radical leftists in both major political parties rightly realize they had their power jerked from their sweaty hands by the 2016 election, and they are determined to take it back in 2020 even if it destroys our nation–and it might. Most minorities are too blind to see that they are being used like Lenin’s “useful idiots” by people who hate them.

Radical leftists are painting everyone who doesn’t swallow their leftist propaganda as racists! They are changing America into something I don’t like. I don’t like it when we can’t disagree about anything without being called racist. We need to return to when each race is proud of its heritage and culture without denigrating, despising, and destroying others. Frankly, I’m proud of being a white Christian and I will discuss, debate, and defend my right to defend America except for a few unnecessary wars and the racial discrimination that no longer exists.

Only a certified racist would disagree with that.

We have observed environmental fanatics, in collusion with the Federal government, going to outrageous efforts to preserve the snail darter, spotted owl, and the yellow belly sap sucker (ummmm, good when roasted); so is it unreasonable to preserve America as the land of the free and the home of the brave? Why is it commendable for Blacks, Hispanics, and others to loudly proclaim their ethnicity, but when a white person does so, everyone treats him like a bigot? Last night I watched a video of Martin Luther King, Jr. who declared, “I am proud to be black. Black is beautiful.

Someone needs to say it.” Why is it right for him to say it about being black but wrong for me to say the same thing about being white? I will expect an answer from my critics.

Non-thinkers/racists/liberals are trying to deflect, deny, and defend their racism by calling me a racist! That’s like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath! Not too swift but no one says racists/liberals are very sharp or honest people. They are fanatics totally committed to their radical agenda.

This is an issue that no one wants to deal with—the proverbial elephant sitting in a formal living room that everyone pretends isn’t there! While I don’t want to be identified with the white supremacist crowd or the clowns of the KKK (or with the clowns at the NAACP, ACLU, SPLC, etc.), I do think it is not only right but also desirable to be proud of our racial heritage–whatever that heritage is.

Of course, there are times when we are embarrassed with what some individual white people have done and are doing, but that would be true of every group. Does affirming that fact make me a racist? Overall, white people have contributed enormously to make the world a better place, even though many of them weren’t Christians but were influenced by Christianity.

The desire to keep America the way it is with our language, customs, religion, mores, etc., is admirable and nothing to be ashamed of. Why should we want a major, deliberate shift in our language, customs, religion, and racial mix? The desire for keeping America in its present state is a reason to be skeptical of mass immigration. Of course, there is no question regarding illegal immigration; although loony leftist liberals—mostly Democrats, but then I repeat myself—usually try to justify that criminal activity.

Racism is a club used by racists to beat non-minorities into submission and force them into self-hate—maybe into voting for Progressives.

No way I could have that much white guilt and hate myself that much.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse Ride Red, Wild Horses! https://donboys.cstnews.com/four-horsewomen-of-the-apocalypse-ride-red-wild-horses https://donboys.cstnews.com/four-horsewomen-of-the-apocalypse-ride-red-wild-horses#respond Thu, 08 Aug 2019 00:05:54 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2394 The goal of Socialism is Communism according to Vladimir Lenin and history has proved that what may seem to be a benign even benevolent and beneficial philosophy of Socialism often becomes vicious and violent Communism with a gun. Yet all the major Democrat politicians are traveling the nation making a pitch for a Socialist government! With my eye on the future, my ear to the ground, and a finger on the pulse of America, I never expected this. This is not my father’s Democrat Party.

It seems some of the critters in congress are disingenuous, dishonest, and dangerous.

The loudest proponents of Socialism and haters of America are Democrat “women of color” in the House of Representatives. These who are the loudest and most obnoxious ones bellowing about all the racism and misogynism in America, are sitting in the most prestigious seats of power. But they still whine. But then, radical liberals—of both parties and both genders—have always been people without working brains, character, talent, and spine. But they all whine.

These leftists have plenty of mouth as our ladies of color (a racist statement) display every day. They are having their “fifteen minutes of fame” and are enjoying every minute of it while the rest of America must suffer through their shrill caterwauling—as offensive as fingernails on a chalkboard.

But then, that’s called democracy. They earned their right to be wrong, pushy, loud, and obnoxious.

The Book of Revelation tells of four allegorical horsemen, known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse riding different colored horses (white, red, black, and pale) that represent pestilence, war, famine, and death. But Congresswomen Cortez, Omar, Tlaib, and Pressley are all riding red horses. The ladies’ speeches and public statements would make Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin all stand up and cheer with gusto. Furthermore, if their political policies become law, we will experience pestilence, war, famine, and death or worse.

The four ladies are ladies of color but their true color is red. They are red with rage and red in philosophy and if they continue to gain power, America will become impotent, insignificant, and maybe irrelevant.

Congresswoman Cortez (former bartender) from New York defeated a ten-term white congressman using racism and ageism to replace him. She attacked him saying he deserved to be replaced by her on “ideological, generational, and racial grounds.” Since it worked for her, she is now using the racist slander every third statement she makes to get her way.

Cortez has charged that immigrant children in border detention are drinking water from toilets and contemporary America is “garbage.”

The more she talks, the bigger Trump’s win in 2020.

Cortez’s most recent bellowing claims that “Palestinians have no choice but to riot against Israel” and agreed that Israel is “criminal.”

She has suggested that the detention facilities at our southern border are “concentration camps.” I delight in hearing her speak because she reminds me of a mediaeval court jester playing the fool to the delight of the court.

Cortez has lived with her lover, Riley Roberts in an apartment since both graduated from the prestigious Boston University. So the woman of color is a fornicator. There, I’ve said it since no one else will.

Cortez’s comrade-in-arms is Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat from Minnesota. Omar has said that Jews run the world and she keeps her foot (left one of course) constantly in her mouth. She is anti-Israel and anti-Semitic and has refused to apologize for declaring that some Israel-friendly Congress people owed “allegiance to a foreign country.” Even a few Democrats identified the statement as “vile.”

Cowardly house members refused to censure Omar for her unfair, unprovoked, and unpopular accusation. Instead, those paragons of hypocrisy decided not to condemn Omar but to condemn all forms of hatred. Not having to criticize Omar was an act of cowardice, not principle.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, “Omar last week refused to answer whether she would denounce al Qaeda terrorists.” Say what! A member of Congress refuses to renounce terrorist groups!

Omar also supported Cortez’s claim of concentration camps on our southern border and really lost her marbles when she said illegal aliens have a right to taxpayer-funded abortions!

Omar has refused to clear up her problems with her marriage. She is alleged to have married her brother as a ruse to get him into America from Somalia. She tried to clear her murky marriage mess but made it worse when she admitted that she and Ahmed Hirsi applied for a marriage license but “we never finalized the application and thus were never legally married.” They ended their relationship in 2008 and she “entered into a relationship with a British citizen” (Ahmed Nur Said Elmi) and married him legally in 2009.

Numerous charges have been made that Elmi is actually Omar’s brother whom she married to facilitate his entrance to the U.S. but Omar refuses to clarify the matter.

They were divorced in 2011 “in our faith tradition.” That means they did not get a legal divorce as she admits, saying, “I have yet to legally divorce Ahmed” but am “in the process of doing so.” She added, “Since 2011, I am happy to say that I have been reconciled with Ahmed Hirsi, we have been married in our faith tradition and are raising our family together.” Note, she did not state that she has been legally married to her present “husband.”

A few days ago the Daily Mail revealed that Omar and “the father of her three children – have split.” The article revealed that Omar has “moved into a penthouse apartment in one of Minneapolis’s trendiest neighborhoods.” When Hirsi was asked about the split, he replied, “Wow, I can’t comment on that. I’m sorry, I just can’t say anything.”

I guess not, after being married to her and siring three children; although usually a Muslim husband is dominate (boss, overlord, master, superior) but maybe Omar has special status and is an anomaly in Islam—a dominant wife.

Omar also filed joint income tax returns with her husband Ahmed Hirsi while still married to Ahmed Elmi. Obviously, Omar is in deep doo-doo.

As to her “marriage” to her brother, that is still murky and she refuses to provide any clarity. Whatever that relationship, Omar is a fellow fornicator as is Cortez.

Rashida Tlaib is a congresswoman from Michigan. Tlaib is a racist who calls other people racists as when she called Lynne Patton (a black person) a “prop” because she appeared in the gallery while the debate was going on as to whether or not Trump is a racist. Tlaib was also photographed with a Palestinian activist who praised Hezbollah and declared Israel has no right to exist.

Furthermore, Tlaib tried to rewrite history by suggesting Muslim leaders had offered Jews a “safe” haven from the Holocaust. Evidently, she has never seen photos of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem visiting with Hitler. I presume Tlaib is familiar with WWII.

Representative Rashida Tlaib said she doesn’t regret using obscene language about Trump when she vowed to “impeach the motherf***er.” It seems our ladies of color are vile, vulgar, and vicious Representatives.

Representative Ayanna Pressley is a Democrat from the Peoples’ Republic of Massachusetts whose claim to fame is her statement, “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” She was saying that Blacks who didn’t reflect her positions are not legitimate. Now THAT’S racism and insulting to all Conservative Blacks. She said that minorities need to have a “seat at the table” and said it was time to “shake that table.”

Well, from my balanced, informed, and unprejudiced point of view, I think the minorities own and control the table and too many white people of power are fearful of challenging them since minorities are considered to be “entitled” people.

The four ladies of color are irresponsible, irrepressible, and ignorant people who should be, well tending bar or serving tables, not making laws in a still-free Republic.

But they got the votes, so they can saddle up and giddy-up but true patriots will see that they have a very rough ride and hopefully get bucked off their red, high horses.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to my articles, and click here to support my work with a donation.)

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Black Racists Exude Black Privilege! https://donboys.cstnews.com/black-racists-exude-black-privilege https://donboys.cstnews.com/black-racists-exude-black-privilege#respond Sat, 21 Jul 2018 15:54:17 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2147 I am weary of hearing leftists’ spokesmen for Blacks pontificate on every issue as if they possess infallibility. It would also help if they occasionally espoused the “right” position but alas, they belch the same indigestible rancid verbal pabulum we have heard for decades. Only arrogance has been added to make it more digestible–without success.

Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University Dr. Michael Eric Dyson recently appeared on CNN and berated a Conservative for not admitting that President Trump is an obvious racist. I would like to remind Dyson and other radical left “spokesmen” that no one elected them to be the font of all wisdom nor infallible truth-teller.

Moreover, they need to be reminded that their making an accusation that does not make it an accurate charge. Nor is one a federally-certified racist simply because he is strong on crime; identifies absent fathers as a major problem in homes; is against all forms of quotas known as affirmative action; believes in secure borders, even a high, strong wall; and believes illegal aliens should be returned home and imprisoned if they are criminals.

Additionally, those who are black need to understand that their use of Black Privilege as a club is only impressive to the stupid, the supine, and the senile.

Dyson charged on CNN that Trump called “all Mexicans rapists,” yet every honest person knows he did not issue such a blanket statement. That is demagoguery, not dialogue. It is also dishonest!

Dyson charged, “Until white folk like you can stand up and find your spine, you will continue to be complicit in the racist animus of this country.” No, it is time for Blacks, especially black leaders, to grow a spine and face reality–not a myth of their own delusional minds. The problems in the black community are because of a massive failure in black families and blaming whitey is an alibi not an answer.

Dyson pompously declared, “The reality is this well, Donald Trump talks like a racist, thinks like a racist, makes statements like a racist, conjures emotions that give support to white nationalists. Yeah, he’s a racist. Racism is as racism does. So here’s the problem, Martin Luther King Jr. said it’s not the white supremacists who are the problem it’s white moderates and conservatives who are complicit by trying to dismiss it.”

Note, the reverend even knows what Trump thinks! He then declares authoritatively, “Yeah, he’s a racist.” I will remind him of the only Bible verse that leftists seem to know—“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Dyson leaves no doubt, no possibility of error. In addition to being arrogant, abrasive, and asinine, Dyson is also a hypocrite.

Dyson castigated his conservative opponent by demanding he repudiate some of Trump’s remarks. He opined that “a man making inflammatory remarks is not something to just be disagreed with. You should repudiate them.” Well, I agree and am demonstrating that by writing this column, as I have done when I disagreed with some things Trump has said. However, I have looked in vain for Dyson’s repudiation of any black extremists such as Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and others of that ilk.

In a radio interview with Louis Farrakhan during the heady days of Obama’s reign, Dyson called Screwy Louie “one of the foremost leaders in the world today” and a “spiritual leader.” He asked him about his reputation for being anti-Semitic but did not ask him to repudiate his many vile statements about Jews and white people. Nor did he challenge Farrakhan when he declared that Blacks were “the Real Children of Israel! We are the ones that are to receive the Promise of God!” Nor did he challenge Farrakhan’s paganism or his many racist comments. The two black tub-thumping racists spoke of the terrible conditions of blacks but neither addressed the black high illegitimate birthrate, the absence of fathers in the home, the omnipresent gangs and drugs, the astronomical rate of criminal activity among Blacks, etc.

Neither did he ask Louie to describe the flying saucer he says that follows and protects him wherever he goes!

Dyson is not Al Sharpton in a new suit but he is Al Sharpton with a Ph.D. He is an ordained Baptist minister! Wow, that is impressive but it gets better because Mike also supports same-sex marriage! Surprise, surprise, surprise. After all, he is a professor and a Baptist. Most professors and many Baptists don’t believe anything that is traditional, reasonable, and biblical.

Dyson has said, “Marriage is a complicated affair.” No, it is rather simple. It is a public commitment between a man and woman to love, honor, and obey (on the part of the woman) and to cherish, love, promote, provide, and protect (on part of the man) until they are separated by death. In ancient times, marriage was as simple as a man taking his bride by the hand and leading her into his home in the presence of their family and friends. Often there were days of celebration with the new family.

Much later, the church and state got involved and marriage has been going downhill ever since. And today, marriage is plummeting free fall to the bottom, courtesy of progressive politicians, permissive preachers, and prejudicial pundits all originally corrupted in their formative years by public pedagogy.

Dyson descended deep into the dark, damp, dismal, dreary, and dangerous swamp of heresy when he said the Bible “is filled with contradictions.” No, the contradictions are in the lives of people like Dyson. In my opinion, people like Dyson who don’t believe in the validity of the Bible should run (not walk) to surrender their ordination credentials. People with character would not use an untrue, unreliable, and unnecessary Bible to make a living or to give them some credibility that they don’t deserve. The professor was wrong.

For those who think the Bible is filled with contradictions and mistakes, they can find the answers to the alleged contradictions in my book, The God Haters at donboys.cstnews.com or www.Amazon.com.

It is the norm for black race baiters to take control of an interview by bluster, bluff, and bravado and make meaningless, misleading, and mistaken comments as if any sane, honest person will believe them. However, most of those black leaders take advantage of their Black Privilege and spill it all over everyone who is dumb enough to watch and listen to them.

Black Privilege is toxic.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Why Isn’t Special Treatment for Blacks and Hispanics Racial Discrimination? https://donboys.cstnews.com/why-isnt-special-treatment-for-blacks-and-hispanics-racial-discrimination https://donboys.cstnews.com/why-isnt-special-treatment-for-blacks-and-hispanics-racial-discrimination#respond Mon, 18 Sep 2017 01:57:26 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1907 This month the media announced that the conservative Covenant Seminary in St. Louis was hosting a Leadership Development Resource Weekend “designed for and by people of color.” Pastor Joel Littlepage said that white claims of reverse discrimination are “frankly absurd.” The group conference is sold out. The seminary is connected with the Presbyterian Church in America, the group with which the late D. James Kennedy of Ft. Lauderdale was associated. If it is possible to weep in Heaven, James is weeping copious tears at such nonsense. Of course, all discrimination is wrong and only racists would disagree.

There would be a scream to high heaven if I demanded special privileges for Whites. No fair person would say that should be done. At the beginning, I will admit that white people have had it better and easier than people of color until recent years, and people of color have had to work harder and smarter to stay even with Whites. However, such an admission does not require special treatment for anyone in our day.

However, people who usually make sense are talking nonsense when they demand more and more special treatment for Blacks because of mistreatment in the past. This is called “affirmative action,” but it is really reverse discrimination. It is certainly nonsense.

This nation should reward achievement and do its best to encourage ambition in every sector of life. But, there is a hue and cry from the “knee-jerk” liberals throughout the land to reward the under-qualified and under-achiever and to do so at the expense of the more qualified. I tend to believe that the hue and cry has been raised by those who have a vested interest in reverse discrimination.

Detroit’s former mayor, Coleman Young candidly said, “The master and the slave cannot unite. It takes special steps to bring the slave up, then they can unite as equals….Some people say affirmative action is discrimination in reverse. You are d___ right, the only way to handle discrimination is to reverse it.”

If the mayor appeared to be a black bigot, at least he was an honest bigot. I reminded the mayor in a column that Blacks are no longer slaves and have not been for over a hundred years! However, race baiters such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are using slavery to excuse black problems: the dropout rate, drug use, unemployment, family breakdown, illegitimate births, and astounding rates of incarceration.

The Detroit News asked in an unsigned editorial: “How can society remedy economic injustice in a constitutional manner and without creating a new injustice? To reverse the blade of discrimination and cut down whites, as blacks were cut down in the past, is retribution–not a solution.”

That is exactly correct. If discrimination against Blacks was wrong sixty years ago (and it was) then discrimination against Whites is wrong today. I have never had that statement rebutted by any of the liberals I have debated on the subject.

Many years ago, I was challenged to a debate at Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis, Indiana on the subject of affirmative action because of a bill I had introduced in the Indiana House of Representatives. I debated Dr. William Marsh, a white professor of law at Indiana University Law School in Bloomington, and Reginald Bishop, a black columnist for the Indianapolis News.

I asked Bishop how long America would have to give special treatment to Blacks to atone for past discrimination of them. He answered, “two hundred years.” I laughed at him. I suppose that makes me a racist.

Many people who advocate for racial discrimination against Whites and demand special treatment for Blacks because of mistreatment in the past don’t understand how inconsistent they are. I am called a racist because I believe in equal treatment for everyone regardless of color, but then people like Bishop appear as champions of civil rights!

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supposed to guarantee that people would no longer be discriminated against because of race or color. Finally, the law would be color-blind. Questions on job applications indicating race and national origin were now illegal. Children would not be placed in schools according to color. This was supposed to be a major victory for all people and a giant step toward equality. From now on merit and ability would be the criteria for advancement. Alas, that was not to be.

My position has always been that minorities should have the same rights (and responsibilities) that I have. It is incredible that any fair-minded person would think otherwise. But, it works both ways: there should be no special treatment for any special group because no group is special.

Affirmative action has created havoc in business and education. When I was administrator of a large Christian school in Indianapolis, race was not a factor in accepting students or in hiring staff. And some of our finest families were black. No black parent ever asked for special treatment as did a few of my white friends. (They didn’t get it.)

What self-respecting Black wants special treatment because he happens to be black? That is not American, not Christian, and not good business. Only havoc and chaos will result from such insanity.

I wrote (in my book Liberalism: A Rope of Sand), about a reporter who entered a third grade classroom of a black lady who was hired under federally ordered hiring quotas. The reporter pointed to a child and asked the teacher if she found him to be passive much of the day. The teacher only stared at the reporter. The question was repeated but again, no answer. The reporter then gently asked if she knew what the word “passive” meant. The teacher, a graduate of an illustrious Eastern college, admitted she did not know the meaning of the word!

There are teachers presently working in major city school systems who do not know how to write a decent paragraph and would have trouble reading and understanding the daily newspaper.

It is a crime to inflict such teachers on innocent, needy children. It is also unfair to put teachers in positions for which they are obviously unprepared.

Where will this lunacy end? Will Blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities be given a pilot’s license without a test because the exam is too tough? Will you ride with such a pilot? I suggest it is as criminal to put an incompetent teacher in the classroom, as it is to put an incompetent pilot in the cockpit of a crowded airplane. The crash only takes longer to see in the classroom.

I have no problem with special programs to help more Blacks go to college, although not everyone (Black or White) needs to go to college! I have no problem with trying to hire more minorities in the work place. The problem arises when race or sex is used to decide who gets hired. If a Black is better qualified than I am then he should be my boss.

Admitting students to college on the basis of race or hiring and promoting because of race is as unreasonable as demanding that 80% of the players on college and professional basketball teams be white regardless of ability! Don’t you think it is about time we accept people for what they are and not what color or sex they happen to be? I thought that is what America is all about.

No sane, honest person believes that discrimination is right even if it is “highly motivated” to help Blacks or others whose ancestors were mistreated. Eugene V. Rostow was a professor of law and former dean at Yale University Law School. In an interview with the U. S. News and World Report, he spoke on this subject of reverse discrimination. He said, “It is no kindness to anyone to put him into an environment where he’s under qualified and where he will feel at a disadvantage and feel more stupid than he should feel.”

Speaking of many minority candidates who drop out of college after meeting only a minimal admission standard, Rostow said, “They are bitter, bruised and badly hurt by their experience.” But what does that matter? Forget the irreparable harm done to these students. Full steam ahead. The do-gooders make poor doctors out of men who would make good architects and average lawyers out of men who would make excellent teachers. Roll over the constitutional rights of others calling it good and admirable while affirmative action nullifies feelings of accomplishment and merit calling it success. Then, when some soul dares question its fairness and legality, calling him “racist.”

After we cut through all the rhetoric and clear away the smoke screen laid down by the politicians and liberal do-gooders, it comes down to this: reverse discrimination is punishing a job seeker or student applicant for an act of racism he did not commit and for an ethnic heritage over which he had no control. With that “success,” liberals will have hung the albatross of affirmative action around the neck of every minority in this nation, qualified as well as unqualified. As the white liberal does this, he whispers in the minority’s ear, “I am your friend.”

But the liberal do-gooder does not sacrifice. He does not surrender his privileged position, money, and job so that an unqualified minority can enter into the main stream. He is guilty of much sermonizing–but no sacrificing. The price for unfair, unreasonable, and unbiblical affirmative action is being paid by unsuspecting Whites who were taught that all were equal before the law.

Case in point: It was revealed in a 2009 study that for Asian Americans to be on equal footing with their peers, they had to score 140 more points than their white counterparts, 320 points higher than Hispanic students did, and 450 points higher than Black students. That is the crazy, unfair world of affirmative action.

Informed Americans have now learned that some people are more equal than others.


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Debate Revelation: Ben Carson is a Black! https://donboys.cstnews.com/debate-revelation-ben-carson-is-a-black https://donboys.cstnews.com/debate-revelation-ben-carson-is-a-black#respond Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:41:09 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1269 What a revelation; watching the GOP debate Wednesday night I realized that Dr. Ben Carson is a black man! I had seen and heard him many times but since I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I never said, “Well, Ben Carson is a black man.” He is a surgeon and a man of character and a professing Christian and he is actually a black man. Not half black, but black. He’s the real thing, not the Great Pretender. Wow, where have I been? But then, I don’t care if a person is black, white, or polka dot. Racists make a big deal out of it.

Telling the truth about Blacks (or Whites) is not a good career move since most people want to be comfortable and don’t want confrontation and conflict from anyone at any time. It seems black fanatics demand that they not be held to the same standard as Whites. That kind of thinking used to be known as racism. It still is.

It seems I am not “sensitive” to the feelings of others when I deal with famous black leaders. Political correctness requires us to not repeat facts, easily substantiated facts, if those facts might offend others, especially minorities. I refuse to play such childish games.

I have always been critical of civil rights leaders who seemed to be more interested in “a buck and a broad” (their term) than in equal rights while young idealistic acolytes lost their lives in the civil rights struggle. Many of those “reverends” (who seldom preached the Gospel and did not believe the Bible) used the ministry to con gullible Blacks to their cause. And at times managed to accomplish something positive. While it was past time for Blacks to have the same rights as Whites, it was not good that Blacks began receiving special treatment at the expense of white people. After all, if discrimination was and is wrong against Blacks (and it was and is) then discrimination against Whites was and is also wrong. But I’m not supposed to say that.

About this time the government forced its way into every business to enforce civil rights laws and began to regulate salary, benefits, working hours, hiring and firing standards, etc. Many think that was good for America; I think it was a major tragedy. The government has no constitutional authority to set any standards for business unless tax money was used to start the business. Yes, it did provide jobs for minorities but business owners lost the freedom to run their own business.

Preachers King and Abernathy did not believe the Bible they quoted, as their public statements and writings easily prove. Hypocrites such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would have been tarred and feathered in earlier days. However, it seems to be prima facie evidence that my making the statements–that all informed people know to be true–proves racism!

When I took the position that forced busing of school children was insensitive, intrusive, and insane I was called a racist by Indiana Democrats and leftist Republicans. I said that it was an insult to Blacks to suggest that they would do better in school if they sat in the same classroom with white students.

When I said that abortion was killing a huge proportion of black babies and it would be devastating to black families I was right then, as I am now.

When I said that black students must stay in school, get a job, any job, work hard, get married and have babies, I was right. In 1965, 25% of black births were out of wedlock. Today, 72% of all black births in the US are out of wedlock! That is compounded by the Huffington Post reporting, “There is nothing ‘immoral’ or ‘pathological’ about deciding not to marry.” Even if one agrees (and I don’t) that making bastard babies is not immoral, then surely all sane people believes it is pathological.

When I suggested that black men should stop fathering illegitimate babies and stay faithful to their wives rather than selling dope, looting stores, and mugging others I was right. And black men have filled our prisons as a consequence.

Ben Carson is a fantastic example of one coming out of Detroit’s inner-city because of a concerned mother (a third-grade dropout who worked three jobs at the same time) who instilled character in him. If he can make it, then anyone can make it. Did I mention that Ben is black?

Non-thinking fanatics tell us that any criticism of Barack Obama is positive proof of racism but it might be that his policies are so leftist, they would make Marx, Lenin, and Stalin stand up and cheer.

I said that Attorney General Eric Holder was/is a wild-eyed racist dedicated to defend anything blacks do no matter how guilty they are. His replacement seems to be a female clone.

Even if decent people disagree with some political decisions mentioned above, no honest person, black or white, can defend the vicious racist tirade of Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam–known as black Muslims. If a clown in the KKK had said the same thing about killing blacks that Louie said about killing whites, the KKK member would not put on his sheet for many years because they don’t have sheets in the pokey. Where are the media on this?

Our nation has experienced many unnecessary conflicts between police officers and young black men with too many blacks being killed. In every incident a death would not have occurred had the young man obeyed police orders. That problem is not a police problem but a home problem. Obviously parents are not teaching their children to obey them, school officials, or the police resulting in chaos in the home, in our schools, and in our streets.

It is also interesting that in every case, the dead youth is touted by family and friends as a “good” boy, “kind,” and “gentle.” But then the police record reveals that he was more of a thug than an eagle scout who has committed himself to lifetime celibacy, poverty, and working with lepers in the world’s last leper colony in Romania.

America’s homes–black, white, Hispanic, etc.—are all in trouble. However, single parent homes statistically are in worse condition because of the lack of disciple. Of course, a dash of Bible training in home, church, and school would be a major improvement. Sure couldn’t hurt.

Folks, it is time for honesty, to treat all people with kindness, respect, and equality. It’s time to hold ourselves to a standard of personal honor, excellence, duty, kindness, tolerance, and not question the motives of those who disagree with us.

It’s still shocking to know that Ben Carson is a black man!

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Weak, Wimpy, Whiny Preachers are Wrong–Franklin Graham is Right! https://donboys.cstnews.com/weak-wimpy-whiny-preachers-are-wrong-franklin-graham-is-right https://donboys.cstnews.com/weak-wimpy-whiny-preachers-are-wrong-franklin-graham-is-right#comments Wed, 25 Mar 2015 18:24:22 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1057 Jim Wallis and his pathetic passel of political parsons want Franklin Graham’s scalp and they prefer to take it with a meat cleaver. This week, a cadre of careless, critical, and caustic far left preachers (like trained seals) attacked Graham for uttering common sense relating to the treatment of Blacks by Police officers. Graham wrote, “Listen up–Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and everybody else. Most police shootings can be avoided. It comes down to respect for authority and obedience. If a police officer tells you to stop, you stop. If a police officer tells you to put your hands in the air, you put your hands in the air.” He went on to remind parents to teach their children to obey authority. But then, it doesn’t take much training for even someone with an IQ equivalent to his ring size to know that you don’t fight a man with a gun!

What sane person would disagree with such good advice? Note that the worthy advice was sent to everyone; however, Jim Wallis of Sojourners took exception. Jim thought Graham was racist and heartless. Jim parades as an evangelical, having discarded the rags of his fundamentalist past, but he is really a spokesman for the left. It is embarrassing to mention it but far left billionaire George Soros gave Jim’s nonprofit group $200,000! Jim denied it on a talk show but later had to backtrack and admitted the sullied but substantial gift.

Speaking of generous, Jim, who was Marxist in his youth (now, only a socialist), is paid $218,000 per year for his efforts in laying guilt on middle class whites for the condition and treatment of Blacks. He tries to identify with common people but the average American makes $50,000 per year; so, Jim, you ain’t one of us.

In reality Jim is the liberal white man’s Al Sharpton although Jim reads a teleprompter better than Al. Jim and his motley crew of leftist clergymen didn’t like Graham’s suggestion that maybe parents could do a better job in rearing their offspring. Duh, is that in question?

The Sojourners crowd thinks of Jesus as a skinny dude wearing sandals, hair to his shoulders, drinking a bottle of Perrier water while he signs up unregistered voters for Democrats. Informed people know that Christ came to die for our sins thereby changing the way we live and providing a home in Heaven rather than Hell. Christ was more concerned about people than problems. Social Gospelers like Jim are more concerned about the environment than they are about eternity. Just as the social gospel failed in the early 20th century so it is failing today.

Wallis and his sycophants responded to Graham’s advice by thrusting a rusty dagger into his back. Many famous leftist evangelicals signed onto the response and rebuke of Graham. The pompous blowhards mentioned Graham’s “outsized influence coupled with apparent ignorance.” There, isn’t that gracious and broadminded and really tolerant? They continued in their self-righteous rant with “We will not tolerate this type of flippant, patronizing commentary from faith leaders on critical issues that mean life and death for many in the body of Christ and in communities across America. We won’t tolerate it, even one more day.” Who do these guys think they are? They have as much power as a 40 watt bulb. What can they do but tolerate it and send out press releases and a few tweets.

In their open letter to Graham, they told him he had “sinned against” them and his statement had “hurt and influenced thousands.” He was accused of being “crude, insensitive, and paternalistic” and had “oversimplified” the situation. However, Graham had simply said that young people should be taught to obey police officers and never resist; that way they will stay alive. Sounds very simple and it would have been better for everyone (except the race baiters) if his advice had been followed in the Brown case.

Most youth are not the most astute thinkers but I remind them that when they have a problem with a cop, they must understand that he has a billy club, handcuffs, a couple of guns, mace, and a radio that can bring a swarm of cop cars into the neighborhood in minutes. I think Graham gave some practical advice.

Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown are at the center of this discussion and when all relevant facts are acknowledged and one puts aside his terror of condemning black parents, then of course, they failed. It is not necessary to repeat the unsavory record of each young man. Nor is it necessary to prove that had they followed Graham’s advice, they would still be alive as would some protestors; and others would not have been bankrupted by “peaceful” protestors.

Wallis reaches way back for Jim Crow and for plantation owners for help in his effort to take down Graham. But those terrible episodes have nothing to do with young Black thugs who “feel their oats” and defy police instructions. If it turns out that the police are wrong then they can file a complaint and a whole bevy of civil rights attorneys will line up to take their cases and get justice–and a potful of money for everyone.

Graham’s critics brought up “mass incarceration and criminalization,” but they would have been wiser not to call attention to that. Permit me to elucidate. Homicide is the leading cause of deaths among black men in U.S. and 90% of the killers are also black. Between 1976 and 2005 Blacks committed more than half of all murders in the U.S. with only about 13% of the population. In cities under black rule (mayors and often police chiefs) such as Cleveland, Washington, New Orleans, Atlanta, Memphis, Newark, Richmond, Detroit, and Philadelphia corruption, crime, and chaos are common. Blacks often complain about the drug laws putting so many blacks in prison but Black politicians in DC led the effort to pass those laws. Blacks yell about “over-policing” yet that’s where the 911 calls come from!

The holy reverends really ran off the rails when they wrote: “Your blanket insistence on obedience in every situation exposes an ignorance of church history.” But Graham did not say or imply such a thing. There are times when Christians must disobey some unjust laws. I would not always obey without question if I’m stopped for giving gospel literature on the street, etc., but if an officer pulls his gun, I’ll back off, file a complaint, have my day in court and collect a hundred thousand from the government. And continue my Christian activity.

The epistle from the holy reverends even compared the protestors in Ferguson to principled Christians in the past who paid with their lives to stand true to the Gospel. That is a deceitful, disgraceful, and despicable comparison.

Wallis, in his youth, danced with glee when he heard that the U.S. had lost the war in Vietnam; and he and his parson pals can’t hold Graham’s coat with respect to work with the diseased, desperate, and depressed people of the world. Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse has been helping mostly black people around the world for 40 years and he has hugged and helped thousands of Blacks while Wallis shakes the hand of “oppressed” Blacks saying, “I feel your pain.”

And for Jim Wallis to accuse Graham–with his Samaritan’s Purse– of being unkind, uncaring, and unthoughtful is like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath!

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Racial Conflicts Have Sad Consequences for U.S.–Distrust, Distaste Disdain and Death! https://donboys.cstnews.com/racial-conflicts-have-sad-consequences-for-u-s-distrust-distaste-disdain-and-death https://donboys.cstnews.com/racial-conflicts-have-sad-consequences-for-u-s-distrust-distaste-disdain-and-death#respond Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:26:52 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=981 Freezing U.S. cities are simmering with protests over the alleged racist attacks upon black men by white cops and I’m afraid that some irresponsible policeman, protester or provocateur could ignite a dangerous, disastrous, even deadly confrontation between the races. Blacks say attacks by white cops against Blacks have been going on for a hundred years and it has been building to a crescendo since the Ferguson fiasco and continues to escalate after Eric Garner’s tragic death. Now white cops are in the bull’s eye of haters with three of them being killed recently.

It seems race only matters to the racists–white and black. Of course, fools, frauds, and fanatics tell us that Blacks cannot be racists! (Here is the appropriate time to explode in raucous laughter and hold your sides as you roll on the ground.) People should be treated like people not black people, white people, etc.

The results of Ferguson are tragic on many levels: robbery, riot, and rebellion with the loss of Michael Brown’s life; Wilson’s reputation, job, and future; and loss of income and business properties; but the longtime distrust between the races, and the distaste and disdain (contempt) for rioters will take years to dispel–and now death of innocent cops. And it was all unnecessary but was promoted by the racists in low places: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and even in high places: Obama, Holder, and de Blasio.

It is astounding that President Obama, “the most powerful man in the world” would meet with protesters before a verdict was reached! Obama, Holder, Nixon, de Blasio and others “poisoned the well” of justice and are partly responsible for the mayhem that is taking place across America. They have played a worn race card one time too many and now innocent, unsuspecting cops are being slaughtered as a result.

Darren Wilson may be one of the most maligned men in America. He simply did his job, defended his life, was mauled by a bully, and now his life will never be the same. Racists, white and black, have used him as bait for the haters. The fact that Blacks take the side of Blacks and Whites take the side of Whites whatever the facts is indication that racists come in all hues and are without character. Decent, honest, kind, thoughtful people want justice for everyone.

Wilson has been slandered by lesser people such as Holder, Obama, Nixon, Jackson, and Sharpton, ad nauseum who don’t deserve the right to polish his badge or his shoes. If I had my way, that’s what those jerks would be doing.

There was no way the grand juries could look at the facts and find the two police officers as villains and the two Blacks killed as innocent victims. As a result of the two decisions there is a massive reaction by people who have been looking for an excuse to riot.

It is commendable that some police officials and others are trying to calm the tempers, cool the hotheads, and contain the troublemakers. However, many people are determined to vent their hate while calling it justice and innocent people will pay as they have in the past.

Detroit, Newark, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York could burn. And maybe Dallas, Denver, and Dayton, also. If you live in a large city, it might be wise to go visit grandma in the country for a few days.

The political riots following the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968 in at least 110 cities were a nightmare as rebellious, rampaging, and racist Blacks took revenge against what they perceived as the white establishment. Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Chicago experienced the worst, primarily in black urban areas.

In Washington, things deteriorated quickly as the White House sent about 13,500 federal troops to assist the District police force. The city was a war zone as Marines set up machine guns on the steps of the Capitol while the Army guarded the White House. Newspapers reported that rioting took place within two blocks of the White House. By Sunday, April 8, twelve people had been killed, about 1,097 injured, and over 6,100 arrested along with 1,200 buildings burned. Damages were estimated to be $27 million.

In Chicago, it was another nightmare of violence. The Chicago Tribune blared, “City Erupts.” The day following King’s death, huge mobs of men, women, and children lunged from store to store, breaking plate-glass windows and taking what was not screwed down. The Tribune reported, “Television sets, clothing, food and liquor were carted away from largely white-owned businesses.” Some black businesses escaped damage by writing “soul brother” on their windows.

About 210 buildings were burned to the ground, 11 people (all black) were killed with 500 injured. Mayor Richard Dailey ordered police “to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand . . . and . . . to shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting any stores in our city.” An astounding 10,500 police were sent to protect the fire fighters, and were soon joined by 6,700 Illinois National Guard troops. That was followed by 5,000 federal troops ordered by President Lyndon Johnson. No mayor has issued a “shot to kill” order since.

During the last six years Obama has presented himself as the savior who provides whatever is needed or wanted, be it cell phones, foot stamps, housing, etc. Add to that, the “entitlement” attitude that many Americans (white and black) have and you have a dangerous, explosive situation when such freebies are threatened.

Justice for Wilson was a shock and an affront to the black agitators who flocked to Ferguson like swallows returning to Capistrano and buzzards flocking to Hinckley, Ohio. Especially the buzzards.

Look for more fires to rage, stores to be looted, police and firemen to be killed during the “Brown and Garner protests.” “Protests” sounds better than “riots.” Thousands could be arrested; however, if the norm takes place, few violators will go to the slammer for arson, looting, and rioting.

Man has been on a slippery slide since his disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Riots manifest that fact following the declaration of innocence of Wilson because of the failure of the rioters’ homes, schools, and churches to inculcate them with Christian, or even civilized, values.

Rioters have no respect for self and no respect for others so violence is a natural result. They are ready prey for the radical agitators. The rioters and looters have been trained to hate, kill, loot, and burn. The innocent always suffer when parents, teachers, and preachers fail to do their jobs.

Furthermore, look for white police officers and firefighters to refuse to enter black areas where they are hated and may be killed for trying to help! After all, black protesters can’t have it both ways: if a white officer can’t be trusted to properly do his job then maybe those black areas should be protected by black officers. White officers will police white areas and Black officers will service black areas. Is that our future? Or maybe there will be mass resignations of police!

I hope, I pray that I am wrong, but don’t count on it.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

https://donboys.cstnews.com/racial-conflicts-have-sad-consequences-for-u-s-distrust-distaste-disdain-and-death/feed 0
Black Men Killed by White Cops–Epidemic? https://donboys.cstnews.com/black-men-killed-by-white-cops-epidemic https://donboys.cstnews.com/black-men-killed-by-white-cops-epidemic#respond Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:08:15 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=964 The Blacks-Are-Always-Victims crowd and the Cops-Are-Always-Right crowd are not going to agree with me today. Events are not always so definitive that they can be placed into an existing slot so I’ll make my own slot. Every person must be held accountable for his or her actions, white and black and the time for excuses, rationalizations, and blame should be over. I detest cops who abuse their authority and push anyone around as I detest others who resist and taunt and curse those who risk their lives every day to protect the young, the elderly, and the innocent.

Another black man has been killed during an altercation with white police. The death of anyone is tragic since it is permanent, but it is worse if it is unnecessary and much worse if it was premeditated. The basic facts of the Eric Garner death: Garner, a 43 year-old black man died in an altercation with white cop Daniel Pantaleo for selling untaxed, loose cigarettes. Up front, it is nauseating that a man would die because of such a petty crime. But we must look at the full story to make a decision as to where to place our anger and blame and what action to take.

Black businessmen complained to cops about Garner selling cigarettes outside their stores and his arrest was ordered by a black cop, and supervised by a black female officer. Moreover, the police officers were acting under orders issued a few days earlier by Philip Banks, New York City Chief of Police (and a Black) to “crack down” on the selling of loose, untaxed cigarettes.

While Garner’s record had little or nothing to do with his death, it does put it in perspective to know he had been arrested 31 times for assault, grand larceny, marijuana possession, driving without a license, false impersonation, and selling untaxed tobacco (eight times). He feigned surprise when he was accosted for selling loose, untaxed cigarettes! He was not a Sunday school teacher at Bethel Baptist Church where his funeral was held.

There were five police officers present so Garner was a fool to resist and the police officers should have had little trouble arresting him. It seems that Garner was not violent so it appears that at least poor judgment was used by the arresting officers but poor judgment does not equal systemic racism in the police department.

Garner should not have died and there is no proof that Officer Pantaleo intended to cause his death. In fact, does any honest person, knowing the facts, believe that the officer would have done anything differently if Garner had been lily white? I maintain that it is racism (and terribly unfair) to suggest that possibility.

Garner died because he was fat (350 pounds, some reported 400 pounds), six feet four inches tall, in poor health, and resisted arrest. If he had not been breaking the law, even a trivial law, he would still be alive. If he had obeyed the officers he would still be alive. If he had not resisted arrest, he would still be alive. But some will say that the officers used excessive force but what is excessive force? Should the police have disobeyed orders and smiled at his crime? Yes, a silly law, but what about other laws? He did not die for selling untaxed cigarettes but for resisting a lawful order.

If progressive Whites and Blacks continue this crusade against police we are going to see mass resignations of police officers and/or refusal to do their duty. A police officer must perform his or her job as per their training and should never have to wonder, “If I do what is necessary to arrest this person, will I lose my job, my reputation, my retirement, my home, and maybe my freedom?”

Since we cannot look into the mind of Officer Pantaleo we cannot be sure that he did not use excessive force, but even so, no one can charge intent to harm. Pantaleo was doing his job even if we think he was enforcing a stupid regulation but he believed he had to subdue Garner in order to arrest him. That was his job. Since no one can prove harmful intent, the grand jury could not find him guilty.

Professor Eugene O’Donnell of the John Jay Criminal College of Criminal Justice wrote in The New York Daily News: “As a practical matter — on the basis of past cases — the grand jury would likely indict only if it found malice or some intention to hurt Mr. Garner or that a gross disregard for Mr. Garner’s well-being is what created the tragic ending during this routine arrest. Finding that the officer was careless or that the arrest was bungled will not rise to the level of a crime.” Therefore, there could be no indictment by the grand jury.

Even if the grand jury was wrong, it does not mean that racism was a motivating factor. Even Garner’s own daughter told CNN that it was not racism but police abuse. Moreover, 14 of the 23 grand jury members were white, the rest were black or Hispanic.

Everyone seems to be talking about the “illegal chokehold” the officer is accused of using; however, the “chokehold” was not illegal, only banned by the New York Police department. Furthermore, some experts say that it was not a “chokehold” but a permissible submission hold taught to him at the police academy. And the autopsy declared that there was no harm to Garner’s windpipe or neck bones. He would have lived had he not been in poor health and resisted arrest.

In light of the above facts, irresponsible officials rushed in where even fools know better and declared this to be another example of a racist cop killing an unarmed Black man and a grand jury (with 9 non-Whites) refusing to indict the officer. After hearing the evidence the jury thought that the officer did not use excessive force and acted legally in carrying out his duties as he had sworn to do. Yet Eric Holder announced that the Department of Justice will conduct a civil rights investigation into the case. For sure, I would refuse to sit on a grand jury if I knew honest work I would do for very little remuneration would put me in the sights of federal jackboots.

The medical examiner determined that Garner’s death was a homicide but a homicide is not murder. Homicide simply means death at the hands of another person. He did declare that the “chokehold” contributed to Garner’s death. Of course it did. So did the fact he was fat and sick.

Do black leaders really believe that white police officers go to work each day with the intent to kill a black man? If so, they are prime candidates for a psycho ward. About 100 Blacks are killed by white officers each year but 300 Whites are killed by police during that time! Fact: more black men get into trouble with the law because they break the law far more than white men, but that’s another article. And writing it makes me a racist!

No, there is no epidemic of white cops killing black men but a case can be made for an epidemic of black men killing white men. But I suppose to make that factual case is an indication of racism! However, there is an epidemic of irresponsible black men rejecting education, refusing to work, resisting arrests, and repudiating marriage but producing numerous babies.

After doing their job of stirring the racist pot in Ferguson, the racists (black and white) again came out of the woodwork to denounce racism in the New York case when there is no support for such a claim. The president spoke of “concern on the part of too many minority communities that law enforcement is not working with them and dealing with them in a fair way.” Mayor De Blasio called for “action” suggesting that the incident represented the culmination of “centuries of racism.”

To think they killed a tree to print such tripe! The Garner incident is proof of an epidemic of generations of disrespect for authority, disobedience to the Scripture, and deterioration of the family. That’s what Blacks and Whites need to work on!
http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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