Republican – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yellow Dog Democrats in Georgia Will Vote for GOP! Tue, 17 Nov 2020 15:39:05 +0000 My title may seem very ambitious, but I think it will be a political reality if not an anomaly in our nation. For the uninitiated, a Yellow Dog Democrat is a lifetime Democrat who would vote for a yellow dog before voting for any Republican. Consequently, they would never split their vote.

The south has been full of them for a hundred years.

I grew up in West Virginia in a family of  multigenerational Yellow Dog Democrats. I was nourished from birth at my mother’s bosom with Democrat milk; however, it made me politically puny. Growing up near the coalfields, I remember the almost constant battles, even killings, as the head of the coal miners’ union John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers of America from 1920 to 1960, led miners to resist orders from owners to go back to work. During World War II, he called a strike of coal miners that impeded the national economy and the war effort. But even then, the Democrats supported him.

Ironically, Lewis was a Republican (!) who publicly supported Herbert Hoover for President in 1928. When the Great Depression lashed the face of America, he quietly supported Franklin D. Roosevelt instead of giving Hoover a second term. Roosevelt won in 1932 and was elected four times to the Presidency, dying shortly after taking office in 1945. Roosevelt is given credit for ending the Great Depression, although his policies gave more authority to the government. He started America down the Road to Socialism (and serfdom) with his numerous government agencies that gave enormous power to the federal government. The depression was ended by our entrance into the war, not by Democrat policies.

Unions have grown as they had the support of Democrats who pitched themselves as the voice of the “working man.” While millions of workers increased their income with help from the unions, they also surrendered many of their rights and gave extraordinary power to union bosses.

Excessive power is not safe in any human hands, Democrat or Republican. Politicians of all parties must be rebuked, restrained, and regulated by laws.

While I believed then and now that a man has a right to join a union, he also has a right not to join a union without persecution or prosecution. Moreover, a man should not be forced to pay union dues if he chooses not to join.

Furthermore, no government entity has a right to tell a man how to run his business, although reasonable safety laws should be the norm. I remember the killings and constant threats of miners and mine owners. While I sympathized with mineworkers’ desire for reasonable pay and safety conditions, I thought the workers telling the owners (who started and financed the business) how to run their business was unfair.

I still do.

So when I was eighteen, I began to feel queasy about Democrat principles, policies, and people.  I became enamored with General Dwight Eisenhower when he ran for President in 1952 when I was a high school student. Eisenhower was basking in the success of the War in Europe, although few knew then and few know now of his astounding mistreatment of German civilians, not only German troops, after the end of the war. He had an abnormal hatred for all Germans.

When Eisenhower was elected in 1952, the North Koreans, the Chinese Communists, and the Soviet Union (though not officially a belligerent but supplied pilots and jets) were slaughtering our soldiers on the mountain slopes and valleys in North Korea. That’s when this Yellow Dog Democrat became a Republican. It was a crisis in our family and was accelerated many years later when I ran and was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 1976 as a “Reagan Republican.”

I became an Independent during the George Bush administration because the GOP left me standing in right field.

Even my father, a charter member of the Yellow Dog Democrats, voted for Reagan in 1980! Wow, maybe a leopard can change its spots, after all.

All that to say, Georgia Democrats who would never vote for Republicans during normal times will vote for a Republican in the vital Senate races in January. Honest Yellow Dog Democrats have had to massage their principles over the years as they try to put out of their minds that Democrats have butchered millions of unborn babies, often at taxpayers’ expense. They have pretended that same-sex “marriage” isn’t that big a deal while their conscience screams otherwise. They don’t wish to even think about the abnormality of boys pretending to be girls with the right to use female restrooms and locker rooms.

They know it is insane to think vast immigration (legal and illegal) will not fatally pack our public schools, bankrupt our hospitals, destroy our health care system, and take jobs from lifetime Americans. Open borders means they will be left with a shoeshine kit and instructions on how to say “please” and “thank you” in Spanish.

Or, maybe Arabic.

But they can resist their conscience and common sense no longer. Honest Democrats know if their radical, leftist crowd (not the traditional liberal Democrats of the last generation) gains control of the Senate via the Georgia runoff, as they already have the House and maybe the White House, it means the Socialists will destroy our nation. With control of the Senate, they will remove the filibuster, make Puerto Rico and D.C. states each with two additional Democrat Senators. Adding four more Senators, they will pack the Supreme Court, fight additional wars (they are known traditionally as starters of wars while Republicans are known for ending them), cuddle up to Muslims and vastly increase immigration, tear down the wall and have open borders, and recognize homosexuality as acceptable, even admirable and by no means abnormal.

Honest Democrats are concerned with the vast spending that has been going on since Reagan’s administration. They know, as do honest Republicans, that no nation can owe 25 trillion dollars and continue to spend money the way the last few administrations have done. Our economy would be far worse if President Trump had not insisted that NATO nations pay their fair share of Europe’s defense, demanded reasonable trade regulations, and ended the never-ending wars in the Middle East. They know nations have been destroyed by the stupid spending policies. They also know that continued spending of trillions of dollars will not permit us to collect golden eggs if we kill the goose that lays them.

Even a poorly informed person knows if a nation is destroyed by misspending and raids on our treasury, the nation will fall.
Yellow Dog Democrats may not admit that Democrat leaders are rabid revolutionaries and empty quacks, but we can count on them to be Americans and return Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue to the U.S. Senate. I am not suggesting that all Democrats like Stacey Abrams will switch her vote since that would conflict with her pretend position as Georgia’s Governor.

In the unlikely event I am wrong and have too much confidence in Georgia Democrats, our vision of the future is a boot stamping on a human face—forever.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Mail-in Voting is an Engraved Invitation for Corruption and Democrats Will Vote From the Grave! Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:41:31 +0000 Politicians and babies both need to be changed often and for the same reason, and Americans will be attempting to make changes in November. America’s future depends on what change if any, we make at the voting booth. And the results will depend on whether we go to the polls or mail in a ballot. The long-honored absentee ballot is generally safe, but a massive mail-in vote is an engraved invitation for vote corruption.

Often, a politician may indicate a need for a change, but in reality, it’s only a bad odor. Not yet. While it might be premature to change a baby’s diaper impulsively, it might be perilous to do the same for a politician. Hence, the need to not be hasty in the November election.

While there are thousands of hopeful politicians on the ballots, the most vital is the presidential race, but does that position need to be changed?

We have a choice of Donald Trump who has a checkered past bedding various women but who has kept many of his promises he made to us. In that, he is a very unusual politician. For me, this is a replay of 2016—choosing the one who will do less damage, stabilize our economy, keep the baby butchers at bay, return peace to our cities, keep China behind her famous wall—without bankrupting our nation.

His vice-president Mike Pence is a good man. After caving to the LGBTQ tyrants in Indiana pre-election, he has done better than any other politician in standing for family and morality. While he could be more forceful, we all know the LGBTQ crowd specializes in bullying, badgering, and blackmailing decent opponents. He has done a respectable job with the other chores Trump assigned him.

As an Independent, that is the team I will vote for again, understanding that no candidate is perfect. I decided not to run this time.

The other ticket is abysmal, and it is difficult to understand how any honest American could put them in office. Joe Biden has a history of plagiarism, lying, very loose hands around girls and women, fanatically desirous of grabbing every gun in America and putting us in debt quadrillions of dollars. Biden is the description of a Throttlebottom—an innocuously inept and futile person in public office.

Biden is pathetic and surely will only get the sympathy vote and maybe his wife’s.

Kamala Harris is his choice for Vice-President, and she has a record that is far, far left. She is the most radical U.S. Senator. She climbed to power in California with the help of her lover Willie Brown, thirty years her senior and Speaker of the House in California. Brown has been separated from his wife since 1976 (but not divorced), and Kamala is only one of many women with whom he fornicated. Her appointed job required no credentials, no work, and she was “paid the equivalent of a full-time [state] senator for arriving at a one- to two-hour meeting each month.”

A Republican member of the state assembly at the time said, “Screwing the speaker has its rewards. Stevie Wonder could have seen through that play.” However, whatever hours she has logged in bed, she is far more dangerous to America than Hillary.

Senator Harris went after Judge Kavanaugh relentlessly like a pit bull going after a porterhouse steak. She believed the unsupported, unreal, and unchaste charges because “a woman would never lie about such a thing.” Now that it is to her benefit, she refuses to believe the senate aide’s accusation of Biden—because it is in her interest not to believe.

There is little benefit of listing all the decadent, dangerous, and deadly positions Kamala has taken; however, her willingness to be on the ticket with Biden, who has refused to answer a charge of sexual abuse, shows her lack of character. She has always played to the gallery and reverses positions to meet her immediate needs. During the primary race, she believed Joe was guilty of sexual abuse of his senate aide Tara Reade. Now, she is partnered with a predator! That used to be known as being two-faced and would require her spending extra time each day putting makeup on her two faces.

Before the Never-Trumpers and Hate-Trumpers remind us again of Trump’s aggressive, appalling, and adulterous affairs, he never slept around to his political or monetary advantage. However, moral issues do not seem to concern most people.

On the political issues alone, the Biden-Harris ticket would literally destroy America! So, the choice is simple.

America deserves and must have more decent, qualified, honest officials. Still, mail-in-voting will only make a bad problem even worse, allowing into office many incompetent, indecent, and ignominious scalawags and lowlifes. It is no surprise our cities, states, and nation are a mess.

Headlines on July 24, 2020, in USSA News screamed, “Democratic Ex-Congressman Charged With Rigging Votes, Bribery, Falsifying Records And Obstruction.” The article revealed that a former congressman had been charged by the federal government with ballot stuffing, bribery, and obstruction. Michael Myers, 77, was charged with conspiring with and bribing a former elections judge in Philadelphia to add votes to favored candidates over several elections.

Yet, we are told over and over that voting fraud is no problem, but public facts disprove that.

According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) this year, “there are 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there and old enough to vote.” I’m math deficient, but I don’t think that is possible.

“According to one study, by News21, there have been 2,068 cases of alleged election fraud since 2000.” Yet, Democrats declare there is very little election fraud!

Electronic voting was supposed to improve the election process in making voting more efficient, quicker, and less fraud, but Rhode Island voters uncovered fraud. Rock Island County Republican voters gathered outside of the Rock Island County Clerk’s office on Friday, October 24, alleging a voting machine switched their vote. “Voters said when they selected a candidate on the electronic voting machine, the machine would switch their vote to the opposing candidate.” Is that fraud, or is it failure since Democrats had the same problem?

Voting machines are not as reliable as touted to be according to the Salina Journal on November 26, 2014 issue. “A malfunction of electronic voting equipment left 5,207 votes out of the original Nov. 4 Saline County, Kansas vote total.”

Brad Friedman of the very liberal Huffington Post admitted, “What we have here is an extraordinarily compelling case that our electoral system has gone terribly wrong…We’ve got one election after another that makes no sense whatsoever. They may have been rigged, they may have failed due to error – (but because they can’t be audited) it’s 100 percent faith-based voting.” This is the reason we now print out our machine ballot in Georgia, sign, and deposit it.

Recently, a local television station experimented with vote-by-mail, and it exposed the deficiencies of the system. WRDW in Philadelphia sent 100 “mock ballots” from across the city to a post office box set up specifically for the test. The results showed 21 percent of the votes hadn’t been delivered within the same city after four days. Some mailed a week prior were also missing.

The Times report goes on to reveal voter corruption in Texas, Indiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. Yet, dishonest, desperate, and distressed Democrats keep telling us that there is no problem with voter fraud.

On August 8, the media reported, “more than 223,000 mail-in ballots sent to registered voters in Clark County, Nevada, were bounced as “undeliverable” in the state’s June primary election, newly released data reveals.”

Also, on August 8, the New York City Board of Elections disqualified 84,208 vote-by-mail ballots in the June 23 Democratic presidential primary, “according to a report cited Wednesday evening by the New York Post.

It is obvious to anyone deaf, dumb, and blind that mail-in-voting is not reliable. So, even the most rabid Democrat can understand that fact.

The Washington Times reported on voter fraud in Virginia. “A study by the watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation found in just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote.” But it gets worse. “Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states.”

Another longtime problem, especially among Democrats, is the strange determination of dead people to vote. The Times reported on this phenomenon: “A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting.” But then, dead Democrats have been voting in Chicago for decades.

This November election, because of the hatred of Donald Trump, there will be massive problems: lost ballots, stolen ballots, late ballots, machine failures, machine malfunction, intimidation, multiple votes from the same people, alien voters, and of course, many dead people will rise and vote—all Democrats.

This week the Detroit News reported that Michigan clerks rejected 846 mailed ballots during the August 4 primary “because the voter was dead.” But the Democrats keep saying there is little voter fraud.

I just heard the shocking, surprising, and even startling news that my lifetime Republican cousin in Cook County, Illinois, is voting Democrat this November. But it would never happen if he were still alive.

A quote from one of my ebooks dealing with voter fraud is very appropriate here:

We stumble along to democracy’s demise, following along behind those “boys” from the Democratic clubhouse in Chicago. Two of their finest were in a graveyard in the middle of the night, copying names from tombstones to bring them back to life, at least politically. One of them fell two rows behind the other in getting the names.

“What’s the matter?” shouted the name-taker in the lead. “Hurry it up, will you?”

His teammate, who was lagging behind, complained, “The name on this tombstone is one of those long, complicated ones, probably Polish.”
“Well,” shouted the other, “Forget about that one. Go on to the next one.”
In a burst of righteous democratic zeal, the laggard yelled, “What do you mean, ‘Go on to the next one’? This guy has as much right to vote as anybody else in this graveyard!”

Alas, there is more truth than humor in that apocryphal incident. With vote-by-mail making it even easier for the dead to vote, we could be on a downward slide into the darkest days of our republic.

CNN opined, there is very, very little evidence of any sort of widespread voter fraud in the country.” They chastised Trump for declaring vote-by-mail would result in cheating, pointing out that he had voted absentee ballot. Absentee voting is no problem, but there is a huge difference in that and everyone voting by mail. It has even been stated that ballots be provided for every person in the country, with no mention of citizenship or age. Or voter registration. It is an engraved invitation for illegal voting.

Any Republican voting for vote-by-mail is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Should Christians Support Donald Trump! Tue, 29 Sep 2015 14:45:03 +0000 I would not vote for Donald Trump as my pastor but I would vote for him for President if the alternative is Clinton, Biden, or Sanders. To not vote for anyone under that circumstance is insane. Trump has proved that he is no “flash in the pan” but a viable candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. President. He has amazed politicians, pundits, and party leaders with his success in the polls. As always I will vote for president depending on what a candidate believes and his (or her) record. While Trump does not believe as I do on biblical issues, he is not a candidate to be my preacher but my president. However, what he believes is very important to me.

Trump has had big problems with his personal life. He has been married three times and fathered a child out of wedlock with the woman who became his second wife with the birth taking place two months after the wedding. He was married the third time to a Slovenian model in 2005. While that history does not seem as bad as Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton’s filthy flings, it is part of his résumé and must be part of the equation. It would not be precedent-setting to have such a man in the Oval Office.

Tom Jefferson had an affair with an English woman when he was Ambassador to France and many historians believe one of his slaves was his mistress with whom he fathered many children. After looking at the evidence, I have reluctantly taken that position. President Woodrow Wilson had a fling while in Bermuda; Grover Cleveland admitted to fathering a child before his election; Warren G. Harding had an affair that produced an out of wedlock baby born a year before he was elected with the affair continuing in the White House. Franklin Roosevelt’s longtime affair in now commonly known although Dwight D. Eisenhower’s affair is relatively unknown. President Kennedy had numerous affairs including a steamy, squalid, and sordid affair with Marylyn Monroe; Lyndon Johnson boasted that he had more women than Kennedy indicating that he had the instincts of a Turkish sultan in Istanbul; Bill Clinton had numerous affairs including the scandalous affair with a young intern while in the White House. Compared to those dudes, Trump seems almost virtuous!

As a manager or business magnate, Trump has proved himself although he has had four business bankruptcies. But when looking at his record as well as his bank account, there is no doubt that he can get things done on time and with a good profit. Of course, I detest his gambling association at his properties.

Trump wants to build a fence on the Mexican-American border and use predator drones; and he wants Mexico to pay for the wall. He calls citizenship for illegal aliens “suicide,” and wants to limit legal immigration as well. This position has proved a winner for him.

I like his comment that “government should do public works and safety [police and fire] and little else.” I would add that it should coin money and provide a strong military defense.

He, like all sane people, believes that ObamaCare is a “catastrophe and must be repealed and replaced.” However, in 2000 he advocated universal health care.

He wants to defeat ISIS and stop Muslim terrorists even if it means “boots on the ground,” but the “boots on the ground” should all be filled with Muslim feet. He said that “American interests come first; no apologies.” He is against the Iran deal because it “gives Iran a lot and gets nothing for us.”

He believes that welfare programs should lead to work not more welfare; food stamps should be temporary. I think he would agree with me that this nation of gutsy pioneers has turned into a nation of grabbing parasites.

He is against gun control–even has a gun permit.

On issues concerning Christians, he is prolife although he came to that position based on “personal stories” not because it is the taking of the life of an unborn child. He, like most politicians, would permit abortion for rape, incest, and life of the mother.

He is opposed to “gay” marriage–even benefits for civil unions. He bashed Rosie O’Donnell on television so he can’t be all bad.

He is tough on crime demanding that judges be held accountable; he is not for shorter sentences. He says that capital punishment is not uncivilized but letting those criminals live is uncivilized.

He doesn’t smoke, drink, or chew or go with girls that do. He doesn’t even drink coffee. Nor does he use drugs and he fired a Miss America because of drugs.

He is for school choice; wants citizenship taught; opposes dumbing down of schools; and says Common Core is a disaster. He wants to cut back on the Department of Education; however, it should be disbanded along with the Department of Energy.

Recently Trump came out for strong families which is good; but we must remember that he has been married three times.

He is a strong supporter of Israel and believes there should be strong sanctions on Iran. He recently suggested a 35% import tax at the Mexican border and a 20% tax on all imported goods.

My take on Trump’s popularity is that people want a politician to tell the truth whatever the consequences, be confident, and not be concerned with being politically correct. I believe he generally tells the truth; however his confidence comes across as cockiness and he seems to be willing to change his mind. That’s good if he is convinced that his new position is the correct position but bad, if he is being politically expedient. His arrogance is appalling not appealing and his statement, “I’ll apologize when I’m wrong” is disgusting.

Of course, Trump may go up like a rocket and come down like a rock. He is not my first, second, third, or fourth choice. I hope and pray that one of the other strong, sincere, solid, and saved candidates will soar to the top but I would vote for Elmer Fudd before I would vote for Hillary, Jo, or Bernie.

So, Trump trumps Hillary, Jo, and Bernie and if Elmer gets involved, I still may have a difficult decision to make.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters will be published Oct. 26 by Barbwire Books and available as an eBook at

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