Rittenhouse – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Americans Don’t Need to be Passionate Apologists, Just Simply Refuse to Support Any Untruth!    https://donboys.cstnews.com/americans-dont-need-to-be-passionate-apologists-just-simply-refuse-to-support-an-untruth https://donboys.cstnews.com/americans-dont-need-to-be-passionate-apologists-just-simply-refuse-to-support-an-untruth#respond Mon, 11 Apr 2022 15:58:59 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3067 Russian patriot Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote, “Like parasites, they [lies] can only survive when attached to a person. We are not called upon to step out onto the square, shout out the truth, and say out loud what we think—this is scary; we are not ready. But let us at least refuse to say what we do not think.”

Solzhenitsyn was a faithful Red Army Captain during World War II, but he was sent to a brutal gulag (prison camp) for criticizing Joseph Stalin in a private letter. After his release, he became a famous novelist and critic of Soviet Communism and won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970.

Realistically, all honest lovers of truth will not be as blunt, bold, and brave as Solzhenitsyn. Still, surely principled people will agree with him not to condone, consider, and circulate stupid and dangerous lies.

This principle is similar to Immanuel Kant’s, “There are many things that I believe that I shall never say. But I shall never say the things that I do not believe.”

Today, I am not looking for articulate apologists who are willing to assault leftist barricades by throwing their bodies on the barbed wire but simply looking for honest patriots who are unwilling to accept a lie as truth. That’s a good first step; maybe later, we will enlist warriors for the cause who will risk everything to make all truth important. But not now.

Just don’t recognize a lie as truth.

Radical leftists have pitted race against race to promote their plan to destroy America’s grand experiment in freedom. They have promoted critical race theory, making Whites feel guilty of offenses against Blacks that never happened. This gives cover for black racists to hate Whites without fear of being condemned as the racists they obviously are.

Our enemies have made everything about race—even when it isn’t. Their books, interviews, sermons, etc., are accepted by non-thinking Blacks; and the more extreme the statements, the better.

Black racists teach the first humans were black, and all other people departed from the original. Europeans, Greeks, Jews, and others are a degeneration from Blacks. The racist zealots declare without blushing that Beethoven was black, as was Alexander Hamilton, Robert Browning, Jerome, Cleopatra, etc.

Stop laughing. Those nuts are serious.

Additionally, all knowledge came from Africa, although African and Egyptian are often incorrectly used interchangeably. They do that so lazy and careless readers will think black when they read Egyptian. Modern black “scholars,” tell us that Egypt was “an entirely black affair.” Not so, Ramesses II was a tall redhead, and the famous Tutankhamen, as his mummy reveals, was blond.

Of course, these black fanatics claim credit for the pyramids and the knowledge and wisdom from Egypt. Black Nubians did rule as Pharaoh for a short period between 732 and 664 B. C., long after Egypt passed its peak and was in decline. The proponents are too ignorant or dishonest to admit that fact and are not willing to confess that black Africans made no significant improvement to Egyptian knowledge, wisdom, or progress.

Black zealots teach that the philosophical foundations of Western Civilization were taken from black Africans, and further hatred and bigotry are fostered by teaching that the white man is Blacks’ worst and bitter enemy. That is nonsense-on-stilts and an insult to honest and principled Blacks everywhere. For black racists to bend the future in their direction, they must twist the past. Such pathetic black leaders’ prattle reminds me of steaming, smelly doo-doo of cattle droppings hitting the barn floor with a decisive plop plop.

All lovers of truth, not only warriors for truth, should be willing to identify such lies when it is so apparent and harmful to others, which doesn’t take much courage.

And everyone should be careful where he steps.

A California medical school professor exemplified this cowardly problem when he apologized for saying women can get pregnant. After hysterical screams from the left, the kowtowing doctor changed his statement saying, “when people get pregnant.” The medical doctor continued to grovel, saying, “I don’t want you to think that I am in any way trying to imply anything, and if you can summon some generosity to forgive me, I would really appreciate it. Again, I’m very sorry for that. It was certainly not my intention to offend anyone. The worst thing that I can do as a human being is to be offensive.”

No, while being offensive is terrible, it pales compared to supporting a blatant lie. Moreover, it’s depressing, disgraceful, and disgusting to see a grown man, a man of some ability, capitulate to the whining, sob-sister crowd.

Note, the professor did not confess he was affirming one of the silliest, nonscientific boondoggles in human history: men can get pregnant. Some students graduated from that medical school thinking a normal man could become pregnant without a major body transformation. One of his students may become your physician in the future.

That medical professor is a woke, weak, weeping, whining weasel. For city slickers, a weasel is a short-legged, active predator considered a pest that eats bird eggs and farmers’ chickens and eggs. Polecats are in the same species, and for the untutored, a polecat is known as a skunk in the South.

Weasels were introduced into New Zealand, where they are a significant threat to native wildlife; consequently, the country intends to eradicate them by 2050. That’s what needs to be done to weasels in the medical profession, and I would gladly add the ministerial profession and university professors.

The medical professor is a skunk. Now, I don’t expect you to agree with me, but surely you will not nod in consent at the professor’s stupid remark. Note, I am not asking you to call out the professor and challenge him to a debate at the local university. Just don’t give the medical moron any encouragement in his flight into insanity.

That is the principle Solzhenitsyn asked people to recognize. No protests, no letters to the editor or university president, no phone calls to the school trustees—just don’t admit to a stupid, silly, serious lie.

Is that too difficult for reasonably decent people to do?

That virus in California has skipped all the way to North Carolina.

The College Fix reported that the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Medicine crafted a “Task Force to Integrate Social Justice into the Curriculum” to teach students that sex organs are not necessarily gender-specific. So, the stupidity cannot be charged to the typical west coast madness. Maybe that wokeism (an oppressive mind-virus) is a mind-destroying virus circulating in the university crowd.

However, I’m sure Dr. Fauci is working on a “safe and effective” vaccine as I write.

University of California, Los Angeles professor Kara Cooney was criticized for claiming in her book, The Good Kings, that Kyle Rittenhouse shot two black men instead of three white men. She referred to it as a “tiny detail of the book with a big mistake about a massive American issue.”

Sure, a “tiny detail.” That’s like the man who told police their party “got a little out of control” when one of the party-goers was decapitated!

Fox News reported Cooney told readers to “consider 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who used his semi-automatic weapon to kill two Black men in Kenosha, Wisconsin while waging a glorious race war on behalf of his inherited White power.” No, Kyle killed two white men and wounded another in self-defense.

I will not ask you to protest with me in support of the second amendment or to advocate for self-defense laws or “stand your ground” laws. Just recognize the professor, who is dumb as a box of rocks, should be demoted to a teacher’s aide (without tenure) in a pre-k class in the most dangerous public school in Los Angeles.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice  Sonia  Sotomayor repeatedly lied during oral hearings of the U.S. Supreme Court in January, or she was pathetically uninformed. Either reason disqualifies her as a Supreme Court Justice after being appointed to the Supreme Court because she is female and a minority.

In the Vaccine Mandate Oral Argument Hearing, the liberal justice declared vaccines stop the transmission of COVID, which Appalachian hillbillies in the most distant, dense, and deepest hollows know to be untrue.

But the esteemed justice was not finished, adding, “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators.” No, even CNN admitted the number was “fewer than 5,000” COVID-infected children in the hospital. A few days later, the CDC Director confirmed the number was “under 3500.”

Sotomayor compounded her silliness by saying, “Omicron is as deadly and causes as much serious disease in the unvaccinated as Delta did.” No, the Washington Post corrected her giving her four Pinocchios, the paper’s worst rating for lying. Informed people have known that in South Africa, the Omicron variant has been less severe than other variants.

Sotomayor  warned that vaccination for COVID would stop the spreading of COVID, but the  CDC warned: “anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated.” And some fully vaccinated people have been infected repeatedly.

What compounds the tragedy, in addition to her being in a very high position, is that no one corrected her! All the other Justices knew she was lying or exposing her abysmal ignorance and embarrassed the Court and the nation, yet no one said anything. Surely one of the active attorneys should have corrected her, but it may not be wise to correct a superior. But a secretary or one of the guards should have corrected her if they had any love and commitment to truth. Obviously, everyone else thought they would let it slide since it might embarrass a collogue.

She should be booted from the Court for stupidity since there is no cure for that.

Sotomayor has embarrassed the Court with her absurd remarks, and it seems no one in the same political and social group as Sotomayor is willing to call her out for her lies. By keeping quiet, such people are acquiescing to those lies.

Whatever caused Sotomayor’s untrue, unbelievable, and unhelpful lies also influenced Justice Stephen Breyer to claim there were “750 million new cases [of COVID] yesterday, or close to that.” No, the actual number was 727,863, just a few million off. At least he is leaving the Court for sunny days playing shuffleboard with little old ladies in Fort Lauderdale. Sotomayor should join him.

I suggest someone hang an elegant banner in the august court: “No truth Permitted Here.”

Tragically, two Supreme Court Justices made fools of themselves, but the tragedy is magnified because no one dared yell, “That’s a lie.” To their credit, the Washington Post and other media called them out for their falsehoods.

The other tragedy is that the Court was sitting in judgment on Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate!

Recently, the world was shocked when Biden’s Supreme Court nominee could not give a definition of a woman. Wow, she is supposed to represent all black women but can’t define herself! She is a pathetic embarrassment to America and black women in particular. But I’m not asking you to protest her appointment, just to recognize the tragic circumstances and have enormous pity for her.

Even more shocking is that Biden, leader of the free world, has endorsed the mutilation of eight-year-old children to change their gender if they desire. He says they were “made in the image of God” and deserve our support. Well, if they were made in God’s image, it seems logical that they continue in His image, not have body parts chopped off in a crazy scheme to attempt to become the opposite gender.

No, I’m not looking for recruits in the Battle for Truth, only people who are unwilling to go along with sacrificing truth at the altar of a pretended tolerance. Each of us must choose between good and evil, beauty and ugliness, truth and error, and must live with the free choices we make.

Solzhenitsyn suggested if we keep silent about evil and bury it deep within us, the evil will rise up a thousandfold in the future. He added, “When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers . . . we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”

So, he was not asking for volunteers to throw their bodies on the barbed wire and fling grenades at the enemy, but surely you can quietly go on record of saying, “That is not true.”

At a later date, we will seek warriors willing to risk everything for the cause of removing the idiots, liars, incompetents, drunks, moral lepers, thieves, and self-servers from public office.

For today, just be willing to never tolerate an untruth by anyone. Are you such a person?

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Vigilantes—Do Men Have a Right to Take the Law into Their Own Hands? https://donboys.cstnews.com/vigilantes-do-men-have-a-right-to-take-the-law-into-their-own-hands https://donboys.cstnews.com/vigilantes-do-men-have-a-right-to-take-the-law-into-their-own-hands#respond Sat, 11 Dec 2021 19:35:00 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2990  

God created mankind with an urgent compulsion to defend himself from all threats to his life, which is only sensible if His creation was to survive.  That means mankind must have food, water, and shelter. One must add money (or some substitute) to the list since money is required to survive. (Sex is probably the second strongest urge of man, but that’s another article.)

Societies’ laws must reflect the fact of man’s basic urges. That is why it is not wrong to kill in defense of one’s own life or the life of others, especially family. When taking a wife, a man is obligated to be the protector as well as partner, parent, and provider. That’s one reason why every man should own a gun and know how to use it and be willing to use it if necessary.

This truth goes back to ancient Jewish law that gives a homeowner the right, even the duty, to kill a person during a night home invasion since he can expect the most dangerous intent. At night, a homeowner has limited knowledge of the threat to the family, while he can make a fair assessment of the threat in the daylight. However, if it is the daytime, a homeowner must try not to kill an intruder.

Moses instructed in Exodus 22:2-3, “If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him. If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.”

So, a homeowner can kill any night intruder since he does not know how dangerous the thief is. For sure, he is in the home for nefarious reasons, so he can be shot, and the shooter goes free. The thief got what he deserved. If he were not in another’s home, he would be alive. He did not exercise common sense and paid with his life.

Unbelievers and nonthinkers always quote Christ’s command about turning the other cheek. That seems to be their favorite verse after, “Judge not.” It’s one thing to turn your other cheek to de-escalate a situation but another when a brute is swinging a ball bat at the head of your wife or child.

Many laws come from this principle: stand your ground, citizens’ arrest, involuntary manslaughter, etc. This principle has numerous ramifications, such as vigilante committees, bounty hunters, posses, Guardian Angels, paladins, Robin Hood, Superman, etc.

The need for law and order is seen in a ship’s captain since sailors were often on the sea for months or years at a time. In the event of any problem, the captain’s word was law.

In recent years self-defense has been much in the news, especially with the Kyle Rittenhouse and the Ahmaud Arbery cases. People or groups that don’t care for or believe in self-defense or personal accountability have often used the word vigilante, especially if a minority person is the culprit. According to Merriam-Webster, a vigilante is “a self-appointed doer of justice.” The true vigilante was a rough, sometimes crude, but fair-minded man who stood ready in the night to visit violence and judgment on those who would do harm to the young, helpless, and innocent.

It seems most far-leftists believe minorities can do no wrong, and if perchance they should, it was Whitey’s fault. It is racist to hold a minority to the same standard Whites are held to! Wait a minute, isn’t that racism? All sane and honest people would agree.

However, vigilantes go back to ancient times. The first recorded case seems to be when Abraham’s nephew Lot and his family and their food supply were taken by rogue kings. Abraham and his trained militia of 318 servants chased the thieves almost to the city limits of Damascus, Syria. Lot and his family and all their goods were recovered.

During the 12th century, the Knights Templars protected travelers to the holy land. It was a Catholic military order founded in 1118, headquartered on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It became a wealthy, powerful Catholic order famous for its financial acumen, military prowess, and protection of pilgrims. After Muslims lost control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, many Europeans were determined to visit the Holy Land but traveled through Muslim-controlled parts of Europe. The Knights Templars provided them safe travel.

There were great swaths of territory in America’s earliest days without any kind of law and order. Each family was on its own. That’s why every family had a musket over their fireplace or in the corner. People had to keep the peace whenever men gathered to start a community. When one man or group of men took advantage of others, the good guys often formed a vigilante committee to handle the bad guys until an official could be hired for that purpose.

Settlers from eastern cities in the late 1800s needed protection. One of the essential needs was law and order on wagon trains during their long trek from St. Louis westward through vast territories of dangerous savages and organized evil men. Wagonmasters had enormous authority since there was no established law for vast stretches of land. As travelers settled in areas along the way, they created vigilante committees since there was no authority for hundreds of miles. Additionally, many private groups such as bounty hunters, private guards, Indian scouts filled the gap until the law came to the towns and cavalry forts were built.

Historian Carl Coke Rister declared, “[T]he vigilantes unquestionably served the frontier well in ridding it of desperado control. They bridged the gap between the lawless frontier and the orderly communities, which came later.”

The vigilantes consisted of noble good guys, ne’er-do-wells, misfits, average individuals, etc.; and through it all, much good, as well as some harm, was done.  

One vigilante was Doc Holliday, made famous in movies and television. During an interview in The Daily Denver Times, June 15, 1886, Holliday said, “The claim that I make is that a few of us pioneers are entitled to credit for what we have done. We have been forerunners of government. As soon as law and order [were] established anywhere, we never had any trouble. If it hadn’t been for me and men like me, there never would have been any government in some of these towns. When I have done any shooting, it has always been with this in mind.”

Well, not always. Holliday was joined at the hip with Wyatt Earp. The latter was a saloonkeeper, gambler, horse thief, consorter with prostitutes, gunslinger, confidence man, and town marshal in Dodge City, Deadwood, and Tombstone.

Credit goes to the likes of Holliday, but he and his girlfriend, Big Nose Kate, were not exemplary citizens or role models for the youth of Tombstone. With the total absence of law, such people were necessary until a town or territory “grew up.”

Some villages eventually hired a sheriff, but that was later in their development. Many of the sheriffs were former gunmen with an unsavory reputation. The Pinkerton Detective Agency and Wells Fargo special agents were helpful to the cities and cattle companies in ferreting out crime inside the towns.

The bounty hunter found a necessary niche for himself until cities and counties were more settled, and like many sheriffs, he was often a reformed gunslinger. The same was true with the western paladin who was alleged to be “a leading champion and defender of a cause.”

In the mining camps in Alaska, California, and Nevada, the miners were the law since civilization was many days away.

In May of 1863, Henry Plummer was elected sheriff of Bannack City, Montana, a thriving gold area. Plummer was born in Maine and came west to make his fortune in the goldfields. With his unique position as an elected official, he is said to have organized a notorious outlaw gang known as the Innocents, more commonly known today as the Plummer Gang. The 100-member gang was headquartered at the Rattlesnake Ranch located twelve miles from Virginia City.

The Plummer Gang was blamed for the deaths of over a hundred people and the theft of a huge amount of gold from transporters between Bannack and Virginia City. The crime rate in 1863 was more than double that in the region, and citizens formed a vigilante committee to help curtail the crime.

In December 1863, the vigilantes arrested three men in Nevada City, near Virginia City. The men were suspected of being members of the gang, and one was hanged, and the other two were banished. More than a hundred men were arrested as being gang members, and most were hanged, and the others were run out of town.

At an execution, one gang member identified Sheriff Plummer as the gang leader, followed by his arrest and execution along with two deputies in January of 1864. Plummer had constructed the gallows as sheriff of the town.

Historians are divided on Plummer’s guilt. Some say he was not an outlaw, but a dedicated public official rushed to the gallows by irresponsible men. On May 7, 1993, a posthumous trial was held in Virginia City to settle the doubt. The jury split six to six, and a mistrial was declared. Henry Plummer would have gone free if the trial had been held in real-time.

True vigilantes always enforced the law but never for profit; they never wore masks and were not secretive. If the bad guys were caught killing, stealing cattle, etc., they were hanged on the spot, although sometimes they had a trial of sorts with the jury sitting in their saddles. No doubt there were mistakes, but that was the price to pay for law and order where people could walk in the parks and on the streets in safety. You know, the safety we have today in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, Washington, DC, and New York City.

In 1981, Ken Rex McElroy was the town bully that none dared to confront in rural Skidmore, Missouri (population 284). He had been accused of assault, child molestation, statutory rape, arson, animal cruelty, hog and cattle rustling, and burglary.  He had been indicted 21 times but always escaped justice using witness intimidation.  Finally, a resident fatally shot McElroy in broad daylight after years of crimes without any punishment. Forty-five people witnessed the shooting, but everybody kept quiet when it came time to identify the shooter.  The case is still open.

Like anything else, vigilantes can be misused, and innocent people are hurt or killed. Some uninformed people identify the KKK (formed by frustrated Democrats at the end of the Civil War) as an example of vigilantes gone wrong, but they don’t qualify. Vigilantes did not wear masks or belong to a secret society. According to Tuskegee University, using the Klan as a cover, angry bigots lynched 4,743 Blacks between 1882 and 1968 in the United States.

Some confuse a vigilante committee with a militia, but the militias maintain order like the National Guard. Vigilante committees were focused on criminal activity in the absence of official authority.

With all the violence, looting, and killing in American cities, fearful, angry, and disgusted citizens will feel forced to “take the law into their own hands” as local and federal officials refuse to provide law and order, often excusing the violence.

That has happened since the beginning of time. Count on it happening in America.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)


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Like France, the Second Revolution in Our Streets was Planned by Dishonest, Devious, and Dangerous Revolutionaries! https://donboys.cstnews.com/like-france-the-second-revolution-in-our-streets-was-planned-by-dishonest-devious-and-dangerous-revolutionaries https://donboys.cstnews.com/like-france-the-second-revolution-in-our-streets-was-planned-by-dishonest-devious-and-dangerous-revolutionaries#respond Tue, 23 Nov 2021 03:44:35 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2974 America’s dirty, dangerous, and diseased cities are being destroyed by dirty, dangerous, and diseased animals trying to pass as principled protestors. Some people are so stupid or racist to believe BLM people have any principles. Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, Washington, Kenosha, etc., have been burned and looted by crazy radicals of BLM and Antifa. The lowlife rabble seized control from city and state officials responsible for safety, security, and stability.

After the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, looting took place in San Francisco as several stores, including Louis Vuitton, was looted in the downtown area Friday night. Saturday night, 80 armed and masked thieves emptied the Nordstrom store in Walnut Creek in less than a minute as “mass looting” spread to the San Francisco suburbs.

Protests in Portland officially were declared a riot. Meanwhile, BLM lowlifes in Brooklyn marched through the streets chanting, “Every City, Every Town, Burn the Precinct to the Ground.”

Likewise, Chicago hoodlums looted stores on Friday night, followed by Jesse Jackson and his mob parading down Chicago streets on Saturday. Protesters carried a large sign that read, “Rittenhouse—Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! No Facist USA. Organize Now For Real Revolution.”  Others chanted, “The only solution is communist revolution! The only solution is communist revolution! The only solution is communist revolution!”

The dummies couldn’t even spell Fascist correctly.

The bought-and-paid-for revolutionaries did not get their pound of flesh—Kyle Rittenhouse’s flesh—but any white flesh will do. Their pretended outrage is positively outrageous.

Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all counts, and while the judicial system has spoken, the street people did not like what they heard. Note how asinine, arrogant, and angry these human termites are. They think they are above the law because they respect nothing except their racist ranting. They think the rabble-rousing harangues of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Benjamin Crump are equivalent to the Ten Commandments or at least the Declaration of Independence.

Of course, leftist politicians crawled from under their rocks and out of their caves to reinforce their membership in the radical left.

After the verdict, Crump called Rittenhouse “a racist, homicidal vigilante.”  The deaf, dumb, and blind know he, like Jackson and Sharpton, seems to always assume any black person is totally innocent and all Whites are racists. Any white person is guilty; after all, he is white. Crump has defended such stalwart citizens as the late Trayvon Martin and George Floyd—although the record proves they were thugs.

The race-baiters can be counted on to always excuse Blacks and accuse Whites in any altercation. If there is an issue between two Blacks, somehow, Whites will be blamed. After all, Whites are responsible for all black problems—black poverty, black illegitimacy, black crime, black prison population, black miseducation, etc.

Honest people admit the foul breath of prejudice is obnoxious even when coming from a black person.

BLM and others think they are above the law and are encouraged by those cowards who refuse to practice true equality, meaning equality of opportunity— not in results. The vicious black leaders are prize-winning hypocrites who think their racial status gives them the right to reject lawful proceedings, block streets, takeover neighborhoods, burn private property, and take anything of value that is not nailed to the floor.

They have no respect for or commitment to equality under the law, fairness to everyone, but every citizen has a right to disagree with anyone about anything. Their spiritual father, Vladimir Lenin, said, “While the State exists, there can be no freedom; when there is freedom, there will be no State.”

No state, no church, no family, no private property—anarchy.

This was planned long ago by their philosophical ancestors.

Like France in the eighteenth century, we are in revolution, our Second Revolution, and you don’t have to be an Old Testament prophet to see it coming.

Like France, the stage was set—the intellectuals sowed seeds of envy, greed, anger, resentment, and hate; national rulers abdicated personal responsibility; local officials denied, dallied, and delayed and looked the other way; law and order were mocked by all; the termites began eating away at our vitals; and confusion, chaos, and carnage taking control as the foundations of society begin to crumble.

It had happened before.

No one was safe. No one could be trusted. Peasants, the clergy, and the aristocrats all shivered in fear inside their homes. When one spoke to others, he was always guarded in his statements. No one joked about the bloody guillotine in the center of Paris. The fast, foul, and fearful instrument of death was permanently stained with fresh blood, often from high ranking, high living, and sometimes high-deserving members of the nobility. However, at least two-thirds of those victims had been peasants and artisans. No one was safe.

King Louis XVI had been convicted of high treason by the National Convention on January 17, 1793, with an almost unanimous vote, although a few deputies abstained. It was not their finest hour. Not one member dared to vote not guilty. Louis and his Queen, Marie Antoinette, were many things, including big spenders of other peoples’ money, but not traitors, which didn’t matter to the revolutionaries. Facts did not rule the day, but fear did. Each deputy was concerned about his own head since many of his friends had already lost theirs.

The king was declared guilty and marched to the guillotine, although he had been promised protection. When Louis’ head rolled off the scaffold, every monarch in Europe felt a chill run up their spine. Louis’ guards were slaughtered. The queen was later beheaded. Their children were imprisoned. At least 40,000 innocent persons in Paris were beheaded while almost 300,000 were shot, drowned, etc. ln Thomas Carlyle’s 1830 The French Revolution: A History, he declared at least two children were executed by the guillotine.

Fear stalked the streets day and night as expressed by eschewing the wearing of fashionable silk knee-breeches (known as culottes) of the upper class since that was the “uniform” of the aristocracy during the seventeenth century. And they were losing their heads. To be safe and send a message, most people wore work clothes known as sans-culottes. By doing that, they were telling the world that they were just simple citizens with no ties to the nobles and the Roman Catholic Church.

Historian Eric Hobsbawm declared that the sans-culottes were a “shapeless, mostly urban movement of the labouring poor, small craftsmen, shopkeepers, artisans, tiny entrepreneurs and the like.” Minor landholders were also part of the group.

The government had been destroyed with the King and Queen, and many government officials beheaded; church property had been sold and priests, bishops, and archbishops removed; and the father-led homes were devastated with parents reporting children and children reporting parents for antigovernmental statements or actions. It was “safe” to be critical of the government, and toppling monuments and statues were proof of one’s “wokeness.” Everyone was talking about “liberty, equality, and fraternity.”  Later, it was “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death.” The idea was, “you love us like brothers, or we will kill you.”

One does not have to be brilliant to know that liberty and equality are never compatible; in fact, they are impossible to reconcile. Aristotle argued that it is an injustice to treat that which is unequal as an equal. It is unfair to both.

The street rebels in Paris and Kenosha were made that way by their radical parents, professors, and preachers who taught them a utopian view of the world, turning them into perpetual children degrading them into animals.

Frenchmen spoke to strangers only when necessary and spoke in carefully guarded words and never in a superior way.

In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens reveals how everyone in France was cautious about what was said and how it was said. He reveals that everyone was greeted with “citizen” in a personal and affectionate way lest their demeanor and inflection of voice gave another “citizen” cause to suspect a citizen of something. The ruling principle seemed that it was better to charge someone of anything (rather than being accused by anyone of anything), proving one’s strict allegiance to the revolution.

No one was to be degraded, disgraced, or depreciated. Everyone was equal; however, even a fool knows that is impossible. Everyone was careful not to rock the boat or make waves. Everyone was equal, but no matter the public façade, everyone knew his original birth status; he just did not talk about it. Or dress like it. Or act like it.

The philosopher/writers usually opined on almost everything, even publishing an encyclopedia on human knowledge, but they were strangely silent about, you know what, that bloody thing sitting in the center of Paris.  All the unpleasant, untrue, unlawful accusations made against people depended on their class. One was guilty if he belonged to a particular class—teacher, priest, physician, large landowner, etc.

That was true in Lenin’s day and today.

We are seeing that in our day of revolution. If you are a minority, you have special rights. You can make outrageous accusations, talk poor and live rich, make stupid statements, and not be held accountable by the media or the law. Because of special status.

While shopping, Dickens said one stopped at all shops and admired all merchandise and was careful not to raise the envy or anger of anyone. One must not be ostentatious or pretentious or give the impression of superiority. Now, everyone was simply citizen. Not royalty, not priest or bishop, not aristocrat, or landlord—just citizen.

BLM and Antifa lowlifes, aware of their inferiority and having no hope for a significant future rejected reality. They are rejecting the America-is-the-greatest principle and emulating the practice of the ostrich. However, unlike the radical racists, the ostrich is not stupid enough to put his head in the sand. After all, that’s an invitation to get your bottom kicked.

The street rabble are too dumb to understand that and police officers need to kick them where their brains are and drag them to jail.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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