Romney – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Potty-Mouth Congresswoman Blasts the President! Mon, 07 Jan 2019 19:22:17 +0000 Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, a Muslim, was sworn into office not on the Bible but upon her personal copy of the Koran (not Thomas Jefferson’s copy as reported) to make a positive statement about Islam’s place in U.S. history stating, “Muslims were there at the beginning.” She is wrong. Muslims in America during our first hundred years were as scarce as white dinosaurs in Kentucky except for some black slaves brought to our shores by Muslim slavers.

The newly minted congresswoman’s main problem was not one of history but one of hysteria: a foul mouth attack on the President.

The New York Times quoted Tlaib as saying, “People love you and you win,” Ms. Tlaib told the crowd. “And when your son looks at you and says: ‘Momma, look, you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby, they don’t.’ Because we’re going to go in there, and we’re going to impeach the mother******.” It is incomprehensible that a mother would talk that way under any circumstances but to say it to her son is beyond shocking.

Tlaib promised a crowd of leftist supporters in a bar to impeach the President using the most filthy word possible. Such despicable action shows her to be crass, crude, and without class. Shockingly, some defended her profanity including the know-nothing Socialist, congressperson Ocasio-Cortez—who has just asked for a tax rate of 70% to finance her give-away-program. Various “entertainers” defended the profane outburst and the Washington Post editorially asked, “What’s so wrong with mother******?” The new flake in the Senate, Mitt Romney’s silence has been deafening.

I ask the question that liberals love to ask going back to the Army-McCarthy Hearings in 1954, “Have you left no sense of decency?” While society has degenerated immensely since that time, the question is pertinent. What has happened to self-respect, kindness, truth, self-control, dignity, politeness, and civility? Does anyone possess a sense of shame anymore?

The House leader Nancy Pelosi refused to reprimand the foul-mouthed Muslim saying, “I’m not in the censorship business.” Pelosi suggested that the backlash Tlaib is receiving from decent people is sexist. She added that what Tlaib said was “nothing worse than the president has said”; however, Trump has muffled his public profanity since becoming President.

There is no doubt that Trump’s foul mouth has contributed to this climate of vulgarity that has fallen on America like a noxious fog over a foul-smelling swamp. He used the same vulgarity in a 2011 speech about China but he was not President at that time. A small difference. But that is no excuse for her; after all, for centuries women have been held to a higher standard than men—justifiably so. Men seem to have crudeness coming out of their genes while women are by nature kinder, gentler, etc.

The fact is she used a foul word that is used by uncouth, unthinking, uncaring, and uneducated people. After sane, sensible people came down on her uncouth vulgarity, she reaffirmed her position. No apology. Maybe Muslims don’t apologize. To their credit, a few Democrats criticized her statement.

Even non-Christians should not use that and other vulgar words. A few years ago, even the most rude, crude, and lewd men did not use such words in decent company especially in the presence of women and children. Now, even women are using the terms. Yes, the times, they are a-changin’! For the worst.

And few seem to be blushing.

Listen to the average person on the street and you will hear the F word and many other vulgar words used repeatedly in a few sentences! Of course, they hear it at work, movies, on recordings, and on television. Even some preteens use cr*p, fa*t, frik*n’, etc., as if they are acceptable. Parents, teachers, and pastors are failing; and even some Evangelical pastors are known for cursing!

The New York Times wrote of one famous megachurch pastor, “He has the coolest style and foulest mouth of any preacher you’ve ever seen.” Some pathetic pastors see this as an accolade instead of a major personal failure.

But filthy talk is wrong whether by a preacher, politician, pundit, prince, potentate, or pauper.

My critics will accuse me of living in a religious bubble and that has been generally true for most of my adult life. However, that does not mean that I have no exposure to the real world with all its corruption. After all, I have traveled worldwide, shopped, dealt with businessmen, was a life insurance salesman, served in the Indiana House of Representatives (where I reprimanded the cursing wife of a Democrat judge in front of him and their legislative friends), and appeared on hundreds of television and radio talk shows where I was called many vulgar words that I had no idea of their meaning! So my “bubble” has not meant total seclusion.

All my close friends and associates are very kind, educated, cultured, refined, urbane, sensitive people who eschew “gosh,” “heck,” “darn,” although we do lose control at times and utter “cool” or “neat.” Gasp! Maybe we say “cool” to appear cool in the eyes of others!

I am not suggesting that people who use four letter words are living in the depths of depravity, although I am saying that such words are unnecessary, uncouth, untoward, and a poor example to others, especially the young.

Most people, who use the F word don’t know what it stands for. Yes, they know what it means but not the etymology. While there are differences of opinion in the background of the word, couples guilty of fornication during colonial times were placed in public stocks with the F word written on the wood stocks. The word stood for “For Unnatural Carnal Knowledge” and was used because there was not space on the stocks to spell out their offense.

Others tell us it meant Fornication Under Consent of the King, whereby he gave permission for married people to participate in sex. Of course, no king has such authority. Still others suggest that it stood for the king’s permission to diplomats travelling on long journeys so they could stop at any home and have sex with the eldest unmarried woman.

Obviously, whatever the actual historical derivation, the foundation was sex and it has usually been considered an obscene word. As such, it should never be part of anyone’s speech, especially that of a person of influence.

Whatever we say should be unambiguous and not be embarrassing or an insult to others who believe their yea should be yea and their nay should be nay. Vulgar (ever non-vulgar) curse words are never acceptable by civil, cultured, and concerned people.

The Apostle Paul commanded in Colossians 3:8, “Put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communications out of your mouth.” He also said, “Evil communications corrupt good manners.” Swearing results in a coarsening of society. Are you listening, Congresswoman?

If her momma is alive, maybe she could help correct past failure by washing out her daughter’s mouth with soap! That worked for thousands of us. How about it, Mrs. Tlaib?

And if her mother is not alive, there is always her husband she embarrassed with her filthy mouth. But then that’s another column.

As an afterthought, I wonder how many Christians are members of the Saudi, Pakistani, and Iranian governments. Just asking.

Boys’ Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is now available. To get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Mitt Romney Attacks Baptist Pastor: Romney Must Answer for his Weird Beliefs! Thu, 17 May 2018 13:30:41 +0000 Mitt Romney is in the news again. You remember Mitt don’t you? He had plans to become President of the U.S. but they were somewhat stymied. He has lowered his sights and is willing to accept a seat in the U.S. Senate from Utah. However, he had primary opposition which caused him to stumble–again. At the Utah GOP primary, he came in second! The final candidate will be chosen in June. CBS had said of his chances to win the GOP nomination: “He is considered the overwhelming favorite to win the Senate contest.” The mainstream media was wrong—again.

As of now, Mitt is a possible candidate for the U.S. Senate, but he seems to think many Americans want to hear him pontificate on political matters. So, he pontificated on the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Of course, he has every right to say what he believes but he and others must be reminded that while all people have a right to their opinion, not all opinions are created equal. Since Romney has questioned a leading Christian leader for his opinions, I now call into question what Romney believes.

Romney was displeased that Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, was asked to pray at the opening of the U.S. Embassy. It seems Jeffress is an old-fashioned Christian of the Baptist persuasion and believes “You can’t be saved by being a Jew,” and “Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.” Well, does that surprise any educated person that a Baptist would believe that? People have a right to disagree with him but that doesn’t make him wrong. And even if he were wrong, that doesn’t make him a bigot. A person can be right or wrong about an issue and be a bigot, or not be a bigot.

Romney said, “He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem.” Hold it! Is it prima facie evidence that one is a bigot if he believes something contrary to popular opinion? And if that were a demonstrable fact, which it is not, why should the “bigot” not be tolerated? Is toleration a one-way street? Moreover, a vast number of Americans are Fundamentalists or Evangelicals and many nonaffiliated people agree with Jeffress.

But to cut to the chase, if Romney is so quick to question the beliefs of Christian conservatives, then we have a right to call Romney’s beliefs into question especially since he is hoping to serve in the U.S. Senate. Or is it bigotry to ask plain, personal, and penetrating questions of a progressive?

Mormons and Mormon leaders believe the most outrageous things imaginable. How does Romney explain the Mormon belief that “There is no salvation without accepting Joseph Smith”? That clearly means only Mormons are going to Heaven! Does Romney believe that? If that silly teaching is true then what did mankind do before the Mormons erected their Temple in Salt Lake City?

How do they explain their belief that God was first a mortal man and that any mortal man can become god? Does Romney expect to be a god some day? Just asking.

How about man living before he lived? “We lived with Heavenly Father before this life as His spirit children, and we came to earth to gain a body and to learn and grow and eventually return to Him.” (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ website.) This false teaching is also espoused in The Osmonds: A Testimonial of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints pp. 3-5: “We believe that we lived before coming to this earth.” Utter nonsense.

Joseph Smith believed that people live on the moon and live a thousand years! Another Mormon founder, Brigham Young (who had 55 wives) believed that the sun is inhabited! That was the sun! Maybe that is the reason Young appears to have a fried brain.

Young also wrote, “The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy.” (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, p. 269.)

They also teach that God came from Kolob (a non-existent star or planet nearest to God’s throne in Mormon mythology) to have sex with the Virgin Mary who became one of his many wives. This encounter resulted in the birth of Christ! This was confirmed by Bruce McConkie, (major Mormon theologian, and one of the Twelve Apostles) who wrote, “For our present purposes, suffice it to say that our Lord was born of a virgin, which is fitting and proper, and also natural, since the Father of the Child was an immortal Being.” (Bruce McConkie, The Promised Messiah, p. 466.)

Young wrote, ”When the Virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus, the Father had begotten him in his own likeness. He was not begotten by the Holy Ghost.” (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1:50-51.) However, Matthew 1:20 quotes the angel as saying, “Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.”

So, whom do you believe—Matthew or Brigham Young?

The “perfect” Book of Mormon declares that Jesus “shall be born of Mary at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers.” (Book of Mormon, Alma 7:10.) I think I see a problem here. Everyone knows that Christ was born in Bethlehem, so how can the Book of Mormon be a divinely inspired book if it is wrong about something as basic as the birthplace of Christ?

Mormons believe that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers! Of course, they can believe anything they want but if a Mormon is running for a political office, I want to know how stable he is and what his core beliefs are.

Mormon President Hinckley said, “The traditional Christ of whom they [non-Mormons] speak is not the Christ of whom I speak.” (LDS Church News, June 20, 1998, p. 7.) The top honcho should know what his church teaches.

Mormon Apostle and General Authority until his death in 2000, Bernard P. Brockbank said, “It is true that many of the Christian churches worship a different Jesus Christ than is worshipped by the Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” (The Ensign, May 1977, p. 26.)

Evidently, the Christ of the Bible is not the Christ of Mormonism. So, how can Mormons be accepted as a Christian group no matter what some loosey-goosey Evangelical leaders declare?

Forgiveness of sins requires faith, repentance, and baptism by an official Mormon cleric. They teach their baptism is required for eternal life. Since most people don’t get their baptism, they practice baptism for the dead in which Mormons are baptized as a substitute for those who have died without the required baptism. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith; Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p 601.)

Mormon Glen Beck spoke at Liberty University saying, “I am a Mormon, but I share your faith in the atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ.” But Mormons do not share the same faith in Christ. He also told the university crowd that Joseph Smith was a great man who died as a peace-loving martyr for Christ. Beck dipped his brush deep into the whitewash can to make that very positive but false statement about Smith.

In 2008 I wrote, “Joe Smith allegedly saw visions and ‘found’ gold plates that he turned into the Book of Mormon. He defended having multiple wives and was visited by a non-existent angel. He moved west to form a communistic town to be named ‘Zion.’ He founded a bank that went belly up, was placed in jail, and killed by a mob.” Smith killed two men and wounded another before they killed him. I could have added that Smith had led a mob into town, destroyed a newspaper that had criticized him for his multiple sexual affairs, and burned the building.

Furthermore, Apostle Bruce R. McConkie wrote, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as it is now constituted is the kingdom of God on earth….The Church is not a democracy…[but] a kingdom…and the President of the Church, the mouthpiece of God on earth, is the earthly king.” (Mormon Doctrine, pp. 415-416.)

Now, are you ready for the question? Mr. Romney, since your church clearly teaches that it will someday take over the U.S. and the world and set up a theocracy under Mormon control, will you today disagree, disavow, and disassociate yourself from that teaching and do everything within your power as a U.S. Senator (if elected) to oppose that purpose?

My follow up question: If you disagree, disavow, and dissociate yourself from that teaching, how can you stay a Mormon? Moreover, if you refuse to disassociate yourself from these teachings of your church, how can you expect any sane person to vote for you?

Mr. Romney, how dare you call Dr. Jeffress a bigot when he is in the mainstream of orthodox Christianity while you are a member of an outrageous cult that peddles very toxic Kool-Aid!

At least wipe the purple Kool-Aid from your lips before condemning a major, respected Christian leader!

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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My Friends Who Refuse to Vote or Vote for a Third Party are Wrong! Sun, 04 Nov 2012 00:43:18 +0000 Some Christians are not going to vote or will vote for a third party candidate, thinking it is the principled thing to do. No, it is folly, faulty, foolish, and frightful to help inflict Obama upon this nation for another four years. This illustrates the truth by Hitler: “What luck for rulers that men do not think.” Some Christians are not thinking clearly.

Those who refuse to vote for Romney (“because of principle”) since he belongs to a cult, are wrong from an historical, biblical, and common sense perspective. James Garfield was a member of the Disciples of Christ and it did not help their group. Truman was a Baptist and it did nothing for Baptists; Kennedy was a Roman Catholic and Roman Catholicism did not surge during his tenure in office; Jimmy Carter was a Southern Baptist and he did not help them. In fact, they split and he went with the split.

The fact is people have already started learning about Mormonism because of Romney. That will be good and thinking people will realize that Mormonism is still a cult no matter what Billy Graham said.

Many of my preacher friends are making a major mistake in not understanding that we have never had and never will have a president who believes and practices biblical truth. Even George Washington and John Adams, both good men who professed to know Christ, fell short of what they said they believed.

The kings of Judah are a good example. Some of them were wicked; others obeyed God for a few years then turned to their own ways; others were godly men who did a fantastic job as king–however, most of them did not remove the high places. God said in 1 Kings 3:3 “And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father: only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places.”

Before the Temple was built, Israel sacrificed at designated altars on high places as the Bible records. Solomon himself, sacrificed on high places, such as Gibeon, Gilgal, Shiloh, Hebron, Kirjath-jearim, etc. But after the Temple was built, it was rebellion and disobedience to worship at high places and in the groves.

God records the actions of Jehoshaphat in 1 Kings 22:43. “And he walked in all the ways of Asa his father; he turned not aside from it, doing that which was right in the eyes of the LORD: nevertheless the high places were not taken away; for the people offered and burnt incense yet in the high places.” Jehoshaphat was a great king, even removing the sodomites; however, he permitted the high places to remain. He was so right so many times and wrong this one time. Sounds like a good record to me.

My point, if necessary to emphasize, is that even great men do stupid even wicked things. Everyone is flawed. So, as citizens we must choose from what is available. It is a very wicked thing to vote for Obama (for many, many reasons); and it is also wrong to facilitate his election by not voting.

Of course, Romney is a member of a cult but it is not a violent, Communist cult such as headed by Jim Jones. Only fools or dishonest people put the two groups in the same basket.

I slowly came to support Romney even with his political and religious flaws. I am impressed with his honesty, devotion to family, his work ethic, his decency, his knowledge, his patriotism, and his experience. No doubt he will not do everything right, but you know, I doubt if I would do everything right even though I know I should.

Sometimes we make a wrong, even sinful decision, thinking all along that we are doing the right thing. That’s what repentance is all about.

For those who have told me that they are not going to vote because politics doesn’t interest them, I remind them that Pericles said in 430 B.C.: “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you!”

If Obama wins again, such people will be ruled by a tricky, tyrannical totalitarian who delights in crushing his opponents, at least with oppressive regulations and astronomical taxes.

It won’t be a tragedy if we don’t change our clocks Sunday; but if we don’t change our president on Tuesday, we will enter into four years of tribulation as he leads us down a dead end street.

You’ve been warned. Now go out to vote for a principled man.

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This Baptist Fundamentalist Supports Romney for President! Wed, 31 Oct 2012 03:47:11 +0000 In 1960, I opposed Jack Kennedy for President because I liked Nixon’s policy positions much better and I had some concern for Kennedy’s Roman Catholicism. The media non-thinkers called us “bigots” who had that concern; but a moron knows that what a man believes will affect his actions as President. It is amazing that anyone would disagree with that. When Kennedy was elected, he did not send a telegram (remember those?) to the Pope telling him to pack for his move to America and his office in the White House would be ready for him. Of course, we did not think the pope would be coming to America but how would the new president be politically influenced by his religion? It was a very legitimate question. A deeply held religious belief will always influence a person’s actions and decisions.

President Harry Truman was a Baptist, but not a very good one; however, what he learned from his church, his grandmother, and his Bible sure affected millions of people on earth, especially Israel. When Israel declared itself a nation on May 14, 1948, Truman was the first world leader to recognize the new state (within eleven minutes of its birth!) against the advice of all his advisors except one. He did it knowing that leading Democrats and most of his close advisors and both the State and War Departments (remember that?) were against the recognition. His religion formed his decision and impacted the world. Yet fools tell us a man’s religion doesn’t matter!

Now we come to Romney. He is a Mormon and has every right to believe what he chooses. Remember that his family is and has been Mormon for generations. Of course Mormonism is a cult, and Billy Graham was way off base when he tried to “uncult” it. Neither Graham, nor anyone else, has the authority to do that. Mormonism has always been identified as a cult by even mushy Christians and I’m not sure how necessary it is to point out some of their beliefs. But I will.

Mormons believe that any human can become a god, and they teach that Adam was actually God who took on a body and this Adam-God (Michael the Archangel) had a physical sexual relationship with the Virgin Mary producing the baby Jesus (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, p. 218, 1857). Another bizarre doctrine of the Mormons is that Satan and Jesus are brothers. Additionally, all Mormons will have their own planets to populate with their numerous wives! While those are considered weird beliefs, they would cause no harm to our nation.

No doubt Graham’s promotion of Romney gave a clear signal for all Christians to vote for Romney. I am delighted with that result while I am dismayed that Christians would rally to a candidate simply because Graham supports him. That is the herd instinct that I have been so critical of in others. Many Christians have enormous respect for Graham’s worldwide ministry. While I respect his early preaching, clean life, and punctilious financial record, I have always disagreed with his willingness to accept support from outspoken unbelieving ministers, including Roman Catholics, in his city-wide campaigns. Most Christians will disagree with me, even questioning my motives, but I can live with that.

Christians should be informed on the issues and the Bible. No informed Christian can vote for Obama for many, many reasons. He is a compulsive liar, a man who can tell four lies in a sentence of five words–like Bill Clinton. Obama is a Muslim sympathizer (at least) who has not repudiated Sharia law. In fact, he has been unable to say, “Muslim terrorist” as if it is an untrue statement. He bows to Muslim leaders and betrays Christians, kissing our foes and kicking our friends. He is a strong advocate of abortion on demand funded by taxpayer dollars. Then he hit the bottom when he decided to publicly champion same-sex marriage.

Black Christians are fleeing Obama because of the homosexual issue. They were thrilled to have a Black in the Oval Office but cannot support him further because he climbed into bed with the perverts. Those black leaders should be congratulated for their courage. I think they should have refused to vote for him at any time under any circumstances, but that’s another matter.

It is neither fair nor accurate to compare Romney with loony Communist nuts like Jim Jones or the cultist David Koresh who was shot and incinerated along with 54 adults and 28 children by the U.S. Government for their cultic beliefs. Being weird or cultic does not justify federal murder of U.S. citizens.

Romney believes some weird things; however, he will not be our pastor, but our president. I think he is a man of character, totally honest, very intelligent, a hard worker, with unusual experiences, a strong family man, moderately conservative–all that Obama is not.

I have very close, long-time friends who refuse to vote for Romney and will cast their vote for a non-winnable candidate. They would say that their decision is based on principle but it is a flawed principle. We have always elected flawed presidents! The question is: who is less flawed and will lead America to give us a few more years of relative peace and security? I am convinced that the U.S. and the free world are going over the cliff but Obama will drive us over at 100 miles per hour. Romney may provide a respite from galloping socialism, frantic money printing, our cop-of-the-world attitude, the approaching depression followed by rampant inflation, the butchering of babies, and turning American into Sodom with Gomorrah as a major suburb.

Martin Luther declared, “I’d rather be ruled by a competent Turk than an incompetent Christian.” I would rather be “ruled” by a principled Mormon than a prevaricating Muslim.

Here is one Baptist Fundamentalist who will vote for Mitt Romney. I doubt that he will move all federal offices to Salt Lake City and make the Mormon top honcho his Secretary of State.

Come to think of it, the top honcho could do a better job than Hillary.

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Liberals Are Afraid of Decent, Determined, and Devoted People! Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:02:44 +0000 Recently we spent ten days doing speaking engagements in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Canton, and Zanesville, Ohio. During some of that time we were in motels that did not have a good choice of television channels. I did something I had never done before–I was exposed to the blather of Chris Matthews, Larry O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow and Ed somebody. I had seen short clips of Matthews and was never impressed with his thinking ability (or his emotional stability); however he is dedicated to radical Liberalism and gets a strange reaction in his leg when he hears Obama speak ex cathedra.

I watched all the above make fools of themselves in their slavish devotion to Obama and his left-wing, radical agenda. I have no problem with people who disagree with me but I have enormous pity for such dedicated fanatics of the left and the right! Now I know the source of the term “Looney Left.” I have noticed that such fanatics will use any tactic to make a point–even a very dull point–to promote their political religion of Leftism, Liberalism, and Looneyism.

Unprincipled Democrats (forgive my redundancy) and others use the argument that Romney has or had a foreign bank account and a trust in the Cayman Islands. Those people do so knowing that millionaires have made the same investments for more than a hundred years. Dedicated Liberals give the impression that such financial activities are immoral, if not illegal. Such activities are neither. In fact, those financial arrangements are very wise; and astute financial advisors will tell you to get some of your money out of the U.S. The criticism of Romney is more egregious when it has been revealed that Obama has numerous foreign investments also! But we don’t discuss that since it queers their argument.

Principled people are not disingenuous, devious, or dishonest. They do not stretch the truth to make a point in their favor. They will not use something against an opponent that they themselves are guilty of doing. However, it is my opinion, backed by experience, that there are few principled people in politics.

The Ed Show is a total waste of time unless one gets kicks out of bluster, braggadocio, and buffoonery. I found myself feeling genuine sorrow for him.

Larry O’Donnell was a real joke especially as he challenged Romney’s son Tag to fight with him on his show that I understand has an audience of 67 people–on a good day!

Rachel Maddow, a foaming-at-the-mouth Liberal, held my attention for 13 minutes and I could not force myself to continue watching. She would dance with anyone left of Che Guevara. She admits to depression since age 12, and depression is totally understandable when one has chosen to become involved in sexual perversion.

Chris Matthews is a loud, looney, Liberal similar to adherents of fanatical religion. He may end up delivering pizzas in New Jersey. Discussing the Benghazi attack, he told a young Republican at the Florida debate, “Read a newspaper. Everybody knows it’s all about the video.” No, Chris, informed honest people know it was about Muslim terrorism and the few principled Democrats admit that. I’m not sure what newspapers Chris reads but they are probably the Washington Post and The New York Times, both of which can cause terminal brain rot. Sorry, Chris, it’s too late for you, but then brain transplants may be a theoretical possibility! And will be covered by ObamaCare.

I am convinced that Liberals–generally–are deceived, dopey, dumb, and dishonest people. Often, they are filthy of life and lip including Obama and Biden. We’ve had many sinful presidents but none so shameless. Their vocabulary is so small their total word list would fit into the navel of a flea. Only occasionally do they experience spasms of truth, but quickly revert to defamation, demagogy, and dishonesty–all to make a dubious and deceitful point.

I am so thankful I am not a Liberal, but only a simple Christian who puts a priority on truth. Christ said in John 8:32, “the truth shall make you free.” Truth is my agenda and if anyone points out anything that is not true, I will correct my position, apologize for leading others astray, and try to stay on the true path. Those paths are usually very old paths that have survived the ravages of time.

My few days with the radical television Liberals have led me to believe that they are arrogant, asinine, aberrant people who are fearful of decent, determined, and devoted individuals who are a threat to their make-believe world. I have gone through a serious detox program since turning off the television.

In my hundreds of contacts with the Liberal media, they have accused me of basing my position (supported by Scripture) on myths. Those media people are mythtaken.

While I don’t believe in the silly myth of evolution, I do believe in genetics and as I hear media people spout their myths, it seems that they emanate from the shallow, corrupted end of the gene pool.

Maybe it’s interbreeding and you know what that does to the brain!

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Obama and Biden: Rude, Crude, and Lewd! Sat, 27 Oct 2012 01:59:06 +0000 I am amazingly tolerant and can discuss, debate, and disagree with anyone about anything and still respect them in their wrong-headed beliefs. Every American has a right to be wrong. However, today I am shamed as an American by our crop of leaders (who can’t lead) who are daily embarrassing this once-great nation.

Obama (call him President if you choose, I won’t) blackened and besmirched his office and this nation when he told an interviewer, “Well, that’s a bullsh—er, I can tell,” referring to his opponent, Gov. Mitt Romney. I even blush using the word in a disguised form. Not only does that kind of talk reflect on Obama’s limited vocabulary but it is positive proof that he has no class and no character. And no cool.

While I have some criticism of Romney, I doubt that he has ever used that term in his life. He and his wife have more class in their little toe than the Obamas have in their whole bodies. To hear the leader of the free world speak like a street thug is disgraceful, discouraging, and dismaying. In fact, some street thugs have higher standards of personal behavior.

When I was a boy, my father and many other men (never women!) were coarse and crude but never in the presence of women or children–or people known to be Christians. But the “leader of the free world” proved that he is an insensitive jerk by cursing for all the world to hear and by slandering a man whose shoes he is not worthy to shine. (I just realized that I made what might be perceived as a racist statement but I refuse to change it since it is so apropos and has nothing to do with race. I also refuse to change it because I won’t give my critics that satisfaction.)

At a California “gay” and lesbian fundraiser, Obama, using a script, made a double entendre about his wife and oral sex! What a lowlife who would degrade his wife to get a laugh. It was called naughty, “provoking laughter.” Obama proved once again that he is rude and crude, and now we know he is lewd. I have been called a prude but I can live with that.

Then his vaudeville partner Joe Biden insulted the father of the Seal killed by the “peaceful Muslims” in Libya. Joe asked the hero’s dad: “Did your son always have b…. the size of cue balls?” A father’s son had just been murdered because of the inane, inadequate, inept, and incompetent administration and the Vice-President of the U.S. is so thoughtless, tactless, and tawdry to insult him at his son’s coffin! Joe is rude and crude, and also lewd. Wow, they come in pairs!

I think maybe Joe has a brain the size of a ping pong ball, no, that’s too generous. Maybe the size of a marble–which he loses from time to time. Yes, that’s it: a brain the size of a marble and a mouth the size of a melon–watermelon!

Then there is the Obama political sex ad (paid for by Obama’s campaign, not some ‘unaffiliated’ PAC) where a young lady, oops, strike that, where a young woman compares her first sexual experience with voting for Obama! She compares losing her virginity to voting for the first time. She said, “My first time was with Obama,” and “Your first time shouldn’t be with just anybody.” The shill for Obama says in the ad, “You want to do it with a great guy.” Can a politician fall any lower than ridiculing a girl’s virginity and comparing it to voting for the first time?

Joe Biden’s wife, speaking at a New Hampshire political event, went on and on and on talking of her husband’s “manhood.” The report said, “Having planted the seed, every sentence seemed laden with sexual reference, so much so that Mrs. Biden was barely able to continue as spectators fell apart with uncontrollable laughter.” She really got into her speech as she got more sexual until “she was almost drowned out by delighted whooping from the crowd.” Did she or Joe not realize how demeaning this was for them? Anything for a laugh–or a vote.

It seems the Obama crowd is a bunch of lowlifes and has a collective mind like a race horse. It runs best on a dirt track!

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Knock-Out Questions Romney Should Have Asked Obama! Wed, 24 Oct 2012 03:08:08 +0000 I don’t question Romney’s sincerity, ability, and determination but I question his tactics in debate. Of course, the fact that John McCain is coaching him was his first mistake. McCain seems to be committed to the proposition that no one will ever accuse him of being a real conservative.

While I would not run if nominated and would not serve if elected, I wish I had been Obama’s opponent Monday night. Following are some questions I wish Romney would have asked:

“Mr. Obama, no patriotic American would make politics out of the Libyan disaster, but our citizens have a right to know why there was no protection at the consulate especially in light of the previous attacks. If you did not know about the previous serious attacks, it is incredible and inconceivable, and you should be impeached. If you did know about the previous attacks, it is incredible and inconceivable and you should be impeached since you did nothing to protect our people and property. If we could have Marines in consulates at places like the peaceful and placid Caribbean then why was there no protection in hot spots such as Benghazi? Do you think, in light of the attacks, that you should have attended your intelligence briefings rather than playing on the golf course?”

“Mr. Obama, if you knew immediately that the 9/11 attack was in fact a Muslim terrorist attack, why did you permit Ambassador Rice to appear on five television shows on Sunday and state categorically that it was a protest that got out of hand? Moreover, why did you, during your UN speech, use the silly video as the cause of the attack when you knew it was not so? (By the way, no one has claimed the video was inaccurate, only insensitive and inane.)”

“Mr. Obama, in light of the tragedy in Libya, why have no heads rolled in your administration? In such a situation, it has been traditional that the culpable persons should lose their positions. Saying, ‘I am responsible’ is not sufficient. Were those underlings following your orders? Many Americans want to hear a metaphoric guillotine blade fall a few times. It would send a powerful message to Americans and others. Yes, many in your administration have lost their minds but some should lose their ‘heads’ as well. You might start with a certain female!”

“Mr. Obama, are you finally willing to say the words, ‘Muslim terrorists’? No doubt you can mouth the words but you refuse to do so. Will you admit that Muslim terrorists are at war with the free world? Everyone else, except you, seems to be aware of that fact.”

“Mr. Obama, will you admit that every Koranic Muslim has an obligation to make the nation in which he lives, a Muslim nation? All educated people know that is a fact, but you seem to be reluctant to admit that fact. Why?”

“Mr. Obama, will you take the position tonight in front of the watching world that Sharia law must never be enforced in America and in fact, should be repudiated all over the Muslim world? If not, why not?”

“Mr. Obama, would you also state that Muslim women throughout the Muslim world should have equal rights and privileges in every area as men? If not, why not?”

“Mr. Obama, will you please tell Americans why there have been scores and scores of known radical, terrorist-supporting Muslims who have visited the White House, meeting with top administration officials? Those people are well known to the FBI and other agencies yet they have been honored to have multiple visits to the peoples’ House. I would also like to know if even one Fundamentalist or Evangelical has been so honored? Any Mormons?”

“Mr. Obama, as you know, many Americans believe you to be a not-so-secret Muslim because you were born into a Muslim family, educated as a Muslim, repeatedly said, ‘Allah is God and Mohammed is his prophet.’ That statement, said sincerely, is what makes one a Muslim if done before witnesses. Moreover, you have worn a Muslim ring all your adult life and even said on national television, ‘My Muslim faith,’ and you were ‘corrected’ by the interviewer! Sir, how can any sane person not believe you to be a Muslim? Does asking the question make me a bigot?”

“Mr. Obama, will you look us all in the eyes and declare firmly, ‘I am not a Muslim, have never been a Muslim, and will never be a Muslim. I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, placing faith in His death on Calvary and faith in His bodily resurrection. I followed him in public baptism indicating my desire to be identified with Him and to live a committed Christian life as revealed in the Holy Bible. I am only a sinner saved by grace.’”

“Mr. Obama, Dr. Don Boys of North Georgia has been trying to get Muslim approval to start the Trinity Baptist church in Mecca and has received no help from any Muslim. Would you be willing to use your influence to help him start a Baptist Church in Mecca? After all, as a Christian you surely believe in missions, don’t you? Moreover, the Saudis have built 2,000 mosques in the U.S., so surely it is only reasonable that Mecca should have one Baptist Church. Boys would be willing to rent a store-front in Mecca or maybe he could rent the Kabaa since it is not used on Sundays. Maybe you and I could give an initial gift of $10,000 to get the church started! Let’s both agree to kick-start this worthy project. I have my checkbook with me, so let us show an ecumenical spirit and help the Baptists in this project.”

“Mr. Obama, you are aware of the many rumors circulating, especially in the Chicago area, that you have a very shady past. No doubt those scurrilous rumors are untrue and I am sure you can lay them to rest tonight. Please tell us what relationship you had with Larry Sinclair and with the murdered, openly homosexual choir director at Wright’s Trinity Church. Did you know those men and what was your relationship with them?”

Too bad those questions were not asked, but then most politicians, in all parties, are afraid of the truth. They will flirt with it, but never follow truth all the way. They will spin the truth, play with it, distort it, but never follow it to its conclusion whatever the results.

Now you know why I am no longer in politics!

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Obama or Romney Could Win in 2012 With this Speech! Part II Fri, 05 Oct 2012 14:17:06 +0000 Americans are dependent upon others for oil that keeps our businesses operating, planes and cars moving, homes, schools, and hospitals at a liveable temperature, and literally keeps us from living in a Third World nation. If oil stops flowing, Americans stop living, and we depend on foreign radical kings, dictators, presidents-for-life and others to keep our lights on. That is not smart.

As to our dependence on Middle East oil, on my first day in office, we will start drilling in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, and off the coast of California and will immediately expand the mining of our vast coal supplies. We will try to be sensitive to the environment; however, I believe that people are more precious than plants or bugs or snakes or fish or spotted owls. Our drilling equipment may cause a caribou here and there to abort her young or a bear may singe its rear end on our pipeline, but we will live with those tragedies. American oil will flow. Moreover, of course, we will still buy oil from South America and even Middle Eastern nations; however, we will not buy oil from states that support terrorists.

Our refusal to buy their oil will result in an increase in their supply; however, we will not acquiesce to their demand. They can pour their excess oil over their pancakes each morning for all we care. Or drink it! This government will no longer pretend that terrorist leaders, kings, dictators, etc., are gracious gentlemen, nor will American officials shake their hands while smiling like idiots. Let me reiterate that we will never bow to them.

We will increase our use of clean-burning natural gas that we possess in abundance (and that should make our tree-hugger friends happy) plus we will agree to build the Keystone pipeline that will produce much needed oil and jobs for Americans. Furthermore, we will encourage American entrepreneurs by tax incentives and other measures to pursue the development of alternative fuels.

Individual households and businesses can be assured that taxes will be cut, not raised while we pay off our national debt by eliminating the Energy Department, Commerce Department, Education Department, and hundreds of unnecessary and overlapping commissions that harass and limit private enterprise. Government assistance will be ended or curtailed to only the neediest cases.

We have some difficult days ahead that will require an adjustment by all of us. Nevertheless, we see a bright future after a few years of sacrifice. My administration will keep you informed since you are the Boss. You fund our world travels and generous salaries as you do for all Federal employees.

One new law I will pursue is to make it a federal crime for any federal worker to lie to any American citizen, for whatever reason. After all, if it is illegal for a citizen to lie to a federal official, it should be illegal for any federal employee to lie to the people who pay their generous salaries. That is one bill I will sign with undisguised gusto.

This administration take our jobs seriously; therefore, we promise that any further bills that come to the Oval Office from the Congress must meet five criteria to qualify for passage: It must be constitutional. It must be necessary. We must be able to afford the proposed law. It must not expand government and limit individual liberty. The last criterion is that it must not undermine the family, decency, and general morality. If a bill does not pass those five criteria, it will not get the required signature.

I don’t expect to sign many new bills.

No doubt there are knees jerking all across America (left ones, of course) and those people can cast their vote for leaders that will reflect their beliefs in the next election. But be assured that if I am your choice for President then I will keep my promises. And may the God of the Bible bless America! Finally, during this Christmas season when we honor the birth of Jesus Christ who died to provide a way of salvation for sinners, may I wish the best for you and your family. Good night to everyone.

Of course, like former President Bush, Obama does not have the convictions, courage, or character to make such a statement. Moreover, I doubt Romney has what it takes to declare the above. However, he could probably win with it, but so could any Republican though none have the backbone to make the speech.

It seems all politicians need a spinal transplant!

In November, we will have to live with what we get. God help America!

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