Russia – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Have the Internationalists Maneuvered Russia and Ukraine Into a Plot to Produce a Globalist Regime? Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:48:29 +0000 A Friend of mine once said, And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must need be; but the end shall not be yet.” Therefore, we should not be surprised by what is happening in Europe, but that does not mean we are unconcerned or supportive of an unprovoked war against the innocent.

There are no good guys in the Ukraine-Russia War. Both sides have blood on their hands, but both are victims of determined globalists committed to implementing their socialist/communist agenda. Russia and Ukraine have been sucked into a criminal, complicated, and conspiratorial trap. Franklin D. Roosevelt is credited with saying, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

So, it is no accident that Ukraine has a war, and it was planned for someone’s benefit. Who benefits? Not Russia, since the Ruskies in St. Petersburg and Moscow are getting restless, and their leaders are concerned about a lazy, lethargic, and limp NATO awakening with some determination to do their job and protect Europe against the Russian Bear. Moreover, everyone can hear the roar of an angry, injured bear thundering and thrashing and trashing all within reach.

Ukraine can’t benefit since some of its major cities are demolished and its people are displaced, and its economy is destroyed. And its leader is an amiable authoritarian who is a tool of far, far leftists. He is famous as an actor, comedian, dancing in high heels, and playing the piano, not with his hands or even his toes. You can guess or even watch the debauchery.

Zelenskyy may be politically courageous, but he is also personally corrupt. Additionally, he is a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School that boasts other famous (or infamous) graduates such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Pete Buttigieg, Justin Trudeau, France’s President Macron, Chelsea Clinton, California’s Gavin Newsom, and others.

Hey, with brilliant people like the above willing to take control of the world, how can we lose?

America can’t benefit as Biden staggers and stumbles, studders and sputters his way through Europe handing out threats and billions of dollars with no guarantees.

NATO can’t win since its leaders want Putin out of Ukraine, but they don’t want to take the lead in tangling with the Russians. NATO officials want to be left alone to attend conferences, consultations, and conflabs in luxurious spots worldwide.

After thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens are dead and millions are dispersed around the world; after Putin is humiliated and devotes his time to stay in power and stay alive; after America shifts its attention from Ukraine to the next issue that pops up on the horizon; after NATO settles down to shuffling papers, leading cheers promoting their importance for the safety of Europe, and holding collaborations in luxury accommodations; after all that, China will emerge as the collectivist kingpin in the world, for the enslaved and free.

While Americans slept or watched the Gilligan’s Island rerun for the 89th time, the Chinese were dismantling our manufacturing base and developing their national production.

According to Fox News, China controls our health system since it produces 97 percent of our antibiotics and about 80 percent of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in American drugs. We also import about $5 billion in food products from China each year, and the Chinese now own Smithfield, the biggest hog producing company in the world.

China’s chokehold on the American sports and entertainment industry is well known, but few seem to care. Entertainers and athletes whimper, whine, and weep about every injustice in the world except the worst offender—China. But then, hypocrites are accustomed to the double standard when money and prestige are involved.

China’s other almost exclusively produced items include electric blankets, electric toasters, umbrellas, baby carriages, portable radio players and tape recorders, etc.

Americans have been fools to permit a powerful, committed enemy to out-produce and outsmart us.

China’s major cities are teeming with peasants, and the Chinese Communist Party is marching in your direction. They are already in our universities and own much of our land and businesses. Only 10% of land in China is farmable. They are running out of space, and they want your space. That would provide them with millions of acres of arable land to feed their hungry people.

Its cities are packed, and uneducated laborers continue to flood Shanghai, with 23.4 million people, Beijing with 18.8 million, Tianjin with 12.8 million, Shenzhen with 12.7 million, Guangzhou with 11.6 million, Chengdu with 10.2 million, and other cities with 8 million! And they all want to eat, so you’d better like chop suey, and it might be helpful to have a shoeshine kit and know a few words of polite Chinese. Like, thank you, sir, and have a good day, master.

Communists base their strategies on Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Sun Tzu says, “all war is deception,” and the ultimate victory is to win without destruction of enemy cities. Evidently, Putin didn’t read Sun’s famous book. With the present war, the Commies have obviously failed. We must not be deceived or distracted by the smoke and mirrors and must insist on looking behind the curtain to discover who is pulling the strings of the world puppets. Since deception is everywhere, it would be wise to believe only half of what we see and little of what we hear.

Both Putin and Zelenskyy are totalitarians, one is simply more brutish (at this time) than the other. Still, I feel queasy and very uncomfortable when I discover I am cheering for the same person the far-leftists in Washington and the mainstream media are cheering.

No freedom lover would ban his political opposition as Zelenskyy has done. The Opposition Platform for Life (43 seats in parliament and the largest opposition party in the nation) has been banned by Zelenskyy because of ties to Russia. He also banned ten other political parties. Why isn’t our media screaming about that? That is freedom and democracy? No, but it is what the globalists want for America and free Europe.

Zelenskyy has done what all “strongmen” or tyrants have done—take control of the media. He made all television channels into a single unit that he controls. Would you support such control in the U.S.? But wait, the radical leftists already control most of our media. The far leftists in America think they have the answer, and it is not found in free enterprise, free expression, or vocal opposition, but in their authoritarian control.

Putin, Zelenskyy, and Biden are all puppets, but who is pulling the strings? Decades ago, we would have replied, the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission. Today, it is Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and other lesser lights who want America to lose its position in the world and everyone to live under a world authoritarian.

Of course, everyone will be happy—or else, and there will be no racism and no individualism. Everyone will be the same, except the special people at the top. The world will consist of rulers and servants, and you know where you belong, don’t you? In true socialist/communist nations, some are more equal than others.

However, the joy boys Soros, Schwab, Gates, Obama, Clinton will call the shots in Beijing—at least for a while. Long ago, they learned to eat with chopsticks. They will enjoy the perks that go with globalist leadership.

Interestingly, Ukrainians contributed $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, more than any other nationality. Like Gates, Clinton was a guest on 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express,” even apparently dumping his Secret Service detail for at least five flights, according to Fox News. It appears that the internationalists don’t adhere to the moral code espoused by your grandma.

Bill Gates is a do-gooder who wants to reduce world population although his former wife would disagree with his choice of friends—like pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Gates, the philanthropist has tried to downplay his association with Epstein, the pedophile; however, the New York Times reported they met “many times.” The Daily Beast claims the two men met “dozens of times” between 2011 and 2014. And remember Epstein had already admitted guilt to two Florida charges of “solicitation of prostitution” and one count of “solicitation of prostitution with a minor under the age of 18.”

Strangely, the world’s second-richest man and a convicted pedophile met many times, and inquiring minds want to know why.

It seems money (or world domination) makes strange bedfellows.

Ninety-two-year-old George Soros (“who broke the bank of England”) wants to install a world government headed by the United Nations, and he has given $32 billion to leftist causes such as Black Lives Matter, Defund the Police, etc. In a La Republica interview on August 11, 2020, he called for an American revolution against President Trump! He is ready to replace him with his own ilk.

The biggest bad daddy is Klaus Schwab founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) who wants to see the philosophical descendants of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin run the world. You know, like the excellent job they did in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, etc.

Schwab describes the WEF’s mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world.” He and his henchmen are not bashful in informing us what they plan to do. Schwab declared, “That it is now far easier to manipulate with precision the human genome within viable embryos means that we are likely to see the advent of designer babies in the future who possess particular traits or who are resistant to specific diseases.”

Dr. Yuval Noah Harari is a spokesman for Schwab and the WEF and is also the most dangerous and devious man I have ever heard. He declared rather nonchalantly, “Humans are now ‘hackable animals’” warning that humans no longer possess “free will” and are set to be “re-engineered” by Bill Gates.

This dude is no minor leaguer since he speaks of “creating non-organic entities.” That means they will make “entities” from non-human matter. Man has always wanted to play God. He can now create! Wow, we have now arrived.

Arrived where?

He and Schwab think grandiosely, grotesquely, and globally declaring, “The (COVID) pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” It will be done over again in their own image. They are often clever but seldom wise.

All in preparation for the universal Mark that will facilitate the purchase of gas, food, and all essential items.

All these Big Time Operators (BTOs) effuse wisdom, knowledge, empathy, and all the good stuff; but they only mention God or Jesus in derision and never speak of personal accountability. And they expect us not to laugh when they ask us to trust them with our nation, economy, freedom, Constitution, etc.

I wouldn’t trust these jerks to walk my dog.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Did Putin Throw Biden a Political Lifeline or an Anchor? Wed, 09 Mar 2022 15:45:43 +0000  

When Russian Communist Dictator Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, he may have thrown Joe Biden a political lifeline. Or maybe an iron anchor. Biden’s approval ratings were in the basement, inflation steadily climbed, the southern border was overrun by illegal aliens, and desperate Democrats announced their retirement like rats jumping from a sinking ship. You know, to spend more time with the family.

Those Democrats had visions of a massive defeat in 2022 and 2024. Maybe they were premature now that we have a war in Europe. The old political adage is you don’t change politicians in the middle of a war—especially a possible world war. However, the U.S. is far from Europe, but that’s another issue.

If Biden is smart, the U.S. will stay out of another European war. We can support Ukraine and pressure others to do so, but let Europeans do most of the spending and all the fighting. After all, isn’t that the reason for the United Nations? If not, then what? No one elected America to be the protector, provider, and parent of the world.

It would be especially unwise for us to fight a war with foreign commies supported by U.S.  parlor pinks, fellow travelers, and media moguls. This will be Biden’s theme song during the next two years: Trust me to stand up to tyrants and lead us safely to peace in our time.

Communism is a political and economic philosophy (some would also say a religion) that calls for a classless society in which everyone shares everything equally. However, as history has proved, equally doesn’t mean equal. Communist leaders, as cunning killers controlling the economy, lived a life of luxury compared to the hoi polloi in the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Communism failed in every instance.

When the Soviet Union fell on December 25, 1991, many American pundits spoke of the “death of communism” in the old Soviet Union and their new “freedom.” But the death of Communism was greatly exaggerated.

The Soviet Union’s economic, political, and internal difficulties had festered for decades, and death was inevitable. The Soviet Union was dying on the vine, but they drove their tanks and newest weapons through Red Square in the Kremlin on May 1 of each year even though they couldn’t afford the gas to run them. Furthermore, Russia doesn’t have a Costco or Sam’s. And from the videos of the Ukraine invasion, it seems some of the soldiers may be too young to have a driver’s license.

However, full speed ahead, after all, war turns boys into men. No, war turns live boys into dead boys.

By February 1989, the Soviets had fled from Afghanistan like an aging philanderer jumping from a second-floor bedroom window ahead of an angry, armed, advancing husband. The failed Soviet occupation (1979 to 1989) to shore up the pro-Soviet regime was an incredible drain on the Soviet war budget.

The Soviets installed their puppet, Mohammad Najibullah, in Kabul and promised future aid against the radical Mujahadeen (“those who engage in jihad”) whom the U.S. continued to support in the civil war between radical Muslim warlords. Two major groups, the Taliban and Mujahideen, gained acceptance having originated when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and forcibly occupied it for ten years.

Soviet aid stopped in January 1992, consequently, the Afghan air force could not purchase fuel for their planes. The U.S. and Pakistan supplied the Muslim warlords with economic and military weapons, one of the reasons a third-world county managed to chase the mighty Soviet Union out of the nation in disgrace.

When the Taliban took control of Kandahar, Afghanistan in 1994, people soon realized that the Taliban were not benign rulers since they brutally punished those who did not follow Sharia laws.

The Taliban had been in power and governing Kabul, Afghanistan since 1996 when the U.S. in 2001 declared war on the nation. Two months after the U.S. dropped its first bombs on Afghanistan, the Taliban was defeated and forced to flee Kabul on December 6, 2001.

The Soviets had promised “absolutely all of the military infrastructure would be handed over to the DRA armed forces” when the Soviets withdrew their troops. While the Soviet departure from Afghanistan was shameful, it was not tragic, as was the U.S. departure under Biden. That hasty and badly planned departure caused a civil war and an emerging Islamist movement. The Taliban was shockingly successful in their swift success to consolidate power so soon after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

With the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Afghanistan’s Soviet-backed regime was toppled. Following that attack, Al Qaeda and the Taliban consolidated forces and seized most major cities, including the capital, Kabul.  The Taliban, Al-Qaida, Mujahadeen, and other Muslim sects are all led by Muslim fanatics but have many similarities and many Islamic differences.

Unlike the Russians, we left thousands of Americans and American friends to the mercy of the followers of Allah when we left Afghanistan in August 2021. Our departure precipitated a civil war among various Muslim groups. The Taliban retook Afghanistan’s capital almost twenty years after they were driven from Kabul by U.S. troops in 2001. When American troops moved out, Allah moved in and is still there as you read this article.

After spending $2 trillion of taxpayers’ money and nearly 2,000 dead Americans, the U.S. left Afghanistan (the graveyard of empires) where they found it—with the Taliban in control.

The Soviets kept their agreement (!) and left the promised war equipment in the hands of their Muslim friends. When the U.S. disgracefully left the same country, numerous weapons and vehicles were left for our enemy’s use.

While the Soviet departure from Afghanistan was a surprise in 1988, the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, shocked and thrilled freedom lovers everywhere. The ugly but effective wall separated communist East Berlin from democratic West Berlin for almost 30 years. Finally, all free people rejoiced as East Germans climbed over the rubble into free West Berlin. President Ronald Reagan’s robust demand for Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 to “tear down this wall” was successful in less than two years.

Gorbachev was the final leader of the Soviet Union as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991. Surprisingly, he slowly leaned away from Marxism-Leninism toward “social democracy.” The world was further surprised, shocked, even stunned when Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991, saying, “We’re now living in a new world.”

Wow, what a Christmas present to the world, especially people in Russia and the now-former Soviet republics.

The Soviet Union fell but Communism is alive and well. Even leading American politicians have a longtime love affair with Socialism/Communism. Furthermore, Americans are being led to their slaughter by self-serving leaders who pretend to be interested in their welfare when their commitment is to a New World Order.

Biden’s buddy in Moscow, by his invasion of Ukraine, has given careless voters a reason to think Biden should stay in office to lead in our war effort. But it’s not our war effort. And for sure, Biden is not a qualified leader—in war or peace. He is old and ill, and a compassionate nation will return him to the backwaters of Delaware.

Whatever happens in Ukraine, all Democrats and RINOs should be retired permanently. If not, we will live in the land of Bevis and Butthead, not Washington and Jefferson.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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America’s Financial House of Cards is Teetering: Pray, Plan, Prepare! Fri, 07 May 2021 16:22:02 +0000 I am yelling fire because fire is raging. Mixing metaphors, the storm is not coming; it’s already here. America’s financial house of cards will fall, taking other nations with her. Thoughtful Conservatives must inform people of imminent danger because families will be disrupted, businesses will fail, couples will be divorced, and children will suffer immeasurably.

The economy has faltered, is failing, and will fall.

I see no way out of the coming collapse. Sometimes politicians make such a mess of things that there is no way to correct or solve the mess. It’s almost like being in a small boat on a raging sea, unsure how far you are from the coast you left and the distance to where you hope to dock. You keep going hoping to stay afloat; however, our “boat” is overwhelmed with accelerating debt.

As of May of 2021, the outstanding national debt of the United States is $28,300,000,000,000.00. Every man, woman, and child in the United States owes $84,000 for their share of the U.S. public debt, plus $3,800 state debt and local debt of $6,300. That is overwhelming, outrageous, and obscene.

I no longer feel alone or like the boy who cried “wolf.” Since my earlier predictions of the end of the boom followed by gloom and doom, everything is screaming support for that position. It is my opinion the coming collapse will be worse than I thought!

As I’ve proved for decades while traveling throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and Africa, the dollar is the world’s currency. I seldom change dollars into the currency of the nation I’m visiting, and I’ve never had dollars refused. However, the dollar is worth less and will soon be worthless!

A prominent Russian official prophesied that the U.S. will experience a moral and economic breakdown resulting in civil war and break into six distinct parts. In recent months, there has been much discussion of some parts of the U.S. withdrawing from the Union! It seems commentators and television hosts are making predictions more ominous than mine!

The current Second American Revolution, with its attendant riots, lootings, killings, political maleficence, financial opportunism, and partisan compromise, magnifies our problems.

Russia, China, and Iran are not disappointed or distressed with our financial woes but are delighted. However, the murderous, malevolent masters in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran don’t seem to understand that as goes America, so goes the world.

Taking a slap at the dollar in 2019, China and Russia agreed to use their currencies instead of dollars for reciprocal trading. This action of the two major Communist nations reduced the dollar’s use from 90 percent in 2015 to only 46 percent in 2020. Our “friends” in the European Union are delighted with that decision to ditch the dollar.

Many nations have lost confidence in the dollar and joined the “ditch the dollar” club, including China, Russia, the UK, India, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela, France, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and others. Russia (the world’s largest natural gas producer and third in oil) has decided to sell its natural resources in rubles instead of U.S. dollars, although half its total trade with the U.S. is in dollars.

In 2019, the South China Morning Post reported that Beijing and Moscow intend to “ditch the U.S. dollar and switch to local currencies in international trade,” trying to cut their dependence on U.S. currency.

I think all this is headed toward a worldwide currency à la the world court, world church, and world government with a world military. With that in mind, it might be wise to join the “ditch the dollar” club for something more reliable such as precious metals. Russia’s flight from the dollar “has pushed the share of gold in Russia’s $583 billion international reserves above dollars for the first time on record.”

I believe in a few months, we will be where the Egyptians were in Genesis 47:15 when “the money failed.” During those days in Egypt, the main concern was food. That is what I have been saying for years. Your concern will not be vacations, television, sports, hobbies, or even your job but “how will I feed my family today.”

When the dollar has totally collapsed, you will understand why informed people have always purchased gold and silver for survival during turbulent times. After the currency fails, anything of value will be held rather than unwanted, unusable, and unsupported dollars, marks, pesos, rubles, etc.

Between WW I and WW II in Germany, the people lost confidence in the German mark and ran from it as if their hair was on fire. By November of 1923, it took 4,210,500,000,000 German marks to equal one U.S. dollar! Germans literally burned paper marks to heat their homes since that was cheaper than buying coal.

By then, the Germans rushed away from the mark toward “things.” That is things that could be felt, seen, used, sold, or traded if necessary. Accordingly, they wanted the highest value item with the least volume—diamonds, gold, antiques, art, vacation homes, even “useless items—bric-a-brac, soap, hairpins.” Fearful and desperate Germans bought things that could be bartered for necessary items like food, water, soap, lumber, tools, etc.

I think that barter will become the norm for Americans in the next couple of years, if not sooner.

Furthermore, I think the Dow will plummet below 5,000, but that opinion is not based on economics or some financial formula. It is a general conviction based on numerous criteria. My opinions are philosophically and theologically based.

It is impossible to justify the reckless spending of trillions of dollars. Few are asking about whether or not massive expenditures are constitutional. I don’t know one politician who is concerned about the massive giveaway being justified by COVID.

No health issue or any other issue has priority over the U.S. Constitution.

The giving of thousands of dollars to families (many not in financial need) would have been rejected, even ridiculed, a few decades ago. Public money is being used to cover private losses without any constitutional support. Furthermore, massive corporations considered too big to fail are being bailed out by taxpayers to protect shareholders who morally and legally should take the risk. The shareholders bought into companies hoping for huge profits and are now being protected against massive losses.

Something seems to be askew here for a free enterprise republic. But that is very normal for a Socialist nation.

Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and all Socialists of the world would stand up and cheer Biden and what’s-her-name Harris for implementing their far-left agenda.

No one asks why the Los Angeles Times should receive a $10 million loan for salaries and benefits to employees even though it is owned by a wealthy couple. The top honcho whined, “We lost tens of millions of dollars in advertising revenue pretty much instantly in March 2020.”

So what! Americans are not responsible for propping up private businesses. It’s called “free enterprise,” where each businessperson takes financial risks to make it or go belly up.

Thousands of bars and restaurants received grants of $10,000 to keep them afloat. Why? If they fail, others will take their place. When I started a publishing company to produce Christian school and home school curricula in Indianapolis decades ago, it never entered my mind that someone might artificially keep me afloat. When sales were low in the winter, my people went without salaries, as they understood that would happen. They were paid when business improved in the early spring and summer.

Recently, billions of dollars bailed out cities and states that spent tax dollars as if they were going to expire, and most of those cities and states are run by irresponsible Democrats. Plus, they took tax dollars and dumped them into state pension plans that have lost money for decades while paying generous pensions.

Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy knowing you helped bail out Democrat-controlled cities and pension funds that have been used to radicalize Americans for decades?

Even Utah was given 1.5 billion dollars, yet they have a 1.5 billion dollar surplus and a Republican governor.

Wow! Why are crowds not marching in the streets with pitchforks and buckets of tar and bags of feathers for those who voted for such nonsense? Where is President Grover Cleveland with his veto pen when he is needed? We must stop spending money without constitutional support. The reluctance to spend other peoples’ money used to be a virtue; now, it is considered a vice.

Someone needs to tell Biden he cannot spend his way to national prosperity, just as you can’t fornicate your way to virginity.

However, most officials and most Americans don’t seem to be concerned about gross unfairness and illegal use of federal funds forcibly taken from beleaguered taxpayers. Present-day conservatives are not very conservative. And present-day Christians are not very Christian.

When resentment reaches a critical mass by people who lose their jobs, homes, businesses, and autos, it often prompts strikes, food riots, racial hatred, civil disobedience, and anarchy. Angry homeowners will resist being evicted, darkened streets will be vacated, and malls will become black holes after dark.

Schools will be almost empty as teachers are laid off, and it will not be safe for kids to be on the streets even during the day, as is true in London now. Home invasions will be as common as ants at a picnic. Without state funds, the streets and roads will become almost impossible to navigate.

Roaming bands of criminals will take advantage of the situation preying upon helpless citizens first in the cities then on the countryside. They know people in the country usually have more food than city folks do. Local police and deputized civilians will be stationed at each city’s interstate interchanges to keep the thugs from entering smaller towns around metropolitan areas.

If Biden and the anti-gun crowd have their way, there will be shootouts reminiscent of the O. K. Corral. Probably, the National Guard will enforce oppressive gun laws. In that case, most of those soldiers will probably refuse to shoot their neighbors, with possible United Nations troops replacing them to enforce unconstitutional laws.

With fewer jobs, there will be less state and federal tax revenue, so don’t look to the state or federal government for help. If Social Security checks fail to arrive, look for a big bunch of gray-haired guys storming the courthouses in every county.

The health care system will finally fail, leaving us on our own to deal with plagues imported from Mexico and other third-world nations. The Mexican Government will probably fall within a few months with even more illegal aliens crossing our border to “safety.” That safety could be an illusion as Americans take the law into their own hands and defend their property. The Rio Grande may run red with blood.

The entertainment industry will be bare-bones as sane people stop paying to attend silly third-rate movies, and television will be mostly news, reruns, and documentaries. Professional sports will become history, having run themselves into the ground. Female sports will be the first to go because of the transgender insanity.

Churches will experience a rise in attendance and a steep decline in revenue. Missionaries will be (actually are now being) sent home to discover they have traded one disaster for another. Some will remain in their countries to live and serve. However, this time will be an opportunity for Christians to act like Christians as we seek to help those who are hurting most.

As in the early church days, pagans were amazed at Christians suffering without complaining and reacting with concern for their enemies. During times of epidemic diseases during the Middle Ages, Christians cared for the dying, often giving their lives in support of others.

Many megachurches will fold and be turned into government distribution centers.

Life will come down to this: you must have God, groceries, gold, and guns. That fact makes knees jerk across America (left ones, of course).

Rich in oil, Texas has a 16 billion barrel crude-oil reserve, yet it was no comfort for Texans recently who shivered in the unheated homes (without water). When the power came back on, some homeowners received power bills of $17,000! Astute citizens of the U.S. should get the message: you must protect yourself. Don’t trust the government or any entity to take care of you and your family.

Batten down the hatches and lash yourself to the mast. Go out today and purchase necessities, i.e., what you must have to survive. The storm will rage for years.

The fat lady is standing in the wings, clearing her throat.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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President Trump: Permit Muslim Nations to Handle Bombing of Saudi Oil Fields! Wed, 25 Sep 2019 18:56:06 +0000 The BBC headline on September 15 was “US blames Iran for drone strikes on two sites” and Saudi Arabia’s energy minister reported the attack affected about half their oil production. The bad guys, the “purveyors of peace” in the Middle East, are at it again and the U.S. and President Trump “spoke with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to offer U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s defense.” Trump says America is “locked and loaded” to come to Saudi Arabia’s aid.

That is tacit permission for the war hawks to come out of their teepees and beat the drums for military action—old men sending young men to die in military action that should be handled by fellow-Muslims.

While all people of good want to see tyrants assume room temperature as they go into eternity to be greeted by whomever, it is not wise for the U.S. to assume the role of peace keeper of the world. I believe there is another organization with that mandate that meets on the East River in New York City. Let Muslims fight their own battles. The choice between the two sides is not a choice between good and evil but between much evil and more evil.

I will not be angry, agitated, or alarmed if Saudi Arabia’s oil wells become dry holes in the desert! Neither do I care if the price of oil drops to $10.00 a barrel and they end up pouring it on their breakfast pancakes.

Neither do I care if a regime change takes place in Iran but it is not America’s responsibility to effect that change. It is time for Muslim nations to settle their own problems. No one made America the paladin of peace or the world’s banker.

This is not a plea for isolationism but a plea for consistency. America has not been attacked or seriously threatened by this deplorable action. So Muslims should solve their own problems, after all they are equipped with sophisticated weapons—sold to Saudi by America and Iran by Russia. No one would declare that any other nation has a right to effect regime change in America because each nation is sovereign. Look at the furor of the alleged Russian Collusion in our 2016 election.

Fanatical, committed Muslims are dangerous, devious, and deceitful people and we are fools to waltz into the crossfire. The free world should permit these countries to work out their own differences, remove their own totalitarian leaders, and worship however they choose. The U.S. can cheer the good guys (better guys) but we don’t have the money, manpower, or moral authority to get involved.

No one elected America as the world’s moral and humanitarian watchdog and we are arrogant, asinine, and absurd to assume that because we have the might, we therefore have the right to do so.

Why should Americans be outraged about an attack of one Muslim nation on another while other Muslim leaders choose sides and stand around sucking their thumbs acting as cheerleaders without getting involved?

Meanwhile, an assortment of U.S. politicians are pounding the war drums. But then, older politicians have always managed to find the guts and money to send younger men to fight their wars.

In addition to the Arab League, the UN might provide some leadership in world squabbles since they promised to be a peace-keeping organization. Heaven knows we have given them enough money to expect them to do what they were organized to do—help provide peace and protection, and promote prosperity.

Are we to do what others are responsible to do? Isn’t the United Nations supposed to keep the peace, protect the innocent, and bring the bad guys to justice? Alternatively, doesn’t the pecking order demand that surrounding Muslim nations bring offenders to justice?

One must remember that Iran is supported by Russia, Syria, and the terrorist group Hezbollah. Let the bloody bullies bang their heads together and resolve their own differences. If Israel wants to get involved, that is their business. Let the Middle East nations that are threatened take whatever side they choose. It will not be a principled decision since there is no noble principle involved, only violent religious and political hatred. All factions are thugs, thieves, tyrants, and terrorists.

To those who say it is our fight, I ask if we are to get involved in every battle on earth. We would be wise to heed Winston Churchill who said, “To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.”

I say, “yes, yes.”

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Damascus Will be Destroyed but Let Muslims Do It! Mon, 10 Apr 2017 01:57:51 +0000 Damascus is the world’s oldest city, more than 6,000 years old, and it will be destroyed to the point of being a “ruinous heap.” Unattended sheep will wander in the streets with no one to shepherd them. Isa. 17:1 declares, “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.” We may have been watching that passage become reality as war has raged in Damascus and other Syrian cities.

Now we see heart-wrenching videos of babies, children, and innocent men and women dead from a chemical attack on the northern city of Khan Sheikhoun that would make a stone cry. It is alleged that Assad, the dastardly, devious dictator of Damascus dropped the deadly gas, but no one has proved that and Syrian officials have vehemently denied responsibility. The Local Coordination Committee, a monitoring group, said the airstrike was carried out by Russia–a supporter of Assad.

Frankly, it doesn’t make any sense for Putin to order such an attack. He has nothing to gain and much to lose by such irresponsible violence. Same with Assad, after all, he seems to be winning in the very vicious civil war. Could the chemical attack be a false flag operation whereby rebel terrorists attacked their own people to place blame upon Assad and/or Russia?

The conflict is not between two groups but involves Assad’s forces fighting a rebel group consisting of hundreds of groups numbering about 100,000 fighters. Then ISIS got involved and it’s now at least a three-way fight. There are no “good guys.” Now, both Assad’s forces and the rebels are fighting a separate battle against ISIS at the same time. It’s a major mess in the Middle East.

President Trump authorized an air strike against the Assad regime Thursday night in retaliation of the chemical attack; however, some Americans think he may have acted without all relevant facts. Trump’s attack upon Syria was a benefit to ISIS terrorists! Something’s wrong here because ISIS is a far greater threat to the U.S. than is Syria.

Trump must remember that his first priority is protecting the U.S.; however, the gas attack, while horrendous, was no threat to Americans. At least his response sent a needed message to the world: the U.S. will respond when U.S. officials deem it essential–but was it essential?

Are only Americans outraged about innocent deaths to the extent of doing something about it? Other national leaders are acting as cheerleaders but not getting “into the game.”

Meanwhile, an assortment of U.S. politicians from across the political spectrum has joined in beating the war drums. But then, older politicians have always managed to find the guts to send younger men to fight their wars.

Are we to do what others are responsible to do? Isn’t the United Nations supposed to keep the peace, protect the innocent, and bring the bad guys to justice? Alternatively, doesn’t the pecking order demand that surrounding Muslim nations bring the dictator to justice? Of course, other Muslim leaders have bloody hands also. Does any sane person believe that Assad will be replaced by a devotee of peace, justice, and freedom after he is greeted by his 72 virgins in Paradise?

Events are taking place that I predict will escalate the war, eliminate the Christians, exclude any voice of reason, and engage Israel in constant confrontations. Assad is not a good guy but he is preferable to the alternative. He is a known entity and he has not been shelling Jews on the Golan Heights. A new Syrian strongman might break the treaty and the shelling of Israel could again become a daily event as in the past.

Will we see Damascus totally destroyed? What a tragedy to see this historical and biblical city in total ruins! Will the UN get involved and escalate the disturbance into a catastrophic event or will they help provide peace, protection, and prosperity? We may soon know the answer.

As ruthless a dictator as his father was, President Bashar al-Assad should be called Bashar the Butcher. While all people of good will want to see him assume room temperature, it is not wise for the U.S. to assume the role of paladin of the world. Those rebels in Syria without a doubt are Muslim extremists. Let them fight their own battles. The choice between the two sides is not a choice between good and evil but between much evil and more evil.

The U.S. does not have a horse in this race, but we do abhor the killing of innocent people. While Assad is a vicious dictator, he has permitted Christians to practice their faith and has kept relative peace until recent years. If Assad goes, the Christians will be totally destroyed in Syria. If he is deposed, Muslim fanatics will fill his chair. Most reasonable people prefer a sensitive, peaceful conservative but in the real world that is not going to happen.

The Syrian opposition is a mixture of fanatics, freedom lovers, and criminal opportunists. Incredibly, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for supporting them with “humanitarian aid.” We have seen this movie before. Non-thinkers praised the uprisings in Libya, Sudan, Bahrain, etc., and now we realize that we got much more than we wanted. Radical Muslims have been enabled and are now in control. Sharia law will be forced on the people in all Muslim-dominated nations. Turkey is going in that direction as I write.

Russia, China, and Iran are backing Syria’s dictator while Saudi Arabia is opposed to him and supports a new government in Syria, hoping that it will not be as friendly to Iran.

When former Saudi King Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud was on his deathbed, he warned his sons “to keep your eye on Syria” since anything good for Syria is considered bad for Saudi. While both Syria and Saudi Arabia are Muslim, the Saudis are of the Sunni fanatical Wahhabi sect plus their country is the location of Mecca (birthplace of Mohammed) and Medina. There are no churches of any kind in Saudi Arabia and even other Muslim sects such as the Shiites are without mosques in most major areas!

Syria is more secular than Saudi Arabia but Sunni Muslims are the majority religious group in both countries. There are about two million citizens in Damascus and 85% are Sunni Muslims that are served by about 2,000 mosques in the city. The Grand Mosque of Damascus is one of the largest, oldest, and holiest sites for Muslims.

Fanatical, committed Muslims are dangerous, devious, and deceitful people and we are fools to waltz into the crossfire. The free world should permit these countries to work out their own differences, remove their own totalitarian leaders, and worship however they choose. The U.S. can cheer the good guys (better guys) but we don’t have the money, personnel, or authority to get involved.

Damascus will be destroyed and while that will be a major disaster, it is more preferable than Dallas, Denver, or Detroit being destroyed. And don’t be deceived, if those on the streets of Damascus have their way, it will be an American city that will be a “ruinous heap.”

President Trump should stay out of Syria. Let “peaceful” Muslims take care of Assad and hang him after a public trial for using chemical gas. If Damascus is to be destroyed, let Muslims do it!

No one elected America as the world’s moral and humanitarian watchdog.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Crimea and Ukraine: a Tragedy Like the Charge of the Light Brigade! Fri, 27 Mar 2015 17:09:20 +0000 Crimea, surrounded by the Black Sea, hangs like a diamond from the southern end of Ukraine. It has historic ties to Russia but was an independent republic until annexed in 2014 as part of the Russian Federation after a dubious referendum. Russia’s maritime fleet has been stationed in Crimea for decades. Almost 30 percent of Crimeans receive public pensions and another 10 percent are public employees, so the region will probably be financed by the Russian government, already impoverished with its grandiose military expansion and an escalation of U.S. sanctions.

In the 1854 Crimean War, Russia fought against Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey) and Sardinia for control of the Dardanelles (formally Hellespont), a 38 mile narrow strait between Europe and Asia–near modern Istanbul, Turkey. Russian control would threaten Britain’s sea routes since their ships had to pass through that strait to reach the grain ports of Ukraine. The major battlefield in this war was in the Crimean Peninsula where a famous battle took place near the city of Balaclava, Ukraine.

The Charge of the Light Brigade took place during the Battle of Balaclava on Oct. 25, 1854 when the British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan received ambiguous orders to pursue a retreating Russian artillery battery. That order was appropriate for light cavalry. However, due to a miscommunication in the chain of command the orders were skewed and the cavalry was ordered to make a frontal assault upon another better defended target. They were to capture Russian guns at the end of a treeless valley but the British did not know that the valley was ringed on three sides by 20 battalions of infantry and artillery. They were ordered to attack dug-in artillery even though the brigade was designed for reconnaissance and pursuit of retreating infantry and the men were armed only with lances and sabers!

The Light Brigade of 637 horsemen, led by Cardigan, steadily increasing their speed, rode up the treeless valley under heavy fire. Spectators could not believe what they saw. The brigade rode, as if taking part in a review, to attack the dug-in Russian batteries. The Russians had a line of sight for a mile and shot at the British from  elevated positions on both sides. It was suicide. The British managed to capture the guns at the end of the valley but more than 250 of their men were killed or wounded, more than a hundred the first 60 seconds! The Russians thought the British soldiers were drunk to ride into direct fire with lances and sabers! A French marshal viewing the charge opined “It is magnificent, but it is not war. It is madness.”

As the shattered brigade returned down the valley, the Russians recouped and began firing upon an assortment of British and Russian forces. Both antagonists were blasted by Russian cannon fire.  With the valley strewn with dead and dying men of both sides, Lord Cardigan calmly returned to the yacht on which he lived, took a bath, dined, drank a bottle of champagne, and went to bed. His brigade had performed an inspiring feat of stupid gallantry. Or maybe gallant stupidity. But it was due, like much else in that war, to the blunders of commanders. Lord Raglan’s orders had been badly expressed and were misunderstood by his subordinates.

Seldom does anything good result from wars but this war is best known for the work of Florence Nightingale who trained and led 38 nurses to aid the wounded during the war. Four times as many soldiers on both sides died of disease than combat wounds and Nightingale and her nurses were considered ministering angels to dying men. It was the beginning of the nursing profession.

Lord Alfred Tennyson memorialized the brave but doomed men in his famous poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade” that all students were required to memorize. He began, “Half a league half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred: ‘Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns’ he said: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.” In six pungent verses Tennyson told the story of the gallant men. He concluded, “Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.”

That fruitless, futile, foolish battle in Ukraine is similar to the tragedy taking place in that area as I write. Russia is again involved but this time with tanks and missiles. Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the war in Ukraine helped Putin consolidate power at home. While the Russian majority supports Putin, the homeland is suffering under staggering inflation, an anemic ruble, shortage of necessary goods, peasant unrest, and a small but influential intelligentsia almost in rebellion. The recent murder of Putin’s main opposition has caused further turmoil. Another war will keep their minds off reality.

Furthermore, Russia has always sought to expand its influence south over the Black Sea and onward to Istanbul, Turkey and the Dardanelles. That would provide Russia an open door to the whole Mediterranean permitting Russia to influence all of North Africa, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Israel. Iran is already in the Russian orbit and Russia is responsible for providing the Iranians their nuclear program.

In recent days, the U.S. got involved in Ukraine by sending instructors and 750 military vehicles including tanks and artillery. Britain sent various supplies and troops to train Ukrainian soldiers in military tactics. Meanwhile Russia announced it would send long-range, nuclear-capable strategic bombers and other state of the art missiles to Crimea. Does this remind anyone of the beginning of Vietnam?

The tragic Crimean war ended in March of 1856 with questionable results and Russia was delayed in her expansionist plans for a time. Today the Russian Bear is still dangerous, devious, and determined. Ask the Ukrainians. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Stay out of Syria: All Factions are Thugs, Thieves, Tyrants, or Terrorists. Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:28:07 +0000 Each Wednesday I publish an earlier column that I hope will be instructive, informative, inspirational, and at times, infuriating. The following timely column was first published in June of this year:

Syria is a maniacal, murderous, malodorous mess that should alarm the U.S. but not activate us. It calls for our attention but not action. Proud, patriotic, even pious people have demanded we jump into that snake pit; however, we must be very wary of dangerous, sincere patriots who want to kill people because they think they are or may be a threat to us or someone else!

Dictator Bashar Assad is a Muslim hypocrite (supported by Shi’ites) and an efficient killer, especially when cornered, but he has governed the nation and provided stability and protection to Christian churches. Moreover, he is supported by Russia (fighter jets) and Iran and the terrorist group, Hezbollah. His opponents are a ragtag collection of Islamic fanatics including the Jabbat al-Nusra terrorists, who will cut the throats of their co-belligerents as soon as the present regime falls or is pushed over. In recent weeks the Syrian “rebels” killed an entire village of Christians (although the photographic evidence has not been shown on U.S. media)! Muslims have acted that way for more than 1400 years!

Just this week, the media reported that the rebels are now controlled by the most extreme Muslim fanatics. Any support of this “opposition” will fund a worse thug than now occupies the catbird seat in Damascus!

The Syrian opposition is a mixture of Sunni fanatics, thieves, criminal opportunists, and a few freedom lovers. Incredibly, the U.S. is supporting them with “humanitarian aid.” We have seen this movie before, but now we are sending fighter jets at Obama’s insistence! They have flown into Syria in the last week. There are 4,500 U.S. troops, plus 300 Marines, on the Syrian border as I write and a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system has been deployed along the Syrian-Jordan border. We would be wise to heed Winston Churchill who said, “To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.” I say, “yes, yes.”

But in spite of all the above, here we go again! John McCain and some GOP (Grand Old Progressives) and most Democrats have been beating the war drums to a deafening pitch. Progressives seem to think America is destined to fight every war in support of the good guys; however, in Syria there are no good guys: it is a monstrous dictator against Muslim fanatics. It is tragic that more than 98,000 lives have been lost but that battle is not our battle. To those who say it is our fight, I ask if we are to get involved in every battle on earth.

The U.S. invaded Iraq because we were convinced that they were involved in the attack on the World Trade Center. A nation must respond when it is attacked. However, Syria has not attacked us and they are not a threat to us. Let the bloody bullies bang their heads together and resolve their own differences. If Israel wants to get involved, that is their business. Let the Middle East nations that are threatened take whatever side they choose. It will not be a principled decision since there is no noble principle involved, only violent religious and political hatred. All factions are thugs, thieves, tyrants, and terrorists.

America has become not only the world’s bank but the world’s policeman that is obligated to clean up the Syrian mess! My opinion: the cost of one American life is too high a price to pay for getting involved and it is not wise for us to pour billions of dollars into that cesspool of a nation while we struggle to pay our national bills. We have seen our young men and women (!) return from Afghanistan missing their limbs and burned beyond recognition. Moms have been killed leaving small children without a mother. (But then, that reflects upon us because any nation that must use women to fight its wars is not worth defending.)

Bush made a super dumb statement when he spoke of taking democracy to nations in the Middle East. They don’t want democracy and even if they did, the burden to take it there is not a U.S. burden. After all, who appointed us the Paladin of Peace? We don’t have the money nor should we sacrifice our youth in a war that cannot be won. Our desire to share the principles of freedom should not entice us into a war that will never be won; however, it is easier to fight for your principles than it is to live according to your principles. Let’s live them and let other people learn them from our example. Furthermore, the winner of the Syrian conflict would not be welcomed at any decent person’s dining table. America should let other nations fight this war then everyone will be losers–except us.

World leaders still haven’t received the message: there is no way to beat Islamists. We can blast a nation into the Stone Age but that won’t win the war. Fact: there will be perpetual conflict as long as there are Koranic Muslims down at the local mosque. We will be at war and living with terror to the end of time! The next war could very well bury Western Civilization forever as well as the barbarians on the Arabian Desert.

Furthermore, there is the issue of national sovereignty. Who gave America (or Russia, China, Israel, etc.) the authority to interfere and invade another nation? Do we believe in national sovereignty or not? Do we believe in sovereignty for us but not for “them”? No one has even tried to justify this.
Of course, another war might take America’s attention off the “scandal of the day,” giving Obama some breathing room. Only a fool will say that we have any chance of establishing even a semblance of freedom in Syria. Freedom doesn’t work in Islamic nations since freedom is the antithesis to sharia and jihad.

Non-thinkers, bubbling over with naiveté, praised the uprisings in Libya, Egypt, etc., and now they realize that we got much more than we wanted. Radical Muslims have been enabled and are now in control with sharia and jihad as the norm. Moreover, our incursions into Iraq and Afghanistan are two more abject failures of a stupid, senseless, strident, and suicidal foreign policy.

Let our politicians use their bloody pulpits and the media to promote freedom everywhere but keep our money, missiles, munitions, and men at home.

Oh, also keep our maidens and moms at home.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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