Sharpton – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dad, a Philosopher With a Sixth-Grade Education, Was Right About the World! Mon, 06 Jun 2022 22:26:06 +0000  

My father was a successful businessman but uneducated, although very well informed with abundant common sense. He often said, “This world is crazy as a bedbug.” Bang, he hit it out of the park; he rang the bell; he was right on target. Too bad he was not a world leader.

Common sense is basic honest appraisal based on life’s experience. It is represented in the statement, “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it is probably a duck.” Truth is stranger than fiction, and the following facts prove Dad was right: the world is crazy as a bedbug.

Any choice of daily news will confirm my dad’s correct assessment.

Dr. Robert Levine is a man who changed his name (but not his gender) to Rachel and was appointed by allegedly sane President Biden and allegedly sane legislators to be Assistant Secretary for Health. He/she/it said in an interview that “there is no medical debate about whether children who claim they are transgender should receive ‘gender-affirming’ care.” Say what? What a stupid statement.

Furthermore, Dr. Levine has a former wife and two children, although homosexuals have no interest in the opposite sex, so I was informed.

He will not admit taking hormones or having vital body parts chopped off by mutilating medical doctors. He also refuses to admit to having a “husband.” And he/she/it works for you.

I would love to know what my Dad’s reaction would have been to Levine’ sex change.

Pedophile is such an offensive word (for such a despicable crime as sexually abusing children) that an assistant professor at Old Dominion University says we “should refer to people who feel sexual attraction towards children as ‘Minor Attracted Persons.’” It sounds better to say, “he is a MAP” rather than saying, “He is a degenerate pedophile.”

There is no doubt what my philosopher father would call pathetic perverts who prey on helpless children, but I will not use his colorful but accurate language.

Without exploding in laughter, a congressional witness confessed that some men can get pregnant and have an abortion. Some commonsense congressmen showed admirable restraint by not falling to the floor, holding their sides in raucous laughter. They simply noted that all nuts are not on trees or in California.

Baby killers can boast of killing 62 million innocent babies since 1970 and screaming feminists yell about a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. However, their abortion decision also ends the life of a human being with all the rights any other citizen has. What happened to the baby’s right to life? Screaming feminists declare their decision-making right but refuse to take responsibility for their decision to climb into bed with a baby producer, also known as a man in some sane circles. Neither does the man have a say in the matter even though he has equal responsibility.

Some black racists have opined that killing an unborn black baby is better than permitting a white family to make an adoption. Again, no one has asked the babies.

All Oregon public schools must have “menstrual products” in boys’ bathrooms with “instructions on using them.” The lawmakers (I have many more colorful and accurate names) sought to “affirm the right to menstrual dignity for transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and two-spirit students.”

Remember Dad’s words.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and assorted reverends multiply their frequent travel miles prodigiously as they pop up anywhere a buck can be made from another person’s misfortune. Usually, a person of color is shot for refusing to obey a police warning and sent on to his reward, and no one wants to discuss his criminal record, his crime, or his refusal to obey a clear warning. Still, they delight in producing a litany of admirable, amazing, and attractive (as well as absent) attributes of the deceased. His long rap sheet is concealed or denigrated, and the deceased is usually presented as a Nobel Prize winner waiting to be discovered.

Black charlatans warn us palefaces of our latent or hidden racism since we don’t join a macabre march into a fantasy world of planned police persecution. They all possess a much-deserved Ph.D. in the art of buffoonery, tomfoolery, and chicanery. These self-righteous preachers go months without doing what preachers do—preach the Good News of Christ’s sacrificial death and victorious resurrection.  They specialize in preaching Black Liberation and successfully liberating U.S. dollars from guilt-ridden corporations. Of course, they always have time to preach a high-profile funeral and take time from their schedules to do television interviews.

I am sure what my dad would call them, but I want my article to be published.

University educators with a Ph.D. (purchased from the back of a cereal box) declare that Blacks cannot be racists and all white people, being white, are automatically racists. Some black leaders say it is a crime to burn down a building to collect insurance, and you go to prison; however, if you burn down a building because someone has offended you and you are trying to make a point, you go free and are even admired by halfwits.

Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, Democrat from Los Angeles, introduced a bill to guarantee seven fundamental rights for every dog and cat in California. Such rights would be posted at every animal shelter and rescue group. Other animal rights include “a life of comfort, free of fear and anxiety; daily mental stimulation and appropriate exercise.” Oh, each animal is to have guaranteed health care. Not sure if it is Medicare or ObamaCare.

An analysis of CDC data by Dr. Meryl Nass found that vaccinated people in California and New York were three times more likely to develop COVID than those who had had prior immunity and were unvaccinated. Yet we are told we may need boosters every six months. And children who have almost no danger from COVID must go through the whole program of shots!

Isn’t child abuse still illegal everywhere?

During the Pope’s recent visit to Malta, he purposely replaced his backdrop with plastic water bottles rather than the cross of Jesus Christ. The Pope is very sensitive and didn’t want to anger Muslim migrants, but he did not consult millions of Catholics to whom he owes his plush existence as to what they thought. But then, they’re only paying the bills.

They should stop writing checks.

Prince Charles, soon to become King of Great Britain, thinks we should put a mask on all cows to affect climate change. Charles, a longtime royal fornicator, will rule Great Britain soon.  There must be a political virus infecting only world leaders like Biden, Putin, Zelenskyy, Prince Charles, Trudeau, Macron, etc. No vaccine has been developed for such a condition.

Prime Minister of Sweden admits to “Parallel Societies” in multicultural Sweden following Qur’an riots. Remember a few years ago when conservatives were ridiculed for speaking of “no-go zones” in France, Sweden, England, etc.? I wrote in Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! that European society would be overpowered by illegal and legal migrants with a different language, religion, education, and social standards. I wrote that England will no longer be England; France will no longer be France; Sweden will no longer be Sweden; and Germany will no longer be Germany.

And America will no longer be America.

Well, that time has arrived, and we are experiencing one of the most amazing shifts in civilization ever recorded.

America has been marching, almost hurtling toward a Socialist nation for decades, and informed people, including my dad, knew Socialism was the foyer to Communism. Not only is Communism evil, but it also doesn’t work. Think Cuba, Laos, Congo, and North Korea. If Communists took the Sahara Desert, they would have to import sand in five years.

Our nation is being destroyed in front of our eyes, and Americans think, “it can’t happen here” while it is happening here. If we follow the path we are traveling and beat our swords into plow shears while the descendants of Mau, Marx, Lenin, and Hitler still live, we are fools and will become dead fools.

And a dead nation.

America and the world are a farce, a fraud, and a failure because they departed from a strict standard—the Word of God. Personal feelings have become more important than profound faith in Christ.

Barna’s research thoroughly supports the conclusion that most people claiming to be Christians are totally confused. The poll reveals that “69% of American adults identify as ‘Christian,’ only six percent actually have a biblical worldview.” That amounts to 176 million people; however, what they believe is closer to an African witch doctor. Only nine percent of professing Christians hold a biblical worldview.

Even Born-Again Christians don’t believe biblical truth! “Fifty-one percent of theologically born-again Christians say that all faiths are equal. Forty percent say there is no absolute truth, and 37% say that people can earn their way to heaven by being good enough.”

Obviously, modern churches have lost their way or never knew it. The pastors of many mega-churches (and others) are hip, worldly, swearing, drinking, fornicating, publicity-driven, money motivated, and crowd-pleasing hypocrites whose church buildings would be better utilized if turned into bowling alleys.

No wonder this nation is crazy as a bedbug.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Hatred is Hatred Whether From the Left or Right! Wed, 21 Aug 2019 18:39:21 +0000 The Reverend Not-so-Sharpton stood with his hands extended high and wide saying, “I hate white people this much.” But Sharpton is not considered a hater. He was much sought after by 12 of the Democrat presidential candidates who made the pilgrimage to his humble abode to kiss his ring.

When it was time to renew his television show, his credentials were examined (but the ratings were ignored) and yes, he was qualified because he is still black. That seems to be the reason Al is a television star. Al is paid $500,000 annually by MSNBC for his television work and he pays himself over $200,000 from his civil rights non-profit organization.

You might think that a television star with a net worth of up to $5 million and annual income of over $700,000 could pay his bills but Al still owes $4.5 million in state and federal taxes and he often forgets “to pay travel agencies, hotels, and landlords,” according to the records. In 2015, Al paid almost $2 million on his back taxes.

In 2004, Al bought himself a Rolls Royce Phantom for his 50th birthday. That is the most expensive production car in the world, with a base price of $475,000.

That is one Baptist who was not held under water long enough!

Just kidding, but he is not my kind of Baptist.

A black killer in Dallas who killed five police officers and injured 14 other innocent people said, “I want to kill white people, especially white cops.” When asked if the shooting should be considered a hate crime, President Obama said, “It’s hard to know what his motives are.” Can’t Obama understand clear English? The killer was a hater and his race or political position did not matter. By being a defender of hate, does that make Obama a hater?

It seems hate is identified depending on the hater and the hatee.

A French rapper named Nick Conrad has a song titled “Hang Whites!” that declares, “I enter day care centres, I kill white babies, Grab them quickly and hang their parents, Take them apart to pass the time.” In one scene, the rapper and an associate drag a white person along a street and kick him in the head. The lyrics include calls to kill white people and their children.

That’s hate by a self-described “black artist, Parisian, proud sophisticated” or more precisely, a French jerk who shot to fame with his hate-filled “song.”

Thaddeus Matthews, Memphis disc jockey, interviewing Charlotte Bergmann, a black, female conservative Republican candidate for Congress a “token negro” and “curly-haired nigga.” He added, “I’m so sick of your sh**, yourself, and I’m about to put you’re a** up outta here,” he said. “You are a token negro that white folk have control over.” As she got up to leave, she tried to shake his hand, and he refused saying, “I don’t need to shake your hand. I’m scared because some of that whiteness might rub off on me.”

Thad, the black hater of Whites, is still a disc jockey in Memphis. Charlotte won her primary but lost in the 2018 general election.

If I say nigger—even in an innocent and nonracist way (as I do here), I’m called a racist but if an actor or rapper does so, he is an artist. I suppose that’s artistic license.

No, it is nonsense. And, for sure, no race or group “owns” some choice words.

The mother of Michael Brown (the teen thug who was killed by a police officer in Ferguson after Brown tried to take the officer’s gun) is running for city council! But momma’s comments will haunt her. She wrote on social media after two police officers were shot, “If my FAM woulda got JUSTICE in August maybe those two comps wouldn’t have got shot LAST NIGHT…” Also, “F*** THEM 2 COPS…DON’T GOT NO SYMPATHY FOR THEM OR THEY FAMILIES…Aint no FUN when the Rabbit got the GUN.”

That too is undisguised, unreasonable, and uncontrolled hate and indicates a problem in public education.

Maggie Gallagher cited a book that expresses extreme hatred toward Conservative Christians in America who “tend to hold relatively high levels of social power.” So Many Christians, So Few Lions: Is There Christianophobia in the United States? was authored by George Yancey and David A. Williamson who said asked people about conservative Christians. “‘I want them [conservative Christians] all to die in a fire,’ said one man with a doctorate….‘The only good Christian is a dead Christian,’ said another man with a doctorate. ‘I abhor them and I wish we could do away with them,’ said a woman with a master’s degree. ‘A tortuous death would be too good for them,’ said a college-educated man. ‘They should be eradicated without hesitation or remorse,’ said an elderly woman with a master’s degree.”

Hate is not defined by education, race (and yes, of course Blacks can be racists), religion, national origin, politics, or financial status.

“Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.” This was so eloquently spoken by white Georgetown University professor Christine Fair. Chrisy is no longer teaching at Georgetown; she is “on leave.”

No sane person will defend hate but many haters use hate as a weapon and often go into battle with Christian Conservatives. Since the progressive cannot defend his castle in ruins (Liberalism), he fires the only bullet in his possession—“You’re a hater.” That is supposed to settle the argument in favor of progressives!

Pseudo-intellectuals like Georgetown’s Michael Eric Dyson said after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the killing of Trayvon Martin that it would be a good thing for more white children to be murdered so Americans could better understand racism. Mike is also a Baptist preacher but not a historical or biblical Baptist, for sure.

Sarah Jeong is a member of The New York Times Editorial Board and wrote: “Dumba** f***ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on a fire hydrant.” Also, “Are white people predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically only being fit to live underground like groveling goblins.” Finally Sarah’s “White men are bull—”; “#CancelWhitePeople”; “oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men” and “f— white women lol.”

Sarah is still with the Times!

According to a report from Newsweek, Trinity College Professor Johnny Eric Williams is making waves again. Breitbart News reported in June 2017 that Williams had argued that first responders should have let Representative Steve Scalise die after he was shot during a practice for the congressional baseball game. Williams also shared a blog post by an anonymous author that asked black people to withhold life-saving help from white people in need.

In a recent social media post, Williams wrote that “whiteness is terrorism….If you see them [Whites] drowning. If you see them in a burning building. If they are bleeding out in an emergency room. If the ground is crumbling beneath them. If they are in a park and they turn their weapons on each other: do nothing,” the post read.

Of course, hatred is hatred whether from the left or right or in the middle; however all the haters quoted today have been from far out in left field.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Racism: the Bottom Line of Everything! Sun, 09 Sep 2018 19:53:38 +0000 Racism is the bottom line of everything because students are being taught and programmed to be racists by racists! Left wing university professors (black and white) are aghast when they are told that they are racists. Professors, preachers, pundits, and psychologists tell everyone that racism is the worse sin one can commit, but while racism is wrong, it is not a sin recorded in the Bible! Racism is never mentioned as a sin in the Bible although Christ’s command in Matthew 7:12 would eliminate all racism worldwide. Christ said, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” That would solve almost all the world’s interpersonal problems—murder, rape, slavery, child abuse, robbery, broken contracts, lying, etc. And racism.

Progressives declare that they cannot be racists; they get away with that because they use their own definitions. They can use offensive words in what they call music or in drama, but if I use the same words to tell people not to use those words, I am considered a racist! Frankly, a black progressive calling a conservative Christian a racist is like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath.

Leftists insist on using their unique definitions for many words as Humpty Dumpty said to Alice in Through the Looking Glass, “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean.”

American universities are telling students “Understand that you are white, so it is inevitable that you have unconsciously learned racism. Your unearned advantage must be acknowledged and our racism unlearned.”

That is not only racist but also stupid.

Have you noticed that when a racial minority commits a crime against a white person, the media quickly tells us to not judge the whole race because of a few; however, when a white man does a crime against a colored person, we hear charges of systemic racism? It appears that those who yell the loudest and are the quickest to identify racism are the most racist of all.

Dictionaries should rewrite their definition of racist to be “someone winning an argument with a liberal.” The argument is easy to win if one simply reads leftist newspapers and journals. Of course, that would result in terminal brain rot.

The headline shouted, “Atlantic Writer Claims Solar Eclipse is Racist!” Mother Nature was racist because the path of the eclipse fell across areas of the country populated mostly by white people! No, it was not humor or satire. It was tagged, “science.” A dummy Brooklyn Law Professor said, “Still, an eclipse chaser is always tempted to believe that the skies are replaying a message.” Taking a second breath and wiping the foam from her quivering lips, she wrote, “The strange path of the eclipse suggests a need for reorganization” of our society. And generally, the path was over Americans who voted for Trump. I kid you not.

How dare Mother Nature spread the eclipse across white America leaving out the major black cities requiring them to experience the eclipse second or third hand.

The professor should be in a mental hospital where she can get the help she desperately needs, not in a law school where she can destroy young minds–young minds that are already soft and porous from drugs, rock music, and incessant bombardment from the left.

Folks, the big surprise here is not an idiotic statement made by a self-hating white racist but that any school would hire such a person. And to not fire her for such an outrageous statement proves the depth of moral cowardice in academia. I think she has a right to be a racist but she doesn’t have a right to be ignorant. Fire her for ignorance, not racism.

But it gets worse, if possible. “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition….” That statement came from an article titled “Abolish the White Race,” and published in Harvard Magazine, vol. 105, no. 1 (2002), p. 30. Yes, that Harvard.

The above was written by a Harvard Professor! Suppose a Christian had written the same thing about Blacks or Hispanics! Sane people believe that people, all people, should be treated like people—not Black, White, etc. Not Irish-Americans. Not African-Americans. Just Americans!

Now we are told that black racists complained to the Palm Springs, California Desert Sun that some trees planted in the 1960s are racist! I kid you not. Of course, note that this is California. Residents complain that the invasive trees block views of the Tahquitz Creek Golf Course and San Jacinto Mountains. In doing so, they have artificially depressed property values and prevented black families from accumulating wealth in their property over the past half century! Surely all Americans have a right to expect our trees not to be racist!

Students at Michigan State University are being taught that doing yoga is “cultural appropriation” by white people which makes them racists. I don’t like yoga because of its relationship to eastern religions but it is not racist.

Now, we are told that Little House on the Prairie (books and television series) was not the wholesome series we thought. It too is, you guessed it, racist!

The media glorifies racists and castigates Conservatives who call attention to black racism in Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Omarosa, or Al Sharpton. Al spoke at Kean College and provided a first class example of black racism. He said, “White folks was (sic) in caves while we was (sic) building empires. We taught philosophy and astrology (!) and mathematics before Socrates and them (sic) Greek homos ever got around to it.” It is difficult to imagine a legitimate college providing a platform (and a generous honorarium) to such an incompetent race baiter.

Overlooking his incredibly botched English and his positive reference to astrology, he implied that mankind lived in caves, which is a silly distortion of early civilization although it does fit the evolutionary mythology. Men have always lived in caves; even millions do so today in China and the Philippines but cave living is a cartoon depiction of reality. Moreover, he failed to mention one empire that Blacks have built. Now, remember he brought this up so I am only correcting his historical misinformation. Of course, I will be called a racist for doing so. That way, they don’t have to explain the missing black empires.

I’m not sure whether Sharpton knows the facts or not; he probably doesn’t know that he doesn’t know. He does know that race baiting pays off big time. He even has his own television show to display his $1000.00 suits and $400.00 shoes—and his proficiency in the English language!

Black leader Booker T. Washington wrote, “There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays.” It does pay and very well.

A few years ago, I didn’t know what racist was; now it seems I are one!

According to the racists with small minds and big mouths!


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Ferguson: Who is Going to Jail? Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:38:53 +0000 If there is any justice in this nation then some high profile individuals will to go to jail as a result of their ineptitude, incompetence, and irresponsibility as exhibited at Ferguson. But don’t hold your breath unless blue is your favorite color!

Highly placed officials such as President Obama, Attorney General Holder and Governor Nixon were the epitome of irresponsibility. Frankly, they are responsible for much of the looting, burning, and other illegal activities and should be held accountable. Obama met with the protestors and told them to “stay the course”! He also called for better police training rather than greater personal responsibility, stronger family values, and more church involvement.

Eric Holder went to Ferguson and told college students that he understood “their mistrust” and while he was the Attorney General, he was also “a black man”! Who cares? Moreover, he began a civil rights investigation! Holder is divisive, derisive, and may be a deranged Attorney General.

Soon after the shooting, Governor Nixon made a video promising “A vigorous prosecution must now be pursued.” What incredible malfeasance! He had assumed that Wilson should be tried before the facts were known!

Obama, Holder, and Nixon are the Larry, Curly, and Moe of Ferguson!

If a Tea Party official were to say that the illegitimate usurpation of power in Washington, the out-of-control IRS, DOJ, BATF, etc., require a call to arms to begin the “Second American Revolution,” he would be visited by a cadre of FBI, Homeland Security, and other Jack-boot-wearing federal agents. The Federal Government would deem him irresponsible and illegal resulting in him being imprisoned.

Police officers, like everyone, must be held accountable for their actions but they must feel secure, safe, and supported when they must use their weapons even at the cost of a life. Frankly, a police officer should be “forgiven” even if he makes an obvious mistake that takes a life. After all, when handed a shield and gun they don’t automatically receive perfection.

Speaking of accountability, it will be interesting to see if Big Mike’s step-father goes to jail for inciting to riot as when he repeatedly shouted for the crowd to “Burn this b**** down.” And how many looters and arsonists will spend any time in prison? How many of the “useful idiots” in other cities will go to jail for blocking traffic and causing general unrest?

Furthermore, all identified looters (undocumented shoppers) and arsonists should be required to reimburse the innocent store owners who had their lifetime of work destroyed by the thoughtless thugs parading as principled protesters.

Minister Louis Farrakhan has many opportunities to make a fool of himself and he never misses a one. This was evident when the bellicose, boisterous, and bizarre leader of the Nation of Islam, made many Klan fanatics look like Pee Wee Herman. Louis spoke at Morgan State University on Nov. 29 and ranted and raved as he frothed at the mouth about the non-indictment of Officer Wilson. Without taking time to wipe the foam from his mouth, the black “minister” yelled, “We’ll tear this g** d*** country apart!” He opined that violence was justified as a result of the non-indictment of Wilson. The crowd roared its approval!

The invitation of Farrakhan by the university and the support of the superficial student body reveal much about this nation. Farrakhan also teaches that the Ebola virus was invented to kill off all black people! It is astounding that anyone would listen to that jerk. And for any allegedly responsible institution or group to give him a platform is beyond the pale.

Farrakhan went on to say that white people will only listen to the concerns of black people when more violence is perpetrated against whites by blacks. Did I mention that he is a minister?

The black “minister” then advised the students to teach their children to throw Molotov cocktails as he imitated the throwing of a cocktail. Hey, wasn’t there one courageous student present willing to stand up and challenge the religious thug? What about some professors or administrators? Surely some of them had a modicum of character and were willing to call him out and criticize his extremism. None. And thus far, no remorse, regret, or repentance by the administration for their obvious blunder in giving Louis a platform to express his hatred, humbuggery, and hypocrisy. Shouldn’t Farrakhan be charged with inciting to riot?

So, will any of the above high profile people be held accountable with jail time or financial accountable? Don’t count on it. You see, while everyone in America is equal, some are more equal than others. That’s especially true if you are a liberal black, and in spades if you are courageous enough to come out of the closet.

The New York Times reached the highest level of irresponsibility or the lowest level of villainy when they published the street where Wilson lives and the suburb. They did that knowing that protesters had demanded Wilson’s death! Slate even published a photo of his home. The Washington Post and CNN also revealed Wilson’s address. CNN and these leftist publications often lecture others regarding journalistic values, decency, etc., but they will not go to jail or pay a fine, but maybe decent people will cancel subscriptions and refuse to patronize them in any way.

If harm comes to Wilson or his pregnant wife, the onus falls at the front door of each of the above media outlets. No, they won’t go to jail or pay a fine, but everyone knows them to be scum who pander to the left and condemn anyone on the right.

And we all know them to be incompetent, irresponsible, and immoral media outlets who are in bed with Obama, Holder, Nixon, Sharpton, ad nauseam.

They really should be in jail together!  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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