South – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Destruction of Southern Culture by Fanatics! Tue, 21 Jun 2016 01:39:15 +0000 Politicians, academics, and media moguls who hate the courage, character, commitment, and culture of the South are trying to deny, denigrate, and destroy Southern values. However, they have jumped on a bandwagon with loose wheels and will not know total victory–not without another uncivil war.

Last week the respected Southern Baptist Convention joined the fanatics in chipping away at the perceived symbol of the South by voting overwhelmingly to repudiate the Confederate battle flag. It’s one thing to admit their denomination was founded in support of Southern slavery but to flagellate themselves and others with the Confederate flag is outrageous. SBC muckety muck, Russell Moore sobbed, “It’s not often that I find myself wiping away tears in a denominational meeting, but I just did.” All right, I respect his heartfelt, although unjustified emotion; however, I assume he also sobbed when he saw the White House lit up with the homosexual rainbow flag!

Thousands of Baptists declared at the St. Louis conclave, “Today Southern Baptists affirmed that we are more committed to the gospel than we are to a flag and more committed to the future than we are to the past.” That is a fantastic statement that no Christian would deny; however, it does not justify their unnecessary, unprovoked, and unjustified attack upon a major portion of this nation.

The South-haters like to control people–all people, North and South. Those people who won’t be controlled are dangerous to the control-freak tyrants. The tyrants believe such reluctant people must be educated in the public educational system that is controlled by the “controllees.” If people will not succumb to controlled education then they must be educated against their will, hence the use of television, movies, music, as well as schools to mold people the way the “controllees” want.

A major way to control people is to control the culture resulting in the “correct” view of events. We saw this following the craven shooting by a white thug in Charleston, S.C. of nine members of a black church. The cowardly thug was seen in a photo with a Confederate flag and the fanatics went ballistic! Cowardly politicians rushed to the television cameras to denounce the Southern culture and one of its symbols–the Confederate battle flag. The South Carolina governor and the legislature removed the flag from statehouse grounds. That is much easier and safer than making a cogent defense of their hasty actions.

However, when Muslim fanatics are seen with a Koran or the Muslim flag the same liberal control freaks are strangely silent. Could it be because they are cowards or collaborators or even crusaders for Islam? If not, then what is the explanation? At least, they are hypocrites.

The fanatics are on a roll. They want to remove all historical figures who do not meet the present pristine political picture of perfection; but no person or group is without blame. All people are flawed–even the fanatics who have appointed themselves Cultural Commissars. For many years, the fanatics have castigated Columbus and insist that he be anathema. Now, the zealots are running amuck sandblasting names of famous military and political leaders from schools; ripping up statues, and tearing down Confederate battle flags. Those same people usually have no problem with the infamous rainbow flag of the perverts that was even displayed at the White House following a seizure of insanity by the U.S. Supreme Court!

The Confederate battle flag waved over slavery for only four years yet the stars and stripes waved over slavery for almost a hundred years. Slavery is a shameful, sinful, and sullied part of our history but only a part. The battle flag also stands for courage, commitment, consistency, and culture.

The fanatics are determined that while they can’t change what happened in the past, they will sure change the narrative to fit their skewed view of the past. Narrow-minded leaders have done that for thousands of years.

An example of politicians manipulating history is seen in Caesar trying to obliterate the memory of Pilate because he had offended Caesar. Pilate therefore did not exist since Caesar said so and historians and politicians willingly obeyed by removing Pilate’s name from all records. For many years, Bible critics told anyone who would listen that the Bible is unreliable because Pilate could not be found in any historical record. Then archeologists, digging in the rubble of Caesarea by the Sea, found a five-inch-thick stone that referred to Pilate and had been used in the famous amphitheater where I have preached a few times. Of course, the stone had been used because it was exactly the size needed and was used with the forbidden information about Pilate underneath! It is on display in Caesarea today.

Mark Antony had a similar experience with his memory being formally expunged from Rome’s official records even though he was related to three of Rome’s first five emperors–Caligula, Claudius, and Nero! His mother was a cousin of Julius Caesar under whom he served in the army and became second-in-command. Antony, while his wife was in Rome, had a lengthy affair with Queen Cleopatra of Egypt fathering three children, and then he and his lover killed themselves.

Antony had resisted Octavian (later known as Augustus) and when Augustus gained total power, he decided to remove Antony from the history books: “His name was obliterated from the […] state registers of official events. His statues were removed. It was to be as if he had never existed. The Senate […] voted that no member of the Antonius clan should be named Marcus […]. His birthday was made […] an unlucky day, on which public business could not be conducted.” So, Marc Antony legally ceased to exist because Caesar said so.

This kind of glaring dissimulation, distortion, and dishonesty continued to the War Between the States. During the first two years of Lincoln’s War of Northern Aggression, the South whipped the Yankees and Northern states grew weary of seeing their sons come home in boxes or buried in a Southern meadow on Chickamauga Creek or on a North Carolina mountainside. For the first two years, the reason for the war was taxes, not slavery; however, Lincoln changed the war rhetoric to a more emotional subject than finances. Slavery was the emotional button for the North that Lincoln pushed and it worked. Slavery was worth fighting and dying for, but not taxes.

Modern totalitarians, with the same bias, bigotry, and bullying as ancient Caesar, plan to dig up the body of Confederate General Nathan B. Forrest buried in a city park whose name used to identify the park. But it gets worse; the fanatics are cancelling the annual Jefferson–Jackson Day dinners because both men held slaves. But then, slaves were held by Washington (about 300), Jefferson (about 200), Madison (more than 100), and Monroe (about 75). In fact, of the first 14 presidents all owned slaves except John and Quincy Adams. Eight of them owned slaves while serving as president! Here’s a shocker: Abe Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, was served by slaves in the White House even though the slave trade was abolished in Washington in 1850–long before he was elected!

So, to be consistent (never a major concern for liberals), they must change the name of the cities that honor Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and all the others who were flawed men. Moreover, all the streets, schools, and airports that honor those slaveholders must be changed. Maybe we should take a massive wrecking ball to America to satisfy the fanatics.

Thoughtless or bigoted blacks who demand that the Confederate Flag be shredded are smearing many Blacks who fought under that flag. The first black military officers in the U.S. were blacks who commanded a regiment of 1500 enlistees for the Confederacy. Of those black soldiers, Professor Walter Williams declared, “Black civil rights activists, their white liberal supporters and historically ignorant Americans who attack the Confederate flag have committed a deep, despicable dishonor to our patriotic Southern black ancestors who marched, fought and died not to protect slavery but to protect their homeland from Northern aggression. They don’t deserve the dishonor.” Oh, I forgot to mention that Williams is black!

I should also remind you that I don’t own a Confederate flag and was not born or reared in the South.

Tyrants, totalitarians, and toadies never change; and modern politicians continue as in the past: they exaggerate their successes, excuse their shortcomings, and excise their sins and they do that by rewriting history–even wrecking history.

Boys’ new book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! will be released next week by Barbwire Books.

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South African Communists Can be Trusted to be Communists–Always! Mon, 09 Dec 2013 17:05:30 +0000 When the Dutch arrived in South Africa in 1652 to found a hospital and refreshing station for their sailors passing the Cape, they found unoccupied land near the Cape of Good Hope at the very tip of Africa. There was not a railroad, highway, building, hospital, or school. French Huguenots arrived in 1688 followed by the English in 1795, so white South Africans go back more than 300 years. They were not colonialists and did not displace any Blacks. The Germans arrived in 1857. Add to the mix a huge group of Pakistanis, Indians, and Chinese known as Coloreds, and you have a boiling pot.

There is talk of how five million South African Whites kept 20 million Blacks under their thumb but the fact is that Blacks are not a homogeneous force. There were five million Zulus; about 5 million Xhosa (pronounced Koza); two million Tswana; etc. plus about three million Coloreds (from China, India, Pakistan, etc.) who have mixed blood that could be called, “mulattoes.” Blacks hate the Coloreds more than they do the whites.

The hostility among the black tribes is legendary: A white doctor who established a hospital for Blacks in Durban declared, “When a Zulu who has been in an accident is brought in, we must have a Zulu nurse for him. If we have a Xhosa nurse, she will pull off his bandages at night and let him bleed to death.”

South Africa became a British colony in 1806 and the Brits and the Dutch turned it into one of the most advanced, modern, and safest nations in the world. They built a civilization that lifted millions of Blacks from poverty to the highest standard of living (2 to 5 times greater) than anywhere in Africa.
Yes, many white men got rich but so did some Blacks. In fact, about a million Blacks from surrounding black nations try to enter South Africa each year–many illegally. No other African nation has a problem with people trying to slip across their borders to live and work. Even today with the transfer of power from white minority to the black majority, the white minority still controls most of the wealth in South Africa. Thus, the pot is simmering and the top is ready to blow. Following the funeral of Mandela, I see major bloodshed there as the jockeying goes on to replace the “hero” and “inspiring leader.” That’s about like the junior officers on the Titanic fighting for the opportunity to replace Captain Smith as the giant ship was sinking!

In Africa’s colonial nations, the Blacks threw off the yoke of the hated colonists but they could not feed themselves, a problem in much of Africa. South Africa is the murder and rape capital of the world. South African men rape very young females, even babies, thinking it will cure their AIDS! They need a cure for their stupidity and brutality. An encounter with Christ, called the New Birth, will always solve the brutality problem, but there is little hope for stupidity.

Blacks throughout Africa were much better off under colonial, white rule. Why are leftists not screaming about the crime, rape, and mistreatment of white farmers? They were sure concerned when Blacks didn’t own many farms and had little political power. It seems Liberals, black or white, have a major problem with consistency. Maybe if it were lions, tigers, and elephants that were being killed, the radical leftists might get concerned.

Mandela and the Communists in ANC and SACP also called for the nationalization of mines, banks, and other major industries in South Africa and black leaders are demanding that white farmers surrender their farms that have been in their families for 300 years! If that happens, “Katie Bar the Door.” The major civil war between Blacks and Whites that Mandela allegedly diverted has obviously only been delayed. That is exactly what has been happening in that “garden of paradise” called Zimbabwe.

Many Zimbabwean white farmers and their families have been butchered by official representatives of the Communist, totalitarian (forgive the redundancy) regime and their farms stolen. Only 300 white farmers remain of a total of 4,000! The crops are not being harvested and expensive equipment rusts in unplowed fields. The life span has plummeted with the average native expected to live in good health for 39 years. About one and a half million Zimbabweans are dying with AIDS.

South Africa is well on its way to being another black tragedy because of power, pride, position, and possessions. South Africa and Zimbabwe are rich with coal, platinum, iron, chrome, gold, diamonds, etc. And if the Communists get total control of the minerals that are crucial to the free world, then free leaders will have to go, hat in hand, to totalitarians for what is needed for their survival. So, the battle in Africa is not only a black-white issue.

Jacob Zuma was re-elected to head the corrupt ANC, the ruling party in South Africa, so he will reign as President for seven more years. Zuma has multiple wives and recently fathered a child by the daughter of a close friend. Yet, he still has “overwhelming” support. It seems that morality, decency, and character, don’t matter if you are the right color and carry the right card–Black as to color and Red as to politics.

Mandela promised all South Africans: “Under a Communist Party government, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey. …There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease. Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free.” Well, every person in South Africa knows that did not happen and the mendacious, murderous, malicious terrorist had no plans to keep such a promise.

Mandela and other terrorists at the ANC and the SACP got a free ride on the Gravy Train while poor black were left standing at the station covered with soot with the echoes of “We Shall Overcome” ringing in their ears.

Fools in the free world put their trust is a corrupt, cruel, contentious Communist tyrant with a pretty smile and it is too late for anyone, anywhere to do anything about the chaos that is coming.

Mandela and his cronies at the ANC and SACP are/were not fools, just Communists and you can always trust a Communist–to be a Communist. Why are even many Conservatives afraid to tell the truth?

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D. Videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota; “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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