Southern Baptists – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Should Biden, Trump, Bush, and Clinton, and Other Politicians Be Disciplined by their Church? Sat, 26 Jun 2021 16:10:46 +0000  

What do Bill Clinton, George Bush, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden have in common? They all fornicated, and Clinton lied to America then insulted us with a confession. All these men should be kicked out of their churches, but that won’t happen because many religious leaders are unfaithful to the religious principles they profess so loudly. They are without courage, convictions, and commitment and are as dishonorable as the politicians.

Some courageous and conscientious Roman Catholic clergy are making noises about refusing Biden communion because he supports the butchering of innocent babies on the taxpayers’ credit cards. However, the chances of Biden being refused communion are about the same as Pope Francis resigning and hiring on as a Hulu dancer in Hawaii.

The clergy were not always so supine.

Ambrose Bishop of Milan wrote to a church member in 390 A.D., warning him that he had been excommunicated because of his public and heinous sin. He also warned him that he would not be permitted to receive communion; however, that member was not just Larry Layman. He was Theodosius, the top honcho of the Roman Empire!

It seems that a Roman official had been murdered during a political disturbance in Thessalonica, and Theodosius ordered his army to the Greek city to exact a pound of flesh. They took a little more than that since about 7,000 people of all ages were killed. Like most dictators, presidents-for-life, emperors, and others, Theodosius planned to teach the untutored, unwashed, and unarmed citizens a lesson about “who’s the boss.”

Ambrose knew that he might be killed or exiled for his reprimand of the Emperor since emperors don’t like to be corrected or threatened by religious leaders. However, Ambrose’s principled action resulted in Theodosius repenting! That is the desired result of all church discipline. Ambrose said, “The emperor is in the Church, not above it.” The religious pressure on the Emperor may have prompted his repentance, so its genuineness is in question.   Coerced repentance, if not heartfelt, is not repentance.

No one knows if Theodosius sincerely repented or not but at least, he satisfied the Bishop and was not excommunicated.

Bill Clinton is a Baptist, and his many trysts, affairs, romps, assaults, rapes, etc., with Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick, Sally Perdue, Paula Jones, ad infinitum screamed for biblical discipline. In the mix was his televised denial of an affair, so he became a public liar. You may remember that women were not always believed about their affairs as they are now. In the old days, they had to support an accusation; now, they only have to speak it.

Clinton’s Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) pastor refused to bring disciplinary charges against him, thereby disgracing all SBC pastors, making a mockery of church membership.

Some foremost Evangelical leaders made periodic trips to the White House to advise Clinton in spiritual matters when they should have imitated the prophet Nathan and shouted, “Thou art the man.” Clinton lived eight years in the White House when he should have been in the big house.

George W. Bush was haunted by two sex scandals that received little notice. One involved a criminal complaint and lawsuit of rape as charged by Margie Denise Schoedinger, a 38-year-old black woman from a Houston suburb who alleged she dated Bush as a minor. She charged Bush with rape in October 2000 alleging, “race based harassment and individual sex crimes committed against her and her husband.” She shot herself in the head nine months after filing suit against Bush.

Usually, that would be worldwide news, but it was subdued.

The second scandal was an accusation by former Austin stripper Tammy Phillips of having an affair with Bush that ended in 1999. She was a 35-year-old partner in a Carrollton, Texas gym. She asserted that she had been introduced to then-governor Bush by her prominent Republican uncle in December 1997 during a political function at a hotel in Midland, Texas.

The Phillips’ scandal was reported in The National Enquirer, New York Post, and other media outlets but disappeared as the 2000 presidential campaign got underway. After that, Phillips dropped off the face of the earth.

Bush moved into the White House with the help of prominent Evangelical leaders.

Donald Trump had numerous affairs, even boasted about them, denied them, paid off prostitutes, and showed no remorse, repentance, or restitution. Yet, his Presbyterian Church never disciplined him as a layman or president, and effervescent Evangelical leaders continued to fawn over him. It was one thing to prefer him as president above another Clinton and another thing to pretend he was a conscientious Christian.

When Biden “joined” a Roman Catholic Church or when he came of age, he knew the church taught that abortion was not only a sin but also a crime. Thus, approving, applauding, and advocating abortion is not like disagreeing with the Pope’s ludicrous comments about capitalism or social justice. If Biden (and others) had character, they would do the principled thing and remove their membership, and if their pastors had character, they would confront the offenders.

Joe Biden should be refused communion for his numerous lies, plagiarism, cursing, and his flaunting of Catholic doctrine. But worse than that, Biden took Jill, I mean Dr. Jill, away from her husband, although both Joe and Jill try to make their illicit fling a starry-eyed fairy story. However, the breakup of a family and the stealing of affection are never romantic. It is worthy of being booted from church membership, not simply being refused communion.

The current and former presidents have filthy mouths, proof that their mothers did not wash them out with soap. While cursing is not as vile as adultery, it is enough to forbid him communion or remove from him church membership.

The following quotes of Bush are so revolting, I even refused to disguise his words. I have become weary of the vile words used by so many lowlifes in recent months. Some think disguising vile words gives a pass, but would I be prompting my readers to mentally say the words, thereby coarsening their lives. So I refuse to “think” the words myself. Yeah, I know, I’m living in a bubble, but that’s my preference. Decent, normal, educated, people don’t think that way and don’t talk that way.

According to Time (March 23, 2003), George Bush told three U.S. Senators (and then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice), “[*&%] Saddam. We’re taking him out!” Before his election, Bush called the Wall Street Journal’s Al Hunt a “[*&%] in a Dallas restaurant in the presence of Hunt’s wife and 4-year old son! The president also said (into a live microphone) that New York Times reporter Adam Clymer was a “major-league [*&%].” Evidently, Mr. Bush doesn’t know that Christians don’t talk that way, and even non-Christian gentlemen don’t talk that way in the presence of ladies.

Whatever we say should be unambiguous and not be embarrassing, or an insult to others who believe their yea should be yea and their nay should be nay. Vulgar (even non-vulgar) curse words are never acceptable by civil, cultured, and Christian people. I am told that such filthy speech does not affect one’s public office, but that is not the issue. The issue is membership in a professing Christian church.

Ephesians 4:29 commands, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.” That is a command of God to the president of the U.S. as it is to the lowliest member of his church. Their pastors should say, “Even if you confessed those public sins to Christ, they must be confessed to our church, so our youth and the general public will understand that Christians don’t talk that way, not even the president of the United States. You, sir, are not an exception.”

Clinton is a Baptist, Bush is a Methodist, Trump a Presbyterian, and Biden is a Catholic. Not one of their pastors has the moral courage to call for—even demand their repentance. But what is shocking, even alarming, is that Evangelical leaders are so silent! Where are all the pro-family representatives? Some of them applauded Clinton, Bush, Trump, and Biden when they should be appalled!

It seems most Evangelicals are Evan.jelly.cals.

It is my opinion that many Evangelical churches are an appendage to the Republican Party, and their pastors are aging and graceless cheerleaders for the GOP. Others, especially Black preachers, have been in bed with Democrats for decades and would support Louis Farrakhan for President as long he was a Democrat! Such people are strong on preaching and soft on principle. Churches used to be the moral compass of America, but instead of a force to be reckoned with, they have become a farce to be ridiculed.

None of the above men should receive special attention because they are powerful celebrities. In the local church, everyone, and I mean everyone, is equal. However, it seems some are treated more equally than are others. Not only are the offending men guilty and reprehensible, so are their do-nothing pastors!

All above men should be called into their pastor’s office for possible repentance with a public apology the following Sunday or be removed from church membership! If they refuse to publicly repent, each pastor should say, “Since you will not repent and confess, you will be publicly removed from our membership since you refuse to abide by biblical standards.”

After all, when a person joins a church, he knows what the church believes and that the church has the right, yes even duty, to see that all members follow their teaching. However, the above men, through arrogance, lust, lack of character, etc., chose to disobey God and their church rules. Yet, no one has called for their dismissal, and many argue that they should not be disciplined in any way!

Some social clubs and lodges have higher standards than many churches.

Everyone knows the above offenders will not stand at the church altar sobbing uncontrollably, confessing, as did another head of state thousands of years ago: “Have mercy upon me, O God…blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin….Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Moreover, because I demand that U.S. presidents are not exceptions and must experience remorse, repentance, and restoration, radical leftists will accuse me of being a sanctimonious Bible-thumper.

Frankly, I seldom thump my Bible and never really hard!

Moreover, I’ve been called worse things by better people.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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This is Not the America Where I Grew Up! Sun, 28 Mar 2021 20:24:16 +0000 America, the land of the free and home of the brave. Not any longer. Americans are less free and less brave. Frankly, we are getting to be the “land of the slave and the home of the knave.”

I don’t recognize this America where Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and similar seditious rabble attack and hijack whole sections of city streets and buildings. Then they loot and burn them to the ground, injuring and killing innocent people while impotent officials nonchalantly watch.

Such actions are additionally loathsome when the culprits wrap themselves in sanctimonious facades when they are actually spineless, un-American, insurgent scum. This is further exacerbated by officials who permit it to go on and on for weeks or months while defending and excusing the malefactors instead of jailing them.

And isn’t it strange that we have federal troops in Washington, D.C. doing nothing while anarchy rules at the southern border and in the hinterlands?

I don’t recognize this America where Columbia University held seven different graduation ceremonies based on race, sexual orientation, income, etc. This is disruptive, disgusting, and divisive. It does not unify. It is also bad education. It shows that most secular universities are majoring in hypocrisy.

I don’t recognize this America where a New York City Judge removed a six-year-old child from a maskless mother who dropped off her kid at school. Furthermore, when she is permitted short supervised visits with her child in her own home, the mom must wear a mask. That judge should be running the county animal shelter, not making decisions that destroy lives and infringe on personal freedom.

I don’t recognize this America where a college professor was fired for racism after saying her black students were “predominantly at the bottom of her class.” No one asked if the accusation was true, nor if true, why saying it resulted in racism. As a school teacher decades ago in Indianapolis, I discovered that most of my black students did poorly on tests, verbal skills, book reports, etc. A few years later, when I was the administrator of a large Christian school, that was not true. Why is the professor attacked rather than the school system, curriculum, unconcerned parents, or the students themselves?

But it gets more un-American because the male professor she complained to was pressured to resign for not correcting the above complaining teacher! Note that he did not comment or approve her assessment, and he did not “correct” her. He should have forced the school to fire him, then face their abhorrent actions in court. Instead, the university has launched “a full investigation into her ‘abhorrent’ comments.”

However, there is no plan to correct the inferior performance of her students. No one wants to know why various high schools would graduate such students and why a university would enroll them with such academic records or keep them in school.

But it gets worse. A professor at Georgetown University was dissatisfied with Judge Kavanagh’s Senate Hearings and became deranged and unhinged when she wrote of Republican Senators, “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

Surely, she is now serving eggs and hash browns at a Waffle House, but no, Georgetown (Catholic) University was not disturbed with her at all. Every Catholic in America should be demanding the administration and the Board of Trustees be fired yesterday. Moreover, I don’t want my tax dollars awarded to such a school, not grants, loans, etc.

I don’t recognize this America where a musician was forced to apologize after the cancel culture mob learned he had read an anti-Antifa book. The mob is so powerful, plentiful, and pushy that they can bully a musician into apologizing for reading a book, any book! I am surprised that any modern musician would read any book. Even surprised they can read! The pathetic musician promised the cancel culture mob that he would take “time away from the band to examine my blind spots.”

That nauseating statement gagged every buzzard west of the Mississippi.

I don’t recognize this America where students at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will be required to sign a statement of blind allegiance to government mandates before they are accepted into the school! The statement requires students to “affirm together that we will follow and obey all rules, policies, advisories, and practices required by government authorities, mandated by our institutional responsibility and communicated by institutional leadership.” No exceptions.

Note, this is happening in an alleged Bible-teaching seminary—a Baptist seminary. I wonder what they teach about Daniel refusing to obey the King of Babylon, or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refusing the king’s edict and going into the fiery furnace as evidence of their faith and independence of thought.

Or what they teach about the original Disciples who told authorities in response to orders to stop preaching, they “ought to obey God rather than men.” They not only refused to obey the local police, but they continued preaching by saying, “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.”

Government officials need to hear that kind of preaching from church leaders, not mealy-mouthed, self-serving platitudes from effeminate hirelings afraid of their own shadow.

Evidently, the Southern Baptists are brainwashing young pastors to be lapdogs for the government, not watchdogs who bark warnings. Isaiah 56:10 refers to watchdogs who refuse to bark: “His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark.” Most pastors fear offending anyone by giving warnings, and they consider rebukes as “not Christ-like.” Most preachers are not made of the same stuff as Peter and John but are dumb dogs who refuse to bark. Dumb Dogs—D.D. (That’s one doctorate I don’t want.)

That is not the America where I grew up and not the seminary I would ever recommend.

I don’t recognize this America where the new Equality Act will require churches, schools, hospitals, adoption agencies, etc., to trash their beliefs and accept the government’s mandates about sexual orientation and gender identity. People will be fired for refusing to call a hairy, bearded male pretending to be a female “Miss.” That’s not my America. And I will never do that even if it means prison.

I don’t recognize this America where schools, all schools, will be forced to teach even first-grade students that they can choose their gender. Even parents will be required to accept their children’s gender, even having healthy organs chopped off. Medical personnel will be required to do surgeries on innocent children and prescribe hormone treatment to create the pretended gender.

My sixth-grade-educated father would have said, “This world is crazy as a bedbug.” Dad was a natural philosopher.

I don’t recognize this America where Christian colleges and other religious charities will be forced to hire people who have opposite beliefs and lifestyles abhorrent to the organization’s teachings. I can see a tall, hairy, broad-shouldered man wearing high heels, a dress, and heavy makeup sitting at a secretary’s desk at a Christian university. Not in a school or organization that I run or support.

I don’t recognize this America where a man pretending to be a female in Nevada is now one step closer to being crowned Miss USA. A biological male recently won the Miss Silver State USA pageant—an event considered the biggest preliminary competition for the Miss Nevada USA pageant. Wow, we may see a male win the Miss USA contest.

We now have a man (pretending to be a woman) confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be an Assistant Secretary of Health. He changed his name from Richard to Rachel, but it only made things worse. Richard thought he was a male for forty years; his doctor thought he was a male; his mother thought he was a male, and he looked like a male. His wife and children thought he was a male; his neighbors thought he was a male. Fact is, he looked rather nice as a male, and his/her long hair and lipstick don’t really help him/her at all. Take a look and make up your own mind.

This dude is a psychiatrist! I think he needs to see one or, better yet, spend some time at an old-fashioned altar.

Does that make you proud to be an American and feel secure that he/she is looking after your health?

Those government officials, media moguls, and academics who have destroyed the America where I grew up deserve to be laughed out of every position of power and into the nuthouse where they belong.

No, not my America when truth is sacrificed at the altar of pretended tolerance.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Russell Moore’s Treatment by Southern Baptists May Signal their Future! Thu, 01 Jun 2017 15:25:45 +0000 The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has had many successes and some failures and faces more of both in my opinion. The SBC boasts of fifteen million members in 46,000 churches. More than a thousand churches have joined the convention since 2010! That makes it America’s largest “Protestant” denomination; and one indication of its weakness is not protesting being labeled Protestant.

Their successes are numerous such as the large number of impressive churches, colleges, seminaries, orphanages; many quality hospitals; and a disaster relief agency. Their failures have been mainly in the area of liberalism in their schools. To their credit, a few years ago, conservative leaders made a valiant effort to take back the SBC from liberals who controlled it. They were surprisingly successful since that had never happened in history.

Today, their problems are numerous such as the corrupt colleges; decline of baptisms; reformed theology; wine-bibbing pastors and members; ordained women preachers (over 1,225); and insurrection of younger leaders noted for their leftist theology and left wing social positions–a problem in all religious groups.

Unfortunately, the International Mission Board (IMB), known as the Cooperative Program, is millions of dollars in the red. Dr. David Platt is head of the IMB and oversees about 9,000 missionaries, but the IMB has not been able to pay the bills in recent years; hence, their attempt to entice Independent Baptists into their fold. Platt announced in Sept. of 2015 that they would “reduce the total number of our personnel…by 600-800 people over the next six months.” He admitted that the IMB had spent “$210 million more than people gave to us” since 2010! How does an organization overspend $210 million and what about hundreds of missionaries who were removed from the field because of financial irresponsibility?

The impersonal cooperative missions program of the SBC is partly responsible. Seldom do SBC church members get to meet their missionaries, pray for them by name, or send them birthday and Christmas cards because a faceless, impersonal program takes care of SBC missionaries. A few SBC churches also support missionary families from various Baptist mission boards.

The biggest boat-rocker and wave-maker in the SBC is Dr. Russell Moore, Executive Director of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). Moore seems to have a natural inclination to poke  sticks into the eyes of traditional SBC leaders as when he suggested that Trump supporters came from the “Jimmy Swaggart wing” of evangelicalism and that Southern Baptist leaders who met with President Trump were “drinking the Kool-Aid.” Evidently, Moore has not read the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Moore angered many white conservatives when he wrote. “The man on the throne in heaven is a dark-skinned, Aramaic-speaking ‘foreigner’ who is probably not all that impressed by chants of ‘Make America great again.’” We might ask the reverend if “Black Lives Matter”; “Sharia yes, Democracy No!”; or “America, go to Hell!” and similar chants impress “the man on the throne”! And what does Moore think of those chants?

Much of Moore’s strong support comes from the 4,000 mostly black congregations in the SBC. They especially liked his stand on the SBC’s decision to “repudiate the display of the Confederate Flag.” Moore wept tears of joy at that decision. Moreover, the black pastors showed their appreciation for Moore when the president of the SBC’s National African American Fellowship, recently defended him in an open letter to the Baptist Press.

Moore had a major lapse in judgment when he filed a religious-liberty brief in favor of a New Jersey mosque, poking most SBC pastors in both eyes.

With the annual convention of the SBC taking place in Phoenix this month, the long knives are out but then maybe that is not a proper metaphor in a Christian context. A better choice would be that some of Moore’s critics will have their Bible verses ready. I believe the treatment of Moore may determine the direction and even threaten the cohesion of the SBC in the very near future.

Last year, 49 SBC churches left the convention which is far more than the six or so that leave each year. Some of those that don’t leave are snapping shut their checkbooks, something that gives denominational leaders perpetual heartburn and keeps them awake at night. According to Christianity Today, “more than 100 churches threatened to end their donations to the SBC’s Cooperative Program” because of their dissatisfaction with Moore.

The prestigious Prestonwood Baptist Church, served by former SBC president Jack Graham, stated that they would escrow up to one million dollars that would normally go to the Cooperative Program. Remember that the Cooperative Program has been printing red ink for many years.

The Washington Post reported that Frank Page, former president of the SBC and now chief executive officer of the SBC, recently met with Moore and would not rule out the possibility that Moore would be asked to resign.

Watch closely this month when the SBC messengers convene in Phoenix. I’m not sure Baptists will bring long knives to the convention, but for sure, they will bring their well-marked Bibles: Tit. 2:15: “These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority” and Eph. 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” II Tim. 4:2: “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

Dr. Russell Moore may be touted in Phoenix as an illustrious religious leader or be standing in the unemployment line–with a handful of sticks for future eye-poking!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Should Christian Leaders Help Build Mosques? Fri, 12 May 2017 01:44:41 +0000 The Islamic Society of Basking Ridge, N.J. was refused a permit to build a mosque last December in a prosperous New Jersey suburb about an hour from Manhattan. The mosque leader who has been a respected town resident for 40 years and his followers met the legal building requirements that all religious buildings must meet.

The Muslim group went even further to preempt a brutal battle similar to what erupted in a town nearby over building a mosque. Trying to satisfy the opposition, the Muslims chose not to have a dome and its minarets would be chimney-style as are homes in the area. And the minarets would not be as high as church steeples. That would eliminate Christians whining, “Your minarets are higher than our steeple. It’s unfair.”

The opposing group determined to wear down the Muslims by making various excessive demands. There were 39 public hearings, and almost four years of demands for one change after another by town officials and planning board members. Even though each proposal was agreed to by the Muslims, they were followed by additional demands.

The four-acre requirement for churches was increased to six-acres. The parking lot was approved for 50 cars but was increased to 107 cars. But the mosque approval was denied by the town. Obviously, most of the opposition to the mosque was ill-disguised and ill-considered and without merit.

The major opponent declared, “Shariah law is one of the greatest threats to American values and liberties.” So, obviously, the issue was what Muslims believed and practiced. Therein is the rub.

Christian groups, including some Baptists, got involved in a suit to permit the mosque to be constructed! While I believe in religious liberty, I think Baptists have far more pressing and less controversial issues to support. I wonder if the broadminded Christians would be so supportive of a satanic group wanting to build a temple for their coven of Satanists! If not, why not? Islam is far more deceitful, disruptive, and dangerous than a few Satanists performing their silly rituals.

Brent Walker is the recently retired Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty who said, “It’s good when we can join hands with…folks we are sometimes on the other side of.” But God warned us not to be yoked together with unbelievers.

Other non-Muslim mosque-supporters included Dr. Russell Moore of the Ethics and the Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and Dr. David Platt of the International Mission Board (IMB), both agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Platt “apologized” for his actions that were distracting and divisive but not for disobedience of Scripture! Bud Ahlheim wrote in Pulpit & Pen, “But in the case of much of the SBC, it seems that Biblical disobedience isn’t all that much of a crime, isn’t a sin, and isn’t an issue. When you get caught, apologize for the confusion, not for the transgression.” True, but that is typical of everyone, including Independent Baptists.

When Dr. Moore was confronted by fellow-Baptists about the mosque caper, he refused to apologize but did manage to antagonize his critics. Moore could only be more controversial if he led a short-term mission project to help build the New Jersey mosque! Reports have surfaced that Moore may get the axe during the annual SBC meeting in Phoenix next month; however, only his executive board has the authority to remove him. The fate of Moore may determine the future of the SBC.

Not to be outdone, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) signed on to support the mosque-builders. About 20 other faith-based groups have joined the suit including Hare Krishna, Sikh, Jewish, and Muslim.

The suit declares that the town cannot discriminate against Muslims by requiring a different criterion from other religious groups. This is an old story of which all sincere people should be aware. For decades, Christians in America have been refused permission to build by big-city authorities because “we don’t need any more churches in this part of town.” Of course, this has been an ongoing problem for centuries in Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. I think it should be heralded that there is not one church in Saudi Arabia! Why is no one screaming about that? Have all these religious groups taken a public stand on that issue? Why not?

All right, this is America so we are held to a higher standard. I agree and I feel queasy about the silly, unfair demands made by the opponents of the mosque. If a town can ban Muslims, they can ban Methodists. I detest inconsistency. Additionally, it is illegal to use zoning as an excuse to ban a religious group from building based on the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000.

“We really felt it was important to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our Muslim brothers and sisters,” Walker the Baptist said. Say what? Has Walker lost his mind or is he overcome in a seizure of an ecumenical spasm that shut off his thinking process? All Baptists know that we are brothers to those who have been born into the family of God through the New Birth. Has he been called upon to explain his ridiculously unscriptural statement? Or, is this issue the cause of his retirement?

A major principle that most Americans don’t know is that no one speaks for Baptists. You can speak to Baptists but not for Baptists. I speak for myself.

Galen Carey of the NAE said it was not unusual for the association to support plaintiffs of other religions. Carey said it has backed a Muslim prisoner’s right to grow a beard and Jewish inmates’ right to kosher food behind bars and a Muslim woman’s successful Supreme Court case to wear a hijab while working at retail store.

I think those issues are without merit, after all, doesn’t a department store have a right to determine employees’ dress? Must a prison cater to every religious practice? Can a snake-handling fanatic demand a bag of rattlesnakes in his cell? After all, that is a religiously held belief with more biblical support than a hijab. And no one can question the sincerity of snake-handlers!

There are limits on what can be permitted based on religious belief. Some church members sit around in the nude so is the state required to overlook the harm done to children in such a church? If a church believes in sacrificing a virgin on an altar every January 1, are they to be permitted to do it? These days they will not have much of a future since virgins are difficult to find. Since Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe in blood transfusions, are they to be permitted to refuse blood for their sickly children? So, there are some limits to religious freedom, and I believe there must be limits on all mosques, and even on churches in extreme cases!

Islam is not only a religion but is a total way of life–economic, social, legal, and religious–that Muslims believe should regulate everyone. Christianity is also a total way of life but without coercion. It is fact that every true Muslim is obligated to make the nation in which he or she lives, a Muslim nation. All true Muslims believe in sharia law. Since 51% of American Muslims believe they have the right to be ruled by sharia rather than local laws and 20% of American Muslims believe violence is permitted to make sharia the law of the land, it is not only a religious matter. It is not very smart to encourage your executioner.

Islam is a poitical system taking advantage of our much-revered first amendment guaranteeing freedom of religion. It is seeking to destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to replace them with sharia to gain world domination and subjugation of all non-Muslims. No mosque should be permitted in America unless the leadership declares under oath that they do not have plans to conquer America; they do not support female sexual mutilation; do not support honor killings; do not support violence against those who criticize Islam or Mohammed; do not support retaliation against those who leave Islam; and disavowal all forms of terror any place in the world. After permission to build the mosque, any deviation of the above would result in the leaders being arrested and the mosque demolished.

After all, under President Bush, on February 13, 2001, Federal Marshals raided the Indianapolis Baptist Temple and carried out many of my friends who were praying at the altar! The feds sold the 6 million dollar property for 1.5 million to a charter school. They attacked and later destroyed the large, famous, fundamental church based on far less (and inaccurate) transgressions than the above.

By the way, where were all the Christian mosque-defenders when the beautiful auditorium was bulldozed to the ground? They were not in Indianapolis for sure; after all, it was an Independent Baptist Church, not a Muslim mosque!

Maybe George Orwell was right. While all animals are equal, it seems some animals are more equal than others!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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