terrorists – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Trump’s Wall Will Produce Stability, Security, and Survival! https://donboys.cstnews.com/trumps-wall-will-produce-stability-security-and-survival https://donboys.cstnews.com/trumps-wall-will-produce-stability-security-and-survival#respond Fri, 21 Dec 2018 18:55:58 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2259 Representative Roger Marshall (R-KS) shocked Americans recently on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” when he said, “This border is all about national security. Every day, over 10 terrorists and 40 criminals try to cross that border.” Other officials have made the same statement.

Every sane person agrees that we must do whatever is necessary to keep bad people out. A wall, barrier, fence, hedge, railing, screen, paling, partition, barrier, barricade, or whatever you choose to call it will stop most of the bad guys. That will result in America’s stability, security, and survival.

It will also stop or slow down “good” guys who refuse to follow U.S. rules, regulations, and requirements to enter. Coming to America is not a right but a privilege: a privilege we choose to grant to those who will become a help not a hindrance.

Donald Trump has promised to build a wall on the southern border to keep drug pushers, terrorists, and tomato pickers from gatecrashing into America without following U.S. rules. Progressives (former liberals who lost the immigration debate and changed their name thinking none of us would notice) have resorted to ridicule but that is easier than addressing the problem.

Moreover, ridicule is the last resort of the dumb, the deceived, and the demented.

Walls have been used since the beginning of time for defense, privacy, and “to protect the people of a certain region from the influence or perceived danger posed by outsiders.” In fact, an ancient city without walls was an invitation for disaster. Walls discouraged some barbarians, delayed others, and defeated still others.

A well-fortified city with high, wide walls, watchtowers, and iron gates was a good guarantee of peace and prosperity, but never a panacea. The Psalmist said in 122:7, “Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.” Who would want to live or start a business in a vulnerable city? A walled city offered security, stability, and sociality—even survival. People who lived outside walled cities were known as “pagans,” and were “rustic,” or “of or relating to the countryside,” and later were thought to be uncivilized or unenlightened people. Yes, I suppose if people chose to live in a violent, unprotected area, they would qualify as “unenlightened.” And dead.

In other words, thinking intelligent people lived behind walls, big walls if possible. So, today’s progressives such as Hillary Clinton live in gated or high-rise communities yet ridicule a wall on our southern border. Clinton’s New York mansion has a high, attractive wall. In many parts of the world, homes are commonly built surrounded by walls topped with wire or glass for protection. That is to keep them away from us.

The Pope lives in the Vatican, a walled enclave within the city of Rome, yet wants us to build bridges instead of walls.

Pope Francis, tear down that wall! And open your palace and the Vatican to the poor, oppressed, and those looking only to better themselves. Practice what you preach.

When Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land of Canaan, they returned and informed him of the conditions of the land. Most of them spoke of an incredible land of very large people living within walled cities. They spoke from exaggerated facts and fear, not faith. The spineless spies warned in Deut. 1:28, “the cities are great and walled up to heaven”–a slight hyperbole! They declared, “All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars.” They were saying, “Moses, you are a dummy if you think we can take those walled cities. We have no battering rams, no ladders, and no trees to provide the necessary siege instruments. Let’s go somewhere else.”

But the first walled city to be taken was Jericho, the “world’s first city.” Most people are familiar with the wall of Jericho that was miraculously destroyed to permit Joshua and the Israelites to conquer the city and the land. I have been to the excavation site of those ruins many times. It was a well-fortified city but it fell by faith, not by force because the walls of Jericho fell in obedience to God. The people within the city thought they were safe because of their protective walls; they were wrong. This is no argument for not building a wall.

It is an argument to prove that ancient people used walls to protect themselves, sometimes unsuccessfully, especially when God wanted the wall destroyed to bring judgment upon a people.

King Nebuchadnezzar II (reigned 605-562 B.C.) is famous mainly because of his association with the Hebrew prophet Daniel and his three buddies. Nebuchadnezzar built three walls around Babylon and one was so broad that a four-horse chariot could turn around on it. The Ishtar Gate in the wall was said to be more impressive than any of the Wonders of the Ancient World.

Herodotus the Greek historian declared, “Babylon surpasses in wonder any city in the known world” and said that the wall was 56 miles long, 80 feet thick and 320 feet high! That is higher than a football field is long! Even allowing for the usual exaggeration which afflicted ancient historians, it was a very high wall. There was a wide and deep moat that encircled the entire city. No wonder it was commonly believed that Babylon was impregnable. But no one told two Hebrew prophets and King Cyrus that “fact” and the city fell to the Medes and Persians—but the wall stood! A wall will not guarantee survival but it’s a great beginning.

Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world and during its long history it has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. It is one of the oldest walled cities. The wall has been built many times but the rock foundation and a few rows of original Herodian stones can still be seen. The wall is less than 3 miles long, the average height is 39.37 feet, and the average thickness is 8.2 feet. The wall also contains 34 watchtowers and 8 gates. On some of my 13 tours that I have led to the Middle East, I took some of the group for a trek along the top of the wall to provide a different perspective of the city and its surroundings.

Even with the wall, the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon’s Temple was accomplished by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. and the city and Herod’s Temple, also known as the Second Temple, were destroyed by Titus in A.D. 70. The destruction in A.D. 70 was prophesied by Christ in Mark 13:1-2 when He said, “And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Note how precise He was in that not one stone would be left upon another. That was not poetic. Some of the Temple stones were 37 feet long, 12 feet high, and 18 feet wide. According to a PBS special, one stone weighed over 300 tons and they wondered if modern equipment could move such stones! It would take hundreds of men to move one stone but why would weary soldiers even try to do so after an exhausting battle?

The prophecy was fulfilled literally when the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem and the temple buildings. One reason for the fall was the Jews were divided into three groups, even killing each other as the Roman Army was outside the wall! Rome prevailed and according to historian and eyewitness Josephus, the massive stones were moved by the soldiers, pried apart to collect the gold leaf that melted from the roof when the temple was set on fire. The city was taken after a four year siege! The prophecy was precisely fulfilled.

Like Jericho, Babylon, and Jerusalem, the walls did not guarantee safety but then there are no guarantees in life. You do the best you can to protect yourself; but to invite thieves, thugs, and terrorists with open borders is insane. Borders are biblical and reasonable and a wall is needed along our southern border.

The Great Wall of China with all its branches is 13,171 miles long extending east-to-west across the northern border of China and it was built to protect a nation not a city. And like city walls, it had a measure of success. It was built over the centuries beginning in about 221 B.C. to protect the Chinese against raids from nomadic groups from Mongolia. It was finished in the 17th century but fell into disrepair until recent years. The wall was also used to control immigration and permitted the imposition of taxes on goods that were transported along the Silk Road from Europe to China. When China extended its northern border, the wall became obsolete–except as a tourist attraction. It has four million visitors annually. The 2,500 watchtowers and garrison stations permitted watchers to send smoke signals to alert inland troops of approaching danger.

A modern myth has prevailed and is believed by most people that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure on earth that can be seen from the moon. But that is not true. Modern day scholars and scientists, as well as those who have traveled to the moon, have debunked this claim repeatedly but it is still often repeated.

But then there are many myths about walls that are espoused today in political discussion: we don’t really need a wall; a wall is an insult to our Mexican friends; a wall will not accomplish anything other than anger others; if people want in, they will get in; and at a cost of $25 billion, it is too expensive. Not if Mexico pays for it. Mexico has clearly and bluntly said that they will never pay for it but they will if America increases fines for overstaying visas and imposes a tax on every dollar sent to Mexico by workers in the U.S. About $20 billion per year is sent to Mexico from the U.S., usually by electronic transfer typically in about $300 amounts. Taking a small fee at the place of origin from each transaction will soon pay for the wall. After all, much of that money was never taxed.

Trump’s Wall, like the Great Wall of China, can be successful and provide a measure of peace and prosperity but it is not a panacea.

(This is an expanded rewrite of my article published a few years ago.)

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Baptist Fundamentalist Falls for Conspiracies; Breaks With Reality! https://donboys.cstnews.com/baptist-fundamentalist-falls-for-conspiracies-breaks-with-reality https://donboys.cstnews.com/baptist-fundamentalist-falls-for-conspiracies-breaks-with-reality#respond Sat, 10 Nov 2018 19:52:56 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2241 Recently, a good friend broke with me over the “Palestinian” issue. He responded to one of my South African articles by comparing the plight of mythical Palestinians to white South Africans. He charged me with being inconsistent when I defend the white South Africans and condemn the Palestinians. His position might be understandable coming from a loosey-goosey Evangelical with a low view of Scripture but for such an opinion to come from a hard-nosed Fundamentalist is shocking.

We are fools if we do not recognize our foes and our friends, and Muslim terrorists consider all non-Muslims as the enemy and that won’t change until pigs learn to fly.

The Palestinian issue is political rubbish and my friend needs a lesson in history. Those people who are identified as Palestinians are refugees from Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. However, there are millions of these people who were born in refugee camps and have been falsely taught they are Palestinians. In 1948 and the 1950s, rejected and displaced Arabs lived in abject squalor in refugee camps (supposed to be temporary) under the custodial care of the United Nations. Muslim leaders did not care about them until it became politically expedient to do so. There are no Palestinian people, or history, or culture, or coinage, or language, or uncovered artifacts. Palestinians don’t exist and never have. Muslims and media that promote Palestinians are repeating a falsehood and ignoring the facts.

Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist agrees with the above. He asked, “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?” He and his compatriots were Jordanians “until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians.” Shoebat was saying that when the Jews re-took their historic and biblical homeland in 1967, the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created out of thin air and promoted worldwide. The gullible media, too lazy to do the research, still spouts the PLO line about the “Palestinian people.”

My Baptist friend has bought into the Palestinian nonsense and while there has been some Israeli mistreatment of them, the failure of Muslim nations  to support them and be willing to absorb them as citizens is the root of the problem.  He and others are too quick to swallow any theory that is absurd, audacious, without concern for accuracy. There have been and are conspiracies as all historians know; however, many of my theological compatriots are too quick to seriously entertain such conspiracies.

Part of my friend’s problem is his anti-Trump stance. He doesn’t seem to realize that if enough Evangelical and Fundamental Christians held to his position, we would be living under President Hillary Clinton! He charged, “The primary terrorists committing mass murder are in Washington DC…and exist primarily in the Republican Party and Trump regime that you support. [You said] ‘No one can say for sure about who the true terrorists of 9/11?’ [He questioned my assertion then made his own.] The only ones who can’t say for sure are those who ignore the obvious fact.”

No, it is obvious that Muslim men did the attack; however, that would not, by itself, preclude the involvement of others. But that has not been established and is for sure not obvious.

To say the “primary terrorists” are Republicans and the “Trump regime” in Washington is simply political nonsense. If we were discussing the existence of some incompetents or rascals or opportunists or charlatans then I would have to agree but the primary terrorists are coming from Muslim nations as all sane, informed, and honest people know.

A recent Henry Jackson Society report reveals that Islamists were responsible for a massive 84.27 per cent of terror killings in the West in 2017, with 66.67 per cent of the perpetrators coming to their target country from abroad. Yet, my friend charges Trump and Republicans as “primary terrorists”!

His characterization of the terrorists of 9/11 as being U.S. politicians, not 19 dedicated Muslims, is totally unproven. While there are legitimate questions that are asked about that infamous day, there is no doubt that Muslim fanatics were the plotters, promoters, and perpetrators of that tragedy.

He asked me to explain why the torture and killing of white farmers in South Africa is horrible but it’s “acceptable to you when Israelis show their Palestinian neighbors similar or worse treatment.” It is really rather easy to explain. The white farmers are being killed by black thugs and their land is to be “legally” taken by government action although their white ancestors came to the cape almost 400 years ago, cleared unoccupied land and build farms that have been in their families for centuries. The white farmers are not the bad guys. However, the Palestinians have no authority but are part of a terrorist cabal that attacks Israel with bombs, missiles, and suicide terrorists. They are terrorist aggressors, and it is insane to give them moral equivalency to white South African farmers.

Furthermore, Muslim terrorist groups encourage, even teach children to become suicide bombers, and even pay the family of such bombers a lifetime income following a child’s bombing attack against Jews. My friend refused to comment on that aspect of the group he naively supports.

The official position of the Muslim terrorist groups is that Israel doesn’t even have a right to exist. The Hamas Charter boldly declared, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.” Psalm 83:4 predicted this day: “They have said, ‘Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more.’”

Their primary purpose is to “drive Israel into the sea.” Muslim maps don’t even show the fact of Israel’s existence. How can there be peace in the Middle East when the Muslim terrorist groups refuse to recognize that the main entity in the discussion has no legitimate right to exist?

My friend did a bait and switch when he brought up the “U.S. support of Saudi Arabia’s genocide of the people of Yemen” but that has no relevance to this issue. I don’t defend the Saudi attack upon Yemen. He obviously felt a need for more support for his anemic Palestinian argument but failed in his attempt.

My friend alleged, “nearly 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israelis, most of whom were civilians.” While the number is dubious, it must be remembered that those “civilians” were Muslim terrorists attacking Israel with bombs, missiles, rocks, knives, and suicide bombers. It is shocking that any sane person would defend the Palestinians when two-thirds of Palestinians support the stabbing of Israeli civilians.

While it is true Palestinians have been banned from some roads in “their own West Bank,” it is a reasonable action if those roads make easy access to attacks upon innocent Israeli civilians that include many Arab Muslims!

When speaking of the “persecuted” Muslims in Israel it must be remembered that Muslims have a right to vote in Israel while Jews are not even permitted in some Muslim nations. Moreover, the “near complete boycott” of Gaza was only done because of the constant attacks upon Israel. It must also be remembered that Israel provides Gaza and the West Bank most of the electric supply and liquefied petroleum gas that is used by hundreds of thousands of Muslim homes and businesses for cooking and heating. Plus, thousands of Gaza residents go to Israel each year for medical treatment.

My friend is either uninformed about such support or chose to ignore Israel’s provision of essential services to people who are determined to drive them “into the sea.”

My friend asked, “How is the oppression of the Palestinian minority in Israel not egregious enough to even merit comparison with the South African situation?” The question displays a shocking ignorance of the facts or a grievous willful partiality toward the mythical Palestinians. Muslims in Israel are voting citizens, have the same protection as Jews, have no fear of being raped and killed, have good health care, and live in relative peace—except when the rockets fall on them from their fellow-Muslims in Gaza!

Muslim terrorists everywhere support bombings, beheadings, and burkas and my erstwhile Baptist friend defends those terrorists!

Have terrorists repudiated terror and no longer consider non-Muslims their enemy? If so, pigs have sprouted wings and learned to fly!


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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All Honest Democrats Should Leave the Party! https://donboys.cstnews.com/all-honest-democrats-should-leave-the-party https://donboys.cstnews.com/all-honest-democrats-should-leave-the-party#respond Sun, 04 Nov 2018 19:19:27 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2238 What must happen before decent, thoughtful Democrats leave the party of their fathers? But then, the Democrat Party is no longer your father’s party. It is a totally different creature that Scoop Jackson, Harry Truman, and super conservative Larry McDonald would not recognize. Every member of my family in West Virginia was a Yellow Dog Democrat—meaning they would vote for a yellow dog before voting for a Republican. When I decided to run for the Indiana House of Representatives in 1976 as a Republican (a Reagan Republican), my conflicted father reluctantly gave his blessings and even voted for Reagan in 1980.

The Boys’ family thought that Hell had frozen over, but in those days, no one was interested in theology except me and I knew better. But it was a big deal for Dad to vote Republican.

Many years later, I left the GOP because the Grand Old Party morphed into the Grand Old Progressives, so I even wonder how principled Republicans can stay in that party. But in spades for Democrats.

Surely decent Democrats are embarrassed almost daily by their leaders making outrageous charges simply to score points with their dumb, deceived, and the delusional members. Their actions during the Supreme Court Hearings, their political ads, and their nonsensical accusations during the political season make a buzzard sitting on a dead carcass look like the essence of elegance.

While people in both parties can disagree about tariffs, foreign policy, and the deficit, surely no one really tries to defend killing innocent unborn babies; same-sex “marriage”; permitting males in women’s rest rooms or locker rooms because they think they are female when their genitalia screams their manhood; or the invasion of America by foreigners who may be unhealthy, uneducated, and unrepentant terrorists, or even arrogant caravanners and others who are trying to defy and upend our laws.

Can far left “progressive” positions like the above really be defended? Do Democrats even try to defend such positions or do they simply call people who are critical of the above racists, homophobe, and bigot? But then, that is much easier than defending one’s position.

Some principled Democrats began thinking about their association with a corrupt party when the shenanigans of Ted Kennedy and Gerry Studds were revealed. As it accelerated into the Clinton administration, it became an avalanche of evil and corruption. With Obama, we were slapped in the face almost daily if we did not worship facing Saudi Araba. It seemed people were given high positions in his administration if they were black and/or Muslim, preferably both. Think of the rogue’s gallery: Holder, Rice, Jarrett, Jones, Lynch, Emanuel, et al. It also seemed to help one’s résumé if one were a female.

Lynch, Rice, and Jarrett are women; however, there was an abundance of females as revealed in Essence magazine issue October, 2015 that headlined, “29 Powerful Black Women Who Called The Shots In The Obama Administration”! I looked in vain for a photo of white women who “called the shots” for Obama without success. Likewise, I looked for any Fundamentalist or Evangelical Christian who “called the shots” for Obama but without success. I would have been satisfied whether he or she was black or white.

All of us now know that Obama was photographed with Louis Farrakhan in 2005 while Obama was still a U.S. Senator from Illinois. The Muslim photographer promised to keep the photo secret since it would have destroyed Obama’s budding political career. The photo was released in 2017 when no one cared about Obama or Farrakhan.

Frankly, I would leave any group that had anything to do with Farrakhan. However, he sups and dines with the political elite when he should be making license plates in prison or using a sledge hammer making little rocks out of big rocks. The fact that he has not been investigated by state and Federal officials reflects on the Democrat Party and the Justice Department that deliberately refuses to investigate his hate crimes, advocacy of terrorists, and his audacious anti-Semitism.

President Obama deliberately excluded Christians from senior White House positions according to White House emails sent to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign manager John Podesta. Obama had a list of Muslim candidates for high level jobs; sounds like religious discrimination to me.

Obama had many Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist group masquerading as religious rights group) operatives—all Islamist activists—in his administration having major influence over U.S. policy. Mohammed Elibiary was Homeland Security Advisor and appeared at a conference honoring Ayatollah Khomeini! Salam al-Marayati was an Obama Advisor who founded the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is an Israel hater. Eboo Patel was on the Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships and Rashad Hussain was Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. He is famous for memorization of the Koran, proving his devotion to Islam. Dalia Mogahed, an Egyptian-born hijab-clad Muslim American, was the first Muslim woman appointed to a position in the Obama administration.

Other Muslims with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood were Huma Abedim who was Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during Obama’s presidency. Mehdi K. Alhassani was Special Assistant to the Office of the Chief of Staff, National Security Council Staff, and Executive Office of the President. Rashad Hussain was Obama’s special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. All stamped: “Approved by the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Obama nominated Abid Riaz Qureshi, a Washington lawyer to a prestigious federal judgeship, making the first Muslim American tapped for the federal judiciary. Abid was born in Pakistan.

It has been reported in the national media that former Director of the CIA John Brennan converted to Islam while serving as CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia during the 1990s. He became Obama’s Homeland Security Advisor from 2009 to 2013 and CIA Director from 2013 to 2017.

The far left Mother Jones magazine reported that eleven of Obama’s confirmed judges were “openly gay.” No, not your father’s party, for sure.

How could any Democrat sleep at night knowing he was a member of party that promoted such people to places of public trust?

Jesse Helms was a lifelong Democrat and switched to the GOP and became a leading conservative senator. Ronald Reagan also switched and became one of the most effective presidents in U.S. History. While President Donald Trump is not much of a Republican, he did leave the Democrat Party and there is scuttlebutt about some Democrat senators jumping ship after the midterm elections.

However, my biggest concern is not the professional politicians but average working Democrats who need to do the principled thing and leave the party that left them many years ago. No thinking, honest person can defend the platform of the Democrat Party. Far left issues that Democrat spokesmen are forcing down the throats of Americans would gag a maggot: same sex “marriage”; transgenderism; the use of any rest room by anyone, depending on what he/she feels like; open borders; sanctuary cities; blatant Socialism that has proved itself a failure wherever it has been tried; higher taxes; statehood for Washington, DC; environmental extremism that will close coal mines and oil wells; universal preschool for every child; universal health care; grab all guns; debt free college education for all, ad infinitum. Most of these proposals reek of Socialism and I am surprised, shocked, and stunned that any American, not living in a padded cell, would seriously and unashamedly promote a socialist America.

If many of those hot-button issues become law, they would totally change America and frankly, America has been changed too much already in my opinion. We must understand, if we have not already, that our world has been changed forever for evil, not good. It is past time to start facing reality about radical Democrats coming out of left field. Ayn Rand reminded us that “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”

If the U.S. and our “forces of freedom” are to win, then we must be dauntless, decisive, and determined. It is incredulous that anyone would argue with the plan to Keep America American or the policy of always asking, “What is in the best interest of America?” Would any sane person suggest that we do what is best for some other nation instead?

But a word of caution. We must be vigilant that we don’t become haters of good and decent people who are different from most of us. Such a result would mean that dark forces have been successful in destroying America, and it would no longer be America. We must also hold public officials’ feet to the fire and chain them to the Constitution (notice how smoothly I go from one metaphor to another?).

We must be careful not to become un-American in our desire to remain American!


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Burkas, Bombings, Beheadings: the Future of America! https://donboys.cstnews.com/burkas-bombings-beheadings-the-future-of-america https://donboys.cstnews.com/burkas-bombings-beheadings-the-future-of-america#respond Mon, 24 Jul 2017 21:08:23 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1857 America is going to experience in the near future burkas, bombings, and beheadings–in my humble opinion.

I wrote this column many years ago and have refused to release it until now. Various circumstances compel me to do so. Of course, I will be called hysterical among other things but I only want to awaken, alarm, and activate innocent uninformed Americans before further disasters strike that will permanently change this nation.

To those who declare, “It will never get that bad,” I remind you that no one thought we would be living in an America that is 20 trillion dollars in debt; where about half of us don’t know what family is; where we argue about the gender of a person; where many think perversion is normal; where millions of innocent babies are butchered; and where university professors have forgotten the concept of truth and their students have lost the ability to think.

I hope this column is way off mark, totally false, but don’t count on it. It contains a message I don’t want to convey–but must! I am torn between two thoughts. I feel a need to warn people of future possibilities, no, make that probabilities, yet I am fearful of being not only a prophet of disaster but also a promoter of the same.

Dark days are upon us, the worst that have ever happened! Far worse than any of our wars. We will forever be in a time of perpetual war with intervening periods of peace. We will look back at the early 2000s as the “good old days.”

Muslim terrorists are highly motivated people. They look at the long haul, not the short run. They think of the Crusades as being recent. Their hatred still burns (with some justification) for the popes, priests, and potentates who planned, promoted, and preached the Crusades of the Middle Ages. The Muslims are still looking for vengeance against “the Crusaders,” meaning all non-Muslims. Vengeance is being taken as I write!

It will not surprise me to discover that for weeks many germ-carrying Muslims have been circulating throughout U.S. airports, trains and bus stations, and other crowded thoroughfares spreading deadly, highly contagious germs to an unsuspecting people. In fact, I will be very surprised if that does not happen. This month, research papers were found hidden at Mosul University after the fall of ISIS detailing experimentation using chemical weapons on human beings!

The infected terrorists would walk through the crowds, breathing, coughing, and sneezing, passing their infection to innocent people. Not very high tech but very effective. Also, those infected terrorists could still be used as homicidal bombers! Muslim leaders would get double their bang for their buck! Muslims believe in the Big Bang!

Those infected terrorists (or uninfected terrorists) could explode body bombs in crowded restaurants, theaters, malls, schools, and ballparks spreading death and destruction. It would also spread terror in the smallest towns and hamlets. No one would feel safe, and that is what terror is all about. The safe days are gone forever. A climate of terror is falling upon free nations like a noxious fog.

Those terrorists would go to church with more than a Bible or Koran. They would go with explosives strapped to their bodies. If I were a pastor, especially of a high profile church, I would guard against such possibilities. Muslims are not informed and sophisticated enough to delineate between various Christian groups, so any denomination could be vulnerable. Churches such as Notre Dame, St. Johns, First Baptist in Dallas, Thomas Road Baptist Church, First Baptist in Jacksonville, and any church with a cross out front and other churches whose pastors have been critical (albeit truthful) of Islam will be targets. Thousands of church members could be killed on one Sunday morning by such people. If ten or fifteen churches were blown up next Sunday, what would that do to other churches across America? I believe that soon no church will even consider meeting without posting armed guards at every church door.

About this same time, a few terrorists with only fifteen minutes training could shoot a
commercial airplane out of the sky with a shoulder-fired missile. This would probably take place at a major airport during a takeoff or landing. A team of two or three terrorists could be out of a van, set up for firing, fire a missile, and be back in the van speeding down the interstate all within fifteen minutes! And be free to fire again. Again, very low tech. When that happens, the travel industry, including all airlines, car rentals, hotels, resorts, and related industries would be devastated for decades, if not forever. The many industries that depend on travel would be shut down.

At this time, the terrorists could coordinate a simultaneous attack from the sea with their ships or with vessels they have seized. Ships loaded with dirty nuclear bombs could set a course for major ports: Los Angeles, Houston, San Francisco, New Orleans, Tampa, Miami, New York, etc. Even if some ships were blown out of the water by our military, the onboard bombs could wreak havoc in those metropolitan areas.

Or, terrorists might concentrate on the Mediterranean area, especially Rome. Rome is in their crosshairs and has been since the Crusades. It would not be unusual for them to consider the use of ships since they have used airplanes, cars, trucks, and other vehicles for their evil purposes. No doubt, they will also attack cruise ships in the Mediterranean or Caribbean.

In recent years, there has been talk of an “American Hiroshima” whereby an American city would experience a nuclear explosion from a suitcase bomb! U.S. officials know that there are nuclear suitcase bombs in the U.S. that were purchased from break-a-way rebels in the old Soviet Union. If major American cities were destroyed with millions dead, it would be the end of the greatest civilization of all time! Could that be the reason that the Bible does not refer to America whereas even very minor nations are mentioned in Scripture? I would think that a nation as impressive as America would be hinted at in Scripture, but not so.

You turn on your television set some morning to discover that a major city is in flames with hundreds of thousands dead and millions dying a slow death from radiation. Will you have a job after that? Will you even care about a job? Your first and major thought will be survival–food, water, and shelter.

It is possible that Muslim terrorists will detonate nuclear bombs in some of our major cities or they might set off a bomb in one city then blackmail us with the other bombs. “Surrender to Muslim sharia and live under an American caliphate or tomorrow a bomb will go off in another city.” What do you think national politicians would do? Ladies, how do you think you would like wearing a burka? I hope your favorite color is black. While a burka will not permit your belly button or breasts to be revealed, it will reveal your eyes—only your eyes!

The nuclear bombing of only one U.S. city would impact the world economy and make the Great Depression look like a blip on the screen. Insurance companies will go into bankruptcy or into the courts to refuse claim payments and banks will be closed. You will try to call the toll-free number to sell your mutual funds only to hear a constant busy signal. You will talk to your broker only to find that both of you are broke.

The U.S. Government will be broke and will renege on its financial obligations. Tax payments to the IRS will plummet as the cost of rescue and recovery soar into the stratosphere. The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, an agency (already billions of dollars in the hole) that guarantees your pension, will go belly up. So will Social Security. Everyone will be on his own.

Some are fearful that the followers of that “peaceful” religion of Islam will go high tech and set off an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) device resulting in wiping out all U.S. electronic devices but keeping our superstructure intact. Former CIA chief James Woolsey testified before a Congressional committee as reported at WorldNetDaily that the EMP could have “devastating consequences.”

If all electronic devices and electronically powered equipment were terminated because of the effects of an EMP device, then the U.S. would quickly grind to a halt. It might be more devastating than a major nuclear bomb! Think what it would mean: no elevators to take people to the upper floors of apartment and office buildings; no air conditioning; no heat; no lights; no subways; no stop and go lights in any city; no telephones, no radio or television; no computers, no cell phones, no air travel, and many other problems. America would be back in the 1800s again!

Furthermore, no EMP would have a return address! So against whom would we retaliate? In addition, if all our electronic systems were down, how would we mount an effective response without planes, guidance systems for missiles, etc.?

Islam is not only a very present danger; it is also a perpetual danger!

If only a few of the above take place, it is not melodramatic to say that American streets could become dark, deserted, and dangerous places as anarchy reigns.

Dark days indeed but not for those who know the Light of the World.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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U.S. Should Stay Out of Syria: Let Muslims Clean Up the Mess! https://donboys.cstnews.com/u-s-should-stay-out-of-syria-let-muslims-clean-up-the-mess https://donboys.cstnews.com/u-s-should-stay-out-of-syria-let-muslims-clean-up-the-mess#respond Fri, 10 Mar 2017 01:56:05 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1748 This week the media reported that U.S. Marines have been deployed on the ground in Syria at Raqqa, the hub of ISIS. That was a mistake in my opinion. President Trump should pull all U.S. troops out of Syria and let Muslims and any European do-gooders do whatever they want. However, he has called for additional troops to be added, “maybe 20,000 to 30,000”! Such a number would be required to defeat ISIS “soundly and quickly.” Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. Syria, while an international tragedy, is not a threat to the U.S. We should permit Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc., to solve the problem. America is not the paladin of peace.

Damascus was first mentioned in Gen. 14 when Abraham pursued Arab kings who had captured his nephew Lot and others. Abraham chased them nearly to Damascus to rescue them. After 1000 B.C., King David took Damascus and subdued Syria, driving out the war chief Rezon keeping a large garrison there; however, after King Solomon ascended the throne and defected from God, Rezon harassed Solomon as long as Solomon ruled. Rezon founded the Kingdom of Damascus.

The Apostle Paul was born in Tarsus, Syria and was saved on the road to Damascus, escaped his enemies by being let down from the wall in a basket, and organized the first Christian church in Antioch.

Damascus is home to the Great Mosque, a massive mosque that boasts of possessing the head of John the Baptist, a shrine I have visited. The city has been dubbed the “pearl of the East” but that was not my experience. My major memory of Damascus is masses of people in packed streets, shoulder to shoulder. In my visits to their mosques and shopping areas the people were cordial; however, they did not learn much from the French (who controlled the area for 25 years ending in 1945) because the food and accommodations in the best hotels were atrocious.

Today, Syria is a mangled mess caused by tyrants, thugs, and terrorists and many Americans think the U.S. has a moral obligation to ride in, bugles blowing, and flags waving to clean up the mess providing a democracy (if not a republic) where freedom is the rule. But who put that heavy obligation on us? Is any other nation so obligated? Are we obligated to guarantee freedom everywhere in the world? Did Americans, who pay the bills, have any input into this moral appointment? If not, why not?

Just because President Woodrow Wilson took us into WW I to “make the world safe for democracy” does not obligate this generation to do the same, and may I remind you that we did not make the world safe for democracy. We only slowed tyranny for a while and the flawed and uneven Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919 was the cause célèbre for WW II that killed 60 million people! Twenty million more died of war-related disease and famine.

The question must be asked, “Should the U.S. spend its blood and money to do the job–even if it has been determined that we can be successful in doing so?” I am not convinced that we have a moral responsibility to distribute “democracies” around the world nor am I convinced that we can do so, especially in Muslim nations. Not only do I think we should not get involved in every national beerhall brawl, I don’t think we can solve the world’s problems militarily, financially, socially, or religiously. No one made us the world’s savior. We are struggling to save ourselves! That is not isolationism but independence.

Is it not reasonable that the nations in the area have the obligation to clean up the mess? After all, they are all Muslims and have the same heritage. While the surrounding Muslim nations want an end to the Syrian carnage, none are demanding the establishment of a democracy, let alone, a republic. The fact is that both are the antithesis to sharia. We are on a fool’s journey.

It is a major tragedy that about 500,000 people have died in Syria and 11,000,000 have been displaced (including internal displacement) causing major problems for European nations as they have been overrun with refugees. A corollary is the influx of terrorists mixed with innocent refugees that are attacking free people in France, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, etc. And yes, in the U.S.

Moreover, the United Nations is supposed to be the peacekeeping entity, not the United States. What has the UN done to ensure peace or at least safety in Syria? I should think UN personnel with character would resign in disgrace and return home on the next plane to their sending nations. They could get a job at customs, the post office, or manning complaint offices and live with dignity–not disappointment and disgrace.

Of course, the UN will not close down voluntarily since the officials have such cushy jobs and are from nations that cannot compare with the “good life” in America. The UN might be more productive if they moved their headquarters to the desert south of Amman or the empty space in the Saudi Arabia desert. Don’t hold your breath.

The 47 Muslim nations of the world could announce to all parties in the Middle East that they have carved out a safe zone in Syria and any incursion by tanks, personnel carriers, or planes will be destroyed. That way Syrians can at least flee to safety in their own nation without risking their lives during a trek to Europe. However, the Muslim leaders don’t have the spine to make the decision. After all, why should they when the U.S. always seems to be eager to ride to the rescue with flags waving and bugles blowing.

Syria is a maniacal, murderous, malodorous mess that should alarm the U.S. but not activate us. It calls for our attention but not our action. Proud, patriotic, even pious people have demanded we jump into that snake pit; however, we must be very wary of sincere patriots who want to kill people only because they feel a perceived or real threat to us or someone else!

Stay out of Syria. Let the Muslims take care of their own problems. After all, they made them.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Trump and the Parable of the Unjust Judge! https://donboys.cstnews.com/trump-and-the-parable-of-the-unjust-judge https://donboys.cstnews.com/trump-and-the-parable-of-the-unjust-judge#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2017 00:04:09 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1733 President Trump has had some skirmishes with the judiciary and much depends on the final outcome. The safety of Americans and the hallowedness and effectiveness of the U.S. Constitution could be at risk. Fact: judges are not always right.

Christ spoke about an unjust judge in Luke 18 where a widow lady sought justice from a judge who “feared not God, neither regarded man.” He was dismissive of her complaint. What did the judge have to worry about since he was a judge and she was only a widow lady; however, she kept appealing to him and sent the message that she would not cease but would continue to demand justice. Finally, the judge provided justice for her because she wearied him by her pluck, patience, and persistence.

If President Trump permits unelected judges to usurp his constitutional authority and obligation to make decisive decisions about national security then he has surrendered his authority thereby putting everyone in jeopardy and setting a dangerous precedent for future Presidents. Such results could have a catastrophic impact on our personal lives and our nation’s future.

Any U.S. President has one major responsibility–to keep Americans safe from enemies domestic and foreign. Every breathing, thinking person knows that Muslim terrorists have taken an oath to destroy us and set up a world caliphate. The Muslim Brotherhood’s motto is: “Allah is our objective. The prophet is our leader. The Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” The U.S. military will be pleased to help them accomplish their “highest hope.”

Trump, seeking to secure our borders, issued a temporary pause in immigration from seven mainly Muslim nations and his order was struck down by U.S. District Court Judge James Robart. His decision was upheld by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Judge Robart was brash, bold, and bigoted when he publically promoted Black Lives Matter rather than All Lives Matter! Therefore, his decision on the ban is no surprise.

We are told that the judges are simply interpreting the law not making political statements but no one really believes that except those who believe that Elvis Presley, Judge Crater, Jimmy Hoffa, and Amelia Earhart are sitting around on some Caribbean island drinking cold adult refreshments.

An attorney was quoted in the Los Angeles Times saying, “In our system of government, we should not abide the country’s most powerful executive official demeaning and disparaging the judiciary through personal attacks on a federal judge.” Evidently, the attorney is not familiar with historical confrontation between U. S. Presidents and federal judges.

Civilized people will show restraint, respect, and some reservations for all public officials; however, no public official, even a federal judge is sacrosanct. No one is exempt from being held accountable. The idea of judges being untouchable is fairly new.

President Lincoln, early in his first term, suspended the writ of habeas corpus (requiring an accused his day in court) in Maryland thereby legally justifying his arrest of thousands of private citizens who sympathized with the south. Eighty-four-year-old Chief Justice Roger Taney (pronounced Tawney) ruled that habeas corpus could be suspended, but only Congress could do it. In other words, the President was out of order! However, if the President’s suspension of habeas corpus was not legal then Lincoln was illegal in arresting and imprisoning at least 13,000 private citizens. The Columbia Law Review suggests that the number could have been 38,000 private citizens that Lincoln placed in military prisons!

John Merryman was a citizen of the state of Maryland and southern sympathizer who was accused of burning bridges and other destructive acts. He was arrested by military authorities and imprisoned at Fort McHenry. He was the first person arrested after Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus and he was not released. Habeas corpus is protection of the meanest person from the mightiest person.

Merryman then petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for a writ of habeas corpus and Chief Justice Taney ruled that Lincoln was wrong and ordered General Cadwallader to bring Merryman to court. The general, who worked for Lincoln, refused and the Court ordered a federal marshal to bring the accused and the general to court. Justice Taney issued a famous opinion against Lincoln’s actions and sent a copy to an angry and embarrassed Lincoln who ordered the arrest of the Chief Justice! The actual arrest did not take place but there was the threat from the President against the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court!

While Lincoln was obviously wrong to attack federal judges, the incident supports the fact that judges are not unchallengeable, unaccountable, and unassailable. That’s still true today.

Moreover, William Matthew Merrick of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Columbia was placed under house arrest because he did not support Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus.

But in the present case, President Trump is right, not wrong and he must prevail even with the U.S. Supreme Court; after all, they are only human and susceptible to ego, prejudice, fear, etc. It is past time for congress to set some perimeters as to what the court will hear. Article three, section two of the Constitution mandates that the Court’s appellate jurisdiction is given “with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.” So, congress should inform the court that they will have authority in disputes between the states, disagreements between a state and an individual, treaties, etc. but some issues are off limits.

President Trump must prevail in this dispute and he should keep in mind Christ’s parable of the unjust judge and not give up–pluck, patience, and persistence will prevail.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Evangelicals Pleading, Pushing, and Promoting More Refugees from Middle East! https://donboys.cstnews.com/evangelicals-pleading-pushing-and-promoting-more-refugees-from-middle-east https://donboys.cstnews.com/evangelicals-pleading-pushing-and-promoting-more-refugees-from-middle-east#respond Mon, 06 Feb 2017 22:23:32 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1724 Many Evangelical leaders who beat the drums for more immigration, amnesty, and sanctuary cities are moral cripples who have sold out for payment, power, or position. Such religious leaders who are afraid to swim against the tide of public opinion and be labeled conservative or fundamentalist (gasp!) are moral cripples who are not aware of their limp and crooked walk.

Leading Evangelicals are at it again–taking a legitimate issue and twisting the facts for an unreasonable, unacceptable, and unbiblical result. They are beating the drums for more refugees (a tragedy if only one terrorist is included) being admitted into the U.S. and shamelessly attacking the conscience of Christians to win their spurious argument. They conjure up helpless, hopeless, and hapless citizens from Muslim nations who must be settled in the U.S. But they are dishonest, very confused, or fanatical.

The drum beaters have a major job ahead of them because Christians have clearly spoken on this issue. A Pew survey conducted before the election reported that about two-thirds of white Evangelicals (67%) and mainline Protestants (65%) declare that they have no moral responsibility to accept Syrian refugees.

The World Relief people, Christianity Today, Sojourners, etc., are trying to lay heavy layers of guilt upon Christians who resist and criticize accepting refugees into America. An article in Christianity Today yelled, “Evangelical Experts Oppose Trump’s Plan to Ban Refugees.” Note that it was not lay members but experts who oppose a temporary ban on refugees. If the experts have any smarts, they will listen to their constituents. And what qualifies them as experts?

Ed Stetzer, Wheaton College professor and blogger, wrote, “First, we must continue to reject false facts.” Ed, there is no such thing as “false facts.” Building up steam like an old-time Pentecostal tent evangelist he said, “I’m pro-life because the unborn are made in the image of God, as are refugees. So, I’m pro-refugee because I am pro-life.” It is commendable that Ed is pro-life but that position does not require a principled person to be pro-refugee especially when some of the refuges will turn out to be terrorists.

But Ed disagrees. He wrote, “This is a safe program and one that evangelicals like me say, even if Trump will not, ‘Give [us] your … huddled masses, yearning to be free.’” His declaration that more refugees placed in America is a “safe program” cannot be verified.

The promoters of more refugees seem to assume that the U.S. is the only available nation for refugees; however, that dog won’t hunt. The Muslim nations should have first call on accepting refuges from Syria, Libya, Somalia, etc. Why move refugees away from their own geographical area to a nation that is totally alien to them in language, religion, customs, law, industry, etc.?

While it is dangerous to question motives of people, I would be slothful if I did not point out that many of these Evangelical pro-refugee non-profits get buckets of money from the government and other entities to plead the case of moving additional refugees to the U.S.

The U.S. government is shoveling buckets of cash into religious non-profit groups whose purpose is to deliver more immigrants into your neighborhood and provide amnesty to the gatecrashers already here. This is part of a one billion dollar annual refugee resettlement budget that is resulting in the ruin, rampage, and rape of our culture. Moreover, it will only accelerate because of more than 3 million Muslims having permanent residence and 250,000 being added each year! These facts suggest a major cultural shift has started in our nation.

Jim Wallis is the president of Sojourners (a leftwing religious/social outfit) and said that “Evangelicals finally realize that how we treat the stranger, these 11 million undocumented people, is how we treat Christ himself.” Jim must have been sleeping during his hermeneutics class in seminary because he did not get that from the Bible. Of course, Christians are to be kind, gracious, generous, and helpful; but that does not translate into being suckers, softies, and sentimentalists.

Wallis added that the leadership of the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), which includes the National Association of Evangelicals and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Convention of the Southern Baptist Convention, has “never been more united on an issue.” However, that is a little misleading. Of course, the feeble evangelical leaders are singing from the same page but the evangelical congregation is singing another song. The vast majority of evangelical church members want illegal immigrants to go home. A 2014 Pulse Opinion poll revealed that 78 percent of Evangelicals surveyed believed that the biblical command to “love the stranger” means “to treat the stranger humanely while applying the rule of law.”

If the social-minded Evangelicals want to help refugees then they should not expect American tax-payers to fund their altruism. They can dig into their church coffers and into individual retirement plans to accomplish that purpose. Furthermore, these religious groups are paid by the feds for each refugee they settle in your neighborhood! Follow the money.

Not only the feds but George Soros, the international money speculator, is sugar daddy to the EIT, a leftist group of Christian leaders that never saw a socialist scheme they didn’t like. Soros’ agenda, in addition to making money, is to promote every leftwing program especially transplanting Muslims into Europe and America. He is funding various religious non-profits to accomplish that task. National Review, reported that EIT receives a substantial portion of its funding from groups backed by George Soros. Keep following the money.

Evangelical leaders want to bring more and more Muslims to the U.S. and hand you the bill. Yet, experts tell us there may be 3 to 7 million Muslims in the U.S. and of those Muslims polled, nearly 20% agreed that use of violence to implement Sharia law is justified and 25% declared that it is acceptable to use violence to punish those who offend Islam in their portrayal of Mohammed!

Such people sound to me like terrorists not refugees.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Fanatic Muslims Are the Enemy: Investigate All Leaders! https://donboys.cstnews.com/fanatic-muslims-are-the-enemy-investigate-all-leaders https://donboys.cstnews.com/fanatic-muslims-are-the-enemy-investigate-all-leaders#respond Thu, 22 Dec 2016 01:11:41 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1682 The U.S. is not at war with all Muslims but we are at war with jihadist Islam! Even German officials have finally recognized that fact.

Following the Muslim terrorist attack in Berlin this week that killed 12 people and injured 48, Chancellor Angela Merkel is feeling the heat from her party, some even demanding martial law! Police arrested a Pakistani who had been granted residence from Pakistan this year but they are not sure he was the driver of the truck. He has been released and police are seeking a Tunisian man whom German officials had interrogated three different times.  German state minister Klaus Bouillon said, “We must state that we are in a state of war.”

I predict that Merkel’s government is doomed because the Tunisian man who was refused asylum and is now being hunted throughout Europe, is a recent arrival from an Islamic nation. He got into Germany because of Merkel’s “open door” policy but was refused asylum; however, he was not deported. And her government will fall if the released Pakistani was really involved and was released to stop Merkel’s slide into political oblivion.

U.S. officials are willing to say, “We have a problem,” but are unwilling to say, “We are at war.” But we are at war whether or not U.S. authorities admit it.

Muslim terrorist attacks in America began in April of 1972 when ten members of a Nation of Islam mosque (NOI), a group led by screwy Louie Farrakhan, phoned in a false alarm and then ambushed responding officers, killing one. In July of 1973, Black Muslims killed eight people in cold blood including four children. There were many additional attacks by Black Muslims until July of 1980 when a traditional Muslim from Iran killed a man in Bethesda, MD followed the next month when another Iranian Muslim killed two people in Savou, IL.

In the following years, there were many individual Muslim attacks until February of 1993 when the first bombing of the World Trade Center killed six people and injured more than a thousand. In 2001, Islamic hijackers flew two airplanes into the Trade Center killing 2,752; another plane flew into the Pentagon killing 184 and another plane crashed in Shanksville, PA, killing 40 others. Most thinking people knew we were at war.

After a Muslim army officer killed 13 fellow-soldiers and wounded 33 others at Ft. Hood, Texas in 2009, it was time for sane, sensible, and stalwart officials to dump political correctness and recognize that Muslims who adhere precisely to the Koran are the enemies of freedom. The shooter believes that he is a Muslim first which means, like all faithful Muslims, he must make the nation where he lives an Islamic nation with sharia law. In a lecture to other medical doctors, he declared, according to the London Telegraph, that “non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.” But religion had nothing to do with the killings, they say! Yes, I think we are at war.

His auntie said he had been harassed since the 9-11 Muslim attacks on America. She said, “Some people can take it and some people cannot.” Hey, this dude is a psychiatrist and a big boy who should have been able to take some teasing and taunting. Does not everyone in the military expect to be belittled, badgered, and bullied at some time during his career?

In July of 2015, a “devout Muslim” killed five innocent people in Chattanooga followed by the slaughter of 14 in San Bernardino by a “very religious” Muslim at a Christmas party. In June of 2016, an Islamic extremist killed 49 people at a “gay” nightclub in Orlando. Often the terrorists yelled about how great the Muslim god is. And the world is aware of Muslim terrorist attacks in Pairs, Brussels, Nice, Berlin, etc.

Would I be considered cranky or only crass or cruel to suggest that when the statement “Allah is the Greatest” is yelled just before opening fire, it might, just might be an indication of their motive? And could those 72 green-eyed virgins Islam promises to all “believers” who die as they take out “infidels” be somehow involved?

All this time US officials have been loath to use the term Muslim terrorist or Islamic terrorist but all sane people know the facts even if they are unspoken by gutless wonders in political positions.

Sooner or later, informed, incensed, and indignant Americans will demand that officials stop playing “Let’s stop the terrorists” and stop the terrorists, at least those here at home. When a mushroom cloud forms over an American city, Obama’s pandering to Muslims will be discarded as quickly as long johns in a Texas heatwave. However, it will be too little, too late and he will be known as the most incompetent U.S. President.

Islamists have declared war against the U.S. producing a clash of civilizations, cultures, and creeds. It is time for everyone to take sides. It seems Obama and his close advisors have taken the side of the enemy! They have appointed dedicated Muslims to important government positions! The loonies have taken over or is “loonies” too kind. Would “traitors” be more accurate?

It is time for our new President and Congress to take action first by recognizing the enemy as the enemy then ferret out Muslim moles. I suggest that:

We pull up the ladder. No more immigration from Middle East nations for a few years and at the same time, plug all holes in our borders. Send every illegal home after photographing and fingerprinting them and warn them that if they return illegally they will get a long prison term.

Every Muslim in the military be investigated for treason and when discovered they should be tried and imprisoned.

Every Muslim FBI agent should be investigated with the same results. We know of federal agents who have refused to wear a wire to secure proof on other Muslims and others have tipped off fellow-Muslims who were being investigated for criminal activity.

Muslim military chaplains should be investigated and removed from sensitive positions of influence unless they repudiate sharia and jihad which are illegal and unconstitutional.

Every Muslim chaplain in the prison system should be investigated for removal from service since the prisons are the number one place of recruitment into Islam.

Muslim pilots should be investigated and removed from their jobs if they are fanatical followers of Islam.

Any American who joins a foreign terrorist group should lose U.S. citizenship.

Every mosque must reject sharia and jihad or be dissolved with property and bank accounts confiscated.

Any religion that requires the death penalty for members who convert to another religion will be prohibited.

Sexual mutilation of little girls should be recognized for what it is: child abuse and any religion that preaches, promotes, or practices it should be prohibited.

Some will think I am too hard, harsh, and even hateful with my answer to the problem of terror, but no one will think that if a mushroom cloud rises over one of our cities tomorrow morning.

President Trump has promised to lead us to victory in this Islamic battle. We’ll see.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

https://donboys.cstnews.com/fanatic-muslims-are-the-enemy-investigate-all-leaders/feed 0
If Hillary Wins, Democrats Will Ring Bells; Everyone Will Wring Their Hands! https://donboys.cstnews.com/if-hillary-wins-democrats-will-ring-bells-everyone-will-wring-their-hands https://donboys.cstnews.com/if-hillary-wins-democrats-will-ring-bells-everyone-will-wring-their-hands#respond Thu, 18 Aug 2016 16:25:00 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1536 In a column last year, I asked if Hillary Clinton’s Social Security checks would be sent to Sing Sing or Folsom Prison; but it seems they may be delivered to a big White House on Pennsylvania Ave. That is, unless Americans have a seizure of common sense and take back this nation in November from Obama the Oppressor. If Hillary wins the presidency, you can count on our federal government becoming even more oppressive.

The Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 B.C.) and some of his disciples were expelled from one state to another one. They came upon a woman weeping beside a newly dug grave. He asked her why she wept and was told that a tiger had killed her husband, father-in-law, and now her only son. Confucius asked why she lived in such a dangerous place and she replied, “Because there is no oppressive government here.” Walking away, Confucius told his disciples, “My children, remember that oppressive government is worse than a tiger.”

If you think Obama is oppressive, wait until Hillary takes control and attempts to wipe out the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” A right-winger is anyone with a Bible, a gun, a flag, a backbone, and a touch of common sense.

If Hillary wins the presidency, the Democrats will be ringing bells in a victory celebration singing “Happy Days are Here Again” but those days will fade. Within months, we will all end up wringing our hands, not bells.

Hillary was a high-school Young Republican and “Goldwater Girl” in 1964 but gave her support to Democrat Eugene McCarthy’s campaign in 1968 and George McGovern’s in 1972. She has been going downhill ever since. Her main activity in law school was helping the Black Panthers who were being tried for torturing and killing a federal agent! According to Dick Morris, a close advisor to Bill Clinton, she “went to court every day as part of a law student monitoring committee trying to spot civil rights violations and develop grounds for appeal.” She was looking for an appeal to free vicious Black Panthers!

Hillary talks much about working after graduating from college to better the condition of poor kids; but the fact is she “interned with Bob Truehaft, the head of the California Communist Party. She met Bob when he represented the Panthers and traveled all the way to San Francisco to take an internship with him” according to Morris.

Hillary will immediately do the second amendment thing if she is elected. She voted for the Brady Bill and voted to permit gun manufacturers to be sued if someone misused one of their guns! The feds already know where many of America’s guns are so they will attempt confiscation, making criminals out of decent resisting Americas. Many gun owners will not submit to confiscation. Hundreds, maybe thousands, could be killed but the do-gooders will justify the bloodshed because they “finally handled the gun problem.” However, anyone with the IQ equal to the circumference of a gun barrel knows that the criminals will still have their guns! Gun grabbing fanatics never answer this problem–because they can’t.

She wants to close GITMO and move the terrorists to mainland USA where they would be treated as American citizens with all a citizen’s legal rights! The fact is she wants all terrorists captured on any battlefield to have the same constitutional rights as Americans! Moreover, she wants to eliminate the monitoring of suspected Al Qaeda phone calls to and from the USA making it more difficult for US officials to do their jobs and easier for the terrorists to do theirs!

Hillary has always been in bed with the LGBT crowd as if she were their spokesperson. She and Bill’s sexual proclivities have always been suspect. Of course, Bill’s is an open book while Hillary’s is covert. She changed her mind and now supports “gay” marriage since that helps raise money; she marched in a “gay” pride event; and says “gays” deserve domestic partnership benefits from employers. She is rated 0% by the Christian Coalition for her anti-family voting record.

Hillary is pro-abortion meaning she is anti-life. As a senator she voted the liberal line on partial birth and harm to an unborn child; she voted against prohibiting minor girls from crossing state lines to get an abortion; she voted against informing parents when a daughter leaves the state to get an abortion; she voted against making it a criminal offense to harm an unborn child during another crime; and she voted against preventing partial birth abortions except to save the life of the mother. Hillary is not baby friendly but Planned Parenthood loves her.

She will push America into bankruptcy by requiring companies to pay for family leave and limit and destroy businesses with her cap and trade policies. She will allocate $28 billion annually to improve the infrastructure and raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour although everyone knows it will eliminate threshold jobs and close small businesses.

Hillary supported the National Endowment for the Arts; she wants a New Deal for Communities of Color; she wants to re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA); she says that we needed to bail out AIG and Lehman; and she would stop prison time for marijuana users, end harsh sentences for crack use, divert nonviolent drug users away from prisons, and have more treatment and special drug courts. She says that vaccines work; she wants an increase in US global commitment for AIDS; and wants women to register for the draft.

Clinton wants debt-free college for all young people; she wants to refinance all college loans for 40 million students; she will forgive student loans for national service; she wants another $28 billion annually to provide preschool for 4-year-olds thus making the teachers’ unions ecstatic; she opposes merit pay for teachers; she supports charter schools but not vouchers; and she rates 82% by the National Education Association (NEA) so when the teachers’ unions ring Hillary’s bell, she comes running.

Hillary wants half a billion solar panels in her first four years; she opposes the Keystone Pipeline; she is unsure about nuclear power; but she thinks climate change is obvious in the Arctic, voted to factor global warming into federal project planning, and voted to ban drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. She regrets that the US is not part of International Criminal Court; she wants to establish strong funding for international development and supports micro-loans to third-world women. Now that would be an incredible boondoggle and impossible to monitor.

Hillary wants the US to accept 65,000 Syrian refugees. She voted not to require photo ID to vote. She is against building a southern wall and wants a path to citizenship for illegals. She is for sanctuary cities and voted to continue funding them. She wants illegal alien children covered in state college tuition and in healthcare coverage. She voted against English as our official language, voted to support illegal aliens to receive Social Security, and voted to provide social services for noncitizens.

Confucius never saw such an expansive, expensive, and exasperating government as we may have next year. Plan on doing a great amount of hand-wringing although hand-wringing, like foot-stomping and breath-holding don’t do any good–but voting makes a difference.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Muslim Invasion, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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U.S. Troops in Syria: Too Little too Late or too Much too Soon? https://donboys.cstnews.com/u-s-troops-in-syria-too-little-too-late-or-too-much-too-soon https://donboys.cstnews.com/u-s-troops-in-syria-too-little-too-late-or-too-much-too-soon#respond Tue, 08 Dec 2015 16:29:10 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1300 Sixteen times President Obama promised that the US military would not be sent to Syria; however, we now have 50 special operation troops there as of a few weeks ago. No doubt the CIA and others have been there for years. It used to be an act of war to send unwanted troops into a sovereign nation. Is that no longer true? Why is Syria an exception?

The Secretary of Defense revealed last week that 200 special operation troops would be sent into Iraq and would participate in raids into Syria. Wait a minute, I thought the Iraqi war was over, or at least we had quit; however, we did leave 3,500 troops there. On Nov. 4 Obama said, “But you know I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I said I’d end the war in Iraq. I ended the war in Iraq.” But more troops will be sent!

Senators Graham and McCain want Obama to raise the total U.S. forces in Iraq to 10,000 and send an equal number to Syria! If Obama does that, I suggest that Graham and McCain cease beating the war drums and actually lead the first incursion. Old men make wars and young men (and women) die in them.

What will these new troops in Syria and Iraq do? Will they defend themselves? What are their limitations? What will happen in a confrontation with Russian troops? In early November the BBC reported that 10,000 Russian troops were in Syria and after the Paris attack, Putin authorized 150,000 more troops! If American troops are captured, will we send troops to rescue them?

On Nov. 24, the Turks shot down a Russian plane on the Syria-Turkey border and a Russian helicopter was shot down by the US backed Syrian rebels–the Free Syrian Army with what is thought to be an American supplied TOW missile. It gets worse as Russia’s Putin ordered their best missile defense system sent to the Russian airbase in Syria in retaliation for the destruction of their plane and pilot. Some U.S. experts are preaching, predicting–maybe promoting World War III.

Syria is a maniacal, murderous, malodorous mess that should alarm the U.S. but not activate us. It calls for our attention but not action.

Just to remind younger readers of another mistake we made: Following WW II, Vietnam was divided into the Communist North and the democratic South. In July of 1950, United States military involvement in Vietnam began as Democrat President Harry Truman authorized $15 million in military aid to the French in their struggle with communists in the north. A few advisors were authorized followed by tanks, planes, artillery, and other supplies to prosecute the war.

In January of 1955 Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sent military aid and offered to train the South Vietnamese Army. We were now on a slippery slope and it finally ended with a divided America; 47,244 Americans were killed and over 334,000 were wounded; 922 U.S. airplanes shot down; hundreds of villages leveled; and a high of 543,000 American troops in Vietnam. More than 2,400 POWs/MIAs were unaccounted for as of 1973. It was America’s longest war (15 years of combat) and our first defeat ending in 1973. Our government never had any intention of winning the war. Sadly, today Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand are still controlled by tyrants!

Nixon campaigned for president on “peace with honor” but there was no honor. America troops fled Saigon as Communist troops entered the city. U.S. helicopters lifted American Marines, embassy personnel, and South Vietnamese civilian workers (who were on the commies’ death list) from the roof of the American embassy. Film footage of desperate civilians hanging onto departing helicopters is the last shameful scene in a tragic war that started with a few advisors and trainers!

Now we have advisors and trainers in Syria! We’ve seen that movie before with Vietnamese subtitles. This time subtitles are in Arabic!

Syria is a snake pit with a bunch of snakes killing each other and the U.S. should stay out. The BBC News reported that “There are believed to be as many as 1,000 armed opposition groups in Syria, commanding an estimated 100,000 fighters.” It is a tangled mess that has no reasonable solution.

Syria’s dictator Bashar Assad is a Muslim hypocrite (as was his daddy), supported by Shi’ites, an efficient killer especially when cornered, and supported by Russia fighter jets, Iran, and the terrorist group Hezbollah. However, Assad has governed the nation and provided stability and protection to Christian churches.

Assad’s opponents in the civil war are a ragtag assortment of Islamic fanatics including the Jabbat al-Nusra terrorists, who will cut the throats of their co-belligerents as soon as the Assad regime falls or is pushed over. There are Iranian, Russian, and Syrian armies already fighting ISIS on the ground (thereby helping Assad) and French, Russian, and American jets fighting from the air. American jets are pounding Assad’s conglomerate army and Russian jets are fighting Assad’s enemies. So, America is hurting Assad while Russia helping Assad! Added to this crazy mix, the Israeli air force is also flying sorties from time to time.

Assad’s enemies like to be known as ISIL, meaning the Islamic State of Iraq and the Lavant. This refers to a region stretching from southern Turkey to Egypt that includes Lebanon, Syria, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Cyprus, and Jordan. The group’s stated goal is to restore an Islamic state, or caliphate, in this entire area. ISIL is the term used by the UN and the Obama administration and using it gives the terrorists more credibility as if they actually represent all those living in the Levant–from Turkey to Egypt. The use of the term also takes attention away from Obama’s failure in Iraq. In Obama’s commencement speech at West Point on June 19 he used ISIL 16 times thereby warning the mainstream media to go along with the farcical nomenclature.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claims to be a caliphate with religious, political, and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. It controls territory with 10 million people in Syria and Iraq and has changed its name to IS or Islamic State. Obama insists on using ISIL instead of ISIS when discussing the area. There is no difference whether ISIL, ISIS, or IS; they are the same–Muslim butchers.

The free world and the UN still haven’t received the message: there is no way to beat Islamists. We can blast a nation into the Stone Age but that won’t win the war. Fact: there will be perpetual conflict as long as there are Koranic Muslims down at the local mosque–any local mosque. We will be at war and living with terror to the end of the age! The next war could very well bury Western Civilization forever as well as the barbarians living on the Arabian Desert.

Furthermore, there is the issue of national sovereignty. Who gave America the authority to invade another nation? Do we believe in national sovereignty or not? At least Russia was invited into Syria and Israel can build a good case for their attacks. Do we believe in sovereignty for us but not for “them”? No one has even tried to justify this inconsistency.

Syria: Too little too late or too much too soon? Neither, the US should not have troops there. Let Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, etc., clean up their own mess. As I wrote in 2013, the US should stay out of Syria since it is a bridge into Hell. All factions in Syria are thugs, thieves, tyrants, or terrorists and they all pray toward Mecca.

The US Air Force Secretary has admitted that “ground forces” is a must in order to “occupy” and “govern” parts of Syria; but the US should not be interested in occupying or governing any other nation. We have no more right to be there than Mexico has a right to occupy and govern San Diego, Tucson, Las Cruces or Brownsville. We have no right to be there unless we declare war.

All the Muslim states in the area are enemies of Syria and Iran so I suggest that the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, the Turks, etc., get together a massive army (Turkey has 500,000 troops in the barracks) and clean out their Muslim “brothers.” They can easily finance the operation with their oil money. They can show how ecumenical they are by rebuilding the homes of the Kurds and Christians. The US can share intelligence and strategy with the “good” guys but it is a Muslim fight.

Syria is a mess but it is not worth another American life or limb. The US has left enough American blood and limbs in that desert wasteland. The Muslims made the mess, now let them clean it up.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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