transgender – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trump’s Speech that Would Put Him Back in the Oval Office! Tue, 15 Feb 2022 19:49:51 +0000  

Only fools, drunks, and low I.Q. political consultants walk on the thin ice of political prognostication. You can now add this Baptist pundit.

The midterm elections are only a few months away, and if voters stay sane, don’t get drunk, or take drugs that fry their brains, and political thieves don’t steal the election, conservative Republicans will be in control of the House and Senate. That will temporarily stop the national descent in a handbasket to an undesirable destination.

That sets the stage for the Presidential race in 2024 that will damn, delay, or determine freedom for the free world. Let me be clear. I don’t care if Trump is elected or not, but we must have a president who puts American first, last, and always. His party, his personality, his pedigree, his parentage, his peccadillos, his place of worship, etc., are all relatively unimportant.

I have always had problems with Trump. He did many things I was delighted with; however, it is not too smart to antagonize voters, especially when it is unnecessary, unproductive, and unprovoked. He is loud, uncouth, and boastful, but he kept his promises to us. However, he has not been able to control a simple thing like his zipper during his adult life. If a man can’t or won’t control his zipper, can he be trusted with the nuclear football?

I believe a key to his future presidential success is how he handles the 2020 election. I think it will defeat him if he keeps singing the stolen election song. He must forget the past after having learned all its lessons. He should make one statement about past electoral problems and go on record of never dealing with it again. Tell the media the past is past. All informed people know of election irregularities in various states in 2020, but that is now ancient history. He should promise that the GOP will guarantee the 2024 election will be rigorously observed and never mention the 2020 election issue again.

And stand by his word to never discuss it. That will annoy the media, but they will get over it.

Then go out and defeat the Democrats so severely that it will eclipse the 1964 defeat of Barry Goldwater. The Democrat’s brazen theft of Lyndon Johnson’s 1948 senate race and Jack Kennedy’s father’s purchase of his 1960 Presidential race were both nation-changing, but Trump’s fair re-election of 2024 would be earth-shaking with astounding, long-time results for the globe.

Assuming a new Trump will be the candidate in 2024, I have written his stump speech that will put him back in office, or it could be modified and used by a Trump wannabe:

Fellow Americans, I want to introduce myself or, more correctly, reintroduce myself to you tonight. I was privileged to serve you for four years, and we had some impressive successes and some inglorious failures. I entered politics to make America great again, but my personal failures mitigated and hindered that objective.

There were many times when I did not talk and act like the leader of the greatest nation in world history. For that, I am sorry. I will even try to cease the crass, coarse, and crude cursing, at least in public.

I was careless in hiring people who were not qualified for the job or were impossible to work with for various reasons. I was unwilling to admit failure and felt a need to always have the most and be the best, the largest, and the most expensive. Frankly, such immaturity is an embarrassment. I recognize my failures, faults, and foibles that limited what I wanted to accomplish.

I am now a new man and will continue to keep my word to you.

Since a nation cannot be great if its economy is in disarray, I will make it easier to start and run your business. Taxes and regulations will be cut since free people can regulate themselves and have a natural right to spend their own money.

I promise to hire the best, conservative people I can find. I will not insist on the “right” proportion of women, Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, or bald-headed midgets. I may end up with a cabinet full of bald-headed midgets, but they will be trustworthy, competent, patriotic, hardworking bald-headed midgets wearing red caps.

Before considering any legislation or action, I will ask myself some questions: is this action Constitutional? Is it essential? If it is, do we need this action at this time? Can we afford this action? Will this action promote freedom? Is it family-friendly? In the scheme of things, is it the right thing to do? Will this action embolden our enemies?

I promise to look even closer at a proposed action if it is recommended by the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the World Economic Forum (WEF), any Soros-backed group, any liberal religious denomination including the National Council of Churches, and any leftwing EvanJellical groups.

You can be sure any proposed action will be rejected if endorsed by the famous Swedish environmental philosopher Greta Thunberg.

I suppose my biggest failure is the only one the leftists think was my biggest success—the production of the COVID-19 vaccines. I thought I was doing the right thing; after all, the federal health experts said it was right. We have been told for decades that vaccines are why Americans are so healthy, and I did not expect the “experts” to produce vaccines that are unsafe and ineffective.

Of course, vaccines make a mass of money for Big Pharma, but I am now conscious of that.

Moreover, I am devastated that vaccines were forced upon children and others in little danger from COVID. We now know of the tragic consequences that followed the shots.

Whatever you believe about the COVID vaccines, you can be assured that the federal government will never make medical decisions for you, nor will there be another government-ordered lockdown.

Furthermore, I will clean out the federal agencies that birthed the disastrous federal response to COVID. I suggest Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid stores hire the disgraced, disappointing, and soon-to-be dismissed health officials to give shots on a part-time basis if they are dumb enough to continue the shots. Or they could be transferred to work in community health centers doing routine medical procedures after taking a refresher course.

With my purpose of putting America first, I will acknowledge those nations who are friendly toward us and those who are clearly unfriendly, even antagonistic. We will trade with China, Russia, and some African nations if it benefits the U.S.

We will not make political and economic decisions based solely on diversity.  After all, we never hear China, any African nation, or Muslim nation speak of diversity. While we want other nations to be successful, we will continue to make decisions so America will become its greatest.

During my term, one of my biggest mistakes was to endorse and promote the LGBTQ agenda, which I will no longer do. All Americans have all the rights of others as guaranteed by the Constitution, but the LGBTQ crowd wants special rights. However, that would be unfair to normal Americans. The Constitution and common law do not permit any group to be special. Homosexuals have a right to think their sexual activities are normal and even right. Still, others have a right to believe their actions are abnormal, as recognized throughout man’s history. However, whenever normal people suggest homosexuality is abnormal, abominable, and aberrational, the LGBTQ crowd finds it impossible to hide their hatred of the stated normalcy.

Furthermore, I will bring some common sense (and science) to the transgender issue. A man has a right to claim to be a woman and even call himself herself. Similarly, his friends have a right to think he is barking mad. Those friends will not be required to encourage or agree with his insanity. Moreover, no school will be permitted to teach such delusion, and any health official, hospital, or clinic that provides hormones or surgery to effect a change in gender of any person will be prosecuted by law.

For millennia, all societies have considered the mutilation of children on the same level as incest, cannibalism, and political progressivism!

It might be helpful to add some Bible from Genesis 1:27: “in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”—period. And 2:24 tells us a man will “cleave unto his wife,” not his neighbor’s wife, and not to another man, but to his wife.

Nor to his favorite goat.

I will continue to support the cause of Israel to exist within safe and secure borders but expect them to pay their own bills unless some action is directly related to the interests of the U.S. We will try to be fair with the group known by the uneducated as Palestinians; however, we will not support, defend, or be friendly to any Muslim nation that supports, defends, glorifies, or finances terrorist activities. That will eliminate U.S. support for most Palestinians.

Our foreign affairs will not be determined by oil production. If some Islamic nations, even some U.S. “friends,” don’t like American policies they can pour their oil on their pancakes each morning. Or they can go pound sand. They have plenty of that.

We will again pump oil out of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, North Dakota, Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, California, and a few other areas. Once again, we will be the number one oil and gas producer in the world, and our nation will transport billions of gallons each day in more than 200 U.S. pipelines consisting of 190,000 miles. Admittedly, occasionally some elk in Montana, scratching its rear may get its rump seared, but we’ll live with that tragedy.

With the additional oil and gas, thousands of Americans will be back to work, our homes will be heated cheaply, and citizens will not have to choose between filling their gas tanks and making a house payment.

Just as we would not permit a church or group of churches to denounce, denigrate, then destroy our government, we will not permit any mosque to attempt the same. Any mosque found supporting terrorism or to have allegiances to a foreign government will be closed.

No nation is a nation without borders, so we will take control of our borders and send gatecrashers back to their homes. We will take the same action any sane homeowner would take if an illegal family forced down their doors and set up residence therein.

Finally, we will stay out of foreign wars by minding our own business. We will not kick our friends and kiss our enemies as some have done in the past. As always, our objective will be to Make America Great Again.

If I fail to keep these promises, I will resign from the office.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Accredited Universities Embarrass and Rob Americans—So Why Cheat to Get in! Fri, 08 Mar 2019 08:00:56 +0000 The media are all in a dither after the revelation Monday that the Justice Department has accused fifty wealthy parents (including two famous movie stars) of paying huge bribes to get lackluster children accepted at elite universities. Such parents are desperate since the average college freshman reads at a seventh grade level. While a committed student could overcome that disadvantage, those kids interested in getting away from home, wanting their freedom, anticipating wild parties, all night beer binges, etc., have little chance of academic success in a rigorous institution.

With the abominable record of secular “elite” colleges, why would any sane person bribe officials to enroll in what have become ignorance factories?

It was common when I returned home from university or seminary to have family and friends ask, “What courses are you taking this semester?” I would reply, “Abnormal Psychology”; or “Western Civilization” or “New Testament Greek,” or “English Literature in the Middle Ages” and many other classes that required an enormous amount of time, thought, and tuition. When that question is asked today of young students, the answers will shock, anger, and frustrate any parent or thinking taxpayer.

It’s bad enough for students at Harvard, Duke, Princeton, and similar universities to enroll in frivolous courses at a time when college costs are alarmingly high, but another thing altogether when blatant liberal bias appears in classrooms at taxpayer-subsidized universities. Parents are paying astronomical tuition to have their kids brainwashed by leftists and some parents are bribing officials to guarantee a seat at Elite U.

Read and weep what you help finance and what some parents have paid up to $500,000 to get a kid accepted by Yale, University of California, Georgetown University, Stanford, and others. Because so many students cannot do the work, many universities have dumbed down their curriculum or eliminated challenging courses altogether. The Washington Post published an article headed, “A history degree without studying U.S. history? It’s possible at top colleges like Harvard, Yale and Stanford.” Other institutions of “higher learning” will graduate students without a single math course! At the University of Georgia, a Ph.D. candidate in creative writing can submit poems instead of a dissertation. And at the University of Michigan you can get a Ph.D. in literature without reading Shakespeare.

It is shocking to know that today’s students have been exposed to “Buffyology” (the study of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”), Elvish (the language of “Lord of the Rings”), “Harry Potter” and other TV shows and movies. If my children had taken such classes, I would have become apoplectic to know that some of my money was funding such piffle. Moreover, I would have stopped payment on any recently sent check to pay for such trash.

Students, not understanding that they are supposed to be preparing for their future, sit through such garbage as “How to Watch Television” at Montclair State University and “How to Get Dressed,” a freshman seminar at Princeton University. What students really need are classes on how to read, spell, compute, and how to work and make a life as well as a living.

Students at Harvard University can take “Feminist Biblical Interpretation,” a class that will concentrate on “the significance of feminist Hermeneutics for contemporary theological reflection and education for ministry.” Wonder how I made it in the ministry without that course.

At Carnegie Mellon University, students can study “Sex and Death,” a course that addresses the question of “whether we need to liberate death now that (maybe) we have figured sex out.” Obviously, they haven’t figured English out!

Women’s Studies students at Bowdoin can take “Music and Gender,” questioning if Beethoven’s Symphony 9 in D minor is a model for the process of rape! Wow, I would never have thought that was a possibility and neither would any normal person.

Students at Syracuse University can study “Gay and Lesbian Caribbean Literature” and will read “Caribbean poetry and short stories in homosexual literature.”

Georgetown students can enroll in “The Bible and Horror.” The class description states that the Bible “can be a scary book” and that it “often reads more like horror than religious literature.” I missed that in seminary.

Literature students at Cornell University can take “Bodies Politic: Queer Theory and Literature of the Body.”

Middlebury College offers “Images of Blackness and Whiteness in American Literature” where students will study “culturally coded images both shape and are shaped by American attitudes about racial identity.”

Students of sociology at Bucknell University can take “Women and Social Inequality” exploring “recent anthropological, historical, and sociological literature on gender inequality.”

Princeton University’s “The Cultural Production of Early Modern Women” studies “prostitutes,” “cross-dressing,” and “same-sex eroticism” in 16th and 17th century.

Students at Occidental College in California look into “The Unbearable Whiteness of Barbie: Race and Popular Culture in the United States.” They will explore “which scientific racism has been put to use in the making of Barbie [and] to an interpretation of the film The Matrix as a Marxist critique of capitalism.”

Occidental College offers a course in “Stupidity,” which compares the American presidency to Beavis and Butthead. Occidental scores again in the realm of ridiculous with “Blackness.” and they really rang the bell with “The Phallus.”

At John Hopkins University, students in the “Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll in Ancient Egypt” class look at slideshows of women in ancient Egypt “vomiting on each other,” “having intercourse,” and “fixing their hair.”

Harvard University’s “Marxist Concepts of Racism” looks at “the role of capitalist development and expansion in creating racial inequality.”

Students at the University of California-Los Angeles will be taught what it means to be a lesbian. The “Psychology of the Lesbian Experience” reviews “various aspects of lesbian experience.”

Brown University’s “Black Lavender: A Study of Black Gay & Lesbian Plays and Dramatic Construction in the American Theatre” addresses the “identities and issues of Black gay men and lesbians, and offer[s] various points of view from within and without the Black gay and lesbian artistic communities.”

Students enrolled in the University of Michigan’s “Topics in Literary Studies: Ancient Greek/Modern Gay Sexuality” will read a “wide selection of ancient Greek (and a few Roman) texts that deal with same-sex love, desire, gender dissidence, and sexual behavior.”

Students at Dartmouth College, have “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies: Queer Marriage, Hate Crimes, and Will and Grace” for their learning. They will study contemporary issues in LGBT studies. Dartmouth also offers, “Religion: Beyond God the Father:” an introduction to gender and religion studies helping to create a “feminist philosophy of religion.”

Then the University of California-Los Angeles’ class on “Queer Musicology” should be exciting but not as stirring as the University of Washington’s “Border Crossings, Borderlands: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Immigration.”

Mount Holyoke College’s offering of “Whiteness: The Other Side of Racism.” The University of Michigan is offering “Native American Feminisms”; Hollins University’s “Drag: Theories of Transgenderism and Performance”; and Hollins University’s “Lesbian Pulp Fiction.”

University of Florida offers “Black Hair Politics” providing an “examination of the history, sociology, psychology, and economics of Black hair. Students will explore the textures, styles, and meanings of Black hair as they relate to identity and power in society.”

University of South Carolina offers “Ecofeminism,” a class that is “an exploration of the connections between oppression of women and oppression of nature.”

Yale University provides their Ivy League students “Transgender Cultural Production,” an introduction to trans-studies that will “focus on transfeminist cultural production in the United States and Canada.”

Swarthmore College offers “Queering God: Feminist and Queer Theology.” This course examines feminist and queer writings about God and explores the tensions between feminist and queer theology. Key themes include gender, embodiment, masculinity, liberation, sexuality, and feminist and queer theory.

Montclair State University is supposed to be New Jersey’s best public university and it offers the course “Queer Identities in a Transforming World: The Trouble with Normal” as part of its “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Studies (GLQS) program for 2019.

It is incredible to see the way course offerings at these prestigious schools can be so crudely and uncritically filled with the cultural assumptions and stereotypes from the left. With so much emphasis on sexism, racism, and Marxism indoctrination, I don’t see how students find time to protest everything Trump does and says, have panty raids, and attend all-night beer parties.

The above information is astounding when one realizes that 40 percent of college students need remedial work in math and English yet they are exposed to such trash! A generation has been robbed by inept, incompetent, indecent educational institutions.

All state and federal tax dollars to such schools should be stopped; all gifts to such institutions should be stopped; and no parent should send his or her students to such schools. Moreover, any parent, university official, or agent who seeks to circumvent entrance requirements should go to prison.

That would get their attention although most leftists are slow learners.

Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Principled People Should Boycott All Anti-family Businesses! Thu, 05 Jan 2017 04:22:12 +0000 We have been exposed to all kinds of business owners who have arrogantly thrust their own radical views upon others. Therefore, it is time for normal people to close their wallets and not use their plastic thereby putting the offenders out of business. If we don’t put them out of business, we can reduce their profits thereby sending a clear message: if you go public with anti-family, pro-perversion, or anti-American positions then it will cost you dearly.

When a business owner takes a public position that is anti-family, anti-American, or anti-biblical, then he or she deserves to be a very lonely person because so many potential customers refuse to purchase his goods or services. Sure, business people have a right to be stupid but they also have a right to go bankrupt. I’ll help them.

That is what should happen to National Geographic Magazine that has insulted every pro-family person in America. In January, they have a nine-year-old boy’s photo on the cover; however, he thinks he is a she! The magazine is known for its amazing photos and articles of exotic and often unknown animals but now they are promoting the deceitful, dangerous, and destructive falsehood of transgenderism! They have disregarded the scientific evidence that people who think they have another person inside them are deluded, deceived, and demented people. As many as 40% of “trangenders” have tried to kill themselves! They don’t need to have surgery; they need spiritual, emotional, and mental help.

So, now National Geographic, by supporting transgenderism, is anti-science and encouraging child abuse with junk science! Who would have thunk it?

National Geographic needs to go out of business and I will help them do so. I have cancelled my subscription and will no longer purchase their upscale clothing line. I will no longer support child abuse and pernicious pro-perversion propaganda.

Normal people need to decide that we are in a battle and will take measures to win by refusing to do business with any business that supports any issue that is perverse or promotes abortion and other anti-family issues. We should not wait for some group to start the boycott ball rolling and when enough of us immediately refuse to patronize such businesses and we inform them and others why we are no longer customers, then even the dullest and most ardent leftist will get the message. Most of them must understand that there is a connection between their anti-family positions and an empty cash register.

It seems large businesses can be very successful then do some very dumb things. Look at Target as an example. They are tottering on the brink of failure. So are J.C. Penney and Sears.

The LGBTQ lobby lists those businesses that do not support their cause and Exxon was number one on the unfriendly gay list followed by Dollar General, Family Dollar; Dick’s Sporting Goods and others. The MOST friendly businesses to perversion are Procter & Gamble; JPMorgan Chase & Co; IBM; Citigroup; Bank of America; AT&T; Ford; General Motors; Starbucks; Google; Men’s Warehouse; General Mills; American Express; Marriott; Disney, and others. Do your own research and stay up-to-date.

Some of my crowd, even preachers, will suggest that they are too busy to get involved in a boycott. Say what? Those same pastors give the impression that they work day and night preaching the Gospel, visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, knocking on doors, etc. Of course, everyone knows they spend time on the golf course, bowling alleys, hunting, fishing, and watching some of the new vile television shows. So, I think all religious leaders and decent laymen can spare a couple hours every couple months to take a public position on decency as supported by the Bible they profess to believe. Preachers who are critical of boycotts are willing to preach from the pulpit but not practice in the public and on social media what they say they believe.

Others will tell us that they can’t be involved in boycott because it is not right to demand a business owner serve them as did the Civil Rights demonstrators. But that’s the point: we don’t want them to serve us. We want to serve them! We want to convince them that it is a stupid business decision to antagonize 98% of their customer base. We want to help them, not hurt or harass them. An aggressive and successful boycott is “tough love.”

It is declared that we cannot know the position of every business firm so it is impossible to be consistent. That is true but it is a senseless argument. If I am uninformed about a firm’s position on homosexuality, abortion, etc., then it must not be a big problem and a boycott is unnecessary; however when we know a firm is actively anti-family then we must react.

We who are committed to using money as a weapon will do our best to encourage pro-family firms by telling our friends about them and spending our money at their businesses. At the same time, we will boycott anti-family (usually pro-homosexual) firms and tell our friends about it. That is the Christian thing to do.

We are determined to remind all who will listen that we are the people who love homosexuals and transgenders enough to tell them the truth about perversion. We are in the ministry of nudging, not pushing, other decent people to get involved.

Furthermore, no lucid individual says it is wrong for a person to be selective in the spending of his own money. If he does not like the business owner, does not like the service, or the excessive charges, etc., he can choose to spend his money elsewhere. So, why is that perfectly legitimate if done by one person but wrong if multiple people do the same thing?

So, no Coke and Girl Scout cookies, and I hope you will do the same. Anyway, that kind of stuff might send you to Heaven quicker than your scheduled departure. I will survive not reading National Geographic; besides, they still haven’t received the message that evolution is false, a failure, and a fraud, another reason they should shut down their presses and quietly disappear. Moreover, I would not go to Disney if the entrance fee were a dollar.

I think it is more than a dollar.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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STOP: Stop Transgender Obnoxious Practices! Fri, 13 May 2016 20:36:43 +0000 Transgenders, like homosexuals, don’t exist! They are simply confused, contentious, and carnal people rebelling against God’s divine order for mankind. These are troubled people who need help not encouragement. It is child abuse to pretend that a boy dressing as a girl is anything but a boy. His physical equipment proves it and it is sexual mutilation for a surgeon to try to undo what God ordained. In fact, it is astounding that we are having these deliberations, discussions, and debates in our day. Future generations, if they come to their senses, will be shocked at the extent of our madness.

Dr. Paul R. McHugh is a highly respected psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins University who has studied transgender people for 40 years. He said it was a scientific fact that, “Transgendered men do not become women, nor can women become men!” Johns Hopkins pioneered sex-change surgeries but stopped doing them when they realized it was impossible to change one’s birth sex. The famed doctor said for kids to believe that their sex is a “matter of choice” is extremely damaging and they have a mental condition that needs treatment, not a problem with their genitalia!

That means President Obama, Loretta Lynch, the LGBT crowd, the lapdog media, the media misfits, and academia sluggards are promoters, preachers, and participants of child abuse.

North Carolina has tried to stop this madness with their restroom law but has been warned by the Federal Government that the state will lose massive amounts of money (the state’s own money) if they continue in their policy of each person using the restroom of their birth sex. Since I don’t trust politicians (God warned about putting our hope in them), I’m afraid that North Carolina, after a vigorous, valiant, and vicious conflict will capitulate. Most citizens don’t understand the pressure that the business people bring upon state officials to be concerned about money–not principle. Additional pressure will come of the state’s universities who major in sports, not academics.

No doubt, this issue will end up in the U.S. Supreme Court where they will kowtow toward the media moguls and nutcases in academia with a decision pleasing to the lowlifes of society. It will no doubt be illegal for any restroom, locker room, etc., in America to offer protection and privacy to innocent children and women. Now, what happens? It always comes down to how individuals respond.

After all the court cases, marches, talk shows, speeches, debates, etc., what should a principled person do? That’s a no brainer. A husband, brother, and father will do what they have done for millennia: they will protect the females in the family. Absent a male present then a woman can rely, if necessary, on pepper spray; or three or four ladies can go inside as a group while one “guards the door” for predators.

I have made my decision that is already in effect. We will be traveling next month and I will stand outside the women’s restrooms until my wife has finished. I will carry a walking stick or cane and keep any male from entering the restroom. Period. It doesn’t matter what you think, or anyone else thinks or what courts decide: it is simple. I will forcefully keep any obvious male from entering a restroom being used by my wife. If I must get physical, then so be it. There are some things worth fighting for.

It might be wise for each female to carry a can of pepper spray or similar item and use it to Stop Transgender Obnoxious Practices.

My critics, members of Wimps Incorporated, will suggest that no Christian would harm people but I maintain that no informed Christian would do anything else! It will be said that Christ would never do anything like that, actually get physical; however, I’m not Christ. Moreover, Christ was angry at times. He is seen at the Temple in John 2 as turning over tables and whipping people and animals out of the Temple court that was crowded with oxen, sheep, doves, manure, offensive odors, din of traffic, and loud arguments about the exchange rate.

At that time, Judea was subject to the Romans and Roman money was used throughout the Empire; however, Jewish law required that every man should pay half a shekel as tribute to the service of the sanctuary. This was a Jewish coin; therefore, the money changers provided the exchange of the Roman coins for the required Jewish half-shekel. However, the greedy priests and money changers charged exorbitant fees to exchange the money and selling of the animals for sacrifice. Thus, Christ called them “thieves.”

Most readers overlook the fact that Christ did not pick up an abandoned whip, but He made one purposefully to use on the culprits. John 2:15 says, “And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables.” This incident is so important it is recorded in all four Gospels and it probably refers to two incidents. If Christ can use a whip to drive money changers from the Temple, I can use a cane or walking stick to keep men from a woman’s restroom.

No doubt, the police will come to the altercation and they will point out that it is illegal for me to keep men from a woman’s restroom and to use force against female impersonators. After all, the law is clear. However, I will remind them that an unconstitutional law is no law and we are not obligated to obey it. They will tell me that they are “only enforcing the law” but I will remind them that that defense did not work at Nuremburg and will not work in this situation. I will be arrested.

At my trial, I will have a hundred preachers and hundreds of laymen in the streets protesting the insanity. During my trial, I will ask the jurors to reject the judge’s instruction and find me not guilty since the jury has more authority than the judge or the governor. The jury has the authority to say, “This is a bad law and while the defendant did as he was charged, he is not guilty. We strike down this insane law.” The judge will go bananas and tell me to stop but I will continue and be held in contempt of Court. Of course, could any normal, honest person have anything but contempt for such a court?

Furthermore, it is time for Christians to realize that we are full citizens and have the right to sue for discrimination, etc., so we should sue many local and state officials and take our case to the jury. Clog the system until the insanity is stopped.

I will go to jail and upon my release will do the same thing again! It’s time to Stop Transgender Obnoxious Practices.

Boys’ new book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Bruce Jenner a Mistaken, Mutilated, Maladjusted Man! Sat, 24 Oct 2015 19:58:48 +0000 Bruce Jenner admitted on national television that he was a lonely, confused man. He still is and his life is heading full speed into an abyss. Even being chosen “Woman of the Year” by a major magazine changes nothing. Bruce is still a man although a mistaken, mutilated, maladjusted man.

It is dangerous, sometimes unfair, to make judgments about people without knowing them; however, Bruce Jenner is known by his past and his media blitz ad nauseam. He has bared everything, well not everything. He said that he was a man with a woman inside his body. That is not so, for Christ said, “God made them male and female.” While appendages are not the only criterion of maleness, those appendages will easily identify him as a him. He is a male in every cell in his body. Chopping off some body parts only mutilates the body created by God. It does not change a man into a woman; it does distort the man.

In fact, God commands that the human body not be mutilated. That is why tattoos, body piercings, and castration are forbidden. Deuteronomy 23:1 warns, “He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.” Evidently, Bruce still has his “stones” and “privy member” which alone identifies him as a man and disqualifies him as a woman. He can protest all he wants but it changes nothing. Neither does media acceptance, applause, and adulation. It is interesting that the media commends his change but condemns homosexuals who want to change! Anyone willing to speak to that issue?
His photo on the cover of a salacious magazine changes nothing other than proving that surgeons can do amazing things with the scalpel and mayonnaise jar full of silicone–with additional help from an airbrush. And magazine editors will stoop to the lowest level to make a buck.

With his fake breasts, shaved Adam’s apple, and other mutilating procedures Bruce has added falsehood and fakery to his fantasy. He is what Liberals usually consider the lowest of the low: a hypocrite.

I don’t know if Bruce is a Christian or not but he did attend an evangelical California church regularly. One of the pastors and worship leaders said of Bruce: “Caitlyn knows who Jesus is, and Jesus knows her by name.” That silly preacher knows, if not he should resign the pulpit, that it is not enough to know “who Jesus is.” One must know Christ in the New Birth experience. And yes, Christ is aware of his, not her, name. It was Bruce, is Bruce, and will always be Bruce. The angel in the last days will look for the name of Bruce Jenner not Caitlyn. I don’t know if his name is there at this time but I do know that Rev. 20:15 warns, “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Names are important.

If Bruce recognizes the Bible as the universal standard of behavior then he needs to be reminded of the warning in Deut. 22:5 “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” God gave that command so that the two genders would be separate. God created the man and woman differently: Adam from the dust and Eve from Adam’s rib. Since that time there have been vast differences between the two. God wants everyone to know a male is a male and a female is a female. I agree with Peter J. Leithart who quipped that if it is wrong for a man to wear a bra then it is wrong for him to wear breasts.

Sadly, Bruce is on a collision course with reality. He has been listening to his “inner voice” and quack medical people with avarice in their hearts and dollar signs in their eyes. Transgender surgery is a failure as reported in The Guardian in England. In review of “more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transsexuals by the University of Birmingham’s aggressive research intelligence facility (Arif) found no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.” But they feel better–for a while.

Toronto psychologist Ray Blanchard is one of Canada’s leading gender experts and was head of the University of Toronto’s Clarke Center for Addiction and Mental Health until it was revealed that he had a tenuous connection with a conservative think tank! (Gasp! What gall!) He felt the need to resign because of the massive scandal! It’s interesting that homosexual scientists have released outrageous pro-homosexual studies that can’t be replicated and used flawed methodology; however none of the main-stream media think that worth mentioning!

Dr. Blanchard argues that the transgender movement is rife with delusion. “This is not waving a magic wand and a man becomes a woman and vice versa,” he says. “It’s something that has to be taken very seriously. A man without a penis has certain disadvantages in this world, and this is in reality what you’re creating.” For your information, “The Man With No Penis” was moved from Discovery Life to TLC according to the Hollywood Reporter. Let’s see now: TLC will air the no penis show but cancelled “19 Kids and Counting”! Principle, you know. See what you would miss if you didn’t read this column!

Blanchard says that there are two kinds of transgenders: one is the homosexual who often early identifies with girls, likes girly things, etc. The other is usually an older, masculine, bisexual who seeks to make the transition in midlife or later. Dr. Blanchard came to these conclusions after about 200 interviews with transgender patients. He identifies the second type delusion as autogynephilia, saying it is a sex-fueled mental illness and defines it as “a man’s paraphilic tendency to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman.” In other words, they fall in love with the idea of contemplating themselves as women. So, obviously such people are mentally ill.

Bruce, always eager for the spotlight, has a reality show that had a fantastic premier on July 26 titled, “I Am Cait” and lost half its audience the second week! I must admit that I missed “Cait!”
Not all media people were in a “rush to gush” over the crassness of it all. Bill Maher commented on Bruce’s debut on the magazine cover saying, “This is a has-been from reality TV who got breast implants. This is someone who used to be Kim Kardashian’s stepfather and is now Kim Kardashian’s stepmother. She’s not Rosa Parks.” No, Bill, Rosa Parks was a real woman.

I remember Bruce Jenner on the Wheaties cereal box and I respected his prowess in the field of athletics. Now he might qualify to be on the Fruit Loops box.

(Boys’ book, The God Haters was published recently by Barbwire Books. To get your copy of The God Haters click here.)

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Same-Sex Marriage is Not Marriage: Not Now, Not Ever! Mon, 08 Jun 2015 03:55:20 +0000 In the 1600s nautical flags were lowered during a naval engagement as an indication of surrender. If, during a battle, the mast of the Admiral’s ship was blasted thereby removing the flag, it often meant they would surrender. However, if there was to be no surrender, a sailor would nail the tattered flag to the remaining rigging telling the enemy that they would fight to the last man or until the ship was sunk. Such action was known as “nailing the colors to the mast.” It was especially crucial to “nail the colors” if it was a major battle involving a fleet of ships. With the flag not waving, it sent a signal to the whole fleet that the battle was lost.

If a naval captain sailed into battle where there must be no capitulation, he would have the flag nailed high on the mast. Every sailor knew that they must fight to the last man. The flag would not be lowered. Surrender was not an option.

That is where we are today with marriage. Christians must draw the line and say, “We will not surrender what the Bible clearly teaches regarding marriage and perversion. We will go down with the ship if necessary. If government closes our churches and Christian schools, they will do it with the world watching. We will not go softly and silently and supinely into the night.” No church, school or other ministry should ever willingly close; they should force the government to take overt action to the jeers (and to some cheers) from the world.

When abortion became an issue, Christian leaders failed to take a militant stand and that inaction condemned millions of innocent babies to be butchered. If Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Robert Schuler, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and W. A. Criswell–all powerful anti-abortionists had stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and defied those judges, we would not have legal abortions today. They failed and horrendous results followed. If we fail in the marriage battle, we are condemning America to all kinds of sexual arrangements: polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, promiscuity, perversion, and even pedophilia!

Our flag has been shot off the masthead and some of us are willing to nail it to the highest rigging: no surrender.

Marriage is what it has always been and no man, authority, court, or legislature can make marriage mean anything other than the covenantal relationship between a man and woman. Fallen man has toyed, tinkered, and twisted marriage into various sexual experiments such as polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, and promiscuity. In recent years perversion has been added: same sex “marriage.” All have failed and are totally contrary to God’s original plan of one man married to one woman for a lifetime. And if the Progressives have their way, not only will perversion be accepted as “normal” but pedophilia will follow. In fact, some have been telling us for years that children have a right to a sexual life with adults of their choosing!

Same-sex “marriage” (SSM) is like Grape Nuts–neither grapes nor nuts. Marriage is not only private but a public affair. It brings together a man and woman to continue the human race and to rear children to contribute to society. If same-sex “marriages” become legal, homosexuals will accelerate their aggressive promotion of perversion in the media and schools. Polygamists and pedophiles (and sex with animal activists) are standing in the wings. Maybe two men and a goat!

SSM is not marriage. SSM ignores a child’s best interest. Comparing SSM to interracial marriage is silly, stupid, and senseless. If there are educational, cultural, racial, and financial differences between a couple, they can often be overcome; but SSM “couples” cannot overcome their problem. Pastors, photographers, bridal services, bakeries, etc., will be in court. Chaos will reign!

One major reason Christians cannot accept same-sex “marriages” is because of the Bible teaching that marriage is a figure of Christ and His church (Eph. 5:23). It is a mystical, spiritual, eternal, and holy union. For two people of the same sex to “marry” reduces that very special connection to a grotesque, abnormal, and unholy relationship.

Legal homosexual “marriages” will mean churches will lose tax exemption and possibly be forced to close if they don’t go along with the depravity. Schools will teach perversion in conflict with parents’ teaching forcing young kids to decide between the school and the home.

Most Christians are too fearful, lazy, or occupied with the newest garbage on television that they won’t grab a sword and get into the fight. They will be the first to whine about what happened to all our freedoms. Your children and grandchildren will ask you, “Grandpa, what did you do when the battle was raging for biblical marriage?” How will you answer them?

The Federal courts are legalizing perversion and calling it good, kind, and commendable. However, it is time–past time–to tell all the courts, legislators, presidents, and governors that same-sex “marriage” is not marriage, not now, not ever.

H. G. Wells was right about one thing when he said, “Man, left to his own depravities, will usher in only one thing and that is Armageddon.” A sexual Armageddon is on our doorstep. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Transgenders, Like Homosexuals, Do Not Exist! Tue, 02 Jun 2015 22:32:58 +0000 Before leftists’ knees across the fruited plain begin to jerk incessantly and advance to apocalyptic spasms, let me make clear– that saying something (neither me nor thee) does not make it true. Abraham Lincoln asked “How many legs would a dog have if you called its tail a leg?” He replied “four” since calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg. That simple truism has eluded most moderns who boast of their enlightenment.

Most modern Americans are so shallow and media-struck, they can’t think normally. Homosexuals don’t exist, only heterosexuals who do awkward, abnormal, even abominable things with the same sex. Likewise, transgenders do not exist, only uncertain, unstable, and unwise people who mutilate their bodies in search of an elusive dream–that always becomes a nightmare.

Look, it’s rather simple. A child is born. His or her attending physician holds up the new-born, slaps his or her rear, lays the child on his or her back (don’t get hasty; we’ll get to the gender soon) and after a quick glance writes “male” on the birth certificate. That settles it and he will be called “Bob,” “Bill,” or maybe even “Bruce.”

His parents think they have a boy but he later decides he is a she. Much later in life he enjoys wearing female clothing and identifying with females. He looks down at himself and appears to be a man but “feels” like a woman. The trouble is you can’t trust your feelings. Your eyes are telling you the truth while your feelings are lying to you and will end up making a fool of you and destroying your life.

A former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul R. McHugh is a very courageous professional who has the integrity and compassion to tell people the truth. He is now the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins and he declared that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that requires medical help! He added that sex change is “biologically impossible.” Moreover, he accused medical personnel who aid and abet such medical malfeasance of promoting a mental malady!

Dr. McHugh’s comment on the sex-change operations is scathing: “We have wasted scientific and technical resources and damaged our professional credibility by collaborating with madness rather than trying to study, cure, and ultimately prevent it.” He is saying that the first duty of a physician is to do no harm and promoters of transgenderism are doing irreparable harm.

It seems transgendered persons are suffering from a “disorder of assumption.” Such people think they have the opposite gendered person within but they are deceived. Maybe nuts? Dr. McHugh reported on studies at Vanderbilt University and Portman Clinic in London that 70% to 80% of children who conveyed such feelings “spontaneously lost those feelings.” Can we say that they “self-corrected?”

Where has the good doctor been? Maybe living in a cave? Is he out of touch with Hollywood and what the “beautiful people of the media” are supporting? Doesn’t he know what’s in vogue? Doesn’t he know that he is not politically correct? Doesn’t he care that CNN or the other networks may be offended at his crassness, crudeness, or even cruelty? Doesn’t he care about offending the hes/shes out there? Surely he failed his Bedside Manner Class. Is his medical degree even legitimate? If so, should he be permitted to keep it?

Maybe living in a cave hinders his awareness of the media. He must have missed Time’s cover photo of a former male, now female with the title, “The Transgender Tipping Point: America’s Next Civil Rights Frontier!” Of course, Time presented the issue as totally normal and deserving every sensitive person’s support. Dr. McHugh declared, these “policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention.”

Doesn’t Dr. McHugh know that the Obama Administration will now pay for transgender makeovers? Well, the Administration will pay for nothing: taxpayers are now paying for such surgical mutilations via Medicare. Even prisoners are getting free transformation if they discover an opposite sex person inside them!

Dr. McHugh’s professional opinion is that there are two disorders involved in transgender cases: their idea of sex misalignment is wrong and does not correspond with physical reality and the second is that “it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.” He says it is similar to a very thin girl who looks in a mirror and thinks she is grotesquely overweight!

He noted that Johns Hopkins has stopped doing transgender surgery since the results could not justify chopping off “normal organs.”

The courageous physician declared authoritatively that sex change is biologically impossible and “People who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming that this is a civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder.” Wow!

The highly respected (I predict that will change quickly) psychiatrist also reported on a new study that sadly proves the suicide rate among transgendered people who had sex-change surgery is “20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people.”

I suggest that each person keep his or her parts that they were born with and not listen to the “voice within them” since it is their body parts that will be removed, not those of the voice within.

No, transgenders do not exist. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Bruce Jenner Was Not, Is Not, and Will Never Be a Woman! Fri, 15 May 2015 15:36:50 +0000 Bruce Jenner is a former 1976 gold medal Olympic decathlon champion turned television personality. He achieved minor fame in various television episodes, but on national television, he recently professed to be a woman! He said that he has never been attracted to men and has always been heterosexual but now considers himself asexual. In a television interview he identified himself as a “transwoman.” It seems Bruce doesn’t know what he is.

“For all intents and purposes, I am a woman,” he told Diane Sawyer. “I was not genetically born that way and as of now I have all the male parts… But I still identify as female.” This kind of talk reveals that he has simply refused to accept reality. He can call himself a goat but that doesn’t change anything.

He was married for 24 years to Kris Jenner and fathered six children! Now, to most sane people that qualifies him as a male. For sure, he is not a female. Bruce, and others are rebelling against themselves in refusing to accept reality. His dream world is becoming a nightmare and you can watch it unfold on national television. Bruce seems to be grasping for some fleeting fame no matter how tawdry.

Former Senator Rick Santorum opined that we should “love and accept” Bruce whatever gender he decides to be! Rick has been correct on most of his comments on public issues; however, he is way out in left field with Jenner. Of course we must love Bruce no matter how many dumb decisions he makes but it is another thing to “accept” his body modification and any mutilation.

The former senator said “If he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman,” but that is a stupid, senseless, silly statement. I can say I am the most handsome man in America; however, no one believes it and my own mirror refutes the statement.

Transgenders can self-identify as male, female, neither or both! Gender identity means an “individual’s actual or perceived gender,” but that is modern psychobabble. How about my self-perception as a concert pianist? I couldn’t sell enough tickets to fill a telephone booth! (Remember those?) Or a 40 year old who perceives himself as 70 and demands social security benefits. Or a community organizer who thinks he is president of the U.S.? Opps, got off topic. Daddy was right when he said, “The world is crazy as a bedbug.” Crazier.

While I have no official documentation of Jenner’s maleness, I can assume he is male. He looks male, sounds male, and has fathered children so most reasonable people, not driven by a perverse agenda, would declare his maleness. Bruce should look closely at the men who had their bodies mutilated to “become the woman they were” and note that they are still male. Note their large hands, wide hips, Adam’s apple, and their obvious other male features. No amount of mutilation or hormones can change that.

Radical leftists, always looking for a cause that proves their broadmindedness, have jumped on this bandwagon as the newest battle for “civil rights.” But it’s not civil and it’s not rights and if America keeps hurtling down the Road to Sodom, it will not be rights but rites. With the gross immorality, nudity, vulgar entertainment, pornography, same sex “marriage” and “anything goes” attitude this great nation is becoming Sodom with electricity.

The madness seems to be contagious and it is “caught” in the schools, media, the courts, and the legislatures. California has ruled that male athletes in public schools can play on girl’s teams if they identify as a female and will have complete access to the girl’s locker rooms! The ruling also applies to physical education classes. In fact, any teacher or other school employee is permitted to come to school in drag and boldly proclaim his or her “sexuality” and use the restroom of his or her choice. California is Sodom west.

San Francisco Democrat Tom Ammiano told the Los Angeles Times some parents may be uncomfortable with their children sharing restrooms with students of a different sex, but he said, “It’s also important to protect our children from prejudice.” Most parents are more concerned about protecting them from perverts and predators, not prejudice.

“There’s no trampling of other people’s rights,” he said. “There’s a recognition that other people have the same rights that you do.” Just a minute. Did he say that there was “no trampling of other people’s rights?” What about the rights of little girls to use a restroom without being leered at or worse by boys who don’t even know what they are?

Will churches be forced to provide transgendered restrooms? Of course they will, and some “evangelical” churches will try to justify it by “love,” “kindness,” and “Christlikeness.” One church in Washington, D.C., Calvary Baptist Church, ordained a woman who was previously ordained as a man, to the gospel ministry! That was “Baptist,” folks. It makes my skin crawl. He, she or it was educated at the George W. Truett Theological Seminary and pastored a church in central Texas. She is married to a woman who supports her change of life! Hand me a barf bag.

And a word to Bruce: You are a handsome man but a homely woman. You should get your mind fixed, not your genitalia! Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Houston You Have a Problem, a Big Problem! Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:34:47 +0000 The mayor of Houston is a lesbian “married” (in California) to another female so that is a big problem; however, now her honor wants local pastors to submit their sermons to the city to ascertain whether or not they took a position on the city ordinance permitting transgenders to use any restroom of their choice! What unmitigated gall. What incredible stupidity. What an insane, illegal, and impudent demand. If I were a Houston pastor I would make it very clear about my reaction. I will assume to be the pastor of a Baptist Church in Houston.

I would tell the mayor that I will not obey her subpoena and submit my sermons to her or anyone! Period. That means “never” even if ordered to comply by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Department of Justice or even the President of the United States! Those entities are part of the problem! President Obama signed the U.N. Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and even hosted in the White House (that’s our house) the first meeting with transgender activists! Furthermore, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled last year that “gender identity or expression” in the workplace is protected under federal civil rights law!

The lunatics, leftists, and losers have taken over the asylum. Note that I have not used the mayor’s name since I don’t want to honor her in doing so. It was not accidental.

I do have good news for the mayor. She can hear my sermons Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening. In fact, she can bring her girlfriend also. Moreover, they will be invited, along with thieves, muggers, liars, and fornicators, to “hit the sawdust trail” and repent at the altar for the vile sin of homosexuality. I will even personalize my sermons and preach the clear Bible teaching that all sex outside of marriage is wrong and same sex “marriage” is vile, vulgar, and venomous. I will document my position from the Bible then will provide overwhelming proof that all church leaders down through the centuries have stood exactly where I stand. I will preach of God’s purpose, parameters, and prerequisites for marriage. And she and her girlfriend haven’t met His qualifications.

I will preach that if she and her girlfriend show no remorse, no regret, no repentance there will be eternal judgment for them! I will preach from Jer. 6:15: “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.” That passage teaches that same sex “marriages” are squalid, shameful, sorry, sordid, and sinful.

Furthermore, our church restrooms will not be transgendered. Men and boys will use the same restroom for males and girls and women will use another restroom for females. Each gender will be required to have the appropriate “equipment.” If anyone tries to enter a restroom without the correct obvious physical characteristics, they will be removed by a couple of my burley deacons without ceremony onto the parking lot. That goes for the mayor and her girlfriend. It also goes for any of her bodyguards! Deacons grow big in Houston.

Our lawyers are not needed. We are not interested in pleadings, polls and petitions but we will protest. I have invited all pastors in Houston to meet with me outside the mayor’s office this Friday at noon. We will not sing, pray, or preach but we will stand there as silent witnesses to the fact that no one on earth, no court, no official will tell us what to preach or to change our stand on morality. And for sure, we will not remodel our restrooms to satisfy a bunch of shameless, selfish, and sinful cross- dressers who are violating the Scripture in Deut. 22:5: “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”

No doubt some weak, wimpy, whiney, wobbly, wishy-washy preachers will also attend our protest, in opposition to us, suggesting that they represent biblical teaching. So be it. This is still America where weird, wacky, and wrong “men of the cloth” can display to the world their capitulation to the corrupt culture.

Moreover, it is interesting that no one in Houston or in any other American city is demanding to hear what Muslim imams are preaching! Isn’t that interesting? But we know that they are teaching jihad, that’s “fighting for the cause of Allah” and even recruiting fighters to fight in the Middle East! Right here in America! But her honor is not concerned about Muslims. Methodists and Baptists for sure, but not Muslims.

The mayor is a “predator protector” and that is not part of a mayor’s job description. She would be wiser and more productive to fill the pot holes instead of trying to intimidate preachers.

I sure do wish I lived and pastored in Houston!  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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