transgenders – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Drag Queen Story Hours are Permissive, Perilous, and Perverted! Sun, 03 Jul 2022 22:18:36 +0000 When a vile, vicious, and venomous crime is committed, many horrified people ask, “How could a human treat another human that way?” Whether it is a mass shooting, Muslim parents beheading a daughter for marrying a non-Muslim, or a parent who slaughters a spouse and children; it is difficult for decent people to comprehend the motivation. The answers are multiple: unbridled rage, legal or illegal drugs, or insatiable greed; but more often than not, it is simply evil.

Man, apart from God, is capable of doing anything. Jeremiah 17:9 reveals, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” It is also a fact of human nature that vile individuals almost always try to assuage their own guilt by enticing others to participate in similar evil practices as the present push to promote perversion through Pride parades and drag queen depravity.

Make no mistake: drag queens and their defenders, especially with children present, are despicable, depraved, and dangerous people.

For decades, decadent men have dressed as women (even though the Bible forbids cross-dressing), but today unprincipled men have taken it to a new level. Homosexual men, dressed as women, with false breasts and garish makeup, perform lewd dances for children’s entertainment. Moreover, such lewd activities are even sponsored by the military, schools, churches, and libraries! Spectators are expected to push money into the waistband or brasserie as tokens of appreciation. Those who do so are as perverted as the “drag queens.”

At school or church, or library drag queen story hours, debauched men dressed as women teach children there are no boundaries and no absolutes.  We are told the story hours teach literacy, personal expression, self-acceptance, and other positive attributes. But they teach far more.

Everyone knows this push for deviate, degrading, and damaging story hours for kids is to make perversion acceptable and groom kids for future degeneracy.  Hey, if you can be arrested for taking a child to a strip show, why can’t you go to prison for exposing innocent kids to depravity in a library?

The New York Post reported a group incorporated as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC “has received a total of $207,000 in taxpayer funds since 2018 from the city and state.” So, kids are being groomed for homosexuals at public institutions and funded by stupid taxpayers.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said, “Drag storytellers, and the libraries and schools that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that is core to what our city embraces.” No, NYC reflects lawlessness, danger, depravity, high taxes, and sane citizens have been fleeing the city in droves for years.

While schools, churches, and libraries are exposing children to such vileness, San Francisco Bay area authorities are investigating a possible hate crime because a group of men shouted anti-LGBTQ slurs during Drag Queen Story Hour at the San Lorenzo Library. Wow, those local authorities sure know what’s important. But then San Francisco has been run by descendants of Sodom for decades.

The Speaker of the House gave enormous credibility by appearing on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars reality show. Nancy Pelosi groveled saying, “My honor to be here, to say to all of you how proud we all are of you. Thank you for the joy and beauty you bring to the world. Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about.”

That maggot-gagging statement will be read at America’s funeral. And maybe at hers. Anyone who gives any credibility to such child-damaging events is lower than a snake’s belly in a deep well.

A few days ago, Pelosi added to her debauched résumé, by being honored by pathetic Pope Francis at St Peter’s and received communion that her principled local archbishop had refused her since she is a major voice supporting baby killers. Her husband, presumed to be sober at the time, accompanied her.

It seems American Legion halls have higher standards than most churches.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said during a drag event in Lansing that “drag queens make everything better” and there should be “a drag queen for every school.” Yes sir, a drag queen for every school. Schools don’t need the Ten Commandments or the Golden Rule, or a phonics’ chart, or McGuffey’s Reader. They might grow up to be honest, decent, kind, principled, even Christian. And know how to read.

A popular drag queen, “Kitty Demure” issued a stark warning to parents about drag queen shows saying, “There is a lot of filth that goes on, a lot of sexual stuff that goes on.” That is obvious from watching any drag queen performance or homosexual parade.  It was a characteristic of Sodom as Isaiah wrote in 3:9, “they show their sin as Sodom; they hide it not…”

One pervert performer whined, “It’s a way to make people feel happy. It’s to entertain. It’s to make people smile.” No, it’s to make kids be more pliable to sexual deviancy and acceptance of perversion and reject biblical, normal living. Another promoter of perversion said the story hours are “lifesaving.” No, they are life-twisting.

The media reported last week that a Pennsylvania drag queen was charged with 25 counts of pornography. He could not post bail and was locked in the pokey. That’s where he/she/it belongs. Now, they should throw away the key.

Parents are told that while the men are pretending to be women, the story hour is not about sexuality or sexualizing children or grooming children. But that is dishonest. That should not surprise anyone since people who twist, confuse, and harm children are capable of doing anything. We must remember the words of Christ who said in Luke 17:2, “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”

Stories are read, sometimes benign, however, there is always dancing, bouncing, bright colors, singing, sparkles, glitter, etc. While those things can be interesting and alluring to children, kids should not be taught to associate sex with glitter and sparkles, balloons, and music.

And it is parents’ responsibility to teach sex and sexual awareness to their children. Parents decide on when a girl wears a brassiere, makeup, and high heels. Parents decide how short a skirt is and how it fits a daughter. Parents decide on when a child goes on sleepovers (almost never) and starts dating and what music is heard. It is parents who instill in children about physical contact such as holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc., not any other group. Parents, not teachers, teach children that sex is one of the greatest gifts to mankind but dangerous if abused outside of marriage. Parents should teach children that sex is not sinful but sacred and special and follows a lifetime commitment of marriage.

Children are in school to learn the basics of living in a corrupt world. Their values about sex, morality, religion, etc., are not the bailiwick of educators but of parents. It is shocking that parents have shown such restraint in response to drag queen hours exploiting their children. If parents took a school apart, brick by brick, I would be averse to finding them guilty as a jury member. Maybe a $20 fine—suspended.

Of course, children are sexual beings, but that does not mean they need to know and experience the many complicated sexual facts that would be appropriate when older. Forty-two to seventy-three percent of children exhibit sexual behaviors by age 13 according to an article in the National Library of Medicine.  At a very young age, children begin to examine and explore their body by touching, and rubbing various body parts, including their genitals. It is parents’ obligation to provide guidance and knowledge about these body parts and their functions. Small children commonly try to view the genitals or breasts of others, stand too close to other people, and touch their own genitals; however, after age five, “sexual behaviors become less common, less frequent, or more covert.”

Children, at a young age, should be taught to respect each other, and it is not acceptable to touch anyone else’s private parts. Children need age-appropriate explanations. They must be strongly advised to always tell if another child or adult touches their private parts. Children should know that private parts are covered by a swimming suit. Furthermore, younger children should be taught to respect the privacy of their older siblings and parents. Your child knows it’s also your job to protect them. Never permit a child to have access to a television or computer in seclusion.

Proponents of perversion defend the offensive story hours in another attempt to make degeneracy acceptable to normal people. They accuse normal people of hate, bigotry, narrow-mindedness, etc., not even giving a nod to the possibility that we love our kids and want them to be normal. Moreover, cross-dressing, multi-genders, transgenders, perversion, and any sexual activity before marriage is wrong. Any parent who willingly permits a child to be exposed to such story hours should be investigated by proper authorities. I remember when kids were removed from their homes because a television set was not permitted and many examples of parents losing children for a smack on the rear end.

No one ever accused Democrats of being very bright, and now they are positioning themselves as defenders of drag queen shows. Good, that may be the only positive thing that comes from this deviant debacle. They can ride this all the way to crushing defeat in November and in 2024.

God created us, male and female, and planned for it to remain that way. To pretend to be the opposite gender is rebellion against God. Teaching such depravity to children is even worse in my opinion than the depravity at Sodom, and everyone knows what happened to Sodom.

Much archeology is going on near the Dead Sea site of ancient Sodom so it would not surprise me if archeologists uncover a worn, dirty, faded rainbow flag providentially protected (and discovered) in the debris of ancient Sodom. Maybe not, but I’m sure such flags will be discovered in the ruins of the greatest experiment in history—the once-great American Republic.

Maybe someday in the future, after freedom has disappeared from the earth, freedom-seeking immigrants exploring what used to be New York City and New York Harbor will find a portion of the 450,000 pound Statue of Liberty. No longer a symbol of freedom and broken but still clearly discernable protruding out of the water. It would be apropos if a rainbow flag should be found wrapped around the broken torch of the lady.

Of course, the lady’s torch will no longer shine since freedom was surrendered much earlier thanks to the LGBTetc. crowd, a distinct group who only faintly disguise their hatred of normal families.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Liberals, Leftists, and Loonies Have No Sense of Decency! Tue, 18 May 2021 01:48:51 +0000  

When Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn America about Communist spies in our government and military, the Communists and fellow travelers came out of the woodwork. During the Army-McCarthy Hearings in 1954, Chief Counsel for the U.S. Army Joseph Welch questioned Senator McCarthy’s sense of decency because the senator suggested a young attorney was a Communist. Gullible Americans swallowed that line along with the sinker and hook. It sounded so principled, but it was Welch playing to the gallery with his acting ability.

Maybe he was a better actor than attorney.

Liberals, leftists, and loonies liked the question and considered it the coup de grâce in their battle with the spy chaser. Therefore, I will use it to the advantage of truth as I ask those sitting to the far left if they have any sense of decency or any sense of shame.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they use the race card to silence any discussion or debate or disagreement with informed Conservatives? By suggesting it is a closed issue too sacred, too serious, too settled to permit questions, they don’t have to answer any questions! Have they no sense of shame when they declare that every white person is a racist and no Black can be a racist. For sure, they have no sense of decency.

Or, they have no sense.

By making everything racist, it draws attention away from actual racist acts committed by Whites, Blacks, and other haters.

Other indications leftists have no sense of shame (and no sense) is when the BLM mob disrupts, destabilizes, destroys, and tries to disband the police—yet call for the police when they need help. Not only do they have no shame, but they are also hypocrites.

But, we knew that, didn’t we.

Those who usually are found standing in left field also have no shame about gun control. What they want is people control. Tyrannical government fears guns in the hands of freedom-loving people.

For a good reason.

The gun grabbers usually blame the cop when he shoots a resisting or fleeing felon but blames the gun when a criminal shoots someone? Simple logic and common sense (missing in leftists) require consistency; however, they are not interested in reality. Leftists have to force every incident into their twisted agenda: racism is the cause of sunspots, tornadoes, arthritis, dandruff, a bad economy, and migraine headaches. They promote black racism and blame anything and everything on Whitey.

All without shame.

Don’t leftists have a sense of decency when they declare and demand a child’s right to decide whether they are male or female? That is determined at birth, so no choice needs to be made since it is either male or female. Genesis 1:26 speaks to this issue: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Well, that settles that.

Most sane people realize it is not a decision to make. If in doubt, one only has to look down. A physician or committee or decree is not necessary. No decision is required since it is an observation.

This same crowd says a child (boy or girl) can choose to be either one or something else, and his parents have no right to say anything about medical treatment, including physical mutilation and life-changing hormones. We are told that it is illegal if a parent refuses to call Harold by his new name, Harriot.

A father in Canada was convicted and sent to jail for “family violence” after refusing to call his daughter by her new male name.

That is the same mentality that says there is no such thing as gender, yet demanded a female vice-president! I understand they finally got one, but I keep forgetting her name.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they try to champion men who pretend to be women and claim a right to women’s restrooms, showers, and the right to participate in women’s sports? Don’t they have any sense of decency as they insist even young children have a right to decide their own gender and the right to get hormone treatments and mutilating surgery? Thanks to Blather-in-Chief Biden’s executive order, transgender surgery is now free for military, prisoners, and illegal immigrants—and taxpayers pay the enormous bills.

Doesn’t that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they demand taxpayer funded abortion on demand and even demand the right to kill a child after their birth if the mother decides it is too sickly—or too much trouble. You know—feedings during the night, changing diapers, babysitters, and all those inconveniences. Moreover, they demand the right to kill a newborn baby that manages to survive the murder attempt. Baby killers tell us no efforts should be made to permit the baby to live.

Well, does that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend that a family is two men or two men and a woman or even one man and three women? God clearly told Adam that a man would leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. Not his neighbor’s wife. Not to his favorite goat. But to his wife and they would be a family until parted by death. No, no shame, no decency.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend the U.S. Constitution gives them permission to take money from some of us to give to all of us? They don’t even consider they are doing something most Americans will like, but it is absolutely illegal. If leftists want a Socialist Government, why don’t they change the Constitution to make it legal? Evidently, they want to make America Socialist, and when we get accustomed to the freebies, they will make the giveaways and bailouts constitutional.

Don’t race-baiters have any sense of decency when they, like what’s-her-name Harris, accuse Americans of racism when we twice elected a half-black President and elected Harris the first partially Asian American and partially Black American Vice President? Someone is not thinking straight here.

Don’t the mainstream media have any sense of decency when they refused to deal with John Kerry’s refusal to wear a mask on a commercial flight but a few months earlier gave Senator Ted Cruz fits for doing the same thing? Yet another example of bias from those who claim to be neutral and balanced in their reporting.

The media continued to show bias when the Blunder-in-chief fell three times while boarding Air Force One. MSNBC, CBS News, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times made no mention of the stumbling incident. But they made a big deal when Trump walked slowly and carefully down a ramp at West Point. Biden also ridiculed Trump at the time, saying, “Watch how I run up ramps, and he stumbles down ramps.” The mainstream media have no shame.

Doesn’t the Biden White House have any sense of decency when they fired five staffers for having used marijuana when Vice President Harris (I’ve almost memorized her name) admitted doing the same thing?

No, the leftists have no shame; they have no sense of decency; they cannot blush as was true millennia ago when Jeremiah wrote in  Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?  nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.”

Principled people can blush because they have a sense of decency—that progressive Liberals don’t possess.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)




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Boycott Any Business, Television Show, Sports Team, or Product That is Pro Homosexual, Pro Transgender, or Pro Black Lives Matter! Mon, 12 Apr 2021 23:50:23 +0000 I am determined to not permit inferiors to browbeat, bamboozle, belittle, bully, or blackmail me into admitting to the possibility they are on the high road, thereby suggesting I, and people of common sense, are on the low road. I will not agree to their positions, vote for them, watch or listen to their vacuous preachments on television or radio, or knowingly spend a dollar that may accrue to them.

Boycott the losers, leftists, and loonies!

Boycotts work, as has been proven in recent years, so it’s time for principled people to flex their muscles as they refuse to use credit cards and cash to support anti-family, anti-American, anti-white, and anti-common sense positions.

Boycotts became common after an 1873 event in Ireland when a retired British army officer Charles Boycott became the agent for a large estate in Ireland. It was terrible timing because the farmers were being squeezed with low wages and high taxes. They formed the Land League to seek relief from their economic problems but received no help from the new agent. Boycott refused to lower land rents causing the residents and farmers to refuse to speak to him, provide him laundry service, sell him supplies, or work his fields. Even his mail carrier threatened him. The ploy spread across Ireland, and newspapers referred to the tactic by his last name boycott.

In 2016, Conservatives and Christians boycotted Target for its support of transgenderism, and a news headline revealed, “Target Retailer Hits $15 Billion Loss Since Pro-Transgender Announcement.” That is a result of more than 1.5 million families who pledged to stop shopping at Target. Good, but don’t backslide.

Target officials know that more than half of the American people detest their support of the LGBT crowd and are paying the price for doing so. We need to convince business people that they can believe what they want and support whom they want, but decent people will destroy them if they become activists. And I mean literally destroy them.

J.C. Penney is hurting after they jumped into the cold, cold pool of anti-family commercialism by partnering with Ellen DeGeneres on a television advertising campaign and promoted same-sex couples. The giant chain is still hanging on. I am doing my best to see them fall.

After months of pressure from an anti-gay group, McDonald’s withdrew from the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. One of McDonald’s vice presidents, a homosexual activist, “stepped down” from his position.

Boycotts are not unchristian or un-American. Each of us has the right to decide how to spend our money. It is one of our most basic rights. But Big Government has determined to guide us in our spending to support same-sex “marriage,” transgenderism, pro-BLM racism, any sexual aberration as long as it is consensual, etc.

Not this American.

We are told it is hate not to support the above, but that is a ploy used successfully by leftists when they can’t win in a discussion, dispute, or debate. If you permit your opponent to define the terms, you have no chance for success. No one wants to be a hater or intolerant or offensive; however, it is none of those things to tell people the truth. Starting with the proposition that perversion is wrong because the Bible (the only absolute guide for human existence and happiness) says it is, we are on the right side of this vocal, vital, and volatile issue. Also, thousands of years of history conclusively prove that perversion has always proved fatal to civilization, culture, or community. Think Sodom and Gomorrah.

A businessperson has a constitutional and human right to run his business the way he wants as long as there is no fraud involved. However, since the 1964 Civil Rights Act, a free American business owner no longer has the right to choose his customers, pay as much as he wants, stay open the hours he wants, and provide or not provide various benefits. That part of the bill was incredibly un-American, and Conservatives were right to oppose it; however, southern Democrats opposed it because it would eliminate segregation in public schools.

The law did far more than that.

After 60 days (not 83 days as a New York paper reported) of filibustering, the Senate passed the landmark bill. A June 20, 1964, New York Daily News   article about the passage said 46 Democrats and 27 Republicans favored the bill, while 21 Democrats, all from Southern or border states, opposed it along with six Republicans. Goldwater, who was to become the GOP Presidential candidate later that year, said he opposed the “centralizing of government in Washington.”

Goldwater was right, and that’s why the government runs every aspect of our lives and tells you how to run your business today. Americans gave a lot to get a little.

We’ve come a long way, baby.

When American businessmen refused to oppose and disobey infringement on their business rights and capitulated to government mandates, then that set the stage for the massive abuse via the Homosexual Lobby. Big government now tells every businessman what they must believe and whom they must serve.

In a free republic, a citizen has the right to provide service only to people with red hair since they have a right to be stupid—and go bankrupt. Sure, business people have a right to be stupid with the corresponding right to go bankrupt. I’ll help them.

Americans have been exposed to all kinds of business owners who have arrogantly thrust their own radical views upon others. Therefore, it is time for ordinary people to close their wallets and not use their plastic, thereby putting the offenders out of business. Suppose we don’t put them out of business. In that case, we can still reduce their profits, thereby sending a clear message: if you go public with anti-family, anti-heterosexual, or anti-American positions, then it will cost you dearly.

When a business owner takes a public position that is anti-family, anti-American, or anti-biblical, then he or she deserves to be a very lonely person because so many potential customers refuse to purchase his goods or services.

I have spent carefully for many years, although sometimes we may support a business not knowing they proudly wear the LGBT label. No sane person should purchase Coke (who not only supports perversion but also demands we “be less white.” Nor will I watch any major league ball games or watch any movie or television show that promotes perversion or has actors outspoken for such nefarious activities. I canceled National Geographic after they promoted and defended transgenderism. I now boycott NBC because their main anchor Lester Holt said, “we don’t need to hear both sides to define truth: Fairness is overrated.”

No, Lester is overrated and should be doing the 5:00 morning farm report in Smithfield, Iowa. I’ll do my part to see he gets that promotion. I think leftists have overdosed on liberal pills.

Ordinary people need to decide that we are in a battle and take measures to win by refusing to patronize any business that supports an issue that is perverse or promotes abortion and anti-family issues. We should not wait for some group to start the boycott ball rolling, and when enough of us immediately refuse to patronize such businesses, we inform them and others why we are no longer customers. Even the dullest and most ardent leftist will get the message. Most of them will understand that there is a connection between their anti-family positions and an empty cash register.

But then most Liberals and all leftists are not the brightest people around.

The top companies that support the LGBT lobby are 3M, Kellogg Company, Hewlett-Packard, eBay, General Electric, Disney, Apple, Microsoft, Starbucks, Home Depot, Ford, J. C. Penny, Procter and Gamble, IBM, and the Girl Scouts. We can’t know every company that supports anti-family issues, but we can make the leading ones feel our muscle. You may be locked into one or two of these companies, but you can often make decisions to hinder the cause of perversion and help the cause of decency. You don’t have to support Home Deport; usually, Lowe’s is next door or down the street. You don’t have to buy a Ford since there are so many other good cars. You don’t have to visit Disney; besides, they are way too expensive.

The LGBT lobby lists those businesses that do not support their cause, and Exxon was number one on the unfriendly gay list, followed by Dollar General, Family Dollar, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and others. We can all support those companies.

Others will tell us that they can’t be involved in a boycott because it is not right to demand a business owner serve them, as did the Civil Rights demonstrators in the 1960s. But that’s the point: we don’t want them to serve us. We want to serve them! We want to convince businessmen that it is a stupid decision to antagonize most of their customer base. We want to help them, not hurt or harass them. An aggressive and successful boycott is “tough love.”

We are determined to remind all who will listen that we are the people who love homosexuals and transgenders enough to tell them the truth about perversion. We are in the ministry of nudging and pushing other decent people to get involved.

Furthermore, no lucid individual says it is wrong for a person to be selective in spending his own money. If he does not like the business owner, does not like the service, or excessive charges, etc., he can choose to spend his money elsewhere. Why is that perfectly legitimate if done by one person but wrong if multiple people do the same thing?

Our message to all businesses: You have a right to support whatever cause you like, but Americans still have a right to refuse to patronize your store. Get in bed with the LGBT crowd, and we will do our best to put you out of business. Choose your friends wisely.

I also don’t watch any professional sports since they are pro-China and anti-American.

I have no guarantee about the raging culture war as to what Americans will do. Still, if we lose this war, it seems we should change our national symbol from eagle to buzzard at the rate America is decaying morally.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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