Trump – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Politicians Go Into Politics to do Good and End Up Doing Very Well—As Did Hunter Biden and His Dad! Fri, 30 Sep 2022 16:15:49 +0000 By Don Boys, Ph.D.

A new film has been released dealing with Hunter Biden’s misadventures in parts of the world where he and his father-president almost broke their backs carrying away baskets-full of cash. Newsweek reported that the film made “accusations of criminal activity against Hunter and Joe Biden, sex, drug misuse, scandal, exploitation and murder.”

In 2019, Biden was worth 1.5 million dollars, and today is worth 9 million. After he left the office of Vice President in January 2017, he earned “more than $15 million in a little more than two years! Much of it was from speeches that paid him $200,000 per speech. Come now, simple ones, who would even suggest that Biden could say anything worth $20? Now that he is President, his speeches will be worth even more. Well, they won’t be worth more money, but he will be paid more. Big difference.

Biden’s son Hunter has done very well in business because of his association with a China bank while his dad was vice president. Plus, the Daily Mail reported that Hunter “was paid $83,333 a month by Ukrainian gas company to be a ‘ceremonial figure,’” and Hunter’s firm was paid a total of $3.4 million! Also, the daughters of Clinton and Bush greatly benefited from their family association.

The younger Biden will be fortunate if he does not spend time in the hoosegow. And Dad will be fortunate if he is not impeached next year.

The New York Post reported that five members of Joe’s family also got rich because of connections with Joe. Astonishingly, Hunter was paid $3.5 million via wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow. No one knows what Hunter did to deserve the money. I wonder if the IRS has asked him about the money.

One of the most unsavory politicians today is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Her wealth has increased from $41 million to nearly $115 million since 2004! Wow, she must really know the stock market or has a fantastic financial advisor. Her five most-traded stocks in the last two years were Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and Google—all top stocks. However, those stocks were all affected by pending legislation under her control.

Surely, she would not use her position to enhance her personal wealth since that’s devious, dishonest, and downright dumb. It’s called a conflict of interest. Do you think Nancy would support a bill prohibiting any elected official from dealing in the stock market while in office?

America has been portrayed as the land of milk and honey, but most politicians know it is the land of milk and money. And they care little for the milk but have an insatiable taste for money.

Thus, an honest politician appears on the scene as often as a chaste prostitute does. Proof of that statement is seen in former U.S. Presidents getting rich after they leave office. Sometimes it is blatant fraud, and other times, it is less obvious, like a politician who uses his influence and contacts to promote his books, business, or boondoggle. And ends up getting filthy rich when out of office.

Most politicians seem to have resolved to do as little work as possible while in office but carry away as much cash as they can. America has the best politicians that money can buy, reminiscent of H. L. Mencken’s quip, “Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.”

President Thomas Jefferson said, “I have the consolation, too, of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and of retiring with hands as clean as they are empty.”

Obviously, Jefferson was in the minority.

The media revealed that former President Obama (I love to write that!) purchased a home in Martha’s Vineyard worth $15 million, proving once again that public service pays big. Their net worth is now $70 million.

Many politicians disprove the adage, “Crime does not pay,” since going into public service to do good, they end up doing very well.

As a Christian Conservative, I firmly believe in free enterprise, personal initiative, and capital accumulation—as long as everything is honest and high principles are practiced. It is one thing to write an informative book that is in demand and another to accept a directorship on a board of a company of which the former president or relative has no knowledge. He is selling his name and accrued prestige without providing any other value to the business. However, the norm seems to be for politicians to “do public service” for a few years and then trade on that service to make big bucks by taking seats on various Boards of Directors, becoming lobbyists, signing book contracts, etc. Especially etc.

Ben Franklin, while in Europe in 1777, wrote to a friend about public service in America declaring, “In America, salaries, where indispensable, are extremely low, but much of public business is done gratis. The honor of serving the public ably and faithfully is deemed sufficient. Public spirit really exists there, and has great effects. In England it is universally deemed a nonentity, and whoever pretends to it is laughed at as a fool, or suspected as a knave.”

At the Constitutional Convention, the men came at a sacrifice; Madison was there using borrowed funds. Such sacrificial acts are unknown today.

Gerald Ford was a very lackluster U.S. President, yet he showed an impressive ability to make over a million dollars within a year of leaving the White House. His worth at death was $7 million.

Even Richard Nixon managed to turn a fiasco into financial success. Without a wealthy family or business to support him, he left $15 million to his wife. While he refused to follow the lucrative speech-making circuit, he wrote seven successful books and invested in California real estate.

Jimmy Carter “was broke” when he left the White House. Still, with a few book deals, his million-dollar Nobel Peace Prize, and his professorship at Emory University, he parlayed his holdings to $7 million.

Ronald Reagan, a B movie star, was financially comfortable when elected President but increased his wealth when leaving office. He received $2 million for two weeks of speeches in Japan, causing much criticism from the media. Even some principled conservatives were discouraged, distressed, and disgusted by that caper. When he died, he and Nancy were worth $38 million.

Bill Clinton admitted, “I’ve never had any money until I got out of the White House, but I’ve done reasonably well since then.” Well, that’s an understatement. After driving away from the White House, he began making speeches for up to $500,000 a pop. Does anyone, including Democrat fanatics, think any Clinton speech is worth that? How about $50? He and Hillary have made more than $230 million since leaving the White House.

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary, is worth about $15 million. She raked in $9 million while serving on a corporate board from 2011.  One of Bush’s daughters is worth $4 million.

Come on now, friend. No one believes those lightweights could have done that if they were Smith and Jones.

Forbes revealed that Obama came to Washington in 2005, making $85,000 per year as a college professor, and has made $20 million since arriving in Washington. He signed a $65 million book deal and is paid $400,000 per speech. Public service pays off in a big way, and his net worth is now $70 million.

George W. Bush put his holdings in a trust in 2000 and had no idea of their worth, not having any ability to influence the trust officials who made all investment decisions. Bush earned $7 million for the first 1.5 million copies of Decision Points.

Forbes reported that Trump was worth 4.5 billion before his election, and as of September of 2021, his worth was down to $3.5 billion. So, Trump is the only President whose worth has decreased. Yet, his enemies accuse him of using his office to advance himself financially—even though he gave his presidential salary to charities!

Harry Truman wrote, “I have a very strong feeling about any man who has the honor of being an occupant of the White House in the greatest job in the history of the world, who would exploit that situation in any way, shape or form.” I agree with Harry.

Truman rejected many lucrative six-figure endorsement deals, consulting fees, and other offers that inundated him in 1953 until he moved back to Missouri after leaving office. He was paid $100,000 per year as President and received no retirement! He lived off his $112.56 monthly pension from his service in the Army Reserve and whatever he saved from his salary while in office.

It seems most of our members of Congress and presidents have sold their names—and their honor. But then, they wore a symbolic sign around their neck at their election party: “I’m for sale to the highest bidder—make me an offer.” They professed they went into “public service” to do good, but they ended up doing well—very well.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former Indiana House of Representatives member who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan. Baptist preacher

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Globalists Are Dangerous, Deceitful, and Despicable People! Tue, 05 Apr 2022 20:02:07 +0000  

Internationalists like George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and crew are the most dangerous, deceitful, and despicable people on earth. Their arrogance is exceeded only by their audacity. According to them, the world is so broken it is not worth fixing, and their answer is to destroy it and make the world in the image of composite leftists of history.

Moreover, to keep the world balanced, safe, and clean, they will tell you what to eat, the kind of apartment you will have, the number of children you can have, but will permit you to choose what color of bicycle to ride on car-free streets. Of course, you will only have one choice of bicycles. They have nominated themselves to be the saviors of the world.

They are a gaggle of jerks, and their grandiose dreams have not succeeded, but they plan to become world puppet masters of Chinese warlords. They will probably end up as modern-day eunuchs to Chinese warlords eating bat soup and snake eyes at a Chinese banquet celebrating the birthday of Karl Marx.

Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), promised to change everyone, although Christ changed me when I was a teenager. Schwab’s flunky, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, tells us, “Free will, that’s over,” and we have too many humans who need to be kept  “docile with drugs and video games.” Harari is simply another example of a clever man who proves by his statements to be dangerous, divisive, and dumb as a box of rocks.

The puppet-masters are private citizens who are the most arrogant people on earth. They are all far leftists who think they have the answer to everything, even questions, and problems that are still unasked and undiscovered! They believe the world’s future depends upon their next global program that always delivers them more power (and money) and strips citizens of their God-given rights and even nations of their sovereignty which means the loss of nationhood.

They envision a world—influenced if not controlled by them—that is a very green, socialist/ communist world without borders, a world government, a world court, and a world religion.

Since the main puppet-masters or global kingmakers have never dared to offer themselves for elective office, they major on deception as they pull the strings of elected officials. They answer to no authority, local, state, national, or international, but only to themselves. They believe bigger is always better, and independence of thought and action is always bad for the collective whole. They are people who are cold, calculated, and committed to a far-left agenda of global control by themselves. They are the epitome of evil.

The leaders are not interested in political office or publicity and usually shun the light, as all vile people do, not wanting their evil deeds seen by the world. They don’t mind news accounts of them giving millions of dollars to various non-government agencies but want few details revealed about their final agenda—other than a one-world government.

They seek to ingratiate themselves to world leaders who must be told fervently and frequently how great they are. These internationalists have been working behind the scenes in national and international organizations such as the European Union, U.N., NATO, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, and in “philanthropic” institutions such as George Soros’ Open Society and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and others.

By this time, uneducated people will turn me off because even the dullest among us can see a conspiracy, and everyone knows that is the stuff of right-wing nuts. It falls into the category of unicorns, UFOs, and fairies. But then, just because no one has seen a unicorn doesn’t mean they don’t exist or didn’t exist in the past. UFOs are no longer relegated to the lunatic fringe, and fairies (depending on the definition) are still suspect.

Informed people know that conspiracies have plagued the world for millennia. So many, I will not even begin to list the historical facts. The Communist conspiracy and the above puppet masters present a dangerous intrigue that involves every person on earth. The conspirators are highly placed, well educated, wealthy, and dangerous people.

Such people have been among us in abundance in recent decades, and many have assumed room temperature, for which we can all stop and give thanks during a moment of silence. While many have gone “on to their reward” or whatever, others continue to arrive to replace them. Some of their organizations were and are corporations, foundations, trusts, NGOs, etc. Many have been replaced, all more leftist and totalitarian than earlier ones. We can be thankful that these men are mere mortals who rate themselves too highly; often fail; quarrel with others; get addicted to drugs, booze, sex, etc.; and they finally die without reaching the pinnacle of successful tyrant-hood.

And the living global thugs may fail to produce a world government of authoritative control by one man, but there will be one of their ilk who will arise in the last days and be accepted as the answer to all the world’s problems. That Man may be standing behind the curtain at this time, ready to respond to the accolades as the world leader.

George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and others have taken the leadership of the globalist agenda. These men are simply radical, greedy, evil leftists with a far-left agenda for the world, not just one nation. Together they use their money, influence, and position to produce an imbalance in various nations. They do not believe America only needs to be substantially changed since it is so flawed and corrupt with free enterprise, gun freedom, property rights, and religious freedom for all. It needs to be destroyed and rebuilt—along collectivist, Socialist, Communist lines.

An essay published by the WEF on November 16, 2016, reveals you won’t own anything like a home, car, or boat. However, you will be happy about it, or more realistically, you will know better than to let anyone know you are not happy about it.

Internationalist manipulators can be counted on to take advantage of every quarrel, government failure, revolution, economic disruption, etc. An imbalance in a nation always permits globalists to slip in and take control. You know, take advantage of every crisis.

Soros was named by the Ukrainian newspaper Vesti as the second most influential person in Ukraine, after Zelenskyy. Soros is not just a wealthy gadabout but a sinister hustler of a far-left agenda. He admitted when the Soviet Empire collapsed, he “moved in and picked up the pieces first in Hungary in 1984, and China and Poland in 1987. This is how the Soros Empire replacing (sic) the Soviet Empire.”

He may have revealed too much, but you can’t blame him for taking a victory lap after such success.

After the 2014 “revolution” in Ukraine, which was actually a coup organized, carried out, and financed by the U.S. Government headed by Obama, the bastard government of Ukraine was supported by Soros. He wrote of the U.S.-inspired government, “They will need international support… And my foundation is working with experts in Ukraine to create a strategy for keeping the spirit of the Maidan alive.” The “spirit of the Maidan” refers to mass anti-government protests in Kyiv’s Independence Square.

The Russian invasion shows a fracture among international socialists: supporters of the WEF versus Russia. Thank God the globalists don’t always succeed, but they align with any world leader who can be useful—whether Putin, Zelenskyy, or Biden.

Or Xi Jinping.

Build Back Better, which also happens to be the Great Reset slogan, was popularized by its primary advocate, WEF founder Klaus Schwab. The Great Reset was first introduced in Richard Florida’s 2010 book The Great Reset and at the 2014 annual WEF conclave, Schwab declared, “What we want to do in Davos this year…is to push the reset button.” After that, the image of a reset button appeared on the WEF website.

When President Donald Trump basically told the WEF in 2020 that he did not buy into their agenda, he lost or had his reelection taken from him. Trump said, “This is not a time for pessimism. …They want to see us do badly, but we don’t let that happen. They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the 70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s. These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives. We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country, or eradicate our liberty.”

I would have liked to have seen the faces of the elites sitting before him. Of course, you know what happened a few months later in the November election. Trump’s out, and Biden’s in. Biden was chosen because he would do as he was told.

On Monday, March 21, 2022, Biden stated the globalist mantra, “There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.” In 1992, Biden wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal titled “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.”

Because of Biden’s instability, the globalists are now deciding what to do about him.

If these dudes have their way, you will end up eating fake meat and tasteless veggies, riding a bicycle to your job chosen for you by one of your “equals,” peeing in a hole in the ground, voting for the candidate of their choice, and dying in a mud hut leaving nothing to your family except the knowledge that you were stupid enough to believe the collectivists.

All globalists are stamped with “Made in Davos” and walk, talk, and act like Soros, Schwab, Obama, and other high priests of globalism. Most Americans are too smart to be swept away with their gobbledygook; however, during a food or fuel crisis, most people have a seizure of stupidity and give the globalists what they want, or at least some of it.

I give them nothing but the back of my hand.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Liberals, Leftists, and Loonies Have No Sense of Decency! Tue, 18 May 2021 01:48:51 +0000  

When Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn America about Communist spies in our government and military, the Communists and fellow travelers came out of the woodwork. During the Army-McCarthy Hearings in 1954, Chief Counsel for the U.S. Army Joseph Welch questioned Senator McCarthy’s sense of decency because the senator suggested a young attorney was a Communist. Gullible Americans swallowed that line along with the sinker and hook. It sounded so principled, but it was Welch playing to the gallery with his acting ability.

Maybe he was a better actor than attorney.

Liberals, leftists, and loonies liked the question and considered it the coup de grâce in their battle with the spy chaser. Therefore, I will use it to the advantage of truth as I ask those sitting to the far left if they have any sense of decency or any sense of shame.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they use the race card to silence any discussion or debate or disagreement with informed Conservatives? By suggesting it is a closed issue too sacred, too serious, too settled to permit questions, they don’t have to answer any questions! Have they no sense of shame when they declare that every white person is a racist and no Black can be a racist. For sure, they have no sense of decency.

Or, they have no sense.

By making everything racist, it draws attention away from actual racist acts committed by Whites, Blacks, and other haters.

Other indications leftists have no sense of shame (and no sense) is when the BLM mob disrupts, destabilizes, destroys, and tries to disband the police—yet call for the police when they need help. Not only do they have no shame, but they are also hypocrites.

But, we knew that, didn’t we.

Those who usually are found standing in left field also have no shame about gun control. What they want is people control. Tyrannical government fears guns in the hands of freedom-loving people.

For a good reason.

The gun grabbers usually blame the cop when he shoots a resisting or fleeing felon but blames the gun when a criminal shoots someone? Simple logic and common sense (missing in leftists) require consistency; however, they are not interested in reality. Leftists have to force every incident into their twisted agenda: racism is the cause of sunspots, tornadoes, arthritis, dandruff, a bad economy, and migraine headaches. They promote black racism and blame anything and everything on Whitey.

All without shame.

Don’t leftists have a sense of decency when they declare and demand a child’s right to decide whether they are male or female? That is determined at birth, so no choice needs to be made since it is either male or female. Genesis 1:26 speaks to this issue: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Well, that settles that.

Most sane people realize it is not a decision to make. If in doubt, one only has to look down. A physician or committee or decree is not necessary. No decision is required since it is an observation.

This same crowd says a child (boy or girl) can choose to be either one or something else, and his parents have no right to say anything about medical treatment, including physical mutilation and life-changing hormones. We are told that it is illegal if a parent refuses to call Harold by his new name, Harriot.

A father in Canada was convicted and sent to jail for “family violence” after refusing to call his daughter by her new male name.

That is the same mentality that says there is no such thing as gender, yet demanded a female vice-president! I understand they finally got one, but I keep forgetting her name.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they try to champion men who pretend to be women and claim a right to women’s restrooms, showers, and the right to participate in women’s sports? Don’t they have any sense of decency as they insist even young children have a right to decide their own gender and the right to get hormone treatments and mutilating surgery? Thanks to Blather-in-Chief Biden’s executive order, transgender surgery is now free for military, prisoners, and illegal immigrants—and taxpayers pay the enormous bills.

Doesn’t that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they demand taxpayer funded abortion on demand and even demand the right to kill a child after their birth if the mother decides it is too sickly—or too much trouble. You know—feedings during the night, changing diapers, babysitters, and all those inconveniences. Moreover, they demand the right to kill a newborn baby that manages to survive the murder attempt. Baby killers tell us no efforts should be made to permit the baby to live.

Well, does that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend that a family is two men or two men and a woman or even one man and three women? God clearly told Adam that a man would leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. Not his neighbor’s wife. Not to his favorite goat. But to his wife and they would be a family until parted by death. No, no shame, no decency.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend the U.S. Constitution gives them permission to take money from some of us to give to all of us? They don’t even consider they are doing something most Americans will like, but it is absolutely illegal. If leftists want a Socialist Government, why don’t they change the Constitution to make it legal? Evidently, they want to make America Socialist, and when we get accustomed to the freebies, they will make the giveaways and bailouts constitutional.

Don’t race-baiters have any sense of decency when they, like what’s-her-name Harris, accuse Americans of racism when we twice elected a half-black President and elected Harris the first partially Asian American and partially Black American Vice President? Someone is not thinking straight here.

Don’t the mainstream media have any sense of decency when they refused to deal with John Kerry’s refusal to wear a mask on a commercial flight but a few months earlier gave Senator Ted Cruz fits for doing the same thing? Yet another example of bias from those who claim to be neutral and balanced in their reporting.

The media continued to show bias when the Blunder-in-chief fell three times while boarding Air Force One. MSNBC, CBS News, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times made no mention of the stumbling incident. But they made a big deal when Trump walked slowly and carefully down a ramp at West Point. Biden also ridiculed Trump at the time, saying, “Watch how I run up ramps, and he stumbles down ramps.” The mainstream media have no shame.

Doesn’t the Biden White House have any sense of decency when they fired five staffers for having used marijuana when Vice President Harris (I’ve almost memorized her name) admitted doing the same thing?

No, the leftists have no shame; they have no sense of decency; they cannot blush as was true millennia ago when Jeremiah wrote in  Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?  nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.”

Principled people can blush because they have a sense of decency—that progressive Liberals don’t possess.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)




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Storming of the Bastille in Paris started the French Revolution While Storming of the Capitol is Proof of America’s Second Revolution! Fri, 08 Jan 2021 02:13:34 +0000 The Second American Revolution has continued for many months with massive resistance, rebellions, and riots “in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States.” However, the mass media considered those riots and looting as mere protests. One media personality standing in front of a burning business said, “The protests have been mainly peaceful.” Such hypocrisy would gag a maggot.

Some of those “protests” went on for months with hundreds and thousands of businesses destroyed, public buildings, including a post office and police station, damaged. Spineless, soft, and stupid mayors and governors refused to arrest the rioters since they were bedfellows. Law enforcement watched as leftist thugs disrupted, destabilized, destroyed public and private businesses. The politicians’ response was to denounce, defund, and disband police.

On January 6, a portion of Trump’s supporters got out of control and broke into the U.S. Capitol, taking over some offices, breaking windows and doors. It will be no surprise if we discover BLM and Antifa operatives had infiltrated the rally. One woman was killed, and four others died during the brawl. There was no justification for the violence. While the massive crowd supporting President Trump was legitimate, those who forced their way into federal buildings were thugs in MAGA hats. Hopefully, they will spend years in prison to contemplate their form of political activity and “patriotism.”

This was a continuation of the Second American Revolution.
July 14, 1789, the Storming of the Bastille in Paris (an armory, fortress, and political prison where only seven prisoners were discovered) is considered the beginning of the bloody French Revolution. It continued with the bloodstained guillotine severing about 40,000 heads without the benefit of trial, with another 300,000 dying by drowning, firing squad, and other forms of mass execution. The Revolution ended when Napoleon (its major benefactor) stepped into the political vacuum it created. Furthermore, millions of Europeans were killed during his twelve-year reign.

Ninety-eight attackers and one defender were killed in the initial assault of the Bastille, followed by Governor de Launay, who ran the prison, and a few other victims. As the heads of the Bastille defenders were paraded through the streets, and the explosive news reached King Louis at his palace in Versailles, he exploded, “This is revolt!” An aide responded: “No, Sire, it is a Revolution!”

America is not in revolt or resistance, but in a revolution for the same reason—identity politics or pitting class against class. In France, it was the common people (who paid most of the taxes and fought the wars) against the combined corrupt and privileged clergy and aristocracy.

American leftists have been pandering to Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ crowd, college students, Muslims, effervescent Evangelicals, dwarfs, Eskimoes, and deaf tuba players for years, stroking their tender feelings. Now, the shallow-minded among them have placed themselves in the forefront of the battle—cannon fodder proving they have always been “useful idiots.”

In recent years, conservative Christians and conservative pagans, and all sane people who believe in a robust America-first position have generally gravitated to President Donald Trump. Trump is known for being a rude, crude, lewd dude; however, ordinary people can separate his personality from his policies. He managed to keep his promises, something that embarrasses most politicians of all parties.

After all, Trump’s promise-keeping might suggest that all politicians should do the same. Wow, how would that work? An honest promise-keeping politician appears on the scene as often as a chaste prostitute does.

Trump’s enemies (all who spend most of their time in left field) opposed him from his announcement as a presidential candidate; refused to recognize his lawful election; accused him of being a Russian agent; frequently compared him to Hitler; and impeached him in the House but failed in the Senate. With the total support of social media, the mainstream media, and all leftists, they successfully stole the 2020 election. After their victory, those same sanctimonious hypocrites asked for Conservatives to forget their vicious, virulent, and vile actions over the past four years and join them around the flagpole singing kumbaya. The Democrats are willing to bury the hatchet—in Trump’s back.

The leftist Democrats and anemic Republicans rightly identified the January 6 activists as “thugs,” “a mob,” and “terrorists”; however, those same people refused to show such anger over the “peaceful” protests that have continued since the George Floyd killing on May 25, 2020.

President-elect Biden said of the January 6 rally, “This is not a protest; it’s an insurrection”; however, he was quiet as a mouse about the months of violence. Was that because it was his crowd doing the violent acts, burning businesses, looting stores, and killing innocent people?

Our new Commander-in-Chief is the Hypocrite-in-Chief.

Shockingly, of the massive demonstrations in 2020 across the United States following the death of George Floyd,  95% were connected to the Black Lives Matter movement! But we are not supposed to say that since it embarrasses the hypocrites in the media and politicians standing around sucking their thumbs while the cities burned and innocent people died.

While there is no excuse for the excesses at the Capitol, there is an explanation.

All will agree that over half of Americans have lost confidence in our elections. They have many unanswered questions and no answers. Furthermore, there is no doubt that dead people and unregistered voters voted. And some voted many times. All these voters, except the dead, should go to prison. I don’t know, and neither do you, about the reliability of the voting machines; whether or not there was a conspiracy; whether or not there were massive failures; but there were enough dubious, disputed, if not dishonest actions that demand an investigation.

Trump haters quickly assure us that there was no overwhelming evidence of fraud, but who defines overwhelming? We have been told repeatedly that scores of state and federal courts looked into the matter and found nothing amiss. No, the courts did not hear the evidence. They refused to look; therefore, they could not see any problems. I have not heard anyone try to defend the apparent unconstitutional voting procedures in Pennsylvania.

Doesn’t truth matter anymore?

What would be wrong with having a commission look into the matter if there is nothing to hide? If the election were fair, that would support the accusation that Trump supporters are a bunch of zealous know-nothings and members in good standing at the local Flat Earth Club.

If there was corruption with Biden and others fraudulently elected, it means an illegal regime will rule us. Our wise Founders knew that the day might arise when it is time to do it all over again and throw off a tyrant worse than King George. It does not mean we revolt because of high taxes, paying reparations to Blacks, support of the LGBTQ crowd, forgiving college loans, or going even deeper into debt. Still, there could be a time to “dissolve the political bands” which bind us together. But never for frivolous reasons.

True patriots must understand that historically republics and democracies have always come under attack with the threat of losing freedom; thus, requiring another quest for liberty. Jefferson clearly declared in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, …That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Are we really there yet?

In his 1787 letter to William Stephens Smith, Jefferson declared, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

But not yet. I dread the time I have to make the decision the Founders had to make, and if fair elections are not possible, then the time is close at hand.

The Capitol rebellion did not have to happen, and much of the blame must fall on Trump. He failed to organize and prepare for a vast crowd that could easily be infiltrated by rogue, ruthless, and revolting rabble. He should have informed the crowd that they should always obey authorities and follow instructions from appointed marshals with communication devices and wearing red MAGA coats. Moreover, they should have been cautioned never to be involved in violence. He did not take such simple, obvious precautions.

King Louis VI failed to take precautions when he visited the Bastille without his Swiss bodyguards on July 15, 1789, the day following its fall.  Then, on August 10, 1792, a mob stormed the King’s residence and massacred over 600 hundred of the royal Swiss guards. On January 21, 1793, the King was beheaded on the guillotine, followed later by Queen Marie Antoinette. The King’s family was imprisoned, and the bloody Revolution ended years later with Napoleon assuming control of France and much of Europe.

Trump may not get his head handed to him; only get a hatchet in his back from Democrats, and many backstabs by former friends.
France turned from the God of the Bible at their Revolution, and following America’s Revolution, America experienced a religious revival called the Second Great Awakening which spread from shore to shore across the fruited plain.

I’m fearful what may spread from shore to shore following this Second American Revolution.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Biden’s Election is as Stinky, Shady, and Spurious as Persia’s Darius the Great! Tue, 08 Dec 2020 14:35:43 +0000 Niccolò Machiavelli has impacted world politicians since publication of The Prince in 1513, in which he advised political leaders to consult the past because human events are similar in all ages. He added, “This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same passions, and thus they necessarily have the same results.” Will Durant seemed to agree when he said, man “changes his habits, but he does not change his instincts.” He can’t change his instincts.

Men change their behavior depending on many influences, but their basic human nature does not change. All honest theologians and philosophers would agree. All men are flawed (the Fall), so each will do the least work to get the best results. Cheating, lying, manipulating, and maneuvering can be justified in warped minds to achieve their desires.

Election cheating by public officials is not new. Even Darius the Great was chosen King of Persia, like Biden, through incredible, insidious, although innovative corruption.

The nation of Persia is now called Iran and is in the news daily. It is considered the enemy of the world except for their support from Syria. Both are Muslim but of opposing sects. Iran is an extreme Shiite Muslim state, and Syria is a secular state with a mixture of Muslim sects (70% Sunni Muslim and 12% Shiite) and a few Christians. But the good relations between Iran and Syria do not depend on religious similarities but political concerns: they both hate America and Israel—the great and little Satan. Syria does not have both feet in Iran; only one and has been skittish about Iran’s extreme hostility; taking hostages, etc. It’s a marriage of convenience.

Persia had an incredible influence upon the Mediterranean world, having spanned a timeframe from the sixth century B.C. to our day. It should be remembered that while Iran is Muslim, it is not Arab.

The Persian Empire had an inauspicious beginning with a few semi-nomadic tribes on the Iranian plateau. They didn’t have much with which to begin an empire; only goats, cattle, and sheep. One tribe boasted of a man of authority and leadership abilities who was called Cyrus; later to be known as Cyrus the Great. Cyrus was very ambitious and began to cajole, harass, and control the tribes one after the other until he ruled Lydia, Babylon, and Media in 550 B.C.—the genesis of the great Persian Empire. It would soon become the first world superpower comprising Egypt’s Nile Valley, all of Mesopotamia (the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers), and a large part of India.

The Old Testament praises Cyrus the Great for helping free the Jewish people of Babylon from captivity and allowing them to return to Jerusalem. With few exceptions, Persia’s leaders were tolerant of all religions and this was one of the reasons for their long periods of peace.

Cyrus the Great was followed by Cambyses in 530 B.C., who ruled to 522 when Bardiya, or as Herodotus calls him Smerdis (a wild, wild story worth researching), became king for ten months and was assassinated by Persian aristocrats. Following a suspicious election as Emperor, Darius I, who became Darius the Great, ruled from 522 B.C. to 486 B.C. with an impressive 36-year reign, during which time the empire reached its zenith.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Darius led campaigns into Europe, Greece, and India. He also built impressive projects through his vast empire and introduced a legal system (based on the famous Code of Hammurabi), a postal system, and a new international currency that simplified business and trade.

One of his greatest projects was his Royal Road that permitted travelers to travel over 1700 miles from his administrative capital Susa to Sardis, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia in modern Turkey. The Royal Road was a major intercontinental thoroughfare that had postal stations and relays at regular intervals. The trip usually took three months on foot, but with fresh horses and riders ready at each relay, royal couriers carried messages and mail from Susa to Sardis in eight or nine days. By this road, Darius was in contact with his entire empire; however, ironically, this same road was used by Alexander the Great to conquer the Persian Empire 150 years later.

And civilization moved along.

The Royal Road moved all kinds of trade from east to west with offshoots to major cities. This extended into the famous Silk Road that connected Persia with China, Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and Rome. This ancient trade route linked China with the West. Jade and silk from China, spices and precious stones from India, highly bred horses from Kazakhstan, gold from central Asia, bronze buckles from Greece, and many other objects plus religion and philosophy were traded like objects. Archeologists have found Greek bronzes and Chinese silk in Germany dating back to the time of Cyrus the Great.

Obviously, Darius was a successful ruler; however, he cheated like Joe Biden to gain the office.

Darius, just before his election, was the lancer of King Smerdis, who was a false king, the brother of Cambyses. The false king was assassinated and the seven killers met to decide who would run the empire and the kind of government it would become. After expressing opinions for different kinds of government, they agreed on a contest where the winner would take the throne and form the kind of government he wanted. They agreed to meet the next morning, each on his horse, and the first horse to neigh at the sunrise would be the new king.

Well, that’s about as reasonable as the 2020 farce with a major candidate campaigning from his basement.

Herodotus, the “father of history,” tells us that the servant of Darius cheated by making Darius’ horse neigh by letting the animal smell his hand that he had previously rubbed over the genitals of a mare. That settled who would run the great Persian Empire. The neighing was followed by a thunderstorm and lightning, so it was obvious to everyone, including the media, that Darius had won and was declared the new king in 522 BC.

On reflection, overall, there are great similarities between the U.S. 2020 election and the election of Darius the Great.

They both were done in the dark and both stank to high Heaven.

Radical Democrats would say that the Darius election proves that a suspect king could still have a long and productive reign. Yes, but those Democrats are looking at this comparison out of their left eyes. No one knew the views of Darius since he was a simple but talented soldier. Biden has an exhaustive résumé after 45 years at the public trough that would make Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Castro stand up and cheer. Biden also has a long history of corruption, political and financial manipulation, lying, loose lips, as well as loose hands for females, etc. Harris is the most leftist Senator in America. We know what they will do, because they have done it, or promised to do it.

You will love Biden and Harris if you like higher, even confiscatory taxes; open borders; illegal immigrates on welfare and voting rolls; forgiveness of college debts; return to environmental fanaticism; confiscation of your guns; and lockdowns into the Millennium. It is shocking that anyone would have voted for Biden and Harris except the hangers-on and grafters looking for a glory hole.

Another comparison to our day is while Darius’s fraudulent election turned out good for the empire, one of the other cheated conspirators might have done an even better job. No one will ever know. However, President Trump had already proved his superiority by putting America first, making it great again, reducing taxes, shredding strangling regulations, ending endless wars in the Middle East, strongly supporting Israel, achieving the lowest unemployment in history and the highest employment of Blacks and Hispanics in history, limiting abortions, slowing illegal immigration, and supporting religious rights.

Even Ronald Reagan could not boast of such accomplishments.

Trump did all that in four years, being fought by Democrats and many Republicans who refused to accept his legitimacy and fought him every step of the way. Additionally, he had to defend himself from irrational media attacks, an accusation of being a tool of a foreign government without any supporting evidence, and an impeachment that was the closest to a coup in our history.

The coup came election night when many “servants” of Biden had their hands where they should not have been (on the genitals of the Democrat jackass), and Biden, like Darius, “won.”

A famous high-achiever once wrote, “My policy is to learn from the past, focus on the present, and dream about the future. I’m a firm believer in learning from adversity. Often the worst of times can turn to your advantage – my life is a study of that.” That was Donald Trump, who is poised to give every liberal perpetual heartburn by winning in 2024 what was stolen from him in 2020.

And an aide will not have to handle the genitals of a mare to accomplish the task.

Since hope springs eternal in the human breast of the valiant, Trump may yank victory for 2020 from the jaws of defeat via the courtroom. If not, he will Make America Great Again in 2024.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for U SA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Is COVID-19 Vaccine Safe and Effective, and Should You Get It? Tue, 24 Nov 2020 14:23:03 +0000 The world is spinning, staggering, and struggling from the Chinese coronavirus now called COVID-19 to conceal the fact that it came from China. The jury is still out whether it was manmade or natural and whether it was released accidentally or used by the Chinese Communist Party as germ warfare. As of today, there have been more than 12 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and more than 260,000 deaths.

However, many of the deaths are suspect since gunshot deaths, heart attacks, etc., were classified as COVID-19. Hospitals are paid much more if deaths are COVID deaths. As always, follow the money. It would be helpful (and honest) if any health official speaking to the media, be required to inform the public if that official holds any relevant patents or any stock in any relevant drug or vaccine company.

It is not commonly known that 56 individual patents were discovered to be owned or shared by one or more members of committees within the Centers for Disease Control. However, I don’t think the CDC sells masks—yet.

There has been much controversy as to whether masks are useful or useless against COVID; however, a Danish study, released November 18, suggests “face masks did not significantly protect wearers from the coronavirus compared to those without masks.” The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, may determine and terminate the mask debate.

The issue is bigger than whether a mask helps protect from COVID or not: does any entity of government have the authority to require masks? The “experts” have been all over the map about this. Moreover, the worldwide lockdowns have been one of the most contentious, challenged, combative, and caustic decisions government officials have made. The charge is made that Socialists in the U.S. government want to destroy the present system to build upon its ashes a utopian society.

Whether true or not, the lockdowns have destroyed most of America’s restaurants and almost crippled travel-related businesses. That is true globally. It seems the cure is worse than the curse by destroying society.

President Trump pushed and bribed health officials and pharmaceutical companies to accelerate efforts to develop a vaccine that would be given freely to Americans. Many billions of tax dollars were spent to accomplish that purpose. We are told that two vaccines are about ready, and both are 95% effective. Another one will be ready in January.

Let me remind you that we have been given medical assurances regarding other diseases with some massive medical failures such as the thalidomide scandal in the 1950s, the HIV-tainted blood scandal in Japan in the 1980s, the swine flu in 2009, and others. WebMD admitted the flu vaccine for the 2018–2019 season was only 29 percent effective and the vaccine for the 2014-15 flu season was only 19% effective.

But you can trust the COVID vaccine.

Only medical morons or political physicians (but then I repeat myself) would assert that any vaccine or drug is always safe for anyone.

Recently, a nurse at Neighborcare Health clinic in Seattle incorrectly administered a flu shot to a lady instead of her quarterly birth control injection, and she was permanently disabled.

I have some pertinent questions: Are these new vaccines safe? Are they effective? Are there any side effects? Do they contain mercury or formaldehyde, or aluminum, or are they made with aborted baby parts? Do I have a right to refuse vaccination if I think there may be more harm in the vaccine than in the disease? Will my government that permits mothers and physicians to kill over a million unborn babies annually, often at taxpayers’ expense, permit me to choose not to be vaccinated?

It is a confirmed fact by the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University that current vaccines “for hepatitis A, chickenpox, smallpox, measles, rubella, rabies, poliomyelitis are all made using a cell line from fetuses aborted long ago.”

So, society killed healthy, unborn babies, but the corollary is COVID victims can live because of their deaths.

The package of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine clearly admits: “MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5),” which is “a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts, originally developed from research deriving lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male fetus.” The mother was a healthy 27-year-old who aborted for psychological reasons. That usually is a cover for the fact the baby would be an inconvenience to the mother, so get rid of the baby, so mom can fit into her best party dress.

The following vaccines contain these MRC-5 cells: “Polio vaccine (inactivated/IPV) & Oral Polio (live virus) drops; Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine/MMR (Rubella component); Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis vaccine (DTaP/TdP); Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine & Shingles (zoster) vaccine; Hepatitis A vaccine; and Rabies vaccine.”

Bishop Joseph Strickland of the Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas, courageously objected to the use of aborted babies to produce vaccines. He wrote, “So sad…even with Covid-19 we are still debating the use of aborted fetal tissue for medical research…let me go on record…if a vaccine for this virus is only attainable if we use body parts of aborted children, then I will refuse the vaccine…I will not kill children to live.”

Very few Baptist pastors have taken such a courageous position.

American, Canada, and the United Kingdom are being ripped apart by the longtime controversy of vaccine safety. There are educated, honest people on both sides of this debate, as well as deep-pocket publishers, pharmaceutical companies, research universities, and medical bigots.

And a few fringe fanatics on the left and right who have more toes than teeth add controversy, color, and conflict to the discussion.

What often goes unmentioned is that the American Medical Association does not insist on mandatory vaccinations! Keep that fact in mind while reading this column. The thought of forcing any American to take a drug, or treatment, or vaccination is nothing short of tyranny, totalitarianism, and a substantial amount of thuggery.

Every American has the liberty to decide what he or she wants to do with their body as long as a pregnancy is not involved. In a day when the argument is made that a woman can decide to kill her own unborn baby, a person can decide what gender he/she/it is, whether one can decide if he or she is black or white; then a substantial argument can be made that I have a right to decide if I am to have a foreign substance shot into my body or the body of my child.

Vaccine fanatics are almost cultic toward those who are critical of vaccinations; they are almost as bad as those who believe one is irresponsible if he refuses to take chemotherapy or radiation for cancer. Admittedly, some anti-vaccine zealots are almost as forceful as their opponents; however, their passion is understandable since it is their children (or themselves) being dragged, kicking and screaming to get the shot that they think may injure or kill them.

From the beginning, everyone must admit that it can often be dangerous when anything is added to a human body. One of American’s greatest thinkers and theologians, Jonathan Edwards, died because of a smallpox vaccination. Plus, there have been many deaths following a flu shot, and others have been paralyzed. No one but a fool or fanatic will allege that vaccinations are always safe.

Peter Doshi is a postdoctoral fellow from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who was critical of flu shots in his first paragraph of “Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease” published in the British Medical Journal. He wrote, “Closer examination of influenza vaccine policies shows that although proponents employ the rhetoric of science, the studies underlying the policy are often of low quality, and do not substantiate officials’ claims. The vaccine might be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed, and the threat of influenza appears overstated.”

Doshi closed his article with, “It’s no wonder so many people feel that “flu shots” don’t work: for most flus, they can’t.”

Even if the new vaccines are successful, the virus is mutating and could even become more lethal, making the much-vaunted vaccines totally unreliable or even deadly. We have been told that there were no major side effects from the top three vaccine makers, though no person on earth can guarantee no long-term side effects. No one.

However, the Observer reported in late October, “In the U.S., there are four companies that are in the final stage of testing their COVID-19 vaccines: Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson. All of them have reported side effects in trial participants after giving the shots.”

The AMA’s Code of Ethics states, “Physicians should sensitively and respectfully disclose all relevant medical information to patients.” However, that is not being observed by some health personnel today. I know of patients who have been berated, bullied, and booted from a physician’s office for asking questions about a vaccine’s ingredients and side effects. Of course, patients should leave such a doctor’s office without paying and warn others of his arrogant ignorance and belligerency.

Other medical dummies (M.D.s) have even threatened to report challenging parents to the authorities for refusal to vaccinate a child while some children have been removed from their homes because of an ignorant, immature, and insensitive physician.

I am against using any vaccine on recently ill children or multiple vaccines on small children. Nor should any vaccine be used that contains aborted baby cells, formaldehyde, mercury, or aluminum. Producing vaccines is like making sausage; you don’t want to watch them dump numerous dangerous ingredients together.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is “one of the most closely watched COVID-19 vaccines” and is expected to be available in January. The notice on the packaging of the AstraZeneca Vaccine warns, “The MHRA Urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Software tool to process the EXPECTED HIGH VOLUME of Covid 19 Vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and insure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction tests are missed.” (Emphasis in the original.)

I assume you took note of the EXPECTED HIGH VOLUME of adverse drug reactions.

Most Americans don’t know that if a vaccine kills or injures a person for life, they have no way to hold the maker or health provider responsible. Vaccine makers have federal immunity from prosecution! Wonder why they need federal protection if the vaccines are safe and effective.

To be effective, the Pfizer vaccine must be kept at minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit to remain useable. What happens if a careless health worker inoculates a patient using a sample that has lost its cool? At what temperature does it become ineffective or dangerous? According to the Daily Mail, the vaccine “has no serious side effects,” but no expert knows what happens if a non-frozen dose is given.

Natural News reported, “A new paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) attempts to make the case that people who refuse a future vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should no longer be allowed to work and make a living….” Or even travel to see your grandkids. It is strange that a health magazine is now doing politics.

In a BBC article Will Travel Be Safer By 2022?, travelers are told what to expect when they travel in the age of COVID. Namely, that they will need to present their vaccination record via a “digital tattoo.” When they arrive at their destination, they “would present the customs officers with an entrance visa and a vaccination record. That could be a paper card – or a tiny tattoo on their arm, invisible to the naked eye but readable by an infrared scanner.”

If you take the vaccine to protect your life, you will be setting a precedent to take a little mark on your hand to buy, sell, work, travel, use insurance, etc.

Especially etc.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Democrats Ring Bells at Biden’s Success But Will Soon Wring Their Hands in Disappointment and Dismay! Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:47:26 +0000  

On Oct. 19, 1739, Great Britain declared war against Spain in what is known as the War of Jenkins’ Ear! This war drove Spain into an alliance with France, an alliance that was a threat to England for ninety years. At the announcement, bells rang out from London churches, and the crowds thronged the streets, shouting their approval. The Prime Minister looked down upon the jubilant English mob from a window at 10 Downing Street and remarked, “They are ringing their bells now, but soon they will be wringing their hands.”

He called it right.

Following the Tuesday election on Friday evening and Saturday morning, the media announced Biden’s election, which had no basis in fact, is nothing legal or official, and will not be until all the charges of voter fraud are settled. Frankly, Trump or any such politician would be a fool to cave to the crowd before adjudication of the charges. After the media’s peremptory announcement, the city streets across America were filled by excited, energized, and almost euphoric people, car horns blared, and church bells began ringing.

But, recalling the British Prime Minister’s statement, I contend in a few months those same Americans will be wringing their hands and crying, “What have we done?” What they have done is loose two irresponsible people upon a careless populace. Joe Biden and what’ s-her-name Harris, if they keep their word, will destroy America. They promised to change America. In fact, Senator Chuck Schumer promised, “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world.”

Hey, no sane person says the Senate has a mandate to “change the world.” That is an out-of-control egomaniac spouting hogwash, balderdash, and a generous portion of hokum to hear the sound of his voice. But, if they try, what in the world would they do? Most Democrats are wearisome gasbags with delusions of grandeur, but they can be dangerous when they are awake. For sure, they are woke, and they are dangerous, devious, and dishonest people.

Biden and Harris will be more faithful to their promises than they were to their professed principles. Both, in their youth, used sex to get what they wanted. But I’m not supposed to write that. Biden tells a romantic tale of his marriage to Jill when he actually took her away from her husband, whom he made a cuckold while she worked in his first senate campaign. Harris is known for climbing to the top by spending an unusual amount of time on her back as the mistress of the California House’s former speaker, Willie Brown.

But what does that have to do with politics? Nothing, other than to show the kind of people bell-ringers, not me, put into the most important offices in the world.

Of course, no one in the national media has mentioned their immorality, calling them to account. One reason, no doubt, is because many of the media are also fornicators and adulterers. While, as far as we know, that is all history, it is galling to hear Biden and Harris talk about “truth,” “decency,” “character,” and “principles.” They are both gasbag hypocrites, in my humble opinion.  And to hear Meghan McCain say Joe is “Truly decent and moral” would gag a buzzard.

Of course, the careless, thoughtless, and narrow-minded Yellow Dog Democrats (people who would vote for a yellow dog before voting for a Republican), RINOs, Never Trumpers, and Trump Haters have foisted political terror upon the remainder of sane Americans (if the announced win stands). They are people who don’t forget and keep grudges forever and are determined to get even. They will metaphorically hang every Trumper from the maples on the White House lawn with ropes supplied by the feckless, fickle, and feather-brained RINOs.

When Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. are added to the fifty states, the Democrats will have four more senators and will be able to do anything they choose.

If Georgians are foolish enough to send two Democrats to the Senate as Stacey Abrams (who thinks she is Governor of Georgia) says is a sure thing, there will be no stopping the overwhelming surge of Socialism.

When our taxes are raised to the confiscatory level, blame the Democrats and cowardly RINOs.

Blame the Democrats and RINOs when our First Amendment rights are gone. Print media and radio/television talk shows will be eliminated or controlled by government, and church people will be forced to keep worship within their four walls. It will be illegal and dangerous to call a man pretending to be a woman, an idiot. And other such speech control.

When the mass media and social media are in the pockets of leftists and crank out false news daily, you can blame—wait a minute: that has already happened.

When the nation is shut down again, jobs are lost, businesses close, and church leaders are jailed for refusing to obey government orders to close, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When military troops require ordinary citizens to receive vaccinations, detain unmasked patriots, and patrol the streets to regulate truly peaceful marchers, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When you must always wear a mask to have a job, travel on any public transportation, or walk in any public park, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When Biden mandates a national lockdown and then climbs into bed (again) with the Chinese Communist with all that involves, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When guns are removed from your home, leaving you helpless against marchers, marauders, muggers, and murderers, you will blame Democrats and RINOs.

When gatecrashers from third world nations take your job, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When people who never owned slaves must pay reparations to people who were never slaves, and people who have no college education are forced to pay the debts of partying, protesting college students for their worthless degrees, then blame Democrats and RINOs.

When your kids’ classroom is double its current size and taught by a teacher who is English-deficient, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When you can’t walk through your city parks without stumbling over druggies and perverts, blame Democrats and RINOs.

The bell-ringing will have long stopped, and Democrats and RINOs will be wringing their hands as America reverts to a wasteland.

But don’t stick your head in the gas oven or jump out your second-floor window because Trump will not permit the election to be stolen from him and us without legal protestations in the courts. The dishonest, devious, and designing political thugs will be exposed as a sudden light reveals roaches on a food-strewn kitchen floor.

Let me remind you that Al Gore was recognized by the media and others as “President-Elect” for about thirty-five days in 2000 until it was official—George Bush was the winner. None of the medias’ authority is official; it is all presumptive.

Moreover, you may remember that Amy Coney Barrett was asked in her hearings about her work in the Gore-Bush controversy, and she admitted she was part of the Bush team. What was not mentioned is that two other members of the Supreme Court were part of Bush’s legal team: Chief Justice John Roberts and Brett Kavanagh!

Now, isn’t that interesting! The Court and College have yet to speak. I want to remind you of the famous words of my sixth-grade educated philosopher-father who said, “It ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings.”

And, less crudely, as Dr. Tom Barrett said on Conservative Truth, “It ain’t over ‘till the electoral college sings.”

With truth on our side and dedicated lawyers before the Supreme Court, we might be ringing church bells and rejoicing in the streets this time.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Loosey Goosey Evangelicals Misuse, Misinterpret, and Mangle Bible to Defend Open Borders! Tue, 27 Oct 2020 16:44:57 +0000 Joe Biden said, “I respect no borders!” Well, neither do thieves, thugs, tyrants, and totalitarians. Nor do border-crossing drug lords, terrorists, pedophiles, disease carriers, and job seekers. Thinking Americans know that there must be order in everything. Without borders, there are no nations, but then, that’s what leftists want. Protestors chant, “No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” Their demand for amnesty, sanctuary cities, and open borders is a plan for anarchy.

I have been accused of being unreasonable, unkind, and even unchristian to my opposition of amnesty and sanctuary cities; however, the accusation is not based on solid reasoning or the Scripture. Leftist Evangelicals misrepresent the Bible to make it fit their pathetic, perverted, progressive, and political positions.

Bleating heart Evangelicals want us to believe that we should have open borders because the undocumented aliens are trying to escape tyranny, gangs, and poverty, so our nation should overlook their illegal entry into our nation. After all, we are a Christian nation. No, first of all, only people can become Christians; however, a nation can become Christianized or influenced by the Bible. Furthermore, most of the enthusiasts for open borders and amnesty purposefully confuse an individual’s responsibility with a nation’s obligation.

Everyone who wants to understand ancient literature knows he or she must discern who wrote it, to whom it was written, and when it was written.

Trump’s religious critics are not asking those questions. Exodus 23:9 is often used by the Bible-twisters to support their cause; however, they use a defective hermeneutic to construct their false anti-Trump position. “Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” That passage is dealing with a person’s obligation, not national obligations.

Most of those Evangelicals who quote that passage know that but are being less than honest to establish a very shaky political principle.

It is easy to prove my contention about this being a personal obligation. Verse 3 of that chapter warns the ancient Jews (and us today), “Neither shalt thou countenance (give approval) a poor man in his cause.” Moses was warning us about showing favor to a person because of his condition, whether rich or poor.

Believers must be ever vigilant not to be swayed by emotions but by justice. The time-honored truism is, “Let justice be done, though the heavens should be dissolved.”

I heard one of the great evangelists of the last generation say, “Do right though the stars fall from Heaven.” The illegal aliens have not done right. They resolutely broke our laws and crashed our gates, and forced themselves in front of others who have followed our laws and procedures. There are five million people who are waiting in line legally, but illegal aliens refuse to wait. Their arrogance and audaciousness are astounding, while their advocates are angry and appalling.

Is there a limit to how many immigrants we are expected to admit? Do we wait until the ship is sinking before we realize there are limits? If an overcrowded ship sinks, then everyone is lost. Do-gooders (as opposed to those who do good) are not the most logical thinkers.

Jim Wallis is another do-gooder who doesn’t think logically and is president of the leftist religious outfit Sojourners. Jim, no longer editor of their journal, declared, “Evangelicals finally realize that how we treat the stranger, these 11 million undocumented people, [No, it is now 22 million] is how we treat Christ himself.” Wallis was evidently napping during his seminary hermeneutics class because he did not get that from the Bible. Christians are to be thoughtful, gracious, kind, and helpful, but that does not translate into being softies, suckers, and sycophants. We could really show how gentle, gracious, and generous—as well as unwise, unreliable, and unhinged—we are by emptying all our prisons!

Well, some governors have tried that, and how has it worked?

Wallis went on to say the leadership of the Evangelical Immigration Table, which includes the National Association of Evangelicals and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Convention of the Southern Baptist Convention and the evangelical community, have “never been more united on an issue.” Jim has one of two problems: he is either disingenuous or uninformed because the vast majority of evangelicals want illegal immigrants to go home.

A Pulse Opinion poll revealed that 78% of Evangelicals surveyed believed that the biblical command to “love the stranger” means “to treat the stranger humanely while applying the rule of law.” Additionally, a Pew Research Center poll showed only 25% of white Evangelicals believed the U.S. had a “responsibility” to accept refugees into the country.

Wallis is wrong again, but then, he should be used to that.

Christ commanded everyone to treat others the way they want to be treated, but that has nothing to do with how a nation deals with illegal aliens. Let’s return to Exodus 23:9: “Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

Incoherent preachers neglect to tell their parishioners that the Jews were in Egypt by invitation and were not gatecrashers as are modern fence-climbers. What is never mentioned is the Jews were special guests as long as Joseph was alive, and a friendly Pharaoh reigned.

The Jews were strangers in Egypt (but not illegal aliens) even though they eventually ended up as slaves. Exodus 23:9 does not apply to the immigration issue even slightly. Unlawful foreigners choose to break our laws, also arrogantly demanding entrance into our nation expecting to be cared for upon their arrival. These lawbreakers are not sojourners or strangers but scoundrels and are encouraged to do wrong in breaking our laws by many leftwing religious groups, even some Evangelicals.

Some of these leftists’ religious groups get paid $1850.00 for each immigrant they settle in an American city. Follow the money.

Other desperate defenders of open borders tell us Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were migrants fleeing into another land for safety, so American immigration laws should reflect that fact. However, it is not a fact. The family were not aliens since they were part of the Roman Empire, as was Egypt at that time. Moreover, it was perfectly legal to travel from one Roman province to another. Careless religious leaders should be ashamed of their misrepresentation of Scripture to support a very unsubstantiated position. These people seem to think they exhale divine revelations, but they expel a mish-mash of immature babbling and purposefully distorted theology.

While the Evangelicals are correct in that the Kingdom of God has no borders and welcomes all who qualify through faith in Christ, the city of Jerusalem, the nation of Israel, and all other nations, states, cities, and villages and the Evangelicals’ gated estates do have distinct borders.

Even walls! Gasp.

This is a good example of how far left many Evangelicals are. Evangelical churches are wallowing in diversity and choking on heresy. Evangelicals have proved to be what astute people knew they always were: a hodgepodge of theological lightweights (with a few heavyweights), philosophical cripples, and devotees of political correctness.

Alas, soft, left-leaning Evangelicals are part of the family of God if they have been born again, and I am required, as a member of that family, to warn them, even rebuke and shun them if they continue in their sinful behavior.

Many soft Evangelical leaders are sad, smug, and sanctimonious hypocrites, but it pays well.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Regardless Who Wins the Election, America Faces the Second American Revolution! Thu, 22 Oct 2020 16:48:57 +0000 You may not be interested in this revolution, but this revolution is sure interested in you.

The script was written many years ago; the producer is a well-known, foreign-born Jewish liberal; the director has been chosen; the location is set; and the hostile actors are already committed—America will fall. The script has been written with two endings—both disruptive, destructive, and even deadly to our republic.

The first one is if Biden wins and there is no widespread voter fraud, then Trump will exit the White House and turn over the house keys to Biden. Joe probably won’t last six months until he is asked, threatened, and forced to enter an assisted living facility, making way for Harris to settle into the Oval Office. Since there are no limits to her leftist views, she will take the nation far, far left, but most sincere, sensible, and sane Americans will refuse to go.

Contrary to the thinking of many, refusal to obey government is not the unforgivable sin. It can be the only thing a principled person can do. Disobedience to an administration is not disloyalty to our nation.

Harris has promised to take charge of the gun problem if elected. She promised, “Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws, and if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action.”

The Second Amendment guarantees all the other amendments. Patriots must not fall into the false or weak argument that the Second Amendment is to protect our homes, right to hunt, plinking, etc. That amendment is to protect us against an obtrusive, obsessive, and overreaching government. The time may come when true Americans must defend our nation against our administration.

That is what harelips every leftist in government.

Face it, the leftists want your guns, but they will take them progressively. They will register all “assault rifles”; tax each one; require them to be locked up; require gun insurance; promote a massive buy-back program; and finally confiscate all remaining guns—for the good of the children, of course.

If Democrats are so stupid to try the above, the streets will run with blood, and the blood of Blacks and Whites, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and rich and poor all runs red. Normal Americans know what has happened in other nations where guns were taken and will not permit it without a valiant effort to stop it.

Additionally, the acceleration of Democrat-sponsored baby-killing, high taxes, offensive regulations on business owners and individual citizens, public perversion and transgenderism, invasion of our borders, etc., will only exacerbate the gun confiscation into a civil war.

The left (the BLM and Antifa crowd) wants a revolution where they are in control, the homes are decimated, the churches are powerless, and the poor are forever poor and always vote Democrat.

The second ending is if Trump wins, his tenacious, even vicious enemies, will charge election fraud and demand the election to be nullified. While election fraud happens in every election, it seems the Democrats get concerned about it only if the Republicans win. It is not wrong if the Democrats win. The stuffed ballot boxes, the dead voting from the graveyards, the lost ballots, the ballot harvesting, the forged ballots, and other shady and illegal practices are overlooked, even promoted and practiced and protected by Democrats.

So, with Trump’s win, wild charges will be hurled into the air along with firebombs, bricks, rocks, and Molotov cocktails. The radical fanatics will have their cause célèbre to justify their “peaceful” protest of burning, looting, and killing. After all, it’s a good, even great cause to revoke an undesirable election result according to the vicious, virulent, and vile social Democrats, their hordes of fellow travelers, and their useful idiots. So, they will have their justification—in their warped minds—for violence and taking over a free nation.

Radical leftists will file numerous lawsuits to keep Trump’s team off guard doing defensive work. They will make outrageous accusations to keep him, and his team occupied with trying to prove that he did not drown a litter of puppies in 1989 in the Hudson River, nor did he shove a blind, crippled, elderly Hispanic lady onto the subway tracks, nor did he ridicule a stuttering, black, female, AIDS-infected Native American midget at a birthday party for his best friend who was jailed the next day for child molestation.

Legal officials across the nation will take sides—judges, lawyers, attorneys general, and others; hundreds will resign or be removed from office, accelerating further chaos in the nation.

A challenge to Trump’s legitimacy will get on a fast track to the U.S. Supreme Court that will become a wild donnybrook. The justices will be harassed and threatened by nuts on both sides, but conservatives will be suppressed and ridiculed by the mainstream media.

If the Supreme Court rules in Trump’s favor, they will be castigated by unprincipled Democrats and the media (but then, I repeat myself.) The ruling will not be accepted by the losers. Marchers will march; looters will loot, and shooters will shoot. No citizen will be safe. Police officers will resign en mass, and cities will spiral out of control.

That’s what the leftist crowd wants—anarchy.

If the Supreme Court rules against Trump and issues an order for him to be removed from office so Biden and Harris can be ensconced, the diehard Trumpers will lose their composure and make trouble for the media, universities, and entertainers. No doubt, the extremists on the right will join with reasonable but angry Trumpers, and Trump will be blamed for any disorder—of course.

It should be remembered that the federal judicial branch is authorized to try controversies related to the Constitution, where the United States is a party or between states or citizens of different states. Since no state court would have the authority to do so, any controversy involving the President’s reliability, responsibility, or removal must be decided by the Supreme Court.

The highest Court in the land may rule against a sitting President, but who will enforce the order? It must be remembered that the Supreme Court is not the law of the land, although Americans and even Congress have assumed that misconception. Our wise founders devised a government of three almost equal branches with checks and balances to keep one branch from assuming power over the others. However, the Court is somewhat weaker than the other two branches since it has no enforcement power. Moreover, the Court assumed additional ungranted authority in 1803 with Marbury v. Madison when the Court started down a path of judicial review, which was, in reality, the path of usurpation.

Referring to the Court, Alexander Hamilton strongly declared in The Federalist Papers, it had “no influence over either the sword or the purse, …It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment.” Wisconsin strongly informed the Court that it was not all-powerful when they rejected the Court’s Dred Scott decision. President Lincoln accepted the decision regarding Mr. Scott but not as a precedent for the nation.

The extent of the Supreme Court’s power or lack thereof was evidenced when Lincoln suspended habeas corpus (illegally since only Congress can do that); arrested more than 14,000 political prisoners (the Columbia Law Review says 38,000); suppressed more than 300 newspapers, arrested and imprisoned numerous legislators, and defied a Supreme Court decision. He is now loved by everyone. Trump never came close to being unconstitutional, as was Lincoln. However, the hatred for Trump is incredible, irrational, and almost insane, demonstrating that the more society drifts away from constitutional truth, the more it will hate those who speak the truth.

The Court’s lack of power was also seen when President Andrew Jackson said to Chief Justice Marshall in a highly charged case involving Indian removal, “The Chief Justice has issued his opinion. Now let him enforce it.” Of course, Chief Justice Marshall had no power to do so, just as the Roberts’ Court has no power to remove Trump.

Any President would be a fool to pack his bags and move from the White House when there was obvious election fraud, and anarchists had taken over the cities. In fact, such action would be malfeasance of authority.

If the Court rules against Trump’s reelection, and he refuses to leave office, what can the Court do to enforce their order? In that scenario, the nation will be divided, with the military and intelligence agencies taking sides.

Under such conditions, only God knows how it ends. Whichever way it ends, it will probably end the exceptional example of a “city on a hill” as a beacon of hope for the hopeless. The greatest nation on earth who will no longer be able to honestly promise, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

In that event, everyone loses and is destined to have a tyrannical foot stepping on everyone’s face forever—or until the Third American Revolution.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Leftwing Evangelicals for Biden Have Lost Their Moral Compass! Tue, 13 Oct 2020 14:41:29 +0000 Evangelical Christians voting for Biden is as strange as a five-hundred-pound girl doing a backflip or an orangutan doing a tap dance. But then Evangelicals have been leaning left for decades since they made their break with biblical reliability. And a rule of life is, one always falls the way one leans. It seems they fell to the left and “can’t get up.”

In 1942, some heavyweights and many lightweight Christian leaders decided to cut their fundamentalist roots and identify as scholars, not pulpit banging “come-outers” who were “against everything.” They wanted to be recognized as religious scholars, responsible leaders, but not resolute separators. They did not want to identify with Biblicists, who refused to approve, associate, or align with non-believing church leaders.

These new Evangelicals could get along with anyone with a cheap cross around the neck and any Bible version in hand. They wanted everyone to know that they believed the Bible (but not excessively); after all, they were well-paid spokesmen (spokespersons) for its teaching. However, they wanted everyone to know that they were no longer identified with those Christians who were outspoken, clean living, independent, and even occasional Bible thumpers.

So the Evangelicals who are the most vocal, and visual, and even vile are the ones who hate President Trump and love Joe Biden.

The Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden website reads like an anemic attempt to justify their support of Biden’s approval of abortion by suggesting racism, poverty, climate change, lack of health care, etc., also kills. Well, possibly, but not one and a half million a year and not as quick and definite.

Evangelicals for Biden website assures us, “Joe Biden is a man like any other, but his character and faith set him apart in times of crisis. That’s why Evangelical Christians across the country will be voting for him in November.”

At least, with crude, rude, and lewd Trump, innocent babies are safe within the womb; our soldiers are coming home from the endless wars in the Middle East; the promised wall is being built; age-old adversaries in the Middle East are making peace; the economy is bouncing back after dubious lockdowns; unemployment is quickly receding; and tremendous strides are being made with the judicial system except for those insane governors who release rapists and killers to rape and kill again.

And moronic religious leaders are asking thoughtful citizens to vote for Joe Biden since he is so “decent,” “honest,” and a “man of faith!” Are we discussing the Joe Biden I’ve known for decades?

The Joe Biden I know is a confirmed, confessed, and a calloused liar.

He started lying and cheating as early as his college days, and he has repeatedly been found to be a plagiarist that has followed him all his political life. Joe was kicked out of law school for taking five whole pages from another writer to use in a required essay. He said it was a mistake. How does a person, even a Democrat, use five pages from someone else and call it a “mistake.”

No, it was thievery.

This clip of Biden’s plagiarism is devastating. It should quickly destroy any candidate for dogcatcher. He has been caught with his pants down numerous times taking quotes from Bob and Jack Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, and many others. Frankly, it’s pitiful.

Biden has claimed that he was the first of his family to go to college, but that was a lie he admitted in 1987. Many times, he said that he “graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school” and was the “outstanding student in the political science department.” He does not have three degrees and was not the outstanding student.

Joe has tried to present himself as a very active civil rights leader but without success. One of the most avid racists does a better job than I in exposing Biden. Shaun King wrote, “Biden told wild tales of how he marched, sat-in, and boycotted during the Civil Rights Movement and even went so far as to suggest that he had traveled to Selma and Birmingham with such actions, but with his campaign in tatters, he finally said they were all lies.

That is an assessment of Joe from the far, far left.

King continues as he quotes Biden’s boast of being a civil rights worker, “Folks, when I started in public life, in the civil rights movement, we marched to change attitudes … I remember what galvanized me … Bull Connor and his dogs … I’m serious. In Selma.” Joe’s voice drops to an Hollywood whisper. “Absolutely. Made. My. Blood. Run. Cold. Remember?” King adds, “But Joe Biden had never seen such things with his own eyes. Turns out, Joe had been telling those lies for years.” He never marched. He never sat in. He lied about participating in sit-ins that did not happen for a least a year later.

Please remember Biden was debunked about his civil rights activities by a far-left activist.

Even The Hill reported that Joe’s assertion that during the Obama administration, they “didn’t lock people up in cages” was a lie. He also declared, “Immediately, the moment [the Iraq War] started, I came out against it.” He lied. He voted for the resolution to go to war in Iraq. And he said, “I was always labeled one of the most liberal members of Congress.” He lied all three times, as admitted by Politico.

Joe told the inspiring story of being arrested while in South Africa when he tried to visit Nelson Mandel in prison, but the incident did not happen.

In an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show, Joe declared, “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I’ve run.” Joe lied. The NAACP has never endorsed anyone at any time.

Joe told a whopper to a crowd at Dartmouth College that during his time as vice president, he traveled to Kunar Province in Afghanistan to award a combat medal to a courageous U.S. Navy captain who had rappelled 60 feet down a treacherous cliff to retrieve the body of a fallen comrade. As Joe was about to pin a silver star on the serviceman’s uniform, in Biden’s version, he stopped when the sailor told him he didn’t deserve it. “He said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing! Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died!’”

Biden added: “That is God’s truth, my word as a Biden.” But it was false. The Daily Mail reported that Biden’s story he “told a New Hampshire crowd last week was almost entirely fabricated, or a combination of unrelated memories.”

Joe has often repeated the lie, as have many, many unprincipled politicians, that Trump did not denounce rightwing extremists at Charlottesville. Trump said, “Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.” When confronted by a reporter, Joe doubled down and lied again.

Joe declares that he warned us of the Chinese coronavirus in a January column published in USA Today; however, you guessed it, he lied again. Even the fact-checker for the Washington Post declared that he did not deal with the virus but attacked Trump and dealt with what Obama did during the Ebola outbreak in 2014.

He has repeatedly lied about his position on fracking. He can’t make all the coal miners and oil men angry this close to an election. So he flips and flops again and again on the same issue.

Biden says he does not support the Green New Deal, but his website says otherwise! His website says, “Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.”

I could go and on about the liar that thoughtless Americans may put in the Oval Office, but I need to deal with his tendency to be creepy with women and girls. However, much of that is known, so I will move on to the accusation by Tara Reade, a Biden staff member. The Guardian reported that Tara said Biden “pushed her against a wall and assaulted her, penetrating her with his fingers” in a corridor in a Senate office building in 1993.

The New York Times reported that Tara told one of her friends at the time and two other friends. However, to be consistent, do we need corroboration of the charge since all women are to be believed when they make such charges? Tara also reported the assault to Senate officials without results, and she filed a complaint of Joe’s sexual harassment with the Senate personnel office. Nothing happened.

Where are all the feminists who are concerned about the mistreatment of women? Have all the hypocrites lost their voices or lost their ability to blush?

This brief expose of a candidate for President of the U.S.A. is embarrassing, and it is incredible that professing Christians would support such a man. But it is not surprising since Evangelicals lost or threw away their moral compass decades ago followed by pitching an available, accurate, and authoritative Bible.

Bigoted evangelicals have drunk the Kool-Aide mixed by Biden and what’s-her-name Harris. So sad to see religious leaders support a corrupt, cowardly, and concupiscent candidate.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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