welfare – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Biden’s Socialism Will Take America Back to the Horse and Buggy Days—or Further! https://donboys.cstnews.com/bidens-socialism-will-take-america-back-to-the-horse-and-buggy-days-or-further https://donboys.cstnews.com/bidens-socialism-will-take-america-back-to-the-horse-and-buggy-days-or-further#respond Wed, 26 May 2021 14:47:20 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2857 Polls indicate that most Americans led by the younger generations have a fuzzy, freakish, friendly feeling toward Socialism, proving that most young Americans are dumb as dirt. Additionally, it proves my generation did not do a good job rearing our own children. A 2019 Gallup poll found that over half of Americans believe some form of Socialism would be good for the country.

While 35 percent of respondents of the Data for Progress tracking poll believe “some form of Socialism is a good thing, a slightly higher percentage (38 percent) believe Socialism would be a bad thing in the United States. The remaining 27 percent of respondents report no opinion.” That is incredible. Only 38 percent see danger in Socialism! The 27 percent with no opinion will follow the money and freebies since they obviously have no moral, philosophical, or political problem with Socialism. However, British Prime Minister Thatcher understood government freebies saying, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Then, it’s all over.

America, we have a problem.

Socialism kills. Demographer Rudolph Rummel estimated the human toll of twentieth-century Socialism to be “about 61 million in the Soviet Union, 78 million in China, and roughly 200 million worldwide.”

Socialism is the preliminary entrée to totalitarian Communism that advocates the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the community as a whole, usually through a centralized government. Socialists are less extreme and promise state control of the economy, bringing greater equality to everyone but don’t admit it will be at the expense of personal liberty.

The end result of democratic Socialism always means a bigger government with attending regulation and control. Since Socialism is a welfare government, it always results in high taxation, as seen in Sweden (53%), Norway (38%), Denmark (55%), etc. Most Socialist nations provide a guaranteed income, at least for the unemployed, free education including college, and free national health care with all its attendant problems. But then, nothing is free.

Since government knows best, they take control of the utilities. While Socialists don’t nationalize private businesses, they use regulations to avoid “exploitation” of the consumers. So, Socialists permit private ownership but seek to redistribute the wealth by forcing successful entrepreneurs to pay for all the “free” stuff.

We are told the collective (government) can do a better and more equitable job of providing the peoples’ needs than free enterprise; however, no one has proved that the government is supposed to do that. Most early Americans believed the government’s responsibility is to mint the money and provide for our safety against any enemy and let us take care of almost everything else.

But the era of big government has been with us for a long time. Politicians learned long ago that most people can be bought with the right goodies: cell phones, free rent, food stamps, free health care, guaranteed job, guaranteed minimum wage, chicken in every pot, etc. When hard times arrive, it is even easier to convince the citizens of the value of Socialism as they begin to think that maybe earlier generations were too hardheaded, stubborn, ignorant, etc.

More Americans support socialist goodies but reject Socialism proving they are idiots. They are playing mind games, thinking Socialism is not so bad if it is not called Socialism. But as Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name is still a rose.” Americans split on whether we should have a free market economy or one that is government-controlled. They have forgotten that government is the great bungler, not the great leader or fixer.

Whatever the kind or degree of Socialism, it always works the same for the average guy: he pays through the nose. The guy on the street is the loser, while the top Socialist honchos run everything from the top. The plan is for everyone to live at the expense of everyone else, but that doesn’t work. The leaders skim the cream off the top, and you end up with skim milk.

That quickly gets sour.

Socialism is welfare, and welfare is Socialism and Socialism is Communism in amateur disguise. Whatever it is called, it is a totalitarian government with a heel on the neck of Americans. Ayn Rand was right when she declared, “The difference between a welfare state and a totalitarian state is a matter of time.”

But it starts with Socialism.

Russia was known as the “United Soviet Socialist Republic”; Germany was controlled by the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.” The original Communist Party of Cuba formed in the 1920s but changed its name in 1944 to the “Popular Socialist Party” for political purposes—to confuse the voters.

Don’t be misled; Communists have planned for decades to make America an unfree nation beginning with Socialism then naturally morphing into Communism. Communism is simply the natural extension of Socialism. Whether Socialism or Communism, freedom is lost by the individuals for the “collective good.” The people surrendered everything to get a little. The old saying is true: if your government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take everything you have.

Communism was developed by Karl Marx, who turned the various classes in Russia against each other. He taught democracy was the enemy of the working class and workers should unite and overthrow the privileged leaders permitting workers to rule. However, the workers ruled nothing and paid subservience to Communist overlords. That’s how it works.

In overthrowing capitalism, the free enterprise principle is lost. The new economy becomes controlled by the state, and industry is owned and managed by the government rather than by private individuals. Prices and wages are set and enforced by the state, and trade unions are forbidden, and banks are owned by the state. This happened under Marx’s leadership in Russia in the Russian Revolution in 1917 when Lenin and then Stalin also cracked down on individual liberty and removed all forms of democracy. Government bureaucrats even demanded production levels in industry and agriculture, even telling farmers what and how much to plant. Personal advancement was almost impossible. After all, everyone has to be equal—in misery, that is.

It would be highly worthwhile to investigate Stalin’s purposefully induced famine in Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 when about 4 million Ukrainians were starved to death. During this scheduled famine, The New York Times ridiculed the possibility of it, picking up a Pulitzer Prize for articles debunking the famine. Even Liberals demanded the Times return the prize, but they refused.

A quick definition of Communism is a loss of personal freedom and a massive amount of regulation, repression, and ruin to homes, churches, schools, industry, and society.

It is shocking that American capitalists, to their eternal shame, love commerce more than they loath Communism. The Chamber of Commerce no longer represents freedom, independence, entrepreneurship, but greedy crony capitalism. A good example is their support of flooding the states with uneducated, unsophisticated, and often un-American aliens to work the farms doing work “that Americans won’t do.” What they should say is “that Americans won’t do for starvation wages.”

But, facing starvation, most men will work to survive. That goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden.

When people have an abnormal desire for free stuff, they are on the slippery slope toward Socialism that often ends to Communism. However, it can branch into Fascism as it did in Germany and Italy. Most Fascists hate Communism, but it doesn’t make much difference to the enslaved people whether the heel on their neck is a Communist or Fascist heel.

Both Hitler and Stalin were tyrants who hated each other and killed many millions of innocent people. While both were called Socialists, Hitler hated Communism. Hitler, like his buddy Mussolini, was a Fascist, but, in the end, whether one lived in Russia, Germany, or Italy, he lived under totalitarianism.

The term “fascism” is derived from the word “fasces,” a bundle of rods about five feet in length containing an ax with the blade projecting, carried before Roman magistrates as an emblem of official power. In ancient Rome, the bodyguards of a magistrate carried fasces. It was adopted by Benito Mussolini to symbolize his Fascist movement. For many years, the fasces appeared on the reverse of the U. S. Mercury dime.

I define Fascism as a political philosophy that exalts a nation and often a race above the individual. It stands for a centralized, repressive government headed by a dogmatic, domineering, and dictatorial leader who usually takes control of various government agencies (especially the media) and controls private businesses. Opposition is usually forcibly suppressed, often beginning with labor unions and making strikes illegal.

Numerous wealthy capitalists have no love for freedom, free enterprise, and entrepreneurship since they have already taken advantage of those concepts to make their pile. They become crony capitalists and are not competent or honest enough to see that Socialism steals while Communism kills.

At this time, corporations are openly meeting and coordinating efforts to produce more “progressive” laws and encouraging government control of businesses—and that is clearly Fascism. Mussolini said, “Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” It is impossible to define Fascism to everyone’s satisfaction since it is like nailing jello to the wall.

Bloomberg reported April 11, 2021, on an extraordinary meeting of a group of 100 chief executives and other leaders of major U.S. corporations that “held an hour-long Zoom call on Saturday to discuss ways to push for greater voting access amid new restrictions enacted or pending in Georgia, Texas and other states.” The business leaders decided to promote the progressive agenda especially fighting the GOP’s effort to make voting more responsible. Of course, they use the word restrictive. They want to restrict or limit investment in cities and states that are not cooperative with progressivism. That would seem to make corporations a mirror government.

What a slippery slope!

The point is big business is making a connection with big government, a definite indication of Fascism. Whatever the label, you will have a foot on your face and pay the price if you are a producer. You had better get ready to “share” your hard-earned cash with the losers, and loafers, and the lackeys.

NYC Mayor de Blasio admitted, “I like to say very bluntly, our mission is to redistribute wealth.” He is a known Socialist, but many New Yorkers consider him a Marxist. Whatever, since Democrats have seized control of a once-great nation, de Blasio and Biden are trying to move the wealth from those who have it to those who do not have it.

Hail to the thief!

What’s-her-name Harris is one of the most dangerous politicians to ever press her snout into the public feeding trough. Her incredible statement should shock and anger every American when she says equal outcomes of government programs should be the goal of public policy. That statement makes every Communist in Russia, China, and Cuba stand up and cheer. No sensible person argues that any government program must treat everyone equally, but it is insane, ineffective, and impossible to guarantee equal results. That can’t happen because of the vast differences in people—their ambitions, aptitudes, their abilities; but she demands equal results!

It’s not only young Americans who are dumb as dirt.

Our government cannot refuse certain benefits to individuals because they are female, Hispanic, black, handicapped, uneducated, Muslim, Baptist, etc., since that would be unequal treatment contrary to the Fourteenth Amendment. Neither can any state or federal government promise that participating in a particular college or work program will result in the same income as any other participant.

After all, people have different abilities.

Harris said, “There’s a big difference between equality and equity.” True, but if any government promised definite results, then it would have to treat others unfairly to have the same results for everyone. A government mandate to promote equal results would give the government power to violate individual rights in order to achieve identical social results for all people.

Non-thinking Americans think they can kill the golden goose and still collect golden eggs. If they kill the free enterprise system (the goose), they will destroy the goodies it has produced (the golden eggs). We will end up back in the horse and buggy days, having to pull our own buggy.

And we may end up without a horse or a buggy, with only the buggy whip as a reminder of what we used to have.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Reparations: Should Blacks be Paid for Slavery? https://donboys.cstnews.com/reparations-should-blacks-be-paid-for-slavery https://donboys.cstnews.com/reparations-should-blacks-be-paid-for-slavery#respond Sun, 18 Dec 2016 22:15:47 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1679 The on-rushing bandwagon labeled “reparations” is full of explosives and will cause more racial fireworks than forced busing for school integration! The United Nations demanded that the U.S. pay Blacks for holding other Blacks as slaves and to compensate for recent police shootings of Blacks! The report was produced by the United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on African Descent and strongly condemned America’s “racist” history. Some African nations have demanded payment for their loss of population during slavery! What are these people smoking?

The UN group even likened the police shootings of Blacks in recent months to KKK lynchings! Devotees to reparations are expecting Obama to give birth to reparations by executive order before he leaves the White House. If he does so, it will support the charge that he is a dictator with a Harvard degree. He will also set off a massive explosion that will continue to tear America apart.

Reparation groups have been meeting for years demanding that “Whitey” pay for mistreated of Blacks more than 150 years ago. I think we overpaid reparations in blood when more than 700,000 Americans lost their lives resulting in freeing the slaves plus the trillions of dollars in welfare and affirmative action in recent years. Of course, no white person is alive who participated in the evil of slavery and no black victims are alive either. So, it’s a standoff. Let’s all go home.

Several black American groups are seeking reparations from the United States government for the time their alleged ancestors spent as slaves. The African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission is demanding an astronomical $777 trillion! When pigs learn to fly in formation and do somersaults over the White House!

Radical blacks have demanded that U.S. taxpayers pay the descendants of slaves a suggested $100,000 each! But it gets worse because black leaders know they can parlay white guilt into much more cold cash. Hundreds of people attended the National Reparations Convention in Chicago on February 2-4 of 2001 where Howshua Amariel proposed that Blacks should receive free education, free medical care, free legal advice, and free financial aid with no taxes and if they wish to immigrate to Africa, they would each receive a million dollars!

H. Khalif Khalifah, founder of the National Black Reparations Alliance website, boldly declares, “There are no bad black people” and “Keep white people out of our membership ranks.” Check out the résumés of the major preachers and promoters of this scam. Many Black radicals such as screwy Louie Farrakhan, Congressman John Conyers, Father Divine, Johnnie Cochran, Elijah Muhammad, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Randall Robinson, etc., have supported reparations. Many Black Muslims are demanding a slice of the pie.

Of reparations, The Washington Post admitted, “The subject is scalding hot, untouchable as public policy. Even the brave run from it.” Yes, it is “scalding hot” but no, some of us are not running from this illegal, immoral, and incredible shakedown. And, make no mistake, it is just that: a shakedown, swindle, a scam of major proportions.

Furthermore, slavery was legal in the U.S. until 1865 with the passage of the 13th Amendment. Consequently, there were no laws broken. That is unless our black friends want to make slavery a crime retroactively.

Let’s establish some facts as a foundation for this discussion. Slavery has been a reality since the early days of civilization for a simple reason: Men are inherently wicked. Theologians call it “sin” that came down to us through our parents from Adam and Eve. Although far more whites have been enslaved than Blacks, that makes little difference in this discussion except for the record.

It is also a fact that black African chiefs enslaved their own people, marched them in chains to the west coast of Africa and sold them to Arab, Portuguese, English, and American traders. When the white slavers refused to pay the black slave traders’ asking price, the chiefs simply refused to sell. They knew how to get their price. It’s called waiting. The white slavers pouted in their ships just off shore as their food and water were depleted. Eventually, they capitulated and paid the asking price. The slaves were then distributed all over the world.

I also want to make clear that no slaves are alive today in America. If there were, I would agree that they be compensated. When I wrote AIDS: Silent Killer in 1987, I dealt with the now infamous Tuskegee study where black men were used and abused in medical experiments for many years by the U.S. Government. On numerous national and local talk shows, I advocated the prosecution of all responsible U. S. officials still alive and reparations for the few black men still living. But no slaves are alive today and it is insane to suggest any kind of payment after 150 years. Besides, that bill has been paid!

There are other problems: Who funds the scam and who profits from the scam? Since the money would come from the general U.S. Treasury then all taxpayers would be paying. That means Blacks would be paying for their own reparations! It also means that recent immigrants would be paying as well as descendants of those who arrived in America since the Civil War and had no connection to slavery. Furthermore, Northerners would be paying reparations when 350,000 of their distant relatives died “to free the slaves”! By what logic can that be justified? Since only one in five Southern families owned slaves why should all southerners pay for slavery perpetrated by others? Should American Indians pay reparations since they were here before Whites or slaves? Of course, some Indians owned black slaves and even ate them during bad times!

Then there is the task of determining what Blacks qualify for payment. All Blacks did not descend from slave parents. If one could justify reparations for Blacks who are descendants of slave families, how do we know which Blacks are descendants of slaves? Many present-day Blacks are descendants of free Blacks! Some Blacks would be receiving money for mistreatment that did not involve them or their relatives. That is dishonest. It is all based on self-identification–not reliable when big bucks are involved.

There is another problem that is unknown by most Americans: About 3,775 Blacks owned slaves in the South so how do we differentiate between those living Blacks who had ancestors who were slaves and those whose ancestors were not slaves but were in fact, slaveholders? By paying money (ripped from hard-working taxpayers of all races) to Blacks whose ancestors owned slaves, we would be rewarding slavery.

Many Americans are aghast at the possibility that Blacks actually owned their own people, but it is a fact of history. The American Heritage magazine cited the 1830 U.S. Census: “There were 3,775 free blacks who owned 12,740 black slaves! The father of American slavery was Anthony Johnson of Northampton, VA. His slave was named John Casor who was the first slave for life. Both owner and owned were black!” (Philip Burnham, “Selling Poor Steven,” American Heritage, Feb./Mar. 1993, Vol. 44, p. 90.)

But the Johnson case is even more tangled because he (and other Blacks) also held white slaves! Johnson (died 1670) was an Angolan slave who lived in the colony of Virginia. He was an indentured servant, as were most white workers in early Virginia, and earned his freedom and became a wealthy tobacco farmer. He bought the contracts of five indentured servants (four were white and one black). As bad as this was, it was usually not racist but economic. So, in the Days of Reparations how are we going to pay the descendants of the white slaves or don’t those slaves matter?

But in the end, I must endorse reparations! Every living slaveholder should go to prison for life and every living slave should receive one million dollars. That should take care of that.

Now I can go home since I solved that problem.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Illegal Immigration: America’s Seething Volcano! https://donboys.cstnews.com/illegal-immigration-americas-seething-volcano https://donboys.cstnews.com/illegal-immigration-americas-seething-volcano#comments Sat, 12 Jul 2014 00:44:56 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=829 Recent headlines blared, “Illegals now flooding U.S. Border” and some just-arrived illegal aliens asked, “Where do we go to get our amnesty?” Most of the illegals are unaccompanied children some of whom are delivered to relatives who themselves are illegal aliens and authorities do not ask their status! And the ACLU filed a suit demanding each and every illegal alien must have a lawyer and YOU will pay. The message sent to Central American nations is “If you get here, you can stay” so they come by the trainloads. And when they come they will be handed a bag of freebies: education, medical care, welfare payments, legal advice, etc.

Hispanic extremists continue to raise the ante to get as much as they can, after all we “owe” it to them. One sign demanded, “Give us FREE Health care, Jobs–no taxes, House, Food – You OWE us America! We will shoot more police in Arizona until we get FREE!” Has anyone but me asked why that person did not go to jail? Another sign demanded, “Citizenship for 11 million.” And “citizenship” means “Democrat” voters. And Republicans are too stupid to resist it.

This is incredible, indefensible, and insane yet our politicians and fuzzy Christian leaders seem to think it is acceptable and admirable instead of abhorrent and abominable. Furthermore, illegal aliens kill about 10,000 Americans each year–when they are not “picking tomatoes.”

Even in normal times, it is insane for a nation to have unrestricted immigration, and during wars, national pestilences, or terror it is doubly insane to have porous borders! That’s about where the U.S. is today. With an astronomical increase in crime; with burgeoning welfare rolls; with cities and states whining about being out of money; with millions of Americans out of work and more to follow; we still have almost open borders! We might as well put up a huge sign on our southern border: “Terrorists and other illegals Welcome! Follow the arrows to Tucson!” Maybe an additional sign promising “free education and medical care” with additional information for those with leprosy, dengue fever, tuberculosis, polio, and malaria!

Each year about 500,000 illegal aliens cross into the U.S. with many carrying drugs, disease, and destructive plans for our nation. In recent days Border Patrol agents have contracted various diseases, lice and scabies. Many illegals want to pick tomatoes; however if tomato pickers can slip in, so can terrorists. Yet, we have major politicians who are so unconcerned they want to give amnesty to the illegal gatecrashers already here! The President seems to be unaware that he is sitting on a seething volcano that is about to explode!

There are now more than 80,000 illegal aliens from terror-friendly or terror-supporting nations hiding in the U.S.! American citizens will hold elected officials responsible for terrorism resulting from their inaction, ineptitude, or incompetence relating to border security. America’s volcano is going to explode!

Since most immigrants from Mexico and South America have lower skills, they are more likely to request public assistance, gorge the public school system, overwhelm the health care industry, and spike the crime reports. Bigotry? Not at all. Just the facts. Did you know that 15% of California students are illegal aliens and 25% of inmates in federal prisons are illegals? They are not in prison for being gatecrashers but for committing crimes in the U.S.! You are funding them! Moreover, 75% of those on the most wanted list in L.A. are illegals.

A recent survey shows that about 40 million immigrants live in the United States. About 12 million are illegal aliens. In Texas, 58% of illegal households collect some form of welfare while nationally, 47% of illegals receive welfare. Illegal aliens will cost taxpayers about $113,000,000 this year!

Should U.S. taxpayers be expected to finance illegal immigrants? I can defend the position that we should not finance legal immigrants? “Thanks” to Republicans and Democrats, with amnesty just around the corner, immigrants will get on the welfare rolls and most will stay there. Have the loonies taken over the asylum?

I was told by a post office official in San Luis, Arizona their office has 11,200 post office boxes in a town of about 3,000 people because people living across the border in Mexico use them as a permanent American address to collect public benefits. Courtesy of YOU. Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that you go to work each day to support parasites across the border?

We must admit that if large numbers of Hispanics, legal or illegal, enter the U.S. it will relieve some of Central America’s social and economic problems, but what will it do to America’s? By what twisted logic are U.S. citizens expected to take their hard-earned money to provide for foreigners, especially foreigners who are criminals? Maybe it can be justified if you worship at the shrine of global government, but no thinking person does that, do they?

The pro-immigration people tell us that immigrants don’t take jobs; they make jobs and pay taxes. However, while that may be true in individual cases, it is not true in the aggregate. Illegals cost Americans ten billion dollars more than they pay in taxes!

We are told that Hispanics are needed to do work that Americans will not do, but a more correct statement is that they take jobs that Americans don’t want at the going wage! According to the Los Angeles Times, 2% of illegals are picking crops (while 29% are picking our pockets). When times get tough, Americans will work at any job to put food on the table. Don’t you feel good knowing that Mexican immigrants are working at very low wages to make more profit for agri-businesses? Fact is, for every 100 illegal aliens who get a job, 60 Americans will lose their job.

It is time for the U.S. to take charge of our borders, keep out illegal aliens, apprehend those now living in the U.S. illegally and demand that our “friends” south of the border stop playing the hypocrite and close make their northern border as tight as their southern border. It’s past time to get started.

The volcano is about to explode!
http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Are Liberals Non-thinkers, Bigots or Only Stupid? https://donboys.cstnews.com/are-liberals-non-thinkers-bigots-or-only-stupid https://donboys.cstnews.com/are-liberals-non-thinkers-bigots-or-only-stupid#respond Thu, 03 Jan 2013 16:32:24 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=277 Every Wednesday I publish an old column that I hope will be interesting, informative, instructive, and inspiring at times. Today’s column was published in 2008.

Left-wing liberals are bad news for any nation while informed conservatives are a bright spot in a dark, dismal, and decadent day. That spot is brighter when those conservatives are Christians. Now, I’m not suggesting that all liberals are socialists, communists and traitors; some are only stupid, while others are simply bigots. They often have a religious zeal for old idealistic schemes (that have been discredited for many years) which they hold on to with the zeal of a Muslim fanatic.

Liberals are perhaps best known for their inconsistency. They weep copious tears over clubbed seals in Newfoundland, but never shed a tear over butchered babies in murder mills. They march, yell and hold rallies for convicted killers on death rows while their victims lie silently in their graves—with no chance to protest a knife in the back or a bullet in the gut. They spout “academic freedom” one day and the next they refuse to permit conservatives to speak on their campus!

Liberals, who appear to be soft hearted when they are really soft headed, dig into the pockets of the productive to provide for the parasites. Jesus said that the poor would always be with us, but He did not say that workers should provide for the shirkers. Relegating the poor to generations of beggary (because of generous welfare) is not kindness but fraud, folly, and foolishness.

Most of the accountability for the negative things that have happened to America can be placed at the feet of liberals, but they don’t want to take “credit” for illegitimate births, venereal disease, welfare, crime, public education, deficit spending, etc. And when conservatives place the blame where it belongs, liberals whine, whimper, and weep about our unfairness! (A liberal accusing a conservative of unfairness is like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath.)

I have been attacked for my responsible militancy, usually by preachers—preachers who wear silk underwear and have lace on the edge of their shirts. They sniff French perfume from silk handkerchiefs, strut like sissies and strike a pious pose as they speak of pluralism and broad-mindedness.

Such men are as useless to God and their country as a milking stool under a bull! Preachers are supposed to be leaders but most have difficulty leading in silent prayer. Most laymen want preachers to have a bone in their back, hair on their chest, and a brain in their head, but most liberal preachers (and some conservatives) are missing all three.

I am told that I must be more broad-minded—so broad-minded that you can hear the wind whistling between my ears. I am broad-minded about things that aren’t important, but I am very narrow-minded about things that matter. Things like my family, my country, my faith in Christ and my stand on Bible truth.

I have asked my broad-minded critics to look at political and moral issues objectively, but I have found that objectivity, with liberals, is as scarce as white dinosaurs in Kentucky.

I have been accused of not liking liberals, and I want to set the record straight once and for all: I don’t. They have done more harm to America than the communists, and I’ll blame anything I can on them whether it is leprosy, dandruff, sun spots, arthritis, etc. Of course, I must love liberals since God does (Amazing Grace), but I don’t have to like what they do.

Of course, much of their discredited, dangerous, and disastrous thinking is a result of reading periodicals of the News Twisters and watching the talking heads on television so it is not always the liberals’ fault. They are suffering from terminal brain rot. Pity.

Maybe we need state run homes for such pitiful folk!

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It is Dangerous to be Right When the Government is Wrong! https://donboys.cstnews.com/it-is-dangerous-to-be-right-when-the-government-is-wrong https://donboys.cstnews.com/it-is-dangerous-to-be-right-when-the-government-is-wrong#comments Fri, 21 Dec 2012 20:03:30 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=265 Few statements by Bible hater Voltaire are worth repeating but this one is worthwhile: “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong!” People have lost their jobs, been fined, and placed in prison because they dared to tell the truth about their government. There is a big difference in your country and the ruling party. However, principled people have no choice but to tell the truth and accept the consequences.

It is the responsibility of all thinking, honest people to stand against those who want to do them harm or imprison them! Or simply to steal some of their freedom “for their own sake” of course. I am not blaming Obama and his czars for seeking to rule since that is what wicked men have always tried to do to lazy, listless, and languid people. I am blaming those who so quickly submitted to his rule with very little or no protest. There are still Christians who defend voting for Obama!

I resist, I reject, and I refuse to keep quiet. I will not whimper my objections lying in a fetal position in a semi-dark bedroom but will scream them, almost incoherently, from a mountain top or more precisely from my computer, radio and television, church pulpit, magazines, and street corner if necessary. Obviously, I’m a little appalled, agitated, and angry.

George Orwell said, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.” George was right!

America has been stolen from us by the public school system, the media, Hollywood lowlifes, academia, and Liberal politicians. Because lies have been told so often, for so long, and in such enormity, our enemy is perceived as correct and exemplary while common, calm, and cautious people are thought to be corrupt and extremists!

It is shocking that so many people think it is wrong to speak out against their government when that is exactly what all patriots should be doing. It is not disloyal to criticize your president. An informed, indignant, and impatient patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. Theodore Roosevelt said, “That we are to stand by the president, right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” That’s one Roosevelt who was right.

My government is wrong and I am right about welfare. How can any thinking person defend, let alone promote, taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor? However, Obama, socialistic Democrats, and RINOs make that argument without shame or apology. Obama seems to think he is the Sheriff of Nottingham one day and Robin Hood the next day. Of course, the Sheriff was a tyrant and Robin was a thief. Obama is more like the winsome “Thief of Bagdad,” who somehow conjured, cheated, and cajoled enough people to elect him President of the United States. Maybe we will all wake up, rub our eyes, stretch, then realize that it has all been a bad dream or, more appropriately, a bone-chilling nightmare!

How can principled people permit government to continue taking care of them into eternity? Don’t they have any self-respect, ambition, or character? It is difficult to justify even a temporary handout but a perpetual handout that is thought to be deserved is shocking, shameless, and stupid. It is time to stop taking from the producers and giving to the parasites. To continue is illegal, insane, and insipid. If government continues to take from Peter to give to Paul, it can always expect Paul to be its supporter. My name is “Peter” and I want Obama’s hand out of my back pocket.

We have lived so long with the butchering of innocent babies that even Christians are insensitive to the slaughter. Yet “normal” people defend that sinful act as if it is noble, if not nice. The sin/crime is compounded by forcing taxpayers to fund the killings! Obama even voted against a bill to protect the life of aborted babies that somehow managed to live. Moreover, his wife lobbied for a partial birth abortion bill! Pharaoh of Egypt waited until after the babies were born to butcher them!

We are told that perversion is now legal, even respectable. You can call perversion (sodomy) by any name you want but it is still abnormal, aberrant, and abominable. You can put lipstick, rouge, and eye shadow on a dirty hog, but it is still a dirty hog–and sane, honest people can see what it is. By declaring that it is a dirty, fat, gross hog, does not mean we hate the hog. No, we simply see before us a dirty, fat, gross hog and calling it something else changes nothing. It only makes the “hogs are beautiful” crowd look silly, blind, or dishonest. Maybe all three!

Now we are told that homosexuals not only have a right to sleep together but we must respect and appreciate their “many contributions” to society (such as AIDS?). Of course, they demand the “right” to get married, (don’t expect a wedding gift from me) adopt children, join our churches (without repentance), teach our children and be accepted as normal people. No, not as long as Christian people exist, but then that could change also with the lack of commitment of modern Christians.

If Obama has the power to make you believe in absurdities such as welfare, abortion, and sodomy, he has the power to justify and force you to believe and agree to anything. However, Christians don’t permit government to decide what is right; that is God’s decision as expressed in the Scriptures.

We must never confuse principled disagreement with government policies, people, and programs with pernicious disloyalty to your country. The first should be promoted and the second prosecuted. Whatever the result, I will decide, not anyone else, what is right for me and if the government is wrong, I will tell them they are–whatever the result.

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Obama or Romney Could Win in 2012 With this Speech! Part II https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-or-romney-could-win-in-2012-with-this-speech-part-ii https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-or-romney-could-win-in-2012-with-this-speech-part-ii#respond Fri, 05 Oct 2012 14:17:06 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=124 Americans are dependent upon others for oil that keeps our businesses operating, planes and cars moving, homes, schools, and hospitals at a liveable temperature, and literally keeps us from living in a Third World nation. If oil stops flowing, Americans stop living, and we depend on foreign radical kings, dictators, presidents-for-life and others to keep our lights on. That is not smart.

As to our dependence on Middle East oil, on my first day in office, we will start drilling in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, and off the coast of California and will immediately expand the mining of our vast coal supplies. We will try to be sensitive to the environment; however, I believe that people are more precious than plants or bugs or snakes or fish or spotted owls. Our drilling equipment may cause a caribou here and there to abort her young or a bear may singe its rear end on our pipeline, but we will live with those tragedies. American oil will flow. Moreover, of course, we will still buy oil from South America and even Middle Eastern nations; however, we will not buy oil from states that support terrorists.

Our refusal to buy their oil will result in an increase in their supply; however, we will not acquiesce to their demand. They can pour their excess oil over their pancakes each morning for all we care. Or drink it! This government will no longer pretend that terrorist leaders, kings, dictators, etc., are gracious gentlemen, nor will American officials shake their hands while smiling like idiots. Let me reiterate that we will never bow to them.

We will increase our use of clean-burning natural gas that we possess in abundance (and that should make our tree-hugger friends happy) plus we will agree to build the Keystone pipeline that will produce much needed oil and jobs for Americans. Furthermore, we will encourage American entrepreneurs by tax incentives and other measures to pursue the development of alternative fuels.

Individual households and businesses can be assured that taxes will be cut, not raised while we pay off our national debt by eliminating the Energy Department, Commerce Department, Education Department, and hundreds of unnecessary and overlapping commissions that harass and limit private enterprise. Government assistance will be ended or curtailed to only the neediest cases.

We have some difficult days ahead that will require an adjustment by all of us. Nevertheless, we see a bright future after a few years of sacrifice. My administration will keep you informed since you are the Boss. You fund our world travels and generous salaries as you do for all Federal employees.

One new law I will pursue is to make it a federal crime for any federal worker to lie to any American citizen, for whatever reason. After all, if it is illegal for a citizen to lie to a federal official, it should be illegal for any federal employee to lie to the people who pay their generous salaries. That is one bill I will sign with undisguised gusto.

This administration take our jobs seriously; therefore, we promise that any further bills that come to the Oval Office from the Congress must meet five criteria to qualify for passage: It must be constitutional. It must be necessary. We must be able to afford the proposed law. It must not expand government and limit individual liberty. The last criterion is that it must not undermine the family, decency, and general morality. If a bill does not pass those five criteria, it will not get the required signature.

I don’t expect to sign many new bills.

No doubt there are knees jerking all across America (left ones, of course) and those people can cast their vote for leaders that will reflect their beliefs in the next election. But be assured that if I am your choice for President then I will keep my promises. And may the God of the Bible bless America! Finally, during this Christmas season when we honor the birth of Jesus Christ who died to provide a way of salvation for sinners, may I wish the best for you and your family. Good night to everyone.

Of course, like former President Bush, Obama does not have the convictions, courage, or character to make such a statement. Moreover, I doubt Romney has what it takes to declare the above. However, he could probably win with it, but so could any Republican though none have the backbone to make the speech.

It seems all politicians need a spinal transplant!

In November, we will have to live with what we get. God help America!

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Obama or Romney Could Win in 2012 With this Speech! Part I https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-or-romney-could-win-in-2012-with-this-speech-part-i https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-or-romney-could-win-in-2012-with-this-speech-part-i#respond Thu, 04 Oct 2012 11:58:14 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=119 My fellow Americans, if you choose me as your president I will lead this nation to implement the following principles, policies, and practices at home and abroad:

This nation will follow a new foreign policy that will solve the problem of terrorism. We will return to our roots and follow the wise advice of our Founding Fathers. We will no longer get entangled in foreign alliances. We will no longer meddle in the affairs of other nations nor consider ourselves the policeman of the world. We will always consider our national interests first. We will not presume that we know what is best for other countries. What may be “best” for us may not be best for them.

Since America has been attacked by Muslim fanatics, we have aggressively gone after those responsible; however, we will no longer try to topple governments and set up democracies. Of course, we will always encourage liberty everywhere. We will not carpet-bomb cities filled with innocent civilians. We do not believe “total war” is morally right or militarily justified. However, be assured those culpable individuals will be punished as a deterrent to others.

Americans don’t hate Muslims or anyone else since it is wrong and unproductive to hate; however, we will no longer plead with Muslims, at home and abroad, to love us. We will no longer express guilt and self-loathing. Federal officials will no longer try to prove that Americans are not racists. It is up to Muslims to prove they are not terrorists! And no American President should ever bow to any Muslim leader or any world leader! Never! A sincere smile and simple nod or handshake will suffice.

I will order the Department of Homeland Security that no traveller will be mistreated; however, since all the attacks against us have been young, Muslim men, we will do the reasonable thing and profile all travellers. The harassment of little old ladies, very young people, and handicapped persons will no longer be our practice especially since not one terrorist has been discovered using those tactics! We will still be alert to terrorists with special attention to those of Middle Eastern appearance.

Moreover, I have authorized the use of troops on our southern border to secure that border and arrest, fingerprint, and photograph each alien before he or she is deposited forthwith back in Mexico. Any second offenders will be imprisoned and put to work on a Texas or Arizona work or chain gang. Furthermore, any American firm that knowingly hires an illegal alien will be heavily fined. Following a second offense, their business license will be revoked.

Furthermore, as of today, we have shut the welfare window. No more foreign aid to any nation. We may decide in the future that it is in our best interest to help some nation, but it will be temporary and as unusual as a Miami snowstorm in July.

We will also start bringing our troops home from all over the world. They will be sent to foreign nations only in event of declared war or in the interests of the U.S. This is not isolationism but it is an “America First” policy. Any other policy is insane. Japan, Germany, and the 120 nations where our troops are now stationed must now protect themselves. It’s about time.

As to the Middle East, we don’t know what is best! Israel has been a long-time friend of the U.S. We will support their right to exist within secure borders, and support their right to defend themselves against those who want to “drive them into the sea.” We will not support a Palestinian state carved out of Israel but would support a separate state if it is carved out of surrounding Muslim-dominated nations.

We have disagreements with both the Israelis and the Palestinians. They both have good arguments for their positions, but they have both acted at times, uncivilized, unreliable, and undemocratic. They must settle their own affairs, with or without the assistance of surrounding nations. Basically I am saying, “You are both right and wrong.”

I pray to the God of the Bible that the Israelis and the Arab world will solve their differences, but they will do so without U.S. assistance.     (To be continued tomorrow.)

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