whistleblower – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Media Refuses to Deal With Scandal at the CDC! https://donboys.cstnews.com/media-refuses-to-deal-with-scandal-at-the-cdc https://donboys.cstnews.com/media-refuses-to-deal-with-scandal-at-the-cdc#comments Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:07:07 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=859 A few days ago I predicted massive media coverage of a major scandal at the CDC involving some of their highest level scientists. I was wrong. The mainline media, including conservatives, refused to deal with the subject! Of course, big, big money is involved and money corrupts everything and a large percent of television commercials are purchased by Big Pharma. The vaccine business alone amounts to 52 billion dollars per year. With the plethora of social media the main stream media will be forced to deal with the scandal sooner or later.

If the corruption charges are true as preliminary facts appear to support, the explosion will be nuclear! The CDC’s historic reaction to criticism has been to mock, malign, and manipulate while staying far from the truth. The obvious truth is that an increasing number of children are afflicted with autism and other neurological disorders. Moreover, a whistleblower at the CDC has admitted he lied along with other authors in a CDC study that was cooked to assure parents that there is no connection with early MMR vaccinations and autism. The study actually revealed that there is danger is such vaccinations!

The fallout, when the explosion occurs, will mean disgrace, loss of jobs, and maybe pokey time for top scientists! Almost everyone reacts the same in such circumstances: hunker down–deny, defer, deviate, and distort. Do anything to obfuscate the truth.

This is not a new issue. A longtime friend of mine and former, powerful U.S. Congressman held hearings on the subject of childhood vaccinations in 2001 and 2002 and internationally exposed the issue. He told the media and the members of his committee of his own once healthy grandson, who, following multiple shots ran in circles, banged his head on furniture, screamed for hours, and refused to speak or look anyone in the eye. Many experts also testified of their experiences with vaccinations and autism. Congressman Burton is a hero to all parents with autistic children.

I wrote a lengthy article in 2006 titled “Should Children be Vaccinated?” that dealt with the charge that vaccinations, especially the MMR and all mercury-laden vaccines could be the cause of autism and other neurological disorders in babies. I did not tell parents to refuse vaccinations but to know the facts and ask some questions of their pediatrician. But then, most physicians don’t want to be questioned about anything and most patients are afraid to ask, let alone demand, anything from medical personnel.

My concern was not to be critical of vaccinations per se but to ask some pertinent questions: does the vaccine contain mercury and can small children’s fragile system handle many powerful shots? I contended that “too much too soon” can destroy some children. Not all children are at risk but many are. Are the children sick? Have they been sick recently? Have they had reactions to previous shots? Is their immune system weak? Do they have allergies?

The issue still is: does the MMR vaccination in young children result in autism and other diseases? The charge is that the three-shot “jabs” resulted in autism among black children. The CDC and their lackeys at the major pharmaceutical companies declared authoritatively “No.” But then what would you expect?

The whistleblower and others declare that the CDC’s actions are duplicitous, dangerous, even deadly. And innocent children are paying the price. Furthermore, the CDC has deliberately cooked the books to continue increasing the number of “required” vaccinations of helpless children.

It is interesting that the CDC motto is “To save lives and protect” and there is no doubt that they have done much good in some areas of health. However, government funding is limited and many billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies are willing to pour billions of dollars into research (as long as it isn’t critical of their drugs) and to hire retiring CDC officials, so the farce goes on and on. One example is Dr. Julie Gerberding who was director of the CDC and is now President of Merck’s vaccine division. Sounds like shocking, scandalous, and sordid incest to me!

To those who affirm that no federal agency could be so careless, calloused, and corrupt, I remind them of the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study that our government conducted on black men from 1932 to 1972. Our government permitted men to die the horrible death from syphilis even after penicillin had been developed! Men from Macon County, Alabama thought they were getting free government health care when they were guinea pigs so the “experts” could observe the progression of untreated syphilis. They saw it and 399 men died without ever getting treatment for syphilis. They did get free burial insurance!

So much for a caring, concerned, and compassionate government.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Vaccinations and Autism: Massive Cover-up at the CDC! https://donboys.cstnews.com/vaccinations-and-autism-massive-cover-up-at-the-cdc https://donboys.cstnews.com/vaccinations-and-autism-massive-cover-up-at-the-cdc#comments Fri, 29 Aug 2014 15:05:28 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=857 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta has been engaged in a “massive campaign of deception” concerning the alleged safety of the vaccination known as MMR that is supposed to protect children against measles, mumps and rubella. Dr. Brian Hooker of the Focus Autism Foundation filed a request through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) seeking information on a 2004 CDC study that absolved MMR vaccinations as a cause of concern. That request put him in touch with, at that time, an anonymous whistleblower at the CDC.

Dr. William Thompson, a top-level scientist with the federal CDC put the whistle between his teeth and blew it vigorously on himself and his colleagues! He confessed that the CDC “deliberately concealed data showing that MMR can cause autism, particularly in African American boys who are vaccinated before the age of three.” Wow! A medical earthquake rating 9.5 on the Richter scale! However, the media refuse to expose the corruption!

Dr. Andrew Wakefield who suggested the possibility of vaccine-caused autism in 1998 declared of this new scandal, “This is a real story of a real fraud….Deliberate. High-level deception of the American people with disastrous consequences for its children’s health.” He’s saying that it isn’t simply a failure but fakery and fraud by leading CDC health officials!

The whistleblower, sounding like a courageous, frustrated, guilty-laden scientist, charged that the CDC study was rigged! He admitted that he lied! He said, “Oh my God. I cannot believe we did what we did, but we did.” This former CDC official said that the MMR vaccine is linked to a 340 percent [corrected to 236%] increased risk of autism in black boys who were vaccinated before age 3 as compared to other Blacks who were vaccinated later! Wow!

Dr. Hooker published a study on August 8, 2014 in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration that put the issue on the front burner. His article reported that the 2004 CDC study was fraudulent and should have revealed that black males are especially vulnerable to early MMR vaccinations.

Over the first 24 months of a child’s life, the CDC recommends 25 vaccinations with up to nine on the same day! At least one mother in ten refuses to permit such attacks upon her child’s delicate, undeveloped system and one third of parents think there are too many shots given within two years of birth. Recently, the CDC released statistics affirming that the rate of autism among school children in the U.S. has now risen to one out of 50! Is there a connection between so many shots and the incredible rise in autism and other neurological disorders? Is there a connection between the growing number of required shots and the financial bottom line of physicians, the advertising in medical journals, and federal funds going to the CDC?

The CDC had declared in a 2010 study that Thimerosal, the mercury-containing preservative in some vaccines, was in no way causally linked to autism. Many equally qualified experts declared otherwise. The pot continued to be stirred and to change metaphors, the water was getting muddier.

The vaccination study by the CDC sought to throw cold water on all the heated speculation but it failed so they commissioned a study to determine whether or not the MMR vaccine in small children had any relationship to autism. It was called the “DeStefano study” headed by Dr. Frank DeStefano, director of the Immunization Safety Office of the CDC. This was a rehash of the 2010 study. The conclusion of the DeStefano article in the March 6, 2013 issue of The Journal of Pediatrics was, “In this study of MCO [manage care organization] members, increasing exposure to antibody-stimulating proteins and polysaccharides in vaccines during the first 2 years of life was not related to the risk of developing an ASD” [Autism Spectrum Disorder].

Hoping that settled the question of damaging vaccines they next turned to multiple shots given soon after birth. They hoped to squash the clamor of anti-vaccine people who are sure of a vaccine-autism connection. Consequently, a study was published in The Journal of Pediatrics on March 29, 2013 by DeStefano et al. that caused further concern. The title was “The Risk of Autism Is Not Increased by ‘Too Many Vaccines Too Soon.’” The title said it all! Well, that settles that–but it didn’t settle anything. It only muddied the waters even more, caused consternation in the autistic community, but it did keep the cash flowing.

The article reported, “These results indicate that parental concerns that their children are receiving too many vaccines in the first 2 years of life or too many vaccines at a single doctor visit are not supported in terms of an increased risk of autism.” It might be boorish even crude for me to reveal that The Journal of Pediatrics accepts financial support from vaccine makers via advertising and direct donations.

Remember the old adage, “Follow the money, honey.”

(Next column: “Media Refuses to Deal With Scandal at the CDC!”)


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