white farmers – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 South Africa Rife With Politicians Lying About Their Qualifications! https://donboys.cstnews.com/south-africa-rife-with-politicians-lying-about-their-qualifications https://donboys.cstnews.com/south-africa-rife-with-politicians-lying-about-their-qualifications#respond Wed, 29 May 2019 09:00:35 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2356 The speeches are over, the marches have ended, the votes have been counted, and South Africa is in the same condition it was before the national election on May 8. It is unlikely to continue another four years in its present condition. The African National Congress (ANC) lost some seats and the far left made a shocking advance. The once great nation, South Africa, is in deep trouble and each day they slide even deeper.

This week there has been another killing of a white farmer activist who spoke out against attacks on white farmers. The 51-year-old woman was found dead having been repeatedly stabbed and beaten with a hammer. Annette Kennealy was found on her farm a few days after reporting on Facebook of 10 attacks in four days on white farmers including one death. She was a publicly outspoken supporter of the Afrikaner community and a former councillor with the opposition Democratic Alliance party.

A 40-year-old man has been arrested. His race was not reported but that is now government policy.

The national election is over but the nation continues on its slide into the black hole of rebellion, recession, and revolution.

South African mines, once leading producers, are producing far less than in recent years; the transportation system is being deserted by riders because of thugs and sporadic schedules; rolling blackouts are commonly causing despair and disruption in the railway system and industrial complexes; South African Airways is gasping for breath; agriculture is on a slippery slope and food must be imported; the educational system is in disarray; government bonds are almost rated as junk bonds; the rand is in a free fall; Blacks and Whites stand in line for jobs with the matter made worse by the legal preferences of Blacks over Whites; and thousands of white farmers have been butchered by black thugs who not only rob but rape and torture and kill.

As if South Africa didn’t have enough trouble with crime, poverty, corruption at highest levels, unemployment, lack of housing, sporadic power, lack of water, racial tensions, declining economy, etc., now enters a major scandal as to qualifications for major officials.

Joe Samuels, chief executive South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), declared that fraudulent qualifications “are a problem on the African continent.” He added, “Everyone battles fraudulent qualifications, African countries are also faced with the growing problem of qualifications fraud.”

Many ANC officials lied about their degrees that qualified them for top government positions—with enormous perks and salary. Daniel Mtimkulu, Head of Engineering Services at PRASA lied about having a Ph.D.; former Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sicelo Shiceka lied about having a Master’s Degree, and Tembakaze Mnyaka lied about having a Master’s Degree in town planning.

Vincent Mdunge was spokesman for the South African Police Services (SAPS) and was sentenced to five years in jail for fraud. It seems the top cop bought a fake Matric certificate (high school graduation diploma).

The aforementioned rail system is collapsing because of its irregular schedule (a result of scandal at the state-owned power system Eskom) and black thugs harassing and robbing passengers. Now we are told that Daniel Mtimkulu head of engineering does not hold a doctorate in engineering from a German university. SABC News reported that Mtimkulu was responsible for the purchase of 20 (other reports say 70) diesel locomotives from a Spanish manufacturer at a cost of six hundred million rand but the trains are the wrong size for South African railways! Mtimkulu denies it but has resigned under pressure.

The railway agency reports that 13 of the trains were too high for their system and would result in knocking out the overhead cables and signals. You know, I don’t think one would have to be an engineer to say, just before the deal is signed, “By the way, I assume the locomotives are compatible with our present system.” The “doctor” evidently did not ask that question or make compatibility a stipulation in the deal.

Hlaudi Motsoeneng, South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Chief Operating Officer, claimed to have finished high school when interviewed for an important position. He’s been described as “a delusional tyrant, a man driven by self-enrichment and egoism.” The SABC confesses that Hlaudi was “the worst thing to happen” to the broadcasting company. It seems the SABC is bankrupt and Hlaudi gets the “credit.” He “almost singlehandedly, managed to sink the SABC from within.”

But so what? After Hlaudi was fired, he announced the formation of his African Content Movement, (ACM) and his candidacy for President in the national election. He was given a hard time because his ACM membership form had misspelled membership and was circulated via social media by his opponents. Let’s hope he doesn’t do for the nation what he did for the SABC. The votes have been counted and Hlaudi got 0.02% of the votes!

Ellen Tshabalala is a former chairperson of SABC who claimed to have undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from the University of South Africa (Unisa) but the Mail & Guardian reported that Tshabalala does not have the qualifications she claimed in her curriculum vita, and that she failed most of the modules at Unisa. Tshabalala resigned as chairperson of the board of the SABC.

Pallo Jordan’s curriculum vita reveals that “Dr Jordan studied at the University of Wisconsin in the United States of America in 1962 and he acquired a postgraduate degree from the London School of Economics.” However, the facts are somewhat different because News24 reported “Former minister of arts and culture and ANC stalwart Pallo Jordan has routinely used the title of ‘Dr’ for years only to now be exposed as a fraud.” It seems he did not finish his degree at Wisconsin nor does the London school have any record of him. Jordon evidently has “no formal academic qualifications.” The popular politician apologized and resigned from Parliament and the ANC.

Mohau Pheko was South Africa’s ambassador to Japan, who admitted to South African Broadcasting Corporation that she does not have a Ph.D. as claimed. She professed to have received the degree from La Salle University in 2,000; however, the dubious and disgraced university closed in 1996. The university was selling university degrees and other academic qualifications over the internet. Pheko told the SABC that she “still addressed herself as doctor.”

This is not the only time Pheko has been involved with disgraceful, dishonest, deplorable activities; she admitted that she was fired from the Sunday Times in 2008 after plagiarizing material in a column. Nor was it the only time she took material without giving credit.

Sicelo Shiceka was Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs who claimed to have a Master’s degree in political economy from the University of the Free State; however, the Mail & Guardian revealed that was not true. The paper suggested that he was one of the most “corrupt politicians” in South Africa.

Now, that’s saying a mouthful.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

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White South Africans Did Not Give Up their Weapons—Looming Racial War! https://donboys.cstnews.com/white-south-africans-did-not-give-up-their-weapons-looming-racial-war https://donboys.cstnews.com/white-south-africans-did-not-give-up-their-weapons-looming-racial-war#respond Wed, 03 Oct 2018 23:22:08 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2216 People all over the world sat on their hands, fretted, clucked their tongues, were saddened, then collectively ignored the genocide of almost a million Rwandan Tutsis during a hundred day period in 1994. UN officials watched, waffled, and waited for someone, anyone to do something. No one did.

I’m afraid the sequel to that real-life African horror movie is being shot in South Africa as I write but with new characters.

The white farmers’ groups in South Africa were appalled at the illegal land-grab promoted by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) saying its members would consider land expropriation without compensation as “a declaration of war.”

They mean a shooting WAR as in bang, bang and they have the weapons that cause big bangs.

In 2010, the government passed gun-grabbing laws requiring that all guns be re-registered and in the process of registration, more than half the applicants were refused and their guns were confiscated. However, only a fool believes the white farmers willingly got rid of their only means of defense.

All unregistered weapons are to be surrendered to the nearest police station. But often the police stations are the most dangerous places. Robbery and rape are frequent as crime victims go to the station to make their claims. There have been many reports of crime victims reporting crimes only to have investigating police rob and rape them when they came to their homes in response to a call to the authorities or when they went to the police station to report a crime.

Transparency International found that 74 percent of people think all public officials and civil servants are corrupt or extremely corrupt, while 70 percent believe the whole political system is corrupt. So, what sane person (black or white) would trust corrupt police to do anything right when choosing to surrender to them expensive guns thereby leaving themselves vulnerable to vicious violence?

The South African Police Service (SAPS) revealed in 2013 that 1,448 serving police officers (many were top brass) are convicted criminals—among them a major-general, ten brigadiers, 21 colonels, ten majors, 43 lieutenant-colonels, 163 captains, 84 lieutenants, and 716 warrant officers. “The 1,448 police it uncovered had all been convicted of ‘serious crimes’ ranging from murder and attempted murder to rape, assault, corruption, theft, robbery, house-breaking, drug trafficking, domestic violence and aiding escapees.”

The SAPS was given one year to clean out the stable but failed to do so.

It is no surprise that Whites and Blacks refuse to report crimes to corrupt, even violent, police officers. It is also no surprise that no one believes even the very high crime statistics are close to being accurate.

Since it is not safe to report crimes requiring having police come into their homes, many crimes are never reported.

Many white farmers own vast farms with no close neighbors and have always relied on themselves and their farm hands to police their own neighborhoods. They have traditionally been well armed. After all, it is Africa! You know—lions, elephants, rhinos, Nile crocodiles, snakes, Cape buffalo, and hippos, the most dangerous of all.

Authorities who expect farmers to live without weapons have to be insane, heartless thugs, or are embracing a nefarious agenda.

Even if a gun license is permitted, it is so restrictive that it is almost useless. The two most requested permits require a “shotgun which is not fully or semi-automatic; or handgun which is not fully automatic.” Now, take such a weapon and protect yourself from a charging black rhino at 34 miles per hour, or worse, two charging black rhinos running 34 miles per hour.

Normal people might think that if a case can be made for gun control in the cities, it sure can’t be made for the farms and jungles. Maybe, it is not about gun control but as always, it is about people control. It must be kept in mind that South Africa is run by the Communist Party.

The Communist-controlled government is on record to take farms from white farmers and give them to Blacks. But white farmers will not go there without force being used. Black thugs have been intimidating and killing white farmers for years and the lethal attacks are accelerating.

Since the end of apartheid, more than 3,000 white farmers have been killed. Twenty years ago, there were 60,000 white farmers; now there are 30,000 according to the BBC. And the black Communist government demands they have no protection in their isolated areas.

The BBC reported, “In South Africa you are twice as likely to be murdered if you are a white farmer than if you are a police officer—and the police here have a particularly dangerous life. The killings of farmers are often particularly brutal.” Andre Botha of the farmers’ union Agri SA (founded in 1904) says there have been 11,785 attacks and 1,804 farmers murdered since the ANC assumed power, an average of two murders per week. Many of these have been gruesome.

And the Communist-controlled government refuses to permit white farmers to have guns!

Dr. Gregory H. Stanton of Genocide Watch said, “The rates at which the farmers are being eliminated, the torture and dehumanization involved—all point to systematic extermination.”

I reported in a recent column that Stanton in 2012 conducted a study in South Africa and came to an incredible conclusion: “There is a coordinated campaign of genocide being conducted against white farmers.” Many of the Whites surrendered their guns when the ANC government passed gun laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons. Genocide Watch said, “Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.”

The Economic Freedom Fighters led by radical, racist, and revolutionary Julius Malema unashamedly displays the banner, “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate” and that is being seen every day as the most recent stats reveal there are 57 murders per day!

In light of the above, let’s look at gun control in that dark and troubled land in relationship to gun control in Australia.

Australia’s compulsory gun confiscation/buyback program collected more than 650,000 (some say almost a million) guns during 1996 and 1997. They also sharply restricted legal ownership of guns, established a gun registry of gun owners, and required a permit for any new gun purchases. There is no purpose to discuss that program per se other than to say it was not the unqualified success Aussie officials claim.

I have been to Australia four times spending a month or more each visit. We spent most of our time in the provinces (states) of New South Wales, Queensland, and limited time in Victoria and a few days on the resort area of the Great Barrier Reef. We did spend some time in the outback and in the bush which is anyplace outside metropolitan areas. We had dinner with some of the ranchers who revealed a different perspective on the gun program that I’ve not heard before (and am revealing here for the first time) that relates to South Africa’s gun control attempts.

We were told that the federal government of Australia was snookered by wily Aussies who sold their junk guns and later replaced them with better guns. We were also informed that some of their expensive antique guns sold in the buy-back program were collector’s items that were not destroyed but ended up in the basement or den of local police authorities.

So, Australians have not disarmed themselves and neither have the white farmers of South Africa. Even more so, the South Africans have not because of the vast difference in the ever-present danger. South Africans have good reason to believe their own weapons may be used against them or against other innocent people. Or at least the guns may become prized possessions of black politicians.

And the very likely possibility they will be tortured and killed by black thugs motivated by government leaders is a probability, not possibility.

How will citizens react when a flunky of the ANC goes door to door saying, “Well, hello there. I’m from the federal government and I’m here to take your guns today”? That will happen in some cases but not often outside the cities on land owned, cut out of the jungle, and defended for over 300 years by white farmers.

That will be especially true when they realize they will be devoured as surely as fresh meat in a shark tank.

South Africa is rushing pell-mell toward coercion, conflict, and chaos; hundreds of thousands of all tribes and races will die while the silence on this issue in America is deafening.

And the United Nations will be as effective in keeping order and saving lives as they were in Rwanda.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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South African Chaos: Rape and Murder! https://donboys.cstnews.com/south-african-chaos-rape-and-murder https://donboys.cstnews.com/south-african-chaos-rape-and-murder#respond Thu, 20 Sep 2018 13:46:37 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2198 Leading black politicians in South Africa sing hate songs at public rallies that glorify killing white farmers so there is no surprise that thugs are carrying out their leaders’ threats. Former South African President Zuma sang the genocide song himself, leading a crowd in a musical chant: “We are going to shoot them with machine guns, they are going to run…The cabinet will shoot them, with the machine gun…Shoot the Boer, we are going to hit them, they are going to run.”

Deputy Minister of Higher Education Mduduzi Manana, a member of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), declared on the floor of Parliament during a discussion of the killing of white farmers, “Bury them alive.”

Black thugs are listening and following their orders.

An employee of the Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation took his cue from black leaders and posted a tirade against all Whites. Velaphi Vel-hova Khumalo launched a hate-filled tirade against white South Africans on Facebook stating, “I want to cleans (sic) this country of all white people. We must act as Hitler did to the Jews…White people in south (sic) Africa deserve to be hacked and killed like Jews. U (sic) have the same venom moss. look (sic) at Palestine. noo u (?) must be bushed alive and skinned and your off springs used as garden fertilizer.”

I don’t think Khumalo wants to hold hands with white South Africans and sing Kumbaya around a campfire.

More than 3,000 white farmers have been murdered since the end of apartheid, according to Genocide Watch. Today there are about 30,000 white farmers while there were 60,000 twenty years ago. Is it any wonder that the nation is forced to import food to feed its people?

Last year, South Africa had an astonishingly high murder rate of 31.9 per 100,000 people according to police statistics; however, for white farmers, the murder rate is 99 per 100,000! The murder rate is more than 100 times worse than in London. Just released stats reveal that 57 people are killed each day in South Africa!

According to new figures released by the AgriSA Agricultural Union in Pretoria and reported in The European Union Times, “Black criminal gangs have killed one white South African farmer every five days so far this year.”

No white person in South Africa feels secure. One woman said, “I don’t feel safe in my own home.” Many have fled the nation leaving their farms that have been in their family for generations.

Many white farmers and complete families have been brutally tortured and murdered and females of all ages have been raped with victims burned with electric irons and blow torches or had boiling water poured down their throats. Others have been disemboweled or dragged to death behind vehicles, forced to drink bleach, mothers raped in front of their children, and babies boiled to death. An elderly white woman was tortured with an electric drill and died after her attackers drilled holes in her body. Often, an open Bible is placed on their bloody bodies.

“Necklacing,” has made a comeback especially in the black villages. This form of murder was made infamous by Minnie Mandela (yes, that Mandela) where killers placed a gasoline-soaked automobile tire around a person’s neck, cut him under his arms, and set fire to the tire. They jeer as they watch him burn. This is getting more frequent as frustrated black villagers catch accused criminals, try, and execute him on public streets. Vigilante justice is what happens when law and order do not prevail and political leaders encourage violence.

Such uncontrolled violence has chased one million South Africans to the United Kingdom and other nations between 1995 and 2005. While lack of employment for Whites is one reason for the emigration, the main reason given is the black on white crime. A straw poll conducted by the Afrikaans online news service News24 which serves the Afrikaans-speaking community in South Africa revealed, “over 85 percent of whites would leave the country immediately if the opportunity presented itself.”

Transparency International found that 74 percent of people think all public officials and civil servants are corrupt or extremely corrupt, while 70 percent believe the whole political system is corrupt. During the hated white government that ended in 1994, they were racist in some policies but there was stability, safety, and a soaring economy.

No one feels safe in their own homes anymore.

The British newspaper The Telegraph asserts that up to 40% of women experience rape in their lifetimes. This includes “corrective rape” performed by allegedly concerned men to “cure” lesbian women of their homosexuality. “Blow the Whistle,” a non-government group, reports that almost one in three girls will be raped before she turns 18.

Other savages rape babies as young as three thinking it will cure their AIDS as they were told by their local witchdoctors (holders of Wi.D., I suppose). The World Health Organization reported on HIV infection in South Africa in 2017, “1 in every 25 adults (4.1%) [is] living with HIV and accounting for nearly two-thirds of the people living with HIV worldwide.”

About 37 million people in South Africa have HIV and 30% don’t know it! About 18% of the adult population is infected with HIV, the cause of about half of all deaths in South Africa. Almost 35 million South Africans have died of AIDS.

AVERT reported in 2016, “Men who have sex with men, transgender women, sex workers and people who inject drugs experience even higher HIV prevalence rates.”

Interpol says South Africa is “the rape capital of the world.” The Telegraph for Sept. 3, 2018 reported “For every 25 men brought to trial for rape, 24 will walk free.” Moreover, in a related survey, “a quarter of Soweto schoolboys described ‘jackrolling’—a local term for gang rape—as ‘fun.’” The attackers said that they were making the women feel like “real women.”

A 2010 Medical Research Foundation survey found that more than 37 percent of South African men admitted to raping at least one woman.

The BBC alleges that more South African women are likely to be raped than will learn to read.

Much of the rape and the killings involve vicious torture by roving black thugs. A 3-year-old-girl was raped by four men who wrapped her in newspapers, doused her in gasoline, then set her on fire. A 4-year-old-girl was gang raped and crucified on the kitchen table while her parents died on the kitchen floor.

The oppressed Blacks have become the oppressors of Whites and no one in the West seems to care.

Why has the United States not offered asylum to these desperate South Africans? Russia and Australia have already done so.

America is silent. Well, there was one tweet but nothing about accepting harassed and endangered white people, many who profess to be Christians.

Could the reason no one seems to care be because they are white and Christian?

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Is there a Plan in South Africa to Take White Farms and Kill White Farmers? https://donboys.cstnews.com/is-there-a-plan-in-south-africa-to-take-white-farms-and-kill-white-farmers https://donboys.cstnews.com/is-there-a-plan-in-south-africa-to-take-white-farms-and-kill-white-farmers#respond Fri, 31 Aug 2018 18:08:39 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2179 President Trump was not wrong about the South African land grab according to the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR), a liberal think tank. These liberals said that the U.S. President had exposed the “damage” the policy was doing!

However, he did not expose the extent of the damage. Nor the intent.

The current President of South Africa wrote an article for London’s Financial Times defending the taking of land from white farmers without compensation: “This is no land grab; nor is it an assault on the private ownership of property. The ANC has been clear that its land reform programme should not undermine future investment in the economy or damage agricultural production and food security.”

It seems in this era of words not having any valid meaning that bad is good, war is peace, weakness is strength, and up is down. But thievery is still thievery even if done by government.

The AgriSA agricultural union in Pretoria, South Africa released new figures that reveal black criminal gangs have killed one white South African farmer every five days so far this year! Is this “only” random crime taking place in a troubled and dark land or a plan to drive all farmers off their land by intimidation? South African officials suggest that these killings are only “burglaries gone wrong” but informed and honest people (black and white) know the truth. The government stopped accounting for such deaths since it is too embarrassing.Hence, “burglaries gone wrong” headlines result in less negative press than “another white farm family wiped out by roaming black thugs.”

The head of Genocide Watch, Dr. Gregory Stanton in 2012 conducted a study in South Africa and came to an incredible conclusion: “There is a coordinated campaign of genocide being conducted against white farmers.” Many of the Whites surrendered their guns when the African National Congress (ANC) government passed gun laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons. Genocide Watch said, “Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.”

The South African government currently estimates there are 31 murders per 100,000 people per year, which comes out to about 50 per day. Outside groups suggest that it is double that! No one knows for sure because the ANC banned crime statistics from being accumulated, analyzed, and admitted because they scare off foreign investment and drive people out of the country. Does anyone blame people for their concern and fear?

The London Daily Mail, April 28, 2017 reported, “Unemployment is 90 per cent in some townships, and riots–described as ‘service delivery protests’ by the ANC–are so widespread and frequent they barely get reported.” So, the numbers are as suspect as Bill Clinton’s vow of chastity.

However, political leaders are determined to take the farms from white farmers and intimidate others into acquiescence to make up for perceived and real discrimination under white administrations.

The nation’s leading politicians are involved in this genocide of Whites as their words and actions clearly prove.

President Zuma in 2012 was caught on tape singing, “We are going to shoot them with the machine gun, they are going to run/You are a Boer, we are going to hit them, and you are going to run/shoot the Boer…” His follows may be stupid and Communists but their protest signs scream the same message, “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmers!”

Julius Malema, far left leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) charged that all whites are criminals and the ANC Youth League was going to take all the white farmers’ land without compensation. Big problem here apart from the organized thievery: the Rural Development and Land Reform Minister told Parliament that more than half of the farms that were purchased for black farmers by the government had either failed or were failing!

When Zimbabwe did the same thing in 1999–2000, it was followed by massive famine and astronomical inflation where hamburgers at the capital city of Harare sold for fifteen million Zimbabwe dollars.

Free housing, free college tuition, single payer healthcare, doubling the welfare state and the minimum wage is the dream and plan of the leftists in the EFF. The EFF is the third largest political party in South Africa led by Julius Malema who said at a rally, “Go After A White Man…We Are Cutting The Throat Of Whiteness!”

Malema declared, “Through land expropriation we are forcing white people to share the land which was gained through a crime against the humanity of black and African people.” They are not sharing the land; it is being taken from them by force and they did not acquire the land via a “crime.”

Malema said the time for “reconciliation is over.” News24 quoted him saying, “Now is the time for justice.” He told the Parliament, “We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land.” One cannot restore what never was, so restoring dignity will not happen. Watch the daily activities of their Parliament to know what I mean. Plus, ANC leaders having witch doctors living in their homes giving advice about abortion and how to enlarge a penis, etc., does not add to one’s dignity or credibility!

And of course, the white farmers did not steal anyone’s land. Much of it has been in the same families for generations and others are paying high interest payments while working literally from daylight to dark in order to make their payments.

Malema promised, “Only death will stop us, not Trump, not sanction, not all of them. We know the consequences that are coming.”

So do I! I’ve seen this movie before starring Robert Mugabe with a supporting cast of grasping, ghastly, gloomy Communists filmed on location in Zimbabwe just next door to South Africa.

Few informed people doubt that South Africa, like many African nations, is headed into total chaos; but are the murders a part of the strategy to totally eliminate the white farmers?

In an interview with TRT World News, Julius Malema said, “We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.” When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy.”

That dude should not be in Parliament, but in prison.

A widely reprinted letter that originally appeared in the Business Day newspaper also highlighted the feelings of despair. “South Africa is in a serious moral crisis. We are a violent society disintegrating by the day. Ghastly murders are committed daily,” wrote Farouk Araie from Johannesburg. “We have become delusional. Forgetting that life is absolutely intrinsic and inviolable, our country is awash with demonic monsters in human garb, savages fit only for the wild, and satanic beasts ill-equipped for civil society.

“One child raped every three minutes, three children murdered each day,” Araie added. “We are sliding towards the edge of the abyss and our people are crying out for sanity to prevail.”

Approximately half a million rapes occur on an annual basis, of which only one in nine are reported. This amounts to 132.4 rapes per 100,000 people per year, far and away the highest total in the world. And for every 25 men brought to trial for rape, only one is convicted!

A study conducted by the Medical Research Council, for example, found that more than one in four South African men—27.5 percent—admitted to having raped at least one woman or girl. Almost half of those said they had raped multiple victims. Another survey by the same organization later found that 37.4 percent of men admitted to perpetrating a rape with more than one in four women saying they had been raped.

The South African ANC government gave whooping cheers for Zimbabwe when they stole white farms and the world watched as Zimbabwe spiraled into anarchy, murder, and rape, destroying their economy. The dangerous policies in South Africa have resulted in Whites fleeing the country, chaos in the streets, debased currency, and job losses while manufacturing output has stumbled, the rand is in a freefall, and people have slowed their spending either because of unemployment or fear of the future.

When the South African economy grinds to a halt under the leadership of black Reds; when the treasury has been looted and funds safely stored in secret Swiss bank accounts; when crops rot in the fields and inoperable tractors stand rusted and idle; when the phones, johns, elevators, and trains refuse to work; when the banks, insurance companies, and mines have been nationalized; when whites have fled the nation or have been butchered in Mau-Mau type uprisings; and when the dream of black rule has turned into a nightmare; then will the busy-body globalists in Britain, Canada, and the U.S. be satisfied?

I think not–because their attention will be focused on some other “noble” cause. Globalists have almost choked on many an African bone but they usually cough it up, spit it out, and grab another one.

Sanctimonious Liberals never learn and they have a compulsion to feel noble. Honest people have a compulsion for truth even though it stings at times and it’s a truth, a stinging truth, that the legally chosen government in South Africa is stealing white farms and has plans to decimate white families.

Their own words testify to that tragic truth. And truth does set one free.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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