WHO – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Will the American Empire Fall Like Rome Because of a Virus? https://donboys.cstnews.com/will-the-american-empire-fall-like-rome-because-of-a-virus https://donboys.cstnews.com/will-the-american-empire-fall-like-rome-because-of-a-virus#respond Thu, 23 Sep 2021 23:32:02 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2923 My critics will declare my title wrong since America is a democracy (more accurately, a republic) and not an Empire. An Empire is “a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority.” I suggest America qualifies as an Empire with Biden acting like our “single sovereign authority.”

America can’t be a democracy since I did not vote (nor did my representatives) vote to pull out of Afghanistan or to open our southern border to decent, hard-working people looking for a better life and for sure, not for terrorists, deadbeats, child molesters, thieves, muggers, and other lowlifes. I did not vote to pretend two men or two women living together can make up a family; nor that children have a right to decide their gender; nor that a man can pretend to be a woman by changing his plumbing; nor to permit males to compete with females in athletic events; nor to permit boys to declare themselves female and gain rightful entrance into female restrooms and locker rooms.

Nor did I vote to permit our Empire to be run by egotistical health officials who have never treated anyone for anything at any time. Nor did I vote to force toddlers to wear a face mask; nor for businesses to be closed and church services to be shut down.

No, the American Empire, like Rome, is crumbling as I write.

I’ve even heard that some big-city mayors, all Democrats, will give a guaranteed weekly wage, but that can’t be true. Even Democrats can’t be that stupid.

The world has been fighting the Communist Chinese coronavirus for many months, and with “new variants” appearing, we may be losing the battle. Businesses are closing, hospitals are full, people are angry, experts are vacillating, politicians are lying as they take control, the innocent are dying, and vaccine makers are crying all the way to the bank carrying buckets full of money.

However, it has happened before with more tragic results.

Bubonic Plague lashed the face of Europe in the Middle Ages, killing half the population in some cities, more in others. Now the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that bubonic plague (Black Death) is spreading in many parts of Madagascar (island nation just east of southern Africa), and a “weak health care system means it may spread farther.” WHO reported that there have been 40 deaths from the plague, with 119 people infected. Plague is spread by fleas carried by rats.

WHO also ominously reported, “There is now a risk of a rapid spread of the disease due to the city’s high population density and the weakness of the healthcare system.”

Well, add one more threat to life from all the exotic diseases (pestilences) from Africa and China—earthquakes, famines, wars, and rumors of war to warn world citizens of the end of the world as we know it. No, I’m not a pessimist; that thought was Matthew, chapter 24. We have experienced all this before, but not with such frequency and intensity. Nations could be destroyed as in the past.

American physician, bacteriologist, and prolific author Hans Zinsser, among others, believe that the Plague of Justinian was partly responsible for the demise of the Roman Empire. He declared the plague was “perhaps the most potent single influence” which gave the coup de grâce to the ancient Empire. Bugs, not bullets, knocked off an empire! This pandemic lasted about seventy years and caused havoc in the Roman Empire, already bruised, broken, and bleeding. Justinian was desperately trying to restore the ancient Empire to its former glory–like trying to breathe life into a corpse.

Seventy years of pandemic!

During Emperor Justinian’s reign, the worldwide plague began in A.D. 541 at Pelusium, Egypt (at the mouth of the Nile). He was known as “the emperor that never sleeps.” In sixty years, the plague spread to all parts of the known world. The dead lay unburied in the streets, and ten thousand persons died each day at Constantinople. The people of Constantinople became desperate with all the deaths as they placed bodies anywhere they could. Some bodies were left in houses to rot. It got worse as the black horse of famine galloped through the city because mills stopped grinding corn due to workers’ deaths.

They experienced a major food shortage because of many business failures. And those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

V. Seibel tells us that the plague was preceded by many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions—Vesuvius, in 513, was one—and famines that dropped a blanket of terror and death over Europe, the Near East, and Asia. The worst natural occurrence was the earthquake and fire that destroyed Antioch in A.D. 526, killing almost 300,000 people.

The Roman Empire was in a state of confusion because of the added pressure, problems, and panic produced by the plague. Gibbon wrote, “No facts have been preserved to sustain an account or even a conjecture of the numbers that perished in this extraordinary mortality. I only find that, during three months, five and at length ten thousand persons died each day at Constantinople; and many cities of the East were left vacant, and that in several districts of Italy the harvest and the vintage withered on the ground.”

When the plague snuck into Constantinople in A.D. 542, it stayed for four months, killing so many people that it was impossible for the living to bury the dead. By A.D. 565, half of the citizens of the Byzantine Empire had died! Gibbon suggested that perhaps 100 million people in Europe alone died of this plague!

Well, we aren’t there yet.

Justinian’s armies were fighting with Persia, Africa, and the Goths in Italy, but those crude, unsophisticated barbarians had learned the art of making war from former warlords. Barbarians had learned how to organize, analyze, and cooperate. It was ever more difficult for the emperor to sustain armies on far-flung battlefields, especially when there were threats at home and treachery and thievery in his palace. Justinian needed, least of all, a major epidemic to compound his problems.

This Plague of Justinian emptied the cities, turned the country into a desert, and made the habitations of men the haunts of wild beasts. The snakes slithered and hissed, the hyenas crouched and laughed, and wild beasts pawed and growled where proud, pompous, and productive men once walked.

However, when men face the inscrutable, they tend to lose their arrogance, sinking into a hapless and helpless, and hopeless life.

Gibbon recorded: “The triple scourges of war, pestilence, and famine afflicted the subjects of Justinian, and his reign is disgraced by a visible decrease of the human species which has never been regained in some of the fairest countries of the globe.” Can anyone read that statement and doubt that disease has changed our world far more than wars? Furthermore, will irresponsible Muslim terrorists or the Communist Chinese coronavirus change our present world forever? Or maybe it will be the bubonic plague.

The plague of Justinian ended about 590, but most of Italy was controlled by the Lombards by that time. The barbarians were no longer at the gates of Rome but inside the gates. The mighty Empire had crumbled, and when the Muslim zealots swarmed out of Arabia in 634, the Roman and Persian forces gave only token resistance.

As uncultured, uncivilized, uneducated, and uncontrolled Muslim zealots swarm into America carrying hostile plans and harmful pestilences, will the once-great American Empire fall like Rome?

Even Emperor Justinian contracted the plague but survived; however, his Empire did not. The question: how will ancient plagues and other pestilences impact and change America?

Some of us will live long enough to see that answer.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Confusion, Corruption, and Conspiracy at Federal Health Agencies! https://donboys.cstnews.com/confusion-corruption-and-conspiracy-at-federal-health-agencies https://donboys.cstnews.com/confusion-corruption-and-conspiracy-at-federal-health-agencies#respond Thu, 28 May 2020 19:57:59 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2571 Americans have a very favorable opinion of federal health officials that provides some leaders an undeserved, unhealthy, and almost unlimited shield from accountability. Few want to hold their feet to the fire since they are so dedicated, so important and so educated and, of course, so unselfish.

Intellectually speaking, that is hogwash, balderdash, and a generous portion of baloney.

This, and other columns, will hold officials’ feet to the fire at the CDC, NIH, NIAID, and the WHO since taxpayers fund most of their nonsense.

The WHO initially recommended that people with the Chinese coronavirus symptoms avoid ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and others) but has since reversed that advice, and health experts now generally say most coronavirus patients can use either acetaminophen or ibuprofen to treat fevers. Experts should be slow to speak authoritatively.

Guidelines, coming out of the WHO, recommend that children aged 0-4 be taught about “masturbation” and “gender identity.” Kids are to be given “information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body. Children ages 4-6 years old are to receive “information about same-sex relationships” and “help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality.” But, is that topic a part of the job description of any federal health official? If so, why?

That is confusion.

President Trump should deny any funds to that corrupt world organization, including its pappy, the United Nations.

Since there is no endless supply of funds, the U.S. should be more cautious in dispensing our tax dollars around the world and across the fruited plain.

Why is much more money going to fund AIDS research each year when that virus kills fewer Americans than diabetes, Alzheimer’s, etc.? In 2017, for example, 5,698 people died of AIDS. But 55,000 died of the flu. Could it be that people with other diseases need an aggressive lobby in Washington, maybe like the homosexual lobby, to promote their cause? This inequity is even more indefensible when you realize the most AIDS carriers contracted that disease through willful, wild, even wicked behavior such as perverted sex, fornication, prostitution, and/or illegal drug use?

The CDC is the largest buyer of vaccines ($4 billion each year) yet oversees the safety of those products! Conflict of interest there? Moreover, the CDC holds 56 vaccine patents. Dr. Brian Hooker, Robert Kennedy, Jr., and others assert the CDC is “a vaccine company.” A corrupt vaccine company.

Of that, there is no doubt as proven by a senior CDC scientist who confessed, “We scheduled meeting to destroy vaccine-autism study documents.” What! No way, because the vaccine-autism connection is no longer an issue since Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who promoted that possibility in an infamous 1998 Lancet article, was crucified, then drawn and quartered, and his ashes burned outside the office of Lancet decades ago by objective, fair-minded fellow-doctors! Or something like that.

But, it seems the vaccine-autism connection has not been resolved. After getting mandated vaccinations, many normal children had their lives completely altered, even destroyed within the following days. Post-vaccination, they never speak, or make eye contact, run in circles, play with a piece of cardboard, and spend their days lining up objects on the floor. But the myth goes on and on.

During a CDC vaccine-autism study in 2004, it seems deception was committed, as revealed when a current CDC senior research scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly admitted fraud in 2014. Dr. Thompson confessed that he, and his coauthors, committed research fraud during that study! He admitted in phone calls with Dr. Brian Hooker that the CDC was “throwing evidence into the garbage.” (Hooker’s son had received the shot years earlier and displayed symptoms of autism in a few days.)

The alleged fraud was that there was an increased risk for autism when the MMR vaccine was given to black males before 36 months of age, and the CDC scientists tried to cover-up that possibility. Thompson was referring to a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics in 2004 when he said, “I believe we intentionally withheld controversial findings from the final draft of the Pediatrics paper.”

Dr. Thompson says the study co-authors “scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can.”

Surely, this public confession was all that was necessary to initiate an uproar in America with a demand for a major congressional investigation. No, not even a whimper except Florida Congressman Bill Posey. Posey, by the way, is not anti-vaccine but very pro-vaccine, but in this day, anyone who is even willing to talk about the subject is projected by the radical leftwing media as being a rightwing fanatic anti-vaxxer. That way, no one expects them to be objective or even deal with the issue fairly.

Snopes, that paragon on virtue and defender of the un-American way, assured everyone that the main point was not about corruption at the CDC but whether collected data actually proves that the MMR vaccine produces “a 340% increased risk of autism in African-American boys?” As usual, Snopes was wrong.

That is the issue—pervasive corruption.

We will continue to discuss, dissect, and debate the vaccine-autism connection until there are no more questions about it. Still, the issue is about corruption at the organization, funded by taxpayers. Now, these board-certified scientists have so much power over our lives that they can effectively shut down America even though their knowledge of the economy, effects of lockdowns, and the societal impact would fit into the navel of a flea.

Three of the other study authors—Frank DeStefano, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, and Coleen Boyle—are still with the CDC, and Tanya Bhasin has moved on. Why didn’t heads roll into a basket when such untruthfulness, unlawfulness, and unprofessionalism happened at a federal agency? Why aren’t all these CDC scientists sweeping the floors on the night shift?

It is incomprehensible that major scientists sat around a garbage can in a federal office and destroyed government documents to cover their mistakes, misconduct, and malfeasance. I can’t imagine that, but then I can’t imagine Bruce Jenner pretending to be a woman, Mitt Romney pretending to be a Republican, Stacey Abrams pretending to be governor of Georgia and Joe Biden pretending to be alive.

There is systemic corruption in our federal health system.

But it got worse. The confusion and corruption morphed into a conspiracy.

A group of at least a dozen concerned, committed, and courageous CDC scientists calling themselves SPIDER (Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research) admitted that a criminal conspiracy exists at the CDC. Their August 29, 2016, astounding statement says, “We are a group of scientists at CDC that are very concerned about the current state of ethics at our agency. It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests. It seems that our mission and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders.”

Wow, insurrection is in the air. Leaders must beware.

The CDC scientists continued, “What concerns us most is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception. Some senior management officials at CDC are clearly aware and even condone these behaviors. Others see it and turn the other way. Some staff are intimidated and pressed to do things they know are not right. We have representatives from across the agency that witness this unacceptable behavior. It occurs at all levels and in all of our respective units…We are asking that you do your part to help clean up this house!”

These CDC scientists corroborate the explosive findings in the documentary film Vaxxed as they continually drive the point home with various statements throughout their public statement as follows. “[S]taff are intimidated and pressed to do things they know are not right…Data were clearly manipulated in irregular ways…this ‘climate of disregard’ puts many of us in difficult positions…We are often directed to do things we know are not right….The lack of respect for science and scientists that support CDC’s legacy is astonishing.”

The SPIDER scientists were critical concerning the lack of overview of the CDC’s willful corruption and fraud involving the Wise Woman Program. “There was a coordinated effort by that Center to ‘bury’ the fact that screening numbers for the WW program were misrepresented in documents sent to Congress; screening numbers for 2014 and 2015 did not meet expectations despite a multimillion dollar investment; and definitions were changed and data ‘cooked’ to make the results look better than they were.”

It seems the CDC does not stand by its pledge “To base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data, openly and objectively derived.”

According to the twelve clearly discouraged, dissatisfied, and disgruntled SPIDER scientists, the CDC kept the issues and research fraud in-house to protect the CDC while describing how the incident was handled.

Meanwhile, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) pointed out that the fox was appointed to guard the chicken house. It appears that some pharmaceutical companies involved in the production and marketing of antiviral drugs provided funding to the CDC Foundation to support qualitative research into influenza prevention and treatment messaging. So, the makers of vaccines and drugs sent truckloads of dollars to the CDC, who was to make the final decision as to approval or disapproval of those drugs!

The BMJ reported that although the CDC employed “the rhetoric of science, the studies underlying the policy are often of low quality, and do not substantiate officials’ claims. The [flu] vaccine might be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed, and the threat of influenza appears overstated.”

Their assessment seems to be that the CDC has been overselling an under-effective product to make a boatload of bucks. Some would say it could be classified as a form of prostitution.

It looks like all the farmers of the world have been wrong: the fox and chickens can live together in harmony.

I think it’s time to kill some foxes, but that is only another mild opinion of someone who really likes chicken.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Can We Trust the CDC, NIH, and WHO in Light of Past Failures? https://donboys.cstnews.com/can-we-trust-the-cdc-nih-and-who-in-light-of-past-failures https://donboys.cstnews.com/can-we-trust-the-cdc-nih-and-who-in-light-of-past-failures#respond Wed, 29 Apr 2020 14:55:42 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2551 America is blessed to have so many dedicated, educated, though now intimidated health personnel from underpaid orderlies, to nurses, technicians, and doctors who solve or alleviate our health problems. Many have lost their lives in this battle with the coronavirus, while others continue against overwhelming odds. Often these dedicated people don’t get the support required from health officials in the state and federal governments. Added to that, some of the guidelines and suggestions from national and international health officials are confusing, careless, and contradictory.

Often a company, person, state, or nation is accused of conspiracy when the problem is an absence of competence or an abundance of cockiness. I’m not sure about the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the World Health Organization (WHO). There may be various reasons for their many foul-ups. Whatever the reason, citizens who fund those health groups have reason to be cautious about accepting their decisions without hesitation.

At best, governments—even qualified health officials—consist of flawed people, some good, some great, others are opportunists, liars, drunks, pedophiles, fornicators, incompetents, etc. That has been true in all ages and all nations. The former Director of the CDC, Tom Frieden, avoided jail time in 2018 after pleading guilty to groping a longtime family friend in New York, and he no longer runs the CDC. Frieden had impeccable credentials and impressive connections, and an almost infinite amount of cash and still made a significant mess.

Anyone who automatically accepts what any politician or bureaucrat says is naïve—even gullible. That also goes for anyone wearing a white coat and is “board-certified.” We are in the middle of a health crisis that could be deadly for anyone, so it will be advantageous to look into the present and past decisions of U.S. health officials.

In 2010, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a report titled Office of Inspector General: CDC Lax in Policing Advisors’ Conflicts of Interest, revealing that the “CDC did not identify or resolve potential conflicts of interest for 64 percent of special Government employees in 2007.”

Just one of many problems at the CDC. And, a relatively minor one when compared with the following facts.

It seems, ineptitude, ineffectiveness, insensitivity have always been the norm at the CDC. In 2014 the CDC senior research scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly admitted that he, and his coauthors, committed research fraud during the agency’s 2004 autism-MMR study. Republican Congressman Bill Posey pleaded with Congress to do an investigation without success. The intrepid mainstream media moguls were not interested in an investigation.

An article such as this must include facts that astound, anger, and agitate every thinking person: U.S. health officials still permit shock treatments and lobotomies for mentally disturbed people! I would not trust such people or those who defend such activities to walk my dog. While respecting dedicated, qualified medics, keep in mind that some board-certified health officials are holdovers from the jungle witch doctor with his bag of chicken bones and hippopotamus dung.

All right, maybe that’s a little hyperbolic, but at least some are holdovers from leeches, bloodletting, and tonsillectomies for all youngsters.

At the end of December, Taiwan officials warned the WHO that the coronavirus was being spread through human-to-human contact. “The WHO, an ally first to China—whose communist party is hostile toward Taiwan—said two weeks later there was ‘no evidence’ this was the case.” It must be remembered that the WHO has been in bed with the Chinese Communist Party for a long time, and they showed it by citing defective, deceptive, and dishonest information from Communist officials. The Chinese officials did not want international travel to be restricted, and the WHO obediently parroted the Red leaders. That is the reason the world has been smacked with the Chinese coronavirus.

However, that deception should not surprise us knowing the background of the CDC, the NIH, and health officials in general. Their record runs from admirable to acceptable to appalling. The last of March, the WHO Director-General was finally asked to resign because of his alliance with Communist China. By then, the kitty was out of the sack.

Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the CDC, not long before his downfall, declared in 2014 concerning the Ebola epidemic: “In my 30 years in public health, the only thing that has been like this is AIDS,” and “We have to work now so that this is not the world’s next AIDS.” That was nonsense on stilts from a health official fearful of a health tsunami that was expected to smash the U.S. It was nonsense because the CDC fight on AIDS was a fatal fiasco from the first. And the CDC Ebola response seemed to be a rerun of their AIDS effort.

National Public Radio yelled, “Critics Say Ebola Crisis Was WHO’s Big Failure.” The CDC didn’t come out any better as critics gave Frieden at the CDC a hard time “questioning if his experience and leadership style [were] enough to stop the virus from spreading in the United States.”

Not reassuring if we were facing a world epidemic.

If the CDC is as incompetent, insensitive, and inconsistent in dealing with the coronavirus as they were with Ebola and HIV, then we are in big trouble. I wrote AIDS: Silent Killer in 1987 and appeared on more than 200 talk shows trying to pressure U. S. health officials to act wisely, but they refused. Thirty-five million people have died of AIDS worldwide since that time.

Dr. Everett Koop was President Reagan’s Surgeon General, and he was an active Christian and outspoken opponent of abortion; however, he and Reagan were deficient in the AIDS fight. Koop did an outstanding job in fighting tobacco and obesity and often advised, “Stop your smoking” and “Stop gaining weight,” but he refused even to whisper, “Stop your sodomy.”

Remember, sodomy was the primary cause of HIV transmission! And still is. Koop and the CDC were complicit in a tragic, massive medical cover-up. Or were they merely guilty of cowardice or political correctness?

The CDC is supposed to function in the best interests of public health, but it is often an Office of Propaganda as they seek to protect their turf and federal funding and Big Pharma. And they must never, ever offend the LGBTQ crowd since that group drove the CDC’s effort during the AIDS battle.

Pandering to Big Pharma, Washington politicians, and the LGBTQ crowd, protecting their behinds, personal advancement, and polishing egos are only some of the problems at our health agency.

In another column, I will deal with even more shocking failures and cover-ups at health agencies.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Ebola: Can the CDC be Trusted? https://donboys.cstnews.com/ebola-can-the-cdc-be-trusted https://donboys.cstnews.com/ebola-can-the-cdc-be-trusted#respond Thu, 18 Sep 2014 23:42:16 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=869 A recent CNN poll reveals that only about 12% of Americans think the government can be trusted most of the time and about 75% trust the government some of the time. Evidently our government is the most untrustworthy, unresponsive, and unreliable in history. And most government is sure unnecessary!

Every federal agency is not corrupt, incompetent, or scandal ridden–only most of them. Everyone knows about the IRS, the State Department, the Veterans Administration, the FBI, the White House, ad infinidem. The CDC has a better reputation but it is not without warts, scars, blemishes, etc., and needs scrutiny and overhaul.

My experience with the CDC goes back to research for my book, AIDS: Silent Killer! when I had four interviews with CDC spokesmen. That period was not their most stellar performance especially for a conservative administration that I supported. In fact, the handling of the HIV-AIDS plague was a major failure of the CDC and the Reagan Administration in the person of Dr. Koop, the Surgeon General.

Koop and other health officials were prolific in denouncing the tobacco industry and obesity but they sadly failed with the AIDS plague. Koop and others were quick to yell, “Stop smoking” and “Stop gaining weight” but they refused to even whisper, “Stop your sodomy.” Koop was a committed Christian who had taken principled positions but failed miserably in the war on AIDS.

Another major CDC failure was their refusal to demand testing and tracing of HIV carriers, a time-honored and proven procedure in dealing with and beating the syphilis epidemic–until its resurgence with HIV. After it was too late, many of my opponents on talk shows agreed that I was correct in demanding that AIDS carriers be treated the same as syphilis carriers. But the horse was out of the barn; the kitty was out of the sack; and the toothpaste was out of the tube. It was too late.

Wonder why HIV infected homosexuals were not treated the same as people with syphilis? Everyone admitted that AIDS came to America through the homosexual community and 87% of HIV infected people were homosexuals and IV drug users. However, government officials tiptoed through the tulips so they would not offend homosexuals. Even today 78% of new HIV infections are homosexuals.

The reason for the different treatment is simple: syphilis carriers were not organized and the tobacco industry was easy to hate since no one could defend putting fire to your mouth and sucking it into your lungs. Cancer, you know. Also the obesity crowd didn’t have a lobby to attack those who criticized fatties. But to attack sodomy, that’s so, so, well, so biblical! And scary. Think of Sodom and Gomorrah!

That was a failure of Reagan, Koop, and others when they chose to do wrong because it was practical, popular, and political: give an open hand (full of cash) to the homosexual movement and a fist in the gut to Christians and decent people.

The CDC has also shown itself many times to be incompetent. In highly publicized incidents the CDC made major mistakes with the deadly anthrax and flu viruses. In an internal CDC review, the people commissioned to protect us admitted they shipped infectious agents to other labs–five times!

In yet another incident, the smallpox pathogen was supposed to have been sent to a CDC lab back in the 1950s yet remained unsecured at a facility for decades! Another incredible fiasco happened when CDC scientists stored the deadly anthrax virus in plastic bags! Say what? Highly qualified scientists placed a deadly pathogen in plastic bags! I should think they could have used mayonnaise jars.

Now enters the Ebola virus from West Africa although the head of WHO told us not to call it an “African virus.” Is that political correctness because the 2500 deaths have all been in Africa? Just for the record, the HIV virus also originated in Africa.

Wonder why such deadly viruses came from Africa and in the last 50 years! It may be because of two very simple and easy to solve problems: their water they drink and outdoor defecation!

Next column: “Can the CDC Handle the Worst Possibilities of Ebola?”

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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