Stormy Weather Ahead for President Trump!

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The media is having a feeding frenzy over allegations that Trump had a one-night-stand with porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006. Her “confession” on 60 Minutes was the most highly rated of such programs in more than a decade. Then there were revelations that he had a nine-month affair with a former Playboy Bunny that ended in 2007. If true, Trump has major problems with his zipper. Frankly, the problem is with his morals. Only time will reveal the impact these allegations will have on the elections in 2018 and 2020.

While not discounting the alleged affairs, they must be looked at within a historical perspective. Many U.S. Presidents served successfully (and some unsuccessfully) even with regrettable, repulsive, and reprehensible sexual peccadillos.

History reveals that many U.S. Presidents had sexual affairs, some more flagrant than others. Furthermore, there were rumors about other presidents but no firm data to confirm salacious charges. While there is a mystique surrounding the presidential office, it must be remembered that they were all mere men.

President Trump’s illicit sexual activities are well known: his out-of-wedlock daughter, his admitting to grabbing women, and numerous rape and assault charges. Now, the Wall Street Journal reported he had an affair with Daniels and his lawyer paid her $130,000 hush money before the 2016 election. While those facts (and accusations) should not be dismissed with the wave of the hand, they should be considered in an historical context.

Thomas Jefferson is known to have had an affair with at least three women, the last two following the death of his wife. His first affair was as a young college student. His best friend was John Walker and Tom was smitten with his wife Betsy. Jefferson admitted in an 1805 letter to improper advances made on her. He apologized to avoid a duel and scandal.

While in Paris as U.S. Ambassador, the then widowed Jefferson fell in love with Maria Cosway, a beautiful Italian painter. This affair preceded the French Revolution and Jefferson took her to the opera, on country picnics, and sightseeing around Paris before the city became chaotic. He wrote “A Dialog of the Head versus the Heart” and he broke off the affair–his head conquered his heart.

In 1802, newspaper man James Callendar accused Jefferson of a long time affair with his slave Sally Hemings that produced a number of children. While some authorities dispute that as fact, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation and most historians believe that Callendar was correct.

Jefferson’s sexual affairs must not be explained away, dismissed, or rationalized; however, those wicked activities did not negate the fact that America would not be the nation it is without his leadership.

Democrat and lifelong bachelor James Buchanan is known as the first “gay” president (and one of the worst) and lived for ten years with William Rufus King, a former vice president and Alabama senator. The two men were considered inseparable and were the object of much mockery. Andrew Jackson labeled King “Miss Nancy” (an early 1900 pejorative word for a male homosexual who takes the passive role) and a prominent Democrat, writing to President James Polk’s wife, referred to King as President Buchanan’s “better half,” “his wife,” and “Aunt Fancy . . . rigged out in her best clothes.”

Democrat Grover Cleveland was, like Buchanan, a bachelor when he was elected president in 1884. He came to the office of President with a reputation as a lady’s man while practicing law in Buffalo, New York. After winning the Democrat nomination in 1884, the media reported on his payment of child support in 1874 after an affair with Mrs. Maria Crofts Halpin who accused him of fathering her illegitimate 10-year-old son, Oscar Folsom Cleveland. While he never admitted paternity, Cleveland sent child support to Mrs. Halpin.

During the General Election, Cleveland was ridiculed by his opponents with the jingle, “Ma, ma, where’s my pa?” After he won election, his supporters added to the jingle, “Gone to the White House, ha ha ha.” When the scandal broke during the political campaign of 1884, Cleveland told his advisors “Tell them the truth!” Wow, that’s really different. Note that he told the truth and won reelection!

I do wonder if President Trump has instructed his handlers and lawyers to “Tell the truth.” Maybe when pigs fly in formation over the White House.

Republican Warren G. Harding was the 29th president and is considered by historians as one of our worst presidents. He had at least 30 affairs while in office that included friends of his wife, his best friend’s wife, female reporters, White House secretaries, chorus girls, and a “string of New York women.” At one time, he was almost caught by his wife while having sex in the Oval Office closet with a young supporter. He also fathered children with some of the loose ladies.

Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt’s affair with Lucy Mercer, his wife Eleanor’s secretary, is well known and acknowledged by all. When Eleanor found some love letters from Lucy, she threatened divorce which would have destroyed his nascent political career. It is reported that Eleanor threatened to divorce FDR if he didn’t end his relations with Mercer and FDR’s mother promised to cut him off without a cent if he were divorced. FDR was kept on a golden leash by his mother and he caved to his mama as he caved to Stalin at Yalta in 1945.

Roosevelt promised to break off relations with Mercer but she was with him when he died in Warm Springs, Georgia. FDR is reported to have had affairs with his secretary Marguerite Alice (Missy) LeHand (to whom he left half of his three million dollar estate) and Princess Märtha of Sweden. The Crown Princess lived at the White House during World War II.

Eleanor had her own sexual liaisons–one in 1943 with U.S. Army sergeant Joseph Lash. That was followed with lesbian affairs not least of which were affairs with Nancy Cook, Marion Dickerman, and journalist Lorena Hickok–an affair that lasted 30 years.

John F. Kennedy was a Democrat who had sex with friends’ wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters! One of his famous affairs was with Marlene Dietrich, a sixty-year-old actress who had also slept with Jack’s father! It is believed that he slept with every female White House staff member! He even bedded down his two secretaries known–behind the scene–as Fiddle and Faddle.

He had a suite at the Mayflower Hotel where he entertained stripper Blaze Starr, Kim Novak, Jayne Mansfield, Gene Tierney, Angie Dickinson, and Marilyn Monroe. Besides Monroe, he romped with other actresses supplied to him by Frank Sinatra.

During his presidential campaign with Richard Nixon, Kennedy had a prostitute in his hotel room only 90 minutes before the debate! He was not circumspect in his affairs; the only qualification seemed to be they must be female. He was involved for a time with a suspected German spy Inga Arvad who was being surveilled by the FBI! He was even involved with Judith Exner Campbell, a fetching beauty who was also sleeping with mob boss Sam Giancana at the same time! Discretion should be a qualification for being president but Kennedy obviously had no conception of that attribute.

Jackie retaliated against her husband by having her own affairs–one with Hollywood star William Holden and another with Fiat founder Gianni Agnelli. Ah yes, wasn’t Camelot
so elegant!

Kennedy got more than he paid for–chlamydia! He took the venereal disease to his grave; but worse than that, he no doubt infected scores of young women. Not too glamorous is it?

And Trump is being hounded by the media for having been sexually loose and while the media knew of many of JFK’s romps, not a word was printed. Evidently, the public did not always “have a right to know.”

Texas Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson once boasted, “I have had more women by accident than he [JFK] has had on purpose.” Among his reported conquests was Madeline Brown, who claimed that they had an affair that lasted more than two decades and that LBJ fathered her son. Brown insists that their affair was only physical and was hidden from Lady Bird Johnson. It seems Johnson was ambidextrous since he carried on a 30-year affair with Alice Glass beginning in 1937 while the Brown affair was going on!

Kitty Kelley, the notorious bottom feeder, revealed to the world that Nancy Reagan used astrologers to run the White House and also exposed Nancy’s illicit affair with Frank Sinatra. She also reported on Republican George H. W. Bush’s affairs in her exposé of the Bush clan in The Family. Kelley reports of two alleged Bush affairs. One involved Jennifer Fitzgerald and the other was an Italian woman. Fitzgerald served as White House deputy chief of protocol during Bush’s administration. Kelley reported that the Italian woman was provided a New York apartment in the 1960s. The senior Bush has denied the allegations and Fitzgerald has refused to comment.

George W. Bush was haunted by two sex scandals. One involved a criminal complaint and lawsuit of rape by Margie Denise Schoedinger, a 38-year-old black woman from a Houston suburb. She charged Bush with rape in October 2000 alleging, “race based harassment and individual sex crimes committed against her and her husband.” She shot herself in the head on September 22, 2003 nine months after filing suit against Bush. The Medical Examiner’s office ruled her death a suicide.

The second was an accusation by former Austin stripper Tammy Phillips of having an affair with Bush that ended in 1999. She was a 35-year-old partner in a Carrollton, Texas gym. She asserted that she had been introduced to then-governor Bush by her prominent Republican uncle in December 1997 during a political function at a hotel in Midland, Texas.
The Phillips’ scandal was reported in The National Enquirer, New York Post, and other media outlets, but disappeared as the 2000 presidential campaign got underway. Phillips dropped off the face of the earth.

Democrat Bill Clinton’s trysts, affairs, romps, assaults, rapes, etc., with Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick, Sally Perdue, Paula Jones, and who knows how many others became a national scandal. Two Arkansas state troopers chronicled Clinton’s affairs with dozens of women. Others included a lawyer who was a Clinton appointee to a judgeship; a staff member in Clinton’s office; a well-known judge’s wife, a reporter, a sales clerk, etc. One affair with a black prostitute allegedly produced a “love child” who is unmistakably stamped as a Clinton.

Arkansas State Trooper Larry D. Brown (who was engaged to Chelsea’s nanny) swore that he personally procured hundreds of women for Bill’s sexual pleasure!

It seems most powerful men need adulation, admiration, and affection from fawning, fickle, fervent, if not faithful, women. And these men have controlled our destiny!

While Stormy weather is ahead for President Trump, I hope it doesn’t sink the Ship of State!

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Muslim Invasion

The Fuse is Burning!

by Don Boys, Ph.D.

Muslim Invasion

Muslin Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is an interesting, informative, and for the politically correct and infuriating read. Islam, Muslims, immigration, Jihad, Sharia, and the war against our civilization, culture, and creed is a present reality. Gutless public officials are selling us short either by complicity with the enemy or due to a doctrinaire commitment to idiotic tolerance ideology. Whatever the case, citizens must stand up against the invasion now before it is to late. The author suggests that the fuse is burning and the results will end in a complete upheaval of America and every free nation, unless we act now. Forget the lame stream media. Forget Obama. Common sense mandates, our very survival demands that we act NOW to keep America from going off the cliff; This book promises to be a life changing read.

Purchase Now from Amazon

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