America is Now Run by Liberals, Looneys, Lackeys, and Losers—Looks More Like a Second-Rate Circus!
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]By Don Boys, Ph.D.
American elections have had a wacky, wild, and wooly history with all kinds of corruption from stuffed ballot boxes to buying votes to voting multiple times, to dead people voting (almost always for Democrats) and miscounting of ballots. Joe Stalin is credited with saying, “The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” Stalin was a Communist in Russia not a Democrat in Georgia.
Some cynics would say, “A rose by any other name is still a rose.” Or a skunk called a wobbet still stinks to high Heaven.
But then, there is not much difference between Democrats and most Republicans. As Huey Long said, “The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is one is skinning you from ankles up while the other skins you from the neck down.”
You’re still skinned.
Others would say that Stalin, while a brutal dictator, was correct. Counting the votes was the secret to winning the election in 2020. Talk to people in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona.
Mickey Mouse gets write-in votes during every presidential election in the United States, and I’m convinced he would not have done worse than some who got elected. He would have done much better than Goofy. (You do your own identification. It will be easy.)
The most tragic election feat involved Aaron Burr, the sitting vice president (from 1801 to 1805), who killed his political rival Alexander Hamilton in an illegal duel. Burr was never tried, and all charges against him were dropped. It seems friends in high places plus accrued political favors have often thwarted justice. In 1807, Burr was arrested on charges of treason. While he was brought to trial more than once for an alleged plot to create an independent country led by himself, he was acquitted each time.
Less dangerous was Congressman Hank Johnson, Democrat from Georgia who declared in a hearing about sending military troops to Guam, “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”
Now you know why the Democrat Party is represented by a jackass.
A mule won the election for the Republican precinct committeemule in Milton, Washington in 1938. It seems unusual that a relative of an actual donkey could win a Republican office. It was rather easy since he ran unopposed and was put up for election by the town’s Democrat mayor.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat from Texas is known as the “meanest” member of the House by Washingtonian magazine because she allegedly berates her staff, throws her cell phone, and requires them to perform inane tasks, such as bringing her garlic supplements at 2 A.M. She also believes that the Constitution is 400 years old, and that Vietnam is still divided into North and South.
This year’s midterm elections thrust a large number of shocking politicians into office, one of the strangest and bizarre was New Hampshire electing the first openly transgender representative Stacie Laughton, in spite of his,her,its long criminal record. The honorable state rep compounded the issue when he was arrested the second time for stalking a woman who had a protective order. A fellow Democrat said of Stacie, “She’s basically a good person” The state has no mechanism to remove a convicted fellow from office!
In the U.S., there are more than 519,000 elected positions in city, county, state, and nation, and of that number, 1090 identify as LGBTQ zealots. The Rainbow Flag, an international symbol of LGBT liberation and pride, was illuminated on the White House on June 26, 2015, to commemorate the legalization of same-sex marriages in all 50 U.S. states.
Recently, Biden signed into law a bill that forces each state to enshrine same-sex marriage rights at the federal level. It is strangely known as the Marriage Protection Act of 2022.
The Homosexual Lobby boasts that 1,043 elected officials in the U.S. openly identify as LGBTQ+. Moreover, 22 states have more LGBTQ+ elected officials than they did in 2021, “while 10 states have less.”
Sam Brinton, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition is Biden’s representative in a nuclear waste job in his Department of Energy. But Sam has some baggage that would seem to disqualify him from any office especially one in the Federal Government. He is “married” to Kevin Rieck with whom he pretends to be an animal (pup-play) according to Metro Weekly.
Sam said, “by day I work to save lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth from suicide, and by night I work to save the world from nuclear waste-related environmental disaster.”
The world’s future rests upon the work of a dude married to another dude, both pretending to be puppies! Wow!
An official declared, “You might not expect a nuclear engineering graduate from MIT to be strolling through the White House in stilettos, but that is part of the reason Sam does it.”
Hopefully, Sam will not be walking the halls of the White House much longer since he was charged with stealing an expensive suitcase from an airport carousel. He claimed it was an accident although he kept it for weeks before his arrest.
Biden has him on leave whereas he should be in the unemployment line after an extended stint in the pokey. The White House will not disclose whether or not he is still being paid his generous salary.
The voters of Pennsylvania sent John Fetterman to the U.S. Senate who had a recent stroke and has trouble speaking. John began his victory speech with, “Yeah, I uh – I’m – I’m not really sure really what to say right now, my goodness,” and “I am uh – yeah.” That man will make laws that will influence your life and the national and international affairs of our nation. However, his ever-present wife has indicated she is willing to fill his shoes if he can’t function as a Senator.
Such devotion and patriotism.
Fetterman defeated Republican Mehmet Oz who would have been the nation’s first Muslim senator had he won. Oz lost because fellow Muslims rejected him because he was not Muslim enough. He claimed to be a “secular” Muslim. While state conservatives were disappointed with Oz’s loss, “82 Muslim candidates swept up local, state, federal and judicial seats in 25 states,” a report from the Jetpac Resource Center and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) found.
Those Muslim winners range from local boards of education and city councils to the U.S. House of Representatives and add to the numerous Muslims appointed to positions in local, state, and federal government. More than 70 Muslims serve in the Biden administration and have an impact on your daily life.
Get used to it. Islam is in your future.
Ohio, Maine, Illinois, and Texas all elected their first Muslim state legislators while Georgia sent its first two Muslims to the state senate and house and elected two other Muslim Americans to office.
Muslim Americans won at least 83 seats across local, state, and federal midterm elections in 2020, 71 Muslims were elected to public office. I wonder how many non-Muslims are serving in the governments of Muslim-run nations in the Middle East.
Clark County, Nevada has a County Commissioner who answers “yes” to the question if he is a “minor-attracted person”! Of course, that means he is a pedophile. He also saw nothing wrong with drag queen events where children made up most of the audience. But no problem, the people had spoken.
Earl Wood of Florida died just before election day but won office as Orange County Tax Collector. Charles Beasley of Alabama ran for Bibb County Commissioner and won following his death!
Evidently, Alabamians thought a dead Republican was better than a live Democrat.
Jenny Oropeza was a candidate for the California Senate, died and won by a landslide.
So, merrily we stumble along to democracy’s demise, following behind those good ole boys from the Democrat clubhouse in Chicago. Just before an election, two of the Democrat Party’s finest were in a graveyard in the middle of the night, copying names from tombstones to bring them back to life in time for the onrushing Chicago election.
Or so the story goes.
One of them got a row, then two rows behind in his work of getting dead voters. “What’s the matter?” shouted the name-taker in the lead. “Hurry it up, will you?”
His teammate who was lagging behind complained, “The name on this tombstone is one of those long complicated ones, probably Polish.”
“Well,” shouted the other, “Forget about that one. Go on to the next one.”
In a burst of righteous democratic zeal, the laggard yelled, “What do you mean, ‘Go on to the next one’? This guy has as much right to vote as anybody else in here!”
And history marches on.
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)
“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” John Bunyan, Baptist Preacher
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Muslim Invasion
The Fuse is Burning!
by Don Boys, Ph.D.

Muslin Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is an interesting, informative, and for the politically correct and infuriating read. Islam, Muslims, immigration, Jihad, Sharia, and the war against our civilization, culture, and creed is a present reality. Gutless public officials are selling us short either by complicity with the enemy or due to a doctrinaire commitment to idiotic tolerance ideology. Whatever the case, citizens must stand up against the invasion now before it is to late. The author suggests that the fuse is burning and the results will end in a complete upheaval of America and every free nation, unless we act now. Forget the lame stream media. Forget Obama. Common sense mandates, our very survival demands that we act NOW to keep America from going off the cliff; This book promises to be a life changing read.
Posted in: elections
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