Black Power – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Informed and Honest Blacks Don’t Celebrate Kwanzaa! Thu, 16 Dec 2021 17:13:28 +0000 Of course, honest and dishonest Blacks can celebrate Ground Hog Day if they choose; however, they should know what they are celebrating. Ronald Everett, the founder of Kwanzaa, has conned academia, the media, a small segment of Americans, and a substantial number of Blacks. Ron was born in Parsonsburg, Maryland, the fourteenth child in the family. His father was a tenant farmer and Baptist minister.  Everett moved to Los Angeles in 1959, joining his older brother, who was a teacher there.

During this period, he took the name Karenga (Swahili for keeper of tradition) and the title Maulana (Swahili-Arabic for master teacher).  It seems humility is not one of the principles of Kwanzaa’s founder.

Following the Watts Riots in 1965, Karenga (Ron Everett) organized US or United Slaves that meant “US black people,” and he credited Malcolm X’s Afro-American Unity program as a big influence for his group’s group existence. Their silly motto is “Anywhere we are, Us is.”

During the early years of Kwanzaa, Karenga said that it was meant to be an “oppositional alternative” to Christmas (gift-giving) and Judaism (using a seven-branch candle-holder that evokes Judaism’s menorah); however, as it became more popular, it has morphed into a special day for Blacks–non-thinking Blacks. The holiday begins Dec. 26 until Jan. 1, and the celebrations often include songs and dances, storytelling, poetry reading, and a large meal. On each of the seven nights, the family gathers, and a child lights one of the candles on a candle holder, followed by a discussion of one of the seven principles.

At first blush, this may seem to be a useful tool in strengthening black families, but it is a racist, bigoted, make-believe holiday founded by a deranged white hater. In his 30-page booklet, The Quotable Karenga, Karenga wrote, “The sevenfold path of blackness is think black, talk black, act black, create black, buy black, vote black, and live black.”  Wonder what would happen if I suggested the same thing but changed the word black to white?

Karenga admitted in a Washington Post interview in 1978, “People think it’s African, but it’s not. I came up with Kwanzaa because black people in this country wouldn’t celebrate it if they knew it was American. Also, I put it around Christmas because I know that’s when a lot of bloods would be partying.”  Bloods is a 1960’s California slang term for black people but is now a gang term.

As racial disturbances spread across the country in the late 1960s, Karenga appeared at a series of black power conferences, joining other groups in urging the establishment of a separate political structure for Blacks. His United Slaves became a target of the FBI and was put on a series of lists describing it as dangerous, revolutionary, and committed to armed struggle in the Black Power Movement.

United Slaves engaged in violent competition with the Black Panther Party in their claim to be the voice of the black revolutionary movement. This conflict for leadership with Blacks eventually led to a shootout at UCLA in 1969. During that confrontation, two Panthers were killed, and a member of their youth group (Simba, meaning young lions) was shot in the back. Two more Panthers were murdered after the UCLA shootout when Panthers and US members came in conflict with each other.

Interestingly, Karenga lists his many awards in his official biography (where none of his criminal activities are mentioned), but he does mention an Outstanding Humanitarian Award; however, I doubt that the two women who were stripped naked and had a hot soldering iron used on them would agree that he qualified as “humanitarian.” But that’s another article.

In 1975, Karenga dropped his cultural nationalist views and converted to Marxism.

People in academia, the media, and the general public developed selective amnesia, and the convicted felon became a celebrated Black leader.

To further substantiate Karenga’s radical racial agenda, he delivered a eulogy at the 2001 funeral service of New Black Panther Party leader Khalid Abdul Muhammad, praising him for his organizing activities and commitment to black empowerment. In 1993 Khalid gave a speech at Kean College in Union Township, New Jersey, in which Muhammad referred to Jews as bloodsuckers; labeled the Pope a “no-good cracker,” and advocated the murder of any and all white South Africans who would not leave the nation after a warning period of 24 hours. Such is the dude that Karenga eulogized, but then they were “cut out of the same cloth.”

Ron Everett, aka Maulana Karenga, is a Black bigot, hater of Whites, and convicted felon. Along the way, he managed to flimflam enough people to garner some unmerited respectability. However, he is of the same ilk as Louis Farrakhan, and I don’t like haters, whatever their color or race, or religion.

None of my informed black friends will be celebrating Kwanzaa.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)



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Have Blacks Been Deceived About Kwanzaa? Fri, 18 Dec 2015 03:23:14 +0000 About this time of year, millions of Blacks will celebrate Kwanzaa and will give the Pledge to the Kwanzaa Flag: “We pledge allegiance to the red, black, and green, our flag, the symbol of our eternal struggle, and to the land we must obtain; one nation of black people, with one god of us all, totally united in the struggle, for black love, black freedom, and black self-determination.”

The Kwanzaa Information Center also notes that the Kwanzaa flag “has become the symbol of devotion for African people in America to establish an independent African nation on the North American Continent.” Say what?

Only a fool, fraud, or fanatic can make such a pledge. But I’m not supposed to say that since I’m white.

Let me state the obvious: If Blacks (or anyone else) want to celebrate Kwanzaa that is their right; however, it is my right to set the record straight. Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday, nor is it a traditional “African thing.” Moreover, it is grounded in violence, corruption, and deceit. Furthermore, it has an admitted humanist foundation, so professing Christians should not go near the thing.

Yes, I know the U.S. Postal service issued a stamp honoring Kwanzaa but that only proves how shallow, senseless, and stupid the Postal Service is. And yes, the New York Times and other major journals have positively pitched Kwanzaa. (See previous sentence.) Those people are wearing the “merit badge” of political correctness. In fact, they flaunt it.

It was December 26, 1966 that Ron Karenga and his family and friends lit a candle at the kick-off of Kwanzaa, a new holiday to remember their African roots. However, Karenga admitted to the Washington Post that Kwanzaa was not African and they hated whites. Karenga wrote what I call the mission statement for Kwanzaa fanatics: “The sevenfold path of blackness is think black, talk black, act black, create black, buy black, vote black, and live black.” That is black separatism and racism to the core. Let me suggest it should be “Think American, talk American, act American, create American, buy American, vote American and live American.”

While some of the “seven principles” (unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith) of Kwanzaa are commendable, they must be read within the total socialist, Marxist, and anti-white context in which they were developed by a very unstable guy.

To put the founding of Kwanzaa in perspective, remember during this period, President John Kennedy was assassinated (1963) followed by his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King. Hippies were protesting the Vietnam War and many burned their draft cards and fled to Canada. Dr. Timothy Leary convinced thousands of youth to use illegal drugs (especially LSD) using the phrase,” Turn on, tune in, drop out.” When he finally dropped out and assumed room temperature, his remains were cremated and shot into space where they still orbit the earth. Leary is still going around and around and around without the help of any drug! And he’s still high!

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed giving Blacks the right to jobs, college enrollment, access to public restrooms, etc., and many Blacks overreacted and promoted “Black Power.” Some black leaders such as Malcolm X were intent on the eventual creation of a separate black American nation in the U.S. or Western hemisphere. Malcolm, Karenga and other leaders wanted black independence and separation from Whites.

The Black Panther Party was formed in Oakland, CA by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in 1966 to protect blacks and black neighborhoods from “police brutality.” However, those goals changed with time. While the party was always socialist, it became more vicious and violent. They and other black groups spewed bigotry, intolerance, hatred, sexism, anti-Semitism, dogmatic historical revisionism, and violence throughout North America. Many black nationalists exemplified more hatred for Whites than love of their own race. Most Black Nationalist leaders were critical of Martin Luther King’s stated nonviolent approach to civil rights and sarcastically called him, “De Lawd.”

Into such an atmosphere, entered Ron Karenga, founder of United Slaves (a violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers) and a dupe of the FBI. The tension between the Black Panthers and the United Slaves reached the highest level over who would head up the new Afro-American Studies department at UCLA. Each radical group supported different candidates.

Then on January 17, 1969, fewer than 200 students gathered on the UCLA campus to discuss their differences. During the meeting John Jerome Huggins and Alprentice Carter of the Panthers verbally attacked Karenga, much to the dismay of his followers. After the meeting two United Slave members, George and Larry Stiner, confronted Huggins and Carter in a hallway and shot and killed them. The fat was in the fire.

George and Larry finally were sentenced to life in San Quentin prison but in 1975, the two brothers, fearing an alleged retaliatory plot by white prison guards, escaped from San Quentin (with help from a black prison guard) and fled to Suriname. In 1994, Larry turned himself in to United States officials and returned to America but the whereabouts of George is still unknown.

As the smoke was clearing from the shootout at UCLA, the chancellor Charles E. Young actually said: “The students here have handled themselves in an absolutely impeccable manner. They have been concerned.” Well, yes, I suppose there would be much concern with two angry black groups more heavily armed that Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday at the O.K. Corral. Political correctness way back then! Of course PC is simply shorthand for cowardice.

On September 17, 1971, Ron Karenga was sentenced one to ten years in the slammer on counts of felonious assault and false imprisonment. The charges stemmed from a May 9, 1970 incident in which Karenga and two others tortured two women. According to the Los Angeles Times “Deborah Jones, who once was given the title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis’ mouth.”

At his trial, Ron Karenga’s sanity was in question and a psychiatrist declared, “This man now represents a picture which can be considered both paranoid and schizophrenic with hallucinations and delusions, inappropriate affect, disorganization, and impaired contact with the environment.” The psychiatrist observed that Karenga talked to his blanket and imaginary persons and believed that he had been attacked by dive-bombers!

My three-year-old grandson also talked to his blanket, had imaginary friends, and believed he had been attacked by peg-legged, one-eyed Caribbean pirates but he has not been offered a position at a major university as was Karenga! Eight years later, California State University at Long Beach made Karenga the head of its Black Studies Department! I think he should be making license plates in a state prison.

Blacks can celebrate whatever they choose but I will remind them that if it is Kwanzaa, they celebrate a “holiday” that was designed by a hateful, bigoted, black Marxist who reportedly talks to his blanket, has imaginary friends, and believed he was attacked by dive-bombers! Watch out, they’re coming out of the clouds at the two o’clock position!

Maybe Blacks and Whites should be more careful in choosing their holidays and their heroes.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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Should Honest Blacks Celebrate Kwanzaa? Mon, 14 Dec 2015 01:25:29 +0000 Of course Blacks, honest and dishonest, can celebrate Ground Hog Day if they choose; however, they should know what they are celebrating. Ron Everett, the founder of Kwanzaa, has conned academia, the media, a small segment of Americans and a substantial number of Blacks. Ron was born in Parsonsburg, Maryland, the fourteenth child in the family. His father was a tenant farmer and Baptist minister. Everett moved to Los Angeles in 1959, joining his older brother who was a teacher there.

During this period he took the name Karenga (Swahili for “keeper of tradition”) and the title Maulana (Swahili-Arabic for “master teacher”). It seems humility is not one of the principles of Kwanzaa’s founder.

Following the Watts Riots in 1965, Karenga (Ron Everett) organized US or United Slaves that meant “US black people” and he gave credit to Malcolm X’s Afro-American Unity program as an influence for his group’s existence. Their silly motto is “Anywhere we are, Us is.”

During the early years of Kwanzaa, Karenga said that it was meant to be an “oppositional alternative” to Christmas (gift giving) and Judaism (using a seven branch candle-holder that evokes Judaism’s menorah); however, as it became more popular it has morphed into a special day for Blacks–non-thinking Blacks. The holiday begins Dec. 26 until Jan. 1 and the celebrations often include songs and dances, storytelling, poetry reading, and a large meal. On each of the seven nights, the family gathers and a child lights one of the candles on a candleholder, followed by discussion of one of the seven principles.

At first blush this may seem to be a useful tool in strengthening black families but it is a racist, bigoted, make-believe holiday founded by a deranged white-hater. In his 30-page booklet The Quotable Karenga, Karenga wrote “The sevenfold path of blackness is think black, talk black, act black, create black, buy black, vote black, and live black”? Wonder what would happen if I suggested the same thing but changed the word black to white?

Karenga admitted in a Washington Post interview in 1978, “People think it’s African, but it’s not. I came up with Kwanzaa because black people in this country wouldn’t celebrate it if they knew it was American. Also, I put it around Christmas because I know that’s when a lot of bloods would be partying.” Bloods is a 1960’s California slang term for black people but is now a gang term.

As racial disturbances spread across the country in the late 1960s, Karenga appeared at a series of black power conferences, joining other groups in urging the establishment of a separate political structure for Blacks. His United Slaves became a target of the FBI and was put on a series of lists describing it as dangerous, revolutionary, and committed to armed struggle in the Black Power Movement.

United Slaves engaged in violent competition with the Black Panther Party in their claim to be the voice of black revolutionary movement. This conflict for leadership position with Blacks eventually led to a shoot-out at UCLA in 1969. During that confrontation, two Panthers were killed and a member of their youth group (Simba, meaning young lions) was shot in the back. Following the UCLA shootout, two more Panthers were murdered when Panthers and US members came in conflict with each other.

It is interesting that Karenga lists his many awards in his official biography (where none of his criminal activities are mentioned) but he does mention an Outstanding Humanitarian Award; however, I doubt that the two women who were stripped naked and had a hot soldering iron used on them would agree that he qualified as “humanitarian.” (Details in next column.)

In 1975, Karenga dropped his cultural nationalist views and converted to Marxism.

It seems people in academia, the media, and general public developed selective amnesia and the convicted felon became a celebrated Black leader.

To further substantiate Karenga’s radical racial agenda, he delivered a eulogy at the 2001 funeral service of New Black Panther Party leader Khalid Abdul Muhammad, praising him for his organizing activities and commitment to black empowerment. In 1993 Khalid gave a speech at Kean College in Union Township, New Jersey, in which Muhammad referred to Jews as bloodsuckers; labeled the Pope a “no-good cracker”; and advocated the murder of any and all white South Africans who would not leave the nation subsequent to a warning period of 24 hours. Such is the dude that Karenga eulogized but then they were “cut out of the same cloth.”

Ron Everett, aka Maulana Karenga is a Black bigot, hater of Whites, and convicted felon. Along the way he managed to flimflam enough people to garner some unmerited respectability. However, to me he is of the same ilk as Louis Farrakhan and I don’t like haters no matter their color or race.

None of my informed black friends will be celebrating Kwanzaa.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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Blacks Have Been Conned About Kwanzaa! Thu, 26 Dec 2013 15:49:20 +0000 Let me state the obvious: If Blacks (or anyone else) want to celebrate Kwanzaa, that is their right; however, it is my right to set the record straight. Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday or a traditional “African thing.” Moreover, it is grounded in violence, corruption, and deceit. Furthermore, it has an admitted humanist foundation, so professing Christians should not go near the thing. Neither should black Americans!

Yes, I know the U.S. Postal service issued a stamp honoring Kwanzaa, but that only proves how shallow and stupid the Postal Service is. And yes, the New York Times and other major journals have positively pitched Kwanzaa. (See the previous sentence.) Those people are wearing the “merit badge” of political correctness, and in fact, they flaunt it.

It was December 26, 1966, that Ron Karenga and his family and friends lit a candle at the kick-off of Kwanzaa, a new holiday to remember their African roots. However, Karenga admitted to the Washington Post that Kwanzaa was not African and hated whites. Karenga wrote what I call the mission statement for Kwanzaa fanatics: “The sevenfold path of blackness is think black, talk black, act black, create black, buy black, vote black, and live black.” That is black separatism and racism to the core. Let me suggest it should be “Think American, talk American, act American, create American, buy American, vote American and live American.”

While some of the “seven principles” (unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith) of Kwanzaa seem commendable, they must be read within the total socialist, Marxist, and the anti-white context in which they were developed by a very unstable guy.

The Kwanzaa Information Center also notes that the Kwanzaa flag “has become the symbol of devotion for African people in America to establish an independent African nation on the North American Continent.”

Remember during the 1960s, President John Kennedy was assassinated, followed by his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King. Hippies protested the Vietnam War, and many burned their draft cards and fled to Canada. Timothy Leary convinced thousands of youths to use illegal drugs (especially LSD) using the phrase, “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” When he dropped out and assumed room temperature, his remains were cremated and shot into space, where they still orbit the earth.  Leary is still “high” and going around and around and around without the help of any drug!

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed giving Blacks the right to jobs, college enrollment, access to public restrooms, etc., and many Blacks overreacted and promoted “Black Power.” Some black leaders like Malcolm X were intent on creating a separate black American nation in the U.S. or Western hemisphere. He and other leaders wanted black independence and freedom from dependence upon Whites.

The Black Panther Party was formed in Oakland, CA, by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in 1966 to protect blacks and black neighborhoods from “police brutality.” However, those lofty goals changed with time. While the party was always socialist, it became more vicious and violent. They and other black groups spewed bigotry, intolerance, hatred, sexism, anti-Semitism, dogmatic historical revisionism, and violence throughout North America. Many black nationalists exemplified more hatred for whites than a love of their own race. Most Black Nationalist leaders were critical of Martin Luther King’s professed nonviolent approach to civil rights and sarcastically called him “De Lawd.”

Into such an atmosphere entered Ron Karenga, founder of United Slaves (a violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers) and a dupe of the FBI. The tension between the Black Panthers and the United Slaves reached the highest level over who would head up the new Afro-American Studies department at UCLA. Each radical group supported different candidates.

Then on January 17, 1969, fewer than 200 students gathered on the UCLA campus to discuss their differences. During the meeting, John Jerome Huggins and Alprentice Carter of the Panthers verbally attacked Karenga, much to the dismay of his followers. After the meeting, two United Slave members, George and Larry Stiner, confronted Huggins and Carter in a hallway and shot and killed them, and the fat was in the fire.

George and Larry finally were sentenced to life in San Quentin prison. In 1975, the two brothers, fearing an alleged retaliatory plot by white prison guards, escaped from San Quentin (with help from a black prison guard) fled to Suriname. In 1994, Larry turned himself in to United States officials and returned to America, but George’s whereabouts are still unknown.

On September 17, 1971, Ron Karenga was sentenced to one to ten years to the slammer on felonious assault and false imprisonment counts. The charges stemmed from a May 9, 1970 incident in which Karenga and two others tortured two women. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Deborah Jones, who once was given the title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis’ mouth.”

At his trial, Ron Karenga’s sanity was in question, and a psychiatrist declared, “This man now represents a picture which can be considered both paranoid and schizophrenic with hallucinations and elusions, inappropriate affect, disorganization, and impaired contact with the environment.” The psychiatrist observed that Karenga talked to his blanket and imaginary persons and believed he had been attacked by dive-bombers!

My two-year-old grandson also speaks to his blanket, has imaginary friends, and believes he has been attacked by peg-legged, one-eyed Caribbean pirates, but he has not been offered a position at a major university as was Karenga! Eight years later, California State University at Long Beach made Karenga the head of its Black Studies Department! I think he should be making license plates in a state prison.

Blacks can celebrate whatever they choose, but I will remind them that if it is Kwanzaa, they recognize a “holiday” designed by a hateful, bigoted, black Marxist who reportedly talks to his blanket and has imaginary friends and believed he was attacked by dive-bombers! Watch out, they’re coming out of the clouds at the two o’clock position!

Maybe Blacks and Whites should be more careful in choosing their holidays and heroes.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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