Farrakhan – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Hymns of Hate from Black Leaders! https://donboys.cstnews.com/hymns-of-hate-from-black-leaders https://donboys.cstnews.com/hymns-of-hate-from-black-leaders#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2022 18:45:47 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3184 By Don Boys, Ph.D.

A few years ago, I thought a racist was a person—black, white, or polka dot—who disliked someone of another race because they were of another race. Of course, that’s hardly their fault. However, from the major media, it seems I have been wrong all along. It seems Blacks cannot be racists, and whites are always racists —because they were born into whiteness.

Racism is the blackjack used in an attempt to beat Whites and Conservative Blacks (called Uncle Toms by black racists) into submission. Black fanatics seeking an audience, advancement, and an advantage, usually look through rage-colored glasses. Moreover, I have been convinced in recent years that Black leaders are America’s most irresponsible, insincere, and inept people. They have surrendered any modicum of honesty to the god of wokeism. They will say anything, take any position, and support any person without consideration for their courage or cowardice, compassion or cruelty, facts or fantasy, or honor or hokum.

And white politicians, pundits, preachers, professors, and the press with enormous influence are too gutless to condemn their insanity and, in some cases, their insincerity.

Martin Luther King’s 1967 “The Other America” speech at Stanford University was two years after California and Harlem’s race riots. King vainly tried to explain the cause of rioting and looting to his mainly white audience. He said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” No, rioting, looting, and burning are the results of destructive, devious, and demented minds and cannot be justified. King was not ridiculed for such a stupid statement because of his special status.

It is time for Blacks to look at where they are in America—not in bondage, not on a plantation, not second class but in the best situation they have ever been. They are free and have more prestige, power, possessions, property, and presence than at any time in their history. Many Blacks are in far better circumstances than ordinary white people. However, the rhetoric of their leaders does not indicate that reality.

Instead, many black leaders pretend Blacks live on an antebellum plantation waiting hand and foot on a vile, vicious, and violent Simon Legree.  While chattel slavery can never be justified, all slave owners were not so stupid as to kill those who did their plantation work. All Blacks are not heroes, nor are all Whites zeros.

History is full of dishonest, dishonorable, and devious Blacks that were charlatans—and worse.

LeRoi Jones declared, “they [Whites] owe us everything, including their lives.” It is astounding that anyone, especially Blacks, would consider that dude an icon of black history. However, Blacks are very careless and seem to support almost any popular Black, no matter how vile, vicious, or violent they are.

It seems color, not character is the deciding factor when choosing heroes.

Marcus Garvey, a famous Black leader, declared, “Every student of history, of impartial mind, knows that the Negro ruled the world when white men were savages and barbarians living in caves; that thousands of Negro professors at that time taught in the universities of Alexandria, then the seat of learning—that ancient Egypt gave to the world civilization and that Greece and Rome have robbed Egypt of her arts and letters, and taken all the credit to themselves.”

His inaccurate, incredible, and insane tirade continued: “It is not surprising, however, that white men should resort to every means to keep Negroes in ignorance of their history. It would be a great shock to their pride to admit to the world today that 3,000 years ago black men excelled in government and were the founders and teachers of art, science and literature.”

The racism in the above statement is only exceeded by his ignorance or his deliberate lies in rewriting history. Every informed Black should be embarrassed by his stupid comment, but I don’t know any civil rights leader who condemned his diatribe.

Of course, reversing Black and White would still be untrue.

I don’t mean to be unkind, but it is undisputed that Blacks are the only group in America who have not risen as a group during their tenure. Compare them to the Irish, Jews, Mexicans, Asians, Germans, Italians, and others. But I suppose it is racism to report that uncomfortable reality. Sure, numerous Blacks are very successful, but as a group, they have worsened.

Louis Farrakhan declared, “The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman, or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”

Yet, Farrakhan, an outspoken Jew-hater, has been courted and promoted by numerous white and black leaders who consider him untouchable. Tragically, he has wasted his life being fat, racist, and stupid. But then, he does always dress well in costly clothes. Significantly, Joe Biden attended the funeral of a Capitol Hill Police Officer who was killed by a supporter of  Farrakhan and then participated in a meeting with supporters of Louis Farrakhan.

Such inane action proves Biden does not abide by my historical friend Bill Shakespeare’s statement, “Consistency, thou art a jewel.” In kindness, Biden’s excuse could be he has sadly slipped into the shadows of senility. However, that doesn’t excuse his advisors, his wife, and leaders of the Democrat Party for putting him in a position that exposes his pathetic recklessness.

Another black leader wrote, “Everywhere the white man may be, even in Europe, the earth belongs to the Black Man.” He also declared, “The Time of the Rise of the Black Man of America is NOW!”

The film “Why Don’t We Murder More White People” aired at a San Francisco museum for a month. A description of the film depicted it as “an examination of whiteness, its unassailable immortality, and how it permeates our daily lives.” It tells us that whiteness is violence, and that Whites are born “inherently evil.” One person said, “I think if you’re not supporting people of color and to end white supremacy, and you’re neutral, or you are that person that’s perpetrating it, then you shouldn’t — I think you deserve harm.”

Your tax dollars produced the film. Wonder what would happen if I suggested that police should kill more Blacks. Oh, I see. That’s different. Blacks can’t be racist, and we must forgive their racist ranting and only smile at their pathetic swaggering, breast-beating antics.

Black zealot Damon Young admitted he “Recite[s] the Lord’s Prayer with my family. But instead of ending it with ‘Amen,’ adds, ‘and then kill whitey.’” What apparent hypocrisy (and blasphemy) and such action in the presence of children is blatant child abuse.

Biden’s nominee to head the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Kristen Clarke, wrote, among other things, that “Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites” and “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities.” When she said that, no one yelled “racism” and demanded she be rejected. To their credit, all Republican senators except Susan Collins of Maine voted against her. Were those Republicans racists, or were the supporting Democrats racists?

I suppose it is bigotry for me to remind Kristen that only 16 Blacks have won Nobel Prizes, and 12 of those were awarded the easy-to-qualify-for Peace Prize. You know Obama, Mandela, King, Bunch, Tutu, etc. Since the desired prize began in 1901, 954 individuals (including 61 women) have received a Nobel Prize, so do we accuse the leftist Nobel Committee of racism?

When I hear such insane, inaccurate, and intolerable pronouncements as Kristen’s, I immediately think it is all a joke, or someone is clinically insane, or maybe only the spouting of a certified idiot. Obviously, truth is being sacrificed at the altar of pretended tolerance. It appears Kristen is incompetent even though she graduated from Harvard and Columbia Law School, which may tell you how far those schools have degenerated.

If I were a trustee of one of those schools, I would demand the return of her degree.

Race hustler Ibram X Kendi (born Henry Rogers) attacked Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a “white colonizer” for adopting two Haitian children. According to the jerk (Kendi, not Barrett), the justice thought such action would protect her from charges of racial bigotry.

Does any lucid person believe a prominent white family would adopt black children to score points with the woke crowd? Isn’t it possible, just possible, that the Barrett family loves children and wants to give desperate black kids an incredible opportunity to be loved and reared for personal success?

WorldNetDaily reported on the racism of a New York Times writer who believes white people are “bloodsuckers” and “barbaric devils.” Nikole Hannah-Jones, the reporter behind the New York Times’ 1619 Project declared America was “founded to preserve slavery.” She recently demanded and was paid a $40,000 fee for a speech at a Virginia high school. I might consider listening to her speech if I received a $40 listening fee. But on second thought, I would not. Hannah-Jones has proved to be a farce and a fraud and far from factual, in my opinion.

Is it racism to disclaim, dislike, and disparage the black subculture—what passes as music, living on welfare for generations, absent fathers, high prison incarceration, corrupted English, etc.? It is not racism to point out that Blacks are the only minority in U.S. History who has failed to improve after many generations; liberal politicians (mostly Democrats) are the reason.

Nigerian-born rap artist Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable believes only white people can be racists and called for his fans to “shoot” white people while urging, “Take them as slaves and treat them even worse.” He added, “We’ll take their bitches and we’ll take their money. To be perfectly honest, we will be the best race ever. We are African warriors, they are not on our level. This is just the beginning, black power.” Making the shape of a gun with his hand, Conable asserted, “If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk **** about you, shoot them! If they talk **** about your family, shoot them!”

If racist Blacks have their way, your future will forever be a boot on your face. Wishing does no good, but many Americans wish their ancestors would have picked their own cotton.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  John Bunyan, Baptist Preacher

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Informed and Honest Blacks Don’t Celebrate Kwanzaa! https://donboys.cstnews.com/informed-and-honest-blacks-dont-celebrate-kwanzaa https://donboys.cstnews.com/informed-and-honest-blacks-dont-celebrate-kwanzaa#respond Thu, 16 Dec 2021 17:13:28 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2992 Of course, honest and dishonest Blacks can celebrate Ground Hog Day if they choose; however, they should know what they are celebrating. Ronald Everett, the founder of Kwanzaa, has conned academia, the media, a small segment of Americans, and a substantial number of Blacks. Ron was born in Parsonsburg, Maryland, the fourteenth child in the family. His father was a tenant farmer and Baptist minister.  Everett moved to Los Angeles in 1959, joining his older brother, who was a teacher there.

During this period, he took the name Karenga (Swahili for keeper of tradition) and the title Maulana (Swahili-Arabic for master teacher).  It seems humility is not one of the principles of Kwanzaa’s founder.

Following the Watts Riots in 1965, Karenga (Ron Everett) organized US or United Slaves that meant “US black people,” and he credited Malcolm X’s Afro-American Unity program as a big influence for his group’s group existence. Their silly motto is “Anywhere we are, Us is.”

During the early years of Kwanzaa, Karenga said that it was meant to be an “oppositional alternative” to Christmas (gift-giving) and Judaism (using a seven-branch candle-holder that evokes Judaism’s menorah); however, as it became more popular, it has morphed into a special day for Blacks–non-thinking Blacks. The holiday begins Dec. 26 until Jan. 1, and the celebrations often include songs and dances, storytelling, poetry reading, and a large meal. On each of the seven nights, the family gathers, and a child lights one of the candles on a candle holder, followed by a discussion of one of the seven principles.

At first blush, this may seem to be a useful tool in strengthening black families, but it is a racist, bigoted, make-believe holiday founded by a deranged white hater. In his 30-page booklet, The Quotable Karenga, Karenga wrote, “The sevenfold path of blackness is think black, talk black, act black, create black, buy black, vote black, and live black.”  Wonder what would happen if I suggested the same thing but changed the word black to white?

Karenga admitted in a Washington Post interview in 1978, “People think it’s African, but it’s not. I came up with Kwanzaa because black people in this country wouldn’t celebrate it if they knew it was American. Also, I put it around Christmas because I know that’s when a lot of bloods would be partying.”  Bloods is a 1960’s California slang term for black people but is now a gang term.

As racial disturbances spread across the country in the late 1960s, Karenga appeared at a series of black power conferences, joining other groups in urging the establishment of a separate political structure for Blacks. His United Slaves became a target of the FBI and was put on a series of lists describing it as dangerous, revolutionary, and committed to armed struggle in the Black Power Movement.

United Slaves engaged in violent competition with the Black Panther Party in their claim to be the voice of the black revolutionary movement. This conflict for leadership with Blacks eventually led to a shootout at UCLA in 1969. During that confrontation, two Panthers were killed, and a member of their youth group (Simba, meaning young lions) was shot in the back. Two more Panthers were murdered after the UCLA shootout when Panthers and US members came in conflict with each other.

Interestingly, Karenga lists his many awards in his official biography (where none of his criminal activities are mentioned), but he does mention an Outstanding Humanitarian Award; however, I doubt that the two women who were stripped naked and had a hot soldering iron used on them would agree that he qualified as “humanitarian.” But that’s another article.

In 1975, Karenga dropped his cultural nationalist views and converted to Marxism.

People in academia, the media, and the general public developed selective amnesia, and the convicted felon became a celebrated Black leader.

To further substantiate Karenga’s radical racial agenda, he delivered a eulogy at the 2001 funeral service of New Black Panther Party leader Khalid Abdul Muhammad, praising him for his organizing activities and commitment to black empowerment. In 1993 Khalid gave a speech at Kean College in Union Township, New Jersey, in which Muhammad referred to Jews as bloodsuckers; labeled the Pope a “no-good cracker,” and advocated the murder of any and all white South Africans who would not leave the nation after a warning period of 24 hours. Such is the dude that Karenga eulogized, but then they were “cut out of the same cloth.”

Ron Everett, aka Maulana Karenga, is a Black bigot, hater of Whites, and convicted felon. Along the way, he managed to flimflam enough people to garner some unmerited respectability. However, he is of the same ilk as Louis Farrakhan, and I don’t like haters, whatever their color or race, or religion.

None of my informed black friends will be celebrating Kwanzaa.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)



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Shameless Black Coalition Wants You to Pay for Slavery! https://donboys.cstnews.com/shameless-black-coalition-wants-you-to-pay-for-slavery https://donboys.cstnews.com/shameless-black-coalition-wants-you-to-pay-for-slavery#respond Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:50:55 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2863 The massive injustice done to Blacks during the days of slavery has been haunting America since that time, and it may get worse! Unfortunately, there are black opportunists (called “civil rights leaders” by the uninformed) who are using slavery to demand that all Blacks be awarded massive payments to “atone” for the slavery of more than 150 years ago!

This on-rushing bandwagon (full of explosives) may cause more racial strife than forced busing for school integration! Radical black leaders are demanding that U.S. taxpayers pay the descendants of slaves a suggested $1,000,000 each! And yes, I am serious, but it gets worse because those black leaders are serious.

The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) was established in 1987 and is a gaggle of organizations and individuals organized for the sole purpose of hustling reparations for black descendants in the United States. In February of 2001, hundreds of people attended the Reparations Convention in Chicago, where “Brother Howshua” proposed that blacks receive free education, free medical care, free legal advice, and free financial aid. Additionally, there would be no taxes, and if they wish to emigrate to Africa, they would each receive a million dollars!

Of reparations, The Washington Post admitted, “The subject is scalding hot, untouchable as public policy. Even the brave run from it.” Yes, it is “scalding hot,” but no, I am not running from this illegal, immoral, and incredible shakedown. And, make no mistake, it is just that: a shakedown, a scam of significant proportions.

The reparations scam has been simmering for decades, and it is scalding hot now that Democrats are running things. Many Democrats are for reparations, but then most politicians, to get votes, would promise young, tender missionaries for Sunday dinner to any cannibals in their district. And with the chaos at the southern border, we may have a few cannibals—and they will vote Democrat.

Of course, informed people are dazed and dazzled by their pandering to the lowest common denominator, but few are deceived.

At the National Reparations Convention in Detroit, it was a Muslim love fest with traditional Muslims and Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. Their website says, “You can never be totally free, until Mother Africa is recognized and respected. Free the land!” I have no idea what that means. One Black said when he gets his reparation check, he is going back home to Africa. Well, that would be one positive use of confiscated funds.

At the Detroit meeting, I did not see one white face in the forum of maybe 300 people who want access to your checkbook. Every time N’COBRA was mentioned, the Nation of Islam was mentioned. When the offering was taken, the Muslim leader said, the money would go to the “N’COBRA national movement and the local Nation of Islam.”

Farrakhan agreed, declaring, “Our reparations must be complete and total.” In other words, open your wallets, Whitey. Or, more correctly, give me your checkbook after you sign all the checks. Farrakhan also ranted in one of the most racist diatribes I have ever heard, but no one in the media discussed it. Was it too hot?

Farrakhan was introduced as “one of the greatest leaders in history.” He calmly ranted about Blacks being the original humans until they were corrupted by Whitey. He then said Blacks were “the original man, the cream of the planet, and the absolute God of the Universe.” He declared, “Blacks are liars, thieves, homosexuals, lesbians, etc., because the white man made them that way…And reparations were not only about money.” He asked, “What will a white man’s nigger do with money and no love for himself and his own people?”

Louis used nigger three times, but I’ll be scolded for using it rightly. He said when Blacks reach a certain point of success, “there will be Whites and the system will block any further growth…We want equal justice under the law applied equally to all regardless of creed, class or color…We want a full and complete freedom….”

He did not blame Jewish people for sending the United States to “hell” as he did in another speech. Instead, he warned Jewish people, “when it’s God who puts you in the ovens, it’s forever.” He has also repeatedly described Jewish people as “satanic.”

Farrakhan has a history of making bigoted statements against white people, once declaring that “white people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it” at a Milwaukee event. He also described white people as “potential humans” who “haven’t evolved yet.” In addition, he has said that Hitler was a “great man” overlooking his whiteness.

Farrakhan lives very well off the backs of Blacks. So what’s new? Haven’t most black “leaders” (and some white leaders) done that for generations? Louis has a 77-acre country estate in addition to two posh Chicago homes. For sure, race-baiting pays big time.

The black hustler did not tell the Detroit audience if he is still followed by a monstrous spaceship wherever he goes to protect him from harm. Farrakhan did not tell them that he also saw Elvis, Amelia Earhart, and Jimmy Hoffa on the ship, but had he done so, the crowd would have believed him. After all, “God” cannot lie. Louis told the crowd that the “wheel” ship would one day destroy the white man and bring Blacks into power. He also assured the adoring crowd that 1500 smaller planes from the giant “wheel” follow him at all times.

Now you know why he is called “Screwy Louie.”

How can anyone take such a nut job seriously? Why does the media give him any credibility? It is a major scandal that any politician or any civilized person would consider him anything but a low-life exploiter of naïve, careless, and gullible Blacks. (And of naïve, irresponsible, and gullible media personalities.)

Dr. Maualana Karenga, the founder of Kwanzaa, was a leading promoter of the shakedown conference in Detroit. He said in a N’COBRA convention announcement, “400 years of terror…fear when awake and when asleep… fear being brutalized, fear of being raped.. .nonstop terror committed by this nation…the terror has not stopped…after 400 years of terror, there’s a debt to be paid.”

Karenga’s dishonest demagoguery was deplorable and dangerous, but his rap sheet is more damning.

His legal record is a good introduction to those who don’t know him. On September 17, 1971, Karenga, then known as Ron Karenga, was sentenced to one to ten years in the slammer on counts of felonious assault and false imprisonment. The charges stemmed from a May 9, 1970 incident in which Karenga and two others tortured two women. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Deborah Jones, who once was given the title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis’ mouth.”

Please remember that this is the dude who developed the “African-American holiday” known as Kwanzaa that some Blacks have decided to celebrate instead of Christmas. However, it is not African and for sure not American.

At his trial, Ron Karenga’s sanity was in question, and a psychiatrist declared, “This man now represents a picture which can be considered both paranoid and schizophrenic with hallucinations and delusions, inappropriate affect, disorganization, and impaired contact with the environment.” The psychiatrist observed that Karenga talked to his blanket and imaginary persons and believed that he had been attacked by dive-bombers!

My three-year-old grandson also talked to his blanket, had imaginary friends, and believed he had been attacked by peg-legged, one-eyed Caribbean pirates. Still, he has not been offered a position at a major university, as was Karenga! An irresponsible judge sentenced Karenga to one to ten years in prison; he served four years. Then he went from being a prisoner to a professor at California State University at Long Beach when he became head of its Black Studies Department! I think he should still be in prison making license plates.

Black Lives Matter supports N’COBRA along with Screwy Louie Farrakhan and wacko Karenga, so that should tell you something about the group that wants your money as retribution for slavery they never experienced.

When shrimp learn to whistle Dixie in four-part harmony.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Blacks Should Choose Their Heroes More Carefully! https://donboys.cstnews.com/blacks-should-choose-their-heroes-more-carefully https://donboys.cstnews.com/blacks-should-choose-their-heroes-more-carefully#respond Fri, 04 Sep 2020 15:20:30 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2646 In recent years, many Blacks have made heroes out of thugs, thieves, and thespians simply because black leaders wanted to use the notoriety of famous Blacks in the drive for improvement of black civil rights. It is a fact that such folly is dishonest, disgraceful, and dishonorable to legitimate civil rights. In recent years, non-thinking Blacks have made heroes out of thugs like George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and others who were killed while resisting arrest.

It is normal for each entity—Indians, Whites, Blacks, preachers, teachers, philosophers, etc., to idolize people they look upon as their own kind. Of course, heroes are often chosen who are not heroes at all—more like zeros. I thought of this recently during the protests across America. I realized that we usually jump too quickly to identify with people who echo our own beliefs, and those people are often too flawed to hold up to children without qualifying our recommendation.

Many well-known Blacks and Whites are held up as people to be emulated even though they lived very wicked lives and destroyed themselves by making the wrong decisions as to drugs, education, religion, and associates. Frankly, there is no excuse for that since there are so many Blacks who made an impressive contribution that would be ideal heroes.

Many Blacks have set records and had major accomplishments in athletics yet were tarnished persons whose lives no one should emulate. I can understand why Muhammad Ali is considered a hero. Ali may have been the greatest boxer of all time; however, it is not much of a sport to try to knock out the brains of a man.

Ali was a draft dodger, Black Muslim, serial fornicator, and outspoken, rabid segregationist.

He told the media, “We don’t want to live with the white man; that’s all.” And concerning interracial marriage: “No intelligent black man or black woman in his or her right black mind want white boys or white girls comin’ to their homes, schools, and churches to marry their black sons and daughter to produce little, pale half-white, green-eyed, blond-headed Negroes.”

Are the hypocrites in and out of BLM demanding the cities change the streets named for Ali?

On a British television show, I heard Ali say that bluebirds fly together; red birds fly together, buzzards fly together. And “Blacks are more comfortable with other blacks.” The British interviewer was almost speechless. Indeed, Ali’s religious beliefs at the time included the notion that the white man was “the devil.”

The London Daily Mail quoted Ali’s son, who opined of his famous father, “when it came to his private life, his morals were those of an alley cat. The way he treated his first three wives and neglected some of his nine (known) children was frankly disgraceful.”

Ali had nine children by four different wives and two other relationships, and his large family has split the loot that was left—more than $80 million.

Muhammad was an incredible athlete; however, he was a very flawed individual with occasional indications of courage and commitment, but not much character. Why is he honored by Whites and Blacks, yet Strom Thurman, George Wallace, and David Duke are hated for their segregationist views?

Liberals are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

Louis Farrakhan is a black racist who has clearly stated his hatred for Jews and all Whites, yet the race-baiters pretend he is a gentleman with whom one can have dinner and a polite conversation. And hypocrites in the media refuse to hold white and black liberals to account for their close association with Screwy Louie. He’s called Screwy Louie because of his insistence that he is constantly protected by a vast flying object and scores of smaller flying saucers.

Why would any thinking black or white person consider that nut case a hero?

Abolitionist John Brown, in the mid-1800s, was a white wacko, killer, and thief, made into a hero by Unitarians in New England. After he and his five sons dragged five slavery sympathizers out of their cabins in “Bleeding Kansas,” they hacked them to death. John then moved back east to form a “provisional government” of the United States, and he was chosen commander-in-chief. He also planned to create an area in the Maryland and Virginia mountains to be a stronghold for escaped slaves. His plan was to convince well-to-do, self-hating Whites to finance a war between Whites and Blacks.

Surely, no sane white people would come near such a nut case, but they already had. Some famous New England white leaders had supported his “work” in Kansas. The group, in addition to Brown and his boys, was called the “Secret Six.” They were some of New England’s brightest! Men like physician Samuel Gridley Howe, industrialist George Stearns, journalist Franklin B. Sanborn, ministers Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Theodore Parker—all highly placed and respected men—known as “useful idiots.”

These men financed Brown’s plan to attack the Federal Armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now, West Virginia). With 16 white men and 5 Blacks, they took the armory and held 60 leading citizens hostage. The first person killed in this attempt at freeing the Negro was a free black railroad worker who was shot in the back at the railroad station.

The armory was stocked with weapons and ammunition that Brown planned to give to escaped slaves as they joined his rebellion. They didn’t rebel. Brown’s group held out all the next day and night against the local militia but surrendered the following day when Colonel Robert E. Lee and a few marines attacked. Brown was wounded, and two of his sons were killed along with eight others in the “army of liberation.”

Brown was tried for murder and treason and died on the gallows in what is now Charles Town, West Virginia. One of the town militiamen who observed the execution was John Wilkes Booth, who later had his time on the world stage.

It is shocking and scandalous that anyone, white or black, would consider Brown anything but a nut case, yet he was financed by New England’s elite. He does not qualify as a hero simply because he supported the anti-slavery movement. This speaks to how people are supporting racist, radical, revolutionary Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Nation of Islam, etc.

People who support unsavory, unlawful, and unhinged extremists are facilitators of their evil deeds. Every responsible leader should clearly denounce BLM, Antifa, and the Nation of Islam.

Nat Turner was a black slave in Virginia who claimed to be a Baptist preacher and felt destined for greatness. His parents considered him a prophet and encouraged him in his “ministry.” They were convinced of that because of unusual marks on his head and breast! Turner reported seeing spirits fighting in the sky, and he allegedly heard voices. Being a “prophet,” he communicated “revelations” to fellow slaves. I don’t need to emphasize that these are signs of a nut case, not a prophet.

Then, when Mount St. Helens erupted on August 21, 1831, nearly 3,000 miles away, the atmospheric conditions convinced Turner that God wanted him to kill his white enemies! About seven months earlier on February 12, a solar eclipse convinced him it was time to do what he was ordained to do. The eruption in August was his sign so he and other slaves attacked and killed 55 white people, including men, women, and children–some as they slept. One victim was a baby in its cradle. Some of the victims were beheaded, including children. The killers used axes, clubs, swords, and guns.

It is believed that none of the deadly weapons were registered.

Armed citizens confronted the attackers, and Turner was captured, tried, and executed by hanging after hiding for two months. He was flayed, beheaded, and quartered. It seems the slaveholders wanted to send a message to other slaves.

It is understandable that witless, guilt-ridden Whites and gullible Blacks seek to make every Black a hero, but surely, no sane people think Turner was anything but a monster.

It seems many Blacks are careless in choosing their heroes. However, black leaders, especially those who insist on telling the whole truth about Confederate heroes and founding fathers, should be cautious about holding up killers and Communists to be emulated by young Blacks! Any Black who supports BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam, and similar hate groups should repent in sackcloth and ashes.

Why don’t some Blacks choose more principled heroes, rather than bottom feeders? But then, many Whites do the same going right to the bottom.

No, it’s not in our genes; it’s in our choices.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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All Honest Democrats Should Leave the Party! https://donboys.cstnews.com/all-honest-democrats-should-leave-the-party https://donboys.cstnews.com/all-honest-democrats-should-leave-the-party#respond Sun, 04 Nov 2018 19:19:27 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2238 What must happen before decent, thoughtful Democrats leave the party of their fathers? But then, the Democrat Party is no longer your father’s party. It is a totally different creature that Scoop Jackson, Harry Truman, and super conservative Larry McDonald would not recognize. Every member of my family in West Virginia was a Yellow Dog Democrat—meaning they would vote for a yellow dog before voting for a Republican. When I decided to run for the Indiana House of Representatives in 1976 as a Republican (a Reagan Republican), my conflicted father reluctantly gave his blessings and even voted for Reagan in 1980.

The Boys’ family thought that Hell had frozen over, but in those days, no one was interested in theology except me and I knew better. But it was a big deal for Dad to vote Republican.

Many years later, I left the GOP because the Grand Old Party morphed into the Grand Old Progressives, so I even wonder how principled Republicans can stay in that party. But in spades for Democrats.

Surely decent Democrats are embarrassed almost daily by their leaders making outrageous charges simply to score points with their dumb, deceived, and the delusional members. Their actions during the Supreme Court Hearings, their political ads, and their nonsensical accusations during the political season make a buzzard sitting on a dead carcass look like the essence of elegance.

While people in both parties can disagree about tariffs, foreign policy, and the deficit, surely no one really tries to defend killing innocent unborn babies; same-sex “marriage”; permitting males in women’s rest rooms or locker rooms because they think they are female when their genitalia screams their manhood; or the invasion of America by foreigners who may be unhealthy, uneducated, and unrepentant terrorists, or even arrogant caravanners and others who are trying to defy and upend our laws.

Can far left “progressive” positions like the above really be defended? Do Democrats even try to defend such positions or do they simply call people who are critical of the above racists, homophobe, and bigot? But then, that is much easier than defending one’s position.

Some principled Democrats began thinking about their association with a corrupt party when the shenanigans of Ted Kennedy and Gerry Studds were revealed. As it accelerated into the Clinton administration, it became an avalanche of evil and corruption. With Obama, we were slapped in the face almost daily if we did not worship facing Saudi Araba. It seemed people were given high positions in his administration if they were black and/or Muslim, preferably both. Think of the rogue’s gallery: Holder, Rice, Jarrett, Jones, Lynch, Emanuel, et al. It also seemed to help one’s résumé if one were a female.

Lynch, Rice, and Jarrett are women; however, there was an abundance of females as revealed in Essence magazine issue October, 2015 that headlined, “29 Powerful Black Women Who Called The Shots In The Obama Administration”! I looked in vain for a photo of white women who “called the shots” for Obama without success. Likewise, I looked for any Fundamentalist or Evangelical Christian who “called the shots” for Obama but without success. I would have been satisfied whether he or she was black or white.

All of us now know that Obama was photographed with Louis Farrakhan in 2005 while Obama was still a U.S. Senator from Illinois. The Muslim photographer promised to keep the photo secret since it would have destroyed Obama’s budding political career. The photo was released in 2017 when no one cared about Obama or Farrakhan.

Frankly, I would leave any group that had anything to do with Farrakhan. However, he sups and dines with the political elite when he should be making license plates in prison or using a sledge hammer making little rocks out of big rocks. The fact that he has not been investigated by state and Federal officials reflects on the Democrat Party and the Justice Department that deliberately refuses to investigate his hate crimes, advocacy of terrorists, and his audacious anti-Semitism.

President Obama deliberately excluded Christians from senior White House positions according to White House emails sent to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign manager John Podesta. Obama had a list of Muslim candidates for high level jobs; sounds like religious discrimination to me.

Obama had many Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist group masquerading as religious rights group) operatives—all Islamist activists—in his administration having major influence over U.S. policy. Mohammed Elibiary was Homeland Security Advisor and appeared at a conference honoring Ayatollah Khomeini! Salam al-Marayati was an Obama Advisor who founded the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is an Israel hater. Eboo Patel was on the Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships and Rashad Hussain was Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. He is famous for memorization of the Koran, proving his devotion to Islam. Dalia Mogahed, an Egyptian-born hijab-clad Muslim American, was the first Muslim woman appointed to a position in the Obama administration.

Other Muslims with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood were Huma Abedim who was Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during Obama’s presidency. Mehdi K. Alhassani was Special Assistant to the Office of the Chief of Staff, National Security Council Staff, and Executive Office of the President. Rashad Hussain was Obama’s special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. All stamped: “Approved by the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Obama nominated Abid Riaz Qureshi, a Washington lawyer to a prestigious federal judgeship, making the first Muslim American tapped for the federal judiciary. Abid was born in Pakistan.

It has been reported in the national media that former Director of the CIA John Brennan converted to Islam while serving as CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia during the 1990s. He became Obama’s Homeland Security Advisor from 2009 to 2013 and CIA Director from 2013 to 2017.

The far left Mother Jones magazine reported that eleven of Obama’s confirmed judges were “openly gay.” No, not your father’s party, for sure.

How could any Democrat sleep at night knowing he was a member of party that promoted such people to places of public trust?

Jesse Helms was a lifelong Democrat and switched to the GOP and became a leading conservative senator. Ronald Reagan also switched and became one of the most effective presidents in U.S. History. While President Donald Trump is not much of a Republican, he did leave the Democrat Party and there is scuttlebutt about some Democrat senators jumping ship after the midterm elections.

However, my biggest concern is not the professional politicians but average working Democrats who need to do the principled thing and leave the party that left them many years ago. No thinking, honest person can defend the platform of the Democrat Party. Far left issues that Democrat spokesmen are forcing down the throats of Americans would gag a maggot: same sex “marriage”; transgenderism; the use of any rest room by anyone, depending on what he/she feels like; open borders; sanctuary cities; blatant Socialism that has proved itself a failure wherever it has been tried; higher taxes; statehood for Washington, DC; environmental extremism that will close coal mines and oil wells; universal preschool for every child; universal health care; grab all guns; debt free college education for all, ad infinitum. Most of these proposals reek of Socialism and I am surprised, shocked, and stunned that any American, not living in a padded cell, would seriously and unashamedly promote a socialist America.

If many of those hot-button issues become law, they would totally change America and frankly, America has been changed too much already in my opinion. We must understand, if we have not already, that our world has been changed forever for evil, not good. It is past time to start facing reality about radical Democrats coming out of left field. Ayn Rand reminded us that “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”

If the U.S. and our “forces of freedom” are to win, then we must be dauntless, decisive, and determined. It is incredulous that anyone would argue with the plan to Keep America American or the policy of always asking, “What is in the best interest of America?” Would any sane person suggest that we do what is best for some other nation instead?

But a word of caution. We must be vigilant that we don’t become haters of good and decent people who are different from most of us. Such a result would mean that dark forces have been successful in destroying America, and it would no longer be America. We must also hold public officials’ feet to the fire and chain them to the Constitution (notice how smoothly I go from one metaphor to another?).

We must be careful not to become un-American in our desire to remain American!


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Black Racists Exude Black Privilege! https://donboys.cstnews.com/black-racists-exude-black-privilege https://donboys.cstnews.com/black-racists-exude-black-privilege#respond Sat, 21 Jul 2018 15:54:17 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2147 I am weary of hearing leftists’ spokesmen for Blacks pontificate on every issue as if they possess infallibility. It would also help if they occasionally espoused the “right” position but alas, they belch the same indigestible rancid verbal pabulum we have heard for decades. Only arrogance has been added to make it more digestible–without success.

Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University Dr. Michael Eric Dyson recently appeared on CNN and berated a Conservative for not admitting that President Trump is an obvious racist. I would like to remind Dyson and other radical left “spokesmen” that no one elected them to be the font of all wisdom nor infallible truth-teller.

Moreover, they need to be reminded that their making an accusation that does not make it an accurate charge. Nor is one a federally-certified racist simply because he is strong on crime; identifies absent fathers as a major problem in homes; is against all forms of quotas known as affirmative action; believes in secure borders, even a high, strong wall; and believes illegal aliens should be returned home and imprisoned if they are criminals.

Additionally, those who are black need to understand that their use of Black Privilege as a club is only impressive to the stupid, the supine, and the senile.

Dyson charged on CNN that Trump called “all Mexicans rapists,” yet every honest person knows he did not issue such a blanket statement. That is demagoguery, not dialogue. It is also dishonest!

Dyson charged, “Until white folk like you can stand up and find your spine, you will continue to be complicit in the racist animus of this country.” No, it is time for Blacks, especially black leaders, to grow a spine and face reality–not a myth of their own delusional minds. The problems in the black community are because of a massive failure in black families and blaming whitey is an alibi not an answer.

Dyson pompously declared, “The reality is this well, Donald Trump talks like a racist, thinks like a racist, makes statements like a racist, conjures emotions that give support to white nationalists. Yeah, he’s a racist. Racism is as racism does. So here’s the problem, Martin Luther King Jr. said it’s not the white supremacists who are the problem it’s white moderates and conservatives who are complicit by trying to dismiss it.”

Note, the reverend even knows what Trump thinks! He then declares authoritatively, “Yeah, he’s a racist.” I will remind him of the only Bible verse that leftists seem to know—“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Dyson leaves no doubt, no possibility of error. In addition to being arrogant, abrasive, and asinine, Dyson is also a hypocrite.

Dyson castigated his conservative opponent by demanding he repudiate some of Trump’s remarks. He opined that “a man making inflammatory remarks is not something to just be disagreed with. You should repudiate them.” Well, I agree and am demonstrating that by writing this column, as I have done when I disagreed with some things Trump has said. However, I have looked in vain for Dyson’s repudiation of any black extremists such as Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and others of that ilk.

In a radio interview with Louis Farrakhan during the heady days of Obama’s reign, Dyson called Screwy Louie “one of the foremost leaders in the world today” and a “spiritual leader.” He asked him about his reputation for being anti-Semitic but did not ask him to repudiate his many vile statements about Jews and white people. Nor did he challenge Farrakhan when he declared that Blacks were “the Real Children of Israel! We are the ones that are to receive the Promise of God!” Nor did he challenge Farrakhan’s paganism or his many racist comments. The two black tub-thumping racists spoke of the terrible conditions of blacks but neither addressed the black high illegitimate birthrate, the absence of fathers in the home, the omnipresent gangs and drugs, the astronomical rate of criminal activity among Blacks, etc.

Neither did he ask Louie to describe the flying saucer he says that follows and protects him wherever he goes!

Dyson is not Al Sharpton in a new suit but he is Al Sharpton with a Ph.D. He is an ordained Baptist minister! Wow, that is impressive but it gets better because Mike also supports same-sex marriage! Surprise, surprise, surprise. After all, he is a professor and a Baptist. Most professors and many Baptists don’t believe anything that is traditional, reasonable, and biblical.

Dyson has said, “Marriage is a complicated affair.” No, it is rather simple. It is a public commitment between a man and woman to love, honor, and obey (on the part of the woman) and to cherish, love, promote, provide, and protect (on part of the man) until they are separated by death. In ancient times, marriage was as simple as a man taking his bride by the hand and leading her into his home in the presence of their family and friends. Often there were days of celebration with the new family.

Much later, the church and state got involved and marriage has been going downhill ever since. And today, marriage is plummeting free fall to the bottom, courtesy of progressive politicians, permissive preachers, and prejudicial pundits all originally corrupted in their formative years by public pedagogy.

Dyson descended deep into the dark, damp, dismal, dreary, and dangerous swamp of heresy when he said the Bible “is filled with contradictions.” No, the contradictions are in the lives of people like Dyson. In my opinion, people like Dyson who don’t believe in the validity of the Bible should run (not walk) to surrender their ordination credentials. People with character would not use an untrue, unreliable, and unnecessary Bible to make a living or to give them some credibility that they don’t deserve. The professor was wrong.

For those who think the Bible is filled with contradictions and mistakes, they can find the answers to the alleged contradictions in my book, The God Haters at donboys.cstnews.com or www.Amazon.com.

It is the norm for black race baiters to take control of an interview by bluster, bluff, and bravado and make meaningless, misleading, and mistaken comments as if any sane, honest person will believe them. However, most of those black leaders take advantage of their Black Privilege and spill it all over everyone who is dumb enough to watch and listen to them.

Black Privilege is toxic.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Ben Carson: Fading Fast into the Dark Night? https://donboys.cstnews.com/ben-carson-fading-fast-into-the-dark-night https://donboys.cstnews.com/ben-carson-fading-fast-into-the-dark-night#respond Thu, 26 Nov 2015 17:24:08 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1289 I have written a few columns recommending Ben Carson for President although I always let it be known that Ted Cruz is my first choice. First Ted, then Ben but recent information has caused me to doubt my initial decision. Ben may be fading fast into the dark night of political oblivion.

Carson has many admirable traits: his honesty, his courage, his intellect, his character; however, I am beginning to question his wisdom. One cannot get wisdom with a medical degree or purchase it with cash, check, or credit card as Trump has demonstrated. Wisdom comes from God for the Bible says in James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” Dr. Carson has not displayed wisdom in some matters, and it concerns me.

It is not necessary to detail where I agree with Carson. He is a good conservative with strong biblical overtones. But he has bumbled, fumbled, and stumbled and I and others must determine if he has crumbled so bad that he should be kept him far from the Oval Office.

No candidate is perfect and one must go with what is available; however, I have some questions about Carson as listed below.

Carson slipped, stumbled, staggered, and stalled when he declared that “Sharpton and I have the same goal. Just different ideas on how to get there.” I don’t understand how anyone–liberal or conservative, black or white, Christian or atheist could make such a statement. Everyone, not living in a cave, knows Sharpton is an incompetent, inarticulate, and insincere race baiter interested in publicity, power, and his purse. Similar to most television evangelists!

Carson admitted in the April, 2015 issue of National Review that he spoke at Sharpton’s National Action Network’s (NAN) national convention in New York City April 8, 2015 during its 17th annual meeting. He declared, “NAN is one of the leading civil-rights organizations in the United States. It was founded in 1991 by the Reverend Al Sharpton to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, nationality or gender.” Say what? Is that the same Sleazy Sharpton that everyone ridicules?

One thing about Sharpton, he does not try to conceal his distain, distrust, and disgust for the police, white people, and conservatives or maybe he is so dense that he is not aware how disreputable, disgusting, and despicable he is. And MSNBC officials are of the same breed or do not care about Sharpton’s disgusting behavior since he parrots the progressive Pablum of radical leftism. Under the threat of racism, he browbeats, bullies, and blackmails corporations to support his and other “civil rights” groups. How can any person with character come within a hundred feet of him without himself being sullied? Carson stumbled badly.

This is the reason I have always been careful about the groups I speak to lest I add some credibility to those that do not deserve it. Of course, no one agrees with anyone about everything but there must be some standard. Carson shared (and maybe lost) some of his credibility by aligning himself with a person and group that no reputable person would have any association with.

In his book, America the Beautiful, Carson opined, “I believe we have taken the moral low road on this issue (of illegal aliens). Some segments of our economy would virtually collapse without these undocumented workers–we all know that–yet we continue to harass and deport many individuals who are simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families.” However, recently at Liberty University he agreed with Trump that the border should be secure but disagreed with him about returning eleven million illegal aliens back to Mexico. He was concerned about the huge farms that needed workers and hotels that needed people to clear rooms and serve tables.

In June of 2015 Carson told a major assemblage of Latino officials that he supports giving illegal immigrants a path to legalization and eventual citizenship. Would I appear crass, crude, or even cruel if I reminded everyone that 10,000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens each year?

It is generally believed that his denomination is not in the mainstream of orthodox thought when they teach Saturday worship, pacifism, soul-sleep, etc., but it might be worse. Steve Deace, writing for Townhall.com, declared “There was Carson posting on Facebook that Easter wasn’t about Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world, and ensuing resurrection proving He was the only Son of God. Rather, Carson posted Easter was about ‘acceptance’ and said Christians and Muslims are children of the same God. That, of course, would be news to Christians and Muslims alike. Since one side says the basis for their faith is Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and the other side claims he was never crucified in the first place.” Steve is right on target.

Carson slipped out of the ranks of orthodox Christianity when he told Adventist Ministry magazine in Oct. of 1981: “We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other.” If he has changed his mind then he should say so.

Carson supports mandatory vaccinations telling The Hill: “Vaccinations should be mandatory, with no religious or philosophical exemptions, and schools should check to make sure children have received them.” I have written a lengthy report on vaccinations and it is a fact that childhood diseases were all falling before massive vaccinations because of improved sanitation, vitamins, better health care, and cleaner environment. Moreover, there is a risk with all vaccinations that many consider not worth the risk. Plus, mandatory vaccinations is totalitarian.

Ben got further into left field when he came out in support for the President’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP); then topped that when he decided not to rid the nation of the abomination known as the Department of Education; and then he even wants to use college classrooms to spy on professors to make sure they are not biased. Of course, bias is always in the eyes of the beholder. Why should any monitoring be necessary in a college classroom unless overthrow of the government is promoted?

The good doctor has been fuzzy as to when an unborn child begins to live, consequently he suggested abortion for rape and incest which is a major stumble. He further alienated most Americans when he suggested that semi-automatic weapons should be restricted to rural areas, etc. Not only do conservatives disagree with him on these issues but I question his political savvy in light of his running as a conservative candidate. Nor can I understand why his campaign manager and other advisers would lead him to enter such frigid political waters.

American Thinker quoted Carson saying, “I was proud to see groups such as the Black Panthers standing up to brutal police tactics, and though I never joined any radical student organizations, I kept abreast of the activities of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Weathermen, and other groups willing to use aggressive tactics to accomplish ‘social justice.’” Dumb!

I can live with some of the above but not when he climbs into bed with the race baiter, white hater of the century: Louis Farrakhan! Yes, the one who called Hitler, “a very great man.” The one who tried to get his followers to kill the Washington Post reporter who reported Jesse Jackson’s infamous anti-Semitic Hymietown comment in the 1980s. Carson’s top advisor is Armstrong Williams who has close ties with Louie. Armstrong has advised Chicago to hire Farrakhan’s group to work security and to fight crime–funded by taxpayers. Williams attended Farrakhan’s 1995 anniversary of the Million Man March and did his radio broadcast this year from that annual event.

Anyone who needs advice about any connection with Farrakhan has major discerning problems. Farrakhan even delivered his shrill diatribe to an independent Baptist Church in Miami! The angry, acrimonious, and asinine Farrakhan who is the epitome of a racist motor mouth belched out his venom again, demanding, “If the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them. Let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.” I think Louie has an attitude problem and anyone who gives him any support has a problem with principle. Had I said such a thing about killing Blacks, I’d be making license plates at this time.

So, realizing that there are no perfect candidates, what do I do? I listen, read, and watch each candidate then vote for the one who most reflects my principles. Since Carson has slipped, staggered, stumbled and stalled, I will rearrange my choices: Ted Cruz then Mike Huckabee then Trump, then Carson–for today but subject to change!

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Louis Farrakhan: Biased, Boastful, Brazen Bully Should be in Jail! https://donboys.cstnews.com/louis-farrakhan-biased-boastful-brazen-bully-should-be-in-jail https://donboys.cstnews.com/louis-farrakhan-biased-boastful-brazen-bully-should-be-in-jail#comments Sat, 15 Aug 2015 00:53:32 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1181 The angry, acrimonious, and asinine Louis Farrakhan who is the epitome of a racist motor mouth has belched out his venom again, demanding, “If the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them. Let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.” I think Louie has an attitude problem.

He preached his divisive, derisive, deranged “sermon” at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami and my question is: why would any sane pastor invite such an infidel racist to preach in a Baptist Church? And why would a Baptist congregation give a maverick Muslim a standing ovation? Such action makes me blush to be a Baptist. To make it worse, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Southern Florida has determined that Louie’s diatribe was protected speech! I think the Attorney has a courage problem! Or it may be a physical problem: no spine.

A few principled Blacks condemned the tirade while politically correct racists with an agenda that defends anything black and criticizes anything white regurgitated their usual childish chatter. It seems some people won’t look at the facts, analyze them, then come to a fair, honest conclusion if it embarrasses their own race, religion, relations, or political régime.

Wonder what would happen if the KKK Grand Dragon (or whatever) called for the systematic killing of Blacks? Or, if David Duke led a crusade to kill a bunch of Jews before dinner? Or, if some bastardized Baptists tried to propel all 2,000 U.S. Muslim imams into the arms of their 72 virgins? Moreover, I wonder why Louie’s volatile remarks are protected and the Confederate flag is provocative? And why are armed Oath Keepers (whose mission is to protect all people in support of the U.S. Constitution) a danger in Ferguson but armed New Black Panther Party racist thugs in Texas are met with silence from the “Black Lives Matter” crowd?

If Obama, Lynch, and other black leaders don’t excise the facial boil of blatant racism, they will precipitate a major confrontation between the races. They are already partly responsible for the conflicts taking place as I write. Soft, winey, yet highly placed Blacks have, with a wink and nod, promoted the hatred between Blacks and Whites that is evident today. Black racists are the catalysts of the conflict and have white and black blood on their hands.

Farrakhan is feared by black and white politicians who would jail any white person making similar statements about Blacks. We all have free speech but it has always been illegal to incite a riot. Some officials are afraid to deal with Louie because he is a “man of the cloth” but under the cloth is a wolf taking advantage of duped, deceived, defrauded Blacks.

Louis Farrakhan, born Louis Eugene Walcott in New York in 1933, is the undisputed leader of U.S. Black Muslims. He grew up in Boston, became an honor student and an accomplished musician who attended an Episcopal Church. He attended Winston-Salem Teachers’ College for two years, dropped out, and afterward found work in nightclubs as a calypso guitarist-singer known as “Calypso Gene.” He recorded an original song, “A White Man’s Heaven is a Black Man’s Hell,” and wrote plays that were performed in mosques. He assisted Malcolm X at the Boston Mosque and became its minister when Malcolm moved to New York City.

It is interesting that Farrakhan also succeeded Malcolm X as Nation of Islam minister at the Harlem Mosque #7, the most influential mosque outside Chicago and wrote just before Malcolm’s murder: “Malcolm shall not escape.” He declared that “such a man is worthy of death,” and within two months, Malcolm was killed! It should be noted that Farrakhan later expressed regret for making any contribution for a climate of antagonism that led to Malcolm’s death; however, Malcolm was already in his grave and didn’t know about Louie’s expression of regret.

Farrakhan lives very well off the backs of Blacks. So what’s new? Haven’t most black “leaders” (and some white leaders) done that for generations? Louis has a 77-acre country estate in addition to two posh Chicago homes.

Louis derides Christ’s virgin birth, vicarious death, and victorious resurrection along with other vital biblical truths, yet is invited to speak at “Christian” events! At an annual Nation of Islam Savior’s Day celebration, Farrakhan was introduced as the fulfillment of Isaiah 9:6-8! Not Christ, but Louis Farrakhan was proclaimed as the “child who would be born” and the “son who would be given” because he was “Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Prince of peace.” That was blasphemous, braggadocios, and brazen or at least flamboyant, foolish, and false.

During that service Farrakhan told the crowd that he saw a huge plane shaped like the wheel in the book of Ezekiel with thousands of people looking out the windows. Not only did he see the huge plane, he was taken for a ride in it! While inside he heard the voice of Elijah Muhammad, so he was still alive although he had been in his grave for years!

Farrakhan did not tell them that he also saw Elvis, Amelia Earhart, and Jimmy Hoffa but had he done so, the crowd would have believed him. After all, god cannot lie. Louis told the crowd that the “wheel” ship would one day destroy the white man and bring Blacks into power. He also assured the adoring crowd that 1500 smaller planes from the giant “wheel” follow him at all times.

Farrakhan was also sponsored by two large black denominations as a speaker in a Los Angeles rally, but why would “Christian” leaders pay to have a cult leader spout distorted theology and dangerous politics to thousands of gullible citizens? It only proves that many black religious leaders are as uninformed and unprincipled and unscriptural as their members. Or, maybe they are simply unconcerned about Truth. Farrakhan told the “Christians” they should rethink their Christianity (well, maybe so) and their allegiance to Israel. Even the city fathers got into the act and waved most of their enormous fees for the use of the convention center. Wonder if they would do that for a bunch of white Baptists?

Farrakhan often bellows about how Blacks lost their Muslim religion during slave days and he deplores American society; yet, few Blacks would be willing to go back to their ancestral home- land in Africa or to any of the 50 plus Islamic states. Maybe some of us could sponsor Farrakhan to move to one of those Islamic nations! I’ll give the first thousand dollars!

Farrakhan has a reputation for his inflammatory rhetoric such as calling Hitler a “great man” and declaring that Jews followed a “gutter” religion. I believe Louie needs to be in prison where his “evangelistic” work of humbuggery, hypocrisy, and hate will be limited to fellow felons.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of his lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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So You Don’t Think There’s a War on Christians? https://donboys.cstnews.com/so-you-dont-think-theres-a-war-on-christians https://donboys.cstnews.com/so-you-dont-think-theres-a-war-on-christians#respond Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:51:30 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=978 Christians are not wimps, whiners, and weepers; but that has been an accusation made by atheists when we complain about the attacks against us and our beliefs. Those attacks multiply this time of year. We are told that there is no war–that we are too sensitive and should keep quiet and go back to our hot chocolate huddles in our church basements.

But our critics are wrong. There is a concerted effort to hurt our effectiveness, hinder our efforts, and hamper our evangelism. Those attacks usually come from heathens, homosexuals, and humanists.

A public school in Southern California removed all books from the school shelves dealing with Christian themes or written by Christian authors or published by Christian publishers! One of the books was Corrie Ten Boom’s Hiding Place telling of saving Jews during World War II in Germany. Fox News commentator Todd Starnes said it’s “hard to imagine that any school would have a problem with a book about a Christian family that helped Jews escape the Holocaust.”

A California school district has public school students “bowing to the sun god” and participating in “liturgical/ritual religious practices” aimed at having them “become one with god,” according to a brief filed with an appeals court. I wonder what kind of reaction there would be if a teacher reproduced for his or her students a typical Sunday service in a Bible preaching church including the invitation to trust Christ as Savior! Does any sane person believe school leaders, city officials, and the fanatics at the ACLU would defend that? Wonder why? It’s called a “war” against Christians and their God.

High school senior Chase Windebank has been meeting with other students for three years during a free period to discuss their Christian faith, pray, and sing together. Then a Gestapo official at the Colorado Springs school ordered them to stop because it violates the “separation of church and state.” Sieg Heil!

School textbooks across the fruited plain have been expunged removing any positive mention of Christ and Christianity from them. After all we must not distort, deceive, and dull the pliable minds of the state’s children, you know. In the past 20 years there has been a determined effort to replace Christianity with Islam in textbooks. You know, the peaceful religion that specializes in decapitating innocent children and civilians.

The books mention Mohammad as a great and innovative leader but fail to mention that he was a pedophile, thief, and killer who advocated multiple wives and the beating of them. The books never deal with female genital mutilation and honor killings, and never mention that Muslims were into the slave trade hundreds of years before Europeans were. That is because the enemy is in control.

World Net Daily found textbooks used in Florida taught the following: Jesus was a “Palestinian Jew” who grew up in Galilee amidst “militant Zealots.”; It was “a few followers” of Jesus who “spread the story” about his resurrection, not that more than 500 people were witnesses to His resurrection; While Islamic Arab warriors “rarely imposed their religion by force,” Christian monks “by contrast,” were busy converting “peoples of Central and Eastern Europe”; Israel is to blame for terrorist attacks by Palestinians because they were “angered over the loss of their territory”; It was because of the “loss of their territory to Israel” that “militant Palestinians responded with a policy of terrorist attacks” rather than because all Muslims have determined to drive Israel into the Sea; “The Quran permitted fair, defensive warfare as jihad, or ‘struggle in the way of God’” and this was how Muhammad and his successors expanded their territory; And while Jesus is “believed” by followers to be the messiah, it’s a fact that “Gabriel continued to send revelations to Muhammad over 22 years.” Are you mad yet?

Some Tennessee school districts use texts that praise Islam but those books have no authors and no publisher! What book doesn’t provide those vital facts? Propaganda pieces do that. Slides with the book give credit to CAIR that was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood as a Muslim terrorist front. CAIR has been identified as an unindicted co-conspirator to raise money for Hamas, the Palestinian jihadist group.

In another Tennessee school, kids were taught about the “glorious” black leader of the Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan and his egregious accusations against George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. Farrakhan is an unbalanced jerk who said he was taken board a giant UFO filled with thousands of people including the deceased former leader of his group, Elijah Muhammad. Louis did not report seeing Elvis, Judge Parker, Amelia Earhart, or Jimmy Hoffa but stay tuned for his next diatribe. He also assured his followers that he is constantly followed by 1500 smaller planes that protect him from his enemies! Louis is loony!

A public school in Tacoma, Washington permitted a “gay”-straight alliance to put up posters in the halls but when pro-life students wanted to put up their posters, the school refused to permit them. They ended up banning all posters. Ah, yes, educators who believe in diversity, tolerance, fairness, and balance seeking to teach students to think for themselves and defend their sincere beliefs. Hypocritical cowards.

The California State Assembly passed a bill mandating schools permit boys to play on girls’ athletic teams and use the girls’ locker room if they gender identify as girls or vice-versa for girls identifying as boys. The bill’s author is a confessed pervert telling the Los Angeles Times some parents may be uncomfortable with their children sharing bathrooms with students of a different sex, but he said, “It’s also important to protect our children from prejudice.” How about protecting them from sexual predators? Does it take a mental genius to know what unregenerate, uncouth, unrestrained, and uncivil males will do? This is an invitation for disaster.

“There’s no trampling of other people’s rights,” the legislator said. “There’s a recognition that other people have the same rights that you do.” Now, that is perverted thinking. He is more concerned that a young man professing to be a female be permitted to shower with the ladies than safety and modesty! What about the young ladies’ right to privacy? Or protection? And this jerk is making the laws in California! Well, that explains a lot.

The evidence is overwhelming that there is a war against the Master, message, and morals of the Bible and I’m in this war to the end–and God wins!

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Ferguson: Who is Going to Jail? https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-who-is-going-to-jail https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-who-is-going-to-jail#respond Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:38:53 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=958 If there is any justice in this nation then some high profile individuals will to go to jail as a result of their ineptitude, incompetence, and irresponsibility as exhibited at Ferguson. But don’t hold your breath unless blue is your favorite color!

Highly placed officials such as President Obama, Attorney General Holder and Governor Nixon were the epitome of irresponsibility. Frankly, they are responsible for much of the looting, burning, and other illegal activities and should be held accountable. Obama met with the protestors and told them to “stay the course”! He also called for better police training rather than greater personal responsibility, stronger family values, and more church involvement.

Eric Holder went to Ferguson and told college students that he understood “their mistrust” and while he was the Attorney General, he was also “a black man”! Who cares? Moreover, he began a civil rights investigation! Holder is divisive, derisive, and may be a deranged Attorney General.

Soon after the shooting, Governor Nixon made a video promising “A vigorous prosecution must now be pursued.” What incredible malfeasance! He had assumed that Wilson should be tried before the facts were known!

Obama, Holder, and Nixon are the Larry, Curly, and Moe of Ferguson!

If a Tea Party official were to say that the illegitimate usurpation of power in Washington, the out-of-control IRS, DOJ, BATF, etc., require a call to arms to begin the “Second American Revolution,” he would be visited by a cadre of FBI, Homeland Security, and other Jack-boot-wearing federal agents. The Federal Government would deem him irresponsible and illegal resulting in him being imprisoned.

Police officers, like everyone, must be held accountable for their actions but they must feel secure, safe, and supported when they must use their weapons even at the cost of a life. Frankly, a police officer should be “forgiven” even if he makes an obvious mistake that takes a life. After all, when handed a shield and gun they don’t automatically receive perfection.

Speaking of accountability, it will be interesting to see if Big Mike’s step-father goes to jail for inciting to riot as when he repeatedly shouted for the crowd to “Burn this b**** down.” And how many looters and arsonists will spend any time in prison? How many of the “useful idiots” in other cities will go to jail for blocking traffic and causing general unrest?

Furthermore, all identified looters (undocumented shoppers) and arsonists should be required to reimburse the innocent store owners who had their lifetime of work destroyed by the thoughtless thugs parading as principled protesters.

Minister Louis Farrakhan has many opportunities to make a fool of himself and he never misses a one. This was evident when the bellicose, boisterous, and bizarre leader of the Nation of Islam, made many Klan fanatics look like Pee Wee Herman. Louis spoke at Morgan State University on Nov. 29 and ranted and raved as he frothed at the mouth about the non-indictment of Officer Wilson. Without taking time to wipe the foam from his mouth, the black “minister” yelled, “We’ll tear this g** d*** country apart!” He opined that violence was justified as a result of the non-indictment of Wilson. The crowd roared its approval!

The invitation of Farrakhan by the university and the support of the superficial student body reveal much about this nation. Farrakhan also teaches that the Ebola virus was invented to kill off all black people! It is astounding that anyone would listen to that jerk. And for any allegedly responsible institution or group to give him a platform is beyond the pale.

Farrakhan went on to say that white people will only listen to the concerns of black people when more violence is perpetrated against whites by blacks. Did I mention that he is a minister?

The black “minister” then advised the students to teach their children to throw Molotov cocktails as he imitated the throwing of a cocktail. Hey, wasn’t there one courageous student present willing to stand up and challenge the religious thug? What about some professors or administrators? Surely some of them had a modicum of character and were willing to call him out and criticize his extremism. None. And thus far, no remorse, regret, or repentance by the administration for their obvious blunder in giving Louis a platform to express his hatred, humbuggery, and hypocrisy. Shouldn’t Farrakhan be charged with inciting to riot?

So, will any of the above high profile people be held accountable with jail time or financial accountable? Don’t count on it. You see, while everyone in America is equal, some are more equal than others. That’s especially true if you are a liberal black, and in spades if you are courageous enough to come out of the closet.

The New York Times reached the highest level of irresponsibility or the lowest level of villainy when they published the street where Wilson lives and the suburb. They did that knowing that protesters had demanded Wilson’s death! Slate even published a photo of his home. The Washington Post and CNN also revealed Wilson’s address. CNN and these leftist publications often lecture others regarding journalistic values, decency, etc., but they will not go to jail or pay a fine, but maybe decent people will cancel subscriptions and refuse to patronize them in any way.

If harm comes to Wilson or his pregnant wife, the onus falls at the front door of each of the above media outlets. No, they won’t go to jail or pay a fine, but everyone knows them to be scum who pander to the left and condemn anyone on the right.

And we all know them to be incompetent, irresponsible, and immoral media outlets who are in bed with Obama, Holder, Nixon, Sharpton, ad nauseam.

They really should be in jail together!

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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