Elliot Rodger’s Life of Pills, Passion, and Privilege!
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]America was shocked (again) when Elliot Rodger murdered six people in Santa Barbara with knife and guns. Of course, before the gun smoke cleared away the hysterical non-thinkers started screaming for even more gun control. No one has yet decided to take on knives but they will. However, as always, it was the person not the weapon that killed the innocent along with help from prescription drugs. Why don’t concerned, sane people take on the drug culture instead of the gun culture?
Almost all of the deranged, deadly mass shootings over the last 25 years were done by someone on anti-depressants or pain killers. Elliot was on Xanax and Vicodin. Side effects of Xanax (prescribed for anxiety and panic) are mental problems, confusion, hallucinations, hostility, thoughts of suicide, rage, aggression, and mild degree of mania. Vicodin, used for pain relief has side effects of guilt, shame, and depression, confusion, fear, unusual thoughts of behavior. When will we recognize that America is being destroyed by drugs–legal and illegal?
Elliot had major problems from his earliest years with everyone close to him contributing to his failure. He was born in England to the privileged family of Peter and Li Chin Rodger. His father was from England and his mother from Malaysia. Elliot lived in large, impressive homes, taking many foreign vacations. He wrote, “At the age of 4, I, Elliot Rodger, had already been to six different countries. Who can claim that, eh? The United Kingdom, France, Spain, Greece, Malaysia, and the United States.” And much of that travel was first class with first class accommodations in expensive beach hotels.
He was enrolled in an “upscale all-boys private school” (preschool) but he did not like it because he had to wear socks up to his knees! Poor, poor boy. He also thought the rules were “too strict.” Elliot confessed that he threw a temper tantrum at his third birthday party because his parents gave the first piece of cake to a friend. He thought that was unjust. He had to be the center of the universe. He got his first video game at age 6 and had “all the toys a little boy could want.” He had a nanny, and at one time, two nannies, until he was eleven years old!
A baby brother was born to the family just before they moved to America into “a big white house” in the upscale part of Woodland Hills, California. Elliot was enrolled in Kindergarten at a small private school named Pinecrest. His teacher required him to do some work after class (gasp!) so after two weeks he was enrolled in another private School. Quitting, along with whining was the main characteristic of Elliot.
Like most children he discovered that he got his way with tears. Eighteen times he wrote in his infamous 137-page manifesto, “I cried.” When he finished high school and was visiting in Morocco he broke down and cried in front of his step-mother’s family. Even when grown, he cried almost every day.
He was “absolutely shocked, outraged” when he was told at 7 that his parents were going to divorce. He wrote, “My mother and father got into a lot of arguments.” Shortly after the divorce his father had a “girlfriend” and Elliot was shocked since he thought a couple had to be married to live together. Hummm, I did too.
He began to accept his stepmother Soumaya (now a television actress) who was from a prominent family in Morocco, but he soon resented her because she presumed to discipline him. He didn’t like the rules she put in place. She even sent him to his room for an hour! (Wow! Call the Child Protection Agency!) After the divorce, he lived with each parent on a set schedule since they both lived in the general area.
His father, an assistant director of the “Hunger Games,” and stepmother Soumaya had a baby girl and later moved to a large house in the most prestigious part of Woodland Hills. Elliot chose his bedroom before the sale but was told that the baby would get the room since the desired room was closer to the master bedroom. Elliot wrote that “I was furious, and I threw a huge crying tantrum.” A few days later he was told that he could have the room he wanted. Elliot was at least normal in one respect: he learned how to manipulate his parents.
He wrote, “At mother’s house, I had it my way more often, and that’s how I wanted to live.” When he stayed with his father and stepmother, she often tried to discipline him. He admitted, “Mother always got me what I wanted, right when I wanted it. At mother’s house, all of my needs were met with excellent precision.” A monster was in the making! His mother even arranged “playdates” for him with other boys from school even when he was 16 years old! He mentions his “playdates” 27 times in his manifesto! No normal 16-year-old child needs or wants help with “playdates.”
At age 12 he played video games until 3:00 a.m. at Planet Cyber, a cyber café not far from his mother’s house! What sane parent or nannie would permit a child to be out until 3:00 a.m.? The video game, World of Warcraft (WoW) became an obsession. WoW is probably the most popular video game in the world. It is violent and features zombies, monsters, dragons, elves, and alien worlds. Elliot wrote, “It was all I would think about when I wasn’t able to play it.”
Elliot often spent five hours playing the game and his grades dropped precipitously. He wrote, “I was too absorbed in my game to care about anything else.” He later admitted to playing WoW 14 hours per day! Eventually, the game lost some of its luster and he wrote, that he “often broke down into tears” while playing. His stepmother tried to limit his game time and tried to make him do chores around the house but he “despised doing work around the house.” In that respect he was normal; however, children must be taught to work and be held accountable for the work.
Rather than playing violent video games, a young person should be doing household chores, playing with friends, going to church or youth activities, doing homework, talking with parents, playing with siblings, etc. In other words, learning to live.
On his 13th birthday he was permitted his first bottle of beer although he was given sips of wine much younger. As he got older, he drank often to hide from the world and himself. About this time a friend showed him pictures of “beautiful naked girls” and he wrote, “Ominous fear swept over me.” It seems from this time he longed, leered, and lusted after beautiful, blonde girls and hated them for not jumping all over him and hated and resented all boys who had a girlfriend. He could not be happy even with all the pills, passion, and privilege in his life. It is my opinion that he did not love girls but feared and hated them.
It seems all the adults in his life could not or would not tell him “no,” the most important word in the English language.
http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]The God Haters
Angry Atheists, Shallow Scholars, Silly Scientists, Pagan Preachers & Embattled Evolutionists Declare War Against Christians
by Don Boys, Ph.D.

Angry Atheists, Shallow Scholars, Silly Scientists, Pagan Preachers, and Embattled Evolutionists are, of necessity, attacking the Bible for if they can denounce, deny, distort, and denigrate it, they will win more converts to atheism. They have been waging this war for a few years and most of us have ignored their books, television interviews, and university debates because they have just been more of the typical dog and pony shows that the most fanatical God haters have created for centuries. They want a fight, and while I consider atheists to be unimpressive fools, I’m willing to take them on. No quarter asked or given.
Posted in: guns
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