Hate Crime Laws Are in your Present and Future!
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]All informed people know that hate crime legislation is a tragic reality in Canada, Europe, and Muslim nations but who would have thought it in America!
Furthermore, Europe has been pursuing the persecution of thought crimes for many years.
Recently, a man in England was sentenced to prison for 20 months for “publishing threatening written material…against Muslims.” Furthermore, any German who incites “racial hatred” even if there is no violence, can go to jail for five years! Has WW II been nullified? German jackboots are fashionable again and are stamping hard on the neck of free speechers.
All sensible, sane, and scared people are shocked about crime and want it punished and if possible, see the perpetrator redeemed, rehabilitated, and returned to society. But we are witnessing something I never expected to see: punishment for displeasing, dissenting, even disgusting speech! I thought Liberals believed in freedom–even freedom to be disgustingly abhorrent.
Hatred of persons is always a sin, and no Christian should be guilty of such a sin; however, we must never permit the government, courts, media, etc., to define “hate” or to criminalize it. I have been called a hater many times by homosexuals (because I teach that their lifestyle is a deadly sin) and by anti-death penalty people (who think it is all right to butcher babies in the womb but not execute killers) and by reverse discriminators who think minorities deserve special treatment (while I believe all people should be treated like people–made in the image of God). I’ve lost track of the Muslims who want to take me out.
Question for the haters on the left: is it possible to be critical of abortion, homosexuality, reverse discrimination, etc. without being a hater or bigot? I have often asked that question but never received an answer.
We are seeing crimes punished more severely if they are determined to be “hate” crimes; however, aren’t all crimes hate crimes? If they are not, what are they? Surely not “love” crimes. So people are being punished more severely because of what they thought and said! Speaking of the slippery slope!
Most common people want crime to be punished to the extent of the law taking into account any extenuating circumstances. For instance, a molester should go to jail if he fondles a woman in an elevator. If he is beaten by her husband, the husband should be fined or get probation, but not jail. Maybe a $10 fine or 45 minutes of community service.
A granddad that beats a pervert for trying to seduce his grandson in a restroom should be reminded that the law should take care of the offending pervert, but granddad should not go to jail. There are circumstances that require leniency. I wouldn’t have a parade for grandpa but maybe an honorable mention at the next city council meeting and make him “Granddad of the Year” but no punishment.
Yes, punish the criminal but don’t try to punish his thoughts; after all, who can really know what is in a person’s mind? Sure, if a villain yells epithets at his victim he reveals something of his mind, but what of those who have hatred in their hearts but never reveal it? No, let’s punish the person for his or her crime, not thoughts, speeches, and motives.
While I’m here, I must point out that the jerks in the media and government often refuse to call it a hate crime when a Muslim kills a few people shouting praises to Allah as he departs this life for parts unknown. Well, I know where he’s going and it ain’t Paradise and he won’t be spending any time with virgins on soft, green cushions.
Canada is a nation that has traveled this road where it is illegal to criticize homosexuals, transgenders, Muslims, and others in public. When I cross the border, I could be arrested or at least refused entrance because of some of my books dealing with homosexuality, Islam, etc.
Moreover, a comedian in Canada was fined $42,000 for telling a joke about a disabled child! All right, it was crass and cruel, but not criminal.
Recently Canada even passed a law making it a crime to use the wrong pronouns when speaking of people! You could be fined, jailed, and forced to endure an anti-bias training if you refuse to swallow the progressive gender nonsense.
Last week a Canadian landlord was fined $12,000 for not removing his shoes when he entered his rental apartment of a Muslim couple who owed him rent! He showed hate and was offensive by not removing his shoes!
Our friends to the North are making fools of themselves and European politicians stumble all over each other to see who can be more “progressive.”
Boris Le Lay is a French dissident and blogger who has been sentenced to two years in prison for being critical of Third World immigration into France! He also bad-mouthed his Black Muslim judge! Evidently, Le Lay may be the boldest, bravest blogger in the blogosphere but not the brainiest.
France’s Prime Minister Manuel Vals listed four limits to free speech. “There is a fundamental difference between the freedom to be impertinent and anti-Semitism, racism, glorification of terrorist acts, and Holocaust denial, all of which are crimes that justice should punish with the most severity.” Really, the death penalty? Moreover, who decides what qualifies for any punishment? After all, heroes on the left like Mandela and Arafat criticized Whites and Jews and did terrorist acts, yet they each received the Nobel Prize! Don’t the same rules apply to leftists, socialists, and Communists that apply to normal people?
Did you know that it is illegal in Germany to deny the holocaust? If you don’t believe what officials want you to believe, they will imprison you! Of course, Hitler killed Jews but is it a crime to not believe that? Did you know that you only have to suggest that six million Jews were not killed by Hitler, and you will go to jail? If you quote Jewish experts who agree that the six million figure was inflated, you can go to jail! In fact, well-known historians have been imprisoned for years for that “crime.” That is where we are headed in this country.
Twelve nations punish people who question Hitler’s slaughter of Jews: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, and Switzerland—have criminalized Holocaust denial as punishable with imprisonment! Holocaust denial may be inaccurate and insane, but should it be illegal?
It is incredible that Christians, no, just sane people, in Canada and Germany would permit speech to be criminalized. Many of them don’t even know it is going on. “But Hitler was a monster.” Of course he was, but if the six million number is inaccurate, do you want to perpetuate that error? Would Hitler be any less a monster if he killed “only” three million Jews?
It would also be interesting to know why almost all the people who call Hitler a monster, don’t feel the same way about Marx, Lenin, and Stalin! Stalin killed far more people than Hitler, and Stalin killed his own people!
But the Gestapo spirit still lives and rules in Germany but modernized since they have criminalized the internet. The President of the Federal Criminal Police said, “Our free society must not allow a climate of fear, threat, criminal violence and violence either on the street or on the internet.” Therefore, social media users face up to five years in prison for “inciting racial hatred,” even if no physical violence is committed. Ah yes, such laws would make Goebbels, Goring, and Eichmann stand up and cheer!
These laws are supposed to punish discrimination but anyone who reads English can see that those laws are themselves discriminatory! Whatever happened to the noble principle of freedom of thought and expression? Can’t civilized people discuss anything without bellicosity? Hey, we question religion, existence of God, age of the earth. wars, motives, vaccinations, so why not question and debate any issue? The truth has nothing to fear from doubt, discussion, and debate.
Regarding motives, it didn’t help “inferior” victims to know that Hitler wanted a “pure” race and that Stalin wanted to kill a few million only as a political decision. Nothing personal; the victims only lived in the wrong place or were of the “wrong” race. But they were all very much dead.
Teaching Bible truths is not hate, and I will never permit anyone to tell me what to preach or write. There are not enough federal agents with all their guns, badges, warrants, etc., to influence my ministry. Period!
Let me make it very clear: I don’t hate anyone. In fact, I’m a lover. I try to get along with everyone. While I don’t like liberals, I do love them. After all, Christ died for them also. And a few of them may be in Heaven!
Many U.S. authorities may be liberals and globalists, but they aren’t idiots. Well, all of them aren’t. They know there are millions of us who will not accept “hate crime” legislation, but they will get our children and grandchildren! They are working on it today!
Your children are being brainwashed through public education, music, television, and movies. They are being taught that they should never criticize anyone or anything–well, except those odd Christians. They should never make a judgment that any value is better than another. Voodoo worship in Haiti is just as acceptable as the worship of a holy, loving, sovereign God! They must not “demean” others by suggesting that their lifestyle is less honorable than another’s.
Unless God sends a sweeping revival and parents take control of their children’s total education, the next generation is gone. Even now, younger people nod their heads and say, “Well, after all, the Bible does say, ‘Judge not.’” And that’s about the extent of their Bible knowledge, and it’s twisted knowledge.
Federal hate crime laws are in the works and you will be pommeled by prosecutors if leftist Republicans and Democrats have their way. Our critics on the left are preaching tolerance as they prepare shackles and prisons for those who disagree with them! We Christians may go to prison for our convictions but we will never build prisons for those who disagree with us and criticize us.
Hypocrites on the left have no shame.
Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]EVOLUTION
Fact, Fraud or Faith?
by Don Boys, Ph.D.

Only an uninformed fanatic says that evolution or creation can be proved scientifically. Christians believe in creationism because we believe in the veracity of the Bible but we also have scientific evidence to support our position. In every debate I’ve had with evolutionary scientists, the arrogant, asinine accusation is made, “Well, evolution is scientific while creationism is religion.” Evolution is about as scientific as a voodoo rooster plucking ceremony in Haiti. Almost.
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