I Take the Side of the Restaurant Owner, Not Sarah Sanders!
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]I take the side of the restaurant owner not because I agree with her about Trump but because an American has a right to be a fool, knave, or jerk without anyone making a Federal case out of it.
Looney leftists are showing their distaste, disgust, and disdain for Trump and his administration by making fools of themselves.
In recent weeks, some major administration officials have been harassed in public such as when Sarah Sanders and her family were asked to leave a Virginia restaurant because the owner is a Trump hater! But that wasn’t enough so the owner followed them and harassed them again as the Sanders’ party crossed the street to another restaurant! The Red Hen owner “organized a protest, yelling, and screaming at them from outside the other restaurant and creating this scene,” said Sanders’ father, Mike Huckabee.
Farmers know that egg-laying hens sometime crow and act like aggressive roosters so maybe the red hen has an image problem thinking she is a rooster or maybe she only wants to be a rooster! In this day and hour, who knows? Maybe she needs a rooster to keep her in line! Wow, did I really write that?
Stephanie Wilkerson, co-owner of the Red Hen, said, “We just felt there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.” Of course, she is right about her right to choose her customers. She has a right to live her convictions in private or public. I will defend her right. However, those on the left do not believe a Christian baker has the right of his convictions in not wanting to bake a cake to celebrate same-sex “marriage.” Or a photographer who does not want to celebrate a “transgender” party.
It seems some people are more equal than others and the more vile, vicious, and vulgar one is, the more rights he or she seems to have.
A political science professor compared Sanders to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, but the professor’s hatred and racism are thought to be justified because he disagrees with the Trump agenda. That kind of thinking is why I became convinced many years ago that liberals are the most unreasonable, unkind, unlikable, and unnecessary people on earth.
We will be in the D.C. area in a couple weeks so I will make a point not to patronize the Red Hen Restaurant. Mother Hen has her rights; I have mine. I also want all my friends to not eat where they are not wanted. Why would any Christian, no, why would any family-oriented person ever go into the Red Hen?
Earlier, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was eating at a D.C. Mexican restaurant and was surrounded by brown shirts chanting “Fascist Pig!” Secretary Nielsen walked out.
Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi was watching a Tampa movie about anti-bullying and was harassed for her support of the Trump agenda.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters, a female version of Al Sharpton, got excited at the anti-Trump campaign suggesting that other leftists should do the same to other administration employees saying, “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome any more, anywhere!”
Maxine just assigned all Conservatives to the back of the bus. She deserves the Hypocrite of the Year Award.
In March, she told the Huffington Post that the extremely violent Los Angeles riots in 1992 were a “defining moment in the way that black people resisted.”
Wow! Maxine must be off her meds.
In 1992, when black criminal Rodney King was beaten by police and the policemen were acquitted, Blacks rioted in five “Days of Outrage.” In fact, 300 protestors were at the police station within 15 minutes of the verdict! The National Guard was sent to Los Angeles to help control the violence but 1,100 buildings were destroyed (about 7,000 fires were set) and 63 people were killed and about 2,383 people of all races were hurt. There was one billion in property damage. Twenty-three of the homicides are still unsolved. About half of the arrests and a third of those killed during the Battle for Los Angeles were Hispanic.
Rodney King was awarded $3.8 million in damages from the City of Los Angeles for the police beating—for which they were acquitted! King died in his swimming pool ten years later at age 47. His autopsy showed an “alcohol and drug-induced delirium” led to his death. It is my opinion, not based on evidence, that the King financial award (reward) has resulted in many young Blacks seeing a million dollar award in their bleak future if they do their victim resistance right. The trouble is that many don’t handle the planned resistance right and end up dead.
Yet, Congresswoman Maxine Waters said those riots were a “defining moment in the way that black people resisted.” Why is Maxine not facing charges of inciting to riot? That is still illegal even for a dim-witted congressperson.
It seems Maxine has lost control.
Wow, the leftist hate is not even disguised but flagrant, foolish, and fanatical. But this is America so they have a right to hate and boycott. I think they are pathetic humans but even fools have rights in America.
Racism is taught and rules at Georgetown University where Whites were told they could not attend a “community dialogue” on racism! Yes, that’s right. Seems the black racist group demanded it be a “safe space” for browns and blacks! Of course, all honest and sane people know that is the personification of racism—at a Catholic university.
While the oppressive Federal laws say otherwise, I think a businessperson has the right to serve or not serve anyone for any reason at any time. I remember when most businesses had a sign in the window that declared, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” But those days are gone forever.
Socialist fanatics decided that the law should protect anyone from being offended. So, laws were passed that basically took control of American businesses. Now, the government regulates when you can open and close your business; how many hours you may work employees, how much you must pay them; what age they must be; and in some instances require you to provide insurance and retirement benefits.
Would someone tell me where the government was given so much power over independent businesses? Of course, if state or federal money was used to start a business then any silly or good laws can legitimately come into play. After all, if you take the government’s nickel, you have to take the government’s noose.
Whatever happened to the right of association? Of course, Blacks can get away with discrimination but others cannot. They can have their “safe space” or Black-only meetings but don’t try that if you are white.
A business person has the right to serve only customers who have red hair. Now, it would be a stupid decision but Americans have a right to be stupid. Sure, the business will go broke but he or she can go broke having a principled fling and give everyone with red hair a superficial high knowing he or she is very special.
In a free nation, a business person should have the right to refuse service because he dislikes Blacks, Christians, Jews, Hispanics, hippies, skinheads, dwarfs, women (or men), blind, short, fat, or bald-headed people. He should not have to give any reason for his decision. Of course, no Christian should mistreat or hate anyone for any reason.
Many Christians and Conservatives think oppressive laws for business people are not only acceptable but desirable! That shows how shallow and brain-washed Americans are; and in discussing the power of government in private businesses, most don’t believe the issue is worth discussing.
It seems true that it is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Americans have been deceived about the rights of private business people. A business has every right to refuse me service because of the way I comb my hair or the fact I am a Fundamentalist Christian.
While it was shameful that Blacks were mistreated, their mistreatment did not justify taking freedom from private business people. Forcing a business man to serve people he does not want to serve is massive overkill to permit minorities to eat when other restaurants are next door. It was a tremendous day, we are told, when Blacks got the right to buy a hamburger at a lunch stand, but the tradeoff was all business people (white and black) lost their freedom to run their business as they desire. Tragic, not tremendous! Freedom was lost to a hamburger!
Sarah Sanders is to be commended for her civil and Christian reaction to being banished from the Red Hen but the Momma Hen had the moral right to refuse her family or my family.
But she won’t get the chance to refuse me because I have refused her first. My standards are too high to enter her hen house.
Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]EVOLUTION
Fact, Fraud or Faith?
by Don Boys, Ph.D.
Only an uninformed fanatic says that evolution or creation can be proved scientifically. Christians believe in creationism because we believe in the veracity of the Bible but we also have scientific evidence to support our position. In every debate I’ve had with evolutionary scientists, the arrogant, asinine accusation is made, “Well, evolution is scientific while creationism is religion.” Evolution is about as scientific as a voodoo rooster plucking ceremony in Haiti. Almost.
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