Liberals’ Jihad Against Christians in Government has Failed!

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Remember when the Democratic Party scrubbed the mention of God from its platform and the delegates booed God at the Democratic National Convention? It seemed obvious that Democrats had made it official: they were puppets of the anti-religious left. Now, they are out of power and have complained about so many outspoken Christians in the Trump Administration.

The left came from under the rocks and assaulted Christians when Trump picked committed Christians for various positions. Bernie Sanders took his scalping hatchet after Russell Vought, graduate of Wheaton College, when he was chosen to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Then twelve Democrat Senators opposed Roger Severino as assistant secretary of human rights at HHS because he supported Kim Davis who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses to couples in her Kentucky county. The same usual suspects opposed every committed Christian who was appointed by Trump.

While few informed people suggest President Donald Trump is a born again Christian (the only kind), he has surrounded himself with active, outspoken Christians at top positions and it gives liberals and progressives perpetual heartburn: Mike Pence as Vice President, Betsy DeVos at the Department of Education, Ben Carson at Housing and Urban Development, Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, Rick Perry at the Department of Energy, Scott Pruitt at the EPA, Mike Pompeo at the CIA, and Nikki Haley at the UN. All active Christians even Sunday School teachers, elders, etc., all said to be active in Evangelical churches. There are many more Christians at lower positions in the White House and various departments of government.

Yes, Christians have come into places of power, but then God’s people have always done that–much to the disgust of their enemies. And enemies is the best word to describe them. I think of Joseph–the number two power in Egypt; Moses–heir to the throne of Egypt; Daniel–top advisor to three world leaders in Mesopotamia; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Babylonian Government; Esther, Queen of Persia; Mordecai, Prime Minister under King Xerxes of Persia; and Nehemiah–cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia. All were major players in world history.

Obviously, God’s people have always been leaders as they are in America—and the toleration-spouting liberals have had a hissy fit. Surely, upon reflection, even non-Christians would rather have Bible-spouting Christians saying, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” than have Koran quoting Muslims saying, “… slay the idolaters wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.”

Liberals are the biggest hypocrites in the world! They are people without character, clarity, or consistency, but man do they have brass! After pitching their secular religion for generations, they now are whining about the Christian influence in politics—even the White House. In other words, the liberals, usually unbelievers, think they have the right to do their thing when in power but don’t think Conservative Christians have the same right so they resent, resist, and rebel when Christians have authority!

Of course, Christians having authority does not mean the nation’s problems have been solved. Political power is not the answer. Christians living godly lives, being a moral compass to all, telling the old Gospel story is what the world needs. However, simply because that is our primary task, it does not mean that we cannot also wield power for the temporary good of society.

Leftists sit in sack cloth throwing ashes in the air, weeping copious tears about the assault on the First Amendment while they try to censor and gag Christians and Conservatives in the media and academia! They slobber about “moral McCarthyism” and are very concerned about Christians who “impose their views” on everyone.

Let me see if I understand: Liberals accuse Christians of forcing our views on others; however, everyone knows that Liberals demand that we all march to their music—and pass legislation to enforce their oppressive views.

It seems to me (and any honest person) that we Christians have been flogged on our backsides since the early 60s. God was expelled from public schools; more than one and a half million unborn babies are killed annually (funded by taxpayers!); nativity scenes have been outlawed in public places (but nudity in “gay” parades is acceptable!); scientific creationism has been removed from the taxpayer owned public schools leaving that area to the cockamamie theory of molecules to monkeys to man theory; the Ten Commandments were declared illegal in public schools (after all, some kids might be convinced not to kill and fornicate); scores of Christian schools have been attacked, not for doing a superior job but for not getting the official stamp of approval through accreditation and certification; and dedicated home school parents have been hampered, harried and harassed for doing a better job teaching their children than public school teachers. I could go on and on but you get the point.

No, we are not the floggers but the floggees. The Cossacks, in and out of government, have ridden roughshod over us as they mouth pious shibboleths about the First Amendment. As the “thought police” liberals marched in their jackboots into our homes, schools, and churches enforcing “public policy,” regulatory nonsense, political correctness, and unconstitutional “laws,” they spoke of tolerance! In the name of tolerance, they prove themselves to be the most intolerant people in America.

While they speak reverently of the “wall of separation” between church and state, they scale that alleged “wall” to badger, bully, and brutalize Christians. They are constitutional morons who don’t know that the First Amendment was put in place to protect Christians from the government–not to protect government!

Our forefathers knew the danger of government power. They had seen it in England with a state church, and they demanded protection via the First Amendment. Government was prohibited from establishing a national church, and from that, moronic judges have taken from the public schools prayer, nativity scenes, and the Ten Commandments. Radical judges have turned the First Amendment on its head, and instead of it protecting Christians, the First Amendment is being used as a club against us!

All we wanted was to be left alone to do our own thing: live peacefully with all men–if possible; rear our children in our faith, and teach Bible truths including aggressive evangelism. But the Cossacks haven’t permitted that. They declared war on us and have been kicking us around for more than thirty years; but we Christians, never being pacifists, are now kicking back. We’ve had enough, and we aren’t going to take it any longer.

We will turn the other cheek but we will not permit a jackboot heel on our neck.

We are fighting back. We are marching in the Army of the Lord. We are training recruits and preparing for battle. No, I’m not referring to stockpiling weapons and shooting from the church steeples, and anyone with an IQ equivalent to his hat size knows that.

We are pulling our children from the public schools (Ignorance Factories); supporting our leaders with funds; financing political candidates sympathetic to our cause; building strong schools, homes, and churches; sending our children into politics (gasp), the media, and academia; buying television and radio stations and establishing newspapers and newsletters; and taking the battle to the enemy via talk shows, news columns, the internet, and other public forums. We wield power in many state and even the Federal Government!

We are weary of the termites that have been gnawing away slowly at the foundational timbers of our constitutional republic. We have decided that there will be no more tolerance for termites: no more respect for rascals, no more patience with perversion, no more payments to parasites, and no more coddling of criminals (inside or outside the beltway).

We are willing to study, serve, and sacrifice in this cultural and religious war declared not by us but by radical leftists. Liberals (known by thinking people as Cossacks, charlatans, socialists, whiners, non-thinkers, globalists, ad infinitum) had better not underestimate our dedication to this cause.

And our enemy had better believe that we are in this battle to win. We are awake, aware, and angry. We have been kicked one time too many.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Fact, Fraud or Faith?

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