MINOs: Muslims In Name Only!

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While it is not politically correct, it is a fact that many professing Christians are Christians In Name Only. Would they be CINOs? They go to church a few times each year but they have no interest in the things of God. There are Muslims like that whom I call MINOs or Muslims In Name Only.

After my book, ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! (now available as an eBook) was published, I received an email from a Christian medical doctor in Pakistan. He praised my book and wished me great success with it. I should have asked him where he got the book because it is not sold in Karachi bookstores! He and his family had been converted to Christ and were the “last apostates” in their city. (Not sure what city but for sure it was Pakistan.) He told me that if the book were discovered in his possession, it would cost him his life! He also said that while he really liked my book, he disagreed with one thing: there are no moderate Muslims! The good doctor was wrong.

You must understand his circumstances then you will realize why he made the statement. He lives in a thuggish, tyrannical, and totalitarian nation. For sure, there are moderate Muslims in America. They have come to America and like the freedom, jobs, welfare, opportunities, pizza, music, jeans, movies, etc. They seldom go to the mosque and when they go, they do not listen or agree with what they hear. They are Muslims In Name Only.

MINOs do not believe they should be ruled by Sharia instead of American law as do 51% of American Muslims. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that violence should be used to implement Sharia in the US although about 25% of American Muslims do! But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe little girls should be sexually mutilated as most Muslims do, even to where 97% of females in Egypt have been mutilated! But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe in a worldwide caliphate where Islam dominates every facet of everyone’s life. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that non-Muslims who ridicule the Koran or Mohammed should be violently punished as do almost 33% of American Muslims! But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe a Muslim who converts to Christ should be killed. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe in violent jihad in spreading Islam around the world as taught in the Koran. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that the Koran is a perfect book but is filled with mistakes, contradictions, and generous doses of nonsense. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that a Muslim man has a right to sex with any non-Muslim female who can be considered a sex slave. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe in unlimited immigration since they are desirous of job security and know to do so is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that sex with children is moral or marriage, even though it is Muslim as evidenced by Mohammed and other child molesters. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe in honor killings by parents of a child for “not being Muslim enough” or for dating a non-Muslim. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that Jews are turned into pigs and monkeys as do many modern Muslim leaders as taught in Sura 6:60. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

What MINOs don’t understand is that when Muslims raise their flag over the state house or White House, they will be among the first ones killed. MINOs are hated by true Muslims. But true Muslims don’t tell MINOs that.

Koranic Islam (historic Islam) is America’s enemy that has clearly proclaimed ambitions to conquer or destroy America. If our leaders do not recognize that fact and act accordingly, they are like a man wading naked, waist-deep through a snake and alligator infested Everglade swamp–They are going to get bit.

We will all get bit, including MINOs; but they won’t say much about it–until it is too late.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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