Of Course Obama is a Muslim!
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]Last week Dr. Ben Carson opined that he did not think a Muslim should be President of the U.S. and the media reaction might make you think he had endorsed perversion–but wait, that’s already been done by the “beautiful” people of the media and academia. The fact is, the U.S. already has a Muslim president! But what’s the big deal? We have no religious test for the presidency–well, except for born again Christians, at least unofficially! However, isn’t it acceptable for a man to believe that some religious beliefs might tend to militate against American ideals?
The “fair and balanced” (and those not so fair and balanced) media went after Donald Trump for his failure in not crucifying his supporter who declared President Obama is a Muslim. Of course, he is a Muslim, but then according to political correctness there’s nothing wrong with that. Is there?
Obama admitted he was a Muslim on ABC television when he referred to “my Muslim faith.” The ABC host gently “corrected” him. Muslims have not received the most positive press in recent years with their propensity to behead civilians, rape small girls, burn captured soldiers alive, and destroy centuries-old monuments. It would be wiser for him to wear a cross around his neck and have “Onward Christian Soldiers” played when he is introduced rather than admit being a Muslim.
Informed, educated people know that people can mistakenly say, “He has went” or “You was,” or “I seen” but for a Jew to mistakenly say, “My Christian faith,” or a Hindu to say, “My Baptist faith,” or a Methodist to say, “My pagan faith,” is downright silly. No one believes that is possible.
Obama’s official campaign site had a page titled “Obama has never been a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.” I would say, “Obama, I know thousands of committed Christians. They are my friends, and I can tell you that you are not a committed Christian. Committed Christians are truthful, consistent, gracious, kind, thoughtful, generous, Bible-reading, and church-going people who have surrendered to following Christ. Everything you are not.” And don’t demand that I apologize or backtrack because that would only happen if I have a seizure of senility.
His site also does damage control when it falsely states, “Obama never prayed in a mosque. He has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ.” However, being a member of Trinity United Church of Christ gives him no credibility since it is probably the most unchristian church in America. In fact, a church official said, “we have so many members of our church who are Muslims.” No one becomes a Christian by baptism, church membership, giving, or living right. It requires faith in Christ.
Obama’s campaign released the statement that the senator “has never been a practicing Muslim.” However, the facts indicate otherwise. He was listed as a Muslim while a young student in Indonesia and often attended a mosque.
He was enrolled in the Besuki Primary School, a public school in Jakarta, as a Muslim. Didn’t his mother know what religious affiliation her young son had when she filled out the enrollment forms?
Obama clearly admitted to studying the Koran and identified his school as “a Muslim school” in his autobiography, Dreams From My Father. Many of his childhood friends commented on his Muslim religion, and the media in Indonesia made many references to his Muslim faith.
Obama acknowledges in Dreams that his grandfather was a Muslim (page 104) and that he spent two years in a Muslim school in Indonesia studying the Koran (page 154). In The Audacity of Hope, he says (page 204) that “my father had been raised a Muslim” but that by the time he met his mother, his father was a “confirmed atheist.” However, Muslims teach that children become Muslims because of their father’s religion. Moreover, no one can testify as to when he repudiated Islam. Nor is there a record of his Christian baptism!
Obama really let the kitty out of the sack when he allegedly told the Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit that he was a Muslim! In mid-January of 2010 the Foreign Minister revealed on the “Round Table Show,” a Nile telecast that “he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.” This conversation probably happened when Gheit was in Washington for Middle East peace talks in early January of 2010.
Alright, the above seems to be prima facie evidence that America has a Muslim as President and while that is not illegal, it would be if he were born in Kenya but that’s another column. The following circumstantial evidence is also overwhelming proof of his Muslim faith and his antagonism for the Christian faith.
Fox News reported that Obama told the NASA administrator Charles Bolden before his appointment that he was to do three things. The third was “He wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science…and math and engineering.” The White House verified the conversation in June of 2010. NASA is in the “feel good” business!
Obama asked Georgetown University to remove a religious symbol for the name of Jesus where Obama was to speak about the economy on Apr. 14, 2009. He has not asked for the removal of Muslim symbols when speaking at Islamic events.
The Obamas’ annual White House Christmas cards are never traditionally Christian dealing with Christ’s birth rather they focus on things such as the family dogs. And the White House Christmas tree ornaments include figures such as Mao Tse-tung and a drag queen! He seems to be sending a not-too-subtle message: Christians don’t matter. Muslims do.
Pastor Louie Giglio once preached a sermon supporting the biblical definition of marriage and when that was revealed he was pressured to remove himself from praying at Obama’s inauguration in 2013. Believers in traditional marriage are anathema but homosexuals receive major appointments to federal positions. Know any, I repeat any, outspoken Christian appointed to even low-level positions by Obama?
In January 2012, the Obama administration maintained that the First Amendment does not protect churches and synagogues in the hiring of pastors and rabbis. That would surprise James Madison.
On November 2011, President Obama opposed inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial.
In 2010 Obama began to deliberately omit the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence and has done so many times.
In May of 2009, Obama refused to host services at the White House for the National Prayer Day even though the day was established by federal law.
One thing is positive that all honest people can agree on. The record clearly proves Obama is a Muslim sympathizer, spokesman, and sycophant.
I could go on and on with many other indications that Obama uses every opportunity to denigrate, disparage, and deny biblical principles and promote, preach, and pander to Islam. It is not becoming for the President of the United States to be a shill for a brutal, bloody, barbaric and backward religion even if he sincerely believes their principles.
Daddy said, “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.” Daddy was right. Obama is a Muslim.
http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]Muslim Invasion
The Fuse is Burning!
by Don Boys, Ph.D.

Muslin Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is an interesting, informative, and for the politically correct and infuriating read. Islam, Muslims, immigration, Jihad, Sharia, and the war against our civilization, culture, and creed is a present reality. Gutless public officials are selling us short either by complicity with the enemy or due to a doctrinaire commitment to idiotic tolerance ideology. Whatever the case, citizens must stand up against the invasion now before it is to late. The author suggests that the fuse is burning and the results will end in a complete upheaval of America and every free nation, unless we act now. Forget the lame stream media. Forget Obama. Common sense mandates, our very survival demands that we act NOW to keep America from going off the cliff; This book promises to be a life changing read.
Posted in: Islam
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