Not Even Aristotle and Plato Could Truly Defend Slavery!

Slavery of any race cannot be defended by the most brilliant, eloquent person even though many have tried. Aristotle said that “nature” gave stronger bodies and less understanding to those born to serve while free men have less physical force and greater understanding. He also said that “just as some are by nature free, so […]

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Facts About Slavery Some Black History Month Proponents Don’t Admit!

By Don Boys, Ph.D. Black History Month is an effort by variously motivated black leaders to promote pride and self-respect in current Blacks. Often, truth and fiction are comingled into a confusing jumble of misinformation. As a white American interested in truth, I will add some balance to the narrative. There were comparatively few slaves […]

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Sane People Cannot Defend Slavery and Cannot Defend Much of Black History Month!

  By Don Boys, Ph.D. Well, it’s February so it’s Black History Month. During this month we will hear of the great accomplishments of legitimate Blacks as it should be since they made a lasting and impressive contribution to America’s success. However, unprincipled, insecure Blacks will embarrass honest Blacks maybe to the point of blushing. […]

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I’m Weary of Black Privileged Bigots!

By Don Boys, Ph.D. I also don’t like white bigots but that’s for another day. Those who say that Blacks can do nothing right are racists and those who say they can do no wrong are racists. When a white person spouts racism, he or she is inevitably rebuked; however, it seems Blacks can express […]

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Was Martin Luther King, Jr. a Committed, Complex, and Compromised Person?

  By Don Boys, Ph.D. Martin Luther King was loved and hated at the same time he was idolized and feared by dissimilar segments of our nation. Many southern Whites hated him because he was black (and for no other reason) while many Blacks almost worshipped and defended him for the same reason (see previous […]

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It’s Time for the Annual Fraud on Gullible Blacks—Kwanzaa!

By Don Boys, Ph.D. Vice President Kamala Harris made a fool of herself this week when she and her husband posted a video touting her family’s celebration of Kwanzaa as a small child. The vice president, known for an inherent, incredible, and embarrassing tendency to exaggerate, insulted every American as she pandered to them and promoted her […]

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Historically, Christians Have Responded to Disasters Because of Bethlehem!

By Don Boys, Ph.D. Genuine Christians are known for their love for people, all people; however, love is not revealed by songs, statements, and slogans but by acts of kindness, help, sacrifice, etc. The Bible often refers to love, and that love was finally put on display to the world when God became man in […]

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Mistakes, Misconceptions and Misuse of the Christmas Story that Misrepresent the Magnitude of its Message!

By Don Boys, Ph.D. A Man was born and lived in the Middle East many centuries ago who has vastly influenced my life. I cannot look at a sunset, watch hummingbirds hover at my kitchen window, observe the intricacies of a rose, or hear the lisping of a child singing, “Jesus Loves me this I […]

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America is Now Run by Liberals, Looneys, Lackeys, and Losers—Looks More Like a Second-Rate Circus!

By Don Boys, Ph.D. American elections have had a wacky, wild, and wooly history with all kinds of corruption from stuffed ballot boxes to buying votes to voting multiple times, to dead people voting (almost always for Democrats) and miscounting of ballots. Joe Stalin is credited with saying, “The people who cast the votes don’t decide […]

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I Don’t Like Donald Trump But May Vote For Him in 2024 With all His Reprehensible Baggage!

By Don Boys, Ph.D. The hatred expressed for Trump and all America Firsters by the self-righteous and falsely tolerant people in the world is reminiscent of the worst brutality, barbarism, and bloodshed of history. The acceleration of Democrat-sponsored baby-killing, high taxes, offensive regulations on business owners and individual citizens, stratospheric inflation, public perversion and transgenderism, invasion […]

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