Archive for Christianity

Will Christian Leaders Finally Compromise on ObamaCare?

A response to my column, “Catholics Defy ObamaCare! What About Fundamentalist Churches and Universities?” reveals a lack of understanding many people have as to the responsibility of Christians in the face of government intrusion into their ministries. Most people obviously do not understand what all historians have known for two thousand years. The second century […]

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Andy Stanley Was Wrong to Call Obama “Pastor in Chief”!

Andy Stanley is pastor of a megachurch in Atlanta and is considered a leader in Evangelicalism, often speaking at Willow Creek Community Church functions and other interdenominational gatherings. His father is Charles Stanley, a famous Southern Baptist megapastor in the same city. Andy grew up in his daddy’s church but drifted away from his daddy’s […]

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Pagan Practices Taught by Emergent Church!

Each Wednesday I publish one of my old columns that I hope will be instructive, informative, and hopefully inspiring. The following 2008 column is lengthy, but is very important and reveals heresy in many famous churches. All my columns on this subject can be read and heard at : God warns us in Jer. 10:2, “Learn not […]

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