Don Boys: An Equal Opportunity Offender!
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]Non-thinking progressives have confused, corrupted, and contorted society to the point that most people believe that they have a right not to be offended. Wrong! This is America with diverse people holding dissimilar ideas. If you don’t like what’s on television (which is almost all the time, on all channels), then turn it off. If you don’t like what you hear from the pulpit, go to another church. If you don’t like what is being taught at a college, then enroll elsewhere.
I am weary, even embarrassed at public figures who say something then apologize for it when criticism chases them down. Today, I suppose I will offend everyone and I will not apologize for it. After all, I will state what I believe and would prove to be a hypocrite if I apologized. I like being independent as a hog on ice.
I am tired of hearing about Don Sterling, the old dude in Los Angeles who seems to hate or at least dislike Blacks. Now, I don’t want him as a friend or neighbor but he has a right to be whatever he is as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. Blacks and wannabe Blacks should recognize his foolishness as well as the illegal taping of his private thoughts and move on. As to forcing him to apologize and sell his basketball team, that is undemocratic, unreasonable, and unAmerican. Those sensitive souls who were offended should refuse to support his team. There, that will take care of that.
As to Sterling’s opinion of Magic Johnson as a role model for children, of course he is right. Johnson may have been a great athlete but he is a failure as a human. He is a testimony to others that one can sleep around and still be rich, renowned, even respected. Of course, he is an unfit role model for children.
As to the league’s 2.5 million dollar fine and trying to force Sterling out of the league, I wouldn’t agree with either without a fight. Frankly, I don’t care what he does. He is obviously a corrupt individual who doesn’t know whether he is pitching or catching; but even fools, failures, and fanatics have First Amendment rights. At least they used to.
Then there are the Hispanic fanatics who want to shut down all-you-can-eat taco bars because they are offensive! No, all the nuts are not on trees or in California. It seems various sorority chapters host taco bar fundraisers on college campuses but a few Latino students are offended at such audacity! The offendees were at Stanford and Dartmouth. Very delicate souls, you know. Even though I don’t like Mexican food (now that will offend some) I would like to participate in one of those all-you-can eat fundraisers wearing (among other items) a big Texas belt buckle and a massive sombrero. As someone said, those militant Latino students on campuses “have a machete to grind.” And grind they do and fools cheer them on.
Paula Deen was harassed and intimated by the thought police because she used the word nigger many years earlier! Rather than satisfying the fascists with her fake apology she should have laughed at them and gone home and baked a cake. Her cooking show was cancelled, a publisher canceled a book contract, and she lost major endorsements. Of course, it is acceptable for blacks to use the word for themselves and others, but not Whites! Jesse Jackson called New York City “Hymie-town” and was not castigated for it. Wonder why? The reason is that liberals are the biggest hypocrites in America (and the biggest whiners).
Nigger is only offensive when it is used to deliberately insult someone; however, in our super sensitive day when the thought police roam the streets daily almost everyone has become super silly. Even when the word is used in a non-offensive way such as my discussion here, I am expected to say “the N word” not nigger. Even the courts and media have bought into such inane actions. Blacks tell us that they can use the word but Whites cannot; however, that dog won’t hunt.
Because of the mindless political correctness I can understand how media people would be fearful to use the term and other terms even in a non-offensive way. Recently, I was unthoughtful in using nigger in an inoffensive way on a national talk show of a friend. I did not think what affect it might have on him and his producer. While I don’t care about people who disagree with me, I should have played the “N-word” game since there were other people involved. I don’t have a business to destroy and can live with unpleasant repercussions; however, talk show people have many considerations I don’t have. Maybe someday we will have a return to sanity where people will not be so sensitive and manipulative. But don’t hold your breath unless blue is your favorite color.
But it gets worse. Two families from Atlanta area visiting Savannah’s river walk were jumped by a group of black thugs and beaten for being white. The two men were punched in the face and a six year old daughter was punched in the stomach and one of the wives was dragged by her hair by a black thug! When the police arrived the attackers had fled, after all they may have been hoodlums but they weren’t stupid.
The police report and the television news report did not mention that the thugs were black! The complete description by the television commentator was: “One male was wearing a yellow shirt, the other a red shirt and later took it off and was wearing a white tank top. A younger female was wearing a white skirt or shorts and a beige or yellow top. The elder male was wearing all white and a white hat.” Isn’t that interesting and revealing? No mention of the race, skin color, stature or hair. THAT is racism. It is also cowardly.
The refusal to reveal the race of a felon is now in vogue; after all, we must not make anyone feel uncomfortable.
I have discovered that many words I thought were acceptable in their proper use are now forbidden. Such words as Eskimo, black, colored (oops, someone tell the NAACP that), Indian, mulatto, native, negress, negro (meaning black in some languages), nigger, city-slicker, hillbilly, white trash, oriental, savage, peon, yank, Yankee, WASP (“a word for people who are white and have money, power, and opportunities that other people do not have”), gyp is from Gypsies who have a bad reputation, dyke (a word that “is a lot like” the “N” word) and is acceptable for a lesbian to say it, but no one else. Bossy, illegal immigrant, and man up are all forbidden.
Non-white is used for describing people who are not considered to be members of the race of people who have pale skin. This word is usually considered offensive because “it suggests that the white section of the population of the world is more important than any other.” Well, in God’s eyes, all people are equally important, loved, and need to trust Christ. However, obviously the people who control most of the wealth, power, academia, etc., in the world are the “most important” in that they influence for good or ill people of all races. That happens to be the white population. However, in stating an obvious fact, I will be accused of bigotry or at least being insensitive. Oh, me.
The leftist crowd is basically dishonest right up to where the buck is supposed to stop. How can they pretend to be consistent, honest people when they are intolerant of what they see as my (or anyone’s) intolerance? Moreover, they don’t understand an important concept: principled people can and must be tolerant of others without compromising their own principles.
I’m sure glad I don’t have a boss, contract, or sponsor who could control what I say; but at least I’m an equal opportunity offender. I like being as independent as a hog on ice. It also irritates my critics and I like that. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]Muslim Invasion
The Fuse is Burning!
by Don Boys, Ph.D.

Muslin Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is an interesting, informative, and for the politically correct and infuriating read. Islam, Muslims, immigration, Jihad, Sharia, and the war against our civilization, culture, and creed is a present reality. Gutless public officials are selling us short either by complicity with the enemy or due to a doctrinaire commitment to idiotic tolerance ideology. Whatever the case, citizens must stand up against the invasion now before it is to late. The author suggests that the fuse is burning and the results will end in a complete upheaval of America and every free nation, unless we act now. Forget the lame stream media. Forget Obama. Common sense mandates, our very survival demands that we act NOW to keep America from going off the cliff; This book promises to be a life changing read.
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