Southern Baptist Convention: Haven for Mixed-up Blacks, Mushy Fundamentalists, Mild Evangelicals, and Manly Women!
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), is a longtime Trump hater who called upon him to “please step down and let our country heal?” Well, if he thinks America needed to heal because of Trump, I wonder what he thinks about the rotting taking place under Biden and what’s-her-name. Moore is an embarrassment and lightning rod among the rank and file of the SBC. Many consider him a lobotomized liberal.
The SBC has an illustrious past with about 48,000 churches, some significant colleges, universities, and seminaries, plus an impressive world mission’s outreach. However, it is fast becoming a haven for mixed-up blacks, mushy fundamentalists, mild evangelicals, and manly women.
And moronic pathetic, political pundits, à la Russell Moore, helping destroy a once viable organization.
The membership of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination plunged to under 15 million for the first time since 1989. Bible-believing churches are leaving to become what every church should be: independent. The pastors are leaving or closing their church checkbooks because of the group’s decades-long leftist drift.
After being encouraged by the conservative takeover in 1979, Bible preaching Baptist pastors are now pressed to explain why the convention is committing corporate suicide. Astute pastors are aware of the SBC’s controversial deadly issues—booze, sexual abuse charges, pro-Muslim advocacy, extreme Calvinism, emphasizing education at the expense of evangelism, social justice activism, women preachers, radical minority leadership, and radical progressivism led by Trump-hater Moore.
The denomination split in the 1860s when they broke away from national Baptists in the north over slavery. They are about to split again over severe issues just as definite, although not as serious as the slavery issue. One big problem is between militant Fundamentalists and mushy Fundamentalists with some very loud and pushy pastors with eyes on leadership positions in the various seminaries, cooperative mission program, etc.
It seems it is in the DNA of the SBC to make moves in the wrong direction. They did it in 1860, and they are doing it again.
While it must be acknowledged that denominations have no scriptural reason to exist, many denominational groups in their original formation and early days did an outstanding job of preaching the truth. Many SBC pastors have strongly asserted that the SBC is not a denomination, only a fellowship of cooperating churches united to be more effective in doing world missions.
Those same preachers also believe Pepsi will sell for a nickel, Bill Clinton has lived a virtuous life, Jeffrey Epstein was a misunderstood choirboy who killed himself, the coronavirus did not originate in China, and Stacey Abrams is the real governor of Georgia.
Every year the SBC grows greyer and grayer and balder and balder as the leadership is hipper and hipper, gushing over anything progressive like a teenager in his first crush.
People are dreaming if they think the old guys will vote for women preachers, reformed theology, and progressive black leadership. I see a major confrontation soon, resulting in another split.
President J. D. Greear promised to lead the convention in a different direction, and that direction was to the left. Greear teaches that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, yet Muslims do not believe in the Trinity, the sacrificial death of Christ, or His physical resurrection. Greear gives the old-timers constant heartburn. He compared homosexuality to “greed” and “boasting,” even stating that those sins are “more egregious in the eyes of God” than homosexuality.
I heard Greear say Christians should “stand up and be among the fiercest advocates for the preservation of the dignity and rights of LGBT people because we recognize that gay and lesbian people are essentially just like us.” Not like me, J.D.
He does not mention that God destroyed cities for their perversion.
Greear should be less concerned about “greed” and “boasting” and more concerned about heresy or even apostasy!
There was talk of adding many females to leadership positions at the Dallas national meeting in 2019 by the ERLC, the SBC’s political arm headed by Moore. Some even whispered of electing a woman as president of the SBC! Of course, diversity was discussed, and a black pastor led the conference, and six out of the 12 preachers were non-white.
I believe a minority CEO will run the SBC within two years, and he (or she) will run it even further to the left.
As more blacks and Hispanics achieve leadership positions, the theological and political directions will change 180 degrees. It will also be more political, rushing to the left, and it will be more charismatic. That will not be your father’s Southern Baptist Convention.
The SBC has played the Black Card for many years and has jumped into the deep end of the progressive pool. Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, declared, “Black lives do matter. We have to say that even more powerfully than #BlackLivesMatter does.” It is shocking that a highly educated and sophisticated man is so naïve.
Or uninformed.
The SBC president shocked many this summer when he urged church members to declare “black lives matter” and denounced the use of “all lives matter.” It is shocking and somewhat embarrassing that so many Baptist leaders could be so uninformed or so far left to make such a racist statement. That snapping noise you just heard was hundreds of church checkbooks being closed and pastors running from the convention into independence they left many years ago.
The convention apologized in 1995 for its past position on slavery and, in 2016, condemned the Confederate Flag and, in 2017, condemned the “alt-right,” whatever that is. The last two resolutions were the brainchild of Dwight McKissic, a popular black pastor from Texas who recently pulled out of the Southern Baptists of Texas and has threatened to leave the SBC. His church averages 1800 each Sunday, and it has a hefty bank balance, so he has maneuvered his way to be a significant voice in the SBC. He leans obviously to the left, speaks in tongues, and is a strong, even dictatorial leader, as are most black pastors—and many white pastors in independent Baptist groups.
McKissic was horrified that some SBC pastors identified with the alt-right, but he doesn’t seem to be horrified that so many black pastors are in bed with the far left. Oh, my, it is so difficult to be consistent.
McKissic was a supporter of Hillary Clinton in 2016 and said, “I’m thoroughly convinced, the quality of life for all persons will be better under Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump. I’m voting for the highest quality of life for all Americans.” Well, the one and a half million butchered babies each year would not agree with the reverend if they were permitted to live long enough to disagree.
Thabiti Anyabwile, a black Southern Baptist pastor in Washington, DC, tweeted that “any ‘church’ that cannot denounce white supremacy without hesitancy and equivocation is a dead, Jesus denying assembly. No 2 ways about it.” However, the race-baiting Baptist did not add, “Any Baptist pastor who cannot denounce Black Lives Matter movement is a Jesus-denying assembly.” Thabiti is a vicious racist who teaches that all white people are guilty of murdering Martin Luther King, Jr. and has demanded an apology from all Whites for that “murder.”
Could Thabiti be Al Sharpton’s twin brother separated at birth? Whatever, Thabiti doesn’t mispronounce simple two-syllable words, and he wears cheaper suits than Al. But then, Al has a radio show, a television show, and almost unlimited finances from a nonprofit organization. He also has a long history of not paying his taxes. At present, he still owes $700,000 in back taxes.
The SBC declares that since each member church is independent, they can put up with significant differences, even theological deviates. However, they have removed churches in the past. The once-great Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga was removed because it started its own college and had its own mission’s program of Independent Baptist missionaries. A Georgia church was removed from the convention because of racism, but will the black racist churches be removed? Don’t bet the farm on it. You see, Blacks cannot be racists!
More than half of new SBC church plants in the past four years have been predominantly “non-Anglo.” That would be great if each church took a biblical stand.
Even without a formal split, the SBC is no longer dominated by white men with combed-over hair speaking with a distinctive southern drawl, preaching from a well-worn King James Bible.
The fading SBC and most Evangelical churches are dying because they are wallowing in diversity and are choking on heresy.
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]The God Haters
Angry Atheists, Shallow Scholars, Silly Scientists, Pagan Preachers & Embattled Evolutionists Declare War Against Christians
by Don Boys, Ph.D.

Angry Atheists, Shallow Scholars, Silly Scientists, Pagan Preachers, and Embattled Evolutionists are, of necessity, attacking the Bible for if they can denounce, deny, distort, and denigrate it, they will win more converts to atheism. They have been waging this war for a few years and most of us have ignored their books, television interviews, and university debates because they have just been more of the typical dog and pony shows that the most fanatical God haters have created for centuries. They want a fight, and while I consider atheists to be unimpressive fools, I’m willing to take them on. No quarter asked or given.
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