Illegal Immigration: America’s Seething Volcano!
[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,print" counters=1 style="button" point_type="simple"]Recent headlines blared, “Illegals now flooding U.S. Border” and some just-arrived illegal aliens asked, “Where do we go to get our amnesty?” Most of the illegals are unaccompanied children some of whom are delivered to relatives who themselves are illegal aliens and authorities do not ask their status! And the ACLU filed a suit demanding each and every illegal alien must have a lawyer and YOU will pay. The message sent to Central American nations is “If you get here, you can stay” so they come by the trainloads. And when they come they will be handed a bag of freebies: education, medical care, welfare payments, legal advice, etc.
Hispanic extremists continue to raise the ante to get as much as they can, after all we “owe” it to them. One sign demanded, “Give us FREE Health care, Jobs–no taxes, House, Food – You OWE us America! We will shoot more police in Arizona until we get FREE!” Has anyone but me asked why that person did not go to jail? Another sign demanded, “Citizenship for 11 million.” And “citizenship” means “Democrat” voters. And Republicans are too stupid to resist it.
This is incredible, indefensible, and insane yet our politicians and fuzzy Christian leaders seem to think it is acceptable and admirable instead of abhorrent and abominable. Furthermore, illegal aliens kill about 10,000 Americans each year–when they are not “picking tomatoes.”
Even in normal times, it is insane for a nation to have unrestricted immigration, and during wars, national pestilences, or terror it is doubly insane to have porous borders! That’s about where the U.S. is today. With an astronomical increase in crime; with burgeoning welfare rolls; with cities and states whining about being out of money; with millions of Americans out of work and more to follow; we still have almost open borders! We might as well put up a huge sign on our southern border: “Terrorists and other illegals Welcome! Follow the arrows to Tucson!” Maybe an additional sign promising “free education and medical care” with additional information for those with leprosy, dengue fever, tuberculosis, polio, and malaria!
Each year about 500,000 illegal aliens cross into the U.S. with many carrying drugs, disease, and destructive plans for our nation. In recent days Border Patrol agents have contracted various diseases, lice and scabies. Many illegals want to pick tomatoes; however if tomato pickers can slip in, so can terrorists. Yet, we have major politicians who are so unconcerned they want to give amnesty to the illegal gatecrashers already here! The President seems to be unaware that he is sitting on a seething volcano that is about to explode!
There are now more than 80,000 illegal aliens from terror-friendly or terror-supporting nations hiding in the U.S.! American citizens will hold elected officials responsible for terrorism resulting from their inaction, ineptitude, or incompetence relating to border security. America’s volcano is going to explode!
Since most immigrants from Mexico and South America have lower skills, they are more likely to request public assistance, gorge the public school system, overwhelm the health care industry, and spike the crime reports. Bigotry? Not at all. Just the facts. Did you know that 15% of California students are illegal aliens and 25% of inmates in federal prisons are illegals? They are not in prison for being gatecrashers but for committing crimes in the U.S.! You are funding them! Moreover, 75% of those on the most wanted list in L.A. are illegals.
A recent survey shows that about 40 million immigrants live in the United States. About 12 million are illegal aliens. In Texas, 58% of illegal households collect some form of welfare while nationally, 47% of illegals receive welfare. Illegal aliens will cost taxpayers about $113,000,000 this year!
Should U.S. taxpayers be expected to finance illegal immigrants? I can defend the position that we should not finance legal immigrants? “Thanks” to Republicans and Democrats, with amnesty just around the corner, immigrants will get on the welfare rolls and most will stay there. Have the loonies taken over the asylum?
I was told by a post office official in San Luis, Arizona their office has 11,200 post office boxes in a town of about 3,000 people because people living across the border in Mexico use them as a permanent American address to collect public benefits. Courtesy of YOU. Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that you go to work each day to support parasites across the border?
We must admit that if large numbers of Hispanics, legal or illegal, enter the U.S. it will relieve some of Central America’s social and economic problems, but what will it do to America’s? By what twisted logic are U.S. citizens expected to take their hard-earned money to provide for foreigners, especially foreigners who are criminals? Maybe it can be justified if you worship at the shrine of global government, but no thinking person does that, do they?
The pro-immigration people tell us that immigrants don’t take jobs; they make jobs and pay taxes. However, while that may be true in individual cases, it is not true in the aggregate. Illegals cost Americans ten billion dollars more than they pay in taxes!
We are told that Hispanics are needed to do work that Americans will not do, but a more correct statement is that they take jobs that Americans don’t want at the going wage! According to the Los Angeles Times, 2% of illegals are picking crops (while 29% are picking our pockets). When times get tough, Americans will work at any job to put food on the table. Don’t you feel good knowing that Mexican immigrants are working at very low wages to make more profit for agri-businesses? Fact is, for every 100 illegal aliens who get a job, 60 Americans will lose their job.
It is time for the U.S. to take charge of our borders, keep out illegal aliens, apprehend those now living in the U.S. illegally and demand that our “friends” south of the border stop playing the hypocrite and close make their northern border as tight as their southern border. It’s past time to get started.
The volcano is about to explode! Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”
Fact, Fraud or Faith?
by Don Boys, Ph.D.

Only an uninformed fanatic says that evolution or creation can be proved scientifically. Christians believe in creationism because we believe in the veracity of the Bible but we also have scientific evidence to support our position. In every debate I’ve had with evolutionary scientists, the arrogant, asinine accusation is made, “Well, evolution is scientific while creationism is religion.” Evolution is about as scientific as a voodoo rooster plucking ceremony in Haiti. Almost.
Posted in: immigration
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